Design of controllers for sampled-data systems is often
carried out by using the emulation approach in which we first
design a continuous-time controller for a continuous-time plant
ignoring sampling and then we discretize the controller and
implement it digitally1 . It is obvious that this approach can be
successful only if the sampling period T is sufficiently small.
This approach has been investigated for linear systems (see
[3] and references cited therein) and nonlinear systems (see
[9] and references cited therein).
The central issue in the emulation design is the choice of
the sampling period T that guarantees stability of the sampleddata system with the emulated controller. It was shown for
linear systems in [3] and nonlinear systems in [7], [9] that for
commonly used emulation schemes there exists a maximum
allowable sampling period2 (MASP), denoted as T > 0, such
that for any fixed T (0, T ) the sampled-data system is
stable in an appropriate sense. Obviously, it is quite useful to
have an a priori estimate of MASP as the sampling period
T is a design parameter that the control engineer needs to
choose before implementing the controller digitally. However,
analytic computation of MASP is typically not carried out in
D. Nesic is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, 3010, Victoria, Australia,
[email protected]. His work was partially supported by
the Australian Research Council under the Australian Professorial Fellow and
Discovery Grant schemes. A.R. Teel is with the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department, The University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
93106-9560, USA, [email protected]. His work supported in part by
AFOSR grant F49620-03-1-0203, ARO grant DAAD19-03-1-0144 and NSF
grant CCR-0311084 and ECS-0324679. D. Carnevale is with the Dipartimento
di Informatica, Sistemi e Produzione The University of Rome Tor Vergata,
Italy, [email protected].
1 In this paper, computational delays and related scheduling issues arising
from implementation of controllers on embedded computing systems are
ignored. For more details on how to deal with these and related issues see
2 A similar notion of a maximum allowable transfer interval (MATI) was
introduced in [15] in the context of networked control systems. However, we
adopt the term MASP to be more consistent with the sampled-data literature.
the literature (rare exceptions are [6], [7], [16]). We note that
a somewhat similar (but more general) problem is relevant
in scheduling control tasks on embedded processors [14]
where event-triggered sampling is considered instead of timetriggered sampling that we concentrate on.
The purpose of this note is to provide an explicit formula
for MASP that guarantees asymptotic or exponential stability
of sampled-data nonlinear systems with emulated controllers.
We provide results for regional and global stability. Our results
follow from the recent results on stabilization of networked
control systems [2] (similar results were also reported in [10],
[13], [15]). The main result of this paper follows directly from
[2] by showing that general sampled-data systems can be modelled using the hybrid systems framework that was proposed
in [10], [2] to model networked control systems. We believe
that reporting this result separately in the specific context of
sampled-data systems is important since such formulas are
quite useful to practitioners implementing controllers using
the emulation method. We have just become aware of related
unpublished results in [6] that deal with a computation of
MASP for global stabilization with sampled feedback. Our
modelling framework, approach and proofs are different from
[6]. We compare our bounds for MASP on an example taken
from [6] where our results give a less conservative bound on
MASP than the ones obtained in [6]. We note however that
both our approach and the approach in [6] are quite flexible
and one can not expect that our bounds would always be better
than the ones given in [6].
The paper is organized as follows. In Sections 2 and 3
we present respectively the preliminaries and the class of
models that we consider. Section 4 contains the main result
and the discussion that links it with other relevant literature.
Conclusions are given in the last section and the sketch of the
proof of our main result is given in the appendix.
We denote by R and Z the sets of real and integer numbers,
respectively. Also R0 = [0, +), and Z0 = {0, 1, 2, . . . }.
The Euclidean norm is denoted ||. A function : R0 R0
is said to be of class K if it is continuous, zero at zero and
strictly increasing. It is said to be of class K if it is of class
K and it is unbounded. A function : R0 R0 R0 is
said to be of class KL if (, t) is of class K for each t 0 and
(s, ) is nonincreasing and satisfies limt (s, t) = 0 for
each s 0. A function : R0 R0 R0 R0 is said
F ((t, j))
(t, j) C
G((tj+1 , j))
(tj+1 , j) D .
F ()
D ,
i )
i )
fP (xP , u
gP (xP )
fC (xC , y)
gC (xC )
y(ti )
u(ti )
t [ti1 , ti ]
t [ti1 , ti ]
t [ti1 , ti ]
t [ti1 , ti ]
y(t) y(t)
e(t) :=
(t) u(t)
and x := (xTP xTC )T and we can rewrite the equations (2) in
the following manner:
x = f (x, e)
e = g(x, e)
e(ti ) = 0 ,
t [ti1 , ti ]
t [ti1 , ti ]
fP (xP , gC + eu )
f (x, e, w) :=
fC (xC , gP + ey )
g(x, e) :=
fC (xC , gP + ey )
and we omitted the arguments of gP := gP (xP ) and gC :=
gC (xC ) for space reasons. In order to apply results from [2],
we map the model (3), (4), (5) into a hybrid system of the
type (1) discussed in the preliminaries section. In particular,
we consider systems of the form
x = f (x, e)
e = g(x, e)
[0, T ]
= 1
x+ = x
e+ = 0 =: h(e)
[, )
+ = 0
where > 0 can be arbitrarily small, T and x Rnx ,
e Rne and R0 . Note that the hybrid model above
allows for non-equidistant sampling in case < T and in
this case sampling times satisfy ti+1 ti T for all i.
On the other hand, if = T we recover the case of equidistant
sampling where ti = iT .
In what follows we will consider the behavior of all possible
solutions to the hybrid system (6) subject to (0, 0) 0.
Since the derivative of is positive (equal to one) and when
jumps it is reset to zero, it follows that will never take
on negative values. According to the definition of solution
for a hybrid system, the error vector e can jump, after
seconds have elapsed from the previous jump. This is because
at the previous jump was reset to zero, when the system is
not jumping we have = 1, and the D set, which enables
jumps, is the set {(x, e, , ) : [, )}. On the other
hand, if T seconds have elapsed from the previous jump
then the error vector e must jump. This is because the C set is
{(x, e, , ) : [0, T ]}, and thus flows are not allowed after
4 Our results actually apply to non-equidistant sampling as it will become
clear in the next section.
5 We assume that g and g
C are differentiable in all their arguments.
x(t, j)
x(0, 0) , t, j
e(0, 0)
e(t, j)
for all (t, j) in the solutions domain. The set is uniformly
exponentially stable or UES if can be taken to have the
form (s, t, k) = M s exp((t + k)) for some M > 0 and
> 0. The set is uniformly globally asymptotically stable or
UGAS (respectively, uniformly globally exponentially stable
or UGES) if the system is UAS (respectively UES) and the
above bound holds for all x(0, 0) Rnx and e(0, 0) Rne .
W (e)
, g(x, e) LW (e) + H(x) ;
e x and |e|
e e,
moreover, for almost all |x|
hV (x), f (x, e)i %(|x|)%(W (e))H 2 (x)+ 2 W 2 (e) .
We say that Assumption 1 holds globally if (8), (9) and (10)
hold for almost all x Rnx and e Rne .
%(s) a3 s2 s 0.
We say that Assumption 2 holds globally if (9) and (10) hold
for almost all x Rnx and e Rne and (11) holds.
e Rne .
Remark 3: Assumption 1 is very related to the main assumptions in [10]. The condition on x = f (x, e) is expressed
here in terms of a Lyapunov function that establishes an L2
gain from W to H whereas in [10, Theorem 4] it is stated
directly in terms of the L2 gain . However, in practice the
L2 gain is typically verified with a Lyapunov function V that
satisfies (10). We note that finding these functions may be hard
for general nonlinear systems.
T (, L) :=
r :=
1 .
i ) =
fP (t, xP , xC , y, u
, w) t [ti1 , ti ]
fC (t, xP , xC , y, u
, w) t [ti1 , ti ]
y(ti ) + hy (i, e(ti ))
u(ti ) + hu (i, e(ti ))
The first two formulas in (16) allow for more general implementations than a simple zero order hold case that we consider
in (2) when y = 0 and u
= 0. A more significant difference
is the last two formulas in (16) that allow much more general
sampling/transmissions to occur. Indeed, it was shown in [10]
that by choosing hy and hu in (16) one can model a range
of commonly used network protocols that schedule access of
different nodes to the network (see [10] for more details).
f1 (x1 , x2 )
f2 (x2 , e)
x 2 =
y = x2 ,
controller is given by
u = 2
e(t) = y(t) y(t) = ey .
Since the controller is not dynamic, we can write
= 2
y = 2(x2 + ey ).
f2 (x2 , e, d2 )
g(x2 , e, d2 )
[0, T ]
[, ) ,
V (x2 ) = 2 2 + 2
and the time derivative of V along f2 is
V = 2 x2 3 d2 x2 4 2 x2 2 2 x2 e+
x2 5 d2 x2 6 2 x2 4 2 x2 3 e
2 2 2 + 2 2 e2 + ( + 1/2) x2 6 + x2 5 d2
+ ( 2 ) x2 4 + x2 3 d2 + (2 + 1/2) x2 2 .
We add and subtract the terms H(x, d2 )2 , 2 x22 and 2 e2
to the right hand side of (24) yielding:
V 2 x22 2 e2 H(x2 , d2 )2 + 2 (22 + 2 2 + )e2
+ 2 x22 p(x2 , , , ) ,
x2 4 1 + x2 2 2 + 5
+ x32 2 2 + + x2 4 + 1/2 + 2 . (26)
Let : [0, T ] R be the solution to
= 2L (2 + 1)
(0) = 1 ,
A. Proof of Theorem 1
First, we prove the result when Assumption 1 holds globally.
Let T < T , where T comes from (14). We will use the definitions := (x, e, ) and F () := (f (x, e), g(x, e), 1). Note
that T in (14) and Te in (28) satisfy T (, L) = Te (0, , L).
Moreover, for any fixed L and we have that Te (, , L) is
a strictly decreasing function. Hence, since the conditions of
the theorem require T to be strictly smaller than T (, L),
there exists (0, 1) such that T = Te (, , L). Let these
(, , L) generate via Claim 1 and define
hU (), F ()i e
%(U ()) .
2 1+
L 1 +1+
1 1
Te :=
= L(28)
r(1 )
2 1+
L 1 +1+
and r is defined in (15).
U () := V (x) + ( )W 2 (e) .
(s, t1 , t2 ) R0 R0 R0
(t, j) dom .
(t, j) dom .
Then, using that V is positive definite and proper, using (8),
Claim 1, and the definition of U in (29), uniform global
asymptotic stability of the set {(x, e, ) : x = 0, e = 0} follows.
Finally, note that if Assumption 1 holds locally, then one can
find an invariant set |(x, e)| c for some c > 0 on which we
have that (31) and (32) hold. The conclusion on UAS follows
using the standard Lyapunov arguments.
B. Sketch of Proof of Theorem 2
Under the assumptions made in the theorem to guarantee
uniform global exponential stability, it follows that we can
take 1 , 2 in (30) to be quadratic, %e can be taken to be
quadratic and, hence, can be taken to be of the form
(s, t) = M s exp(t). The local result follows trivially from
our assumptions.