Nancy Pelosi: Equality Council House Democratic Leader

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Please Save the Date to Join the


Equality Council

Hon. Jared Polis, Chair


House Democratic Leader

Nancy Pelosi
for a

Cocktail Reception
in support of the

Democratic Congressional Campaign

Monday, October 5th, 2015
7:00 p.m. ~ VIP Reception / 8:00 p.m. General Reception

The Home of Tim Gunn

*Address provided upon RSVP

New York City

Speakers Cabinet ~ $33,400 per couple VIP Reception & Cocktail Reception
Sponsor ~ $10,000 per person write/raise VIP Reception & Cocktail Reception
Host ~ $5,000 per person write/raise VIP Reception & Cocktail Reception
Friend ~ $1,000 per person Cocktail Reception
Supporter ~ $500 per person Cocktail Reception
Attendee ~ $250 per person Cocktail Reception
To RSVP, please contact Jenn Liu at (202) 741-1846 or [email protected]
OR Jackie
Brot Weinberg
at Democratic
(917) 699-1462
or [email protected]
or gifts to the
Campaign Committee are
or visit
not tax deductible.
foreign nationals
and corporations
not permitted.
Paid for byfrom
the Democratic
430 South Capitol Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 (202) 863-1500

New York City LGBT Equality Council October 5th, 2015

Yes! I would like to support the DCCC and attend the event as a:
Speakers Cabinet - $33,400 per couple
Sponsor - $10,000
per person
Host - $5,000 per person
Friend - $1,000 per
Supporter - $500 per person
Attendee - $250 per person
I cannot attend the event but enclosed is my contribution of $___________.
An individual can contribute as much as $33,400 per calendar year to the DCCC's general fund
for use at the DCCC's sole discretion. All amounts in excess of this, up to the legal limits, will be
for the DCCCs building account or recount fund.

Name _____________________________________________________________________
Billing Address_______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________
Home Phone ___________________Business Phone _________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________
Employer _______________________ Occupation __________________________________
Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name,
mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose
contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
To contribute online, visit:
Please make checks payable to the DCCC and mail to:
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
attn.: Jenn Liu
430 South Capitol Street SE, Second Floor
Washington, DC 20003
Please charge my personal credit card $________________________.
Card Number ________________________________ Exp. Date _______________________
Name as it appears on card
CC Billing Address (if different from above)
City/ State/ Zip _____________________________Signature __________________________

I attest that I am a United States citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States.
This contribution is drawn from personal funds not from the funds of a corporation, labor
organization, national bank or federal contractor, which are prohibited by law.
Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 (202) 863-1500

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax
deductible. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are not permitted.

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