Cloud Service Security & Application Vulnerability: Geremew Begna
Cloud Service Security & Application Vulnerability: Geremew Begna
Cloud Service Security & Application Vulnerability: Geremew Begna
Service Security & Application Vulnerability
Acklyn Murray, Geremew Begna, Ebelechukwu Nwafor, Jeremy Blackstone, Wayne Patterson
Department of Systems and Computer Science
Howard University
Washington, DC, USA
[email protected]
Data Encryption
The cloud model is composed of five essential
characteristics, three service models, and four deployment
models [5]. The five essential characteristics of cloud models
self-service- a consumer can unilaterally
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2015 IEEE
978-1-4673-7300-5/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
1. Services
remains a major concern for moving data to the
cloud. Although data encryption provides protection, decisions
need to be made regarding when, where, and how to encrypt
To understand
more about security concerns, we discussed
security concerns of the three cloud computing models
the common security issues that are posed by the
cloud service delivery models. Namely, Software as a
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
2.1. Security
Issues in SaaS
Data integrity-Data
integrity is one of the most critical
elements in any system
Data segregation
-Multi-tenancy is one of the major
characteristics of cloud computing. In such a situation, data of
various users will reside at the same location.
Data access -Data access issue is mainly related to security
policies provided to the users while accessing the data.
Authentication and authorization- the software is hosted
outside of the corporate firewall.
Web application
security- Data breaches, Vulnerability,
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2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
focuses on the security of email with cloud-only
services. It protects any incoming and outgoing data. While
admits to storing your data, it promises that it does
so only for the purpose of protecting against data loss, and that
they do not have the keys to decrypt any of the information.
Centrify focuses on identity-management across many
devices and applications. It puts all of your
employees and/or customers into one centrally controlled,
secure, and monitored area. Centrify will protect your network
through on premise software, or cloud applications.
There are also other security tools which are available today
such as Qualys secures your devices and web apps, White Hat
focus on protecting website from the ground up,
including in the coding process; Okta focuses purely on
identity management knowing who is where and why.
4.1. FISMA
The Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
requires U.S. government agencies to implement and
programs to protect the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of IT systems. All U.S. Agencies must budget
funding to be in compliance. As the controlling
Federal Law, enacted in 2002 as the E-Government Act, 116
Statue 2899 under 44 U.S.C. 3541[12] the scope and purpose
of initiative is described as the National Institute of Standards
and Technology
(NIST) interpretation of important aspects of
and deployment
models defined form a simple taxonomy that
is not intended to prescribe or constrain any particular method
of deployment,
service delivery, or business operation [5]
Saas, PaaS
and IaaS with provisions. Deployment models may
vary based on independent Agency requirements. Such
are limited in coordination with independent
agency stipulations.
4.2. FedRAMP
The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program,
or FedRAMP,
has been a unified, Federal government program
focused on vendor and multiple agency systems. FedRAMP
established to provide a standard approach to cloud
has been
computing by Assessing and Authorizing particular vetted
services and products. FedRAMP allows joint authorizations
and continuous monitoring services for Government and
cloud systems intended for multiple agency use.
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cloud security.
Splunk offers both Splunk Storm and Hunk: Splunk Analytics
for Hadoop,
which supports accessing, searching, and
reporting on external data sets located specifically in Splunk '
s proprietary
Cloud product or Hadoop from a Splunk
interface. Splunk is currently under review for full Federal
Agency use [21].
the company
had the passwords of all accounts that were
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Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
using 256-bit AES data encryption. The client
application is available for Microsoft windows, Apple OS X
and Linux
operating system platforms. When a user makes a
request to upload or download a file, files that are larger than
4MB are
split into different chunks when sent from the client
system to the server. Each chunk is identified by a SHA-256
hash value which is contained in the meta-data description of
the file. Dropbox uses three major servers: The control and
the data storage servers. The control server is managed
directly by Dropbox Inc. This server is responsible for the
exchange of authentication and metadata information while
the storage
server which is responsible for file
upload/download is an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
and Simple
Storage Service (S3). Dropbox architecture also
the notification
server use HTTPS to establish connections
DocuSign is an application that allows users to send and sign
with the client. The application reduces the amount of
legally binding documents electronically [33]. To begin the
sent by using delta encoding while the data
process, the sender uploads a document to DocuSign, adds the
chunks are being transmitted. Each data chunk is compressed
names and email addresses of signers and other recipients.
before it is sent to the data storage server. The client
Afterwards, the recipient clicks on a link from any internetapplication also keeps a local database which contains metaenabled device and is given access and instructions to sign the
data information
of files sent. Dropbox application offers users
document using an electronic signature. Once signed, both the
flaw was detected which allowed access to an
account without requiring a password. Access was possible
DocuSign boasts in its bank grade security features [36]. It
operates with compliance to the xDTM standard, a list of
1:54PM PT and 5:46 PM. This was detected and
requirements for platforms and companies to uphold in order
immediately updated.
to ensure consumer data is protected in an online environment
[37]. DocuSign utilizes this standard to provide protection for
digital transactions, full document encryption for the
confidentiality of data, robust anti-tamper controls for the
Google Docs is a cloud based application that allows the use
integrity of documents, redundant, geo-diverse data centers to
processor over the internet. Documents are created,
of a web
back up critical documents and numerous authentication
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[38]. The user claims that the only way a spammer could have
web service uses OAuth in order to authenticate third party
applications so they do not need to store the user's username or
network has undergone investigation and appears
two data centers in the United States and transmits encrypted
to be secure. The representative goes further to say that the
data between them with a dedicated network link not
attacker most likely received the email address through some
connected to the Internet.
sort of phishing method and gives suggestions to protect
against spam. The user remains skeptical contending that the 1.4 Joukuu
unique single-use address created links the leak to DocuSign
Joukuu is a cloud service that allows users to manage their
and challenges DocuSign to focus their investigation on the
from other cloud storage applications in one location
time period between the date he or she created the single-use
Rather than having to keep track of the locations of their
address and the date of the malicious email.
open documents
embedded in the notes. Additionally, these
connections they utilize [48]. So far, there has not been any
notes can be shared with an unlimited number of other users.
known security issues associated with Joukuu.
Users can be given viewing and editing permissions. All
information EverNote records is placed in cloud storage and
allows for a monthly upload of 60 MB for the free version and
1. Cloud Data Encryption and Access Control
1 GB for the premium version.
Recent research result shows cloud service security can be
via data encryption and access control. Under this
On March 2, 2013 EverNote reported that it was able to
topic, we discuss types of Encryption system that is
identify and block a malicious attempt to break into secure
convenient for Cloud and the type of access controls.
The attacker was able to gain access to usernames,
data [41].
Encryption is required for sensitive and sensitive-enhanced
email addresses and encrypted passwords but EverNote has
data, both at rest and in transit, to meet security requirements.
since reset
usernames and passwords, from
be any length [45]. While it does not require for users to
interception. This is especially important when using
create strong passwords, it encourages them to do so using a
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Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
and Enc (b) it is possible to compute Enc (f (a, b)), where f can
be: +, , and without using the private key.
the security
measures of un-trusted cloud systems or
applications that stores and manipulates sensitive data [18]. At
a high-level,
the essence of fully homomorphic encryption is
identities and access control for enterprise
applications remains one of the greatest challenges facing IT
today. While an enterprise may be able to
in the cloud
are Identity provisioning/ deprovisioning,
Authentication & federation, Authorization & user profile
and Support for compliance.
Identity Provisioning: One of the major challenges for
adopting cloud computing services is the secure
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and timely management of on-boarding (provisioning) and offboarding (deprovisioning) of users in the cloud. Further,
enterprises that have invested in user management processes
within an enterprise will seek to extend those processes to
cloud services.
Authentication: When organizations utilize cloud services,
authenticating users in a trustworthy and manageable manner
is a vital requirement. Organizations must address
authentication-related challenges such as credential
management, strong authentication, delegated authentication,
and managing trust across all types of cloud services.
Federation: In the cloud computing environment, Federated
Identity Management plays a vital role in enabling
organizations to authenticate their users of cloud services
using the organizations chosen identity provider (IdP).
Authorization and User Profile Management: The
requirements for user profiles and access control policy vary,
depending on whether the user is acting on their own behalf
(such as a consumer) or as a member of an organization (such
as an employer, university, hospital, or other enterprise). The
access control requirements in SPI environments include
establishing trusted user profile and policy information, using
it to control access within the cloud service, and doing this in
an auditable way.
Compliance: For customers who rely on cloud services, it is
important to understand how Identity Management can enable
compliance with internal or regulatory requirements. Welldesigned identity management can ensure that information
about accounts, access grants, and segregation of duty
enforcement at cloud providers, can all be pulled together to
satisfy an enterprises audit and compliance reporting
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
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