'Arbitration': Vocabulary
'Arbitration': Vocabulary
'Arbitration': Vocabulary
-- j---
'Arbitration' ---..?
- S. Sumanth, Vizag.
N-Eo -O N-J-.)
x .)
3) Obsession = An idea that occupies a person's mind always ( -, E
J* -*h .)
4) Quirky = Unusual in a strange and attractive manner. ( Go, N*-
v -{-- o)
5) Panel = a) A rectangular sheet of metal,
wood, etc., that fits into a larger piece of
wood (-, -- u V,
\ -)
b) A small group of people that is appointed by the government to give advice,
suggestions, etc. ( N C)
6) Arbitration = Solving an argument
between people by suggesting an agreeable solution to both. (u--Jhy -
lJ N Ba-)
7) Insensitive = Unfeeling
(- -
N-- pC- .)
** Eg--E )
1. Abscond = Escape especially from cus- - *
tody / avoid arrest (M-
- T. Lakshmaiah, Gollapalli.
h-- *o *o --J-.)
iii) Catharsis = Purifications of our emotions
by releasing them through watching a
drama, etc. ( x E, x
E -- - - * Nh .)
(- L-N)
Be forms
(-Eo L-N)
He is going.
He is to be there.
He will be going.
He will have to be
- Aradhya Ch G .
Q: They say one thing to your face and another behind you/ behind your back as they are
backbiters. - Please correct the sentence.
A: They talk badly about you in your
absence (-- --J* x
x). Backbiters = people who say bad
things about you in your absence.
(yp-i/ *o-j)
p -- -, j p -- -.)
Abscond Surrender (T--)
2. Barren = i) (of land) unsuitable for cultivation = sterile (Eq--i, E--
ii) (of a woman) unable to become a
mother (x E Y)
iii) Showing no results or achievements
p---- -E
E -o -B- N--
L -x J* Jy u
-o - J-
v-o v_ y-h C--o u--n h-
vPo v E.
Q: x - y. - Please say the
sentence in English.
A: They scorned at / mocked at us.
(O C-----)
Barren Fertile (---i)
3. Gigantic = Very large / huge (
J-- o)
Eg: The WWE wrestlers are gigantic.
(WWE h-, l l K
Gigantic Tiny (*o-j/
~ t-i)
o/ \- o)
5. Stink = Bad or offensive smell (-)
Stink Perfume / sweet smell
(v h - - - o J- A-n K~ - a.)
Q: Amid a furore over the leaked 'Panama
papers' showing Indians with alleged
offshore tax haven holding RBI governor Raghuram Rahan on Thursday
-- j---
Q: Sir, C
- ---- NJ---.
1. Veteran
2. Parasite 3. Spendthrift
4. Martyr
5. Cynic 6. Vulgar
A: 1.Veteran = A person with a long experience in any field ( - -j N
- o-x.)
Eg: Mr Kota Srionivasa Rao is a veteran in the Telugu film field.
2. Parasite = i) An organism (like fungus)
which depends on other creatures and
plants for its food. (o @)
Eg: Fungus
ii) A person who depends on others for
food and living (---O --
Eg: Though he is young and energetic,
he is lazy and lives as a parasite on
his brother.
3. Spendthrift = A person who spends
money on useless things / wastes money
( a d-x).
Eg: Because he is a spendthrift, his
father did not give him any share in
his property.
4. Martyr = One who dies / sacrifices their
life for a noble purpose. (p z
v-u -x)
5. Cynic = a) A person who believes that
all people are selfish ( yn---E
t uh).
b) A person who finds fault with everything and has a negative attitude.
(Eo-F p d-x)
Eg: My grandfather was a cynic, he
found nothing good in anything.
6. Very indecent = (Qx--i.) He always
uses vulgar language. His behaviour at
the party yesterday was vulgar.
- KV Rao, Visakhapatnam.
C x u- -
q BJ o.)
(O, E-- u- x
-- --h-o.)
2. Fundamentally / basically / the summary of
what you are saying that people do not have
free will. (L- y p-E ,
v- yv Eg- B- h E.)
3. Couples are getting married later nowadays
than in the past. ( p Rxx
\ - ---o.)
4. That is the point (D N)
5. Making a human being born in this world is
unbelievable (v- -- d---
- C t.)
6. I was totally confused
V. Rajkumar, Hyderabad.
( Jh ---
7. That is exactly the position
(C jC)
Q: Sir, what is the difference between
Intelligence and Wisdom? - Please clarify
with examples.
A: Intelligence is the ability to understand
things easily and use the ability to solve
problems quickly and correctly.
Wisdom, on the other hand, is the knowledge gained from experience of life and by
Intelligence can be used for bad purposes,
whereas wisdom is usually used for being
good and doing good. Intelligence = LN,
Wisdom = c.
- K Madhavi, Khammam.
Q: Sir,
N y J_ n --o.)
- N. Lakshminarayana, Kammacheruvu.
- B. Rajasekhar, M. Kamesh.
Q: 't
p -E--hC.)
Q: He left from Chennai for Kerala. / He
left Chennai for Kerala. - What is the difference between two sentences?
A: He left Chennai for Kerala - Correct. He
left from Chennai for Kerala - Wrong.
Q: He has done the work stoically. - Does it
mean he has done the work without complaining and enduring trouble. - Please
A: He has done the work without complaining and bearing all the trouble. (N--i
-, - dEo
Jh E .)
Stoic = a person who treats joys and sor-
1. Shrewd = Sharp and clever / capable of
good judgment. (L-j / * N-~
c o.)
Shrewd Dull / stupid
(- -*--
2 a) Apprehension = i) Anxiety or fear that
something wrong might happen. (j
-----o , .)
Apprehension Confidence
ii) Police arresting someone suspected of
crime. (M- -- B--)
Apprehension Release (N- )
b) Apprehend = i) To fear or be worried that
something bad might happen ()
ii) (Police) Arrest / take a person into custody. (-- B--)
Apprehend Release / set free (N-
)/ Enlarge on bail (O--O
N- )
BJ / - ----)
Hectic Leisurely / unhurried (BJ-
/ )
4. Inevitable = Unavoidable (p--E)
Inevitable Unlikely (J - E)
5. Penalty = i) Punishment given to a lawbreaker. (dEo x--*-- P~
u J- .)
ii) Punishment given to a player for
breaking the rules of the game. (v x
Q: , C-- n N-J---.
1. Breadwinner
2. Foot lever
3. Top honours
4. Road way
5. Lying around
6. Fizzling out
7. Beat about the bush
A: 1. Breadwinner = One who earns money
for supporting the family - usually the
only one (-Eo --x)
2. Foot lever = A lever that is operated with
the foot. (--- --)
3. Top honours = Great praise and respect
(p ---u-/ -\-)
4. Road way = Road
5. Lying around = Scattered
6. Fizzling out = End gradually, often in a disappointing manner. (~-*--)
7. Beat about the bush = Avoid talking about
what is important but about unnecessary
things. ( N--- -- N-
-- j---
- Mallela Kameswar
Q: Sir, where we use the preposition
'towards' and explain with the examples
in Telugu.
A: Your question should be: Where do we
use the preposition 'towards'?
Towards - i) In the direction of some place
/ person. (E _--j x/ -.)
Eg: He was moving towards (in the direction of) the post office.
ii) Close to achieving something. (j
C-- .)
Eg: The first step towards getting a good
rank is working hard.
iii) Near a point of time. ( --E
Eg: Towards the end of the last period at
school, he disappeared.
iv) In relation to something / somebody.
(J/ -E x)
Eg: His attitude towards the students was
one of helping them.
v) Purpose. (l)
Eg: The money will go towards helping
poor students.
- Thangellapally Mallikarjun
F, - d.)
1. Excel = Be extremely good at something
( N---j p ) / do
something very well. (j p
--L h .)
Eo Ba)
Cater Deny / Neglect
= Just.
Equitable Unjust / unfair (u--i)
5. Transformation = Change (l-p)
Eg: There has been a total transformation in the Indian Society since the
British days.
Transformation Preservation /
Stagnation (p-N)
Q: Sir, C
- ---- NJ---.
1. Eccentric
2. Philanderer
3. Anarchist
4. Heresy
A: 1. Eccentric = A person who behaves
strangely / oddly, as different from the
majority of people (
Go v-Jh--x)
Eg: He is quite eccentric - he starts his
food with curds and ends with pappu
and chutney.
2. Philanderer = A man who has sex with too
many women. (Rx \--C
Y d-x)
Eg: The king remained unmarried but he
was a philanderer - he had affairs
with a number of women, married or
3. Anarchist = A person who does not
believe in any form of government and
creates disorder. (---C)
Eg: He doesn't find good in any form of
government, and he does not say
which kind of government is good.
4. Heresay = Telling people what we have
heard from others, without any proof.
(- pC NE p.)
Eg: That he is a thief is only heresay. I
don't know the truth. ( E
p No. E L-.)
(A- \-J-/
4. Equitable (u-i)
Deduce, Reduce
--u --..?
- L. Balasubramanyam, Vizag.
- Amaravadi Siddhu
Q: Sir, please explain the variation in meaning among the words i.e., high time,
quite time, about time, time in detail in
A: High time = About time = Time = The
time for doing something is already past
and one should hurry to do it at least now.
- Giridhar Reddy
Q: Sir, please explain the difference between
Deduce and Reduce with examples.
A: Deduce = Draw conclusion from something (--o --- --J*
El-- )
Reduce = To lessen something.
- B. Ramakrishna, Srikakulam.
Q: Sir, can I use the words "unabated,
umpteen" as an umpteen happy day ahead
& unabated happy day ahead? - Please
explain in Telugu.
A: Umpteen = Countless / innumerable (many - u-- i .) Unabated = Without reduction
_ / - - LT- -E .)
in force or vigour (E
Yes, the sentence you have quoted is correct. It means our future will be full of
unending and undiminished joy.
-- j---
'Startup' - p--..?
C - n-
( \ ---a).
Q: 'Connected with starting a new business'.
This is given in Oxford dictionary for the
meaning of startup. - Is this correct?
A: Starting is different from startup. Starting
= beginning.
'Startup' is connected with business and
industry. An industry / business is recognized as a startup ......
i) Up to 5 years from the date of starting the
business / industry (5 x v).
ii) If its turnover (the money it gets) does not
exceed twenty five crore rupees (
.---j x N--).
iii) Most importantly if it works towards innovation (h l-- N- \-J), development (-A -A) and commercialization of new products, processes and service based on technology and intellectual
property. (u -R -A E--
h -K-,
1) Flashback
2) Closet drama
3) Blank verse 4) Carpe diem
5) Oxymoron 6) Onomatopoeia
A: 1) Flashback = A break in a story / a movie
Jn--E L).
- a break which takes us back to past
2) Cats do not die easily. It is not easy to kill
incidents ( x/ E-x vh cats.
x * - B---x.)
2) Closet drama = A drama which is read
rather than acted (-n
l -, h h uv -- u - Ny)
4) Carpe diem = It is a Latin expression meaning make the best use of today (C
- = A M. d
V Cy-E- -).
5) Oxymoron = An expression in which two
opposite words are used side by side.
Eg: Regularly irregular. (-p uA-
- \--\ )
6) Onomatopoeia = Imitation of natural
sounds. (v%A l --)
Eg: Birds chirping (~ ----), cock
crowing ( \-), clock ticking ( l) etc.
Q: Sir, will you please explain the following
1. A bad cause requires many words.
2. A cat has nine lives.
A: 'Having' is a present participle. If it is used
as a noun, as in, 'Having a lot of money is
always good', having is a gerund.
Q: Please translate the below sentences into
i) Eo--o-E, F ?
ii) \ \ ~ .
A: i) What have I said about you to make you
so angry?
ii) I will not stay here for even a moment
v-Ao-- -v o.
- N. Srinivasulu, Adoni.
Q: Sir, please explain the following sentences.
1) I shall definitely do so.
I will do so.
2) He is at the verge of retirement.
He is on the verge of retirement.
A: 1) I shall definitely do so = I will do so.
(In Modern English, however, will is
used wherever shall was used formerly).
2) He is on the verge of retirement = He is
about to retire / going to retire soon.
E (u u, , d)
Eg: Cheap cloth is coarse.
Coarse Fine ( h, W- o)
ii) (Of talk / language) Rude and offensive
(---E / --J )
Coarse Refined (W-j)
2. Delicious = Tasty (*---i)
Eg: The food in that restaurant is delicious
Delicious Bland (p A p
)/ Disagreeable (aE)/ Repulsive
( L-T).
Eg: The food he cooked yesterday was bland
/ disagreeable / repulsive.
3. Ecstasy = Great happiness / joy that makes
you forget yourself.
Eg: She was in ecstasy and so were the
members of her family as she was
selected for IAS.
Ecstasy Depression / Sorrow
- T. Lakshmaiah, Gollapalli.
V -- J-nA.)
Eg: The weather today is cool.
Climate = The weather conditions of a place
for the whole year.
Eg: Vijayawada has a hot and humid climate.
Q: Affect, effect - Which is used to reveal
good and bad results?
A: Explained a number of times in this page.
Effect is a noun, and affect is a verb.
Eg: Rain and sun has an effect on crops =
Rain and sun affect crops. Neither has
the meaning of good and bad result.
Q: -- --j- - -C-- -*-x (--- \-) --E -p--E It's rate is ten thousand change. - Is this correct?
A: Its rate (not, It's rate) is ten thousand and
change - Wrong. The correct expression is:
Its rate is ten thousand odd rupees. (It costs
ten thousand odd rupees.)
- G.M. Raju, Rajahmundry.
Q: Sir, may I request you to translate the
below sentences into Telugu, with the clear
meaning of underlined word.
1) Getting your hands on fresh fish is more
than a luxury. FDA warns that anything
but' fresh might have high levels of toxins.
2) Lakshadweep boasts of a few of media's
gorgeous beaches, featuring valentines'
day which warrants couples retreat.
A: 1) It is difficult to get fresh fish, and fish that
are not fresh (dead long ago) might contain
poisonous substances. Anything but fresh
fish = anything except fresh fish. (
p N- -Fo N- J- a.)
2) Lakshadweep has a few very beautiful,
attractive, pleasant or enjoyable beaches.