Iso Cronous

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Product Specification

04106 (Rev. E)



The 512/524 and 1712/1724 EPGs are

three-component governing systems for 12
or 24 Vdc operation. All EPG systems
include an actuator, an electronic speed
control, and magnetic pickup.

The EPG is designed for precise speed

control of diesel, gas, gasoline engines,
and gas turbines. The governor is
especially suited to prime movers without a
mechanical drive or hydraulic oil supply for
the governor and which have low-mass,
low-friction fuel linkages.

Isochronous electronic controls are

available with either start-fuel limit or with
switch-selected dual dynamics.
Droop controls are available for certain
types of parallel generator application. Load
sharing devices are available for use with
the isochronous models used in paralleled
The selected EPG actuator is mounted on
the prime mover and mechanically linked to
the fuel control. The rotary design and
output shaft on both ends gives 30
(512/524) or 35 (1712/1724) clockwise or
counterclockwise travel to low-mass, lowfriction fuel linkages. Preloaded internal
return springs supply the shaft torque in the
decrease-fuel direction and for shutdown
should the electronic control signal be lost.
A rugged cast aluminum housing permits
installation of the speed control on the
engine skid.
In operation, the control compares the
speed of the engine with the desired speed
or desired load and sets the actuator
position to correct discrepancies.
Gain and stability adjustments tailor the
governors response to the specific engine.
EPG controllers with switch-selected
dynamics allow stable operation at no load
and brisk response when the unit is heavily

Controls are built with dynamics designed

for specific engine applications.
Units with start fuel limit can prevent
startup overspeed and excessive startup
smoke. The start fuel limit is automatically
removed when the engine nears selected
The EPG is compatible with a full line of
Woodward accessories providing for
various levels of precision control of
electrical generation or other processes.
Custom installation kits for a number of
engines are available from Woodward.
An EPG system with position feedback
from the actuator provides start-fuel
limiting, actuator compensation, droop, and
added stiffness.
A stronger 5.4 J (4 ft-lb) 4012/24 EPG
system is described in Product
Specification 82043.

No mechanical
drive or hydraulic
supply required

Up to 2.3 J (1.7
ft-lb) available work

Accepts load

12 and 24 volt

Single phase droop

or isochronous

dual dynamics

Start-fuel limit for

smoke control

EU Directive

The single-phase droop speed control can load share in
droop. The isochronous speed control can load share
through the use of an accessory load sensor. If
accessories are required with a droop system, use the
isochronous speed control with a load sensor to provide

Process and Import/Export Control

The Process and Import/Export Control maintains a
certain flow, pressure, power, or other output of engines
which drive pumps, compressors, or other mechanical or
electrical loads. It can control inlet or exhaust pressure
(see Product Specification 02013).

Accessories for power systems that can be connected to

the isochronous speed control include:

Automatic Generator Loading Control (AGLC)

Provides for soft loading or unloading of a generator set
into or out of a load-sharing system at controlled rates.
Tracks load to provide smooth transfer of power when
loading or unloading. It requires a load sensor (see
Product Specification 82399).

Generator Load Sensor

The Load Sensor is used with the isochronous speed
control to provide droop or isochronous load-sharing
capabilities. It allows the use of the SPM-A
Synchronizer, Process and Import/Export Control,
AGLC, or APTL (see Product Specification 82314).
SPM-A Synchronizer
Install the synchronizer for a fully automatic
synchronizing, paralleling, and load-sharing system (see
Product Specification 82383).
Ramp Generator
The Ramp Generator is connected to add linear ramp
times of up to 25 seconds. For exponential ramp times
up to four seconds, a capacitor can be connected to the
EPG control (see Manual 82476).

Automatic Power Transfer and Load Control (APTL)

The Automatic Power Transfer and Load Control can
provide bumpless paralleling and adjustable speed
ramps for loading and unloading the unit controlled by
the EPG. The control allows peak shaving, importexport, and low and high limits for generator control. It
requires a load sensor (see Product Specification

Output Shaft ..........................................0.375"-36 SAE serrated shaft on each end
Ambient Temperature Range...............40 to +93 C (40 to +200 F)
Mounting ................................................Mount in any configuration. The installation must not require lengths of wiring greater
than those specified in the Maximum Wire Length chart.
Construction..........................................Aluminum and steel parts. All parts treated for corrosion resistance. Not painted.
Work Output ..........................................Internal return springs provide operating force in the decrease-fuel direction. Additional,
external spring must not be used.
Vibration.................................................US MIL-STD-810C, method 514.2, procedure I, curve J per figure 514.2-2 except
limited to 3 g.
Shock .....................................................US MIL-STD-810C, method 516.2, procedure I, figure 516.2-1, Ground Equipment test,
40 g input, 11 ms duration. A total of 18 terminal peak sawtooth shock pulses applied
by the shaker machine, 6 in each axis, 3 in each direction (plus and minus).
Maximum work capacities over full governor travel of 30 (512/524) or 35
(1712/1724) are: 512 = 0.7 J (0.5 ft-lb), 524 = 1.0 J (0.75 ft-lb), 1712 = 1.6
J (1.2 ft-lb), and 1724 = 2.3 J (1.7 ft-lb). See the chart to the left for
recommended governor output travel. In special applications minimum and
maximum prime-mover stops may be outside the governor stops.
AOvertravel to ensure prime mover stops are reached
BNo-load to full load travelnormally 2/3 of full governor travel is
CTravel required to accelerate the prime mover
DTravel required to decelerate or shut down prime mover


12 Volt Supply ....................................... 12 Vdc (10 Vdc minimum to 16 Vdc maximum) 60 W maximum power
consumption. A battery charger must be capable of at least 7 A when the
governor is energized.
24 Volt Control ...................................... 24 Vdc (20 Vdc minimum to 32 Vdc maximum) 95 W maximum power
consumption. A battery charger must be capable of a least 5 A when the
governor is energized.
Fuse and Wiring .................................... A 10 A slow-blow fuse or circuit breaker must be installed in the non-grounded
battery lead. Route the battery leads directly to the speed control, not through
any distribution points.
Magnetic Pickup.................................... Must provide 1.5 Vrms minimum and typically 100 Hz while cranking.
Stability and Gain.................................. These adjustments set the speed control's response to match the individual
prime mover characteristics. Slow and fast response settings are provided with
the dual-dynamics controller.
Rated Speed .......................................... A 25-turn internal potentiometer sets rated speed.
Idle Speed .............................................. A 50 k potentiometer can be connected to set the idle speed between 25% and
100% of rated.
Steady State Speed Band..................... The control typically maintains 1/4 of 1% of rated speed.
Ambient Temperature Range............... 40 to +75 C (40 to +167 F)
Mounting ................................................ Engine skid mountable in any attitude. The installation must not require lengths
of wiring greater than those specified in the Maximum Wire Length chart.
Speed Trim (Optional) .......................... A potentiometer can be connected to trim rated speed. Use a 1 kW
potentiometer for a 2.5% speed change. Use a 2 kW potentiometer for a 5%
speed change.
Ramp Time, Idle/Rated (Optional) ....... Install a capacitor to add up to four seconds of acceleration and deceleration
control. Use a Ramp Generator for longer times.
Start Fuel Limit...................................... Start Fuel Limit is adjusted with an internal 10-turn potentiometer. The limit sets
the maximum terminal shaft position until 95% of the selected (idle or rated)
speed is attained. Start Fuel Limit is re-established when the magnetic pickup
frequency drops to 5% of rated speed or lower.
Construction.......................................... The control box is constructed of cast aluminum and weighs about 0.5 kg (1 lb).
Agency Qualified................................... EMC directive 89/336 EEC. Complies with EN50081-1, EN 50082-2.

Outline Drawing
(Do not use for construction)


PO Box 1519
Fort Collins CO, USA
1000 East Drake Road
Fort Collins CO 80525
Ph: +1 (970) 482-5811
Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058

Distributors & Service

Woodward has an
international network of
distributors and service
facilities. For your nearest
representative, call the Fort
Collins plant or see the
Worldwide Directory on our

Corporate Headquarters
Rockford IL, USA
Ph: +1 (815) 877-7441

Model 512, 12 Vdc
Model 524, 24 Vdc
Model 1712, 12 Vdc
Model 1724, 24 Vdc
Actuator with Sealed Position Feedback
Model 512, 12 Vdc w/Position FeedbackCCW output w/MS3102R-14S-7P Receptacle
Model 524, 24 Vdc w/Position FeedbackCW output w/MS3102R-14S-7P Receptacle
Model 524, 24 Vdc w/Position FeedbackCCW output w/MS3102R-14S-7P Receptacle
Model 1712, 12 Vdc w/Position FeedbackCW output w/MS3102R-14S-7P Receptacle
Model 1712, 12 Vdc w/Position FeedbackCCW output w/MS3102R-14S-7P Receptacle
Model 1724, 24 Vdc w/Position FeedbackCW output w/MS3102R-14S-7P Receptacle
Model 1724, 24 Vdc w/Position FeedbackCCW output w/MS3102R-14S-7P Receptacle
Speed Control (Isochronous)
The following part numbers represent a 30006000 Hz range; contact Woodward Governor Company for part
numbers of different speed ranges.
12 Vdc, 512 or 1712 SC for Diesel or Turbine, w/Start Fuel Limit
12 Vdc, 512 or 1712 SC for Natural Gas or Gasoline, w/Start Fuel Limit
24 Vdc, 524 or 1724 SC for Diesel or Turbine, w/Start Fuel Limit
24 Vdc, 524 or 1724 SC for Natural Gas or Gasoline, w/Start Fuel Limit
Speed Control (Droop) For 512/524 and 1712/1724 Series Systems
The following part numbers represent a 30006000 Hz range; contact Woodward Governor Company for part
numbers of different speed ranges.
12 Vdc, Diesel or Turbine
24 Vdc, Diesel or Turbine
24 Vdc, Natural Gas or Turbine
Speed Control With Position Feedback
24 Vdc, 524 or 1724 Speed Control, Diesel or Natural Gas Engines
24 Vdc, 4024 Speed Control, Diesel or Natural Gas Engines
EPG Actuator Driver For EPG Actuator with Position Feedback
The following part numbers represent the controls that drive the EPG 512/524, 1712/1724 and 4024 Actuators
with a 15 Vdc, 420 mA, or 20160mA signal source.
12 Vdc, 512 or 1712 Actuator Driver, 15 Vdc or 420 mA input
12 Vdc, 512 or 1712 Actuator Driver, 20160 mA input
24 Vdc, 524 or 1724 Actuator Driver, 15 Vdc or 420 mA input
24 Vdc, 524 or 1724 Actuator Driver, 20160 mA input
24 Vdc, 4024 Actuator Driver. 15 Vdc or 420 mA input

This document is distributed for

For more information contact:

informational purposes only. It is

not to be construed as creating or
becoming part of any Woodward
Governor Company contractual or
warranty obligation unless
expressly stated in a written sales

Woodward 1991
All Rights Reserved


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