BIM Guide 2014

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The key takeaways are that BIM is significantly changing construction by allowing virtual construction and optimizing outcomes. BIM means different things depending on one's role but helps unlock efficiencies. The guide provides information on starting BIM journeys.

The purpose of this guide is to provide information to help specialist contractors start their BIM journeys and get ready for the UK Government's mandate of BIM on public projects by 2016.

The UK Government published a Construction Strategy in May 2011 mandating the use of Level 2 BIM on all central government construction projects by 2016 to improve cost, value and carbon performance through open and shareable asset information.

August 2014

First Steps to


A Guide for Specialist Contractors




Executive Summary
Why this guide?
Introduction to BIM
The Business Case for BIM
The challenges of using BIM
A Roadmap to BIM Competence
Roles and Responsibilities in a BIM
Legal and Contractual Issues
Estimating and bidding with BIM
Contract administration and the
flow of information
The Evidence for BIM: Project and
Business Case Studies
The potential of BIM: what can it do?

Appendix A: Websites, Blogsites
and BIM Groups
Appendix B: Jargon Buster
Appendix C: List of Abbreviations
Appendix D: References


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


David Philp

Around the globe Building Information Modelling (BIM) is

significantly altering the way that the construction industry
creates and cares for its assets. Indeed as we enter a
new digital construction renaissance we are increasingly
seeing projects being built twice, once in the computer
and then once flawlessly on site. Virtually constructing
buildings and infrastructure allows organisations to
identify and resolve issues before they actually happen,
optimise outcomes and reduce process waste, especially
BIM means many different things to different people and
they are not all wrong! It very much depends on your
perspective and role in the supply chain, however
irrespective of what you do and indeed the size of your
organisation BIM helps unlock new efficiencies. We
believe that the BIM value proposition is not anchored to a
particular project size or role and that SMEs are well
placed to positively implement BIM within their
Whilst the information technology side of BIM is part of
the equation of more importance is leveraging the rich 3D
and infused data sets to help create collaborative joined
up working across the supply chain and liberate leaner
In May 2011 the UK Government published the
Construction Strategy mandating the use of Level2, 3D
Collaborative BIM on all central government construction
projects by 2016 irrespective of project value. Our
hypothesis is that Government as a client can derive
significant improvements in cost, value and carbon
performance through the use of open sharable asset
information. This strategy will involve all members of the
supply chain that are involved in Government Projects not
just Tier 1 players.
It is important to start getting ready for this digital
switch-over and we believe this guide along with our own website are an ideal place to
start your journey. BIM is not a fad and as Victor Hugo
said its impossible to hold back and idea whose time has

We hope that you find this

guide useful. Let us know if
you do!
Please email comments or your
BIM experiences to
[email protected]


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


David Frise

This Guide is published by the Specialist Engineering Contractors

(SEC) Group in collaboration with the BIM Academy at the University
of Northumbria. The Guide also has input from the National
Specialist Contractors Council (NSCC). It is endorsed by the
Cabinet Office.
The Guide seeks to help specialist contracting firms become
conversant with BIM. We are at a crucial stage in BIM adoption
where specialist contractors will have a bigger part to play in system
design and integration. Public sector procurers (and also private
sector clients) will be demanding more BIM-enabled projects to
deliver efficiency savings through the elimination of waste. This
guide has been updated to reflect the changes in the application of
BIM in the UK since the inception of the original document.
In 2011 the SEC Group and NSCC set up a working group to ensure
that the voice of the specialist contracting sector was heard in
relation to all issues pertaining to BIM. The aim of the working group
was two-fold:
Whilst this Guide rightly identifies the potential that BIM can
offer, it should not be forgotten that BIM is simply a tool. It will
become a somewhat blunted tool unless we also begin to address
other issues. The tangible benefits associated with BIM especially
reducing design risk and facilitating faster delivery can only be fully
realised when procurement and contractual mindsets change. For
example, early supply chain involvement is an essential but, at
present, such involvement is rare.
The construction supply chain will have to work much more
collaboratively with design team members to ensure that BIM
models have integrity and reliability from the outset. Furthermore
the focus is still very much on CAPEX rather than on OPEX. The
output of the modelling process is primarily seen as a benefit to
asset managers who will be enabled to manage their buildings
efficiently and to their optimum use. This was the reason that the
Government brought together BIM and Soft Landings; the latter
being a protocol to help asset managers obtain the most efficient
use out of the asset.
Current feedback from the specialist sector is highlighting some
major concerns; for instance, the use of prequalification questions
requiring the use of a certain type of software and the problems of
interoperability between the different software platforms. Again
these are issues that we must confront if we are to achieve a critical
mass of BIM use within the sector.
BIM is a manifestation of the digital revolution, just like the smartphone - as they say better to take part in a revolution than have
onedone to you.
Good luck.

David Frise
SEC Group/NSCC BIM Working

Feedback on this Guide or, indeed, on

any other matters relating to BIM
whether positive or negative will be
very welcome. The working group can
pick this up at:

[email protected]
I would like to use this opportunity to thank
Professor David Greenwood of the BIM
Academy at the University of Northumbria
for drafting the Guide and David Philp at
the Cabinet Office for his Foreword.
I would also like to thank all members of the
working group, past and present, for their
help and support as well as for their input to
this Guide. Thanks to Neil Thompson
Principal BIM Integrator, Balfour Beatty plc
and Paul Marsland MSc CEng MIET LCC
Chief Electrical Engineer, NG Bailey for use
of photographs in this report.

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Executive Summary

This Guide is published by the Specialist Engineering Contractors (SEC) Group in

collaboration with the BIM Academy at the University of Northumbria. The Guide also has
input from the National Specialist Contractors Council. It is endorsed by the Cabinet Office

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is not a new concept. Digital building modelling has
been around for some time but was given added focus by the Governments stated aim, in
2011, of introducing 3D (dimensional) BIM on central government construction works by
2016. This Guide seeks to help specialist contracting firms to become more conversant
with BIM so that they do not miss out on work opportunities. Public sector procurers (and
also private sector clients) will be demanding more BIM-enabled projects to deliver
efficiency and savings through the elimination of waste. Much of this will be achieved
through having a one-stop shop for all information relating to a project which then
becomes available to the user and manager of the asset to help deliver the required performance. Whilst almost all are more aware of the mandate to achieve Level 2 BIM, there
are increasing industry concerns about the wholesale ability of the industry to achieve this
target. Potential barriers to adoption are: The perceived unwillingness by clients to invest in BIM or pay appropriately for its use;
The quality of information being input into or associated with the model, and the ability
to reuse this information as is intended by working in BIM;
Individual rather than a collaborative approaches;
continuing concerns over the cost of becoming BIM enabled;
lack of capacity within the Industry for re-skilling. Many construction organisations have
downsized during the recession, reducing their capacity to adopt new practices.

Awareness of BIM has increased dramatically since the initial publication of this document,
according to the latest surveys undertaken by NBS [1, 2] and CIOBs Construction
Manager magazine [3]. This Guide explains the potential benefits to individual firms in
adopting BIM as well as the benefits of using BIM at project level. BIM is still evolving and
the hope is that this Guidance will eventually become an on-line tool with interactive

BIM involves both an output and a process. The output is a database that represents all
elements of the building and structure and the properties of each element. As a process,
BIM is about project participants putting together this digital information so that ultimately, it
can be handed over to the client or user to manage performance of the assets in a more
efficient and effective manner.

There is a substantial amount of BIM jargon; much of this is explained as an annex to the
Guidance. There are often references to the different levels of BIM. Government is
requiring on the use of Level 2 BIM by 2016. At Level 2, project participants individually
develop their own models or databases that they share with others through common software platforms. There are standards or protocols governing the formatting of information,
data storage and how the data exchange process is to be managed. This Guide focuses on
Level 2 BIM.

3D BIM can improve the efficiency of the design process through reducing clashes and
errors. But there are other dimensions. 4D BIM, for example, can be used to programme
and schedule work. 5D BIM enables one to have an instant and accurate assessment of the
cost relating to all elements of the work. (The last section in the Guide provides a number of
case studies as evidence of the business case for BIM.).

Clients both public and private sector are no longer simply procuring buildings or
structures; they are procuring a certain level of performance in which energy savings and
carbon reduction are high on the agenda. BIM is seen as key in facilitating the desired
performance. This is the top-down reason for engaging with BIM but very little
consideration has been given to the bottom-up reasons. Some of the BIM software
vendors are making claims that returns on investment in the relevant technologies are,

We hope that you

find this guide
useful. Let us
know if you do!
Please email
or your BIM
experiences to
[email protected]


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors

Executive summary

potentially, very high; though these claims should be treated with a little caution as they
come from a vested interest.

We hope that you find

this guide useful. Let us
know if you do!

The main challenge for businesses is seeking out reliable sources of information; the Guide
addresses this. It is best to make a start by articulating the reasons for wishing to invest in
BIM. The answers will determine the appropriate level of investment in the technology,
training and in adapting the business to using BIM. A key decision will relate to the software
and hardware required. Whatever is purchased must allow for the maximum inter-operability
to be achieved with other software platforms.

Please email comments

or your BIM experiences
[email protected]

As the use of BIM increases it could impact on the roles and responsibilities of project
participants. A new role will involve the management and coordination of the modelling
process including matters such as quality control, access rights and security. Data is likely
to be acquired at the outset of the design process for the purpose of developing the model.
If, for example, such data is to be acquired from the M&E contractor, that contractor may
have to be appointed at an early stage.
It is not anticipated that Level 2 BIM will create significant legal or contractual issues.

10 Models or databases could, of course, become contractual documents. Access rights will
have to be considered. For example, to what extent can the steelwork contractor access
information provided by the cladding contractor? Model BIM protocols or supplements to
existing standard contracts have been or will be published. Some risks will need to
considered. A key risk is the extent of reliance that can be placed upon data provided by
other project participants. These issues can be dealt with through the use and production of
a BIM execution plan which clearly sets out required deliverables and responsibilities at the
outset of the project.
Poor information, lack of information and incomplete information are sources of

11 inefficiencies leading to greater costs, defects and disputes. BIM technologies can reduce
these problems by tracking and storing information and enabling its re-use. Early clash
detection helps to reduce or avoid variations. BIM-generated information can help with
measurement and valuation. Costs can potentially be ascertained with greater accuracy
and more reliable information provided to tenderers can reduce contingencies. The
sequencing of site operations, optimum site layouts and logistics can all be facilitated by
BIM. Over the longer term, BIM is likely to reach into every aspect of construction
The Government is keen that project participants work together to provide data in a more

11 structured way. The means for achieving this is through the development of a COBie

datafile. COBie means Construction Operations Building Information Exchange. COBie UK

2012 is a data schema typically presented in the form of a spreadsheet that provides a
one-stop shop for all the data relating to the asset. It is intended that this COBie datafile
will evolve over the course of the project with a number of data-drops at certain stages.
The Government will require five such data-drops dealing with the following matters in

Requirements and Constraints

Outline Solution
Construction Information
Operations and Maintenance
Post-occupancy Validation Information and on-going Operations
and Maintenance


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Why this guide?

Some questions

Do you feel uneasy when you read the statement in

the box next to this paragraph?
Did you know about the requirement?

Government will require fully

collaborative 3D BIM (with all
project and asset information,
documentation and data being
electronic) as a minimum by

Did you know about the requirement?

Do you understand what it means? In 2011 you may have been one
of the 21% of the Industry that wasnt aware of BIM at all. Now the
NBS 2014 survey suggests that this figure is only 5% - so awareness is growing! [2].

Government Construction
Strategy, p.14 Cabinet Office [4]

Perhaps you are already a BIM user. In the earlier NBS Survey
13% of respondents said they were already BIM users and this has
grown significantly to 54% in the 2014 survey.

81% belive they will be using BIM in 12 months time.

If you are one of these new users you may
want to check out your progress against what
is happening at the cutting edge.
The purpose of this guidance document is to
acquaint firms with the steps they need to take to
become comfortable using Level 2 BIM that is,
developing and sharing project-related data in a
3D format with other parties. (We will talk about
Levels later.) The guidance addresses matters
such as the business case for BIM, the training
that needs to be put in place, competencies that
need to be developed and issues arising in
connection with software.
It is unlikely that such a compact guide will answer all current
questions about BIM. However, the guide also acts as a pointer to other
sources of information, many of them electronic, which will help
supplement your awareness and knowledge of this rapidly evolving area.
It should be acknowledged that the use and understanding of BIM is still
very much evolving and therefore, guidance will have to be
constantly updated. Thus, it is expected that this guidance will
ultimately become an on-line tool with interactive elements. It is
intended that publication of the guidance will generate seminars and help
standardise the BIM competencies required for pre-qualification.
SEC/NSCC Group will work closely with the Cabinet Office to ensure
that the guidance is aligned to the Governments expectations as far as
the development of BIM is concerned. This document has been
prepared for the SEC/NSCC Group by BIM Academy (a joint venture
between Northumbria University and Ryder Architecture). BIM
Academy is unique in that it combines industry experience and
academic expertise to support the sector in the adoption of Building
Information Modelling (BIM) through research, consultancy and

We hope that you find this

guide useful. Let us know if
you do!
Please email comments or
your BIM experiences to
[email protected]


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Introduction to BIM


What is BIM?

There are many definitions of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in

circulation. But first, note the difference between


(a Building Information Model) - the model itself

- essentially a database, and

Building Information Modelling (just BIM) as a process.



The following definitions sum up the difference.

The National Building Information Model Standard Project
Committee in the USA defines a BIM as:
a digital representation of physical
and functional characteristics of a
facility. A BIM is a shared knowledge Contractor
resource for information about a
facility forming a reliable basis for
decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from
earliest conception to demolition [5].
It is important to note that BIM is, as summed up in
this definition from the BIM Academy web pages [6]: Contractor
BIM is a process involving the structured creation,
sharing, use and re-use of digital information about a building or built
asset throughout its entire lifecycle, from design through procurement
and construction and beyond, into its operation and management.
This involves the use of coordinated 3D design models enriched with
data which are created and managed using a range of interoperable





BIM: A way of working

Finally, there is a wider view of BIM as a way of working. So when,

in November 2012, the Governments Chief Construction Advisor,
Paul Morrell argued that BIM is unstoppable [7] he was referring to
the broader idea of BIM as a way of working. Some people even say
that this BIM should be Building Information Management (not
Modelling); others have it both ways, and prefer BIMM (Building
Information Management and Modelling). This last view of BIM (or
BIMM) is described by buildingSMART alliance as
an interoperable process for project delivery, defining how
individual teams work and how many teams work together to
conceive, design, build & operate a facility.
Indeed many people link this BIM process to another, Integrated
Project Delivery (IPD) a term coined by The American Institute of
Architects and described by them [8] as
a project delivery approach that integrates people, systems,
business structures and practices into a process that
collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all
participants to reduce waste and optimize efficiency
through all phases of design, fabrication and construction.

It is the wider view of BIM an

approach to project delivery that this document addresses.


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors

Introduction to BIM


Levels and stages in BIMadoption?

Throughout this document, and in

general, you will see a lot of
Asset Data
are perhaps
unfamiliar with. We hope that the
sed software,Jargon
with individual
(Appendix C, at the
teroperability between them or with associated
will help you find
set data drop into COBie UK 2012.
your way through this. However, it
is an advantageous, right at the
sed software, start,
with individual
to have
an appreciation of
roperable, but with limited interoperability with
tware. Asset data drop into COBie
levels of BIM.




Single Project Model

for data exchange

Managed 3D

sed software, with individual proprietary

to levels of BIM
design analysis
that are fully
op into COBie
UK 2012.
refer to the BIM

Maturity Diagram devised in 2008

by Bew
and adapted
e model with single
d design analysis
tools that are
in the
These can
p into COBie UK 2012 (Potentially automatic).
be explained, as follows:




Managed CAD



Level 0 BIM (not really BIM, but

BIM Maturity Diagram
often a starting point) involves the
use ofTask
2-D CAD files for design
and production
is often sent as pdf. files and printed off on
BIMinformation. Information
1 BIMdesigns
marks the
move to 3-Ddevelopment
Construction used
as increasingly
visualise designs.
Typically the user (who
may be a designer) is
alone in exploiting the
benefits of the 3-D model,
or there are several users
who may have their own
models. This level has
been called lonely BIM.

With Level 2 BIM we see

Managed 3D models in
a BIM Environment. This
is what the Government is
asking for (see above).
But what does this mean







Platform 815









Design Analysis

Asset Data Drop

No single model; discipline-based software, with individual proprietary

databases, that have limited interoperability between them or with associated
design analysis software. Asset data drop into COBie UK 2012.
Source: Lott*Barber Architects, Savannah, Georgia, USA

No single model; discipline-based software, with individual proprietary

databases, that are fully interoperable, but with limited interoperability with
associated design analysis software. Asset data drop into COBie UK 2012.
No single model; discipline-based software, with individual proprietary
databases, and associated design analysis software that are fully
interoperable. Asset data drop into COBie UK 2012.

A closer look at degrees

of BIM maturity reveals
Fully integrated BIM: A single model with single software platform and
that it involves the degree
relational database, associated design analysis software tools that are fully
of integration and
interoperable. Asset data drop into COBie UK 2012 (Potentially automatic).
interoperability of four
distinct elements: platform
software(s), database(s);
specialist design analysis
Increasing maturity levels within BIM
tools; and mechanisms for
asset data drops.



First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Introduction to BIM


Levels and stages in BIMadoption?

(reference to these elements is taken from Publicly Available

Specification, PAS 1192-2:2012. This document will be discussed in
Section 9.

BIM is about digital prototypes of buildings made up of data and

parametric objects. Each model requires platform software and a

database of information that sits behind the model and gives the
objects their intelligence (i.e. knowing their shape, size, weight,
cost, etc.)
With the ideal Fully Integrated BIM, there is a single project model,
platform, and database, allowing parties to fully integrate their
designs. Current opinion is that this remains aspirational.
The ideal model would also be compatible with the range of
design analysis tools (for example, for environmental design) as
well as commercial data.
This Fully Integrated stage would require an effort of integration,
that would include contractual and liability issues, as well as the
practicalities of running the model itself. These are addressed in
later Sections.
One of the key Level 2 requirements is a series of as-built Data
Exchanges (also known as Data Drops) for the Client. The
vehicle for doing this is a system called COBie (actually, COBie UK
2012) and this is discussed in more detail in Section 9.

This extra sophistication in data exchange required by Fully Integrated

Level 2 BIM brings the need for project information protocols
(principles for how to share information and work together on a model).
Further development of these data exchange capabilities and
established standards, definitions, taxonomies and protocols will be required for the next envisaged level of maturity: Level 3 BIM.
Level 3 BIM (and beyond) aspires to a single real-time Project Model in
which collaborative use of the information is a given, but where
software interoperability, IT infrastructure problems, and contractual
and legal obstacles have been overcome to allow exploitation of related
simulation software products that aid design decision-making. This
would be enhanced by the use of standard libraries of common
objects that contain manufacturers data as well as just their size and
shape. An example of this initiative is the work being undertaken by
NBS (National Building Specification) in their efforts to produce a
National BIM Library of generic standard components, as well as a
growing range of proprietary products containing information provided
by manufacturers [9].
Ultimately then, beyond Level 2, each project may have a fully
interoperable real-time model whose creation an use is shared
between all the major players in the project supply chain.




First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Introduction to BIM


Technology, Process and People

So much for the future. At every level of BIM, the fact is that
effectiveness is about people and process, not just the
information technology. Both the people and the technology are
essential for the proper functioning of the process.
All levels of BIM will require changes to people and process
alongside the adoption of new technology.
This is particularly true as we move up the levels
towards Level 3 BIM and beyond. In many respects
this will be a big step up from Level 2.
For fully integrated BIM there will need to be
significant changes to the processes in order to
exploit the technology to its maximum; and the
people need to be on board.



That is for the future, though we speculate a little on that in

Section 11, which is entitled The potential of BIM: what can it

The main purpose of this guide is to acquaint firms with the steps they need to take to
become comfortable using Level 2 BIM that is, developing and sharing project-related
data in a 3D format with other parties.

BIM is about people and

process as much as it is about


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The Business Case for BIM


How does BIM relate to my business?

Together, BIM and IPD represent a new way of delivering built assets
(buildings, infrastructure, etc.) by transforming the process of
designing and constructing them. This has all been made possible
by the advances in the digital technologies that underpin the
development of BIM. It is done by embracing the inputs of key
participants in a single, accurate digital model that removes or reduces many of the risks that currently exist in the construction
process. If you are one of those key participants, or you deal with
them, then BIM will affect you.
Alongside the advantages of designing (and concurrently visualising
that design) in 3-D, this goes well beyond the use of 3D-CAD. BIM
models can also be populated with additional associated information
such as time and cost, often referred to as 4-D and 5-D BIM. But
BIM actually goes further than that. As mentioned earlier, BIM is
about the use and re-use of digital information (note the emphasis)
which relates not only to the delivery of a new asset, but means that
the asset can be managed more intelligently through its whole
operational life.

BIM allows the virtual design,

construction and operation of a
building by developing and
testing a digital prototype in
advance of its physical realisation, thus delivering greater cost
certainty, eliminating error,
improving programme duration
and reducing risk.
Paul Morrell, Government Chief
Construction Advisor (2009-2012)

So BIM is not just for new buildings: the retro-modelling of existing

buildings and other structures will be an important aspect of BIMs
Many changes are evolutionary; some are revolutionary. In the UK
construction sector we are at the early stages of BIM deployment.
However BIM-like technologies have been around for a number of
years in manufacturing, and the construction sectors of other
countries (particularly the US and Scandinavia) are familiar with BIM.
What is different here, and what has kick-started UK construction
into what is almost a BIM Revolution is the Governments
Construction Strategy (published by the Cabinet Office on 31 May
2011) which stated that it will mandate collaborative 3D building
information modelling (with all project and asset information,
documentation and data being electronic) on all its projects by 2016.




First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The Business Case for BIM


Why should my business engage with it?

The top-down reasons

If the answer to this is not already obvious from what has been said above, then read on. Put simply, the reasons for engagement with BIM are both top-down and bottom-up, or as Government call them push and pull.
First, the top-down reasons: its clear from what is coming from Government that BIM fits their two prime agendas: efficiency
savings and carbon reduction. This is clear from what is being said, about why this unique step has been taken. As the
Governments first Chief Construction Advisor Paul Morrell has commented:
There will be spectacular change we are only just beginning to understand the scale of what can be achieved and
the amount of waste that can be eliminated from the system.
As noted earlier, the Government 2016 BIM edict made in 2011 has triggered massive interest in BIM. Furthermore, there
have been back-up actions, reproduced here from the SEC Groups own publication: BIM: What the Government has been
doing. The Construction Industry Council has established Building
We are living in a world of too
Information Modelling (BIM) Regional hubs in partnership with the
little cash and too much carbon,
Governments BIM Task Group. In Autumn 2012, 11 Regional BIM hubs
were launched in order to raise awareness and the benefits of BIM to the
according to [the Chief
industry as a whole and facilitate the early adoption of BIM processes and
Construction Advisor]. We have to
working methods throughout the UKs construction industry.
Regional BIM champions were identified in each nation and region as the
conduit for a unified and coordinated package of information which will
allow dissemination of the programme at a local level. Through engaging
with the industry at grass roots they provide valuable feedback to the BIM
core team.

think our way out of these new

metrics of design and try new
ways of working.
AEC Magazine. BIM: what your
government wants .

Regional BIM champions act as chairs of the national and regional hubs
with local links within the nations and regions; and
will act as a conduit of information exchange,
BIM: What the Government has been doing
signpost interested employers to BIM buddies
BIM Implementation Task Group to help Government
(practitioners already active in the field of BIM); and
clients operate in a BIM- environment;
provide a valuable source of information to

Government clients are now developing

feedback to the central BIM teams on progress.
implementation plans;
A digital data exchange format known as COBie 2012
The objectives of the Regional BIM Hubs are to:

Interface with the core team and the emerging

has been prepared;
legacy support organisation to raise
A publicly available specification (PAS 1192-2:2012)
awareness of the BIM programme and its
has been produced;
Work on contractual terms is underway;

Act as a conduit for relevant information on

Agreement reached with buildingSMART to develop a
the programme to ensure a consistent and
national standard for interoperability.
contextualised message is disseminated;

A network of regional BIM hubs has been rolled out.

Enable regional engagement in national


Encourage the sharing of BIM knowledge and Adapted from SEC Group
best practice within the networks;

Facilitate regional activity to support the

In NBS's National BIM Survey [2] completed in 2014 by nearly 1,000 design professionals
development of the supply chains BIM
thought that BIM was the future of project information

Provide linkage with the GCS BIM Task

Group and the CIC BIM Forum;
are now using BIM up from 13% in 2010

Provide valuable feedback to the core team.

said they would be using BIM in one years time
It is also predictable that the revolution will not
stop with public projects, and that BIM will become
of users agreed BIM improves coordination of construction
the industry norm for all projects of a certain scale
(whatever that may be). The ability to exploit these
opportunities offers firms a competitive advantage
of users said it given us a competitive advantage.
that smart ones cannot afford to miss.



First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The Business Case for BIM


Why should my business engage with it?

The bottom-up reasons

Now for the bottom-up reasoning: this is perhaps not so evident. There has been a fair amount of discussion over
the benefits to be gained by adoption of a BIM approach by the entire construction supply chain.
However, there are four main problems about the evidence:


The lack of hard data, particularly from the UK, as opposed to predictions of what might be;
Concentration on the collective (industry or project) benefits of a BIM approach rather than those enjoyed by
individual users (other than clients);
The image of BIM as something for designers, who have been its early adopters, to-date;
Any analysis of incoming technology suffers from the tipping point effect, namely, when a technology \
becomes dominant, it becomes irresistible.

Currently the most convincing attempt at an independent approach to benefits analysis is to be found in the BSi Investors Report [10] but even here, the evidence is so far limited.

Work is still in progress to

produce hard data for the
BIM business case.


Construction Pre-construction



Less independent but worth

considering, are the claims of
software vendors, whose
claims range from a modest
conservative estimate of
25% average estimated
Return on Investment (ROI)
for designers [11] via an
easy to show 60% ROI [12]
to a spectacular 300-500% in
cost avoidance and savings
for contractors [13]. A US
architectural firm reported on
two projects of similar size
during the early stages of
their adoption of BIM
software. Their results
indicated a 37% average
saving over CAD when they
used BIM. The evidence
suggests an initial
productivity loss, followed by
considerable efficiency gains.

% Benefit 20


Design brief








Construction to
practical completion
Post practical



There is limited data other than empirical to indicate tangible savings at the early stages of
projects in the UK to date. It is expected that the majority of future savings will be made
through the use of data available from the result of feeding performance information into the
project libraries and enabling better informed early design.

All case study projects identified improvements at the actual delivery of design stages, with
outstanding and spatial co-ordination the two clear big wins.

The data sample available for us to draw conclusions shows reductions of 8-18% on design
fees in the main three design disciplines.

Measured benefit



BIM: The business case

Upside potential

There are identifiable savings made on the co-ordination of trade contractor design information (especially co-ordination and working design).
The sample is consistent and shows figures of 8-10% of construction cost.

Key savings here are around the delivery of co-ordinated clear information to the construction
team. The use of 4D programme integration offers clear understanding to package teams
both in terms of the build, but also work-face co-ordination, productivity and health and safety.
The case study sample consistently shows figures of 8-10% of construction cost.

There is limited data other than empirical to indicate tangible savings at the late stages of projects in the UK to date. It is expected that the majority of future savings will be made through
the use of data available to better manage assets and plant to reduce costs through applying
proactive techniques.

Criteria will vary with the size and sophistication of firms; what they have; what they need; what they want. Currently
most evidence comes from a limited number of case studies (see Section 10, below) but Government and others
are currently working on the cost-benefit case for BIM. But returning to the top down reasons for BIM, the question

Can we afford not to?


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors

The challenges of using BIM

Having heard the Government telling



ogs, Read reports


you why you should adopt BIM, why

are some people still holding back?

Some answers came from a recent

n What do you do? How do you do it? Who does it?

CIOB survey (see Figure). The find-

ings showed that there were a few
n Information flows. Internal. External. Integration

common themes amongst those who

reluctant to start. Here we
n Waste. Duplication. Inefficiencies. Limitations


tackled some of the main questions

that flow
from these challenges.
n What could be done? How? What would it need?

The same survey undertaken in 2013


Training staff on new process/workflow


Training staff on new software/technology


Implementing new process/workflow


Establishing new processes and client expectations


Understanding BIM enough to implement it


Understanding and mitigating liability


Purchasing software/technology

Realising financial value





Enough understanding of BIM

Question: Where
do I get enough
information to let
me make proper

1. Check the Web. The Governments BIM Task Group has a website with Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) at
There are others, such as NBS at
Other reports giving good guidance and insight to BIM are : -The NBS International BIM Report
2013; NBS IFC/COBie report 2012 and NBSs BIM for the terrified.
2. The sites of other organisations such as BIM Academy, at . BIM Academy is a joint venture between a university and a design organisation, and aims to provide independent advice, consultancy, training and research in BIM.
3. Go to BIM Awareness Meetings in your area. Attend as many as you can. The Government
CIOB Survey
has launched a number of Regional BIM Hubs that will be the point of contact for anyone
wanting to know more.
4. has great advice and links.


Financial return

Question: If we
invest in BIM, will
it pay off? And if
so, how long will
that take?

Answer: Experts agree that BIM can have benefits throughout the supply chain. The problem is that
you do
most talk about the benefitsKnowing
to the what
or to the Project and not the Firm. Your level of spend
will differ depending on what you want out of it. Probably the first piece of advice is:
Decide what you want BIM for, and why;
Be clear on what it will take to use BIM money, training, change management, etc.;
Look around for advice.
Roadmap to BIM Competence
Advice can come from Government (the BIM Task Group), from independent organisations (such as
BIM Academy), or from the experiences of early adopters in the same business sector. Case Studies
are increasingly available on the Web. We present some examples in Section 10 below, entitled The
Evidence for BIM: Project and Business Case Studies.
In terms of how long it would be before any investments start to pay off, there will clearly be a time
investment to match that of money. Time spent in training staff; in staff familiarising themselves (the
Learning Curve); and even time spent reordering business processes, have all been cited as
Again, try to look at case studies (there are some in Section 10) or talk to firms like yours to discover
their experiences. There are a number of sites that exchange information. Examples are given in
Appendix A: Websites, Blogsites and BIM Groups (see below).

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The challenges of using BIM


Buying Software

Question: Should
we buy software?
What should it
be? Will it be
Will it last?


Answer: As above, dont just dive in and buy technology until you have a good idea what you need.
There are many brands: some are clearly leaders in different disciplines or in different parts of the
world. For example, Eastmans BIM Handbook [14] lists 70+ different software companies with
hundreds of different software packages.
Most BIM tools are sold on a per user licence basis. Your level of spend will differ depending on what
you want out of it: some BIM software is free, while some requires expensive licences. More than
anything, you will want to future proof your investment as far as possible. Some organisations wouldnt
actually require BIM software to perform design activities, rather they need to view, check, or
manipulate information they are provided with by others, up and down their supply chain. Find out
about and consider the benefits that can be derived from such products, or even from BIM from free
viewers, and of course, be aware of their limitations.
Of course, with so many brands available, people are worried about investing in a Betamax or a
MiniDisk and getting technologically stranded. The process is not without risk and expense, but there
are some mitigating factors:
It is Government policy to allow all stakeholders to participate in the use of BIM and to minimise
barriers such as cost (e.g. by making requirements non-proprietary).
The new open source information culture on the Web means that some ICT is low-cost or even
One of the key requirements of the Governments 2016 policy will involve the use of COBie,
which allows open exchange of project data (the so-called data drops) in a spreadsheet format.
It may be that contributing to such data drops may be only BIM requirement that you will face in
the near future (see Section 9, below, for more information about COBie).
There are ways that allow data exchange between different BIM software applications This is
referred to as interoperability. An example is the IFCs (Industry Foundation Classes) developed
by buildingSMART.
Various systems allow users to easily interact with IFC files, view IFC files without the need for
expensive software, and create bespoke data views for sharing. An example is the xBIM toolkit
( ) and its free!

A realistic budget for a workstation is around 10,000 once you include hardware,
software and training. However viewed in relation to technical staff costs and fee
income, it starts to look a little less scary. We believe that if you
have high quality professional staff it makes commercial sense
for them to be using the best available tools.
David Miller Architects [15]


Buying Hardware

Question: What
about the
hardware? Can
we make do with
what weve got?

Answer: This really follows the answer to the last question.

1. First decide what you want to do with the software tool.
2. Select the software that does it (see above). Take advice. Get demos. Read blogs. Talk to
people whose advice you trust.
3. Check out what you already have in your business: it may be adaptable. And youll need to
think about compatibility of any new stuff.
4. Select the hardware that runs it. Will your existing set-up cope? Dont spoil things by skimping. Upgrade if youre serious time is money. Again, take advice, read reports, get demos,
check what youve already got.

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The challenges of using BIM



Question: Will we
need training?
Who can provide
it? Is there an


Answer: It depends what training you want. Most software vendors offer training, as do software
retailers (re-sellers). Universities, colleges and even schools are starting to offer courses; as
are the Professional Institutions. There is already a variety of BIM related courses across
strategic, management and technical roles required for Industry up-skilling. The Regional BIM
Hubs will help. Some firms report that their most significant training costs have not been in software usage but in enhancing the engineering capabilities of their current CAD draftsmen to the
levels required.
There is currently no nationally-recognised BIM accreditation scheme, and naturally enough the
Governments BIM Task Group wont be recommending any specific one. But accreditation
schemes are under development, and it is worth keeping an eye out for these, particularly the
more impartial ones that arent aligned to providing any particular brand of software application.
Some of the links in Appendix A will be good sources of up-to-date information on this.

BIM will change everything. Theres no point attempting to implement BIM software
throughout the industry with the expectation that things wont change. They will.
10 Truths about BIM. WSP Report on BIM. ( )

Question: Will we
need to change
the way we

New processes and change

Answer: ultimately, yes. BIM works best in a collaborative environment. For example, a project in
Level 3 BIM with collaborative use of shared information would certainly require different
procurement models, different deals between the parties, and different processes to the
ones we are used to. However, that isnt the way in which you will necessarily first encounter BIM.
You may be asked to provide design data for someone elses BIM model, or do your own in a
certain way. Or you may want to view, check, or manipulate information they are provided
with by others, up and down their supply chain. At its most basic, you may just be asked to work
to defined COBie drops in a spread sheet (see below for more on COBie).
You may feel you want to wait and see what the others you work with do. OK, but dont be
caught unprepared. Over time, embracing a new system like BIM will allow you to reconsider the
way you do things. Focus on the high-value returns and how BIM could help maximise those. In
most cases this could be a positive opportunity to grasp.


Legal Liability, Insurance and Contracts

Question: How
will legal and
matters change
with BIM? Will
we be on the
receiving end?

Answer: It has already been noted that Fully Integrated BIM would require changes in the way
projects were procured, and the way contractual and liability issues were dealt with. What must
be avoided is a future free-for-all with exploitation by those with greater know-how or
commercial power. Feedback from early trials (including the Governments proof of concept
projects for the Ministry of Justice [16] should produce interesting reflections on some of these
questions. There is further discussion of potential legal and contractual issues in Section 7.

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


A Roadmap to BIMCompetence


The basis of the decision

The steps can be summarised in the following diagram.

Starting BIM may seem a daunting prospect but the move doesnt
have to occur overnight. It is an issue of change management,
involving the three factors of People, Process and Technology
This ideally comprises a series of small, measured steps along two
lines of direction: knowing about your business, and knowing about
BIM. These include
1. Knowing what you do: what you produce and how (processes
and information ows)?
2. Who is best to lead this? Ideally someone with experience of
both BIM and your processes.
3. What is your current performance and capacity: is there waste,
could there be improvement?
4. Finding about BIM: build from little knowledge to a point when
you can start to make choices.
5. Based on 1 to 4 (above) decide what you want BIM for, and why.
6. Seek out options (in the form of BIM outcomes) for what you
7. Be clear on what each option software, hardware, training, cost
of change ,etc.
8. Evaluate the options on the basis of their costs and benets.
9. Implement the chosen option, starting with quick, easy wins.
10. Re-evaluate early and change track, if necessary.


Roadmap to BIMcompetence


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


A Roadmap to BIMCompetence


Sources of advice

Advice can come from Government (e.g. from the BIM Task Group and from Regional BIM Hubs), independent
organisations (such as BIM Academy), or early adopters. Case Studies are on the Web, and there are examples
in Section 10: The Evidence for BIM. Talk to firms like yours to discover their experiences. There are a number of
useful sites (see Appendix A: Websites, Blog sites and BIM Groups). Clearly, at some point, you will need information
from someone who is trying to sell you something.


Some dos and donts



Start now. The first step on a journey is often the hardest.

But make the steps small and manageable

Wait till 2016 and find youve missed out on

proj ects that work in BIM.

Seek out as many events as possible. Go to the ones that

seem the best. Surf the Web. Discover your
Regional BIM hub. Twitter#UKBIMCREW

Assume everything you hear is true. Lots of

people profess to be ahead of the game,
whereas the reality is somewhat different.

Find out what kind of BIM technology you will need.

It wont always be You will most likely have all the
information that is needed; all you need to understand is
how to get it into the chain.

Assume that you will need expensive BIM

design tools for what you do. You may just
need a viewer, or have your products
authored as BIM components; or simply
provide information for a COBie spreadsheet.

Check what technology you need and what can offer it.
Some BIM software is free (some is very expensive).
Test this on one job before you decide to change
your entire operation

Presume that you can buy BIM out of a box. Its not
just about software.

Think about the i in BIM, and know the way that information
travels in your firm; who drives it? where? And why?

Ignore the challenge. You must respond to your

buyers, and to theirs. And an increasing number
will want BIM.


But what if were an SME?

OK, so you feel youve got to be more careful when you take on something new.
You dont have the resources of the larger rms.
But you have one big advantage: exibility. You can adapt quicker, and once you
have your strategy you can see it through (see the quote by David Miller,
And Government is adamant that adoption of BIM by SMEs is fundamental to its
Strategy and BIM objectives. The Regional BIM Hubs, the Governments BIM
Task Group, and the SEC Group itself are all devoting special attention to SMEs
to ensure that you dont get left out, or exploited, and that you get the opportunity
to drive the industry forward through innovation.

We have come to realise that

small organisations like us
have got it easy when it
comes to change
management So whether
you approach BIM through
ROI calculations or you act
on instinct and experience, a
small practice can simply
make the decision to buy the
tools and get on with it!
David Miller Architects [15]

There are possibilities for Government nancial support (such as Innovation

Vouchers1 ) which allow you to access expertise from expert suppliers such as universities, colleges, and technical
For further information speak to your trade association.


BIM is scale-able! It isnt just

for big projects or big firms.


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Roles and Responsibilities in a BIM environment

As we have seen, working in a BIM environment will potentially impact all
members of a project team. Traditional roles and responsibilities may
remain, though inevitably there will be new ones.


Signs of change

There are already signs that BIM is causing changes in the way the construction process is thought of and carried out. RIBA,
the architects body, published a new RIBA/CIC Plan of Work in early 2013. One of the main reasons for changing the
time-served version (with its A to L Work Stages) to a new framework that comprises seven numbered stages, was for
mapping BIM processes. An earlier concession to BIM came in the form of a BIM overlay to the 2007 Plan of Work, but in
2013 this was replaced by the entirely new framework [17].
There are also emerging discussions over BIM Protocols and standards.
The essence of Level 2 BIM (see above, p.6) is that there is some degree of collaborative design. This can be in the form of a
group of federated models forged into a single one by one of the project team or a fully integrated single-platform model. This
is what distinguishes it from Level 1 (lonely) BIM, where BIM users operate in isolation.
Thus, for any degree of Level 2 BIM to work it is necessary to set rules, conventions and ways of working to cope with the
work of different design contributors.
These include numbering, naming, file hierarchies and formats, object libraries, layers, reading and authoring rights and
change management conventions. Many of these are defined in BS 1192:2007 (Collaborative production of architectural,
engineering and construction information) which has now been updated to reflect the use of BIM, and is available as PAS
1192-2:2013 [18] (see below, Section 9 for a fuller description).
Standard protocols exist2 (initially adapted from examples for the United States [19, 20], but there are now home-grown
examples) but it is normal to adapt them to the specific needs of the project.


New roles and old

In re-evaluating project roles for their revised Plan of Work (2013) (see above [17]) the RIBA list the following:
Client Adviser
Structural Designer
Project Lead
Building Services Designer
Design Lead
Cost Consultant
Construction Lead
Contract Administrator
Architectural Designer
Information Manager
Landscape Designer
Health & Safety Consultant
These are familiar and well understood, but in addition we should consider others, including the providers of software and
project communications infrastructure. However, one role merits special attention; that of the Project Model Manager.

The Project Model Manager

A number of variants have been used for this role, including BIM Manager, Model Manager and Project Information Manager.
Here, the title Project Model Manager has been used, to differentiate it from a firms overall BIM Manager (who may not be
project-based). The duties will normally include:
negotiating, developing and enforcing the Project Protocol (see above);
liaising with each contributing designers BIM modelling team;
coordinating BIM use on the project , including quality control, access rights and security;
helping resolve design issues and change control procedure;
managing and distributing digital outputs, data transmission, and archiving.
If this role is separate from that of Lead Designer or Clients Project Manager (as it well may be) it is important that their
relationships are properly defined. A logical response is to give the Information Manager responsibility and authority for all
BIM-related issues. It remains to be seen if the role will create a new profession, or be picked up by an existing one.

Examples of standard project protocols are given

in Appendix C


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Roles and Responsibilities in a BIM environment

New responsibilities: whose are they?

In a fully integrated 3D BIM environment a variety of new issues arise

that require responsibility allocating to a specific role or roles. These
submittal processes for prior confirmation that materials and
their installation matches the design intent (for design elements
that require interpretation );
process for agreeing and recording changes and design
control of the nature and status of all information that is being
treatment of, and responsibility for errors. BIM will expose
errors earlier;
the coordination of all relevant information required for data
drops at defined stages.
The (ultimate) responsibility for allocating and paying for the
assumption of these responsibilities would most likely fall to the
Employer in a Client-led procurement system and the Main Contractor
in the case of Design and Build.
Conversely, some of the matters
above will ultimately have an impact
on the way projects are procured.
For example, if the point of working
in an integrated BIM Environment is
to maximise design certainty and
minimise change, then it makes no
sense to delay (in the traditional way)
the appointment of those who
significantly contribute to the design,
such as specialist contractors.

Ultimately, the BIM model should minimise the
need for this process, as information could be transmitted directly from design to fabrication, and then


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Legal and Contractual Issues

Legal and contractual issues relevant to the
different maturity levels

Increaseing maturity of Project use of BIM

There has been much debate over the precise legal, contractual and insurance effect of
adopting BIM. The relative importance of these issues depends on the level of maturity of
BIM use within a project. Relating this to the maturity diagrams in Section 2.2 (pages 6-7,
above) we see that:

Level 1 BIM

Few problems, as BIM is used in

isolation. (Lonely BIM)

Level 2 BIM

Legal, contractual and insurance

issues for Level 2 BIM are being

Level 3 BIM+

Fully collaborative real-time BIM

raises significant legal, contractual
and insurance issues.

number of
issues as use
of BIM becomes

At Level 1 maturity there are few issues. BIM tools are used internally by members of the same firm. This would not
require changes to current contracts or invoke legal questions. There may be a need for dialogue with the firms P.I.

LevelF2 maturity,Production
as has been argued,
represents a F1
range Preparation
of different maturity
levels within information
itself. It is likelyin
of production
would be an increasing number of legal, contractual and insurance
or tenders to be obtained.

F2 Preparation
of further
Fully collaborative real-time BIM (Level 3) raises significant
legal, contractual
and insurance
issues. for construction
At Level 2 and beyond there is the potential for independent
manufacturers, specialist contractors,
and facility mangers) all working collaboratively. Current contracts in use would require amendment, or possibly



Tender Documentation

Preparation and/or collation of tender documentation in suffi

a tender
or tenders
be obtained for the project.
In summary the contractual / legal / insurance issues
that are likely
to arise4to

Ownership of IP, data and models, including confidentiality;

HDesign liability
for the BIM single model and resulting P.I. Insurance issues. Reliance;
Identification and evaluation of potential contractors and/or s
Priority ofTender
contract documents, including the relative status of the BIM Project Protocol;
and appraising
submission of recommen
Relationship between multiple models and between
the model(s)
and derivedtenders;
Changes to participants roles and responsibilities. Model management and access;

To help standardise contractual provisions relating to BIM the BIM Task Group in conjunction with CIC has published
the BIM Protocol [21]. The Protocol should be incorporated in contracts where the parties are involved in the use,
production or delivery of models.
The Employer is advised to use the Protocol in contracts with Project
Team Members (these are project participants who have a direct
contract with the Employer). Each Project Team Member should then

For a fuller discourse on these issues, see the

article by Koko Udom on the NBS website at: )


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Legal and Contractual Issues

Legal and contractual issues relevant to the
different maturity levels

include the Protocol in sub-contracts to enable it to discharge its

obligations to the Employer. The Protocol includes the
Information Requirements and a Model Production Delivery
Table. The former defines matters such as the software to be
used, formatting of the information, file naming and numbering
and data drops that will be required. The latter defines the level
of detail required of each party in respect of its input to the
modelling process.
In the event of any conflict between the Protocol and contractual
provisions the Protocol will apply. Sub-contractors should scrutinise carefully protocols issued alongside sub-contracts to ensure
that there arent conflicting requirements. Moreover they should
compare sub-contract protocols with the standard BIM Protocol
(downloadable from and, if
possible, with the main contract protocols.
BIM working will continue to give rise to legal, contractual and
insurance issues. The current section of the Guide is a very brief
overview of some of the issues, and current thinking on them.
They are not exhaustive. Matters such as computer failure and
data security will have increased importance. This brief summary
is not a substitute for legal advice on specific matters. In case of
doubt, consult your advisor or contact your trade association.

When it comes to contracts there are five key issues to address:

What data will be created/managed in a BIM format?
What is the scope and level of detail required in respect of your input to the modelling

What rights of access do you have to data produced by others?
What degree of reliance can you place on the data produced by others?
What steps have you taken to preserve your intellectual property rights in the data you
have provided?

Professor Rudi Klein, Barrister

CEO, SEC Group


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Legal and Contractual Issues


The Risks

However, it is within this context that you are likely to be

confronted by some major challenges. Procurement and
contracts continue to be structured around risk transfer. This
is not going to disappear while working within a BIM-enabled
A key concern will be the reliance that can be placed upon the
data. To be effective information-sharing requires that the
party or parties should be able to place a certain level of
reliance on the data received.
PAS 1192-2: 2013 states:
The fundamental requirement for producing information
through a collaborative activity is to share information early
and to trust the information that is being shared as well as the
originator of that information.

The Contractor uses reasonable

endeavours to keep current the
information in the Master Projects
Database, but the Contractor has
no liability to the Subcontractor in
respect of any inaccuracy, error,
mis-statement contained in or any
omission from the Master Projects
Extracted from a Z clause in an NEC

Unfortunately the BIM Protocol seems to contradict this.

Without prejudice to the Project Teams Member Obligation
under this Protocol and the Agreement, the Project Team
Member does not warrant, expressly or impliedly, the integrity
of any electronic data delivered in accordance with this
Protocol. (clause 5.1)
Inevitably contractual restrictions will be placed on what
information can be relied upon and/or for what purpose the
data can be relied upon. This may also be encouraged by
some PI insurers.
There may be some concern about inputting data in case it
inadvertently changes the design generated by another party;
in such case you run the risk of assuming design responsibility.
It will be necessary to ensure that you clearly define the
purpose of the data that you are inputting.

The issue of the interoperability

of various modelling software
programmes meaningfully to
share data is one of the greatest
current challenges in the use of
BIM technology.
Contract issues in the use of
Construction BIM: paper presented
by Hurtado K.A and OConnor P.J. at
a Society of Construction Law
Conference (October 2008)

There has been a substantial amount of comment on

inter-operability risks. These arise where different software
platforms are used. For example one has to be careful when
converting data from one software package to another. This
could result in the loss of data or in the loss of the level of
detail that you might have expected to receive. The data could
also become corrupted so that it would be unsafe to rely upon.

It will become necessary to carefully check the compatibility of

your software with that of other project participants with whom
you are likely to be exchanging data.


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Legal and Contractual Issues


The Risks

Equally, risks may emerge from interoperability itself,

particularly in the case of a single integrated model . For
example, if an architect changes areas of the model, these
changes could impact upon all dependent areas, whereas
currently, work is compartmentalised and changes in one
area can be evaluated and costed prior to being
implemented in others.
It is also true that work is still required to improve the
functionality of some areas of the mainstream BIM
software platforms. For example, many specialist
contractors utilise bespoke and specialist software whose
facilities and functionality could potentially be lost when
integrated into a mainstream BIM software platform.
In some cases, the calculative capability detailed design
work of available mainstream BIM systems may not yet be
as sophisticated as the stand-alone software used by
specialists. This is an issue that must be addressed by the
providers of mainstream BIM applications.

It is vitally important that you

provide the feedback to your
trade association on any
concerns that you have in
relation to issues of risk arising
from the use of BIM. If these
issues have arisen on public
sector projects they can be
taken up with government.

Increaseing maturity of

Level 2 BIM

issues for Level 2 BIM are being


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors

Fully collaborative real-time BIM
Level 3 BIM+ raises significant legal, contractual
and insurance issues.

issues as use
of BIM becomes


Estimating and bidding with BIM


Various forms of estimating

Production Information


Tender Documentation

Tender Action

Preparation of production information in sufficient detail to enable a tender

or tenders to be obtained.
Preparation of further information for construction required under
the building contract.

Preparation and/or collation of tender documentation in sufficient detail to enable

a tender or tenders to be obtained for the project.

Identification and evaluation of potential contractors and/or specialists for the project.
Obtaining and appraising tenders; submission of recommendations to the client.

BIMin use in estimating and tendering

In the Introduction to BIM (in Section 2 of this Guide) we stated that BIM
involves the structured creation, sharing, use and re-use of digital
In the normal project process, once the design authoring is complete,
we enter the stage described in the RIBA Plan of Work [17] as
Preconstruction, comprising Work stages F-H.
In the new 2013 RIBA Plan of work, these are now within Stages 4
(Technical design) and 5 (Specialist design).
Throughout this document, both pre- and post-2013 RIBA classifications
are used: the numbered post-2013 terminology is the more current and
now correct, but people will continue to be more familiar with the
pre-2013 Stages A to L for some time.
The various forms of estimating (carried out between Work stages F-H
/4-5) present a great opportunity to re-use the digital data that by then
exist within the model.
Traditionally, cost estimating has taken various forms, ranging from the
high level elemental approach that informs the design process (at RIBA
Stages D&E); via the generation of Bills or Quantity or other bidding
documents (traditionally produced by digitizing designers drawings, or
importing their CAD files) (Stage G); through to the resource-based unit
rate estimating that contractors use to build the bids that are evaluated
at Stage H. BIM data can be used for all of this, and for more.


Getting to bidding stage

Prequalification: Clients may now use BIM capability as a criterion for

pre-qualification, and this position may also be adopted by some Main
Contractors. PAS 91:2013, the publicly-available pre-qualification
standard has been updated to include such questions [22] . Within this
document, Table 8 (Optional Question Module O4: Building information
modelling, policy and capability) will be used for UK Government
procured projects for Departments that have commenced their
implementation of the BIM Strategy and may be used by other clients
adopting a similar path. There are four questions in O4. These explore:



First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Estimating and bidding with BIM


Getting to bidding stage

1. The capability of working with a project using a Common Data

Environment as described in PAS 1192:2:2013. (see below,
Section 9).
2. The ability to demonstrate documented policy, systems and
procedures to achieve Level 2 BIM maturity as defined in the
governments BIM Strategy.
3. The capability of developing and delivering or working to a BIM
Execution Plan (BEP) as described in PAS 1192:2:2013 (see below,
Section 9).
4. Ability to demonstrate the existence of arrangements for training
employees in BIM related skills and that their capabilities are
Tender documents can be generated from BIM data in a number of
ways, though experience to-date suggests a lack of quality in
models received from design consultants, and require considerable
skills in interpretation by the estimator. At the most basic level, tenderers can be done by just outputting a take-off from the data to a
spreadsheet-based bill of quantities, which then becomes part of the
tender documentation for submission by the bidder.
A more sophisticated approach might involve using an ODBC or API
system (see Appendix, B) that can be used by the tenderer to export
digital design data to other (costing) software.
BIM allows packages of the model data to be chosen and used
selectively for bidding purposes, thus only the appropriate
information can be accessed by tenderers.
Tender submission: the reverse process can be used to read
back tenders into versions of the model for comparison and
evaluation (Stage H).
Based on the BIM model, contractors can include extras in their
bids, such as visualisations and process simulations.
Tender acceptance and incorporation: there can be facilities for
incorporating tender data into the BIM model; particularly important
when it is necessary to integrate performance specified or
Contractor Designed Portion work into the Model.

Note that this is about developing and

sharing 3D data with others involved in a
project. There is special mention of
providing an as-built Data Drop for use
by the Client based upon a database of
object information. However, the
expected level or extent of BIM
capabilities, policies, systems, etc,
depends upon the role(s) that [the] PQQ
covers. In other words, prospective
tenderers only will be expected to have
capabilities appropriate to their input.. A
Tier 2 specialist, for example, would not
be expected to have the same BIM
capabilities as an organisation operating
as a Main Contractor.

At the owners request, the model

was also passed to contractors to
help with the bidding process. One
contractor used the model for a
walk through presentation to the
client and used the data to show
4D [schedule] construction.
Leveraging BIM to Demonstrate
Value while Saving Time and
Money: Aylesbury Crown Court.
McGraw-Hill Construction
SmartMarket Report (2010).
Available at:

You simply get better bids with BIM, as you can accurately demonstrate the complexity of
projects. The scope is better defined and it gives you an accurate tonnage right from the
time of bids all at the touch of a button.
Kyle Krall of Thornton Tomasetti, at the Build Smart 2009 conference, Yas Hotel, Abu Dhabi


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Contract administration and the

flow of information

Traditional practices that relate to project information flow including submittals,

approvals, production of shop and field drawings, certification, valuation and interim
payment - are prone to deficiencies that arise from incomplete, inexact, ambiguous
or contradictory information.


the project

A major advantage of BIM technology is the

ability to re-use information, throughout the
construction process, and (potentially)
automatically. This could lead to greater
process efficiency.
BIM enables a more efficient processing of
information at all stages in the project life-cycle
(as illustrated in the table opposite). The
advantages of concurrent design and 3-D
design outputs have already been highlighted.
BIM-enabled detection of design clashes in the
early stages of the project can greatly
reduce the need for change orders/variations.
Some of the gains from this are illustrated in
the examples in Section 10, below.


Linear, sequential
2-D dumb



Design Input


Design Outputs

3-D intelligent

Slow, sequential

Design Compatibility

Instant clash detection

Separate activity

Health & Safety

Integration to H&S files

2-D, independent

Site and Shop Drawings

3-D, link to fabricators

Separate activity

Cost Estimating

Slow, sequential

Slow, independent
Slow, sequential

Regs. Compliance

Potentially automated

Value Engineering

Instant evaluation

Data Sheets

Automatic generation

Link to cost software

Separate activity

Sequence and Planning

Separate activity

Cost and Resource control

Inexact and contested

Link to planning software

Interim payment regime

As-built & Ops. manual Commissioning & Handover


Possibility of automation

Link to software

Auto (COBie) data drops

BIMimproving process efciency

Software for the planning and sequencing of work, and project logistics such as site layout, can also benefit from
integration with the BIM model, as can the projects resource and cost control procedures.
Alongside other technologies, BIM-generated information can assist in verification of on-site measurement and valuation,
adding increased certainty to applications for interim payment and reducing the potential for costly related disputes.

PAS 1192-2: 2013. Specification for information

management for the capital/delivery phase of
construction projects using building information


The production of PAS 1192-2:2013 [18] was sponsored by the Construction Industry Council (CIC). It sets out how
to share information on BIM projects and has been made available to public and private sector clients for use on
jobs. The standard is designed to eliminate clashes between firms using different BIM practices and software,
leading to costly delays and conversion costs. Compliance with the standard will be mandatory on all public sector
jobs from 2016, as part of the governments overall BIM requirement. Peter Hansford, the Governments chief
construction adviser, said the standard was the first of its kind anywhere in the world and would ensure level two
BIM can be adopted successfully.
PAS 1192-2:2013 specifies requirements for achieving building information modelling (BIM) Level 2. The
requirements within this PAS build on the existing code of practice for the collaborative production of architectural,
engineering and construction information, defined within BS 1192:2007.
PAS 1192-2:2013 focuses specifically on project delivery, where the majority of graphical data, non-graphical data

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors



Contract administration and the flow

of information

and documents, known collectively as the project information model (PIM), are accumulated from design and
construction activities.
The intended audience for this PAS includes organizations and individuals responsible for the procurement, design,
construction, delivery, operation and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure assets. Where possible, generic
language has been used, but where necessary, specific definitions are included.
A partner document to PAS 1192-2, named PAS 1192-3 was published in March 2014. While P1192-2 focuses on the
delivery phase of projects, this new document focuses on the operational phase of assets; being about the availability, integrity and transfer of data and information during this phase.
This section of the Guide is not intended to replace the need to carefully read and understand the content of PAS
1192-2:2013, concentrating on the parts that apply to your particular role in the project. This is particularly
recommended for those just embarking on involvement in any project using BIM. This will result in knowing what the
expectations will be, and a strategic approach to how they can be met, when embarking on a BIM-enabled project.


Commissioning, Handover, and Beyond update

With assets of around 337 billion (according to the Treasury's National Asset Register) the Government has a
particular interest (as a Client) in what happens to projects after their handover.
Closely linked with its interest in BIM is the Governments Soft Landings (GSL) project. GSL is related to work by
BSRIA ( ) and the Usable Buildings Trust ( ) and aims to
improve the performance of built assets through more effective commissioning and handover of projects, with a
clear, cost efficient vision and strategy for managing the facilities, with specific plans to meet the needs of the End
Users, Building Managers, Facilities Managers and Occupiers [25 ].
The whole supply chain can play its part by embedding appropriate data via BIM, into their products, which in turn
can be incorporated into BMS and FM systems. The link to BIM is through the important concept called COBie. The
next Section explains what COBie is, and why it is becoming so important.


COBie and Data Drops

COBie stands for Construction Operations Building Information Exchange. The concept was developed by the US Corps of
Engineers, but a more appropriate version (COBie UK 2012) has now been designed for use in the UK and published by
the BIM Task Group (see ).
COBie is basically a data schema typically presented in the form of a spreadsheet. As such, users and producers of COBie
data will be able to create and/or access COBie files with little or no software investment cost, and the format permits open
access to and exchange of the relevant data.
COBie provides a one-stop shop for all the data relating to the asset. The main recipient of this data exchange via
COBie is the client (e.g. the government). There are a predefined number of exchanges (data drops) that are required
during the construction phase (and beyond, in the case of Number 5). These are set out in a new digital Plan of Work
There are five main exchange points are defined as:
Requirements and Constraints
Outline Solution
Construction Information
Operations and Maintenance
Post-occupancy Validation Information and on-going
Operations and Maintenance


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Contract administration and the flow

of information

Basically, it serves as a standardised index and viewer of all data

held about the spatial and physical aspects of the facility. Project
data are classified spatially (into Facility - Floor Space Zone)
and then physically (into Type Component System Assembly
Connection). The information entered into a COBie file should come
from either the traditional handover information required for projects
(such as as-built drawings, CDM files, Operating and maintenance
manuals) or equivalent data from the project BIM model or models.
The advantage of the latter is that the transfer is potentially automatic, accurate, and virtually costless, though challenges remain in
extracting COBie data from BIM models. It is the intention that the
COBie data file grows as the project progresses, with the series
of increasingly comprehensive and accurate data drops at the
predefined stages of the project, as listed above.
After its completion, the COBie data file can be retained in its
original (spreadsheet) form, or imported into a database, or FM
software. It is intended that each project should have its own COBie
UK 2012 file; where there are multiple buildings in a given project,
each should have its own worksheet within the file.
An example specification for the delivery of COBie files may be
found on the BIM Task Group Website. COBie is important because
it represents the basic minimum compliance with the Governments
2016 mandate (see above, Section 2.2, p.6.)
PAS 1192-4 fufilling employment information exchange
requirements using COBie will be published shortly following
public consultation.
The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) is currently running a competition to develop a free-to-use digital BIMtool that can capture, validate and store information based on the PAS 1192 standards.
This will incorporate a digital plan of works (DPOW) and a classification system.

"In order to improve the

measurement and management of
public assets, it is recommended
that specific information be
delivered by the supply chain. The
specified information set, called
COBie, delivers consistent and
structured asset information
to the owner-operator for
post-occupancy decision-making."
Appendix 10 on page 59 of the
Strategy Paper for the Government
Construction Client Group. (March

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The Evidence for BIM:


Project Cases

There are an increasing number of examples of businesses that have adopted and
integrated BIM methods of working, and projects that have reaped its benefits. Here is a
selection. The list is growing and the evidence is becoming more quantified.

Avanti Projects
Set up in 2002 by the Department of Trade and Industry in 2002 to promote ICT-enabled collaborative working.
Avanti is an approach, rather than a particular project. There are a number of case studies available, in which
were found significant savings achieved by using BIM techniques.

PalaceXchange (Avanti)
The PalaceXchange 30M retail development reported savings of up to 50% + in exchange of information and
documentation and improved spatial co-ordination and cost certainty.
St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals (Avanti)
The St Helens and Knowsley (350 million) PFI project reported:
the issuing of information was up to 85% quicker
a saving of 25% + in administering the document control process
a saving of 75% + in design coordination

Endeavour House, Stansted

UK headquarters for KLM, commissioned by BAA Lynton. Individual 3D models (architecture, structural and
building services) and then combined into a fully co-ordinated 3D project model, used for spatial co-ordination
and clash detection. Audited project cost savings of 9.8% overall, with 18% cost savings in drawing production

Festival Place, Basingstoke

110 million redevelopment of retail centre. A 3D model of the development was used for spatial co-ordination
and clash detection as well in the construction programme. Marketing benefits (e.g. enabling virtual
walkthroughs) and estimated 9%construction cost savings.

Barts and Royal London Hospitals redevelopment

A 1 billion, 10-year programme, with planned completion in 2016). BIM used for design co-ordination and
managing fit-out. Field use of tablet PCs allows access to BIM models by construction staff.
Savings in the process of quantification but indicated ROI of 2:1.



First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The Evidence for BIM:


Business Cases

Irrespective of whether BIM is used on a particular project, the use of BIM as an

internal resource in the business is likely to bring about greater cost savings.
Ryder Architecture

The practice has four UK locations and works principally in the education, healthcare, residential and commercial
sectors with project values typically 1 -150M. Started trialling BIM in 2003, and in 2007 made the decision to use
BIM software for all design work carried out by its 120-staff. Ryder is now totally committed to the use of BIM tools
for use in Concept design; Concept massing; Green Guide rating; Environmental, Daylight, Energy, and Sun
path and shading analysis, Pedestrian modelling, 4D modelling, Design audit and Visualisation. In 2011, Ryder
joined with the University of Northumbria to form BIM Academy.

David Miller Architects

DMA started with BIM in 2007 and fully committed in 2009. Since then. BIM has had a contributed to the 250%
growth of the practice over 3 years, the trebling of fee income and the increased capacity to deal with larger

Tocci Building Companies (USA)

Tocci is on the cutting edge of VDC [virtual design & construction] and BIM implementation. In using BIM throughout its projects, Tocci has reported:
The virtual elimination of design coordination errors
Direct fabrication from BIM : 0 errors, 12-16 week savings
Increased investor confidence
Verified Return on Investment (ROI) range = 3:1 to 12:1
70% claim reduction
Reduced insurance premiums


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


The potential of BIM: what can it do?

Section 2.2 ( p.7) described how Level 3 BIM could work as a single
real-time design model in which the different design disciplines
interact to input and access information collaboratively. Software
interoperability, IT infrastructure, and contractual and legal issues will
have been solved and there will be seamless working with the latest
software simulation tools that inform the decision-making processes.
There will standard libraries of common intelligent objects that
contain manufacturers data and geometry. The resulting model will
be shared with the major players in the project supply chain.
All this is in the future. But there are currently other existing
opportunities that we have not yet discussed.


4D, 5D and 6D BIM

BIM users refer to 4D BIM (that is, with Time scheduling

added as a dimension to the 3D project model) and 5D
(where Cost is considered). Already, many organisations
are equipping their models with these capabilities. 4D
BIM can be used to produce informative animations of
the build process.
6D BIM considers the aspect of Life Cycle Costs, to
enable the Facilities Management of the asset.
This 6D model could potentially be delivered in the
form of an As-Built BIM model at handover, and
may be populated with appropriate component and
product information, operation manuals, warranty
data, and so on, all of which would be supported by
the COBie information discussed above (at p.21).


WLC and Carbon

Both Whole-Life-Cycle (WLC) and carbon costs are

increasingly important aspects, particularly of PFI schemes.
The object modelled data in the BIM model can accommodate
information such as embodied carbon, including that created by the
process of construction, to facilitate optimal modelling and its
possible use as a bid selection criterion.
An example is the recently-developed iCIM modelling software, with
which data can be uploaded and exchanged using interoperable
IFCs, and the impact of design development decisions on embodied
carbon can be tracked.
(See )

We hope that you find this

guide useful. Let us know if
you do!
Please email comments or your
BIM experiences to
[email protected]

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors

Appendix A: Websites, Blog sites and BIM Groups

The following is a selection of useful sites for up-to-date information and discussion.


BIM Academy

BIM Manager


BIM1M (video resource)

BIM Technologies



CIBSE, BSRIA, Landscape Institute

and Institute of Structural Engineers

CIC Regional BIM Hubs

CITA BIM Group (Linkedin)

Constructing Excellence

Construction Industry Council

Government BIM Task Group


McGraw-Hill Construction

nBS Resources


SEC Group

The case for BIM

UKGovernment Construction Strategy


First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Appendix B: List of common abbreviations


Three-dimensional (e.g. Three dimensional modelling)


Four-dimensional modelling (i.e. including time schedule data)


Five-dimensional modelling (i.e. including time and cost data)


Use of further dimensions to represent, for example: carbon, energy


American Institute of Architects


Application Programming Interface (API) offers a direct link between the BIM model and other
industry software (e.g. costing)


Building Information Modelling


Building Information Modelling and Management


Building Management System


The Building Services Research and Information Association


Computer Aided Design.


Common Data Environment


Construction Operations Building Information Exchange


Integrated Building Information Modelling


Information Delivery Manual


Industry Foundation Class.


International Framework Dictionary


Integrated Project Delivery


International Standards Organisation


Level of Detail (or Development)


National Building Specification


Open Database Connectivity. A middleware system for translating from databases to other software


Royal Institute of British Architects


Extensible Mark-up Language (XML): a free open standard creating custom mark-up languages,
allowing users to share structured data via the Internet.


Whole-life cost. The cost of a building, assembly, etc. throughout its life.

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Appendix C: Jargon Buster

Combined Model

A BIM Level 2 model consisting of linked (federated) individual models and other


An individual element that can be reused in a number of situation (e.g. doors,

stairs, columns, walls) by insertion into the model.

COBie (Construction Operations

Building Information Exchange)

COBie a spreadsheet system that permits open access to and exchange

building management data. See p.21, above.

IFC (Industry Foundation Class)

An open data exchange specification that facilitates interoperability between

software applications.


The ability to communicate electronic between organisations, their business

processes and the software applications they use.

Level of Development (LoD)

Levels of Development. E.g. in the American Institute of Architects

E202 Protocol:
LoD 100 is concept design
LoD 200 is schematic design or design development
LoD 300 is construction documents & shop drawings
LoD 400 is for fabrication and assembly.
LoD 500 is as-built.

Parametric modelling

Design using rule-based relationships between intelligent objects that enable

related properties to be updated when one property changes.

Permitted User

User who is permitted access to a Model at a particular Level of Development as

specified in the Project BIM Protocol

Project Execution Plan

The Project Execution Plan is designed maps a structured, consistent process

for the projects lifecycle with common terminology for job titles, descriptions,
responsibilities, and processes.

Regional BIM Hub

Construction Industry Council (CIC) launched 11 Regional BIM Hubs in

October 2012. They offer free, impartial advice on Governments BIM mandate
and signpost specific expert advice.

Soft Landings

A building handover protocol that helps client / users get the best out of their
buildings. It encourages the greater involvement of designers and constructors
with building users and operators before, during and after handover.

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors


Appendix D: References
We hope that you find this guide useful. Let us know if you do!
Please email comments or your BIM experiences to [email protected]


NBS (2013) 'National BIM Survey'.

Available at:
NBS (2014) International BIM Report [formerly National BIM Survey].
Available at:
CIOB (2014) The BIM Journey. Construction Manager, 30 January 2014.
Available at:
Cabinet Office (2011) Government Construction Strategy.
Available at:
National Building Information Model Standard Project Committee. What is a BIM? Available at
Available at:
Construction News, 23 January 2012: Paul Morrell: BIM is unstoppable article by Tom Fitzpatrick available at:
The American Institute of Architects (2007) Integrated Project Delivery A Working Definition available at:
Details of the NBS National BIM Library can be accessed at
BSI Group (2012). Building Information Modelling (BIM) for the Construction Sector
Available at:
Autodesk (2007) BIMs Return on Investment
Available at:
Tekla (2009) BIMs return on investment: wheres the beef now? Available at:
Vico Software (2012) Understanding the ROI of BIM.
Available at:
Eastman, C., (2008) BIM Handbook, A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers,
Designers, Engineers, and Contractors. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.
Miller, D. (2012) BIM from the point of view of a small practice. Available at:
Open BIM Focus. Available at:
RIBA Plan of Work 2013: Consultation document. Available at:
PAS 1192-2:2013 Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling.
Available at:
AIA (2008) Document E202 - Building Information Modeling Protocol Exhibit. American Institute of Architects,
Washington, DC.
ConsensusDOCS (2008) ConsensusDOCS 301 - Building Information Modeling Addendum. ConsensusDOCS,
Arlington, VA.
The CIC BIM Protocol. Available at:
PAS 91:2013 Construction prequalification questionnaires.
Available at:
McGraw-Hill (2010) Construction SmartMarket Report: Leveraging BIM to Demonstrate Value while Saving Time
and Money: Aylesbury Crown Court. Available at::
Cabinet Office (2012). Government Construction: Construction Trial Projects.
Available at:
UBT / BSRIA. Soft Landings Framework. Available at:
Reeve, P (2012) 'Model Development - a specialist engineering introduction to BIM'
- ECA Today, pp54-57 December.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013: Consultation document. Available at:

First Steps to BIM Competence A Guide for Specialist Contractors

Members of the Specialist Engineering Contractors (SEC) Group

Members of the national Specialist Contractors Council (nSCC)

Association of Concrete Industrial
Flooring Contractors
Association of Ductwork
Contractors & Allied Services
Association of Interior

Door & Hardware Federation

Drilling and Sawing Association
Resin Flooring Association

Association of Sealant
Applicators Ltd
Association for Specialist
Fire Protection
Association of Specialist
Underpinning Contractors plus
Association of Technical Lightning
& Access Specialists
British Blind and Shutter
British Drilling Association
British Geomembrane Association

Federation of Piling Specialists

Glass and Glazing Federation
Insulated Render &
Cladding Association
The National Federation of
Roofing Contractors Ltd
Painting and Decorating
Rural & Industrial Design &
Building Association
Road Safety Markings

British Woodworking Federation

Confederation of Construction

Specialist Access Engineering and

Maintenance Association


Single Ply Roofing

Catering Equipment Distributors


Contract Flooring Association

The Tile Association

Concrete Structures Group
Concrete Repair Association

This guide also supported by this Association

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