Shekhar Notes Manual Notes For Iris Plus
Shekhar Notes Manual Notes For Iris Plus
Shekhar Notes Manual Notes For Iris Plus
Part A:Basic Screen Reading of SpiderIrisplus:The objective of this training is to ensure that the executive knows the basics and
explain the basic screen to anyone.
Note : When we want to send different contents like a new exe to specific products only we name the daily files with a Prefix
so that it can be seen only to the product downloading the daily file. Irisnse, IB (IrisBse), IC (IrisCtcl) , AC (Ace).
Please Note: For clients using internet in another machine we do not give them the link to our downloads. So they have to put
the userinfo.txt file in that different PC daily and Copy and extract the files into the Drive.
Intraday Files
During the live market when you connect to the Spider Servers the live data intraday file (D4) gets automatically
saved in your PC, so the user does not have to connect to Internet to see the Intraday data after the market is over.
Once the current Intraday is completed and you connect for the next day, The previous days D4 file gets
compressed to D5 file. The D5 file is smaller in size and compressed by removing unwanted information of
previous day, which helps you to more intraday history faster.
The past Intraday files are also saved (as D5) in your hard disk.
What to download ?
For NSE live data - ND4 ( and for ND5 (
For Derivative live data - DD4 ( ) and for DD5 (
For BSE live data - BD4 ( and for BD5 (
On the server the Current days are also replaced by the
If the client has connected to the live markets then he will not be able to see the files on the server as he
already has the data and he does not have to download again.
You have to ensure that there is sufficient Ram left for the O/S and other applications to run so that your system does not get
For smoother performance Live users to make sure that in Display settings of windows.
1. Screen Saver is kept as None.
2. Turn off Hard Disk is kept as Never.
Data From [Open] or [Current]: If Open is selected, you will start receiving data from the beginning of the Market or from the
time the user has stopped during current live market. If Current is selected the data will start from the current time (In current
viewing charts should be avoided as it can show errors).
Server: After connecting to the Internet, select any of the servers One, Two, Three to get data.
Connect: When you click on Connect the Intraday History files are loaded first and then the Current day's data is loaded. The
window automatically closes when the files have been loaded and the connection gets established. Please note you can
connect for live data only during trading days from ( 9:15 am to 3:30 pm ).
In case you miss the live market the Intraday files (**** will be on server in download files list.
These are popularly known a pivot levels. Based on previous days price todays trading levels can be seen.
This provides more clarity of the trend of the stocks. Longer the period smoother the trend seen. You can easily switch
between various time periods i.e. Daily,Weekly,Monthly, Quarterly, Halfyearly Yearly and Intraday.
The following are the shortcut keys to see various Chart Period.
D = Daily
W = Weekly
M = Monthly
Q = Quarterly
I = Intraday.
Intraday bar size is used to change your intraday charts time period from a 5min chart to a 15min chart or to a 60min chart
with a single click.
open and closed state is automatically saved while saving the chart so that while loading a Saved Screen the
internal data window is also opened without pressing any key. To hide the Internal window press CTRL+B again.
About Creating,Modifying and Deleting Groups and explaining the existing groups
The user can create his own list of Scrip's and save it to a group. This Group can later be viewed in the Price Watch, Chart,
Tick Query and also the Market Query. You can now also use the Create Group option to do the same. .
Exchange Defined Nse, Bse,
Industry Nse, Bse
Business Houses Nse, Bse
Spider Groups (contains Derivative Current month Group also)
Example: Keep four charts open and change the time period of the charts. One Daily, the other Weekly, another Monthly and
the last Quarterly.
Now select Settings > Scrip Sync. and see how you can easily study a stocks performance. You can easily see the short-term
trend and the long-term trend on one single screen
Period Sync - option when enabled will change all the charts on the screen to the same period. Get a clear perspective on
Scrip Summary
Press F12- Displays a brief summary of the stock. Default information of the Active Chart will be shown. Click on Select Scrip
to change the stock.
\Spider\User\Settings folder
EventSelect_1 .. 3.ini - Saves Selected events and the window size and position
MarketQuery_1..2.ini - Saves Selected conditions and window size and position.
Price Watch_1..4.ini - Saves Window size and positon.
Pwcol_1.set - Saves window column positon and Order.
TechQuery_1..3.ini - Saves Window size and position.
TickQuery_1..3.ini - Saves Selection and Window positions.
\Spider\Master folder
scrip.dat - List of Scrips
ScripDeriv.dat - List of traded Derivative scrips.
BseSensex.csv - Index contribution details.
NseNifty.csv - Index contribution details.
B_ADS.dat - Bse ADS data
N_ADS.dat - Nse ADS data
GroupsI.dat - Predefined Groups
MembersI.dat - Predefined Members of the Groups.
TQF.txt - Predefined Market Query & Tick Query Conditions
\Spider\ folder
Spider.exe - Main Spider Application.
SpiderDnld.exe - Downloader exe
GDIPlus.dll - required supporting file for Spider.exe
Lzo107.dll - required supporting file for Spider.exe
BD4 and BD5 - Bse Intraday files
ND4 and ND5 - Nse Intraday files
DD4 and DD5 - Derivative Intraday files
0 to 9 - Contains daily data information of all scrips.
Dnld - downloaded files are saved here.
Import - files downloaded are extracted here for importing.
Manual - manual folder.
Master - Main Master files of the software.
OLDD4files - saves Intraday files for Action replay later.
Portfolio - Portfolio files are saved here.
Pfcsv - Portfolio reports as CSV are saved here.
PFReport - Portfolio reports are saved here.
USER - All user created files are stored here.
Part B:Live and End of Day Features:The objective is to ensure that the executives are aware of the USP features. Good for
Marketing and Support Executives for demos and retention respectively.
Tick Query
The most unique and important feature for all types of Intraday Traders. The Tick Query keeps a continuious watch on the
market tracking all the major Buying and Selling in the stock market. All trades of high volume are automatically tracked to
show you which stocks are being bought and sold the most. Using the Tick Query you can easily identify which stocks are
attracting the traders interest today.
How to use the Tick Query ?
IRIS classifies each trade as a Buy and Sell. You might already be thinking that if there is a buyer then there is also a seller at
that price. But IRIS uses a formula (based on Bid/Offer) to identify who is more aggressive in the trade the Buyer or the Seller.
Using the Quantity and the Value filters Tick Query can track every single trade for all the stocks. The Tick Query will help you
track every Buy and Sell trade with heavy volume. This can be done for All Scrips or for a specific Group.
It is important to note that these are trades of very high volumes. Meaning , these are trades done by big brokers, institutions
and other high networth players in the market. Also you can easily identify bullish and bearish tendencies of the market.
Event Selector
The market reacts sharply at certain price and volume events. The Event Selector has a list of such important price and
volume events.
You can select the events that you feel important and automatically keep tracking it live during the market. Most common and
popular events being..
BULLISH > High of Day
BEARISH > Low of Day.
Pivots are also included in Event Tracker.
You can now have 4 Event Tracker running simultaneously.
Graphical Volume distribution graph (Shift+ F12) - Get a graphical display of Volume Distribution
Group Analysis
Analyze which groups are leading today. This compares the current Intraday close with previous days Closing prices (live
feature only). This can be used to know which groups are moving positively or negatively today.
Market Query
Now you can use 4 Market Query.
Market Query is a very powerful tool used to scan and short-list important stocks during the live market. Use the various Filter
conditions to scan through the market to find the stocks which match your criteria.
In Conditions the user can enter his own set of criteria for additional filter options.
:open = :low
(i.e todays open is same as todays low, indicating signs of bullishness.)
The user also has an option of saving the results to a Group
1. Increased number of columns to display more values. (eg. Pivot values can all be now seen in the list)
2. Auto-Update feature automatically runs the same query again after a minimum period of 10min.
Part C:Understanding Main Basic Indicators and Strategies:Will make the executive little more advanced in the Training.(Will not
covet all Indicators). Will be explained on chart and material is already available online.
Moving Averages
Bollinger Bands
All the new market Breadth Indicators added (like Mclean,Ad ratio etc)
what is Price typical,price median and weighted close, Average Traded price, Tick Average.
Shift F7,Shift F8
Display data on chart as reports.
Show All rates on chart Shift + F7
Show Rates of specific period displayed on chart Shift + F8
Adjust Copr Act Default ON Shows chart adjusted with Rights, Bonus , Splits (RBS) adjusted.
Log Scale Default ON Shows chart in Log I.e gives more importance to current prices. This makes the current chart look
more clearer.
Chart Settings Explained in Next topic (Below)
Mis Settings
Hide / Display top bar: Time, Index, Index change, Adv, Dec, Same, Turnover,
NewHigh/ NewLow, Multi Monitor.
Data Drive eg C: , Now Software automatically checks for Spider Folder in the drive.
It wil take the values of the first drive where \Spider Folder is found.
There cannot be more than 1 spider folder in any of the Drives.
If there are more than 1 Spider folder software gives error message.
Auto Clear Tracker Clears older records automatically. (saves system memory)
Important Levels:
Show dotted lines XX% Above and Below Previous Close.
The Complete Chart Settings Box
Most of the settings are self explaining. (covered in software)
Show Study Parameters To Display / Hide Study parameters shown on the chart.
Show Swing Values To Display / Hide Swing values on the top and bottom of Swing.
Adjust Dividend Default OFF Adjusts the chart for dividend.
Henkin Candle Converts the Candle Display to Henkin style.
Show Pivot Values To Show or Hide Pivot values displayed on chart.
Study line thickness Default 1. , Recommended 2, Maximum 3.
Ask Tool Color Will ask for tool color once the drawing is complete.
Default Tool Color If checked (removes previous option). Select the Default color.
Ask Retrace% - Will ask every time the % of Retracement.
Show Tool Numbers Displays Tool numbers on the chart. (easier for removing tools)
Show Retrace Value (left / right) Displays the Retracement values once plotted on chart.
1) Click on Reports > Report Designer. The report designer window will appear.
2) Click on Add New Column button . A study selection box will appear. Select the indicator whose value you want to add in
the report.
e.g. Let us say you require current daily closing price of the scrips then select Price OHLC in the study selection box.
3) Click on Parameter and select Daily in the box. Click on Column, select close and click On last bar.
4) Finally click on Add button. Repeat the procedure for adding more columns.
Click on save button to save this report design.
Click on Bse, Nse or Group. Click on Run to generate the report in the designed format.
You can click on Load to open the saved report file whenever required.
The default value shown in the report for a technical indicator will be "On Last Bar". Instead one can also select from the
following options available.
On Last Bar - Returns the value of the indicator of the latest data (current bar).
"On Nth Back Bar" - Returns the value for the indicator corresponding to N back bar
"On Date" - Returns the value for the indicator on a certain date
"Highest Between" - Returns the highest value for the indicator for a selected date range
"Lowest Between" - Returns the lowest value for the indicator for a selected date range
"Highest In" - Returns the highest value for the indicator in last N bars
"Lowest In" - Returns the highest value for the indicator for a selected date range
Additional Filter Options:
The user can also filter the stocks on the basis of price, volume, trades and last traded date.
The Report Offset option (Default = 0) can be used for generating the entire report with values corresponding to N back bar.
Example : Generate a Report of Current RSI Value (on Last bar). If you use offset "1" day.
You will see the RSI Value Report based on the previous day.
So without changing the report in any maner you can instantly generate report for any required day.
Mouse Scroll
The Mouse scroll will help you scroll the candles one by one
Scroll Up Hides the bars of the chart./ Moves the chart backwards.
Scroll Down Shows the hidden bars of the chart one by one.
This is generally used in explaining or testing a strategy. Using this feature one can get the feeling of Replay of market day by
- There are now 3 different technical query windows to check different query in different windows.
- Technical Query can now be saved with Comments (Enhanced format)
- The clients can also protect their conditions by Password, UCC, Date limitations.
- Results can be seen in External Event tracker, Live Query Tracker, or in the same window.
- Historical results are seen in the same window and can be transferred to a Report window.
- Technical Query file can be used for Strategy testing.
Its important to understand conditions for forming a query.
1. Rising / Falling for last N Bars.
2. Upward Breakout and Downward Breakout.
3. Above, Between, Below (value).
4. Cutting Avg Upward / Below.
5. Above / Below avg for last N Bars.
6. Above / Below avg by x%.
7. Entering Overbought / Oversold
8. Exiting Overbought / Oversold.
9. In Overbought / Oversold.
10. Above / Below Zero line.
11. Crossing Zero line upward / downward.
12. High / Low / Close Above Upper band.
13. High / Low / Close Below Lower Band.
14. Turn Up /Down in last N bars.
15. Using the Nth Back Bar option In all conditions. Etc.
Strategy Testing
For Details Refer to Help button in Strategy Testing.
Strategy Testing System is divided into 3 parts.
1. Creating the Strategy and Testing it on a group of scrips.
2. Study Optimization - Optimizing every Study Parameter for maximum profit.
- The buy will be generated and the amount will be taken out and stock will be taken in
the portfolio.
- Stocks will keep adding and getting sold as per the price movement till the
STARTING EQUITY is not exhausted or the final test completion date is not reached.
On the last day it will be assumed that all stock in Hand till the last day will all be sold.
Open interest = No. of outstanding contracts for a particular contract(Future/option, strike price, expiry, underlying)
If trader A sell an option contract to trader B, then volume is recorded as 1(explained above) and Open Interest increases to
1. If trader B sells his option to trader C, the volume increments to 2 but Open Interest remains at 1.
Open interest changes only when positions are added/closed, irrespective of the no. of trades.
However, volume increases irrespective of change of open interest as and when the contract is traded.
Strategies with Open Interest
1. Rising Open Interest and Rising Prices. - Bullish Indication
Interpretation: Gives the Indication that At higher prices more Positions are being built up. This shows a bullish tendency in
the market hence, there is a higher Probability that the Prices will go up in Near future. But it should be noted that this is a
probability and not a 100% indication of the prices moving upward in future.
It should be noted that OI Rising or Falling will also depend on Contracts Expiry dates. Hence the strategies used with OI and
Prices are not absolute buy / sell indicators. More analysis is required before actually taking a position.
2. Falling Open Interest and Falling Prices Reversal indication
3. Rising Open Interest and Falling Prices Bearish Indication.
4. Falling Open Interest and Rising Prices Reversal Indication.
Term COST OF CARRY : ( seen In Futures) (Reports > Derivative Summary Report)
The cost of carry is the cost of "carrying" or holding a position. The cost of carry generally refers to the risk-free interest rate
that could be earned by investing currency in a theoretically safe investment
The Futures Price = Spot Price + Cost of Carry
In general, the Futures price is greater than the spot price. In special cases, when cost of carry is negative, the Futures price
may be lower than Spot prices.
Term PREMIUM & DISCOUNT : (In Futures) (Reports > Derivative Summary Report)
Premium = Futures Price > Spot Price
Discount = Futures Price < Spot Price
Profit & Risk of Futures Trader.
Gets Unlimited Profit Potential (until he sells)
Profit = (Market Price of Futures - Purchase Price of Futures) x Contract Size
Can also face Unlimited Risk. (until he sells)
Loss = (Purchase Price of Futures - Market Price of Futures) x Contract Size
IRIS provides Contract-wise Future chart and also Continuous Future charts.
Continuous charts gives long term impression. Many Analyst generally prefer Contract-wise chart as it gives the correct builtup of a contract from the time the contract started.
Option charts are only for the period of the contract.
Understanding Options (Call and Put)
It gives the right but not the obligation to sell.
When Bullish buy Call option
When Bearish buy Put option
Terms explained.
Strike Price : It is the price at which the stock will be bought or sold when the option is
exercised. Strike price is used in the case of options only. Generally in Indian markets traders do not follow the concept of
Exercising an Option. We follow European method where its automatically exercised on the Contract Expiry.
Traders generally just buy an Option and Sell it when the premium rises.
Premium : The price paid to acquire the option.
The charts of Options actually show the rising or falling Premium value.
Put & Call Ratio : Volume of put option contracts / Volume of call option contracts.
When the Put/Call Ratio is high (meaning more puts are being traded than calls) it means that the sentiment is bearish and
If the value is...
More than 1 - Then Put Volume is more than Call Volume.
Less than 1 - Then Call volume is more than Put Volume.
Moneyness - Moneyness of an option indicates whether an option is worth exercising or not i.e. if the option is exercised by
the buyer of the option whether he will receive money or not. Moneyness of an option should not be confused with the profit
and loss arising from holding an option contract. It should be noted that while moneyness of an option does not depend on the
premium paid, profit/loss do. Thus a holder of an in-the-money option need not always make profit as the profitability also
depends on the premium paid.
In the Money
In the Money - An option is said to be in-the-money if on exercising the option, it would produce a cash inflow for the buyer.
Call Spot Price > Strike Price.
Put - Spot Price < Strike Price.
Out of the Money
An option-holder will not exercise the option when it is out-of-the-money.
Call Spot Price < Strike Price.
Put Spot Price > Strike Price.
At the money
For Call & Put - Spot price = Strike Price
Example of Buying a Call Option.
For the buyer of a Nifty 5650 call option.
Derivative Scrip Summary Is a single window where you can see entire information of a particular scrip. eg. Select Nifty and you
will see all the Futures data. Near, Next Far (Call and Put) options.There are filter tools also available to see only the information
which the user wants to see. (Alt+O)
Derivative Open Interest Report. - Automatically shows the list of stocks in Derivative where it matches the Open Interest filter
conditions. This allows the user to find out the best possible contracts at a click of a button.
Option Calculator
How it works ?
Open a Option Chart and Press Alt+O
You will see that automatically most of the details are already filled in.
Stock Price = Current Price of the underlying stock.
Strike Price = Current Strike price of the Option contract.
Annual Interest = x% (is the Risk free interest rate) (Manual)
Volatility = (annual volatility of the asset) (Manual)
Dates From and To dates come automatically to calculate the Days to Maturity.
Press Calculate - The Option greeks are updated.
To calculate Implied Volatility
Option Price Enter the Current Option price of the Call or Put.
Press Calculate Please note while calculating Implied Volatility the other values are
taken from above (Excluding Volatility)
Understanding the complete Tool Box (CTRL E) Marker Bars Discussed above.