New Star Delta Forward Reverse
New Star Delta Forward Reverse
New Star Delta Forward Reverse
Three Phase Motor Connection Star/Delta (Y-) Reverse and Forward with Timer
Power & Control Diagram
As we have already shared the Starting method of Three Phase Motor by Star Delta
Starter with Timer Circuit (Power and Control Circuits). Now in the below diagrams,
Three phase Motor will rotate in two directions viz Forward and Reverse. But We have
controlled the direction of rotation of this three phase motor by a Timer circuit.
O/L = Over Load Relay
NO = Normally Open
NC = Normally Close
FOR = Forward
REV = Reverse
T = Timer
3 Phase Motor Connection Star/Delta (Y-) Reverse / Forward with
Timer PowerDiagram
Power Diagram:
Control Diagram:
An electrical schematic diagram for the power circuit of a reversible star delta or wye
delta motor controller was tackled in our previous article, where it showed an illustration
of the wiring combinations using three (3) phase circuit breakers, magnetic contactors
and thermal overload relay to achieve the different variation of motorTERMINAL
connections in star and delta configuration in relation to the three (3) phase supply
source voltage, hence the term power circuit diagram.
As with all motor controllers, the power circuit is always accompanied with its
associated control circuit which is an integral part of the motor controller that provides
operator command access in order to control the power circuit either in running or
stopping the motor or selecting the forward or reverse rotation of the motor.
The electrical diagram below shows an schematic illustration of a forward reverse star
delta or wye delta control circuit used in every electrical industry involving industrial
process automation control technology.
Electrical Schematic Diagram for the Control Circuit of a Forward Reverse Star (Wye)
Delta Motor Controller
Depending on the choice of the operator, starting the circuit is selected via the forward
or the reverse push button switches. When the forward push button switch is selected,
the command is transferred to the relevant forward function of the circuit which
activates the forward main coil (blue). The relevant auxiliary contacts of the forward
main coil (blue) would then be actuated opposite its normal state, that is, a normally
open contact would eventually switch to a close contact whereas a normally close
contact would switch to an open contact.
The forward main contact (blue) closes to activate the star coil (brown) together with
the timer coil (green), hence placing the motorTERMINAL
connected to a star configuration. After an elapsed time is reached, the timer contact
(green) will release the star coil (brown) and transfers the command to the forward
delta mode as a result of a completed circuit with the closing of the timer contact
(green) along with the awaiting initially closed forward main contact (blue), thereby
permitting power flow to the forward delta coil (dark blue). This final stage places the
motor terminal in the power circuit configured to a delta connection.
Another forward main contact (blue) is connected in parallel across the forward push
button switch to serve as a latching switch that keeps the forward main coil maintained
energized after the operator releases the forward push button switch.
Conversely, when the reverse push button switch is pressed by the operator, all the
related contacts of the reverse main coil (red) is activated which holds the reverse main
coil maintained activated after releasing the reverse push button switch, then energizes
the star coil (brown) and the timer coil (green), then switches to the reverse delta mode
(orange) after the specified time set on the timer expires.
To manually interrupt the circuit, the operator only needs to press the stop push button
switch to deactivate any energized coil in the control circuit to instantaneously isolate
the power source to the motor. Another interrupting contact is the thermal overload
contact (purple) which serves as an automatic shutoff switch that instantaneously opens
the control circuit to shut down the motor when overload current greater than the rated
capacity is detected from the electric motor.
Interlock contacts are also strategically placed on the control circuit as a protective
measure. An auxiliary contact from the star contactor (brown) is connected in series
before the two delta contactor coils to isolate both the forward delta coil and the
reverse delta coil when the star contactor coil isACTIVE . Likewise, auxiliary contacts
from both the forward and the reverse delta coils are also placed in series before the
star coil to isolate power to the star coil should any one of the two delta coils be active
to ensure the absence of power flow to the star coil when the control circuit is actively in
the delta mode.
Auxiliary contacts from both forward and reverse coils are also placed opposite each coil
so that one cannot activate without the other one deactivated first, meaning, the
normally-closed forward main contact (blue) connected before the reverse main coil
(red) will not permit theACTIVATION
main coil (blue) is activated, conversely, the normally-closed reverse main contact (red)
connected before the forward main coil (blue) will not also permit theACTIVATION of the
forward main coil (blue) while the reverse main coil (red) is activated.
The same condition applies to both the forward and the reverse delta coils. The
opposing interlock contacts placed before the forward and the reverse delta coils also
provides protective action by preventing the simultaneous activation of the forward and
the reverse delta coils at the same time, that is, the normally-closed reverse main
contact (red) connected before the forward delta coil (dark blue) will not permit the
activation of the forward delta coil (dark blue) while the reverse main coil (red) is active,
and the normally-closed forward main contact (blue) placed before the reverse delta coil
(red) will not also permit the activation of the reverse delta coil (red) while the forward
main coil (blue) is active.
To facilitate for a further understanding about the concept of the forward reverse star
delta electric motor control circuit, a flowchart diagram is provided to serve as a
schematic representation of the sequence of operation of the reversible star delta
electric motor control circuit.
- See more at:
Listrik Skema Diagram untuk Sirkuit Pengendalian Forward Reverse Star (Wye) Delta motor
Tergantung pada pilihan operator, mulai sirkuit yang dipilih melalui maju atau push button
switch terbalik. Ketika saklar push button maju dipilih, perintah tersebut dipindahkan ke
fungsi maju yang relevan dari sirkuit yang mengaktifkan kumparan utama maju (biru). The
kontak bantu yang relevan dari kumparan utama maju (biru) kemudian akan digerakkan
berlawanan keadaan normal, yaitu, kontak normal terbuka akhirnya akan beralih ke kontak
dekat sedangkan kontak biasanya dekat akan beralih ke kontak yang terbuka.
Kontak utama maju (biru) menutup untuk mengaktifkan kumparan bintang (coklat) bersamasama dengan kumparan waktu (hijau), maka menempatkan motorTERMINAL di sirkuit listrik
yang terhubung ke konfigurasi bintang. Setelah waktu berlalu tercapai, kontak waktu (hijau)
akan merilis kumparan bintang (coklat) dan transfer perintah ke mode delta maju sebagai
hasil dari sirkuit dilengkapi dengan penutupan kontak waktu (hijau) bersama dengan
Menunggu awalnya ditutup maju utama kontak (biru), sehingga memungkinkan aliran listrik
ke delta coil maju (biru tua). Tahap akhir ini menempatkan terminal motor di sirkuit listrik
dikonfigurasi untuk sambungan delta.
kontak utama maju (biru) dihubungkan secara paralel di depan menekan tombol switch
untuk melayani sebagai saklar menempel yang membuat kumparan utama maju dipelihara
energi setelah operator melepas maju menekan tombol saklar.
Sebaliknya, ketika saklar push button terbalik ditekan oleh operator, semua kontak terkait dari
kumparan utama terbalik (merah) diaktifkan yang memegang kumparan utama terbalik
dipelihara diaktifkan setelah merilis sebaliknya menekan tombol switch, maka energi pada
kumparan bintang ( coklat) dan timer coil (hijau), kemudian beralih ke mode delta terbalik
(orange) setelah waktu yang ditentukan ditetapkan pada timer berakhir. Untuk menghentikan
rangkaian manual, operator hanya perlu menekan berhenti menekan tombol switch untuk
menonaktifkan setiap kumparan energi dalam rangkaian kontrol untuk seketika mengisolasi
sumber daya ke motor. kontak lain mengganggu adalah panas kontak yang berlebihan (ungu)
yang berfungsi sebagai penutup saklar otomatis yang seketika membuka rangkaian kontrol
untuk mematikan motor ketika arus yang berlebihan lebih besar dari kapasitas dinilai terdeteksi
dari motor listrik. kontak interlock juga strategis ditempatkan pada rangkaian kontrol sebagai
ukuran pelindung. Kontak tambahan dari kontaktor star (coklat) dihubungkan secara seri
sebelum dua kumparan delta kontaktor untuk mengisolasi kedua delta coil maju dan delta coil
sebaliknya ketika bintang kontaktor kumparan IsActive. Demikian juga, kontak bantu dari kedua
maju dan kumparan delta sebaliknya juga ditempatkan dalam seri sebelum kumparan bintang
untuk mengisolasi daya ke kumparan bintang harus salah satu dari dua kumparan delta aktif
untuk memastikan tidak adanya aliran listrik ke kumparan bintang ketika rangkaian kontrol
secara aktif dalam modus delta.
kontak bantu dari kedua maju dan terbalik kumparan juga ditempatkan berlawanan satu sama
coil sehingga seseorang tidak dapat mengaktifkan tanpa yang lain dinonaktifkan pertama,
makna, biasanya tertutup kontak maju utama (biru) yang terhubung sebelum kumparan utama
terbalik (red) tidak akan mengizinkan theACTIVATION dari kumparan utama terbalik (merah)
sedangkan kumparan utama maju (biru) diaktifkan, sebaliknya, biasanya tertutup kontak utama
terbalik (merah) yang terhubung sebelum kumparan utama maju (biru) tidak akan juga
mengizinkan theACTIVATION dari utama ke depan coil (biru) sedangkan kumparan utama
terbalik (merah) diaktifkan. Kondisi yang sama berlaku untuk maju dan kumparan delta terbalik.
Kontak interlock lawan ditempatkan sebelum maju dan kumparan delta sebaliknya juga
memberikan tindakan protektif dengan mencegah aktivasi simultan dari depan dan kumparan
delta sebaliknya pada saat yang sama, yaitu, kontak biasanya tertutup terbalik utama (merah)
yang terhubung sebelum delta coil maju (biru tua) tidak akan mengizinkan aktivasi delta coil
maju (biru tua) sedangkan kumparan utama terbalik (merah) aktif, dan biasanya tertutup kontak
maju utama (biru) ditempatkan sebelum delta coil terbalik (red) tidak akan juga mengizinkan
aktivasi delta coil terbalik (merah) sedangkan kumparan utama maju (biru) aktif.