About IGNOU Nagpur
About IGNOU Nagpur
About IGNOU Nagpur
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is also the apex body for Open Universities and
distance education institutions in the country. It is envisaged to be an instrument for democratising and
augmenting opportunities for higher education, widening access and promoting a flexible and costeffective system of imparting knowledge. The University offers about 445 specially need-based
academic, professional, vocational, awareness generating and skill-oriented programmes, diplomas and
degrees (bachelors, masters and doctoral) with a strength of nearly 420 faculty members and academic
staff at the headquarter and regional centres and about 36000 academic counselors from conventional
institutions of higher learning, professional organizations, and industry; and has a network of 68 Regional
Centers and 3200 learner support centres to support academic counselling of students. Besides national
network coverage, some of the programmes are offered in 67 other overseas centers especially in Asia
and Africa. Multi-Media learning through self-instructional illustrated print materials, audio cassettes,
video programmes, phone-in radio counselling and teleconferencing form the package of delivery for
distance education. IGNOU is the nodal point for Gyan Darshan, the educational TV channel, Gyan Vani,
FM Radio Stations and the EDUSAT, a dedicated satellite for education.