Plan Development Process: State of Georgia
Plan Development Process: State of Georgia
Plan Development Process: State of Georgia
Department of Transportation
Plan Development
Revision 2.9
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
This document was developed as part of the continuing effort to provide guidance within the
Georgia Department of Transportation in fulfilling its mission to provide a safe, efficient, and
sustainable transportation system through dedicated teamwork and responsible leadership
supporting economic development, environmental sensitivity and improved quality of life. This
document is not intended to establish policy within the Department, but to provide guidance in
adhering to the policies of the Department.
Your comments, suggestions, and ideas for improvements are welcomed.
The Georgia Department of Transportation maintains this printable document and is solely
responsible for ensuring that it is equivalent to the approved Department guidelines.
Revision History
Revision Number
Revision Date
Revision Summary
Page i
says 5.4.11)
Section 6.4.15 - Added references to unit costs and
additional information on estimating costs for items
not priced
Appendix A Formatting and other minor
Appendix A-1 Formatting and other minor
Appendix A-2 Formatting and other minor
Page ii
coordination agency.
Section 5.16 - Potential conflicts with SRTA
facilities/infrastructure (mostly utilities) was added.
Section 5.18 Language was added pertaining to
Concept Report submittals and reviews.
Section 5.19 Language added to ensure Project
Managers provide a written response to review
Chapter 6
Section 6.3.2 - Clarification was made when a soil
survey is and is not required for minor projects.
Section 6.4.2 - PTS reports is now made available
to industry representatives. Changed pavement
design for minor projects to projects meeting the
"Guidelines for Pavement Sections for Minor
Projects." (Currently not clear as written.) Inserted a
hyperlink for pavement design. The pavement
package must be submitted two weeks prior to the
PDC instead of one week. Inserted text that for
projects containing bid alternates, the bid alternate
pavement provisions should be incorporated into the
plans prior to PFPR.
Section 6.5.2 - Inserted text that if a project includes
a PTS, the constructability review should be held
before submitting the PTS to the Pavement Design
Chapter 7
Section 7.3.2 - Changed let date to base year in the
following sentence, Recommendations in the
Pavement Evaluation Summary (PES) report must
be reevaluated if the project base year is expected
to be later than the expiration date stated in the
Section 7.3.6 - Added soil survey is required for
minor projects where construction is not on the
existing alignment. (Currently not clear as written.)
Chapter 8
Section 8.1 - Language was revised.
Section 8.5.2 Who Should Attend the Meeting was
Section 8.5.5 Documentation was revised.
Added Chapter 10
Page iv
Revision Number
Revision Date
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. General
Chapter 3. Overview
Chapter 8. Construction
Rev 2.8
Rev 2.8
Page vi
Table of Contents
Revision History.............................................................................................................................. i
List of Effective Chapters .............................................................................................................. v
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... vii
Definitions ................................................................................................................................... xiii
Chapter 1. General - Contents ..................................................................................................... 1-i
Chapter 2. Reserved - Contents ................................................................................................. 2-i
Chapter 3. Overview of the Plan Development Process - Contents ......................................... 3-i
3.1 Oversight by Other Agencies .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Design Build ....................................................................................................................... 3-3
Chapter 4. Project Programming and Scheduling - Contents ................................................... 4-i
4.1 Project Identification ........................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Programming ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Project Framework Agreement (PFA) ................................................................................. 4-2
4.4 Two Phase Preliminary Engineering Process ..................................................................... 4-2
4.5 Schedule Development ...................................................................................................... 4-3
4.6 Project Team Initiation Process (PTIP) ............................................................................... 4-4
4.7 Monitoring Schedules ......................................................................................................... 4-5
Concept Development by the Office of Traffic Operations (OTO) for ITS Projects ..... 5-17
Table of Contents
Page viii
Table of Contents
Page ix
Deferred:.................................................................................................................. 8-3
Table of Contents
Page x
Documentation......................................................................................................... 8-7
Table of Contents
Page xii
Authorization of a Project - The process by which funds are approved for various stages of a
project's development, such as design, right-of-way purchase, or construction.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) An organization
made up of States Department of Transportation including Puerto Rico and the District of
Columbia. AASHTO
Baseline Schedule The Baseline Schedule is a fixed schedule established at the conclusion of the
Schedule Review Committee meeting used to track project status, review project history, learn
reasons for delay, and to evaluate how well proposed schedules are met.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Policy See Complete Streets definition below.
CCTV Closed Circuit Television is a technology used to detect and monitor traffic or any other
facility through the use of cameras placed in key locations. Advanced systems use the cameras to
detect traffic patterns and simultaneously adjust traffic signal timing plans to optimize an
intersections capacity.
Complete Streets A policy of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to routinely
incorporate bicycle, pedestrian, and transit (user and transit vehicle) accommodations into
transportation infrastructure projects as a means for improving mobility, access and safety for the
traveling public. See Chapter 9 of the GDOT Design Policy Manual for more information.
Concept A consensus beginning recommendation, idea, or starting point of a transportation
solution to an identified transportation need. The objective of the concept stage is to develop a
concept report that will describe and recommend project footprint, including logical termini.
Construction Work Program - A listing of State and Federally funded projects approved by the
Transportation Board with one or more elements, Scoping, Preliminary Engineering, Right-of-Way
Acquisition, or Construction, scheduled in the current and next nine (9) years fiscal years.
Consultant Acquisition Plan (CAP) List of potential projects for outsourcing to consultants per
fiscal year.
Consultant Pre-qualification The Department has policies for the qualification of consultants prior
to consideration for providing engineering services. A copy of the policies, definitions and
application forms for consultant qualification are available on the Office of Transportation Services
Procurement website:
Contract Authorization Form (CAF) A Procurement form used to authorize funds for a contract.
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Controlling Criteria Those controlling design guidelines, as defined by AASHTO and accepted by
the FHWA, that a project should be designed to meet good engineering judgment. A design
exception will need to be obtained when one or more of these controlling criteria cannot be met.
See Chapter 2 of the GDOT Design Policy Manual for more information.
Context Sensitive Design - Context Sensitive Design is a collaborative approach to design that
weaves together design principles, environmental concerns and community quality of life into one
complete package. It's balancing the concerns and desires of the community for their environment
and way of life with the sound engineering practices endorsed by AASHTO. It also firmly involves
the public in the decision making process to encourage ownership and responsibility for the final
Cooperating Agency - As defined in the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) Regulations for
Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), "any
organization other than a lead agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect
to any environmental impact involved in ...[a] major Federal action significantly affecting the quality
of the human environment." The CEQ emphasizes that agency cooperation should begin early in
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.
Design Build Combining of design engineering and other preconstruction services with
construction services into a single contract. It is regulated at GDOT by state statute, FHWA
regulations, and by State Transportation Board rules.
Design Exception If design features of a new construction or reconstruction project do not meet
controlling criteria in the current edition of the AASHTO Green Book and the AASHTO publication,
A Policy on Design Standards Interstate System, as adopted by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), approval to build or retain the feature is required. For Full Oversight/PoDI
projects, the FHWA is the agency which grants design exceptions. For all other projects, both
Federal and State funded, the Chief Engineer grants exception.
Design Manager The individual appointed by the Project Manager and charged with the
coordination and timely delivery of a particular design phase.
Design Phase Leader The individual charged with the responsibility to design the Roadway
portion of the project and compile the various activities from other phase leaders.
Design Variance Whenever a new construction or reconstruction project contains design features
that are not controlling criteria and do not meet GDOT standard criteria, a design variance shall be
requested from the Chief Engineer.
Electronic Data Guidelines (EDG) Guidelines that set forth criteria, procedures and standards for
computer and/or other electronic data used in the preparation of plans and other documents. EDG
can be found at:
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Environmental Justice The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of
race, color, or economic status with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement
of environmental laws, regulations and policies. Fair treatment means that no group of people shall
bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental impacts that result from a particular
project or program and shall share in the benefits derived from such projects and programs.
Exempt Projects A Federal aid project that is not subject to FHWA design oversight. Exempt
projects as used in this document, unless otherwise noted, do not refer to Air Quality Exempt.
However, the FHWA retains approval authority for the environmental document. For further
information concerning Exempt Projects see POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 2410-1.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) The Federal agency in charge of the
enforcement of Executive Order (EO) 11988. The primary function of the agency is to avoid long
and short term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and
to restore and preserve the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains.
The agency assesses floodplain hazards in all construction of Federal and Federally Aided
buildings, structures, roads, or facilities, which encroach upon or affect the base floodplain.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - An agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation and
is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with field offices across the United States. The FHWA
administers the Federal-Aid Highway Program. FHWA, FHWAGA
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) The Federal Transit Administration is the federal agency that
helps cities and communities nationwide provide mobility to their citizens. Through its grant
programs, FTA provides financial & planning assistance to help plan, build, and operate rail, bus &
para-transit systems.
FTA ITS Regulation The FTA companion regulation to FHWAs ITS Rule 940, which is
functionally the same as the FHWA rule, but it applies to federally funded transit projects.
Final Field Plan Review (FFPR) A review of final plans and specifications, special provisions,
permits, right-of-way agreements and utility conflict resolutions. The Final Field Plan Review
(FFPR) shall be held a minimum of 24 weeks prior to letting.
Fiscal Year The State of Georgia fiscal year is July 1 to June 30. All budgets and state programs,
including transportation plans, adhere to this fiscal year. The Federal fiscal year is October 1 to
September 30.
FleetAnywhere Traffic Interruptions Reports (TIR), Roadway Characteristics (RCFILE), Geographic
Information System (GIS), and Archive Store. These databases contain maps, reports, photos, and
plans all accessible through TREX. All of the information shown in TREX is directly from queries to
the databases in real-time.
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Force Account The direct performance of highway construction work by a State transportation
department, a local government, a railroad, or a public utility by the use of labor, equipment,
materials, and supplies furnished by them and used under their direct control.
Functional Classification - A grouping of roads, streets and highways into an integrated system,
within which, each roadway facility is ranked by its relative importance and function in providing
access and mobility within the integrated system. Based on guidelines issued by the FHWA, the
Department ranks roadways as local roads, major or minor collectors, and minor or principal
arterials. Functional Classification Systems are developed, in cooperation with local officials, for
each county and city and submitted to the FHWA for approval.
Georgia Environmental Policy Act of 1991 (GEPA) This act (Senate Bill 97) passed during the
1991 session of the Georgia Legislature, requires the evaluation and disclosure of environmental
effects of proposed state (funded) actions. In general, a proposed action by a government agency
must be assessed by the responsible official (the Commissioner is the responsible GDOT official) of
that agency to determine and document whether or not the proposed action may significantly affect
the quality of the environment. In the event of a determination of a significant adverse effect, the
act requires an evaluation of the pros and cons of alternatives that would avoid the adverse impact
as well as measures to minimize harm.
Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act [Amended 2003] A plan for the control of soil erosion and
sedimentation resulting from a land-disturbing activity. Reference official Code of Georgia
Annotated Volume 10 Title 12.
GeoTRAQS A web application that connects to the following GDOT databases: Transportation
Projects (TPro), Bridge Inventory Maintenance and Management Systems (BIMMS), Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) Improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances
American productivity through integration of advanced communications technologies into the
transportation infrastructure and in vehicles. Intelligent Transportation Systems encompass a broad
range of wireless and wire line communications-based information and electronics technologies.
Intersection Control Any vehicular or pedestrian traffic control device at two or more intersecting
roadways, such as a signal, flashing beacons, or a roundabout.
ITS Architecture A framework within which a system can be built. Requirements dictate what
functionality the architecture must satisfy. Architecture functionally defines what the pieces of the
system are and the information that is exchanged between them. Architecture is functionally
oriented and not technology-specific, which allows the architecture to remain effective over time. It
defines what must be done, not how it will be done. It may be statewide (not required), regional
or project (one of the latter two required).
ITS Rule 940 Project receiving Federal funds to follow a systems engineering analysis,
commensurate with the project scope, for any project that moves into design. If the project moves
into design prior to the completion of a regional architecture, a project architecture is required to
support the system engineering analysis.
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Interchange Justification Report (IJR) - An analysis prepared in accordance with FHWA guidelines,
for any proposed new interchange on the Interstate System. The IJR is typically an Office of
Planning activity prepared with the assistance of the Division of Engineering. Due to its nature, the
IJR provides planning level information for a tentative location with the concept displayed on aerial
photography. The Office of Planning submits the IJR to FHWA for consideration.
Interchange Modification Report (IMR) - An operational analysis prepared in accordance with
FHWA guidelines, for the addition or modification of access points to an existing interstate
interchange. The IMR addresses interstate access point changes that are needed to improve
operations and safety of an existing interchange. The IMR is a project specific activity, prepared
with the assistance of the Office of Planning. Due to its nature, the IMR is engineering oriented,
providing detailed analyses and preliminary design plans. The Office of Planning submits the IMR to
FHWA for consideration.
Local Administered Project Manual (LAP) This Manual sets forth the current procedures and
steps necessary for local Governments to administer Federal aid projects in accordance with the
policies and objectives of Federal and state laws.
Let Date - The advertised date that construction bid proposals will be opened for GDOT projects.
Also see Management Directed Let Date.
Local Government Project Agreement (LGPA) The LGPA delineates the local governments role
in advancing a project through design to construction. The locals role may include such items as
responsibility for design, public and private utility relocations, purchasing of right-of-way, letting,
construction supervision, or construction. The LGPA also serves to indicate the local governments
support and financial commitment to the proposed project. [The Office of Financial Management
normally prepares the LGPA]. As of 2006, see Project Framework Agreement (PFA).
Location and Design Approval (L&D): Federal Aid projects: Location and design approval is granted
by the FHWA with their approval of the projects environmental document acknowledging that the
Department has selected an appropriate location and has committed to a specific design of the
proposed project.
Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant Program (LMIG) - This program provides funding for
improvements on Georgia's county and city roads.
Location and Design Approval (L&D): State Funded projects: Location and design approval is
granted by the Chief Engineer with the certification that the Department has completed the required
public involvement process, the GEPA documentation, has selected an appropriate location, and
has committed to a specific design of the proposed project.
Logical Termini - A term used to describe the beginning and ending points of a proposed
transportation improvement and whether the selection of these points has a rational basis when
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viewed in light of the projects need and purpose. Federal regulations [23 CFR 771.111(f)] require
that projects connect logical termini and be of sufficient length to address environmental matters on
a broad scope; have independent utility, that is, be usable and be a reasonable expenditure even if
no additional improvements are made in the area.
Major Investment Study (MIS) A broad transportation alternatives study performed as a part of the
NEPA process for a major federal aid investment within a Metropolitan Planning Organization that
provides information about multi-modal options, estimated costs, potential impacts, and potential
benefits. This study is a collaborative effort of the Metropolitan Planning Organization,
governmental agencies, and public interest to develop a design concept and scope of investment
for a Metropolitan Planning Organizations transportation plan. The MIS is not usually a separate
stand-alone document.
Major ITS Project Any ITS project that implements part of a regional ITS initiative that is multijurisdictional, multi-modal, or otherwise affects regional integration of ITS systems.
Major Project A project that significantly changes the function of the facility being improved
requires the acquisition of significant amounts of right-of-way, has a significant impact on abutting
property, has significant changes in travel patterns, or has significant social, economic, or
environmental effects. A Major Project will not follow Time Saving Procedures. A Major Project will
require a public hearing or the opportunity for a public hearing and Location and Design Approval.
Management Directed Let Date The proposed let date assigned based on when the project will be
ready to Let. The Management Directed Let Date is maintained in TPro and should match the
baseline Let date in Primavera. Also see Let Date.
Management Directed Right-of-Way Date The proposed right of way authorization date.
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) A local government agency in charge of the proper
transportation planning of a metropolitan area. The MPO performs its mission through a series of
committees composed of local professional planning staffs, GDOT planning and design staffs (in
cases where the MPO crosses state lines, the DOT staffs of the affected states), local elected
officials (both city and county), and public input.
Minor Project A project that does not require a significant amount of right-of-way and whose
environmental analysis can be accomplished with a Categorical Exclusion. Examples of projects
that are generally considered minor are Bike/Pedestrian projects, TEA and Ride Sharing projects,
Transit enhancements, Transportation studies using capital funds, Turn lane, Intersection
improvements, Signal projects, Bridge rehabilitation, Bridge replacements, Signage, Lighting,
Landscaping, Traffic barriers, Guardrail projects, Greenway projects, Recreational trail projects, and
Maintenance resurfacing projects less than $1million.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) A Federal law requiring compliance with a
variety of Federal environmental laws to insure that information on environmental impacts of any
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Federally funded action is available to public officials and citizens before decisions are made and
before actions are taken.
National Highway System (NHS) The NHS is an interconnected system of principal arterial routes
which serve major population centers, international border crossings, ports, airports, public
transportation facilities, intermodal transportation facilities, major travel destinations, national
defense requirements and interstate/interregional travel. As of January 1999, the NHS contained
161,653 miles of highways, including all Interstate routes, a large percentage of urban and rural
principal arterials, the defense strategic highway network, and major highway connectors.
Overhead/Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Investigations Employ an established engineering
technology that can provide precise horizontal and vertical locations of underground and overhead
utilities to produce an accurate depiction of the underground and overhead utility infrastructure.
The techniques of SUE may be appropriate for certain Department projects where enhanced
Quality Levels are determined to be essential for the design analysis of road improvement and
widening projects. Please refer to the State Utilities Office website for additional information
regarding SUE and how it is applied to Department projects.
Pavement Type Selection a process where the most effective pavement type, or alternates, are
selected for a specific project or corridor based on a combination of pavement design analyses, life
cycle cost analyses, and the consideration of project-specific details. This decision is documented
in a pavement type selection (PTS) report which is prepared based on guidelines presented in
Chapter 10 of the GDOT Pavement Design Manual.
Phase I Preliminary Engineering This phase is to include all activities through concept approval
and environmental review and approval from FHWA; this phase will be shown in TPro as SCP.
Phase II Preliminary Engineering This phase is to include all activities after environmental
approval, to include the development and approval of right of way plans and final design; this phase
will be shown in TPro as PE.
Phase Leader Functional office that provides a specialized task.
Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) A plan, specification and estimate review performed
on all Full Oversight Projects by the FHWA. The Office of Construction Bidding Administration will
prepare the PS&E package with input from the Project Manager.
Plan Presentation Guide (PPG) A guide that sets forth the criteria for the electronic appearance
and format of plans. These criteria establish, define, and clarify procedures and standards for plans
to be used by the Department. These criteria are not intended to establish design processes; rather,
they are guidelines to assure that all drawings have a uniform appearance and include all pertinent
information, avoid unnecessary information, and reflect high quality workmanship.
See Plan Presentation Guide Web Site located at:
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Practical Alternatives Report (PAR) A report prepared for those projects that require an individual
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers permit providing an analysis of alternatives to avoid and to minimize
harm to jurisdictional waters of the US.
Preliminary Field Plan Review (PFPR) A field review of the preliminary plans and draft special
provisions conducted by or for the Office of Engineering Services prior to the development and
approval of right-of-way plans. This review occurs after the approval of the environmental
document. The emphasis of this review should be the coordination of right-of-way, utilities, bridges
and walls, constructability, signs and signals, drainage, and appropriate environmental (including
erosion control). For Major Projects, the approval of the Preliminary Field Plan Review (PFPR)
Report defines the beginning of Final Design and the completion of the right-of-way plans. The
PFPR shall be held a minimum of 16 weeks prior to Right of Way authorization.
Prepare Plans for Shelf Projects may be designated as Prepare Plans for Shelf if funds are not
available in the same fiscal year as the approved baseline schedule and the Chief Engineer has
decided to move forward with the project.
Project Framework Agreement (PFA) - A binding legal agreement between the Department and the
Local Government which contains straightforward project phase participation commitments. See
Project Justification Statement
A brief statement provided by either the Office of Planning, Office of Bridge Design, or the Office of
Traffic Operations, identifying and explaining the major issue(s) that the project is intended to
address. The Project Justification should include any designated Program(s) that the project is
included, how the project originated, brief summary of the major issue(s) to be addressed by the
project, explanation of the proposed project limits, and performance goal(s).
Project Management System Currently, TPro, a project database used by the Department as a
data management tool for storing, updating, and reporting data in the Departments computer
system. Department managers use reports from this database for reviewing and evaluating plan
development progress and in making program decisions.
Project Manager The person in responsible charge of a project who makes the day-to-day scope,
schedule and budget decisions and is responsible for steering, coordinating, and managing a
project through the Plan Development Process and through the construction phase. The Project
Manager must possess and maintain excellent communications and strong organizational skills to
ensure projects are ready-to-let on time and constructed on time.
Project Nomination Review Committee (PNRC) The committee, chaired by the State
Transportation Planning Administrator, appointed to review projects nominated for inclusion into the
Departments Construction Work Program. The committee consists of the Director of Construction,
Director of Engineering, Director of Operations, State Transportation Planning Administrator,
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Director of Local Grants and Field Services, and as a non-voting member, the Chief Engineer. See
Projects of Division Interest (PoDI) - Projects identified by the FHWA GA Division that represent an
elevated risk (threat or opportunity) to the Federal-aid highway program. These projects have an
individual project Stewardship and Oversight Plan that outlines the level and type of involvement
(reviews, approvals, or authorizations) that FHWA will have on a project.
Project Schedule The project schedule includes the planned start and finish dates, based on
confirmed assignments and required resources, for each detail activity necessary for the completion
of the Plan Development Process. The approved project schedule, called the schedule baseline,
provides the basis for measuring and reporting schedule performance.
Project Team Is composed of individuals assigned to the Project Manager that possess the
various skills necessary to complete the development of a project from concept through final
Property Information Form (PIF) A document submitted to the Historic Preservation Division
(HPD) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) which discusses the qualities and
characteristics of a historic property and is used to determine whether a property not already listed
in the National Register of Historic Places would qualify for listing. This document serves as the
Request for Determination of Eligibility for historic properties.
Protective Buy To purchase right of way in advance to protect the proposed roadway corridor of a
programmed project against new development, thereby reducing future right of way and project
Public Interest Determination Policy and Procedure The Public Interest Determination Policy and
Procedure is the Departments formal procedure to comply with O.C.G.A. 32-6-170 and 32-6-171.
Under these Code Sections, the Department has the authority to pay or participate in the costs of
utility relocation work provided it is in the public interest, expedites staging, and the utility relocation
work is put into the construction project for the contractor to perform. The Procedure is used at the
Concept Team Meeting and the Preliminary Field Plan Review to determine the Utility Risk
Management Plan for the project in question. The Policy and Procedure are based on the
identification, assessment, and allocation of risks to the Projects scope, schedule, budget, and
staging if the third party (utility company) is allowed to perform the utility relocation work. The Policy
and Procedure defines which projects this process should be utilized.
Quality Control (QC) - Refers to the daily processes/practices/checks in place to control the quality
of the engineering, design, plans and cost estimates as they are being developed. This includes
such activities as providing constant training and supervision of subordinate design engineers by
the Design Phase Leader and Project Manager, providing clear decisions and directions to
subordinate design engineers, the immediate review of completed activities for accuracy,
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completeness, and attention to detail, and immediate and accurate documentation of all decisions,
assumptions, and recommendations.
Quality Assurance (QA) - Refers to the formal high-level review of the project plans and cost
estimates by an experienced engineering manager at strategic points in the plan development
process to ensure and certify that the plans and cost estimates meet established quality standards
and provide for appropriate flexibility and cost savings. Essentially, quality assurance is the process
of enforcing quality control standards at strategic points in project development. Quality Assurance
is the responsibility of the Office Head and the Assistant Office Head. A series of QA Reviews are
conducted by the Assistant Office Head during project development with the support of the Project
Manager, consultant (if applicable), the Design Phase Leader, and appropriate members of the
Project Team.
Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) A long range, multi-modal plan for defined geographic
regions in the state. The RTP addresses the regions transportation needs over a twenty (20) year
period and is developed in cooperation with local, state and Federal planning partners and the
general public. Federal regulations require regional transportation plans to ensure a transportation
system that serves economic, mobility and accessibility needs, and in non-attainment areas to
conform to federal air standards. A RTP must include a financial plan demonstrating the
consistency of proposed transportation investments with existing and projected sources of revenue.
The RTP must be updated at least every three years.
Request for Determination of Eligibility (DOE) Refers to a document submitted to the Historic
Preservation Division (HPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the FHWA which
discusses the qualities and characteristics of a historic property or site and is used to determine
whether a site not already listed in the National Register of Historic Places would qualify for listing
and thus require protection under Section 4(f) and consideration under Section 106. For historic
properties, a Property Information Form (PIF) satisfies the requirement for a DOE.
R.O.A.D.S. (Repository for Online Access to Documentation and Standards) Refers to the
centrally located, online access to GDOT design-related documents, standards, and applications.
Included on the new web page: NEW GDOT Design Policy and Procedure Manuals, Electronic
Data Guidelines, Plan Presentation Guide, Environmental Procedures Manual, Software specific
files and documentation, etc.
Schedule Review Committee A committee chaired by the State Scheduling Engineer that reviews
and approves all submitted project schedules. Other members of the committee consist of the
Director of Engineering, the Program Control Office Head, and the Program Delivery Office Head.
Scoping Phase Also referred to as Phase I PE. Is part of a process in which major projects, as
defined in the PDP manual, will have their Preliminary Engineering phase split into two steps:
Phase I Preliminary Engineering and Phase II Preliminary Engineering.
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Section 404 Permit Authorization required by provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 before fill
can be placed or dredging can take place in waters of the United States (includes wetlands,
streams and open waters).
Section 404 (b)(1) Guidelines Guidelines used to evaluate proposed discharges of dredged or fill
material in waters of the United States as required by provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water
Act of 1977.
Section 4(f) A provision of the USDOT Act of 1966 which requires that before land from a
significant publicly owned park, recreation area, national wildlife refuge or any eligible historic site
can be converted to a transportation use it must be demonstrated that there is no feasible and
prudent alternative to this use and that the project includes all possible planning to minimize harm.
Section 6(f) A provision of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act which requires that before
land from a site which was purchased or improved with funds administered under this act can be
converted to another use, the Secretary of the Interior must approve the conversion and
replacement land must be provided.
Section 7 A provision of the Endangered Species Act that requires the consideration of project
impacts on federally threatened and endangered species and their designated critical habitat.
Section 106 Refers to that section of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 which requires
that with all Federal undertakings, consideration be given to the effects and the minimization of
harm to historic resources (architectural and archaeological) that are listed in or eligible for listing in
the National Register of Historic Places.
Social, Economic, and Environmental Effects (SEE) Direct and indirect impacts to the community,
highway users, and the environment.
Specific Activity Agreement (SAA) - A binding legal agreement between the Department and the
Local Government that contains current phase cost estimates and project activity deliverable
schedules and may have superseded PFA commitments due to real site condition changes or STIP
commitment/schedule changes. See POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 7120-3.
State Highway Improvement Plan (SHIP) Committee See Project Nomination Review Committee
(PNRC). The SHIP Committee no longer exists.
State Implementation Plan (SIP) The SIP is prepared by the state designated agency
(Environmental Protection Division [EPD] of the Department of Natural Resources) containing
procedures to monitor, control, maintain and enforce compliance with National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS). Transportation plans must be in conformity with air quality goals established
in the SIP. Conformity with the SIP is a condition of Federal funding of transportation capacity
projects in non-attainment areas.
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program year. Projects included in the TIP must be consistent with the Transportation Plan adopted
by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The Governor approves each TIP.
Transportation Management Plan (TMP) Section 630.1012 of the Work Zone Safety and Mobility
Rule states that for significant projects the State shall develop a TMP that consists of a Temporary
Traffic Control (TCC) plan and addresses both Transportation Operations (TO) and Public
Information (PI) components. For individual projects or classes of projects that the State determines
to have less than significant work zone impacts, the TMP may consist only of a TTC plan. However,
states are encouraged to also consider TO and PI issues for these projects.
Transportation Reporting, Analysis and Querying Systems (TRAQS) A reporting and performance
management system that allows you to view and analyze active system reports and performance
measure data.
Turnkey Project A term which describes the timely prosecution of preliminary engineering
activities by a professional design/engineering company, to produce a set of final construction plans
and contract documents for letting by the Department.
Two Phase Preliminary Engineering (Scoping Phase) Is a process in which major projects, as
defined in the PDP manual, will have their Preliminary Engineering phase split into two steps:
Phase I Preliminary Engineering and Phase II Preliminary Engineering.
Utility - All privately, publicly, or cooperatively owned water distribution and sanitary sewer facilities,
railroad and systems for producing, transmitting or distributing communication, cable television,
power, electricity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude products, steam, waste and storm water not connected
with highway drainage, including river gauges, fire and police signals, traffic control devices
(including Intelligent Transportation Systems), and street lighting systems, which directly or
indirectly serve the public or any part thereof. The term "utility" may also be used to refer to the
owner of any above described utility or utility facility. Please note that a utility owner may include an
individual owning property on both sides of a particular roadway with a water service, irrigation line
or communication cable crossing the road. They may not be known to the Utilities Protection
Center or utility office. Therefore, the District Utilities Engineer, right-of way appraiser and others
attending the field reviews should look for this situation because the individual lines are often
overlooked leading to delays on construction. Information should be forwarded to the District
Utilities Engineer for coordination.
Value Engineering (VE) The systematic application of recognized techniques by an independent
multi-disciplined team to identify the function of a product or service, establish a worth for that
function, generate alternatives through the use of creative thinking, and provide the needed
functions to accomplish the original purpose of the project, reliably, and at the lowest life-cycle cost
without sacrificing safety, necessary quality, and environmental attributes of the project. See
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Page xxv
Video Detection System (VDS) Video Detection Systems are cameras used by the NaviGAtor
system for automated traffic detection. Types of traffic detection include measurement of speed of
vehicles, counting of vehicles, and measurement of other significant traffic parameters.
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Rev. 2.1
1. General - Contents
Page 1-i
Chapter 1. General
This document sets forth the current procedures and steps necessary for the Georgia Department
of Transportation (GDOT) to administer Federal-Aid projects in accordance with the policies and
objectives of Titles 23, 40, and 42 United States Code, and to administer Local Maintenance &
Improvement Grant (LMIG) projects to fulfill the policies and objectives of Title 32, Official Code of
Georgia Annotated. The document outlines the current process of project development from project
identification through construction award or final acceptance.
A number of additional resources are available to the Project Manager in the carrying out of their
responsibilities for project development. You are directed to the Repository for Online Access to
Documentation and Standards (R.O.A.D.S), and Transportation Online Policy and Procedures
System (POLICIES AND PROCEDURES) for this guidance. GDOT Management, each Division,
and a number of offices have developed their own procedures for accomplishing the mission of the
The Department has adopted the Plan Presentation Guide (PPG) found at to give the
Project Manager guidance in the way information is to be presented and included in the plan
packages. This document should be consulted in order to standardize the appearance of GDOT
plans and ensure the appropriate information is included for construction.
It is a goal of the Department of Transportation to develop a quality set of right-of-way plans,
construction plans, and bid documents through a cooperative effort with its stakeholders that result
in a project design and implementation that is the best transportation value for the taxpayers of
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1. General
Page 1-1
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1. General
Page 1-2
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2. Reserved - Contents
Page 2-i
Chapter 2. Reserved
Definitions have been moved to the front of the manual.
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2. Reserved
Page 2-1
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2. Reserved
Page 2-2
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All construction and right-of-way projects prepared by or for GDOT where GDOT is
proposed to let the project to construction.
All construction projects that require the purchase of right-of-way.
All construction or right-of-way projects proposed to use Federal funds for construction.
All construction projects prepared by the Office of Maintenance requiring full size plans.
All ITS projects.
All major construction projects prepared by or for the Office of Local Grants as set forth in
Project Management Agreements.
All projects as required by Project Framework Agreements. (See POLICIES AND
The Project Manager will ensure that accurate information and status is entered into the scheduling
software (Primavera) and the project management system (TPro) on a bi-weekly basis if not more
often. Numerous GDOT personnel throughout the State rely on this information in scheduling their
work activities and delivering project information on a timely basis. The Departments management
also relies on this information in making decisions on program delivery, discussing the project
status with the public and elected officials, and in making schedule commitments.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires the public disclosure of environmental
impacts before project decisions are made. Thus the environmental process is an integral part of
the decision making. Environmental resources must be identified early and given consideration
throughout project development. According to 23CFR paragraph 771.113, final design activities,
property acquisition (with the exception of hardship and protective buying), purchase of construction
Rev 2.1
Page 3-1
materials or rolling stock, or project construction will not proceed until the following have been
The action has been classified as a Categorical Exclusion (CE), or
A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for an Environmental Assessment document has
been approved, or
A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) has been approved and available for the
prescribed period of time and a Record of Decision (ROD) has been signed.
No final design decisions are to be made or are any final construction plans or right-ofway plans to be completed or approved prior to completion of the appropriate public
involvement process including approval of the environmental document.
In rare and unusual circumstances, there is an exception to these rules called Protective Buying or
Advanced Acquisition. This request is reviewed and approved as appropriate on a case-by-case
basis following all Federal and State guidelines.
The Georgia Federal-aid Stewardship and Oversight Agreement outlines the roles and
responsibilities of both Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Georgia Department of
Transportation (GDOT) in the accomplishment of oversight and administration of Federal-aid
Highway Projects and Programs.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will have oversight for projects as described in the
Georgia Federal-Aid Stewardship and Oversight Agreement located at:
In addition to the above, the FHWA has retained oversight on the National Highway System (NHS)
for design standards. The FHWA also has approval authority of the environmental documents for all
federally funded projects.
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects must meet the requirements of 23 CFR Part 940
(ITS Rule 940), or the FTA ITS Regulation, as defined in the Definitions section, to identify Systems
Engineering practices. The purpose of this mandate is to reduce project risk, control costs and
schedules, satisfy users needs, improve system quality, and obtain FHWA/FTA approval for all
federally funded ITS projects.
The FHWA will be consulted to determine oversight responsibility on NHS and Non-NHS projects
that include unusual hydraulic structures, unusual geo-technical features, vehicular and drainage
tunnels, moveable bridges, or bridges with a total deck area over 125,000 square feet.
Rev 2.1
Page 3-2
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), will have Full Oversight for all Commuter Rail Projects
(similar to the oversight responsibilities the FHWA has retained on the Interstate System) including
approval of environmental documents.
In those Non-attainment areas for air quality where the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority
(GRTA) has been given authority over transportation plan development, the Project Manager will
ensure that GRTA is involved in the Concept Stage of project development.
Design Build
Design Build (DB) is an alternative contracting method that allows the preconstruction and
construction processes to be performed in a way that offers risk transfer, schedule efficiency and
cost savings, while still complying with all the federal and state project requirements. Because DB is
regulated by Georgia Statute and specialized FHWA Rules, and is processed in a different
progression of events that the traditional linear process as described in the Plan Development
Process, all GDOT DB projects are administered and managed in the Office of Innovative Program
Delivery. The activities leading up to a DB contract procurement can vary greatly, depending on the
specific goals of the project. It is the responsibility of the Office of Innovative Program Delivery to
prepare or direct DB costing plans and specifications packages and ensure appropriate reviews
take place that will ensure the DB project plan development is compliant with the federal-aid
program, and coordinated within GDOT. Costing plans are normally developed to no more than
approximately 30 percent level, depending on risk factors such as ROW, scope complexity, and
schedule considerations, but this may vary depending on project specific goals. Not all projects are
suitable for DB due to schedule logic, scope ambiguity, risk profile, or other issues. Therefore, the
Office of Innovative Program Delivery is also charged with researching the Departments
construction work program for DB candidate projects, performing DB risk analyses, administering
DB contracts and reporting to State government officials on the annual usage of DB as required by
law. Specific procedures and policies regarding DB usage at GDOT are contained within GDOT DB
Manual located at
As an introduction to the PDP, the following chart is intended to show a very basic, conceptualized
Plan Development Process for major projects.
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Page 3-3
Concept Development
Final Design
Environmental Process
Preliminary Design
Develop Right-of-Way Plans
Public Hearing
Let to contract
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Page 3-4
Rev 2.2
Project Identification
Anyone can propose a transportation improvement project and can submit the request to GDOT,
GRTA, MARTA, or MPOs. Projects are identified by Director of Planning, GDOT Districts, and local
governments in the rural programming process and by MPOs in the urban planning process. In the
rural planning process, once a proposed project is approved by the Director of Planning it is added
to the Construction Work Program/STIP or the Long-Range Program. In the urban planning process
a project is approved by the MPO and added to their Long Range Transportation Plan and/or TIP.
The project is then added to the GDOT Construct ion Work Program/STIP and assigned to an
office. The following is a list of Special Program Projects that are added to the Construction Work
Program via the Program Manager/Committee:
Routine maintenance projects that are funded through lump sum maintenance funds,
Highway safety projects where the conditions meet the criteria to be submitted for
programming by the State Maintenance Engineer.
Bridge replacement and rehabilitation projects where the bridge condition meets the
criteria to be submitted for programming by the State Bridge Maintenance Engineer or
the Office of Local Grants.
Lighting projects
Railroad Crossing Safety Projects where the conditions meet the criteria to be submitted
for programming by the State Utilities Engineer.
Traffic Signal Upgrade projects, Regional Traffic Operations Projects, and Safe Routes
to School projects.
All projects, except maintenance, operational improvements and safety, are approved by the
Director of Planning before inclusion in the Department's CWP. The information gathered by the
Offices/Sponsors should be submitted with the project when it is added to the CWP and included in
the project file maintained by the Office of Financial Management (OFM). The OFM is responsible
for establishing the new project record in the Department's Project Management System.
Projects may be cancelled from the CWP by submitting a letter to the Program Control
Administrator outlining reasons why the project is no longer needed. If the project sponsor is not
Rev 2.2
GDOT the Project Manager will submit a written concurrence from the sponsor. The Program
Control Administrator will verify with the Office of Planning and submit a formal request to the OFM
to cancel the project.
Rev 2.2
design. Environmental permits and variances also are included in Phase II PE. Phase II Preliminary
Engineering will be designated in TPro by the abbreviation PE.
Process Flow & Programming Steps:
(1) If it is determined that a Scoping Phase is warranted, The Office of Planning will program
a projects Scoping Phase in the STIP.
(2) Once a projects Scoping Phase is authorized, concept development and associated
activities may commence. Only a portion of the funds from the preliminary engineerings
total cost estimate will be authorized to complete Phase I PE activities.
(3) After a projects Concept Report is approved, the Schedule Review Committee will make
a determination, with guidance from the Project Manager, on which of the following three
steps to pursue next:
(a) Program Phase II PE. Scoping Phase activities can continue through environmental
document approval, if planning and funding allows. Develop schedule for remaining
activities needed to complete the project as described in the approved Concept
(b) Discontinue Phase I PE, and remove the project from the Departments program.
Detailed documentation stating the reason(s) the project needs to be removed must
be submitted to and approved by the Office of Planning and the Office of Program
(c) If project funding allows, change project from a Two Phase PE to a single phase PE.
NOTE: This will be done for projects where the Schedule Review Committee and
Project Manager determine that the remaining activities needed for project
completion can be accomplished within the remaining budget of the Scoping Phase.
(4) Phase II PE will be authorized during its programmed fiscal year, and right-of-way
acquisition and construction phases will be programmed in the next available fiscal years
based on need and available funding. NOTE: The ROW acquisition and CST phases
could be outside the current STIP while the design advances; however, the
environmental document cannot be approved and funds cannot be authorized by FHWA
unless and until the next phase is identified in the current approved STIP.
Schedule Development
The timely development of a schedule for a programmed project is highly important. The
Department is a complex organization and many project related tasks are performed by persons not
directly responsible or accountable to the Project Manager or even within the employment of the
Department. The complexity of project development and the number of people involved in the
process make coordination and anticipation essential for each project task, especially critical tasks.
A project schedule will comply with the Plan Development Process (PDP) and will comply with the
programmed fiscal years for the authorization of funds for SCP, PE, ROW, and CST. The Director
of Planning and the Chief Engineer will approve all exceptions to programmed fiscal years. The
Program Control Administrator will then request the Office of Financial Management to amend the
Rev 2.2
fiscal years in the CWP and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). No schedule will
be prepared for projects with all elements programmed in LR unless directed by the Director of
Within five (5) working days after GDOT Board approval, the OFM will provide the Program Control
Administrator with the proposed project additions to the CWP. Within 10 working days of receiving
this list, the Program Control Administrator will assign the project to an Office. Within 10 working
days after an office is assigned, the office will assign a Project Manager for said project.
Within twenty (20) calendar days of the assignment of a Project Manager, the Project Manager will
request an initial schedule template from the Office of Program Control to be used for schedule
development. The Project Manager will edit the initial schedule template based on information
received from Subject Matter Experts and submit the schedule to the Program Control
Administrator. The State Scheduling Engineer will review the schedule for accuracy and prepare
the schedule for inclusion in the next available Schedule Review Committee meeting.
Once each calendar month, the Schedule Review Committee will convene to review the schedules
submitted to the Office of Program Control. The Schedule Review Committee may recommend
approval of a schedule, approval of a schedule with modifications, or the rejection of a schedule.
The Schedule Review Committee will consist of:
The State Scheduling Engineer will immediately review the Committees recommendations and
forward them to the Chief Engineer and Director of Planning for approval, disapproval, or
Immediately after the approval of the Committees actions, the approved schedules will be entered
into the current and baseline versions in Primavera. A Management Directed Let Date and a
Management Directed ROW Date (if project has ROW) will be entered in TPro. Those schedules
not approved will be returned to the assigned Planning and Programming Engineer and Project
Manager with comments from the State Scheduling Engineer and a corrected schedule will be
developed and resubmitted in accordance with the instructions of the Schedule Review Committee.
The Project Team Initiation Process (PTIP) has been established to standardize the roles of Project
Managers, TMC Program Managers, and GDOT Subject Matter Experts during the initiation of all
GDOT sponsored projects either managed by the Office of Program Delivery or programmed by the
Office of Traffic Operations. The PTIP process should begin no later than 12 months prior to the
fiscal year that funding is available. The goal of this process is to reduce the time it takes from
Preliminary Engineering (PE) funding authorization to beginning project development activities
either through in-house or through consultant services. The PTIP uses the input of the assigned
Project Manager or TMC Program Manager; and various GDOT Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to
understand and develop the project scope, begin schedule development, and estimate the project
Rev 2.2
preliminary engineering budget as soon as practical. This process should also be utilized when
preconstruction activities are being reinitiated where PE was previously authorized.
Please reference the PTIP Guidance located on the Office of Program Deliverys website for details
regarding PTIP roles & responsibilities and PTIP procedures.
Monitoring Schedules
Every Project Manager or their designated representative of a scheduled task or event will
constantly review the project schedule and report the progress of task completion in the
Department's scheduling software, Primavera. The Project Manager will ensure the updating of
progress on project activities is entered into Primavera. If the Project Manager determines the
actual performance of activities is falling behind the project baseline schedule, the Project Manager
should analyze the problems causing the delay and document a specific course of action to get the
project back on schedule. For more information on Project Manager responsibilities see Chapter 10.
1. Project schedule will not make approved fiscal year for Right-of-Way
(ROW) funds authorization.
a. The following must be completed prior to authorizing ROW funds:
i. Environmental Document approval (Environmental certification for
authorization of ROW funds)
ii. Location & Design (L&D) approval
iii. ROW Plan approval.
Rev 2.2
Rev 2.2
The fiscal year in the State of Georgia begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th.
For example, fiscal year 2015 (FY15) begins on July 1, 2014 and ends on June
30, 2015.
Please contact the State Scheduling Engineer with any questions concerning if a
revision to a baseline schedule is needed.
If schedule revisions require changes to be made in the CWP or the STIP, the Director of
Planning and the Chief Engineer will approve all exceptions to programmed fiscal years.
The Program Control Administrator will then request the Office of Financial Management to
amend the fiscal years in the CWP and STIP.
Let Status Review Meeting
The Let Status Review Meeting is held each month to discuss the status of projects
with MGMT LET Dates in the current month and the subsequent six (6) months. The
participants required in the Let Status Meeting are:
Chief Engineer
Director of Engineering
The project status will be reviewed to determine if the project is on schedule to obtain the
three (3) certifications required for authorizing construction funds.
By the tenth day preceding the Let Status Review Meeting the State Scheduling Engineer
and the Project Manager will enter into the project(s) management system any comments
regarding any project activity that is incomplete, late, or that may delay or prohibit a project
being let to construction as currently scheduled.
Each participant will prepare a report for their use at the Let Status Meeting for each project
to be discussed. Each participant will be prepared to thoroughly discuss clearly and
precisely the status of each critical activity, the actions underway by the task manager to
complete the activity, and the expected completion date.
On HOLD Status
When a project is designated with On HOLD" status, all work activity on the project is
suspended. When the project is removed from ON HOLD status, the CWP and the STIP will
be amended. The State Scheduling Engineer will request the Project Manager to submit a
Project Change Request Form with a revised project schedule that considers any required
updates of previous work and/or the current status of the project.
On HOLD status is temporary and will only be used in extreme cases and for short durations
of time. Projects designated as ON HOLD will be reviewed by the Chief Engineer annually to
determine if they should be restored to active status or recommended for removal from the
The State Scheduling Engineer will be notified immediately of any project being placed On
HOLD and will be responsible for suspending the remaining scheduled activities. If a project
is restored to active status after being ON HOLD, the State Scheduling Engineer will have
the project rescheduled.
Rev 2.2
In TPro a field called "Letting Responsibility" is used to indicate if a project is GDOT Let, Local
Let, Force Account, or Not a Let Project. This field will also be used to note if a project is
designated as On HOLD status.
Chief Engineer may designate a project status as Prepare Plans for Shelf.
The Prepare Plans for Shelf is an indicator that construction funds are approved in a fiscal
year beyond the fiscal year for Construction Authorization in the baseline schedule.
A Project will be placed on the Shelf once it meets the criteria described below.
Plans on Shelf:
If construction funds are approved in a fiscal year within 24 months of baseline Let Date the
project will be designated as Plans on Shelf once all Certifications, including Environmental
Permits, are obtained.
If construction funds are approved in a fiscal year beyond 24 months of MGMT Let Date the
project will be designated as Plans on Shelf once ROW is certified and Corrected FFPR
Plans are complete and have been submitted to Engineering Services for a cost estimate
update. Environmental may or may not be certified depending on the need for environmental
document re-evaluation and/or obtaining any needed permits. PM should coordinate with
the Chief Engineers office and the Office of Environmental Services to determine if any
needed document re-evaluation and/or permits should be obtained prior to assigning Plans
on Shelf status. Utilities may or may not be certified depending on needed Utility contracts.
PM should coordinate with State Utilities Office to determine if Utility certification should be
obtained prior to placing on Shelf.
If ROW funds are approved in a fiscal year beyond the fiscal year for ROW Authorization in
the baseline project schedule the project will be designated as ROW Plans on Shelf once
ROW Plans are approved.
These projects will not have the designation of Prepare Plans for Shelf.
The Chief Engineer may revise the above criteria on a project by project basis to determine
when a project will be placed on the Shelf.
PM should complete the Shelf Approval Form found on the Office of Program Controls
website at and submit to the
Office of Program Control for processing.
Rev 2.2
Once the Chief Engineer has signed the Shelf Approval Form the status of the
Project will be revised to Plans on Shelf or ROW Plans on Shelf.
In TPro a field called Letting Responsibility is used to indicate if a project status is Prepare Plans for
Shelf, Plans on Shelf, or ROW Plans on Shelf. This field in maintained by the State Scheduling
The PM should submit a PCRF with a proposed schedule showing that ROW or CST funds
will be authorized within the first quarter of the fiscal year the funds are approved.
If a project is on the Shelf and the funding is being considered for advancing the PM will be
notified by the Office of Program Control. The PM will coordinate with the Project Team to
develop a schedule indicating a date that ROW and/or CST funds can be authorized.
Rev 2.2
The PM will be notified if the funding will be advanced and request a PCRF be submitted
for processing.
Once a PCRF is approved the State Scheduling Engineer will revise the project status from
Plans on Shelf or ROW Plans on Shelf to GDOT Let, add MGMT Date(s) in TPro, and place
the approved baseline schedule on the project.
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Page 5-i
On all federally funded projects, the preliminary engineering funds shall be authorized prior to the
scheduled date for beginning concept studies. The Chief Engineer may authorize the use of State
funds for an early start. The Project Manager, through the Office Head, will request in writing, to the
Chief Engineer, authority to use State funds for early studies or preliminary design. Unless
approved by the Chief Engineer, no work shall be done without federal funds preliminary
engineering authorization.
The concept stage should not be scheduled or started too far in advance of the preliminary design.
The benefits of this action are to balance the number of concepts prepared each year, reduce the
time between concept and the beginning of preliminary design, allow for more continuous work on a
project, and reduce the chances the concept will become outdated.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will be invited to attend and participate in all
significant meetings, including the Initial Concept Meeting, the Concept Meeting, and any follow-up
Concept Meetings on all projects for which the designation of Project of Division Interest (PoDI) for
the Concept has been identified. Additionally FHWA should be consulted when questions about
logical termini exist.
The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) will be invited to attend and participate in all
Initial Concept Meetings, the Concept Meetings, and any follow-up Concept Meetings on all projects
for which they have oversight responsibilities in non-attainment areas for air quality. All construction
and right-of-way projects prepared by or for GDOT where GDOT is proposed to let the project to
The objective of the Concept Stage is to develop a Concept Report that will describe a
recommended project footprint including project termini. A project recommendation will be made
for a Build Alternative that addresses the Project Justification Statement or a No-Build
Alternative of the programmed project after appropriate analyses has been investigated. Analyses
may include, but are not limited to: traffic and operational studies, accident analysis, determination
of project deficiencies, planning requirements, environmental studies, study of alternatives, permit
requirements, social and economic considerations, utility considerations, right-of-way impacts, etc.
On all federally funded Major Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Projects, a Concept of
Operations shall be developed. If a Concept of Operations already exists, it shall be explicitly
referenced in the Concept Report. The Concept of Operations will verify that the project is
consistent with any governing ITS architecture, and that all intended users of the ITS system are
identified, along with how each intended user will interact with the system. If the project is an
extension or expansion of an existing system, the Concept of Operations will identify any
differences from the current system and its operations. Finally, the Concept of Operations should
document that all intended users of the system within GDOT, as well as other state and local
agencies that might be affected by the system, understand and accept their role in system
Rev 2.4
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-1
operation and management. The Concept of Operations for an ITS project will implicitly address the
Project Justification Statement.
Prior to developing the project schedule, the Project Manager will request that the Office of
Planning develop a Project Justification Statement for the proposed project. For bridge replacement
and major rehabilitation projects, the Project Justification will be prepared by the Office of Bridges
and Structures. For safety and operational projects, the Project Justification Statement will be
prepared by the Office of Traffic Operations. The Project Justification Statement is a brief statement
identifying and explaining the major issue(s) that the project is intended to address. The Project
Justification should include:
Any designated programs that the project is included in [e.g. GRIP (Governors Road
Improvement Program); STRAHNET (Strategic Highway Network); APD (Appalachian
Developmental Highway); Oversize Truck Network, State Bike Routes, etc.]
How the project originated - for example: Transportation Board, Senior Management,
PNRC, Planning Office, planning study, local government, MPO, Operations, Bridge
Maintenance, etc. and reference or attach any documentation supporting the initiation of the
project, where available.
A brief summary of the major issue(s) to be addressed by the project for example:
congestion/Level of Service/capacity issues, high crash rates, operational issues, geometric
or structural deficiencies, legislative program requirements (e.g. GRIP), infrastructure
improvements, streetscapes, etc.
Explanation of the proposed project limits what conditions exist at the termini of the
proposed project, why should the project terminate at these limits, etc. Note that Logical
Termini are determined as part of the NEPA process.
Other relevant information regarding the issue(s) the project is intended to address.
Performance goals in general, what is the major performance goal of the project (e.g.
reduce congestion, improve mobility, reduce crashes, correct geometric and/or structural
deficiencies, etc.). Also list any expected secondary benefits the project is expected to
The Project Justification Statement in the Concept Report should not include any information that is
not relevant to the issue(s) to be addressed, including demographics/census information,
description of possible solutions, etc.
At the onset of the Concept Development, the Design Phase Leader shall begin preparation of a
Project Design Data Book. The Project Design Data Book shall be updated and maintained
throughout the PE process and shall define the proposed project design parameters for each
roadway or transportation element and can serve as a continuity resource book/abbreviated
historical record if for some reason the project gets delayed or there is a change in Design Phase
Leader or staff. The design parameters shall be based on GDOT adopted Design Policies. The
Rev 2.4
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-2
Project Design Data Book is not intended to be the projects correspondence file. The Project
Concept Report will form the basis of the project data book.
The Project Manager should ensure that this Project Design Data Book is created and updated
At a minimum, the data book should contain the following.
Rev 2.4
Concept meetings or reports are not required for the following projects, except as necessary to
document complexity:
Traffic signal installations or upgrades when work can be accomplished within existing
right of way
Safety and Hazardous Location (Concept Meeting not required, Concept Report is
Railroad-highway crossing safety projects
Pavement marking
Sign projects related to construction projects
Street lighting
Interstate Maintenance/Rehabilitation projects that do not involve capacity
improvements, interchange additions, or reconstruction
Projects having a limited scope may use an abbreviated Concept Report format (See Appendix A2). Projects that qualify to use the abbreviated format should have:
Rev 2.4
Exempt federal oversight status (if federally funded) or locally/state funded. Some Full
Oversight/PoDI projects may be eligible if prior consent is obtained from FHWA.
Limited environmental impacts (GEPA or NEPA Categorical Exclusion anticipated)
No or only minor ROW requirements (e.g. few parcels impacted, no major impacts to
individual parcels, no displacements anticipated)
No VE study requirement (Total project cost estimated to be less than $50 million)
No PAR required (Nationwide 404 Permit)
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-4
If any of the above requirements/qualifications are not met, the full Project Concept Report format
(Appendix A) should be utilized. Exceptions may be granted by the State Design Policy Engineer
on a case-by-case basis.
Projects that typically qualify for utilizing the abbreviated Concept Report format include, but are not
limited to:
Guidance for Transportation Enhancement (TE) projects is not provided in the PDP manual, but can
be found in the Sponsor Guidebook for Transportation Enhancement (TE) Projects.
The purpose of the Initial Concept Meeting is to produce a higher quality and more detailed concept
for all Major Projects and many Minor Projects by better organizing the Departments resources,
identifying the core team and specialty team members, establishing lines of communications and
responsibilities between team members, validate the Project Justification before working on the
concept, identify project risks along with reduction or mitigation strategies for each Subject Matter
Experts area, gain a better understanding of the project corridor, understand the environmental
scope, determine the anticipated public involvement approach, identify information that is available,
define information that is needed to develop the concept, review the project schedule, and provide a
transition between planning and design. For ITS Projects, the Initial Concept Meeting should
include identification of key stakeholders involved with (or impacted by) the ultimate operation of the
system. The Project Manager is encouraged to review the project location with the Design Phase
Leader and Area Engineer prior to the Initial Concept Meeting.
Routine or Minor Projects, may not require an Initial Concept Meeting. The Project Manager will
make the determination of need.
Appropriate items to be reviewed, requested, or discussed, as applicable, at the Initial Concept
Meeting may include:
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Rev 2.4
The Project Manager will determine the participants to attend the Initial Concept Meeting. Refer to
Appendix C for suggested list.
Each Subject Matter Expert (SME) will come to the meeting with an identified list of risks specific to
the project, their likelihood of occurring and the mitigation strategies (a plan) to Eliminate, Reduce,
Accept or Transfer (ERAT) that risk. The PM will ensure that each risk has an owner and that owner
has documented strategies for ERAT as the project moves forward. The PM will gather the lists and
ERATs as documentation of activities ongoing. This list is considered a Risk Register and will be
maintained throughout the project. This effort is to make the project team more proactive in
resolving or eliminating project risks along with the ability for other subject matter experts to help
the owner with that risk. The SME should choose 3-5 high priority project risks that will be tracked
throughout the project or until it is eliminated. As the project progresses through concept and
design, the SMEs will provide information to the PM to show that the priority risks are being
addressed with the appropriate ERAT method.
The outcome of the Initial Concept Meeting should be a better understanding of the project scope,
identification of information that is available and what is needed, and the next steps to be
accomplished in the concept development. The participants should agree on assignments and
schedules for detailed concept development.
The Project Manager will update the baseline schedule and provide meeting notes to the
participants within 15 working days of the Initial Concept Meeting.
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5. Concept Stage
Page 5-7
It is essential that a high quality, comprehensive Concept Report be prepared as early in the
process as possible. The benefits to be derived from a detailed concept include critical coordination
with the planning process, better environmental analysis, and better right-of-way, utility, and
construction cost estimates. In addition, earlier and better decisions on local government
participation can be made.
Concept decisions shall be sensitive to environmental resources. Wherever possible, environmental
resources are to be avoided, but where avoidance is not prudent, the impacts are to be minimized
and mitigated. For those projects that are on new alignment or involve major new location sections,
avoidance and minimization alternatives shall be coordinated with FHWA and consulting agencies
prior to the finalization of the Concept Report. Concept decisions shall also consider compatibility
with adjacent land use (context - rural vs. urban section, historic area, etc. for example), address
community issues if present, satisfy the Project Justification Statement for the project, be consistent
with the STIP, and provide for logical termini.
In keeping with Section 404(b)(1) guidelines, for those projects with potential to impact wetlands,
streams, and open waters (Jurisdictional Waters of the US) early coordination and a review of the
proposed alignment(s) shall be made with the NEPA Phase leader and an ecologist from the Office
of Environmental Services. Special consideration shall be given to avoiding any impacts to Waters
of the US, especially longitudinal stream encroachments. If avoidance is not possible, efforts shall
be made to minimize impacts. The need for impacts to Waters of the US shall be documented in the
Practical Alternatives Report (PAR); the report shall include an explanation as to why avoidance
was not possible. The Corps of Engineers, Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental
Protection Division and US Fish and Wildlife Service shall be invited to attend a field review to
investigate the project alignment for potential impacts to Waters of the US and federally protected
species. All reasonable alternatives to minimize these impacts shall be considered.
A PAR shall be prepared for those projects that require an individual Section 404 Permit from the
Corps of Engineers. The report shall justify the alignment preferred by the Department and shall
include construction cost estimates for the various alternatives considered. The PAR shall address
the cultural, social, and economic impacts in addition to the wetland and stream impacts for each
alignment studied. There shall be at least two alternatives studied. (The No Build Alternate is not
an alternate to be considered for a PAR.) The Office of Environmental Services shall contact and
coordinate with federal and state resource agencies and provide assistance to the Design Phase
Leader as to what alternatives are to be considered and shall provide the cultural, social, and
economic studies portion of the report.
An initial Pavement Evaluation Summary (PES) report should be prepared where existing pavement
must be retained as part of the permanent pavement structure due to a planned sequence of
staged construction. An initial PES report provides a preliminary assessment of whether or not an
existing pavement is suitable for overlay, and includes visual field reconnaissance and the review of
readily available information. Sources of readily available information include: as-built construction
plans, records of subsequent maintenance activities, and pavement condition data from the GDOT
Rev 2.4
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-8
COPACES and C-PACES databases. If the existing pavement is not considered suitable for overlay
the anticipated sequence of staged construction should be changed to allow for full-depth
reconstruction of the pavement.
At the request of the Project Manager an initial PES report will be prepared by the Office of
Materials and Testing (OMAT). The Design Phase leader will provide a location map, typical
sections, traffic data, a layout of the project with the approximate extent of planned overlay
indicated, and any available as-built plans. The Office of Materials and Testing will return a
completed initial PES report to the Project Manager within 45 days of receiving a complete request.
A complete request is defined as a request letter with all items listed above provided as
Early identification of feasible pavement types is essential for providing accurate cost estimates and
for developing an appropriate sequence(s) of construction staging. An initial PTS report is prepared
during concept development to identify feasible pavement alternates.
An initial PTS report should be requested for the following roadway types and project conditions:
An initial PTS report is not required for the following roadway types and project conditions:
non-interstate maintenance resurfacing;
intersection improvements (except as noted above);
bridge replacements;
when a portion of an existing pavement is being replaced in kind; and
when the new construction will add lane(s) tying directly into an existing lane that does
not require reconstruction.
At the request of the Project Manager an initial PTS report will be prepared by OMAT. This report
should be completed prior to submission of the concept report for review and approval, and if a
Value Engineering (VE) study is required, prior to the VE study being performed. The Design Phase
leader will provide a location map, a draft concept layout, typical sections, traffic diagrams, as-built
typical sections, the minimum vertical clearance for existing overpass bridges, and expected profile
changes. OMAT will return a completed initial PTS report to the Project Manager within 30 days of
receiving a complete request.
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5. Concept Stage
Page 5-9
The typical section(s) presented in the concept report should reflect initial pavement design(s)
prepared using the GDOT Pavement Design Tool v2.0 and consistent with recommendations from
initial PES and PTS reports, if applicable. If projects meet the criteria, designers can use the
Guidelines for Pavement Sections for Minor Projects to establish the initial pavement design.
An early decision on the scope of work for major structures including bridges, retaining walls, and
noise walls is essential. During Concept Development on all projects that include bridges, the
Project Manager will request a Bridge Condition Survey from the Office of Bridges and Structures,
Bridge Maintenance Section. The Office of Bridges and Structures, Bridge Maintenance Section will
provide the Sufficiency Rating and a recommendation for removal and replacement, widening or
rehabilitation on all bridge projects. If a bridge is recommended for widening or rehabilitation the
Project Manager shall request a deck condition survey from OMAT.
23CFR Part 940 governs any ITS project receiving Federal funds to follow a systems engineering
analysis, commensurate with the project scope, for any project that moves into design. If the project
moves into design prior to the completion of a regional architecture, a project architecture is
required to support the system engineering analysis. The required system engineering approach is
detailed in the GDOT Systems Engineering Guidelines. For the purpose of Concept Development
for ITS projects, the following considerations should be included:
Stream Buffers
The Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act require that vegetative buffers be maintained on all
streams and open waters meeting the definitions of state waters. A 25-foot vegetative buffer shall
be maintained on warm water streams and waters; a 50-foot vegetative buffer shall be maintained
on cold water trout streams and waters. Applications for a variance to this vegetative buffer
requirement shall be made to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources EPD by the Office of
Environmental Services, in consultation with the design team once the preliminary erosion and
sedimentation plans are available. This application shall discuss all efforts made to avoid the
encroachment as well as efforts made to minimize the impacts. All applicable mitigation measures
and post construction water quality best management practices shall be documented for each
Rev 2.4
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-10
required variance and shall be included in the Vegetative Buffer Variance application. In
consultation with EPD, exceptions may be made for roadway drainage structures.
Concept Preparation
In order to develop a meaningful concept, and reduce the need for later concept rework, some
elements of Preliminary plans may be incorporated into the concept layout and Concept Report. A
valid concept addressing horizontal and vertical alignments is required and will contain such
information as:
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5. Concept Stage
Page 5-11
The Project Manager shall cause a Concept Team Meeting to be held to present the proposed
concept and alternatives and to allow discussion by the attendees. The notice of a Concept Team
Meeting will be sent out at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of the meeting. In order for the
representatives to be fully prepared to discuss the project, copies of a draft Concept Report will be
included with the notice for the Concept Team Meeting. Attendees are expected to be familiar with
the project and to contribute meaningful information to the Concept Team Meeting.
The Project Manager will determine the participants to attend the Concept Team Meeting. Refer to
Appendix C for list of participants.
The Project Manager shall cause minutes of the meeting to be taken, which shall be attached to the
final Concept Report. Among the items to be discussed at the concept meeting and included in the
final Concept Report are:
Project Justification
Project Termini
Planning Concept/Conforming plans project description and network schematic showing
through lanes /STIP project definition
Project background
Location of environmental resources such as:
o Wetlands, open waters, streams and their buffers
o Park lands
o Historic properties, potential archaeological sites
o Streams and their buffers and open waters
o Cemeteries
o Location of potential hazardous waste sites
o Underground storage tank sites
o Threatened and Endangered Species
Public Involvement Plan
Alternatives considered and rejected to date sufficient for inclusion into the
environmental document
Design criteria proposed
Horizontal and vertical alignments criteria
Typical sections
VE Study results or recommendations
Interchange Modification Report or Interchange Justification Report requirements
Access control
Intersection Control additions or modifications that require permitting. (Note: Approval of
the concept report does not indicate approval of signal permits)
Practical Alternative Report (PAR)
Type of environmental document anticipated
Environmental permits/studies required (Section 404, TVA, 4(f), biological assessments
Project Framework Agreement
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Page 5-12
Specific assignments may be made at the concept team meeting requesting information to be
provided for the final Concept Report. The Project Manager will set a deadline for information due
in order that the Concept Report can be completed and submitted in a timely manner. The Project
Manager will ensure that the Project Team members update the baseline schedule.
The Office of Bridges and Structures will assist the Project Manager by furnishing cost estimates for
structural work needed for the project and alternatives. The Office of Bridge Design will pay
Rev 2.4
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-13
particular attention to the constructability of structural elements needed for a project during concept
review. In some cases, transportation of beams to the project site, erection of structural elements,
and protection of the environment may be significant factors that must be considered early in the
concept phase.
The Office of Right-of-Way will assist the Project Manager by furnishing a preliminary right-of-way
estimate for the proposed project. This estimate should include an approximation of the number of
parcels and the number and type of relocations. Requests for concept level right-of-way cost
[email protected].
The District Utilities Office Railroad Liaison Engineer and Railroad Crossing Manager will assist the
Project Manager by furnishing preliminary utilities/railroad cost estimates for the proposed project.
These cost estimates should include the names of all the utility companies, and railroad owners
both public and private, having facilities/railways along or crossing the project and the type of facility
present. The District Utilities Office Railroad Liaison Engineer and Railroad Crossing Manager will
also update this cost estimate into the required field in TPRO. It would be desirable to know at this
time if any of the utilities or railroad owners plans to install any new or upgrades to their
facilities/railways within the life of the project.
The Project Manager will coordinate with the District Utilities Engineer to ensure the Public Interest
Determination Policy and Procedure is reviewed and, if required, performed for the project in
question. If required, the District Utilities Engineer will coordinate with the Project Manager to
perform preparatory work, lead the Concept Team through the procedure, and finalize and
document Concept Team recommendations. It is also recommended that a determination be made
on whether the implementation/further use of an SUE investigation will be warranted on this project.
The Project Manager will need to coordinate with the District Utilities Office to initiate the request for
SUE through the State Subsurface Utilities Engineer in the Office of Utilities.
For ITS Projects, the Office of Traffic Operations will assist the Project Manager by providing
System Engineering support as may be required and detailed in the GDOT Systems Engineering
Guidelines. This support should include assistance in documenting the project Concept of
Operations for inclusion in or reference from the Concept Report. The Office of Traffic Operations
will be responsible for assuring that all System Engineering analysis and procedures required by
FHWAs ITS Rule 940 and the GDOT Systems Engineering Guidelines are followed.
Concept Report
Based on the results of the concept meeting, the Project Manager will revise the draft Concept
Report and drawings as required and upon receipt of the information from the other team members,
prepare the Final Concept Report for the project. The report shall follow the format indicated in
Appendix A.
All Concept Reports require the approval of the Chief Engineer and additionally the FHWA will
review and approve Concept Reports on all PoDI projects. For design exceptions identified during
the concept phase on Projects of Division Interest (PoDI), FHWA typically requires the review and
approval of the design exception prior to approval of the project concept. Chapter 8 describes the
process for obtaining approval of design exceptions.
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Page 5-14
The Office of Design Policy and Support will be responsible for obtaining and consolidating
comments concerning the proposed concept and coordinating with the Project Manager to address
comments in the Concept Report. The Office of Design Policy and Support will process the Concept
Report by forwarding to the Director of Engineering for concurrence and the Chief Engineer for
In accordance with the electronic processing of Concept Reports guidelines, forward all request for
approval of Concept Reports, Revised Concept Reports, Location and Design Reports, and Detour
Reports to [email protected]. The Office of Design Policy and Support will distribute
the report to the appropriate offices for review and comment.
For those reports prepared in the Office of Roadway Design, Office of Bridges and Structures, the
Office of Innovative Program Delivery, District Offices, Office of Traffic Operations, or Office of
Program Delivery the original report shall be sent to the Office of Design Policy and Support. The
Office of Design Policy and Support will perform a cursory review for completeness and accuracy
before distributing electronically to the appropriate offices for review and comment. Reports that
are found to be substantially incomplete or contain many inaccuracies during the cursory review will
be returned the PM prior to distribution. Within 10 working days of receipt, the review offices shall
send their comments to the Office of Design Policy and Support for further handling. In addition, the
Office of Planning will certify that the concept meets the project definition as contained in the
approved STIP/TIP.
For ITS Projects, the Office of Traffic Operations will verify that the Concept of Operations
referenced by or included in the Concept Report meets the requirements of ITS Rule 940 and the
Systems Engineering process.
The Project Manager will review with the Office of Design Policy and Support all comments
received and accepted during the Concept Report processing. The Project Manager will ensure
those comments are incorporated into an updated Concept Report and provide to the Office of
Design Policy and Support a written response to all review comments. Since this update is
incorporating the comments received during the Concept Report processing, it is not considered a
concept revision.
The Design Policy Engineer will forward the updated Concept Report to the Director of Engineering
for concurrence and approval as follows:
GDOT Approval of Concept Reports
(1) The Director of Engineering will forward all Concept Reports to the Chief Engineer for
approval. See below for approval by the FHWA.
FHWA Approval of Concept Reports
Rev 2.4
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-15
(1) The FHWA will review Concept Reports for all projects that have PoDI designation. The
Concept Report is routed to the Director of Engineering for concurrence and to the Chief
Engineer for review. The Chief Engineers Office will forward the Concept Report to
FHWA for review and approval. The FHWA will return the approved and signed Concept
Report to the Department for the Chief Engineers final review and approval.
Two Phase Engineering
(1) For major projects with Two Phase Engineering, the concept report approval requires a
decision by the Schedule Review Committee. Please see Chapter 4 for the three
choices that the Schedule Review Committee can make after Concept Report Approval.
The basic typical section is proposed to be changed (example: median width, number of
thru lanes is changed).
Project termini are shortened or lengthened, including locations for passing lanes,
except minor adjustments that do not impact right-of-way.
Project access control is changed.
Project intersection control is changed.
Changes in right-of-way limits, as determined by the Office of Environmental Services,
which may affect the analyses of:
o Historic resources
o Threatened & Endangered species or habitat
o Archaeology sites
o Cemeteries
o Wetlands
o Open waters and their buffers
o Streams and buffers
o Air quality
o Noise studies
Alignments revised (from a widening project to new location project or vice versa, atgrade intersection to grade separation, etc.).
Meeting the requirements of the Controlling Criteria.
There are changes to the ITS Project Concept of Operations involving operational
practices and procedures, involvement of major operational stakeholders, or there are
changes to any supporting system operational dependencies, interfaces or assumptions.
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5. Concept Stage
Page 5-16
If there are any questions about the need for a Revised Concept, please contact the
Office of Design Policy and Support.
If the project concept is changed during or just prior to preparation of the Location and Design
Report, these changes will be noted in and approved as a part of the Location and Design Report.
Prior to submission of the Revised Concept Report to the Design Policy Engineer, the Project
Manager will consult with the Office of Environmental Services to determine if and how the changes
will impact the environmental studies and with the Office of Planning to determine if and how the
changes will impact adopted transportation plans and TIPs.
Who prepares the Revised Concept Report?
If preliminary design has not been started, the office preparing the original Concept
Report shall revise the concept.
If preliminary design of the project is underway, the Design Phase Leader for design of
the project will be responsible for preparing the Revised Concept Report.
The Revised Concept Report will use the form outlined in Appendix A-1.
The processing of Revised Concept Reports will follow the same steps that were followed in the
processing of the original Concept Report. In addition, a revised cost estimate reflecting the
requested changes will be furnished to the Office of Engineering Services via the cost estimate emailbox ([email protected]) for review and approval for updating in TPRO.
5. Concept Stage
Page 5-17
electrical power. This plot will be provided to the District Utilities Engineer for locating service points
to all proposed devices. The District Utilities Engineer will also provide the plot to the utility owners
for marking up the location of existing utilities if the utilities are not furnished by a SUE
investigation. The existing power service information will be needed prior to the concept team
meeting. This existing utility information will also be needed in the preliminary design phase.
The Project Manager will assemble a project team and assign an OTO Subject Matter Expert who
will be responsible for directing the Systems Engineering process outlined in the GDOT Systems
Engineering Guidelines. Using these Guidelines, the OTO Team Leader will also coordinate the
various activities and information needed for the Concept Team Meeting, Concept Report, and
Concept Report Processing and Approval also outlined above. Members of the project team may
vary from project to project; however, OTO Design staff will be represented.
For ITS Projects, the Concept Report shall include, either directly or by reference to another
document, a Concept of Operations. The GDOT Systems Engineering Guidelines includes the
recommended content of a Concept of Operations.
In developing a clear and comprehensible concept pertinent to ITS projects, the Project Manager
will accomplish specific objectives. These objectives will include, but are not limited to, determining
preliminary field device locations, estimating fiber optic cable sizing and routing, coordinating with
other design offices, including Maintenance, on projects they may have under design in the same
area, preparing cost estimates, and developing a Concept Report, including a Concept of
Operations, and presentation materials for a concept team meeting. The Concept Report should
identify the project area and limits, an overview of all ITS devices and infrastructure in the project.
The Concept of Operations, which is a part of the Concept Report, will detail the operational
requirements and significance of each device type and sub-system in the project. If functional
requirements have been developed, they shall be mapped to the Concept of Operations. Once the
draft concept has been fully developed, the Project Manager will schedule a concept team meeting.
Representatives of the project team will be invited, including the following: FHWA, Office of Bridges
and Structures, Office of Construction, OTO, District Engineer, Office of Planning, Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) (to be invited by the Office of Planning), local government engineers
(Traffic, etc.), Office of Utilities (contact District), Office of Engineering Services, Office of Roadway
Design, Office of Environmental Services, Office of Information Technology, and consultants. The
District Engineer will notify and invite the appropriate Transportation Board members and local
elected officials (state, county, and city).
The process for reviewing Concept Reports for ITS Projects, addressing comments and
development of final, updated and revised Concept Reports shall be the same as normal concept
reports. Upon concept approval, an environmental analysis will be requested from the Office of
Environmental Services. Upon approval of the Concept Report, the Project Manager, working with
the OTO Team Leader, will develop the ITS Project plans and specifications using the process
outlined in the GDOT Systems Engineering Guidelines and consistent with FHWAs ITS Rule 940.
The ITS Project Concept of Operations and related System Functional Requirements document
should be completed prior to starting Preliminary Design. In no case shall design for an ITS Project
commence prior to approval of the Concept of Operations and System Functional Requirements.
The traceability (or mapping) of system functional requirements to project plan and specification
elements must be completed prior to holding the Preliminary Field Plan Review (PFPR).
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5. Concept Stage
Page 5-18
In rare instances when a project is programmed and before preliminary design is scheduled to start
or a project Concept is approved, a property owner or business owner may come forward and
indicate to GDOT that waiting on a transportation project to be implemented will cause an undue
hardship on them. Similarly, a private project or development may threaten a programmed project
or potentially cause a significant increase in the cost of implementing the programmed
transportation project.
In these instances the Project Manager may request from the Office of Right of Way the Hardship
Acquisition or the Protective Buying of the affected property. In these cases, if there is not already
an approved Project Concept Report, a Preliminary Concept must be developed. The level of detail
required in such a preliminary concept is between that required in a planning concept and a final
Concept Report and in addition, the preliminary concept only addresses the areas affecting the
Hardship or Protective Buying parcels. The Concept Preparer should address all those items
required in the initial concept and final Concept but to a very limited degree. An environmental
analysis for advanced right-of-way acquisition will be required along with meeting all State and
Federal guidelines. (Refer to POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 4605-3 for additional guidance.)
The Project Manager will submit the right-of-way, utility, and construction costs of the project once
each year and at any time there is a significant cost increase or decrease to be updated. The
revised cost estimate will be furnished to the Office of Engineering Services via the cost estimate emailbox ([email protected]). After review the Office of Engineering Services
will forward to the Office of Program Control for review and to the Chief Engineer for approval. The
OFM will update the project cost estimate annually with the update of the CWP, upon approval of
the Chief Engineer. Documentation of the course of action taken will include a written
recommendation by the Division Director and approval by the Chief Engineer. See POLICIES AND
PROCEDURES 3A-9 for additional guidelines.
For Projects developed by consultant engineering and architectural firms and under the oversight of
GDOT, the consultant shall be responsible for updating of their project cost estimates (Right-ofWay, Utilities and Construction). Contractually, consultants are required to update project cost
estimates consistent with POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 3A-9 and submit them to the GDOT PM
for processing.
A Value Engineering (VE) Study shall be made for all projects having an anticipated concept
estimated cost of $50 million or more, including the total costs and adjustments for all project
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5. Concept Stage
Page 5-19
Value Engineering Studies are anticipated to be accomplished during the latter part of concept
development but no later than the early stages of preliminary plan development in order that any
significant cost savings identified by the VE study will be included early in the project design.
The Project Manager shall identify whether or not a project meets the criteria for a VE Study during
the Concept Development Stage and will be responsible for ensuring that the Value Engineering
Studies are requested and performed by the Office of Engineering Services.
The Office of Engineering Services is responsible for conducting the VE study. For more detailed
information on Value Engineering requirements, see POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 2450-1.
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Page 5-20
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Page 6-ii
In keeping with the project schedule, the Office of Environmental Services will continue their
process for gathering information and studying the impacts to the environmental resources along
the proposed project alignment. The Design Phase Leader will provide the Office of Environmental
Services with supporting information such as project layouts needed to identify and evaluate the
environmental resources within the project limits.
It is imperative when field surveys are to be performed on private property either by GDOT forces or
consultants, the property owners will be notified by the survey team in writing prior to the surveyors
entering onto the private property. The Survey Phase Leader (GDOT or consultant) will notify the
GDOT Project Manager when surveys are to begin and will carry copies of the previously sent
notification letter for distribution if necessary.
For those projects involving federal funds or project requiring a USDOT action, the process outlined
in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) must be followed. There are three levels of
environmental documentation:
Rev 2.6
The actual level of study will depend upon the impacts to the environment. The level of study must
have the concurrence of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). All environmental studies
and documents will be prepared in accordance with GDOTs Environmental Procedures Manual
found at:
The overarching law is NEPA which requires the public disclosure of environmental impacts before
project decisions are made. Environmental concerns are factored into decisions made as a project
is developed and advanced. The NEPA document also publicly discloses the decision making
NEPA requires compliance with a variety of environmental laws, regulations and executive orders.
Thus, environmental compliance is multi-disciplinary and requires the involvement of a number of
environmental team members. Consultations with a variety of environmental agencies are also
required. The project schedule must reflect these requirements.
Environmental resources identified during the concept development and any time thereafter must
be considered when developing/designing a project. Various environmental laws require that every
effort be made to avoid and/or minimize harm to environmental resources such as:
Historic resources
Non-historic Section 4(f) resources (publicly owned parks, recreation areas, wildlife and
waterfowl refuges)
Waters of the US (wetlands, streams and open waters)
Vegetative buffers on streams and their waters
Threatened and Endangered (T&E) species and their habitat
Environmental justice populations
Community facilities
The environmental team will meet periodically with the Design Phase Leader and other project
SMEs to determine a best fit design to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts to the identified
resources. All environmental resources identified should be submitted to the Design Phase Leader
as soon as possible for inclusion onto the plans so that the design team (roadway, bridge, utilities,
etc.) can consider alternatives. When the project cannot avoid an identified resource, the designer
will coordinate with the NEPA team member to develop the most desirable alternative meeting all
design criteria. An alternative design solution or a design exception or variance may be applicable
in some situations to minimize the impacts. This decision making process is documented in the
NEPA document and in the Design Data book. Assessment of Effects reports that are low risk may
be submitted for approval at any time prior to or following Preliminary Field Plan Review (PFPR).
Preliminary consultation with the appropriate agency on any impacted resources that have a high
risk assessment may also occur so that prior to PFPR input is obtained by the approving resource
agency. Once a best fit alternative has been developed and high risk assessments have been
evaluated, a request for PFPR can be submitted.
All commitments made during the environmental process are catalogued on an Environmental
Commitments Table (aka the Green Sheet). The Project Manager and the appropriate SME must
Rev 2.6
6. Preliminary Design
Page 6-2
review and confirm the feasibility of these commitments. The Design Phase Leader also must
review and approve the green sheet confirming that the plan sets correctly show all commitments
made. The environmental team members will also provide to the Design Phase Leader the
appropriate information shown in the Environmental Resources Impacts Table (ERIT). The ERIT is
included in the General Notes Section of the project plans.
Please note if there is a Commissioner Approved Public Interest Determination for utility relocations
the Environmental Document description will include the installation of utilities in the construction
Once the PFPR has been held and the preliminary design has been changed to address the
comments, the Design Phase leader will submit corrected PFPR plans to the office of
environmental services for its team members to assess the latest proposed the project impacts and
conduct any remaining agency consultations. Design changes will not be made after the corrected
PFPR plans are submitted until final design begins so that the Office of Environmental Services can
certify that the plans match the NEPA document. The NEPA SME will then complete (or accept if
submitted by a consultant) the environmental document and submit to FHWA for their approval. The
Office of Environmental Services will notify the PM, Office of Design Policy and Support, the Right
of Way Office and the Office of Engineering Services when the environmental document is
approved. The approved document and appropriate attachments will be submitted to the Project
Manager by the Office of Environmental Services to be incorporated into the project document site.
All re-evaluations will be handled in the same manner.
Any project changes considered must be coordinated with the NEPA team member to evaluate the
need for and timely completion of environmental re-evaluations. The project team will consider all
issues including schedule and budget implications before making a change to the project. Changes
to the affected environment and environmental regulations also may need to be considered during
When a funding authorization (right-of-way or construction) is required, the environmental document
must be current. If no changes to the project have occurred, the NEPA team member may need to
process a no-change re-evaluation depending on the time passed since the prior approval. If
changes to the footprint or other construction limits have been made, regardless of when the last
approval occurred, the document must be re-evaluated and approved so that it matches the project
plans prior to FHWA granting the authorization.
For those projects not involving Federal funds or a project not requiring a USDOT action, a NEPA
document still following the Federal guidelines may be used as described above or the Georgia
Environmental Policy Act (GEPA) may be used. GEPA requires that the agency official consider the
effect of state actions on the environment. There are three levels of GEPA documents:
Type A letters are applicable for a predetermined defined type of project as per GDOT
policy 4415-10.
A Significance Determination Study shall be completed for non-type A projects GEPA documents.
Rev 2.6
Type B letters are applicable when the study demonstrates that the project will not
adversely affect the environment.
6. Preliminary Design
Page 6-3
Environmental Effects Report (EER) is applicable when the study demonstrates that the
project may adversely affect the quality of the environment. The EER is followed by a
Notice of Decision (NOD).
All GEPA documents will be prepared in accordance with GDOTs Environmental Procedures
Manual found at
Reevaluations for GEPA documents will be prepared if changes have occurred in the project design
that contradicts what was indicated in the approved environmental document, is significant to
require additional environmental study, or if changes occur in the affected environment.
If the project originally required a Type B letter, project changes will be evaluated to determine if the
impacts continue to be of a type that do not significantly affect the quality of the environment. The
Type B letter will be amended to document this finding. Should the changes result in significant
effects to the quality of the environment, an EER and NOD will be prepared and circulated.
If the project originally required an EER, project changes will be evaluated to determine if impacts
discussed in the document continue to be accurate. If the evaluation continues to be valid, a memo
will be prepared to document this finding. If the project changes result in a new environmentally
sensitive resource sustaining a significant adverse effect, the EER will be modified and recirculated. The NOD also will be modified to reflect the new findings.
Environmental Database
The Design Phase Leader will incorporate data provided by the environmental team into an
ENVE.dgn file and will submit plans back to the environmental team to insure that the project plans
accurately reflect the environmental findings.
Survey, Mapping, topography, right-of-way (ROW), property lines will be in accordance with
GDOTs Survey Manual.
The Project Managers office will create a list of the following years projects to determine the need
for mapping photography. This includes in-house designed projects, proposed consultant designed
projects and Design Build projects (if the consultant is unable to complete during the upcoming
flying season) that are too large for a full field survey. The Project Managers office (e.g., Office of
Program Delivery [OPD], Office of Innovative Program Delivery [IPD], Office of Transportation
Investment Act [TIA]) will request photography and mapping through the Design Policy and Support
(DPS) Location Bureau by November of each year so that flights can be scheduled for the
upcoming flying season. The Project Manager may request a design SME to provide a county map
or other layout to the DPS Location Bureau Chief to establish the limits of the photography and
mapping. All additional survey and enhancements needed to design the project will be requested in
a timely manner through DPS Location Bureau.
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Survey Control
A Project Survey Control Packet is defined as one illustrating the primary horizontal and vertical
control traverses established for the project. The traverse closure, state plane projection zone,
grid factor, plus the horizontal and vertical datums will be noted in this packet. Evidence (closure
precision, adjustment data, field notes, data files, etc.) must be provided to document the
accuracy of both the primary horizontal and vertical traverses. The Project Manager will request
a review, through the DPS Location Bureau, of the consultants survey control package upon
completion of the control survey.
The DPS Location Bureau Chief will schedule the project photography flight(s) followed by the
digital mapping. All mapping done for GDOT projects will follow the latest electronic guidelines.
Property Database (PROP.dgn)
Upon submittal of the digitized mapping to the District Preconstruction Engineer from the DPS
Location Bureau, property investigations will begin. The results of this investigation will be
entered onto a spreadsheet and provided to the PM for their use in initiating property owner
notifications and to the Survey Party Chief for field verification of the required property corners.
Property Access Notification - Survey
It is imperative when field surveys are to be performed on private property, either by GDOT
forces or consultants, the property owners will be notified by the Project Manager in writing prior
to the surveyors entering onto the private property. The Survey Party Chief (GDOT or
consultant) will notify the GDOT Project Manager when surveys are to begin and will carry
copies of the previously sent notification letter for distribution if necessary.
Field Survey and Topographic Database Enhancement (TOPO.dgn)
When the mapping is ready for transmittal to the District Office for enhancement by field survey,
the request for enhancement will include the available mapping with the preliminary roadway
alignment. Field survey activities may begin at any time. However, on potentially controversial
projects as determined by the District Office or the Project Managers Office, the field survey
effort is not to begin until a Public Information Open House (PIOH) has been held. Prior to the
beginning of the field survey effort, the District Location Engineer may initiate a meeting on the
project site with the Project Manager, the Design Phase Leader, and the Survey Party Chief to
review the project in the field and discuss what survey data is to be obtained. (Other participants
in this meeting may be the District Utilities Engineer and the Area Engineer.) Items to be
discussed include cross road surveys, bridge surveys, driveway profiles, property lines, stream
surveys needed for hydraulic engineering reports, railroad surveys and cross sections, drainage
surveys, pipe inspections, utilities, and any special features. A second meeting between the
Designer, Survey Party Chief, and the Bridge Designer may be necessary to complete the
bridge and stream surveys as the development of the preliminary bridge layout progresses. The
survey and/or mapping of the project will include the information needed to accommodate the
necessary project transitions, including lane tapers, at the beginning and end of the project.
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All field survey data will be collected in accordance with requirements of GDOTs Survey
Manual, and the data processed utilizing the Survey Processing Guidelines, as maintained by
the Location Bureau.
Review of Survey Data Base
Upon completion of the consultant survey and before any design work has begun, the project
manager will request, through the DPS Location Bureau, a field check of the survey data base.
The deliverables from the consultant in support of these checks will consist of a copy of the
accepted survey control packet as well as the following InRoads and Microstation files:
the .asc file that is generated by the field survey (that contains the north and
east coordinate along with the elevation and the field feature code)
the .dtm file that contains the existing DTM data and associated points
the .alg file that contains the property and existing alignment data
the PSR.xls or .psr or.mdb file that contains the property statistics report
also TOPO.dgn, PROP.dgn, and UTLE.dgn
The random analysis of the survey performed by DPS Location Bureau provides the Project
Manager with information to decide whether the consultants survey is within acceptable
tolerances. This analysis does not, however, relieve the surveyor of their responsibility of
accuracy on the project. If the analysis provided by DPS Location Bureau shows the survey out
of tolerance, the Project Managers Office will decide whether to accept the survey or have the
consultant correct the survey.
Existing utility information provided on the utility plans is obtained from either an
Overhead/Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) investigation and/or directly from the affected utility
owner (traditional method). During the initial preliminary design phase, the PM along with the
Design Phase Leader and the District Utilities Engineer shall determine which method to use if a
decision was not already made during concept. A SUE Utility Impact Rating and Request Form
and other information found on the Office of Utilities web page can be used to assist in making this
determination. A project with an approved Public Interest Determination (PID) recommendation
requires the use of SUE. If SUE is recommended, the form is submitted to the State Subsurface
Utilities Engineer for approval or denial.
UTLE.dgn Database Traditional method
After the project mapping database is completed and concurrent with the field surveys, the
Design Phase Leader will prepare utility plan sheets of the database, the concept alignment
and an outline of the agreed upon proposed limit(s) of survey. The utility sheets will include all
mapping features provided to date including (but not required) existing right of way and any
identified environmental resources. The designer should note the approximate project limits for
both the mainline and the side roads. The project limits should, in general, be the same limits
provided to the environmental resource team for their surveys. A specified number of utility plan
sets along with the proper electronic files will be provided to the District Utilities Office for their
use in submitting to the appropriate utility companies as the first (1st) submission of utility plans
to "mark up" the location of existing utilities within the appropriate response deadline. In
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addition, the District Utilities Office will request information about the condition (type, age, recent
maintenance issues, etc.) of the facility, prior rights to R/W or easements and whether the utility
company has any plans for replacement or upgrade. Upon return from the utility companies the
District Utilities Office will verify the information provided for completeness and accuracy. The
District Utilities Office will provide the marked up files or plan sheets to the Project Manager to
distribute for use in building the utility database file (UTLE.dgn) along with the information on the
condition of the facility and any future plans for improvement or replacement.
Overhead/Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Investigation
Once it has been determined that SUE is to be performed on the project, the State Subsurface
Utilities Engineer (SSUE) will coordinate with the Project Manager (PM) to determine the scope
of work (Quality Level C/B in field utility survey) for the SUE investigation. The assigned SUE
Consultants schedule will be set based upon the approved project schedule and the current
status of the project.
A SUE Kickoff meeting is typically held before the SUE Consultant begins their SUE
investigation. This is to ensure that the Limits of the SUE investigation (LOS) are clearly
defined, and, that all parties involved understand the project scope and schedule. The Designer
in coordination with the PM will provide the Utility Plan sheet files, the electronic mapping
database files and the survey control package for the SUE Consultant to use.
Prior to any SUE field investigation, the SUE Consultant will be responsible for coordinating
traffic control (as needed) with the Area Engineer and notifying the PM for property access per
6.2.2. The SUE Consultants deliverables will conform to the latest Plan Presentation, Electronic
Data Guidelines and SUE Deliverables Checklist.
The SUE consultant will submit all files associated with their deliverables to the State
Subsurface Utilities Engineer for review and acceptance. Upon acceptance, the SSUE will notify
all parties where to find the accepted SUE deliverables. The SUE Consultant will coordinate
with the District Utilities Office as to what they need to provide to the Utility Owners.
The SUE deliverables are forwarded by the District Utilities Office to the specific utility owner for
verification and comment within the appropriate response deadline. In addition, the District
Utilities Office will request information about the condition (type, age, recent maintenance
issues, etc.) of the facility, whether the Utility Owner has prior rights to R/W or easements and
has any plans for replacement or upgrade. This will be considered the first submission of
utilities. If the utility owner has any comments about their facilities on the SUE deliverables, the
comments are sent back to the SUE Consultant via the SSUE for verification and/or correction
prior to the files being submitted to the Designer for inclusion into the Utility Plans.
Property Access Notification - SUE Investigation
It is imperative when field surveys are to be performed on private property, either by GDOT
forces or consultants, the property owners will be notified by the Project Manager in writing prior
to the surveyors entering onto the private property. The SUE Consultant will notify the GDOT
Project Manager when surveys are to begin and will carry copies of the previously sent
notification letter for distribution if necessary.
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For projects including a bridge widening or rehabilitation, a Bridge Condition Survey should be
completed by the Office of Bridge Design, Bridge Maintenance Section during Concept
Development. If the Bridge Condition Survey is more than three years old and it recommended
retaining the existing bridge, the Project Manager will request through the Office of Bridge Design
verification of this recommendation. The Office of Bridge Design will coordinate with the Office of
Materials and Testing (OMAT) Concrete Branch to verify the bridge deck condition. The Office of
Bridge Design will consider OMAT Concrete Branchs recommendation and determine whether the
bridge should continue to be rehabilitated and widened or replaced.
Soil Survey
The OMAT will prepare a Soil Survey Report at the request of the Project Manager. The Design
Phase Leader will provide the appropriate plan data according to the GDOT Geotechnical Manual.
If the soil investigation is done by a consultant, the consultant will prepare the soil survey report
according to GDOTs Geotechnical manual and submit the report to the Project Manager for their
submittal to the OMAT for acceptance. The Project Manager and consultant will be notified of any
comments or of its acceptance.
Property Access Notification Geotechnical
It is imperative when field surveys are to be performed on private property, either by GDOT
forces or consultants, the property owners will be notified by the Project Manager in writing prior
to the surveyors entering onto the private property. The Geotechnical Survey Party Chief
(GDOT or consultant) will notify the GDOT project manager when surveys are to begin and will
carry copies of the previously sent notification letter for distribution if necessary.
Soil Survey Report Not Required
A Soil Survey Report is normally not required for minor projects. A Soil Survey Report is not
required on minor projects where construction occurs on the existing alignment.
Soil Survey Report Required
A Soil Survey Report is required for major projects. A Soil Survey Report is required for minor
projects where construction is not on the existing alignment. A soil survey should be requested
by the Project Manager with plans provided by the Design Phase Leader that include
preliminary alignments (H & V) and general construction limits. The Project Manager should
consider the project schedule with the requirements in 6.3.2 when requesting the soil
Soil Survey Report Required At Preliminary Field Plan Review (PFPR)
A Soil Survey Report is required prior to the (PFPR) for major projects within the following 35
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When the project design proposes to retain and overlay the existing pavement, the condition of this
pavement is evaluated to ensure that it is suitable for overlay and retention as part of the permanent
pavement structure. The OMAT or project consultant will prepare a Pavement Evaluation Summary
(PES) report at the request of the Project Manager. This request will be made in response to a
decision by the Design Phase Leader that a PES report is required. The GDOT Pavement Design
Manual describes the existing pavement evaluation purpose and process. A sample letter is
available at the OMAT website. The PES report documents the condition of the existing pavement
and proposes an overlay pavement section to provide acceptable performance over the design life
of the project. Appendix C of the GDOT Pavement Design Manual provides a detailed presentation
of the process required to prepare a PES report.
Considerations are project specific and need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
The decision to request a PES report is largely based on the, type of project, extent of the planned
overlay, and the importance of the overlay to the planned sequence of construction staging. Below
are guidelines which can be used to decide whether or not a PES report should be requested for a
specific project.
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the function of the overlay is solely to tie into the existing pavement at the end of an
For tie-ins to side roads, the same criteria stated above apply. For additional guidance call OMAT.
The Design Phase Leader will provide a project cover sheet, typical section sheets, traffic diagram
sheets, plan and profile sheets, cross section sheets, and a staging layout sheets for the planned
extent of existing pavement to be retained.
Since the PES report documents the condition of the existing pavement at the time the report is
issued the report recommendations must be revalidated by OMAT if the project is to be let to
construction after the expiry date stated in the report. This expiry date will normally correspond to
between two and five years after the date of the report. Report recommendations for rural roadways
will typically be valid for a longer period of time than for urban roadways.
When the results of a PES report indicate that the existing pavement is not suitable for overlay, fulldepth reconstruction of the pavement should be incorporated into the project design. If full depth
reconstruction is not feasible due to stage construction constraints (generally only in tight urban
environments) further discussion with the State Pavement Engineer will be necessary to develop
the pavement design and acceptance
Foundation Investigations
6. Preliminary Design
Page 6-10
will notify the GDOT Project Manager when surveys are to begin and will carry copies of the
sent notification letter for distribution if necessary.
UST/HW Site Investigation Package
The Underground Storage Tank/Hazardous Waste (UST/HW) investigation procedure is
initiated by the Project Manager and should follow both GDOT policy 5525-1 and Chapter 10 of
the Geotechnical QA/QC Manual, located on the GDOT ROADS website.
Once the database enhancements are obtained, including SUE information where applicable, the
design team should continue with the preliminary design up to the point of beginning the ROW
Roadway Design
The design team shall adhere to the GDOT Design Policy Manual and references contained
within along with all other guidance listed on the GDOT R.O.A.D.S. website.
Roadway Design Activities
Preliminary design activities include, but are not limited to:
Database verification
Typical sections
Pavement Design
Traffic analysis using HCS, SYNCHRO, VISSIM, CORSIM, SIDRA or other approved
tool to design intersection configuration (length and number of turn lanes, etc.) and
intersection control
Geometric design such as horizontal and vertical alignments, intersection configuration
(through lanes, number and length of turn lanes), and super-elevation (SE).
Checking/documenting design criteria such as sight distance (intersection, stopping,
passing), and SE transition
Cross-sections to establish construction limits
Driveway Profiles
Drainage design (cross drains and roadway drainage systems, including possible
Ditch design
MS4 coordination and design (if applicable)
Design Exceptions and Variances. See Appendix D
Construction staging including cross sections and utilities if applicable
Erosion and sediment control
Wall layouts and preliminary envelopes
Establish preliminary ROW and easement required for the project
Calculate preliminary quantities
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Hydraulic Study
Prepare preliminary signing, marking and signals to establish strain pole locations
Conduct constructability review (if applicable)
Request PFPR
Respond to and make design/plan changes from PFPR
The Design Phase Leader is directed to the GDOT document titled Plan Presentation Guide
(PPG) to assist in the preparation of a uniform set of plans.
Coordination Activities
Coordination activities include, but are not limited to:
6. Preliminary Design
Page 6-12
State Design Policy Engineer. This review may be performed prior to or along with Preliminary
Field Plan Review. Peer reviewer comments will be added to the field plan review (FPR) report
and any plan mark-ups will be provided to the Design Phase Leader. Any peer review
recommendations not implemented should be coordinated with the Office of Design Policy and
Support (DPS). Specifically, if the Design Phase Leader proposes not to implement a peer
review recommendation, a written response will be submitted along with the peer review report
to DPS.
Topographic, Property & Utility Database Reviews by Designers
The Design Phase Leader should briefly verify, within reason, that the database provided by the
surveyor and data engineer provided enough survey coverage and matches what is existing on
the project. This is not expected to be an exhaustive review. Any discrepancies found should be
reported to DPS, Location Bureau or the appropriate consultant surveyor for correction.
Establishment of Required Right of Way (ROW) and Easements
Prior to requesting PFPR, preliminary ROW and easements shall be set for the footprint of the
project so that the project can be built and maintained, to provide for a safe roadside such as
clear zone or intersection sight distance and as applicable for utility relocation. Initially, all
easements will be designated as permanent (except for driveway easement). In rural areas or
when the roadway construction requires high cut or fill, ROW and easement are generally set 10
feet outside of construction limits. In urban or other developed areas, ROW and easements will
be set so that the project can be constructed while keeping impacts to properties (infrastructure)
and environmental resources to a minimum. ROW and easement will also accommodate
construction limits, driveway locations, access control (Begin and End Limited access), roadway
drainage structures and outfalls to be maintained by GDOT, erosion control devices, sign and
signal strain poles, environmental mitigation sites, and the location of bridges, retaining and
noise walls. ROW plan data such as property owners name, stations and offsets to property
and ROW lines, required areas of need, and remainder for ROW and easements are not
required at PFPR.
After PFPR comments have been addressed and corrected on the preliminary design, ROW
plans can be created using the criteria listed in the PPG for ROW plans. No design changes
should be made at that point in lieu of the completion of the environmental document. ROW
Plans should be submitted to the ROW office for review and approval and to the office of
Environmental Services for NEPA certification.
Design Data Book
The project Design Data book is an ongoing book of design calculations, design decisions and
other design data kept by the Design Phase Leader. This book, started in the concept phase, is
updated when design tasks are completed and design decisions are made. The Design Data
book is updated with calculations and data such as: alignment geometry, SE calculations, sight
distance calculations, capacity and intersection analysis, turning radius diagrams, etc. Drainage
design calculations and quantity calculations may be incorporated into the design data book or
could be separate depending on the size of the project.
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Pavement Design
Pavement Designs will be prepared for each pavement section proposed for the project, using the
GDOT Pavement Design Manual. Chapter 11 of the GDOT Pavement Design Manual provides
guidelines for the design of pavement sections.
Pavement Type Selection (PTS) Report
The OMAT will prepare a Pavement Type Selection (PTS) report at the request of the Project
Manager. This request will be made in response to a decision by the Design Phase Leader that
a PTS report is required. The Design Phase Leader will provide preliminary cover sheet, typical
section sheets, traffic diagram sheets, mainline plan sheets, mainline profile sheets, cross
section sheets, and staging plans. OMAT will prepare a draft PTS. OMAT will present the draft
PTS to the Project Manager and Design Phase Leader.
When projects require complex staging due to high traffic volumes or constricted construction
area, the pavement type should be discussed at the constructability review or other meetings to
provide concurrence with the Design Phase Leader and the District Construction personnel. If
required, the constructability review should be complete before submission to the PDC. If an
option will not work, the specific reasoning should be brought forth to the PDC with submission
of the PTS.
The Project Manager for consultant projects or the State Roadway Design Engineer (SRDE) for
GDOT in-house design will present the PTS to the Pavement Design committee to either concur
or make recommendations and changes. Upon concurrence from the committee, the SRDE will
notify the PM for in-house design. For consultant design, the PM will notify the DPL. If the PTS
is not agreed upon by the PDC, OMAT will revise and return a complete PTS report to the
Project Manager for consultant projects or SRDE for in-house design.
Guidelines for the preparation of PTS reports are provided in Chapter 10 of the GDOT
Pavement Design Manual
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Pavement Design: Projects meeting the Guidelines for Pavement Sections for Minor
Guidelines for the application of standard pavement sections on non-interstate roadways are
provided on the ROADS web page at the following
or_Minor_Projects.pdf. Alternately for designs that could use the Guidelines for Pavement
Sections for Minor Projects, the Design Phase Leader may prepare a pavement design using
the current GDOT Pavement Design Tool, for submission by the Project Manager to the OMAT
for review and approval by the State Pavement Engineer. These pavement designs do not
require approval by the Pavement Design Committee (PDC).
Pavement Design: Projects not meeting the "Guidelines for Pavement Sections for Minor
The Design Phase Leader will prepare a pavement design for all applicable roads on a project
and submit the package for review as noted below. A pavement design submittal checklist,
listing the supporting items and documents required as part of the submittal package, is
available on the GDOT ROADS web page.
GDOT in-house pavement design packages should be submitted to the State Roadway Design
Engineer for a Quality Assurance review at least four weeks prior to the next scheduled PDC
meeting. The Roadway Design committee member shall submit the package to the PDC at least
two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting and the Roadway Design committee member will
present the pavement designs to the committee at the meeting.
Consultant pavement design packages should be submitted to the State Roadway Design
Engineer for a Quality Assurance review at least 6 weeks prior to the next scheduled PDC
meeting. The Project Manager shall submit the package to the PDC at least two weeks prior to
the scheduled meeting and the PM or design consultant will present the pavement designs to
the committee at the meeting.
The PDC convenes on the fourth Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and
November. The PDC will approve or reject each design based on the pavement structure,
constructability, and construction cost and maintenance issues common for the type of facility or
to the project location. Comments not specific to the issues above from the PDC that may
conflict with other documents approved in the PDP process shall be addressed separately and
shall not be the reasoning for rejection. Rejected designs must be redesigned and resubmitted
as directed by the PDC.
All pavement designs should be approved prior to PFPR. For projects containing bid alternates,
the bid alternate pavement provisions should be incorporated into the plans prior to PFPR.
By Georgia statutes, utilities whether public or privately owned, aerial or underground, are permitted
by GDOT and local governments to be accommodated within the public ROW. To this end, the
Design Phase Leader should make every effort to design a project that will accommodate (and
minimize impacts to) all existing utilities and new utilities to be constructed concurrently with the
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The utility plans are used as the primary tool to identify and resolve utility related conflicts/issues
prior to beginning the construction of projects.
Utility Coordination and Preliminary Design
As the preliminary design moves forward, utility locations/relocations should be coordinated with
the Design Phase Leader, the District Utility office, the specific utility owner and project team
such as:
The environmental team leader to ensure the environmental analysis included in the
NEPA document, permits and variances take into account utility requirements within
existing and proposed ROW or when the utility relocation is included in the GDOT
construction contract
The Office of Right of Way when Utility Owners show documented prior rights ROW or
easements; the acquisition of ROW or easements for the utility
Traffic Operations to consider joint use poles at signalized intersections
Design Policy and Support to consider lighting
Bridge Design to consider existing or proposed utilities attached to the bridge in addition
to overhead/underground facilities that could affect construction
The coordination is intended to ensure that the project design accommodates utility retention
and/or utility relocations.
Public Interest Determination (PID)
State law allows the Department to pay or participate in the costs associated with the removal,
relocation, or adjustment of utility facilities necessary to accommodate the construction or
maintenance of a public road by the Department. This applies to any utility facility that is
publicly, privately, or cooperatively owned without regard to whether such facilities were
originally installed upon rights of way of the State Highway system, a county road system, or a
municipal street system. However, payment is limited to those instances where the Department
has made the determination that such payments are in the best interest of the public and
necessary in order to expedite the staging of the project and the costs of the removal,
relocation, or adjustment of such facilities are included as part of the contract between the
Department and the Departments Contractor for the project. This policy and its associated
procedures are intended for Department sponsored projects. On other sponsored projects, such
as Local Government sponsor, the implementation of this policy and procedures as well as any
associated utility relocation costs shall be at the discretion of the project sponsor.
For the applicable project, the Project Manager will need to refer to policies 3E-1 and 6863-12 to
note if the Public Interest Determination Procedure is to be utilized and, if so used, what Utility
Risk Management Plan was recommended. This will document the decision of whether the
Department should accept or avoid the risk associated with third party utility relocations.
In addition to the PID, several other decisions affecting utilities must be made in the plan
development process, ideally at the concept stage, but no later than the early stages of
preliminary design:
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Who will perform the relocation design for water and sewer; GDOT consultant or the
local government?
Who will perform the relocation design for privately owned utilities; GDOT consultant or
the Utility Owner?
Will any utility relocation be included in the construction contract?
If a PID is not recommended, utility relocations may still be included in the construction plans in
accordance with the Utilities Accommodations Manual.
Utility Relocations
As preliminary design plans are developed, an interim submission for preliminary utility
relocations should be requested from the utility companies in the same manner as the 1st
submission. The preliminary utility relocation design should provide enough information to make
fundamental determinations of how the proposed utilities will impact environmental resources,
bridges, stage construction and ROW acquisition. The preliminary relocation plan request shall
include preliminary design elements including but not limited to: preliminary roadway and cross
street plans, profiles, cross sections, preliminary staging plans, and , all identified environmental
resources. The interim submission will also include a request for updated relocation cost or a
preliminary request to retain facilities in place. Upon receipt of the markups, the District Utilities
Office will review to ensure the preliminary relocation design is consistent with the GDOT Utility
Accommodation Manual, and forward to the Project Manager for incorporation into the project
plan set. This request is intended to provide preliminary relocation plans prior to PFPR.
On a complicated staged project, the utility relocations may be major enough to impact project
staging. The Design Phase Leader should request the District Utility Office to request staging
plans from the appropriate utilities. Complete utility staging plans may be added as a part of the
projects staging plan.
Utility Impact Analysis with SUE
As the preliminary design moves forward, utility conflicts with the proposed design will become
evident. On the majority of projects where SUE has been employed, a Utility Impact Analysis
(Utility Conflict Matrix) will be implemented as soon as preliminary drainage (plan view), and any
other applicable proposed design information is available. This analysis is generated by a SUE
Consultant through the GDOTs SUE program to identify all potential utility conflicts and
recommend resolutions on the project. This analysis is provided to the Design Phase leader
and the District Utilities Office after utility owners have provided their preliminary relocation
plans before the PFPR. The Project Manager, Design Phase leader, District Utilities Office (may
include affected utility owners), and State Subsurface Utilities Engineer will coordinate to identify
locations of test holes (Quality Level A SUE) to obtain the vertical location of the utility for further
conflict resolution. This request for test holes is recommended to occur after the PFPR plans
have been corrected addressing the PFPR comments to ensure that all remaining conflict areas
are verified prior to the final design beginning.
Railroad Coordination
The railroad coordination and the processing of railroad agreements can take several years. It is
imperative that the crossing of any railroad or railroad ROW, including parallel encroachments, be
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identified early and coordination begun. The Office of Utilities must be notified immediately upon the
recognition of any such railroad involvement.
The first plan submission to be used for railroad coordination should be submitted by the Project
Manager to the Office of Utilities State Railroad Liaison, as soon as preliminary bridge plans and/or
complete roadway, grading, drainage (including calculations) are available. Generally this would be
following the corrected PFPR plans. The Project Manager and Design Phase Leader should refer to
the State Utilities Office website for the required Railroad Submittal checklist that needs to be
completed and included with all railroad coordination submittals.
Lighting Plans
Highway lighting may be proposed on any roadway project, as a stand-alone project, and/or as a
Utility permit. The Project Manager shall coordinate all lighting requirements for existing or
proposed systems with the DPS, Lighting Group and with the appropriate District Utilities Office.
The lighting requirements, funding methods, and agreements are specified in Chapter 14 of the
GDOT Design Policy Manual, the Lighting Design Process chart, and Chapter 5.10 of the Utility
Accommodation Policy and Standards Manual (UAM).
In the Plan Development Process, it is best that lighting requirements be initially coordinated at the
concept stage. Lighting design usually begins after preliminary roadway plans are developed. The
preparation of lighting plans that are to be included in a parent set of roadway or maintenance plans
should not be started until after the PFPR comments have been incorporated into the roadway
Signing and Marking plans will be developed using GDOTs Signing and Marking manual and the
MUTCD. The Design Phase Leader should complete enough signing design during the preliminary
design phase to determine strain pole locations and the need for ROW beyond the normal footprint
of the project.
For projects that it is determined that an existing overhead sign structure (Type 1, 2, or 3) can be
reused, a sign structure condition survey must be requested through the Office of Bridge Design.
Preliminary sign panels must be designed and accompany the request to verify whether the
structure can handle the future panel loads if the condition of the structure is acceptable.
The Design Phase Leader shall assign a specific number as per Department guidelines to each
sign structure. That number, along with other sign information, will be entered into the Departments
asset management database by the Office of Traffic Operations upon project letting
The State and District Traffic Operations Offices will provide review of the preliminary plans for
Signal Plans
Any traffic signal proposed for a state route requires a permit approved by the State Traffic
Engineer. Approval of a concept report that includes installation of a signal does not imply approval
of the signal permit. If a Traffic Engineering Study and Warrant Analysis were not completed during
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the concept phase, but the design analysis shows that a new signal would be needed to provide an
acceptable level of service at a proposed intersection, the Project Manager will request a Warrant
Analysis, Traffic Engineering Study and traffic signal permit from the District Traffic Operations
Engineer. The Design Phase Leader will provide plans, a preliminary signal layout and preliminary
signal phasing to the PM for their use in this request. Upon completion of the study, a
recommendation package is submitted to the State Traffic Operations Engineer, the Director of
Operations and the Chief Engineer for concurrence or denial at any level.
Detailed signal design should not occur until the permit is approved.
Modifications to an existing traffic signal require a permit revision. Justification for any proposed
phase changes must be provided in writing. Signal permits and permit revisions must be
coordinated through the District Traffic Engineer.
Signal plans will be developed according to the GDOTs Signal Design Manual. The Design Phase
Leader should complete enough signal design to determine if ROW will be needed beyond the
proposed footprint for signal poles, controller cabinets and pedestrian accommodations. In addition
to the preliminary signal layout, consideration should be given to joint use poles (GDOT or utility
owned) with the assistance of District Utility Engineer.
Upon Concept Report approval, the preparation of preliminary ITS plans will begin. ITS plans shall
be developed in accordance to GDOT ITS Design Manual. Preliminary plans shall include:
Conduit/fiber routing
Fiber allocation plan
Conduit/fiber bridge attachment details
Network electronics
Changeable Message Sign clearance diagrams
Device pole locations
Conduit/fiber routing is a critical part of developing ITS plans. The initial base sheets must show
existing right-of-way; the location of retaining walls, bridges, culverts, ditches, and channels;
horizontal alignment of the mainline; location of existing railroad tracks, railroad warning devices
and railroad ROW; ROW encroachment situations; and beginning and ending project limits.
Conduit/fiber routing will run along the mainline, potentially on side roads, and to field device sites.
In some instances, it will be necessary for the conduit/fiber routing to be mounted to existing bridge
structures. In these cases, the Project Manager will provide all necessary information such as the
horizontal geometry to the Office of Bridge Design for review. The Office of Bridge Design will
develop plans for conduit attachment to bridge structures and will provide all attachment details and
bridge plans to the Project Manager to be included in the preliminary plans.
Arterial routes that require aerial fiber routing shall require utility coordination for fiber points of
attachment. Aerial fiber routing plans shall be submitted to the District Utilities Office for their use in
coordinating point of attachments as soon as the aerial fiber routing is determined. Submittal shall
include cover sheet, base sheets with aerial fiber routing, and existing/proposed pole locations.
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The preliminary plans will include a fiber allocation plan coordinated with Office of Traffic
Operations. The fiber allocation plan will be complete and clear, and will include all devices that
require fiber optic cable hook-up. The fiber allocation plan will show comprehensive fiber routing
from the field device to the fiber end point, either at a trunk cable, cabinet, hub, or the Traffic
Management Center.
Network electronics will be included in the preliminary plans. Design of all network electronics is
required in order to operate and communicate with field devices for a project. The Project Manager
will coordinate with Office of Traffic Operations in developing all network electronics necessary for
the proper operation of all devices in a project. The Project Manager will also identify all equipment
necessary and their interaction with other devices so that the system will operate as described in
the Concept Report.
Some ITS projects will require installation of changeable message signs (CMS). In projects where
CMSs are determined to be needed and are called for in the Concept Report the Project manager
will have clearance diagrams developed for each CMS. The clearance diagrams will show all
pertinent information pertaining to the overhead signs such as the sign dimensions, location, and
distance above roadway surface.
The above defined ITS coordination shall also apply to roadway projects requiring ITS devices.
Landscaping Plans
When landscaping has been requested by a local government, a local authority such as a housing
authority or community improvement district (CID) and accepted by the Department within the
scope of the project, preliminary plans will be developed by the requesting entity using GDOT
guidelines. Once preliminary roadway plans are developed, the Project Manager should coordinate
a meeting with the Office of Maintenance, Landscape Architect section (OMLA) and the local
landscape consultant for an initial consultation to ensure design criteria of the roadway is not
compromised and that landscape materials to be proposed are applicable for the area and roadway
facility. Preliminary landscape plans should begin development after this consultation. Preliminary
landscape plans will be submitted to the OMLA for review prior to or at PFPR for their comments to
be included in the PFPR report.
6.4.10 Environmental Mitigation Plans
Landscaping may be one of many options of mitigation for an impacted environmental resource.
When landscaping is proposed as mitigation, the project team must consider future maintenance of
the installed landscaping. Since generally GDOT does not have the resources to properly maintain
landscaping above the normal roadway vegetation, the local government, local authority, CID or
individual property owner must agree to maintain it. If maintenance is agreed upon, the design and
plans will be completed by the OMLA or by a consultant.
A self-sustaining landscape design should be considered if no party agrees to maintain the
landscaping. Self-Sustaining design options may be applicable for multitrophic vegetative
landscaping for encroachment of buffers of state waters or other environmental resources such as
historical impacts. OMLA may be consulted for additional information on self-sustaining design
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Three sets of roadway plans, which include the cover sheet, typical section, plan, and
profile sheets. Data needed on these plans include the traffic data, roadway alignment
data, and the accurate location of the existing bridges and culverts and, if applicable,
benchmark information. Benchmarks should be located with project stations and offsets,
along with descriptions and elevations. The stream traverse, showing the top of the
stream banks and edge of water, should be plotted on the plan sheet.
A completed hydraulic engineering field report is required for each site with a hard copy
of all applicable survey data. The required survey data is specified in this field report. All
survey data should be referenced in project stations and offsets. Required information
and survey data is available in the Departments survey manual.
As specified in the field report, projects on new location require the project alignment to
be accurately located on a USGS Quadrangle Map.
Hydraulic studies will be done utilizing the WSPRO or HECRAS program unless a FEMA
regulated stream is involved. FEMA requires the use of the HEC-2 and HECRAS programs.
Therefore, hydraulic studies involving FEMA regulated streams will be done utilizing both
WSPRO or HECRAS and HEC2. Two-dimensional hydraulic computer models can be used
where appropriate. All stream involvements, temporary and permanent, will be coordinated with
the Office of Environmental Services. Any impacts will be discussed in the appropriate
environmental document and where required, mitigated.
Preliminary Bridge Layouts
When preliminary alignments are set, the Project Manager will send to the Office of Bridge
Design a set of preliminary construction plans to begin preliminary bridge layouts and wall
designs. At a minimum, the plans will contain the horizontal and vertical geometry, roadway
typical sections (including potential future improvements that affect the span and clearances),
intersection stations, intersection angles, environmental resource locations, and any known
constraints at the proposed bridge site. If at any time these design elements change, it is the
Project Managers responsibility to inform the Office of Bridge Design of such changes.
As a first step in preliminary bridge design, the Office of Bridge Design will confirm the Concept
Report recommendations about each bridge site to determine the appropriate type of design
(e.g., widening, replacement, new, etc.).
A general description of the procedures for determining a bridge size for a given site is
described in the Bridge Design Manual or the Drainage Design Manual for stream crossings.
Projects involving any bridging a railroad or a railroad bridge shall be given priority attention in
providing preliminary roadway plans to the Office of Bridge Design. This is due to the fact that
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the process of obtaining railroad approval of preliminary layouts impacting their facilities
requires a long lead time.
The Office of Bridge Design will request Bridge Foundation Investigations (BFI) upon
acceptance of the preliminary bridge layout.
Retaining Walls
Retaining walls may be used to reduce construction limits that lead to reduced right-of-way
impacts, environmental impacts, etc. The Project Manager will coordinate this decision process
with the appropriate SMEs to determine whether a wall is the applicable solution for specific
locations on a project. Other considerations should be given to the following:
Once determined that a wall is the best solution, the wall layouts will be completed by the
Design Phase Leader and submitted to the Office of Bridge Design for concurrence of the
proposed type of wall to be used (standard wall or design wall). The type of wall proposed will
determine the construction method and how much temporary or permanent easement will be
required. The Office of Bridge Design will request foundation investigations from the OMAT for
retaining wall foundations as needed.
6.4.12 Noise Barriers
A noise analysis is completed during the environmental process. The analysis determines if the
project will create noise levels above the standards as identified in 23 CFR 772, Table 1 and GDOT
policy 4415-11.
The Design Phase Leader will provide the Noise Specialist with .DGN files to run the noise model
analysis. DGN files may include mapping, digital aerial imagery, cross-sections, and existing and
proposed traffic. The Noise Specialist will run a preliminary noise model to determine if any
locations are impacted.
If the preliminary analysis determines that noise levels will be higher than the acceptable standard
and receptors are identified, the Noise Specialist, the Design Phase Leader and other SMEs will
meet to determine the wall location based on proposed elevations along with other constraints such
as ROW, utilities and maintenance. With the walls located the Noise Specialist will run the model
again with the walls included to determine the wall size (length and height) for cost comparison. If
the wall cost is feasible compared to other receptor criteria, the second and third phase of public
input is initiated including contacting individual property owners and subdivision associations and
also at a public meeting (if required).
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If a noise barrier is approved through the entire process, the Noise Specialist will provide a station
range and specific wall heights to the Design Phase Leader to complete the wall envelope and
other design features such as drainage and roadside safety features to be incorporated into the
construction plans.
6.4.13 Stand-alone ITS Projects
Upon Concept Report approval, the preparation of preliminary plans will begin. The Office of Traffic
Operations (OTO) will assemble a team consisting of at least a Project Manager and Design Phase
If additional mapping is needed, the Design Phase Leader should meet with the cartographer prior
to beginning the mapping to discuss the project concept and the limits of required mapping. After all
mapping has been received; the preparation of initial base sheets will be first priority. The initial
base sheets must show existing ROW; the location of retaining walls, bridges, culverts, ditches, and
channels; horizontal alignment of the mainline; location of existing railroad tracks, railroad warning
devices and railroad ROW; ROW encroachment situations; and beginning and ending project limits.
The Design Phase Leader will proceed with finalizing conduit routing and devices to be used.
Conduit routing will run along the mainline, potentially on side roads, and to field device sites.
Devices such as Closed Circuit TV and Video Detection System will be located within the
project limits.
In some instances, it will be necessary for the conduit routing to be mounted to existing bridge
structures. In these cases, the Design Phase Leader will provide all necessary information such as
the horizontal geometry to the Office of Bridge Design for review. The Office of Bridge Design will
develop plans for conduit attachment to bridge structures and will provide all attachment details and
bridge plans to the Design Phase Leader to be included in the preliminary plans.
The preliminary plans will include a fiber allocation plan coordinated with the OTO Information
Systems, OTO Maintenance. The fiber allocation plan will be complete and clear, and will include all
devices that require fiber optic cable hook-up. The fiber allocation plan will show comprehensive
fiber routing from the field device to the fiber end point, either at a trunk cable, cabinet, hub, or the
Traffic Management Center.
Network electronics will be included in the preliminary plans. Design of all network electronics is
required in order to operate and communicate with field devices for a project. The Design Phase
Leader will coordinate with OTO Information Systems, OTO Maintenance in developing all network
electronics necessary for the proper operation of all devices in a project. The Design Phase Leader
will also identify all equipment necessary and their interaction with other devices so that the system
will operate as described in the Concept Report.
Special provisions are required as part of the preliminary plans. Certain special provisions, such as
for fiber optic cable and appurtenances, CCTV and VDS; have already been prepared by others
and are available to the Design Phase Leader.
However, there are likely to be projects that have special situations that need further clarification
and are not defined in currently available specifications. The Project Manager will be responsible for
the development of all special provisions and stipulations that require further detailed instructions
that are not suitably shown or identified on the plan sheets.
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Some ITS projects will require installation of changeable message signs (CMS). In projects where
CMSs are determined to be needed and are called for in the Concept Report the Design Phase
Leader will have clearance diagrams developed for each CMS.
The clearance diagrams will show all pertinent information pertaining to the overhead signs such as
the sign dimensions, location, and distance above roadway surface. Efforts will be made to locate
such devices at or near other structures to take advantage of the existing shielding.
When the preliminary plans have been sufficiently completed, an in-house preliminary plan review
will be held. The preliminary design review package should be distributed three weeks prior to the
in-house review meeting and include: pole locations, camera positions, existing utilities, existing
ROW, bridge attachments, sign structure locations, fiber allocation, network electronics, conduit
routing, hub building placement, service points, and major quantities such as fiber, conduit, and
devices. The in-house review will be made by the following team members: FHWA, Project
Manager, OTO planners, OTO design staff, and consultants. Each team member will provide a
thorough review of the preliminary design package suggesting ways for improvement, clarity and
completeness. All comments made by team members will be addressed in writing by the Project
Manager clarifying that the item noted has been updated or whether the item noted will not be
updated because of a specific reason. Any changes to the approved concept will require a revised
Concept Report. The Project Manager will prepare the revised Concept Report for review and
The Project Manager must request a PFPR at least four weeks prior to the need to hold a PFPR.
The request for the PFPR will be made through the Office of Engineering Services a minimum of 32
weeks before contract letting. See below for the requirements for requesting and holding a PFPR.
The Office of Engineering Service will establish the required attendance for the PFPR. It is
recommended that the following representatives attend the PFPR: OTO, OTO design staff, local
government ITS representatives, Utilities, and project consultants.
6.4.14 Stand-alone Maintenance Projects
Construction plans prepared by the Office of Maintenance requiring the detail necessary to be
shown on full size plans will follow the same procedures as a Minor Project if Time Saving
Procedures have been approved and will follow the same procedures as a Major Project if Time
Saving Procedures have not been approved.
All other maintenance projects such as resurfacing projects will require a field plan review with a
report prepared. The field plan review report will be submitted to the Office of Engineering Services
with the final plans for letting.
6.4.15 Cost Estimates
Cost estimates for ROW acquisition, utility relocations, and construction are required yearly for
active projects. All projects in the Departments Construction Work Program will use the current cost
estimating tool adopted by GDOT. Currently the tool for construction cost estimates is Transport
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Page 6-25
Projected State Route designations will be assigned to proposed major realignments or new
construction. The Projected State Route designation, usually beginning and ending at an
intersection will remain in effect until construction is completed and the roadway is open to
traffic. Open to traffic is defined as unimpeded traffic flow in all lanes; all construction barriers
and barrels have been removed from the entire roadway project. Projected State Routes will be
identified using the last two-digits of the six-digit route number. PR will indicate a Projected
State Route (e.g., SR-0011PR).
Please contact the system Highway Coordinator in the Office of Transportation Data (email:
[email protected]), if more information is needed.
Improvements to Local Government Roads
For reference, GDOT projects that include improvements to City Streets or County Roads, other
than necessary intersection improvements, need a Memorandum of Understanding. The Office
of Program Delivery is responsible for the execution of the Memorandum of Understanding with
the appropriate local government(s).
Major Reviews
If a total project cost is $50 million or more a VE study must be completed. If the VE Study is
performed after a Project Concept Report has been approved and implementation of the VE Study
or parts thereof significantly revises the scope of the project as per chapter 5, the Project Manager
will submit a Revised Project Concept Report and cost estimate for approval.
Constructability Review
Stage construction is a major consideration in the preliminary design phase. Earthwork, pavement,
bridges, walls and utilities can introduce engineering issues on any projects construction. In August
2000 the AASHTO Subcommittee on Construction published a document entitled Constructability
Review Best Practice Guide and defined Constructability Review as a process that utilizes
construction personnel with extensive construction knowledge early in the design stages of projects
to ensure that the projects are buildable, while also being cost-effective, biddable, and
Constructability Review Goals & Objectives
The following goals have been developed in order to promote an effective and successful
constructability review process that improves the quality of the Departments construction bid
That the project, as detailed to date with both plans and specifications, can be
constructed using standard construction methods, materials, and techniques associated
with location.
Proposed plans and specifications provide a clear and concise picture that all
contractors can come to the same final conclusions in preparing a competitive, costeffective bid.
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That the final project as specified in the plans and specifications can be effectively
maintained over the life of the project.
Foster a level of involvement by experienced construction personnel during the planning
and development phase by opening the lines of communication and distributing
ownership of the project.
Reduce construction phase costs with reduced change orders, claims, and scope
Improve contractors productivity and reduce construction phase schedules.
Minimize the traveling publics inconvenience.
Increase compatibility associated with environmental requirements and construction
means and methods.
Promote construction phase safety.
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The constructability review meeting should be held at a local GDOT Area Office and culminate
with the project being driven and walked in a logical order.
Constructability Review Documentation
The Project Manager is responsible for keeping minutes of the discussion and getting
concurrence (via email or signature) on the minutes from the Design Phase Leader and District
Construction Engineer. The minutes should note any action items from the meeting, and be sent
to all the SME offices and be documented in the project file.
The Project Manager shall be responsible for keeping the Constructability Review Reports as
well as disposition of items contained in the reports.
The PFPR is a major milestone on every project administered by the Department through this
process. The main focus of this review is to ensure that the design (what is proposed to be built)
has continued in a direction that satisfies the purpose and need of the programmed project, that the
project can be built and maintained and the preliminary ROW identified provides area to do so.
PFPR Request
The Project Manager will request a PFPR for every construction project unless otherwise
determined by the Office of Engineering Services. The Office of Local Grants will coordinate
with the Office of Engineering Services to determine the need for a PFPR on their Major
Projects. If it is determined that a PFPR is required, those projects will follow the requirements
outlined below.
For projects with PCE documents within existing ROW, the PFPR may be requested at any time
at the discretion of the project team. For projects with required ROW, it is recommended that
draft technical studies (FKA special studies) including completed surveys and initial
assessments of effect for ecology, history and archaeology are completed prior to the PFPR
For projects with CE documents, draft technical studies including completed surveys and initial
assessments of effect for ecology, history and archaeology must be completed prior to the
PFPR request.
For projects with an EA or EIS, the draft environmental assessment (DEA or DEIS) must be
approved prior to the PFPR request.
A letter from the Office of Environmental Services shall be included in the PFPR request
package stating that the above conditions have been satisfied.
A written certification from the Office of Planning stating that the current design for the proposed
project is in conformance with the adopted Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) or State
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) when the project is located in a non-attainment
area for air quality shall be included in the request for a PFPR. The Project Manager should
request this letter from the Office of Planning 2-4 weeks prior to requesting the PFPR by
submitting a cover sheet, mainline typical section(s) and the project description. Projects such
as sidewalks, ATMS or any project that does not change the existing roadway laneage (number
of through lanes) are exempt from needing this certification.
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The Project Manager will request a PFPR when the preliminary plans have been completed.
The PFPR request will be accompanied by the complete set of preliminary plans as per the
PFPR checklist (2440-1c) and all draft special provisions that have a potential to affect the
proposed required ROW, utility plans, or environmental issues. Any special provisions that
address any unique or unusual features such as any experimental items or approved proprietary
items will also be included.
Failure to provide adequate plans and all of the required information with the PFPR Inspection
request will delay the scheduling of the inspection. See POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 2440-1
for more information on the requirements of the PFPR.
Scheduling PFPR
The Office of Engineering Services will only schedule the PFPR when a complete PFPR request
is received. The Office of Engineering Services will respond to the PFPR request within five
working days after receiving the request, either scheduling the event, or if the PFPR request is
incomplete, requesting the additional required information. In their PFPR scheduling letter, the
Office of Engineering Services will identify the PFPR Team and the participating offices and
request the DPS, Location Bureau to have the centerline staked if the project is on new location
and all bridges staked (bents, end rolls, etc.) for review and discussion at the PFPR. For Minor
Projects, the Office of Engineering Services may ask the District Construction Engineer to
schedule, conduct and prepare the PFPR Report. The Design Phase Leader will provide and
ensure the appropriate sets of plans and special provisions are received by the PFPR team at
least four weeks prior to the anticipated PFPR date.
Participating in PFPR
The PFPR team members are expected to be familiar with the project, having reviewed the
preliminary plans and specifications and environmental documents including the draft
environmental commitments prior to the inspection, and are expected to contribute meaningful
comments during the review. It is critical that as many problems as possible be anticipated and
resolved at this time to avoid costly rework at a later date. The PFPR is not a formality. It is an
intense working and problem-solving session bringing to bear the expertise of the participants to
resolve issues early in the design process and eliminate later rework because the issues were
not settled earlier.
The PFPR team will review the design, plans and special provisions to determine the
constructability of the proposed roadway.
If applicable for the project, the PFPR team will apply the PID process (GDOT policy 3E-1 and
6863-13) to identify, assess, and allocate risks to the project related to utility relocation work.
Because the PFPR occurs prior to the development of the final ROW plans, any part of the
project design that determines the extent of the required ROW will be thoroughly reviewed.
PFPR Report
The Office of Engineering Services will conduct the review and prepare a written report
including minutes of discussion and resolution to comments made. The report should also
include confirmation from the district that the bridge layout as recently surveyed fits the
proposed location whether it was done at the PFPR or prior to the meeting. If applicable, the
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District Utilities Engineer and Project Manager will ensure the PFPR team recommends a Utility
Risk Management Plan and such plan is documented and made part of the final PFPR report
and, in a separate document, is sent to the State Utilities Engineer for review and/or further
The Office of Engineering Services will distribute the report to the current list and attendees and
will obtain the approval of the FHWA on all FOS projects before it distributes the report.
Response to PFPR Comments
The Project Manager along with the appropriate Subject Matter Expert will evaluate each
unresolved comment from the PFPR report. Upon completed PFPR responses and revised
plans as noted below, the Project Manager will submit the report to the Office of Engineering
Services for approval. Once the comments are approved, the PM should send the responses to
everyone listed in the PFPR Report. Responses to all PFPR comments will be written in full
sentences and will clearly state the action taken or proposed to address the comment. If a
comment requests a specific action and the Project Manager determines that no action or
different action will be taken, the response should clearly explain the Project Managers
Corrected PFPR Plans
The preliminary plans and other appropriate documents will be modified, where necessary, to
address issues discussed at the PFPR. At this time, modifications to the plans that affect ROW
and easements, construction limits and environmental resources should be completed
immediately so that the Environmental Phase Leader can complete the Assessment of Effects
reports and the NEPA document. Any other changes to the plans should be completed in the
final plans phase. Timely feedback to the PFPR team and the timely resolution of all field plan
review issues is critical for continued coordination and smooth plan development among the
various responsible parties.
In addition, the corrected plans are submitted to the Environmental Phase Leader for their
completion of the environmental document. Design changes necessary to complete the project
shall not be made until final plans are begun.
During the course of preliminary project development, as information about risks are identified and
the strategies being used are assessed, it will become more apparent as to whether a high priority
risk can be eliminated or reduced. In addition, new risks may be identified and raised in priority as
the project continues to move forward. With this in mind, project risk assessment meetings should
be held on a regular basis as needed with appropriate SMEs to determine status and/or strategies
for high priority risks previously or recently identified. The meetings should also provide for
documented decisions about the risks and for other possible SMEs to assist in the risk strategy to
eliminate or reduce the risk to the project.
Risk assessment at a minimum should be discussed at the following project milestones: PTIP, initial
concept meeting, concept team meeting, constructability reviews, preliminary field plan review, &
final field plan review. A project risk assessment meeting should be scheduled at least once a year
to update status, determine if previous risks identified have been eliminated, identify new high
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priority risks, and develop new risk strategies to eliminate, reduce, accept or transfer (ERAT) the
outstanding risks. The PM will continue to update the Risk Register from these meetings as
information is provided by the SMEs. This is considered Risk Monitoring and should continue
throughout the life of the project or as needed until FFPR.
In accordance with GA code Title 22 and Title 32 more specifically 22-2-109 and 32-3-5, a Location
and Design (L&D) report shall be approved and a legal notice advertised for all projects requiring
the acquisition of right of way or easement.
The Project Manager will submit an L&D Report and a Notice for advertisement. See Appendix B
(link) for examples of these documents. The report will state: the Land Lots or Land Districts within
which the project is located, that a map, layout, or plans are available for Review at the Office of the
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), and that a copy may be obtained from the Project
Managers office at a nominal fee.
After preliminary plans have been updated to address any changes to right of way or easements
from the PFPR as noted in 6.5.3, the ROW plans should be completed in accordance with current
Right-of-Way Office guidelines and the PPG. The Right-of-Way Office maintains a checklist for the
preparation of ROW plans and this checklist is available in the Plan Presentation Guide (PPG).
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Page 7-i
7.6 Completion of Final Plans for GDOT Let Projects ............................................................. 7-10
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A Location and Design (L&D) Report and a Notice of L&D (Notice) approval will be required for all
projects that require the acquisition of ROW or easement.
The final environmental document must be approved before the L&D Report is approved. The
Office of Environmental Services will notify the appropriate offices when the environmental
document is approved and provide a copy of the approved document to the Project Manager.
Approval of the final environmental document for Federal-Aid projects is considered Federal L&D
approval. However, the processing and approval of an L&D Report and a Notice is still required by
State Law for all projects that require the acquisition of ROW or easement.
Upon notification of the environmental document approval, the Design Policy Engineer will route the
report to the Director of Engineering and Chief Engineer for review and concurrence. The Design
Policy Engineer will date and distribute the approved report and transmit the Notice to the District
Planning and Programming Engineer (DPPE). The date of the L&D approval will be added to the
ROW plan coversheet by the ROW Plans Office and will be shown in any petition for condemnation.
The Design Policy Engineer will be responsible for entries into GDOT's Project Management
System that show the approval of the L&D Report.
For projects with ROW to be acquired by GDOT, the DPPE will advertise the Notice.
For projects with ROW to be acquired by a Local Government, the Local Government
/Sponsor is responsible for advertising the Notice of L&D approval. Copies of the
advertisement will be sent to the DPPE
In accordance with Ga. Code Annotated 22-2-109(b) and 32-3-5, the Notice will be
In the local newspaper in which the Sheriffs announcements are carried (Legal Organ).
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The DPPE will be responsible for sending an electronic copy of the advertisement to the Project
Manager, the Concept Reports Inbox in Outlook, and the State Design Policy Engineer,
attention: Design Services Manager, for posting to Archive Store.
For Federally funded projects, the ROW plans will not be approved until the final environmental
document has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Additionally, FHWA
must approve ROW plans on Full Oversight (FOS) Projects prior to GDOTs approval.
Upon receipt of the approved L&D report, the ROW Plans Office will add the L&D approval date to
the ROW plan coversheet and complete approval of the ROW plans.
For State funded projects the ROW plans may be approved and acquisition begun before the
environmental document is approved. The Project Manager will coordinate with the Office of
Environmental Services to verify the type of environmental document and impacts anticipated
before moving to ROW acquisition.
After the ROW plans are approved, the Right-of-Way Office will send a copy of the transmittal letter
indicating approval of the plans to the Project Manager, Design Phase Leader (if applicable), Local
Government Coordinator (if applicable), Relocation, Appraisal & Review, and Funding &
Certification Offices. The Right-of-Way Office will publish the approved ROW plans in accordance
with the EPP.
Right-of-Way Revisions
The Project Manager will ensure that all plan revisions are distributed to the Right- of-Way Office
and the District Office per the EPP. The Project Manager will ensure that proper coordination takes
place with all GDOT subject matter experts (SMEs) (environmental, utilities, bridge, etc.) regarding
ROW revisions. This coordination will include a discussion on schedule implications resulting from
plan revisions.
For projects where the Local Government is responsible for purchasing the ROW, per the Project
Framework Agreement (PFA), a ROW Agreement is required. Upon first submission of ROW plans,
the detailed cost estimate should be generated by the Local Government. Once the plans and
estimate are approved, the ROW Agreement will be sent by the GDOT Local Government Right-ofWay Coordinator to the Local Government for signature. The agreement cannot be executed by
GDOT until Federal and State ROW funds are authorized. The direct link to PDF files, Acquisition
Guide for Local Public Agencies and Sponsors is located at: [ROW Website URL]
Right-of-Way Acquisition
The Right-of-Way Office will request Federal and State ROW funds authorization. Appraisal
contracts will be prepared with particular attention given to those parcels involving relocations and
any railroad parcels. Review of appraisals involving relocations and demolition contracts will also be
given priority.
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A property owners' meeting will be held in accordance with the ROW Manual. The Project Manager
will be invited to attend this meeting. As outlined in GDOT's ROW Manual, ROW acquisition
procedures will follow Federal guidelines for acquisition regardless of whether Federal or State
funds are used for acquisition.
ROW acquisition will continue during the time of final design and will be completed in accordance
with the ROW certification schedule.
Right-of-Way Commitments
The Acquisition Manager will not make any commitments until collaborating with the Project
Manager and all lead team members such as the Design Phase Leader, NEPA analyst, Office of
Environmental Services, District Utility Office, and the Office of Traffic Operations (OTO) to
determine if the changes can be made. If a change is needed, the appropriate team member and
Design Phase Leader will make the change and submit the revised plans as described in the EPP.
Should there be a request made to the Acquisition Manager during negotiations for a commitment
by GDOT to perform additional work or restrict the Contractor in any way, the Acquisition Manager
will coordinate with the Project Manager to ensure the commitment is reasonable, feasible and is
added to the plans or special provisions.
Final Design
During the final design phase of a project, once the ROW plans for the project are completed and
approved, several activities can occur concurrently, including the acquisition of required ROW and
easements, the acquisition of required permits, and the completion of final construction plans. Any
changes to the construction plans that increase or decrease the required ROW or easement should
be avoided, if possible. The Design Phase leader must coordinate with the Project Manager prior to
making significant changes to the plans. The Project Manager must keep all interested parties
abreast of any significant changes to the plans that may affect their area of responsibility including
environment, ROW, structures, utilities, district as they are developed. Any changes that may affect
the environmental analysis or any changes to the approved ROW plans that increase or decrease
the required ROW must be submitted to the Office of Environmental Services for possible
reevaluation of the environmental document and permits. After coordination with the NEPA analyst,
the Project Manager and Design Phase Leader may be required to submit a Project Change Form
describing the changes for the Environmental Reevaluation A Project Change Request Form
(PCRF) also may be required due to resulting changes in the project schedule.
Recommendations in the Pavement Evaluation Summary (PES) report must be reevaluated if the
project let date is expected to be later than the expiration date stated in the report. In this case, the
Project Manager will send a request to Office of Materials and Testing to reevaluate the validity of
the recommendations in the PES report. The Office of Materials and Testing will return a response
to the Project Manager within thirty (30) days of receiving the request. This response will either
confirm the recommendations of the PES or provide an extension to the time limit for which
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Lighting Design
For all projects that require roadway lighting, design should begin after ROW plans have been
approved. Coordination with the Office of Design Policy and Support, Lighting Group, should take
place as soon as possible. Project Manager should ensure an agreement is in place with the local
government for operations and maintenance of new lighting facilities.
The lighting designer will work directly with the utility to determine the appropriate type of service,
service points, and if there needs to be any pre work done by the utility to bring electrical service to
the lights. There are typically two or three submittals that need to be approved for a set of lighting
plans. The photometric submittal shows the location and type of light fixtures and the amount of
light that is reaching the ground. Accompanying the photometric configuration is an alternate
analysis showing the alternates considered, associated costs, and demonstration of why the
chosen configuration is the preferred alternate.
Once the photometric submittal is approved, the pole and fixture locations are established and
depending on the location of the poles or fixtures, the Office of Materials and Testing and/or the
Office of Bridge Design may need to provide their review and approval of the foundation designs.
After the photometrics and foundation designs have been approved, the final lighting plans will be
reviewed by the lighting group.
Landscape Design
Landscape plans (plans may include irrigation) must be submitted to the Maintenance Office,
Landscape Design Section prior to PFPR for review. Multiple reviews may be required. If the plans
are acceptable, a Work Plan will be developed by the Office of Maintenance, Landscape Design
Section and submitted to the Project Manager. The Work Plan will be included in the Maintenance
Agreement with the Local Government or other approved entity that will be responsible for
maintaining the landscaping post-construction.
The execution of this agreement is required prior to submission of final plans for letting. If the
agreement is not executed, the Project Manager will notify the Design Phase Leader to remove the
landscape plans from the plan set along with all landscaping quantities. The Project Manager will
distribute executed agreements as follows: original GDOT copy to the Office of Maintenance,
Landscape Design Section at the General Office; a copy to District Maintenance Engineer; a copy
to District Area Engineer.
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Structural Design
For projects with a bridge to be widened or altered, prior to final design beginning and if the bridge
condition survey is more than three (3) years old, the Project Manager should request an updated
bridge condition survey from the Office of Bridge Design which may include final recommendations
about sealing joints, painting the superstructure, repairing spalls, and other routine maintenance. If
the project is a bridge replacement, then the Project Manager should contact the Office of Bridge
Design to verify whether or not any material should be salvaged from the existing bridge.
The Office of Bridge Design and the Design Phase Leader will coordinate their project schedules
such that final bridge plans will be received by the Project Manager or Design Phase Leader at
least two (2) weeks before the scheduled date of request for the FFPR.
When submitting bridge plans for review, include the roadway cover sheet, typical section, and
sufficient roadway plans to verify the horizontal and vertical alignments. Also include the results of
requests relating to bridge salvage (if an existing bridge is being replaced or altered), bridge and
deck condition surveys (for widening only), transport of oversized beams (for beams greater than 90
feet), and the bridge site inspections and stakeout results letter. If cofferdams are used in the
design, the plans and Bridge Foundation Investigation (BFI) should be sent to the State
Construction Engineer for comment prior to submission to the Office of Bridge Design.
Upon review of the plans, the Project Manager will receive a list of bridge-related special provisions
that must be included in the final plans package. After the corrected plans have been accepted, an
email will be sent by the Office of Bridge Design liaison stating the plans are acceptable for use on
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls and any special design wall must be reviewed by the
Office of Bridge Design. These walls appear in Section 32 of the plans. Wall envelopes for gravity
walls and walls that use GDOT Standards or Construction Details do not require separate review
(Section 31 of the plans). Overhead sign structures, signal mast arms, and light poles do not require
review prior to the Letting, but the Contractor submittals may be reviewed by the Office of Bridge
Design after the letting. Box culverts that use Standards or Construction Details also do not require
separate review. Coordination with the Office of Bridge Design is required if attaching a sign, pole,
wall or noise wall or conduit to an existing bridge.
Geotechnical Reports
A Soil Survey Report that has been accepted by the Office of Materials and Testing, Geotechnical
Bureau, is required at FFPR for all major projects and for minor projects where construction is not
on the existing alignment. Bridge Foundation Investigations and Wall Foundation Investigations, if
required, must also be accepted by the Geotechnical Bureau prior to FFPR.
The request for utility relocation plans and utility adjustment schedules, second submission for utility
plans, must go to the respective utility owners for the utilities use in verifying the location of their
existing facilities and incorporation of the final utility relocation information. The Design Phase
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Leader will send updated base plan sheets and/or electronic files to the District Utility Engineer as
soon as the existing utility information has been plotted and the projects footprint is verified. This
updated information will contain current construction plans with the plotted existing utility
information, drainage plans (including longitudinal drainage and drainage profiles) and erosion
control plans, stage construction plans, approved bridge layouts and wall locations with footing
locations, ROW and easement lines, strain poles, overhead signs, and signal pole locations, cross
sections, roadway profiles, lighting pole locations, ATMS/ITS plans, landscape plans, and
construction limits as set following the PFPR.
Please note, it is necessary that the utility relocation plans and respective utility adjustment
schedules provided by the respective utility owner be developed to account for the proposed
projects staged construction. The District Utilities Office and the Design Phase Leader will review
the second submission relocation plans and the utility adjustment schedules accordingly to ensure
that provisions are made to account for utility relocations that may affect the required ROW and
project construction. All utility staging issues that need to be addressed will be documented in the
projects FFPR report.
The final utility plans and respective utility adjustment schedules will be furnished to the Project
Manager no later than three (3) months before the FFPR.
Upon receipt of the utility relocation plans, the Design Phase Leader will send a copy of the utility
relocation plans to the Office of Environmental Services if they cause any additional ROW,
easements, or land disturbance outside of the construction limits already cleared environmentally,
or impacts additional wetlands or streams. These utility relocation plans will also be provided to the
Office of Bridge Design for their review and resolving any remaining conflicts.
A supplemental second submission of utility plans may be required if there is a change in design
that affects the utilities, as determined by the District Utilities Office.
Utility Agreements
Utility Agreements are required on projects that involve a utility easement, utility ROW, or conflict
with a utility that is claiming reimbursement via Prior Rights. The need for a utility agreement must
be anticipated to avoid delaying the project. The District Utilities Office should have enough
preliminary information to determine if a Utility Agreement will be required on a project after receipt
of the first submission of roadway plans. Once there is an indication that such agreements will be
required, the District Utilities Engineer will coordinate with the Project Manager and the State
Utilities Office early in the preliminary design stage to ascertain the required information needed to
furnish the utility owner in order that utility agreements can be negotiated. All utility agreements
must be approved and signed before a project can be certified for letting.
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The Project Manager will refer to the State Utilities Office website for the required submittal
checklist that needs to be completed and included with all railroad coordination submittals. The
second plan submission to be used for railroad coordination should be submitted by the Project
Manager, to the Office of Utilities, State Railroad Liaison, as soon as final bridge plans and/or
complete roadway, grading, drainage (including calculations) are available. In no case will the
second plan submission be performed before addressing the first railroad submittal comments. The
direct link to PDF files, GDOT Railroad Plan Submittal Checklist is located at:
FFPR Request
The FFPR should not be requested until the final construction plans, including checked quantities,
and special provisions are completed. The FFPR should not be held later than twenty-four (24)
weeks prior to the project's management directed let date; therefore the Project Manager will
request the FFPR no later than twenty-eight (28) weeks before the management directed let date.
The Project Manager will submit a letter of request for a FFPR a complete FFPR Package (See
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 2440-1 for requirements) to the Office of Engineering Services.
Also submit electronic plans per the EPP.
The Office of Engineering Services will only schedule the FFPR when a complete FFPR request is
received. Failure to provide adequate plans and all of the required information with the request will
delay the scheduling of the inspection. The Office of Engineering Services will respond to the FFPR
request within five (5) working days after receiving the request, either scheduling the event, or if the
FFPR request is incomplete, requesting the additional required information. In their Field Plan
Review scheduling letter, the Office of Engineering Services will identify the FFPR Team and the
participating offices. Prior to the field plan review, the Project Manager will ensure that the
centerline is staked on new location projects and the proposed bridge endrolls are staked on
projects proposing a new bridge.
For projects with lighting, landscaping or other items requiring operations and maintenance or
irrigation agreements, the Project Manager should verify that the agreements have been executed
prior to attending FFPR. If the agreements have not been executed, coordination should occur to
determine of those items should be removed from the plans prior to letting.
The Office of Engineering Services will determine the scope of the FFPR (e.g., full office and field
review, office review only, email conference only, no FFPR required, or any combination thereof)
and schedule, coordinate, and conduct the appropriate review. The Project Manager, in the FFPR
letter to the Office of Engineering Services, may request expedited review, email conference only,
etc. In some cases, the Office of Engineering Services may request the appropriate District
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Construction Office conduct the FFPR for those projects designed in the District or for Minor
The Project Manager will provide and ensure the appropriate sets of plans and special provisions
are received by the FFPR Team at least four (4) weeks prior to the anticipated FFPR date.
FFPR Team members are expected to be familiar with the project, having reviewed the plans and
specifications prior to the meeting, and are expected to provide meaningful written comments to the
Office of Engineering Services no later than three (3) business days prior to the review. It is critical
that all remaining problems be identified and resolved at this time to avoid costly amendments
during advertisement and supplemental agreements on construction.
It is important that a representative of the ROW acquisition team (local government or GDOT)
participate in the FFPR. The ROW representative will discuss signed options, special conditions
negotiated with the property owners, and commitments made to date. Commitments made to
property owners and contained in the options will be addressed: including the disposition of
privately owned utility facilities, septic tanks, drain fields, and well and water systems. The ROW
representative will also address the status of the acquisition, the projected date of completion of
ROW acquisition, problems encountered during ROW acquisition, review the plans for inclusion of
temporary easement expiration dates, and review the status of requested plan modifications and
any condemnations.
It is important that a representative from the District Utilities Office participate in the FFPR. The
District Utilities Office representative will ensure utility issues are addressed and documented in the
FFPR report and will ensure, if applicable, Public Interest Determination approvals by the
Commissioner have resulted in the proper utility scope of work in the plans, including proper utility
special provisions, pay items and quantities.
It is important that a representative of the Office of Environmental Services participate in the FFPR.
The Environmental Resources Impact Table (ERIT) will be closely reviewed by the FFPR Team to
ensure that any commitments made by permit or environmental document to protect or enhance the
environment will be discussed at the FFPR and are adequately addressed in the plans or
specifications. After the FFPR, any subsequent commitments made to protect the environment not
addressed at the FFPR will be provided to the Project Manager immediately.
The Office of Engineering Services will conduct the review, prepare a written report, including
further comments or resolutions discussed during the meeting. The report will be distributed within
two (2) weeks of the review. The Office of Engineering Services will obtain the approval of the
FHWA on all FOS projects before it distributes the report.
Timely feedback to the FFPR Team and the timely resolution of all field plan review issues is critical
for continued coordination, smooth final plan development, and a successful letting as scheduled.
The appropriate Phase Leader will address all unresolved comments for their area contained in the
FFPR Report and the action taken or not taken will be reported in writing to the Project Manager
who will submit to the Office of Engineering Services no later than two (2) weeks after receipt of the
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approved FFPR Report and at least 20 weeks prior to the letting date. Responses to all comments
will be written in complete sentences and will clearly state the action taken to address the comment.
If a comment requests a specific action and the Project Manager, through coordination with the
appropriate SME, determines that no action or a different action will be taken, the response should
clearly explain the Project Managers decision. Upon approval of the FFPR responses from the
Office of Engineering Services, the Project Manager will distribute the responses to everyone listed
in the FFPR Report by email. The Project Manager will discuss the schedule implications of plan
changes made as a result of FFPR with the Office of Environmental Services.
A project will not be considered ready to let until all FFPR comments are addressed to the
satisfaction of the State Project Review Engineer.
The Concept of Operations must be completed prior to holding the FFPR. The final plans will
include all changes to the preliminary plans as discussed during the PFPR, completed special
provisions, and summarizing all quantities for the pay items needed for the project. Before a FFPR
is requested, a thorough in-house review will be performed to assure all items for a project are
completely covered in the plans.
The final design in-house review package will be distributed three (3) weeks prior to the in-house
review meeting. The in-house review team members are: FHWA, Project Manager, Office of Traffic
Operations Fiber Technicians, Design Phase Leader, OTO planners, OTO design staff, and
consultants. Each team member will provide a thorough inspection of the final design review
package suggesting ways for improvement, clarity, and completeness. All comments made by team
members will be addressed in writing by the Project Manager clarifying that the item noted has
been updated or whether the item noted will not be updated because of a specific reason.
When the construction plans have reached 90 percent completion, the Design Phase Leader will
request a FFPR for ITS projects. The final design review package will accompany the letter of
request to the Office of Engineering Services.
The Project Manager will respond to FFPR comments by letter to the Office of Engineering Services
and to FHWA, within two (2) weeks of receiving the report with copies distributed to those attending
the review.
7.5.6 Supplemental FFPR
Before letting a project in which the FFPR was conducted more than two (2) years prior to the
current Management Let Date, the Project Manager will request a Supplemental FFPR to the Office
of Engineering Services. This request should be received so that the Supplemental FFPR can be
held at least twenty-four (24) weeks prior to the Management Directed Let Date. All requirements
shown in the FFPR Section of the PDP (Sections 7.5.1-7.5.4, above) will be followed. The Office of
Engineering Services, based on concurrence from the District Construction Office and the Project
Manager, may determine that a Supplemental FFPR will not be required but instead may initiate a
thorough review of the final plans and contract documents.
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The Design Phase Leader or Project Manager for consultant designed projects will submit Special
Provisions Section 108.8 & 150.11 to the Office of Construction for their review after the FFPR, but
prior to assembly of the final plan documents.
For GDOT Let projects, the Design Phase Leader will implement all FFPR comments as well as any
other necessary changes and will submit corrected FFPR plans to the Project Manager at least
eighteen (18) weeks prior to the scheduled let date. The Project Manager will provide this submittal
to the Office of Engineering Services for preparation of GDOTs Final Plan Cost Estimate and for
verification that all FFPR comments have been implemented.
If comments are not implemented or Corrected FFPR Plans are not submitted by eighteen (18)
weeks prior to letting, Engineering Services will send an e-mail notification to the GDOT Chief
Engineer. The GDOT Chief Engineer will then send a letter to the Design Phase Leader and may
request that an audit of Design Phase Leaders QC/QA documentation be performed by the Office
of Design Policy and Support.
The Design Phase Leader will submit the following to the Project Manager: (1) 3 half-size
construction plans, (2) pdfs of all construction plans, (3) project specific special provisions, (4) soil
survey summary reports, (5) BFIs, and (6) earthwork summary calculations. For each FFPR
comment not implemented in accordance with previously submitted responses, the Design Phase
Leader will add a detailed explanation below the applicable comment. This explanation will include
a timeframe by which the comment will be implemented. If an FFPR response requires changing,
revised FFPR responses will be sent to everyone listed in the FFPR Report.
The Project Manager will send the above submittal to the Office of Engineering Services in
accordance with the GDOT Standard Distribution List. The Project Manager will place electronic
documents online following the protocol outlined in the EPP, available on the R.O.A.D.S. Website.
The Corrected FFPR Plans will be reviewed to ensure that all changes agreed to in the FFPR
Report have been implemented. District and Area reviewers and the Design Review Engineer will
return comments to the Project Manager within two (2) weeks of the e-mail notification. The Final
Plan Cost Estimate will be prepared by the Office of Engineering Services utilizing the Designers
corrected FFPR plan quantities. This estimate is utilized by the Office of Financial Management for
requesting authorization to let the project and must be as accurate as possible.
When all comments have been addressed and resolved from the review of the final corrected
construction plans and the project cover sheet signed by the Design Office Head and Chief
Engineer and the Erosion Control cover sheet signed by the Chief Engineer, the Project Manager
will submit to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration at least ten (10) weeks prior to the
proposed letting the completed final plans, special provisions, electronic earthwork files, soil
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reports, BFIs, required information for the Notice of Intent (NOI), and the Designers Checklist. See
Appendix J for a sample transmittal letter.
Bid proposals are available online at the Office of Construction Bidding Administrations website
(after advertisement, four [4] weeks prior to the Letting).
The following offices will review bid proposals:
Office of Materials.
Office of Construction.
District Engineer.
Each office will review the proposal for errors and omissions and will immediately report any
discrepancies to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration and the Project Manager.
For all FOS projects (Major and Minor), the Office of Construction Bidding Administration will send
the Plans, Specifications, & Estimates (PS&E) package to the FHWA no later than six and a half
(6) weeks before the proposed let date (nine [9] calendar days before construction authorization).
This PS&E package will contain half-sized final plans, proposal, engineers estimate, Construction
Work Authorization (prepared by the Office of Financial Management), and certification that all
railroad and utility agreements, ROW and environmental certifications have been obtained.
Right-of-Way Certification
For Exempt projects, the District will certify that all ROW has been obtained at least twelve (12)
weeks prior to a projects letting. Minimum eleven (11) weeks prior to the letting, the Right-of-Way
Office will certify to the Office of Engineering Services that the ROW is clear and provide the Project
Manager with a copy of the Letter of Certification.
For FOS projects, the Right-of-Way Office will send the original letter of certification that the ROW is
clear to the FHWA and provide a copy to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration a
minimum of eleven (11) weeks prior to letting. The Office of Construction Bidding Administration will
include a copy of the letter of certification in the PS&E package submitted to the FHWA for
The ROW representative will provide two (2) copies of the signed options and a summary of the
special conditions negotiated with the property owners to the Project Manager for review and
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discussion. Any commitments to property owners will be addressed by the Project Team, as
If the Local Government is acquiring the ROW, they will submit certification package to the GDOT
Local Government Right-of-Way Coordinator at least thirteen (13) weeks prior to the projects
letting. The District will certify that the ROW package is complete and the Right-of-Way Office will
certify to the Office of Engineering Services or FHWA for full oversight projects that the ROW is
clear. The Project Manager will be copied on the Letter of Certification.
Utility Certification
For Exempt and State funded projects, the Office of Utilities and Railroads will certify to the Office of
Engineering Services with a copy to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration and the
Project Manager that the utilities and railroads are clear and required agreements are in-hand a
minimum of eleven (11) weeks prior to the letting.
For FOS Projects, the Office of Utilities will provide the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration with a copy of a letter of certification that the utilities and railroads are clear and
required agreements are in-hand a minimum of eleven (11) weeks prior to letting. The original letter
of certification will be sent to the Office of Engineering Services. The Office of Construction Bidding
Administration will include the letter of certification in the PS&E package submitted to the FHWA for
For local administered projects, the Project Manager will ensure that the local government provides
the Utility Certification package to the GDOT District Utilities Engineer upon completion of utility
coordination, at least thirteen (13) weeks prior to the letting. The District Utilities Engineer will
submit the Local Government Certification package to the State Utilities Office for review and
GDOT Certification. The Project Manager will be copied on this correspondence.
Environmental Certification
The Office of Environmental Services will provide the Office of Engineering Services and the Project
Manager with a copy of the letter of certification that the environmental approvals are current and
that all environmental commitments have been fulfilled no later than eleven (11) weeks prior to
letting. For FOS projects, a copy of the letter of certification will be sent to the Office of Construction
Bidding Administration. The Office of Construction Bidding Administration will include the letter of
certification in the PS&E package submitted to the FHWA for authorization. Environmental
certifications are required for all Federal-aid projects, as well as State funded projects that have
been developed in accordance with the PDP.
For FOS GDOT Let projects, the Office of Construction Bidding Administration will be responsible
for submitting the PS&E package to the FHWA for project authorization. The PS&E package will
consist of the following information:
Final set of signed plans (approved by the Chief Engineer) furnished by the Project
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Bid proposal which includes special provisions, contract provisions, and bid items furnished
by the Office of Construction Bidding Administration.
A statement indicating all necessary permits that are needed have been obtained or the
status thereof:
The information needed for the PS&E package is to be furnished by the various offices to the Office
of Construction Bidding Administration no later than eleven (11) weeks prior to the letting date.
The Office of Engineering Services processes the construction authorization for all Exempt projects.
For GDOT Let projects, all necessary information needed for authorization by the Office of
Engineering Services must be submitted no later than three (3) weeks prior to advertising. This
information will include environmental certification, utility certification, and ROW certification.
For Local Let projects, the Local Government/Sponsor will submit a letter requesting construction
funding authorization and a letter verifying the projects meets the State Transportation Improvement
Program (STIP) or Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) requirements. All certifications,
including utilities, ROW, environmental and competitive bidding certifications, should be provided to
the Project Manager along with an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance letter,
materials testing certification, and a PS&E package for the Project Manager to review. A complete
certification package will be submitted by the Project Manager to the Office of Engineering Services
eleven (11) weeks prior to the management Let date.
After review of the package, the Project Manager will request construction fund authorization. Once
funds are available, the Project Manager will submit a letter to the Local Government/Sponsor
giving Notice to Proceed (NTP) to advertise for bids. That letter will outline the requirements for
advertising. Additional information about this process can be found in the Local Administered
Project (LAP) Manual.
Any changes to the plans and special provisions after plans have been signed by the Chief
Engineer or his designee will be considered a revision and will be posted as such in the plans.
It is the goal of the Engineering Division and The Office of Program Delivery to minimize, if not
eliminate, all plan revisions and amendments to the proposal. However, circumstances sometime
necessitate plan changes that result in revisions and/or amendments. This includes the revision of
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construction plans after final plans have been submitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration for the Letting and after the project has been Let to contract and awarded.
The Project Manager is responsible for making plan revisions. In making plan revisions the Project
Manager must ensure the revision does not change the conditions of any permits or the
environmental impacts addressed in the approved environmental document. The Project Manager
will review any proposed plan revisions with the Office of Environmental Services when a changed
condition to the approved permits or environmental document is suspected. The Project Manager
will also review any proposed plan revision with the Office of Traffic Operations Systems Engineer
when a change condition to any ITS project is suspected. The Project Manager will review any
proposed plan revisions with the District utilities office and the State Utilities Railroad Liaison, when
needed, to verify any potential impacts to affected utilities.
Office of Construction Bidding Administration will be contacted and concur before any revision or
amendment is made after final plans are submitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration and before the project is Let to contract. The Office of Construction will be contacted
and concur before any revision is made after the project is Let to contract and awarded.
The FHWA will be contacted and their concurrence received before any plan revision is made on
any FOS project.
Plan revisions can be classified into three categories:
For information on the process of storing revisions electronically after the project has been let to
contract and awarded, refer to the GDOT EPP document.
7.8.1 Revision
The Project Manager will submit final plans eleven (11) weeks prior to letting to the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and the original plans to the General Office Reproduction
Center five (5) weeks prior to the Letting. Plans may be revised, with concurrence of the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration, no later than six and one-half (6)weeks prior to the Letting
for projects other than FOS projects and no later than seven and one-half (7)weeks for FOS
projects. This allows time for the Office of Construction Bidding Administration to process the
revision and print the proposal before project advertisement to contractors. Revision dates will be
added to all revised sheets and each revision listed and described on the Revision Summary Sheet.
Approved revisions will be submitted to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration with
copies per the Standard Distribution List.
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The Design Phase Leader or Project Manager will send the complete, original, final construction
plans, as submitted to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration and officially revised, to the
plan reproduction section of the Office of Design Policy and Support no later than five (5) weeks
before the scheduled letting for printing for the letting.
Revisions by Amendment
From the six and one half (6) week period to the Letting, no plan changes will occur without the
prior concurrence of the Office of Construction Bidding Administration and approval of the Chief
Engineer. All approved changes will require an amendment to the proposal and may occur from the
six and one half (6) week/seven and one half (7) week period to ten (10) calendar days prior to
the Letting. Revision dates will be added to all revised sheets and each revision listed and
described on the Revision Summary Sheet.
If the Local Government/Sponsor makes revisions or amendments during the letting process, the
GDOT Project Manager will be informed.
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Documentation......................................................................................................... 8-7
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Chapter 8. Construction
Construction can be defined as the execution and administration of the contract documents. At the
construction stage, the contractor performs the tasks detailed in the contract. The contractor is
responsible for constructing the work as detailed in the contract documents while the Georgia
Department of Transportation (GDOT) team, led by the Project Manager, is responsible for ensuring
that the terms of this construction contract, including changes, are fulfilled. To verify that those
conditions are met, certain documentation is essential. The following highlights some of the
activities, incidents, or requirements of the construction phase that become part of the project
Construction Phase Includes:
Material acceptance
Change orders
Project estimates
Transition Conference
To better ensure proper transition of projects from the design phase to the construction phase,
emphasis on conducting transition conferences shall be made.
After a Project has been advertised for construction and before bids are taken, the District
Construction Engineer responsible for constructing the project will confer with the Project Manager
to determine if a Transition Conference is required.
A Transition Conference should be held if the project required the acquisition of right-of-way, affects
threatened & endangered species, historic or archaeological resources, unusual design features,
special environmental permits, or there are unique issues the design team must share with the
construction personnel that are not readily apparent from the plans and specifications.
The Project Manager will schedule a Transition Conference with the Area Engineer, Design Phase
Leader or District Design Engineer, Right-of-Way Acquisition Manager, as well as representatives
from the Office of Maintenance, Office of Environmental Services, District Utilities Engineer, and
District Traffic Engineer. Include the District Preconstruction Engineer for projects that are designed
in the District. The purpose of the meeting is to provide for a clear understanding of the plan details
and requirements in order to facilitate construction of the project.
Rev 2.1
8. Construction
Page 8-1
The right-of-way representative will provide two (2) copies of the signed options and a summary of
the special conditions negotiated with the property owners for review and discussion. Any
commitments to property owners will be addressed. If a Transition Conference is not held, the rightof-way representative will provide two (2) copies of the signed options and a summary of the special
conditions to the Area Engineer prior to the Preconstruction Conference.
The following list includes items that may be provided at the transition conference depending on
project types:
GDOT Letting
After the letting, the apparent low bid may be awarded, rejected, or deferred. Prior to bid opening, a
project may also be withdrawn from the Letting. The disposition of each contract in the Letting will
be listed in the award announcement that is published the Friday following the Letting. This report is
also available in electronic format on the Office of Construction Bidding Administrations Web Page.
Based on the bid status, the following plan revision by amendment actions may be taken with a set
of plans dependent upon the acceptance of the bid:
Construction plans will be revised to incorporate any amendments processed by the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and will be submitted only to the contractor, State Design
Policy Engineer Attention: Design Services Supervisor, and the District Engineer in accordance with
the same distribution as final plans. The contractor will receive two (2) sets of full-size approved
plans and contract assemblies including special provisions in accordance with GDOT specification
105.05- Cooperation by Contractor. Letters containing information on how to access the revisions
electronically will be sent as described in the Standard Distribution List. Any quantity changes as a
result of the processed amendment are to be listed on the Quantities Required by Amendment
sheet, which will be added to the plans.
Construction plans will be revised to incorporate any amendments processed by the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and resubmitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration in accordance with the processing schedule for the new Let date using the same
Rev 2.1
8. Construction
Page 8-2
distribution as final plans. Quantities in the plans will be changed to agree with the processed
A project may be let to contract and an acceptable bid received. However, the award may be
deferred until such time that any utility, ROW, permit, or any other problem is resolved. The revision
will be made the same as for an "Awarded" project after notification has been distributed, by a
supplemental award announcement, verifying the low bid proposal has been awarded. If the
supplemental award announcement shows the project rejected, then process the revision the same
as a "Rejected" project above.
Construction plans will be revised to incorporate any amendments processed by the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and resubmitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration in accordance with the processing schedule for the new Let date using the same
distribution as final plans. Quantities in the plans will be changed to agree with any processed
On all amendment revisions, the revision summary sheet will list the date and a detailed description
of the revision and also list the amendment number and date of amendment.
Use on construction revisions may occur any time during the life of the construction contract. GDOT
personnel will charge any time spent working on engineering for a project that is under construction
to the Construction project number, not the Preliminary Engineering project number. Once under
construction, all additional engineering work is defined as construction engineering.
At no time will the integrity of the "As Bid" plan information, shown on the original construction
plans, be altered by deleting or erasing as a result of any "Use on Construction" revision. Changes
to the information shown on the original plan sheets may be accomplished by copying the original
sheet, and labeling the copy of the original plan sheet as "Use on Construction" as directed in the
Plan Presentation Guide (PPG) and revising the information thereon as required. Any quantities or
additional pay items required on construction are to be listed on the Quantities Required on
Construction sheet, which will be added to the plans. If the revision required significant changes to
the original plans, the original plan sheet may be voided on construction and a "Use on
Construction" sheet, with the revision included, added to the plans.
Copies of the revised plan sheets will be submitted to the District Utilities Engineer to assess
impacts, if any, to utility facilities. The District Utilities Engineer and the District Construction
Engineer will coordinate with the utility companies and contractor to ensure the utility relocation
work, including a revised work plan (utility adjustment schedule, permits, relocation plans, and any
additional utility cost) is addressed and accounted for during the negotiations in accordance with the
Utility Accommodation Policy and Standards Manual. The Project Manager will also coordinate with
the Office of Environmental Services to ensure that Use on Construction Revisions do not affect
any permits or the environmental document.
Rev 2.1
8. Construction
Page 8-3
However, any additional pay items required on construction that will result in a supplemental
agreement with significant increase in cost must be negotiated with the contractor before an official
revision can be processed. Copies of the revised plan sheets are to be submitted to the District
Construction Engineer for negotiations with the contractor. When an acceptable price has been
negotiated, the District Construction Engineer will notify the Project Manager that the official
revision should be submitted. The Project Manager and the Project Engineer will give the highest
priority to preparing and issuing Use on Construction revisions as they may affect the overall cost
of the project or the completion date of the project or both.
On Full Oversight (FOS)/Project of Division Interest (PoDI) Projects, FHWA must approve the
change before the revision can be processed.
The Project Manager will send the completed plan revisions to the contractor with copies provided
to the applicable offices (See Example Letter USE ON CONSTRUCTION REVISION in Appendix
H). The District Utilities Office will forward copies of the revisions to all affected utility companies
and ensure utility work plans are revised accordingly. The revision and cover letter with information
on how to access the revisions electronically will be sent per the Standard Distribution List.
Shop drawings are submitted by the contractor to the Office of Bridge Design. If the project was
designed by a consultant, the Project Manager will work with the Office of Bridge Design to ensure
that the consultant is under contract for shop drawing review.
As-Built Plans
All As-Built Plans are to be submitted directly to the State Design Policy Engineer, Office of Design
Policy and Support, ATTN: Design Services Supervisor. The plans are to be clearly marked and
labeled as As-Built Plans. The Office of Design Policy and Support will be responsible for
transferring the hard-copy plans into electronic format and placing them into the electronic plans
The low bid will be reviewed by GDOT Project Manager and the GDOT District Construction
Engineer. If approved, the Project Manager will prepare a Local Let Construction
Agreement. Once executed, the GDOT Project Manager will request that the District Engineer
issue Notice to Proceed (NTP) for construction to the Local Government/Sponsor.
Local Government/Sponsor will invite the District, Area Office, and Project Manager to the
Preconstruction Conference. Invoices for construction phase reimbursement are sent to the Area
Engineer for approval. Additional Information can be found in the Local Government Administered
Projects Manual.
Rev 2.1
8. Construction
Page 8-4
Contractor Coordination
Pre-construction Conference
The contractor awarded the contract has the responsibility to perform the work as detailed in the
contract documents. Although it is the contractors responsibility to perform within the scheduled
milestones and for the agreed-upon cost, it is GDOTs responsibility to administer the contract.
GDOT monitors, manages, and documents the contractors activities to ensure compliance with the
plans, proposal, and specifications. Conferences, meetings, and general coordination are tools of
contract administration.
The primary goal of the pre-construction conference is to introduce all of the project participants and
to discuss actions necessary for a successful start, execution, and completion of the contract work.
The Pre-construction Conference provides a forum to convey details of mutual interest and concern
about the execution of the contract documents. It allows the opportunity to clarify and respond to
any questions or potential misunderstandings regarding the upcoming work to be performed. The
Construction Project Engineer, with contractor input, coordinates the meeting details including the
list of attendees and agenda topics. Additional information can be found in the Construction Manual.
At the Pre-construction Conference for an awarded project, the Project Manager will provide the
Civil Design files and the DGN files associated with the project to the awarded low bid contractor
after all amendments have been included. The electronic files will be provided with the following
Included are the CAiCE/INROADS and CADD DGN files on the above referenced project.
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), is making the CAiCE/INROADS and
CADD DGN files available to contractors in electronic format as requested by the
contractor. GDOT assumes no responsibility for the contractors use of these electronic
files and does not assert any claim as to the accuracy of the files as provided. No claim will
be considered if the contractor relies on this information in its bidding or in its construction
operations and finds that the data is inaccurate. The CAiCE/INROADS and CADD DGN files
are furnished FOR INFORMATION ONLY and furnishing these files does not constitute a
change to the plans, specifications, or contract for this project. The contractors attention is
directed to Subsection 102.05 of the Standard Specifications, Examination of Plans,
Specifications, Special Provisions, and Site of the Work, which requires the Bidder to
examine the conditions to be encountered and to make their own interpretation of all data
and information.
Rev 2.1
8. Construction
Page 8-5
The purpose of these reviews is to improve the GDOT design and construction processes by
providing designer personnel the opportunity to review completed projects and to discuss aspects
of the project with construction inspection/management personnel and the contractors building the
project. These reviews should provide many benefits to GDOT, including reducing recurring field
changes and quantity overruns, improving constructability, evaluating traffic staging for future
project implementation, utility impacts, and providing cross-functional training to all participants.
Post construction evaluations involve field observation during the construction phase regarding the
functional and operational features of a project. These features would include anything that could
either be duplicated because of superior performance or improved because of less than optimal
performance on future project designs.
The basic process would address the following areas:
The following goals have been developed in order to promote an effective and successful Post
Construction Evaluation (PCE) process that would ultimately improve the quality of GDOTs future
construction bid packages.
Improve GDOTs design and construction processes by providing the design staff the
opportunity to review completed projects and obtain actual construction phase feedback.
Create a safe climate for open and candid dialogue ensuring that all attendees
participate. No personalization, fault-finding, or blaming.
That the final project as specified in the plans and specifications can be efficiently
maintained over the life of the project.
Foster a level of involvement by design personnel into the construction phase.
Reduce construction phase costs by reducing recurring field change orders, plan
revisions, extra work orders, claims, and constructability inconsistencies.
Reduce environmental permit violations and or non-compliance occurrences.
Improve contractors productivity and streamline and or reduce construction phase
Minimize the traveling publics inconvenience and intrusion.
Provide valuable as-built information in preparation for future corridor improvements.
8. Construction
Page 8-6
Anyone involved with the project can submit a Post Construction Evaluation to the Assistant State
Design Review Engineer. Upon receiving a PCE request, the Assistant State Design Review
Engineer will transmit the meeting invitation, which will include the following key personnel; GDOT
Project Manager; Prime Contractor, District Engineer, State Construction Engineer, District
Construction Engineer, State Construction Office Liaison Engineer, the project Area Construction
Engineer, FHWA Transportation Engineer, Engineering Services Design Review Manager, District
Utility Engineer, District Maintenance Engineer, Design Phase Leader, State Utilities Construction
Engineer, and the District Preconstruction Engineer. Others may be invited at the discretion of the
Project Manager or the District Construction Engineer, but both should keep in mind that the post
construction evaluation is best conducted by a small working group, yet include the personnel most
familiar with the project.
The PCE meeting should be conducted within sixty (60) days after construction is substantially
(98%) complete. Construction personnel frequently are reassigned to projects relatively quickly and
geographically constraining, therefore, it is beneficial to coordinate such a meeting as close to
completion as possible. The PCE meeting should be held at a local GDOT Area Office and
culminate with the project being driven and walked in a logical order.
Project review requests or recommendation should be allowed to come from more than one source;
however will most likely come from the Project Manager, Design Phase Leader, District Engineer,
or the District Construction Engineer.
Projects that will benefit from a PCE contain complex staging components, significant earthwork
conditions near live traffic, intense utility relocations, extraordinary environmental circumstances,
involved drainage systems, on-site maintenance of traffic conditions, and exceptional daily traffic
volumes. Typical project types that will benefit the most from a post construction review include
PDP classified Major projects, bridge replacements, drainage improvements, and widening and
reconstruction type projects. Another metric that should be utilized to determine whether or not to
conduct an evaluation is the number of supplemental agreements processed and/or the total dollar
amount approved during the life of a project.
The Assistant State Design Review Engineer is responsible for keeping minutes of the discussion
and getting concurrence on the minutes from all attendees.
The GDOT Office of Engineering Services will be responsible for keeping the minutes as well as
disposition of items contained in the reports in a centralized location that is accessible to both
internal and external customers and will be stored by P.I. Number.
Rev 2.1
8. Construction
Page 8-7
Final Acceptance
The Project Engineer should notify the District/Project Engineer when all of the engineers punch list
items are complete. Then, the Project Engineer will inspect the project for approval. If there are any
outstanding minor work items, then the inspector provides these items on a punch list to the
contractor. The contractor must complete the punch list and all necessary documentation before
receiving the inspectors final approval. The inspectors approval and all necessary documentation
from the contractor are necessary for final acceptance and payment. The Project Engineer will sign
the green sheet, certifying that all commitments required on construction have been fulfilled and
return to the State Environmental Administrator.
Rev 2.1
8. Construction
Page 8-8
Rev 2.1
Page 9-i
The Departments Construction Work Program includes thousands of active transportation projects
with ongoing preconstruction activities. Project Managers are responsible for directing many
projects simultaneously through the plan development process and the resources and employees
needed to complete the work are often managed and located in other offices. TPro and Primavera
will provide the Project Manager with accurate, up-to-date, and detailed information in all phases of
the plan development process. Primavera will also provide a resource balanced work plan for all
scheduled project activities. TPro and Primavera are designed to provide GDOT project
schedulers, Project Managers and preconstruction personnel with tools that would help them:
Effectively and actively communicate a large volume of critical project information with a
reasonable amount of effort.
Coordinate with each other about project status and resources utilization.
Analyze project scheduling and resource utilization to improve these business functions.
The challenge of managing a large number of projects is compounded by the reality that the
Departments Construction Work Program is constantly modified due to changing priorities, funding
considerations, political considerations, project developments, and new work practices. With TPro
and Primavera, the Department will be better equipped to analyze, respond, and adapt in the fluid
arena in which projects are developed. Using detailed, resource-balanced schedules for all project
activities allows the Departments management to set project priorities and attainable funding goals.
The accuracy of project schedules is imperative to the effectiveness of the project management
system. This management tool is only as good as the information it contains. Project Managers are
( for specific guidance.
Project Managers must verify the baseline schedules of their projects are reasonable and correct.
This includes checking the resources assigned to the project as well as checking the scheduled
activities. Even if the baseline schedule is correct, changes may be needed during the preliminary
engineering phase as more detail is generated about a project. For example, activities such as a
VE study may need to be added to the schedule because they were not anticipated when the
Rev 2.1
baseline schedule was developed. Likewise, activities may need to be deleted from the schedule
because more detailed information gathered at a later date indicated they were not needed.
Project Managers should contact the State Scheduling Engineer with any proposed changes to
critical schedule activities, activity duration, or activity resources as soon as the information is
available. Depending upon the significance of the impact the proposed change will have on the
project schedule, as well as the entire Construction Work Program, the State Scheduling Engineer
will either incorporate the changes into the project schedule or inform the PM a revision to the
project schedule is required as outlined in Chapter 4.7.2.
Project Managers must ensure the progress of the scheduled project activities are reported,
maintained, and updated regularly, at a minimum every two (2) weeks (desirably once a week).
Reporting activity progress benefits more than just the project in question. Many of the projects
activities are related to, or are affected by, the progress of other projects because all of the
Departments projects rely on many of the same resources. Up-to-date and accurate progress
reporting is necessary to prevent inaccuracies in scheduled start and finish times for activities
throughout the Construction Work Program.
The same type of communication, coordination, and prioritization needed at the Project Manager
level is also required at the statewide level for the entire Construction Work Program. Primavera
allows for multiple project scheduling that identifies planned start and planned finish dates for each
activity in the Construction Work Program. Completing each activity by its baseline finish date will
ensure that the project remains on schedule, and will ensure that other projects in the Construction
Work Program that utilize the same resources will also remain on schedule.
New projects cannot be initiated unless current projects are progressing or are completed, releasing
resources. This may be because the employees needed are still working on other projects, or it may
be because a project is really one part of a larger project. For example, a bridge may be needed
before a road can be completed.
Primaveras multiple projects scheduling system along with the Primavera Analytics tool has
simulation capabilities to model different scheduling alternatives in response to changes in the
Construction Work Program. Using simulation allows management to quantify the probable result
of a change without impacting current schedules. The Department can then evaluate potential
actions and choose the best approach. The system also allows for monitoring of the actual amount
of time and resources expended on a project. This data can be used to monitor the actual
performance of project development and to improve the accuracy of future project schedules.
Rev 2.1
Rev 2.7
Page 10-i
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is prepared to deliver these projects using a
streamlined delivery process, that will ensure a shorter project delivery time than is normally
achieved using the Federal Process. Accordingly, these projects should utilize all applicable timesaving procedures that are determined by the Project Manager (PM) to have an acceptable level of
Examples of time-saving procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:
overlapping major process steps, which means that subsequent steps may begin before a
preceding step has been completed; and
beginning right-of-way (ROW) acquisition early, which can be much earlier in plan
development depending on risk and before or after GEPA approval as noted in Section
10.2.4 Right-of-Way.
An illustrative timeline of major State Process elements is provided in Figure 10.1, Illustrative
Timeline Showing Major Steps of the State Process. The state process includes the same major
steps as the Federal Process, but with significant flexibility in timing for the start and ending of
individual steps (or subtasks), with the overall objective of shortening project delivery time. For the
purposes of comparison, an illustrative chart for the Federal Process is also provided, in Figure
10.2, Illustrative Timeline Showing Major Steps of the Federal Process.
Rev 2.7
Figure 10.1 Illustrative Timeline Showing Major Steps of the State Process.
Figure 10.2 Illustrative Timeline Showing Major Steps of the Federal Process.
Rev 2.7
General Differences
GEPA Type A Letters - applicable for projects with no or minor land-disturbing activities
that would not significantly adversely affect the quality of the environment. For example,
resurfacing, lighting, signing, and turn lane projects within the existing ROW are commonly
handled using a GEPA Type A Letter.
GEPA Type B Letters A Significance Determination Study shall be completed for nonType A GEPA documents. GEPA Type B Letters are applicable for projects which will cause
land disturbance beyond the existing right of way and when the Significance Determination
Study demonstrates that the project will not adversely affect the environment.
Rev 2.7
It is important to note that the significance determination rests fully with the responsible
government official as per GEPA guidelines. Opportunities to mitigate significant impacts to nonsignificant impacts should also be evaluated when significant impacts are first identified as it could
result in a reduced level of documentation.
It is GDOTs policy to fully engage the public and appropriately address citizen concerns during
project development. A projects Public Involvement Plan should be the same regardless of the
environmental process is followed.
All GEPA documents and reevaluations will be prepared in accordance with GDOTs Environmental
Procedures Manual found at
and GDOT Policy: 4415-10 Ga Environmental Protection Act - GEPA.
10.2.4 Right-of-Way
For the State Process, the ROW plans may be approved and acquisition may begin before the
GEPA environmental document is approved. The PM will coordinate with the Office of
Environmental Services to ensure that any permits required can be obtained, as designed, if ROW
acquisition is to begin prior to environmental document approval.
ROW plan approval and acquisition will normally occur after the PFPR is held, but where risks are
acceptable, acquisitions may occur earlier, such as early acquisitions approved by the Office of
Right-of-Way. Condemnation petitions shall not be filed prior to Location and Design (L&D)
approval as described in Section 10.2.5 Location and Design (L&D) Approval. ROW will be
acquired in accordance with GDOT's ROW Manual, regardless of whether Federal or State funds
are used for acquisition.
10.2.5 Location and Design (L&D) Approval
In compliance with Georgia State Codes 22-2-109(b) and 32-3-5, a L&D Report is required for all
projects that require acquisition of ROW or easement. Location and Design approval is granted by
the Chief Engineer with certification that GDOT has completed the public involvement process if
required, the GEPA documentation, has selected an appropriate location, and has committed to a
specific design for the proposed project.
The L&D Report will be incorporated into and be approved at the same time as the concept report,
where either a GEPA Type A or a GEPA Type B environmental document is indicated. For projects
where an EER is required, the L&D will be incorporated into and be approved with publication of the
Rev 2.7
The Project Team will consider time-saving procedures based on project type/risk
assessment to determine what work must be completed prior to concept report approval. For
example, some projects may not require completed traffic projections, completed
environmental surveys, initial concept team meeting, etc prior to the completion of
concept development.
Coordination and requests for information should be made as early as practical. This
includes request for environmental studies, traffic projections, topographic survey, concept
utility report, initial pavement type selection (PTS), and initial pavement evaluation summary
(PES) reports.
For projects that are expected to require an Individual 404 Permit, the PAR process should
be completed prior to Concept Report approval in accordance with Section 5.8 of this
manual unless a risk assessment decision has been made.
State-funded projects may qualify for use of a Limited Scope Concept Report format. Refer
to Appendix A-2 Limited Scope Concept Report Template of this Manual for further
In the concept report, indicate that a project will use a GEPA document by checking the
GEPA box under the heading ENVIRONMENTAL AND PERMITS and subheading
Anticipated Environmental Document..
Preliminary design activities may, and in most cases should, begin prior to approval of the
concept report.
ROW plans may be completed and submitted for approval prior to completion of preliminary
plans if a risk assessment decision has been made.
Projects that require an Individual 404 Permit should not proceed to PFPR or ROW
acquisition until a PAR is complete unless a risk assessment decision has been made.
The FFPR may be waived or handled electronically based on the recommendation of the
Office of Engineering Services Administrator. This decision may be based in part on a
favorable PFPR report.
Utility Certification - the Office of Utilities and Railroads will certify to the Office of
Engineering Services with a copy to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration and
the PM that the utilities and railroads are clear and required agreements are in-hand a
minimum of eleven (11) weeks prior to the letting.
Environmental Certification - the Office of Environmental Services will provide the Office
of Engineering Services and the PM with a certification that the environmental approvals are
current no later than eleven (11) weeks prior to letting.
Rev 2.7
ROW Certification - the District will certify that all ROW has been obtained at least twelve
(12) weeks prior to a projects letting. Minimum eleven (11) weeks prior to the letting, the
Right-of-Way Office will certify to the Office of Engineering Services that the ROW is clear
and provide the PM with a copy of the Letter of Certification.
Submission of PS&E packages to FHWA will not be required for any projects using a GEPA
10.3.4 Construction
For design-bid-build projects with an EER GEPA Document, the construction contract
cannot be advertised for Letting until after the NOD/L&D is published.
For design-build projects with an EER GEPA Document, the Notice to Proceed (NTP)
cannot be given for construction activities until after the NOD/L&D is published.
Rev 2.7
Projects of Division Interest (PoDI) The designation for PoDI is provided in the Departments
Project Management System under the Indicators section. If the project is indicated to be a PoDI,
FHWA exercises oversight over the Concept Phase prior to submitting the Concept Report for
approval. If FHWA oversight of the Concept is noted in the project Stewardship and Oversight Plan,
FHWA approval of the Concept Report will be required. Note that the Federal Highway
Administration determines which projects utilizing federal funding will be designated as PoDI and
the designation is independent of project type.
Exempt - The reference to Exempt projects under this definition does not refer to Air Quality
exempt projects; these designations relate to FHWA oversight only.
State Funded (SF) - The SF designation is to be selected for projects for which state funds are
The Project Manager will extend an invitation to the following Federal Agencies, as appropriate:
Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Suite 17T100
Atlanta, GA 30303
Regional Administrator
Federal Transit Administration
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Suite 17T50
Atlanta, GA 30303
The Office of Environmental Services will extend an invitation, as appropriate, to the following Federal
Agencies to attend Concept Meetings:
Chief of Wetlands Regulatory Section
Environmental Protection Agency
345 Courtland Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30365
Rev. 2.4
Please use the most current version of the Concept Report when submitting your report. An upto-date MS-Word version of the blank report is available for download on the R.O.A.D.S.
Manuals & Guides web page and/or may be provided by the Office of Design Policy and
Supports Conceptual Design Group for your use upon request. There are a number of pulldown menus and check boxes available in MS-Word version of the Concept and Revised
Concept reports.
Instructions and information to assist in completing the report are shown in italics for easy
identification, and should be removed prior to report submission.
Remember that the example report is a template and is intended to be flexible. If changes to the
report are needed for a specific project, the engineer of record and Project Manager should
exercise their judgment when making changes from the approved format.
Documentation of QC/QA tasks being performed on the report should be provided when the
Concept Report is submitted.
Reports should be submitted in .pdf format via email to: [email protected]
Design Variances and Design Exceptions - Please note that FHWA typically requires that
Design Variances and Design Exceptions be approved prior to approval of the Concept Report
for PoDI projects; for Exempt projects, Design Variances and Design Exceptions are normally
requested during either the Concept or Preliminary Design Phases.
Make sure all attachments, maps, layouts, etc. are clear and legible.
Keep in mind that reports are printed for approval and filing. Standard page sizes should be
utilized e.g. 8 x 11 (letter); 8 x 14 (legal); and 11 x 17 (ledger). Please avoid plan size
and half size pages.
Please provide any feedback or questions regarding the Concept Report format to the State
Conceptual Design Engineer.
Rev. 2.4
Project Type:
GDOT District:
Federal Route Number:
P.I. Number:
State Route Number:
Project Number:
Project Description (provide a very brief description of the project; Description should be no more than 2-3
lines long)
Submitted for approval: (email to Concept Reports; remove ALL guidance in italics & delete
any inapplicable signature lines)
Consultant Designer & Firm or GDOT Concept/Design Phase Office Head & Office
(if applicable)
Local Government Sponsor
Recommendation for approval: (Remove ALL guidance in italics & delete any inapplicable signature
State Environmental Administrator
Environmental Surveys for history and ecology are complete. (Surveys are complete means that
the field survey has been performed and the survey report has been completed and reviewed by
the Office of Environmental Services)
State Traffic Engineer
District Engineer
(if applicable)
State Bridge Engineer
MPO Area: This project is consistent with the MPO adopted Regional Transportation Plan
(RTP)/Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
Rural Area: This project is consistent with the goals outlined in the Statewide Transportation Plan
(SWTP) and/or is included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
A. Concept Report Template
Page A-3
Include a project location map sufficient to clearly locate the project, including
the project beginning and ending point.
Rev. 2.4
MPO Name
TIP #: if applicable
Congressional District(s):
Federal Oversight:
State Funded
Rev. 2.4
Approval Date
(if applicable)
If any of the above are checked Yes or Undetermined, please briefly describe the anticipated Design
Exception here. A Design Exception (DE) must be granted for exceeding the FHWA Controlling Criteria.
Please note that for projects that have Projects of Division Interest (PoDI) oversight, FHWA generally
requires Design Exceptions and Variances to be approved prior to Concept Report approval. Attach any
approved DEs to the Concept Report.
Design Variances to GDOT Standard Criteria anticipated:
UndeterApproval Date
GDOT Standard Criteria
(if applicable)
1. Shoulder Width
2. Access Control/Median Openings
3. Intersection Sight Distance
4. Intersection Skew Angle
5. Lateral Offset to Obstruction
6. Rumble Strips
7. Safety Edge
8. Median Usage
9. Roundabout Illumination Levels
10. Complete Streets
12. GDOT Construction Standards
13. GDOT Drainage Manual
14. GDOT Bridge & Structural Manual
If any of the above are checked Yes or Undetermined, please briefly describe the anticipated Design
Variance here. A Design Variance must be granted for exceeding GDOTs standard criteria. Attach any
approved DVs to the Concept Report. (NOTE: If both a Design Exception and Design Variance are
indicated for the same deviation, only the Design Exception is required).
VE Study anticipated:
If VE Study has been completed, attach VE Implementation letter.
Completed Date:
Easements anticipated:
Check all easement types that apply.
Anticipated total number of impacted parcels:
Displacements anticipated:
Total Displacements:
ROUNDABOUTS See GDOT Design Policy Manual - Chapter 8 for further guidance.
Delete this
Roundabout Planning Level Assessment: Briefly explain the findings of the Planning Level
Assessment and attach Planning Level Assessment to Concept Report. Required for all projects
containing roundabouts where a Roundabout Feasibility Study has not been prepared. This includes
linear projects where a roundabout is proposed.
Roundabout Feasibility Study: Summarize the findings of the Roundabout Feasibility Study and attach
Roundabout Feasibility Study to Concept Report. In most cases, the components of a feasibility study
can be directly incorporated into the body of the Concept Report and no separate feasibility study
prepared. Not required during concept for linear projects where roundabout(s) are proposed.
Roundabout Peer Review Required:
Completed Date:
Attach Peer Review Report and responses to all report comments not incorporated into the design.
Rev. 2.4
*A GEPA document must be prepared only for state funded projects where the Project cost meets or exceeds
$100 million. Environmental surveys are required for all state funded projects regardless of Project cost.
These items can be found on the GDOT External Webpage under Partner Smart Design Manuals
Manuals and Guides Roadway Category: Stormwater Permit (MS4). For more information regarding
GDOTs MS4 permit, please contact the Hydraulic Studies Group in the Office of Design Policy & Support.
Is Protected Species water quality mitigation anticipated?
Coordination with the Office of Environmental Services should be done to determine if the project location
and scope may require water quality design considerations to mitigate Protected Species (e.g. Indiana
Environmental Permits/Variances/Commitments/Coordination anticipated: List all anticipated
permits, variances, commitments, and coordination needed Section 404, TVA, Water Quality, etc.
Permit/ Variance/ Commitment/ Coordination
1. U.S. Coast Guard Permit
2. Forest Service/NPS
3. CWA Section 404 Permit
4. Tennessee Valley Authority Permit
5. 33 USC 408 Decision
6. Buffer Variance
7. Coastal Zone Management Coordination
10. Cemetery Permit
Rev. 2.4
Issues potentially affecting constructability/construction schedule: Summarize any known issues
which may affect the construction of the project (e.g. staging/detour issues, seasonal construction
requirements, very high traffic volumes requiring off-hour construction, etc.
Rev. 2.4
Project Cost Estimate Summary and Funding Responsibilities: Add additional rows as necessary; Attach
current cost estimates to report. See Revisions to Programmed Costs Template on ROADS website.
PE Activities
Section 404
PE Funding
Total Cost
Funded By
$ Amount
Date of
*CST Cost includes: Construction, Engineering and Inspection, Contingencies and Liquid AC Cost
Rev. 2.4
Alternative selection: Compare and contrast the various alternatives studied in summary and reason(s) why
each alternative was or was not selected. Discussion should include no-build and preferred alternatives, and
should compare various factors such as total cost, environmental and social impacts, time requirements, PE
requirements, etc. as appropriate to the decision process. Please use the following format:
Preferred Alternative: description
Estimated Property Impacts:
Estimated Total Cost:
Estimated ROW Cost:
Estimated CST Time:
Rationale: Reason(s) why this alternative was or was not selected (cost, property impacts, environmental
impacts, etc.). Preferred build alternative should meet goals outlined in Project Justification.
Alternative 1: description
Estimated Property Impacts:
Estimated Total Cost:
Estimated ROW Cost:
Estimated CST Time:
Rationale: Reason(s) why this alternative was or was not selected (cost, property impacts, environmental
impacts, etc.).
Continue with Alternative 2, 3, etc. as appropriate.
Comments: Add further comments as appropriate.
Director of Engineering
Chief Engineer
Rev. 2.4
Rev 2.3
Page A-1.1
P.I. Number:
State Route Number:
(if available)
Project a brief description of the significant changes in the concept and the reasons for the proposed
Submitted for approval: (email to Concept Reports; remove guidance in blue italics & delete any
inapplicable signature lines)
Consultant Designer & Firm or GDOT Concept/Design Phase Office Head & Office
(if applicable)
Local Government Sponsor
(if applicable)
State Bridge Engineer
MPO Area: This project is consistent with the MPO adopted Regional Transportation Plan
(RTP)/Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
Rural Area: This project is consistent with the goals outlined in the Statewide Transportation Plan
(SWTP) and/or is included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Rev 2.3
Page A-1.2
(if any items from the approved Concept Report have changed, please add those sections into the
State Funded
24 HR T:
Design Year (20YY):
Completed Date:
Rev 2.3
Page A-1.3
Approved Features:
Proposed Features:
Typical section
Project termini
Changes in right-of-way limits which may
affect the analysis of:
o Historic resources
o Endangered species
o Archeological resources
o Wetlands or open waters
o Streams or their buffers
o Air quality
o Noise studies
Revised alignment (from a widening project to
new location project or vice-versa; at-grade
intersection to grade separation, etc.)
Access control (Design Variance may be
FHWA Controlling Criteria
Revised alignment (from a widening project to
new location project or vice-versa, at-grade
intersection to grade separation, etc)
Reason(s) for change: Briefly describe why the above mentioned changes are being proposed. Note:
If project is being split into multiple units, a description including termini as well as separate cost
estimates need to be provided for each proposed unit.
Design Variances and/or Exceptions needed: If any Design Exceptions and/or Variances are needed to
implement the changes above, briefly describe them here. Include approval dates, if available.
Rev 2.3
Page A-1.4
If yes to either PM 2.5 or Ozone Non-attainment, provide a comparison between the proposed
revisions and the conforming plans model description. Include such features as project limits, number
of through lanes, proposed open to traffic year, etc. If project is exempt from conforming plan, explain
why. If the project corridor contains a traffic signal, the design year traffic volumes exceed 10,000 vpd
and the level of service is D, E or F, a CO hotspot analysis is required.
Environmental Comments and Information: If environmental impacts are expected to change as a
result of the proposed revision, please list by section below; if not, please remove this portion. Include
any changes to current permit(s) or mitigation required in the appropriate section(s) below.
NEPA: Will the environmental document need to be reevaluated due to the proposed concept
Ecology: List possible effects to: protected species and their habitats, streams, wetlands, etc.
Are additional surveys required? If so, are there seasonal survey requirements that may affect
the project schedule?
Archeology: List possible effects to archeological resources. Are additional surveys required?
History: List possible effects to historic resources. Are additional surveys required?
Air Quality: List possible effects to air quality and air quality analysis. Will additional modeling
be required?
Noise Effects: Do the proposed changes affect the noise impacts of the project? If so, explain.
Public Involvement: Will additional public outreach be required as a result of the revision?
Rev 2.3
Page A-1.5
Estimated Cost
Date of Estimate
Funded By
Director of Engineering
Chief Engineer
Rev 2.3
Page A-1.6
Rev 2.3
Project Type:
GDOT District:
Federal Route Number:
P.I. Number:
State Route Number:
Project Number:
Project Description (provide a very brief description of the project; should be no more than 2-3 lines long)
Submitted for approval: (email to Concept Reports; remove ALL guidance in italics & delete any
inapplicable signature lines)
Consultant Designer & Firm or GDOT Concept/Design Phase Office Head & Office
(if applicable)
Local Government Sponsor
Environmental Surveys for history and ecology are complete. (Surveys are complete means that
the field survey has been performed and the survey report has been completed and reviewed by
the Office of Environmental Services)
(if applicable)
State Bridge Engineer
MPO Area: This project is consistent with the MPO adopted Regional Transportation Plan
(RTP)/Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
Rural Area: This project is consistent with the goals outlined in the Statewide Transportation Plan
(SWTP) and/or is included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
GDOT Director of Engineering
Rev 2.3
Rev 2.3
MPO Name
TIP # if applicable
Congressional District(s):
Federal Oversight:
State Funded
Easements anticipated:
Proposed width:
Rev 2.3
Roundabout Lighting Commitment Letter received:
Completed Date:
*A GEPA document must be prepared only for state funded projects where the Project cost meets or exceeds
$100 million. Environmental surveys are required for all state funded projects regardless of Project cost.
These items can be found on the GDOT External Webpage under Partner Smart Design Manuals
Manuals and Guides Roadway Category: Stormwater Permit (MS4)
For more information regarding GDOTs MS4 permit, please contact the Hydraulic Studies Group in the
Office of Design Policy & Support.
Is Protected Species water quality mitigation anticipated?
Coordination with the Office of Environmental Services should be done to determine if the project location
and scope may require water quality design considerations to mitigate Protected Species (e.g. Indiana
Environmental Permits, Variances, Commitments, and Coordination anticipated: List all anticipated
permits, variances, commitments, and coordination needed Section 404, TVA, Water Quality, etc.
Rev 2.3
Air Quality:
Is the project located in a PM 2.5 Non-attainment area?
Is the project located in an Ozone Non-attainment area?
Carbon Monoxide hotspot analysis:
Not Required
(If any of the above are answered Yes, additional analysis may be required; see section in
Appendix A for further information)
NEPA/GEPA Comments & Information: (Describe anticipated effects to ecology, history, archeology,
air quality, noise effects, public involvement, etc. & the potential effect on the environmental document)
Total Cost
Funded By
$ Amount
Date of
*CST Cost includes: Construction, Engineering and Inspection, C o n t i n g e n c i e s and Liquid AC Cost
Preferred Alternative: description
Estimated Property Impacts:
Estimated ROW Cost:
Rationale: (Why was this alternative selected?)
Rev 2.3
Alternative 1: description
Estimated Property Impacts:
Estimated ROW Cost:
Rationale: (Why was this alternative not selected?)
Additional Comments/Information:
Rev 2.3
In compliance with Georgia State Codes 22-2-109(b) and 32-3-5, a Location and Design Report
with Notice of Location and Design Approval will be required for all projects that require additional
right-of-way or easement.
State Code requires that the Notice of Location and Design Approval shall be advertised:
Rev. 2.2
FILE P.I. Number
Project Number
Project Description
Approval Date:
Public Involvement: (Refer to the project files or the Office of Environmental Services
documentation for this information)
Rev. 2.2
Consistency with Approved Planning: The design description as presented herein and
submitted for approval is consistent with the approved Concept Report.
Recommendations: Recommend that the location and design for the project be approved and that
the attached Notice be approved for advertising.
GDOT Director of Engineering
GDOT Chief Engineer
Sketch Map
Construction Cost Estimate (Note: See Policies and Procedures 3A-9 for information on
updating project cost estimates.)
Notice of Location and Design Approval (Note: When submitting the Location and Design
Report, please include a Microsoft Word compatible version of the Notice of Location and
Design Approval with the report for use in creating the required advertisement.)
Other attachments as needed (e.g. updated utility or mitigation costs, typical sections, or
other additional information)
Rev. 2.2
Rev. 2.2
Concept Meetings
Office of Design Policy and Support, attn: Conceptual Design Group Manager
Organizational Performance Management Office, attn.: State Risk Manager
Office of Roadway Design
Office of Innovative Program Delivery (as appropriate)
Office of Environmental Services
Office of Right-of-Way (send invitation to: [email protected])
Office of Traffic Operations
Office of Bridges and Structures
Office of Program Control
FHWA (required on all PoDI)
FTA (required on all Commuter Rail projects)
GRTA (as appropriate)
Office of Construction
Office of Maintenance
Office of Materials and Research
Office of Engineering Services
Office of Planning (to invite appropriate Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or
Regional Development Commission (RDC) representative)
District Engineer
local government technical representatives (District Engineer to invite)
Office of Utilities (they may decide to invite utility company and railroad representatives)
Office of Intermodal Programs and Aviations Program Manager (if there is an airport within 5
miles of the project).
Rev 2.1
Concept Reports
Project Manager will email electronic copy (pdf) of original Concept Report to the
Concept Reports inbox in Outlook ([email protected]). The Office of Design Policy
and Support Conceptual Design Group Manager will monitor Outlook and receive the original
Concept Report and review for completeness and follow-up with Project Manager if necessary for
revisions. If Concept Report is satisfactory, then the Conceptual Design Group Manager will
distribute the report by email to the project team listed below for recommendation. The project
team will have 10 business days to review the Concept Report and reply back to the Conceptual
Design Group Manager by email, with the option to utilize an automated toggle below.
Recommend/with comment
Reject/with comment
A summary of the project team recommendations will be gathered by the Conceptual Design Group
Manager, who will coordinate resolution of any changes with the Project Manager. The Conceptual
Design Group Manager will print and route the final concept report to the Director of Engineering for
recommendation, and Chief Engineer for approval. Once approved, the Conceptual Design Group
Manager will distribute the final Concept Report in accordance with the GDOT Standard Distribution
List, available on the R.O.A.D.S webpage.
Project Team receiving original Concept Report for review:
Rev 2.1
State Roadway Design Administrator (only for those projects designed by the Office of
Roadway Design)
Program Control Administrator
State Transportation Planning Administrator
Project Review Engineer
State Environmental Administrator
State Bridge Engineer (only for those projects that involve structures)
State Traffic Operations Engineer
State Utilities Engineer
State Materials and Research Administrator
District Engineer
District Preconstruction Engineer
District Utilities Engineer
District Traffic Engineer
Project Team receiving Revised Concept Report for recommendation and/or approved Revised
Concept Report for the record is the same as Concept Reports.
Project Manager will email electronic copy (pdf) of Request for Location and Design Approval, and
Notice of Location and Design Approval to the Concept Reports inbox in Outlook.
The Office of Design Policy and Support Conceptual Design Group Manager will monitor Outlook
and receive the Request for Location and Design Approval, and review for completeness and
follow-up with Project Manager if necessary for revisions. If the Request for Location and Design
Approval is satisfactory, then the Conceptual Design Group Manager will distribute the original
hard-copy Request for Location and Design Approval to the Director of Engineering for
recommendation, and the Chief Engineer for approval. The Date of Location and Design Approval
will be entered by the Conceptual Design Group Manager. The Location Conceptual Design Group
Manager will then distribute the Approval Notice in accordance with the GDOT Standard
Distribution List, available on the R.O.A.D.S webpage.
Field Plan Review Requests will be distributed in accordance with the GDOT Standard Distribution
List, available on the R.O.A.D.S webpage.
Final Plans
Final Construction Plans are submitted to Construction Bidding Administration 10 weeks prior to
Letting. The minimum distribution of the Final Construction Plans by the Project Manager will be in
accordance with the GDOT Standard Distribution List, available on the R.O.A.D.S webpage.
For Interstate ATMS or Limited Access Roadway ITS projects additional distribution will be made as
The District Design Engineer shall fulfill the printing requirements for projects plans prepared in the
District offices.
Rev 2.1
Rev 2.1
Requests for Design Exceptions or Variances should utilize the template on the following pages.
Rev. 2.3
The Engineer/Designer of Record shall prepare and submit any Design Exceptions and/or
Design Variances (DE/DV) to the GDOT Project Manager (PM) as soon as they are found to
be necessary and the information and studies needed to justify the DE/DV have been
completed. DE/DVs should be submitted prior to the completion of the right-of-way plans.
On Full Oversight (FOS) or Project of Division Interest (PoDI) projects, DE/DVs identified
during the Concept phase require FHWA review and approval of the DE/DV before they will
approve the concept. If a DE/DV is identified on a FOS or PoDI project after FHWA has
approved the concept, the DE/DV should be communicated to FHWA as soon as possible.
For policy information regarding DE/DVs, refer to Chapter 2 of the GDOT Design Policy
A separate, brief cover letter from the GDOT Project Manager Office Head to the State
Design Policy Engineer should accompany the request letter.
Requests from consultant designers should be submitted on the engineering firms
For projects with separate, multiple DE/DVs, approval is required for each. Use multiple
signature lines within the same request letter.
The Office of Design Policy and Support will receive, review and submit the DE/DV request
to the Director of Engineering, Chief Engineer and, if applicable to FHWA for approval or
disapproval. All design exceptions and design variances should be submitted to the
following email address: [email protected]
After approval or disapproval, the request will be returned to the Office of Design Policy and
Support for distribution. The original document will be returned to the PM. The PM will place
a complete copy of the DE/DV in the Project file. The Office of Design Policy and Support
will enter into the Departments Project Management System, a record of the DE/DV.
FROM Office Head (GDOT Submitting Office, otherwise engineering firm letterhead)
TO State Design Policy Engineer
SUBJECT Request for Design Exception (or Variance) for (list criteria here) ex: Shoulder
Approval of a Design Exception (or Variance) is requested for this project.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a general description of the project including the length of the
project, the general location of the project including any city and county limits or proximity thereto,
speed design, posted speed limit, and describe the proposed typical sections and other major
improvements to be constructed.
FEATURE(S) REQUIRING A DESIGN EXCEPTION/VARIANCE Describe the feature(s) requiring a
design exception or a design variance. Give the values of the current standard criteria and the
values that are proposed to be used. Include the value of the beginning and the ending mile points
for the design feature.
CURRENT AND FUTURE TRAFFIC DATA Describe current and future traffic volumes with any
other pertinent traffic data.
CRASH DATA Describe the crash history within the project limits for the last three years. In
particular, address and summarize the crash history related to the feature requiring a design
exception or variance request.
AASHTO Standard Controlling Criteria(Design Exception)/GDOT Standard Criteria(Design
Variance) cannot be met.
COST TO MEET STANDARD CRITERIA Summarize the cost estimate for construction and rightof-way and other associated costs for constructing or reconstructing the design feature to meet
current standards.
MITIGATION PROPOSED Describe any mitigation proposed to lessen the impact of not meeting
current standard criteria. (FHWA publication Mitigation Strategies for Design Exceptions is a good
reference) If mitigation or other additional enhancement costs are significant, summarize these
costs at this point.
Rev. 2.3
For projects NOT classified as Full Oversight (FOS) or Project of Division Interest (PoDI):
GDOT Director of Engineering
For projects classified as Full Oversight (FOS) or Project of Division Interest (PoDI):
GDOT Director of Engineering
Attachments: Location sketch, typical sections, plan/profile sheets, photo image of location, any
other documentation pertinent to request.
Rev. 2.3
Rev. 2.3
Information is obtained from field surveys that include a stream traverse, flood of record elevations,
and a cross- section of the floodplain at the bridge site.
A hydraulic site inspection is then made at the job site in order to determine "n" values and direction
of flood flow. Also, observations are made for any natural constrictions in the flood plain other than
directly at the bridge site. The stream is observed for stability and type of bed material and the
floodplain is observed for any structures that have been flooded before or might be flooded in the
future. Also, the immediate bridge sites both upstream and downstream of the project are observed
for adequacy of opening and scour problems. Local residents in the area are contacted concerning
any local flood problems that they have encountered.
Drainage area for the site is then determined from USGS Quadrangle Sheets. The design flood (50
year) discharge and basic flood (100 year) discharge is determined from USGS Gaging Station
Information, if available. If no Gaging Station is available, then the discharges are determined from
appropriate methods contained in the Georgia Manual on Drainage Design for Highways.
A bridge length is then chosen that will permit conveyance of the design flood and basic flood
without increasing flood heights or velocities to an extent that would cause significant upstream or
downstream damage to existing reasonably anticipated future development.
Reports and information from other sources such as Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey
and Flood Insurance Studies are incorporated into our study.
If our study disagrees with reports on the area by other agencies, an attempt is made to resolve
these discrepancies.
All of the above mentioned information is then incorporated into a written "Hydraulic and
Hydrological Study" for the site, which is kept on record in the General Files and the Office of
Bridges and Structures files for future reference.
Rev 2.0
Page E-1
Rev 2.0
Page E-2
The Federal Highway Administration was given the authority to exempt certain bridge projects in
tidal waters from requiring a U. S. Coast Guard permit by Section 144(h) of Title 23 USC as
amended by the Highway Act of 1987. This authority was in addition to the existing authority given
to the Federal Highway Administration for exempting certain bridge projects in non-tidal waters as
per 23 CFR, Subpart H, Section 650.805. This additional authority applies to any bridge
constructed, reconstructed, rehabilitated, or replaced in tidal waters, which are:
Not used and are not susceptible to use, in their natural condition or by reasonable improvement,
as a means to transport Interstate or foreign commerce.
Used only by recreational boating, fishing, and other small vessels less than 21 foot (6.4 m) in
A bridge replacement is defined to mean any project, which will involve a new bridge or the total
removal of the superstructure or more of an existing bridge. Anything less than this in scope, as
well as any new bridge built parallel to an existing bridge that is not being replaced, will be
considered to be bridge rehabilitation.
The following table is to be used as a guide in determining when a U.S. Coast Guard permit should
be obtained:
Water depth > 5 ft (1.5m) at low tide and vertical clearance > 15 ft. (4.5m)
at high tide
X = Site exempt from USCG permit.
P = Site requires application for USCG permit.
E = Site requires evaluation to determine status.
Rev 2.0
The Coast Guard permit limits for navigable rivers in Georgia, interstate or foreign commerce
navigation in fact, are as follows:
Chattahoochee River - From the dam at the West Point Reservoir, downstream to the
Georgia-Florida border.
Flint River - From the dam at the Georgia Power Company Reservoir at Albany, Georgia,
downstream to its junction at the Chattahoochee River.
Coosa River - From the junction of the confluence of the Etowah River and the Oostanaula
River, downstream to the Georgia-Alabama border.
Etowah River - From the Norfolk-Southern Railway Bridge immediately east of the US-27
(State Route 1) bridge near Rome, Georgia, downstream to the junction with the Coosa
St. Mary's River - From the US-301 Bridge near Folkston, Georgia, downstream to the
Coastal Boundary Area.
Altamaha River - From the confluence of the Oconee River and the Ocmulgee River,
downstream to the Coastal Boundary Area.
Savannah River - From the dam at Clarks Hill Reservoir, downstream to the Coastal
Boundary Area
Rev 2.0
Rev 2.0
Page G-1
FILE P.I. Number
Project Number
Project Description
Beginning and ending point and describe the general alignment between these two points
Length of the project,
Proposed typical section,
Major structures,
Major intersections and or interchanges,
Right-of-Way requirements including access control,
Speed design, and
Proposed let date or date of completion of the Work/Task Order.
Shortage of personnel,
Accelerated schedule,
Requirements for special expertise, etc.
Rev 2.0
Page G-2
Concept Development
Preliminary plans
Right-of-Way plans
Final construction plans
Special studies, etc.
Estimated cost: The estimated construction cost for this project is $xx,xxx,xxx and the consultant cost or
Work/Task Order is estimated between $x,xxx,xxx and $y,yyy,yyy.
The proposed consultant or Work/Task Order agreement would be a cost plus fixed fee contract obtained by
Name, P.E.
GDOT State Program Delivery Engineer
Name, P.E.
GDOT Chief Engineer
Name, P.E.
GDOT State Program Delivery Engineer
Rev 2.0
Page G-3
Rev 2.0
Page G-4
It is the goal of the Engineering Division and The Office of Program Delivery to minimize, if not
eliminate, all plan revisions and amendments to the proposal. However, circumstances sometime
necessitate plan changes that result in revisions and/or amendments. This includes the revision of
construction plans after final plans have been submitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration for the Letting and after the project has been Let to contract and awarded.
The Project Manager is responsible for making plan revisions. In making plan revisions the Project
Manager must ensure the revision does not change the conditions of any permits or the
environmental impacts addressed in the approved environmental document. The Project Manager
shall review any proposed plan revisions with the Office of Environmental Services when a changed
condition to the approved permits or environmental document is suspected. The Project Manager
shall also review any proposed plan revision with the Office of Traffic Operations Systems Engineer
when a change condition to any ITS project is suspected.
Office of Construction Bidding Administration shall be contacted and concur before any revision or
amendment is made after Final plans are submitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration and before the project is Let to contract. The Office of Construction shall be
contacted and concur before any revision is made after the project is Let to contract and awarded.
The FHWA shall be contacted and their concurrence received before any plan revision is made on
any Full Oversight/PoDI project.
Plan revisions can be classified into three categories:
For information on the process of storing revisions electronically after the project has been let to
contract and awarded, refer to the GDOT Electronic Plans Process document.
In order for the revision process to be consistent, the following procedure for revising construction
plans will be followed:
H.2.1 Revision Prior to Advertisement
Final plans are to be submitted ten weeks prior to letting to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration and the original plans to the General Office Reproduction Center five weeks prior to
Rev 2.0
Page H-1
the Letting. Plans may be revised, with concurrence of the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration, no later than six and one-half weeks prior to the Letting for projects other than PoDI
/FOS projects and no later than seven and one-half weeks for FOS/PoDI projects. This allows time
for the Office of Construction Bidding Administration to process the revision and print the proposal
before project advertisement to contractors. Revision dates shall be added to all revised sheets and
each revision listed and described on the Revision Summary Sheet.
Approved revisions will be submitted to the Office of Construction Bidding Administration with
copies only to the District Engineer in accordance with the same distribution as final plans. Letters
only will be sent to the remainder of the final plans distribution list containing information on how to
access the revisions electronically.
H.2.2 Revisions by Amendment
From the six and one half week period to the Letting, no plan changes shall occur without the prior
concurrence of the Office of Construction Bidding Administration and approval of the Chief
Engineer. All approved changes will require an amendment to the proposal and may occur from the
six and one half week/seven and one half week period to 10 calendar days prior to the Letting.
Revision dates shall be added to all revised sheets and each revision listed and described on the
Revision Summary Sheet.
After the letting, the apparent low bid may be awarded, rejected, or deferred. Prior to bid opening, a
project may also be withdrawn from the Letting. The disposition of each contract in the Letting will
be listed in the award announcement that is published the Friday following the Letting. This report is
also available in electronic format on the Office of Construction Bidding Administrations Web Page.
Based on the bid status, the following plan revision by amendment actions may be taken with a set
of plans dependent upon the acceptance of the bid:
H.2.3 Awarded:
Construction plans should be revised to incorporate any amendments processed by the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and shall be submitted only to the contractor, State Design
Policy Engineer Attention: Design Services Supervisor, and the District Engineer in accordance with
the same distribution as final plans. The contractor will receive two sets of full-size approved plans
and contract assemblies including special provisions in accordance with GDOT specification
105.05- Cooperation by Contractor. Letters containing information on how to access the revisions
electronically shall be sent to the remainder of the Final Plans distribution list except the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and the Project Review Engineer will not receive copies. Any
quantity changes as a result of the processed amendment are to be listed on the Quantities
Required by Amendment sheet, which will be added to the plans (see table at the end of this
H.2.4 Rejected:
Construction plans should be revised to incorporate any amendments processed by the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and resubmitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Rev 2.0
Page H-2
Administration in accordance with the processing schedule for the new Let date using the same
distribution as final plans. Quantities in the plans should be changed to agree with the processed
H.2.5 Deferred:
A project may be let to contract and an acceptable bid received. However, the award may be
deferred until such time that any utility, right-of-way, permit, or any other problem is resolved. The
revision should be made the same as for an "Awarded" project after notification has been
distributed, by a supplemental award announcement, verifying the low bid proposal has been
awarded. If the supplemental award announcement shows the project rejected, then process the
revision the same as a "Rejected" project above.
H.2.6 Withdrawn:
Construction plans should be revised to incorporate any amendments processed by the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and resubmitted to the Office of Construction Bidding
Administration in accordance with the processing schedule for the new Let date using the same
distribution as final plans. Quantities in the plans should be changed to agree with any processed
On all amendment revisions, the revision summary sheet shall list the date and a detailed
description of the revision and also list the amendment number and date of amendment.
H.2.7 Use on Construction Revisions
Use on construction revisions may occur any time during the life of the construction contract. At no
time shall the integrity of the "As Bid" plan information, shown on the original construction plans, be
altered by deleting or erasing as a result of any "Use on Construction" revision. Changes to the
information shown on the original plan sheets may be accomplished by copying the original sheet,
and labeling the copy of the original plan sheet as "Use on Construction" as directed in the Plan
Presentation Guide and revising the information thereon as required. Any quantities or additional
pay items required on construction are to be listed on the Quantities Required on Construction
sheet, which will be added to the plans (see table at the end of this appendix). If the revision
required significant changes to the original plans, the original plan sheet may be voided on
construction and a "Use on Construction" sheet, with the revision included, added to the plans.
However, any additional pay items required on construction that will result in a supplemental
agreement with significant increase in cost must be negotiated with the contractor before an official
revision can be processed. Copies of the revised plan sheets are to be submitted to the District
Construction Engineer for negotiations with the contractor. Copies of the revised plan sheets are to
be submitted to the District Utilities Engineer to assess impacts, if any, to utility facilities. The
District Utilities Engineer and the District Construction Engineer shall coordinate with the utility
companies and contractor to ensure the utility relocation work, including a revised work plan (utility
adjustment schedule, permits, relocation plans, and any additional utility cost) is addressed and
accounted for during the negotiations in accordance with the Utility Accommodation Policy and
Rev 2.0
Page H-3
Standards Manual. When an acceptable price has been negotiated, the District Construction
Engineer will notify the Project Manager that the official revision should be submitted. The Project
Manager and the Project Engineer shall give the highest priority to preparing and issuing Use on
Construction revisions as they may affect the overall cost of the project or the completion date of
the project or both.
On PoDI/FOS Projects, FHWA must approve the change before the revision can be processed.
The Project Manager shall send the completed plan revisions to the contractor with copies provided
to the applicable offices (See Example Letter USE ON CONSTRUCTION REVISION). The District
Utilities Office shall forward copies of the revisions to all affected utility companies and ensure utility
work plans are revised accordingly. An additional copy of the revisions should be submitted to the
Office of Design Policy and Support, Attention Design Services Supervisor. A letter containing a
concise description of the changes, along with information on how to access the revisions
electronically should be sent to the remainder of the Final Plan distribution list minus the Office of
Construction Bidding Administration and the Project Review Engineer. The Project Manager will
contact the Area Engineer to notify that a revision is being processed and/or has been sent.
Rev 2.0
Page H-4
Revisions can be accessed electronically through the Transportation Project Information (TransPI)
internal or external search utility available at
If additional information is required, please contact project manager at (xxx)-yyy-zzzz.
Office Head
(Project Managers Office)
cc: [See GDOT Standard Distribution List]
Rev 2.0
Page H-5
On all revisions, the revision summary sheet shall list the date and a description of the revision.
A "Quantities Required on Construction" sheet and a "Quantities Required by Amendment" sheet
will be available in a cell library. Please contact the Office of Design Policy and Support if there are
any further questions.
Quantities Required By Amendment
Amendment Amendment
Revised Quantity
As-Built Plans
Rev 2.0
Page H-6
A Detour Report and a Notice of Detour Approval will be required for all projects that require the
temporary detouring of a roadway for construction.
The Notice of Detour Approval shall be advertised:
Within 30 days of detour approval.
Once a week for four consecutive weeks.
In each county involved.
In the newspaper in which the Sheriffs advertisements are carried.
The Notice of Detour Approval shall state:
The project number and brief project description of the project.
Statement that the roadway will be closed for construction and the length of time the
roadway is expected to be closed.
A description of the detour route to be used.
Statement informing the public that a map is available for review at the appropriate Office of
the Department of Transportation (GDOT).
Statement giving the public a point of contact to discuss the detour.
For Local Let Projects, the local government shall be responsible for advertising the Detour Notice.
Rev 2.2
Page I-1
FILE P.I. Number
Project Number
Project Description
Rev 2.2
Page I-2
GDOT Director of Engineering
GDOT Chief Engineer
Sketch Map of each Detour Route Studied including length of detour(s)
Other attachments as needed (e.g. updated utility or mitigation costs, typical sections, or
other additional information)
Detour Meeting Comment Cards and Transcript
Notice of Detour Approval (Note: When submitting the Detour Report, please include a
Microsoft Word compatible version of the Notice of Detour Approval with the report for use in
creating the required advertisement.)
Other attachments as needed (e.g. updated utility or mitigation costs, typical sections, or
other additional information)
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Page I-3
Rev 2.2
Page I-4
See the following pages for the Final Plans Transmittal Letter Template.
Rev 2.0
Page J-1
FILE P.I. Number
Project Number
Project Description
If there are any questions please contact Project Manager at phone number.
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Page J-2
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requires a traffic engineering study to
determine if a traffic control signal is justified. The factors to be considered in the study are not
specified. However, the MUTCD indicates that the study should include the factors contained in the
warrants and those related to the operation and safety of the location in question and it suggests
several items that may be included.
The number of vehicles entering the intersection in each hour from each approach during the 12
consecutive hours of an average day that contain the greatest percentage of the 24-hour traffic:
Vehicular volumes for each traffic movement from each approach, classified by type of vehicle
(heavy trucks, passenger cars and light trucks, public-transit vehicles, and, in some locations,
bicycles), during each 15-min period of the 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours at midday, and 2
hours in the afternoon during which total traffic entering the intersection is greatest.
Pedestrian volume counts on each crosswalk during the same periods as the vehicular counts
just described, and also during hours of highest pedestrian volume (where young or elderly
persons need special consideration, the pedestrians may be age-classified by general
Location map.
The posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on the uncontrolled approaches
to the location.
An existing condition diagram based on field observations showing details of the physical layout,
including such features as adjacent intersections, highway geometrics, traffic control, grades,
channelization, sight-distance restrictions, bus stops and routings, parking conditions, pavement
markings, street lighting, driveways (curb cuts), nearby railroad crossings, distance to nearest
signals, utility poles and fixtures, delays, and adjacent land use.
Intersections at nearby railroad crossings should be analyzed for railroad signal preemption
requirements and pre-signal needs.
Additional data may be useful in evaluating the potential improvements in the overall operation and
safety of the intersection. These include vehicle-seconds of delay by approach, the number and
Rev 2.0
Page K-1
distribution of gaps on the major street, and pedestrian delay time. Analysis of these data may
show that, although warranted by vehicular volumes alone, a traffic signal may not be justified.
If the study data shows little or no delay, relatively few correctable collisions, and adequate gaps for
side-street traffic to enter, and do not indicate any potential improvement with a traffic control signal,
the signal should not be considered for installation.
Traffic Engineering Report and cover letter templates can be found on the following pages.
Rev 2.0
Page K-2
FILE P.I. Number
Project Number
Project Description
Attached is a traffic signal engineering report as requested by the City of ________, ___________
County, for the placement of a traffic signal at the subject intersection.
Based on the attached information, it is recommended that the Department issue a signal permit to
___________ County for the installation of a traffic signal at the subject intersection.
Also attached are a signed permit application, signal design and a location map. If you have any
questions, please call me at (___) ___-____.
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Rev 2.0
Page K-4
Location: Describe in the location detail using the cover sheet (page 1) description as the basis of
the narrative.
Reason for the investigation:
_______ County has officially requested GDOT consider the placement of a stop-and-go traffic
signal at this location. This corridor has experienced tremendous growth over the last 20 years with
many commercial and residential establishments.
Description of the intersection: Include the proper name and route designations of all intersection
legs, describe the typical section of all legs, give the major origin and destination of each leg,
describe street lighting, note any history or architecture (context) that should be considered,
describe any controlling criteria not meeting present guidelines, note the presence or proximity of
railroads, railroad grade crossing, and describe the terrain.
State Route000 is a five lane section including a center turn lane. There are three thru
lanes westbound and eastbound at the intersection with City Street X, the intersecting
street. City Street X intersects SR000 at the bottom of a sag vertical curve. SR000 is a
heavily traveled major arterial that connects City A and Town B.
Intersecting Street is a two lane roadway that serves a relatively small townhouse complex.
Traffic volumes in vehicles per day (vpd): (Use a minimum of three years)
Latest year percent trucks:
Latest year 24 hour percent trucks:
SR __ @ MP ____.
Count Station?????
Intersecting Street
Latest year -1
Latest year -2
Latest year -3
Latest year -4
Latest year
Morning and evening peak hour turning movement counts are attached.
EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL: (Fully describe the existing traffic control for each leg of the
Rev 2.0
Page K-5
State Route
Intersecting street
Vehicular speeds: (Give the posted speed limit on each approach leg. The posted speed limit on
SR000 is 45 MPH. However, this stretch of SR000 experiences observed speeds well over 50
State Route.
Intersecting street.
Pedestrian movements: (Describe all pedestrian movements including the presence or absence of
The north side of SR000 is undeveloped at this time and there are no sidewalks along
Although City Street A services a townhouse complex, no pedestrians were observed and
none are anticipated. There are no sidewalks present.
Other modes of transportation present: (bicycle facilities, transit, bus stops, etc.)
Observation during peak traffic periods revealed motorists on the side street experienced a minimal
delay. However, adequate gaps were created by adjacent signals on SR000.
There was no parking observed or expected at the intersection.
Accident History:
Run off
Accident printouts are attached. Also included are collision diagrams. It appears that only two of
the accidents from xxxx to xxxx were preventable by signalization.
Adjacent Signalized Intersections:
There is a signal located at the intersection of SR ____ @ ______ Road ____ feet west of the
subject intersection. There is a signal located at the intersection of SR _____ @ _____ Road ____
feet east of the subject intersection.
Warrant Analysis:
Rev 2.0
Page K-6
XXX County performed a warrant analysis on this intersection. The intersection meets signal
warrants ____ and ____ including right turns and meets warrants ____ and ____ without right turns
on ____ side street.
As per GDOT Policy 4A-2, the intersection of SR___ at City Street _ has been analyzed to
determine if a roundabout will perform acceptably. The analysis indicated.
It is recommended that a signal permit be issued to XXX County for the installation of a traffic signal
at the intersection of SR000 @ City Street A. It is recommended that the County purchase all
needed equipment for the installation. XXX County will install and maintain the signal. (if
Director of Operations
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Rev 2.0
Page L-1
Perform field investigation to ensure actual site conditions reflected in the plans and design.
Perform utility investigation overhead & underground conflicts, notify all utilities.
Ensure proper lay down, stockpile, and staging areas are available.
Ensure input from local government departments regarding development approvals and signed permits are
Ensure earthwork volumes are economically balanced in each stage of construction whenever possible.
Any visual evidence, or prior indication by past local area projects, that rock will be encountered within project.
Temporary stream crossings considered when earthwork balances dictate hauling across a river or stream.
Provide allowances for contractor equipment and operations in staged construction or when constructions
Concrete base widening considered in lieu of asphalt base in urban areas where entrances and irregular areas
Allowances have been made for equipment widths, track lines, string lines, etc. when lanes are paved in stages or
For new construction there should be no staging concerns; hence construction staging should not be the basis for
pavement type selection on such projects. Construction staging may be a factor for other projects.
Ensure asphalt leveling quantities will be sufficiently calculated for staging phases.
Consider temporary / permanent drainage systems and facilities during each stage of construction.
Ensure erosion control has been provided for each stage or work.
Temporary ditches and pipes are incorporated in each stage to allow runoff to occur.
Ensure there is sufficient room between existing and new alignments for bridge construction.
Make provisions for contractor access to the site (long beams, large cranes, etc)
All city and county road closures have been identified and approved.
All lane closures are reasonable for traffic volumes and penalty for closure is provided for when required.
Power source and overhead clearances are available for temporary/permanent lighting, flashing, barricades and
Rev 2.0
Page L-2
Traffic control study completed and compatible with staging plans. Incident plan developed and realistic.
Any conflicts between the special provisions, standard specs., and plans.
Railroad involvement?
Details as shown on the plans can be constructed using standard equipment and operating procedures.
Temporary median crossovers have been considered on dual lane roadways to shorten haul times.
All utility lines that cross the alignment have the vertical clearances required for earthmoving equipment to pass
Construction staging will not require material to be hauled across/over the new pavement or provisions for x-over
Existing pavement to be removed can be incorporated into staged in slopes or disposal sites available within the
All buried USTs and environmental contamination sites have been investigated and disposal plans developed.
Removal of all structures (houses, businesses, wells, etc.) in R/W Agreement are removed BEFORE construction
Working days and productions rates for work items are reasonable.
All regulatory permit restrictions such as working in a river or cutting trees have been clearly identified.
Material submittal lead times are compatible with recommended project schedule.
Commissioner Approved Public Interest Determination from Concept Team Meeting? Yes or No
Should the Utility Relocation Plans match the staging for the Construction Plans?
Potential utility impacts to staging, drainage, structures, and wall footprints and envelopes?
Identify all utilities and note any discrepancies with provided plans.
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Page M-1
Project No.
P.I. No.
Route / Termini:
# Question
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