Spain Country Profile RR2013 FINAL
Spain Country Profile RR2013 FINAL
Spain Country Profile RR2013 FINAL
NATIONAL STRATEGIES............................................................................................................................4
1. Key data
National R&D intensity target
Spain has set a national R&D intensity target of 3%, within which public sector R&D investment would reach
1% and business R&D investment 2% of GDP by 2020. In 2011, Spanish R&D intensity was 1.33%. Public sector
R&D intensity amounted to 0.64% and business R&D intensity 0.70%. Both values have fallen slightly in 2011
compared to 2010. () Private R&D expenditure has also been seriously affected by the economic crisis.
Business R&D expenditure in real terms reached a peak in 2008. Spanish firms more than doubled their R&D
expenditure in real terms over the period 2000-2008. However, following the economic crisis and liquidity
constraints, business R&D investment fell by 6.27% in 2009 and by another 0.81% in 2010. Firms in food,
automobiles, and construction, have undertaken the strongest cuts.
Key indicators measuring the countrys research performance
The figure below presents key indicators measuring Spains performance on aspects of an open labour market
for researchers against a reference group and the EU-27 average .
Figure 1: Key indicators Spain
Number of researchers (Full Time Equivalent) per thousand labour force (2010)
Number of researchers posts advertised through EURAXESS Jobs portal per thousand
researchers in the public sector (2012)
Number of new doctoral graduates (ISCED 6) per thousand population aged 25-34 (2010)
Scientific publications amounting to the top ten percent most-cited publications worldwide as
percentage of total scientific publications (2008)
Percentage of researchers employed on fixed-term contracts (2012)
Percentage of post-PhD researchers who have been internationally mobile for 3 months or more
in the last ten years (2012)
Non-EU doctoral candidates as percentage of all doctoral candidates (2010)
Source: Deloitte
Data: Eurostat, SHE Figures, EURAXESS Jobs Portal, UNESCO OECD Eurostat education survey, Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013, MORE2
Notes: Based on their average innovation performance across 25 indicators, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta,
Portugal, Slovakia and Spain show a performance below that of the EU-27. These countries are the Moderate innovators .
Stock of researchers
The table below presents the stock of researchers by Head Count (HC) and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) and in
relation to the active labour force.
Table 1: Human resources Stock of researchers
Head Count per 1 000 active labour force (2010)
Head Count (2010)
FTE per 1 000 active labour force (2010)
224 000
EU Average/Total
2 435 487
Full time equivalent (FTE) (2010)
134 653
EU Average/Total
1 589 140
Source: Deloitte
Data: Eurostat
2. National strategies
The Spanish Government has put in place a range of measures aimed at training enough researchers to meet
its R&D targets and at promoting attractive employment conditions in public research institutions. The table
below presents key programmes and initiatives intended to implement the strategic objectives to train enough
researchers to reach Spains R&D targets, to promote attractive working conditions, and to address gender and
dual career aspects.
Table 2: National strategies and laws
At national level
The Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy is a 7-year strategy
approved by the Spanish Government on 1 February 2013. It aims, among
other overarching objectives, to acknowledge and promote talent in R&D&I
and to promote researchers employability. To achieve that goal, its specific
objectives are to train researchers, to foster mobility and promote career
development, and to multiply career opportunities for researchers.
The plan implements the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (see
above) until 2016. Specifically aimed at training researchers, the plan includes
measures to promote doctoral training in cooperation with industry, and
entrepreneurship as well as to promote research management training. To
foster mobility and promote career development, the plan encourages
researchers from public institutions to spend some time working in the
business sector. It also includes measures to attract high-level third country
The University 2015 Strategy is a Spanish Government initiative for
modernising universities in Spain through the coordination of the
autonomous regional university systems and the development of a modern
Spanish University System. The Strategy promotes research activities and
innovation in Spanish universities while encouraging training activities and
knowledge transfer from the academic world to companies.
The Strategy for the Sustainable Economy is a key government tool for
achieving economic growth compatible with sustainable development. Key
priorities of this national strategic reform programme were to increase
investments in R&D and design a new innovation strategy.
The Law on a Sustainable Economy promotes R&D and innovation through the
implementation of public procurement processes. It facilitates access to
research patents and to commercial exploitation of research results. It also
simplifies administrative procedures and promotes technical and professional
The Law on Science, Technology and Innovation describes a stable and
predictable science career for researchers as well as a more efficient and
effective R&D system. The law contains provisions to foster partnerships
between academia and industry and regulates mobility patterns between
public entities and the private sector.
At regional level4
The Plan for the Researchers Career is an initiative at regional level aiming at
developing strategies and instruments to increase the number of researchers
in Catalonia, encourage researchers career development in both the public
and private sectors, and researchers mobility between countries, and
between academia and business.
The Research and Innovation Plan is an initiative at regional level aiming to
plan, promote and coordinate Catalonia's research and innovation. The Plan is
also the fundamental instrument for maintaining the development of the
2008 Catalan Agreement on Research and Innovation (PNRI) over this fouryear period.
Source: Deloitte
The autonomous communities of Asturias and Catalonia are indicated as two examples of regional action throughout the country file.
Examples of other R&D Regional Plans are: Andaluca: Plan Andaluz de Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin; Aragn: II Plan
Autonmico de Investigacin, Desarrollo y Transferencia de Conocimientos; Asturias: Plan de Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin 2015;
Baleares: Plan de cincia, tecnologia i innovaci de les Illes Balears 2009-2012; Canarias: Plan Canario I+D+i 2011-2015; Cantabria:
Plan Regional de I+D+i de Cantabria; Castilla y Len: Estrategia Regional de Investigacin Cientfica, Desarrollo Tecnolgico e Innovacin
de Castilla y Len 2007-2013; Castilla- La Mancha: Plan Regional de Investigacin Cientfica, Desarrollo Tecnolgico e Innovacin de
Castilla- La Mancha (2011-2015); Catalua: Pla de Recerca i Innovacin de Catalunya; Extremadura: IV Plan Regional de I+D+i de
Extremadura (PRI, 2010-2013); Galicia: Plan Estratxico Galicia 2010-2014 Horizonte 2020; Madrid: Plan de Ciencia y Tecnologa de la
Comunidad de Madrid; Murcia: Plan de Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin de la Regin de Murcia 2011-2014; Navarra: Plan Moderna
Pas Vasco: Plan de Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin 2015 and C. Valenciana: Plan General Estratgico de Ciencia y Tecnologa de la
Comunitat Valenciana (PGECYT) 2010-2015
The Catalan Agreement on Research and Innovation (Pacte Nacional per a la Recerca i la Innovaci - PNRI), sponsored by the Minister for
Innovation, Universities and Enterprise, is envisioned as a long-term and far-reaching agreement, with broad consensus among social,
economic and political agents, designed to shape a competitive economy in a knowledge society founded on progress created by talent,
science, technology and innovation
See Figure 1 Key indicators Spain
Maternity leave
As is the case with social security benefits (see chapter 6 Working conditions for information on social
security benefits), provisions for maternity leave are also included in all public R&D calls.
Source: Deloitte
The network of service centres provides personal assistance to newly arrived researchers, including
(sometimes) welcome information packages. In Spain, it is not mandatory for public research bodies to publish
online the positions available on the EURAXESS Jobs portal. Most institutions have their own on-line research
job advertisement system, although many are related to the information provided on the EURAXESS Jobs
In 2012, 166 Spanish organisations published a total of 720 positions on the EURAXESS Jobs portal. This
represents 1.97% of the total number of jobs published in that year. The Spanish EURAXESS portal publicises
the job positions that are advertised on the EURAXESS Jobs portal; it also offers information on national and
European calls.
EU Average
Source: Deloitte
Data: Eurostat
For information on the FPU programme (Formacin de Profesorado Universitario) and the FPI programme (Formacin de
Personal Investigador), see Table 5 below.
FPU Programme,
Ministry of Education
Employment contract
These three programmes are based on a two-year grant + two-year contract. The new Spanish Law on Science,
Technology and Innovation envisages replacing all grants with four-year employment contracts by 2014.
Source: Deloitte
6. Working conditions
Measures to improve researchers funding opportunities
The following table presents measures aimed at promoting researchers funding opportunities at national and
regional level.
Table 6: Measures to improve researchers funding opportunities
At national level
The State Agency for Research (Agencia Estatal de Investigacin): to promote
new knowledge in scientific and technological research (planned);
The Centre for Industrial Technology Development (Centro para el Desarrollo
Tecnolgico Industrial): to promote innovation and experimental
The law also covers the promotion of researchers mobility between universities,
public research institutions and regional organisations. Researchers are allowed to
work for up to five years in other public or private, national or international
The Ramn y Cajal programme provides grants for a period of five years for the
recruitment of candidates who have undertaken research placements at R&D
centres other than those included in the programme for a period of at least 24
months after having obtained their PhDs, or who have been awarded full PhDs at
foreign universities and have worked for at least 24 months after getting their PhD
degree. Since 2012, the programme has also included financial support for the
creation of permanent jobs. In 2012, the Ramn y Cajal programme increased the
amount of each grant by 10%. In addition, the programme includes a EUR 100 000
sum per grant to support a long-term contract. In 2012, the number of Ramn y
Cajal grants was 175.
The Juan de la Cierva programme provides grants for a period of three years for
the recruitment of researchers who have recently been awarded their PhD (or are
about to get it). In 2012, the number of Juan de la Cierva grants was 225.
This programme provides grants lasting for a period of three years for the
recruitment of post-doc juniors to work for the Spanish National Research Council.
In 2011, the number of JAE-doc grants was 97.
This programme provides a subsidy to private institutions for three years in order
to employ post-doc researchers for viability studies or experimental development
projects, or industrial research activities. In 2012, the number of Torres Quevedo
grants was 330.
At regional level
Source: Deloitte
Since 1984, researchers in public higher education institutions have been considered to be public sector
employees and therefore have similar remuneration packages. They can also receive complements to their
salary depending on their productivity (complemento de productividad). As there was an absence of
performance evaluation criteria, the 2011 Law on Science, Technology and Innovation incorporates criteria for
evaluating researchers merits. Researchers are also eligible to further increase their income by receiving
royalties from patents.
For further information, see the new country profile on remuneration of researchers from the MORE2 study
(forthcoming, on the EURAXESS website).
Researchers Statute
Since 2006, Real Decreto 63/2006 has guaranteed an in-training statute for researchers (Estatuto del personal
investigador en formacin). The Law on Science and Technology creates a more coherent researcher statute.
Under that law, institutions are also required immediately to employ researchers at all levels of study by
signing four-year employment contracts. The law also foresees the creation of special contracts for recruiting
distinguished and well-known researchers to come and work in Spanish host institutions.
European Charter for Researchers & Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
The Law on Science, Technology and Innovation includes provisions on the adoption and implementation of
the Charter and Code. Additionally, the EURAXESS Network in Spain through 76 Service Centres (present in
most Autonomous Communities), actively promotes the EURAXESS Rights initiative on the implementation of
the Charter & Code. So far, 50 institutions have endorsed the Charter & Code, and three have been awarded
the 'HR Excellence in Research' logo.
Autonomy of institutions
The Spanish System of Science and Technology (SECyT) is an aggregation of systems of the general
administration of the State and the Autonomous Communities, with the regional governments having
competence for R&D. The 2011 Law on Science, Technology and Innovation improved mechanisms for
coordination of the different national and regional policies. The law accords the Autonomous Communities the
right to:
Sign agreements between public and private agents;
Subscribe to collaboration, cooperation and shared-management agreements with the State;
Have their staff access benefits derived from industrial property; and
Participate in Scientific and Technological Policy Councils.
Currently, only a few higher education institutions enjoy full autonomy to recruit their personnel despite the
fact that they belong to the regional Autonomous Communities. This is the case of the research centres in
Catalonia (CERCA Centres).
Career development
The Law on Science, Technology and Innovation creates a clear researchers career path by regulating the
contractual agreements signed between the researchers and the host institutions. Under this scheme,
researchers are considered as civil servants, but the specificities of the research profession are taken into
account. Moreover, researchers always have the option of choosing a non-civil servant career path .
In Spain, the career of researchers in public universities and research institutions begins through a first
temporary pre-doctoral contract of up to four years ending with a PhD degree. Subsequently, researchers may
sign contracts to access the SECyT and stay in the SECyT for up to five years. At that point, the researcher
undergoes two performance evaluations. A positive evaluation will provide the researcher with access to a
fixed contract and thus access to the lower levels of the civil service through internal promotion. Under the
new law, when applying for public positions in Spain, candidates from all EU countries have the right to be
assessed in English and not in Spanish/other recognised regional languages.
In Spain, a researcher can be employed by an institution under one of the following schemes:
Grants outside the Researchers In-training Statute (Estatuto del personal investigador en formacin, EPIF);
Grants/contracts within the Researchers In-training Statute (Estatuto del personal investigador en formacin);
Under regional pre-doctoral grants/contracts (2 year grant + 2 year contract) - sometimes also, under a 1+ 3 or 0 + 4
As a civil servant.
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Apart from this new law, which is applicable at national level, Autonomous Communities can develop
individual plans related to the researchers career (e.g. the Researchers Career in Catalonia (La carrera
Shift from core to project-based funding
Researchers who are involved in project-based research have access to publicly funded contracts with clear
descriptions and activities planning. This is the case for the pre-doctoral FPI programmes (Formacin de
Personal Investigador), the post-doc Ramon y Cajal Programme, the FPU programme (Formacin de
Profesorado Universitario), the Juan de la Cierva programme , the JAE-doc programme and the Torres Quevedo
programme (see chapter 8 Mobility and international attractiveness).
Social security benefits (sickness, unemployment, old-age)
Researchers under employment contracts or receiving funding are granted social security coverage, including
sickness and unemployment benefits. Old-age benefits are only available for PhD students under employment
contracts, but not for pre-doctoral students receiving grants.
INNFLUYE subprogramme
Innpronta Programme
At national level
The programme finances integrated experimental development projects, of a large-scale,
strategic nature, whose aim is the development of new technologies in forward-looking
areas of technology with economic and commercial prospects at international level and
representing an important technological and industrial advance for the regions receiving
funding from the "R&D&I by and for the benefit of Companies - Technology Fund"
Operating Programme.
This programme funds the hiring of technicians by the private sector for a minimum of one
year and a maximum of three. In 2012, the total budget was EUR 91.2 million (EUR 1.2
million as grants and the rest of the amount as subsidised loans).
The Inncorpora programme allows for mobility between the public and the business sector.
The aim of the programme is to engage highly-skilled staff in private companies (as well as
technology centres, science parks and business associations) and support knowledge
transfer between academia and the business sector.
INNFLUYE funds the creation and strengthening of Spanish Technology Platforms, i.e.
public-private groups which work on developing and updating R&D agendas and innovation
priorities for their particular sector. The total budget allocated for 2013 is EUR 1.5 million.
INNPACTO fosters steady cooperation between research institutions and firms. It supports
collaborative experimental development projects focused on market demand. Projects are
multi-year and funded with grants and subsidised loans. In 2012, the total budget was EUR
851.7 million.
The Innpronta Programme falls under the Centre for the Development of Industrial
Technology (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnolgico Industrial). It offers grants to promote
stable public-private cooperation in R&D. The programme finances large industrial research
projects of a strategic nature in the following priority areas: energy, the environment and
climate change, biotechnology, health and food. The multi-year grants are for the
development of new technologies in forward-looking areas with economic and commercial
prospects at international level. The budget was EUR 102 million for 2011.
The CENIT Programme is part of the INGENIO 2010 initiative launched by the government in
2006 to stimulate cooperation in R&D&I among businesses, universities, public or private
research and technology centres.
CENIT has the following characteristics: i) industrial research projects with mandatory and
contractual cooperation between companies and public, private or other research groups;
ii) at least four independent firms (two of them SMEs) and two public research institutions;
iii) minimum commitment of four years; iv) minimum budget of EUR 20 million; and v) at
least 20% of the budget must be developed by research organisations or technology centres
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At national level
under contract.
Torres Quevedo
Talent Empresa
Programme (TEM
Grants), Catalonia
Managed by the CDTI, CENIT is a competitive program with grants of up to 50% of the
budget of the projects. There were six calls during the period 2006-2010 with EUR 1 072
million of grants. The last projects will be completed in 2014.
This programme gives a subsidy to private institutions for three years in order to employ
post-doc researchers for viability studies or experimental development projects or
industrial research activities. In 2012, the number of Torres Quevedo grants was 330.
At regional level
The TEM Grants target Catalonias SMEs, technology parks, etc. to encourage them to
employ researchers to work for industry.
The Science, Technology and Innovation Law includes a section focusing on human resources dedicated to
research. Its main new features include the ambitious task of regulating mobility between public entities and
the private sector, creating specific employment contracts for researchers and the undertaking, in a clearly
defined manner, of performance evaluations for career professionals in the public research entities of the
General State Administration.
The Basque Foundation launches calls to attract and retain distinguished
researchers, regardless of their nationality.
The Clarn programme aims to attract researchers currently working in foreign
institutions to pursue a researcher career in the Autonomous Community of the
Principality of Asturias.
The ICREA programme aims to attract researchers from around the world, based on
their scientific talent, to move to and work in Catalonia.
The Ramn y Cajal programme provides grants lasting for a period of five years for
the recruitment of candidates who have undertaken research placements at R&D
centres other than those included in the programme for a period of at least 24
months after having obtained their PhDs, or who have been fully awarded PhDs in
foreign universities and have worked at least 24 months after getting their PhD
degree. Since 2012, the programme has also included financial support to the
creation of jobs on a permanent basis. In 2012, the Ramn y Cajal programme
increased the amount of each grant by 10%. In addition, it includes a EUR 100 000
sum per grant to support a long-term contract. In 2012, the number of Ramn y
Cajal grants was 175.
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Juan de la Cierva Programme
The Juan de la Cierva programme provides grants lasting a period of three years for
the recruitment of researchers who have recently been awarded their PhD (or are
about to get it). In 2012, the number of Juan de la Cierva grants was 225.
Source: Deloitte
Finally, the Spanish Government is planning to create a programme at national level (an extension of the
existing Severo Ochoa Programa in Asturias see below) which will target high-level scientists, regardless of
their nationality.
Inward mobility (funding)
In Spain, the major obstacles to researchers mobility are either legal problems related to visa acquisition or
language barriers, especially in connection with administrative procedures. In 2009, the government
implemented the Scientific Visa Directive via the Spanish Immigration Act 2/2009.
The table below summarises key measures aimed at supporting researchers inward mobility.
Table 9: Measures supporting researchers inward mobility
Accin Estratgica de Salud Sara
Borrell (ongoing)
Accin Estratgica de Salud Rio
Hortega (ongoing)
Linea Inncorpora -Torres
Quevedo17 (ongoing)
SIC-JAE-Doc (ongoing)
The Sara Borrell Action is part of the Strategic Health Programme. It supports health
research centres wanting to employ national or foreign doctors with experience in
health research for a maximum three-year period.
The Rio Hortega Action is part of the Strategic Health Programme and aims at
engaging health professionals in research teams to obtain experience in research.
This budget line grants a subsidy to private companies, technology centres, business
associations or scientific parks for a maximum of three years in order to employ
national or foreign researchers for experimental developments, viability studies or
industrial research. After the period of three years, the contract must become
Programme I3A supports research institutions to permanently employ national or
foreign post-docs students.
This programme comes under the Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness. It
targets foreign researchers and lecturers coming to Spain, either during a sabbatical
year (for senior researchers or professors) or by signing employment contracts (for
young doctors) for a period of nine to eighteen months.
The Juan de la Cierva subprogramme promotes a contract for post-doc juniors to be
integrated and work in research teams for a maximum of three years (see also table
Under the CSIC-JAE-Doc programme, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
offers three-year postdoctoral contracts to national and foreign post-doctoral
researchers, including the preparation of a PhD thesis.
The Ramn y Cajal subprogramme promotes a contract for post-doc seniors to be
integrated and work in research teams for a maximum of five years (see also table
These are two types of contract access to the SECyT and the distinguished
researcher contract developed under the Spanish Law on Science, Technology and
Innovation. They are open to both nationals and foreign researchers. The first is for
researchers who obtained their PhD in the previous five years.
Source: Deloitte
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Outbound mobility
The table below presents measures aimed at encouraging researchers to spend some time in another country.
Table 10: Measures supporting researchers outbound mobility
FPI, FPU and JAE pre-doctoral
Human Resources
Subprogramme Salvador
Madariaga (ongoing)
Postdoctoral mobility in
foreign centres (ongoing)
Subprogramme of
specialisation in International
Organisations (ongoing)
Clarn de Ayudas
Postdoctorales del Principado
de Asturias Programme
(Modalidad A) (ongoing)
Severo Ochoa del Principado
de Asturias Programme
At national level
See chapter 5 Education and training.
The Ministry of Education runs this programme that funds researchers wanting to
obtain a PhD at the European University Institute in Florence. The funding is for 48
months (24 month grant and another 24 month employment contract). In 2012, the
total budget was EUR 391 000.
This subprogramme for post-doctorates covers a maximum stay of one month per
year. It includes post-doc positions offered by the Fulbright Commission, the
Ctedras Prncipe de Asturias (Prince of Asturias Chairs) and the International
Computer Science Institute.
In this programme, senior researchers with permanent positions in a public
research institution can apply to spend three to twelve months at a foreign
institution. Young researchers with a temporary or permanent contract in a public
research institution can also apply for a four- to ten-month stay at a foreign
institution. In 2012, the total budget was EUR 7.59 million.
This subprogramme funds researchers, technologists, and science and technology
managers to spend one to two years in an international scientific institution in
another country. Following this period, the beneficiary has to develop a one-year
project in a Spanish public research centre or technology-based enterprise.
At regional level
The Clarin programme of the Principality of Asturias funds post-doctoral
researchers to spend a maximum of 24 months in foreign centres of excellence to
further develop their specialisation (see also table 8).
The Severo Ochoa Programme of the Principality of Asturias funds pre-doctoral
students (two year grant and a two year contract) with additional funding for
annual short stays of a maximum of 60 days.
Source: Deloitte
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