Big Data

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White Paper

How Big Data Management Turns

Petabytes into Profits
Successful Big Data Projects Begin with Three Essential Pillars

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This edition published September 2015

White Paper

Table of Contents
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Why Arent We There Yet? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Why Do Many Big Data Efforts Fail? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Big Data Laboratory vs. Big Data Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Three Essential Pillars. The Importance of Data Integration,
Governance, and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Trustworthy Data is Essential to Achieving ROI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Big Data Management in Action: Customer Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Why Informatica for Big Data Management? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Get Big Data Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Executive Summary
Now that the industry has nearly a decade of experience with big datasurrounded by far too much hype
about data volume, variety, and velocityits time to finally catch up to the promise. After years of trial and
error, businesses should now be ready to define a big data strategy that delivers tangible and real results
and ultimately achieves increased ROI.
Big data integration and management form the foundation for success. With the right approach, you can bring
together disparate and complex information from multiple sources and turn it into trusted information assets at
scale to drive competitive advantage.
This white paper describes a big data management platform that relies on three fundamental pillars to deliver
expected business results from big data projects:
Dynamic and optimized big data integration
End-to-end big data governance and quality
Risk-centric big data security

Why Arent We There Yet?

One of the biggest questions businesses have asked over the past year or so is: When will the promise of big
data become reality? We should be ready to make significant steps forward, right?
Industry analysts and the press have focused on this heavily over the past couple of years. For example,
a researcher at Wikibon recently wrote: Big data has established itself as one of the key competitive
differentiators in the emerging digital economy.1 Wikibon notes that big data is being used by a crop of new
digital businesses as well as by traditional enterprises.
This should be good newsand is the typical path for new technologies (think cloud computing, in-memory
analytics, data virtualization, etc.)which are initially over-hyped and gradually mature and catch up to what
has been promised.

Pent-up demand from the C-suite

CIOs and Chief Data Officers (CDOs) weve talked with over the past few months tell us theyre ready to take
on big data projects and prove success, saying things like:
We have so much knowledge in dataits just huge. We need data cleaning and analytics to pull this
knowledge out.
I worry that our CEOs/CFOs will soon start complaining that the information garnered from big data didnt
really make them more money. To make more money, you need to connect the dots between transactional
systems, BI, and the planning systems.
We need to be proactive and cut the time to execution. The value we derive from our data needs to enable
the enterprise to generate value different than our competitors.
What are we going to do to differentiate ourselves? is a big driver for us. Our competitors have been at
this business for years. We arent hiring two hundred people like they are. So were differentiating ourselves
by personalizing the services we offer.
Often the datas not available because theres no business process to capture it. Or even if there is one, the
data doesnt represent what everyone thinks it does.

Wikibon, Big Data: From Promise to Reality. May 1, 2015.

Without question, the key big data challenges for most businesses today are how to get started and how to
achieve quick and measurable results.

The Problem with Big Data Projects


Data Modeler


and Emails

Data Scientist

Data Analyst

Data Steward

Data Engineer


Analytic Apps, Enterprise Apps, etc.

Takes too long to get the data

Can I trust the data?
We have a lot of sensitive data


Too many one-off projects

Hard to build and maintain
Many compliance requirements

Social Media,
Web Logs

Laboratory (insights)
Machine Device,


Factory (actions)

Data Lakes, Data Warehouses, Data Marts, NoSQL


Figure 1. Businesses are challenged by how to get started and how to achieve results with big data

Why Do Many Big Data Efforts Fail?

Big data promises to allow new forms of analysis and insights to emerge as the volume and variety of data
increases. Once you determine an insight that has value, you can make a business decision based on ROI
analysis to further invest in monetizing the insight to meet a specific business outcome.
Despite the high business value that can be derived from big data, many initiatives fail for a number of
reasons. Businesses keep big data in silos across separate business units, which prevent companies from
seeing a total view of customer information or other assets across the company2. Some businesses also use
traditional data technologies that were not designed to solve big data problems3.
Big data holds a lot of promise for businesses, but enterprises are becoming disillusioned because theyre
not seeing immediate success. According to research by Capgemini Consulting4, 60 percent of executives
surveyed believe big data will upend their industries within three years. But a mere 8 percent describe their
own projects as very successful, and only 27 percent call their efforts successful.
For many businesses, the sheer volume of data that is available is often incomplete, inconsistent, ungoverned,
and unprotectedleading to negative or even disastrous outcomes. Traditional solutions can be expensive,
manual, and complex with business analysts waiting weeks to get useful data for analytics. The time to
operationalize an analytic insight into actionable results can easily exceed the time and scope of the
allocated budget.

InformationWeek, 8 Reasons Big Data Projects Fail. August 7, 2014


Capgemini Consulting, Cracking the Data Conundrum: How Successful Companies Make Big
Data Operational.

Big Data Success Driven by Automation and Standardization

The benefit of using
standard tools for data
integration was that
we could leverage over
a hundred of our ETL
developers to build data
pipelines on Hadoop
without having to know
anything about Hadoop.
The savings were huge.
Executive Director of Data
Warehouse Engineering at a
large global bank

Smart organizations are discovering that a one-off, hand-coding approach to big

data management does not lead to repeatable, reliable, and maintainable production
environments. On the contrary, this approach sets them up for spending most of their time
rewriting and maintaining the code as things change. Organizations need help to quickly
and efficiently integrate data into big data platforms. They also need tools to prepare the
data using readily available staff who dont require specialized Hadoop experience.
The companies that successfully deliver business value with big data have put in place
self-service autonomy so that data scientists and analysts dont have to wait for fully
certified data to iterate through hypothesis testing and model validation. Meanwhile,
automation and standardization enables scalable and flexible data pipelines to meet
the SLAs of the businessdelivering data directly into the business applications used by
employees and customers, in real time if necessary.

Data Management: Two Sides of One Coin

One example of a company that is gaining business value with self-service autonomy and
operational agility is at a large North American conglomerate with more than 24 business
units and companies. It adopted a big data management platform to integrate, govern, and
secure all data onto a central data management infrastructure.
Data comes from thousands of sources with evolving schemas and varying reliability. Each
business unit produces and consumes massive amounts of data through data interchanges
with redundant efforts in gathering and using external data.
The company views big data management as two sides of one coin: on one side is the
laboratory, where analysts can autonomously discover and prove value; on the other is the
factory, where IT and Operations can build data products that scale. When an analyst has
an idea, he or she works with IT to get the data loaded so that the analyst can do his or her
own self-service discovery.
The companys business depends on delivering timely and trusted information to customers,
so its critical that its IT team can detect data quality problems and anomalies early on. The
company now has the tools to profile large data sets at scale and perform continual audits
using data quality scorecards and dashboards. It can use existing ETL developers to build
data pipelines on Hadoop, which is much more beneficial than hand coding.
As this example demonstrates, managing big data sustainably and repeatedly for multiple
projects requires an intelligent data platform that delivers clean, safe, and connected data
throughout the enterprise.

By 2018, the United States

alone could face a shortage
of 140,000 to 190,000
people with deep analytical
skills as well as 1.5 million
managers and analysts with
the know-how to use the
analysis of big data to make
effective decisions.
McKinsey & Company,
Big data: The next frontier for

The Big Data Laboratory vs. Big Data Factory

Many companies starting their big data journey dont realize that big data requires people
with a diverse set of skills and talent to be successfulincluding data scientists, data
engineers, architects, and subject matter experts. The first group of talent is more scientific,
primarily focused on analyzing data and discovering insights in what well call the big
data laboratory. Typically, they embark on a highly iterative process where nine out of ten
discoveries may have no value at all.
The second group is more engineering and IT-centric, focused on architecting, building, and
maintaining consistent, reliable, and trusted data pipelines that deliver actionable insights
to the business. They work in what well call the big data factory. Their processes can be
difficult to scale and maintain in production data centers.
And both groups must adhere to security policies and industry regulations. The ability to
integrate, govern, and secure data at scale gives data scientists and the business confidence
in the data they are analyzing and using to drive successful business outcomes. A big data
management platform is the foundation for self-service autonomy that enables data scientists
to discover insights faster, and delivers operational agility that turns raw data into
actionable information.

Requirements for Successful Big Data Analytics


Data Modeler


Data Scientist

Data Analyst

Data Steward

Data Engineer


Analytic Apps, Enterprise Apps, etc.


and Emails

Self-Service Autonomy

Operational Agility

Laboratory (insights)

Factory (actions)

Social Media,
Web Logs

Machine Device,


Data Lakes, Data Warehouses, Data Marts, NoSQL


Figure 2. Requirements for success: Self-service autonomy and operational agility

Three Essential Pillars. The Importance of Data

Integration, Governance, and Security
Gartners 2015 Hadoop
adoption study results show
that investment remains
tentative in the face of
sizable challenges around
business value and skills.
Gartner, Survey Analysis:
Hadoop Adoption Drivers and
Challenges, Nick Heudecker,
Merv Adrian. May 12, 2015.

For big data management to truly be effective, you need to start with a platform that delivers
three key elements:
1. Dynamic and optimized big data integration
2. End-to-end big data governance and quality
3. Risk-centric big data security
In the early days of big data, most of the investment was in Hadoop and data analysis and
less on data governance. But as businesses have begun building complex architectures for
big data, challenges around data governance and data privacy have increased5. Now
as big data strategies maturewere seeing more interest in comprehensive big data
management platforms that handle data integration, data governance, and data security
for multiple projects across the enterprise. And although businesses are still intrigued by
Hadoop, investment in the technology remains tentative.

Big data integration should deliver high-throughput data ingestion and at-scale processing
so business analysts can make better decisions using next-generation analytics tools.
Big data integration helps businesses gain better insights from big data because it:
Speeds up development, leverages existing IT skills, and simplifies maintenance through
the use of a simple visual interface supported by easy-to-use templates
Increases performance and resource utilization by optimizing data processing execution
and providing flexible, hybrid deployment across a variety of platforms
Handles a wide variety of data sources though hundreds of pre-built transforms,
connectors, and orchestrates data flows by using broker-based data ingestion

Governance and Quality

End-to-end big data governance and quality means business and IT users can be confident
with the data theyre using. Look for comprehensive data governance that includes:
Formal data quality assessments to detect data anomalies sooner
Pre-built data quality rules to ensure data is fit-for-purpose
Universal metadata catalog to facilitate search and automate data processing
Entity matching and linking to enrich master data such as for customers
End-to-end data lineage for data provenance, traceability, and compliance audits
The need for governance and security is greater with big data because of the larger volume
and variety of data that originate from multiple sources, collected in one place (typically in
Hadoop-based data lakes), and proliferated across many target systems. All this data needs
to be governed and secured.

EY, Big data: Changing the way businesses compete and operate. April 2014

Risk-centric big data security analyzes all data to quickly detect and act upon risks and vulnerabilities. This
requires a 360-degree view of sensitive data, supported by risk analytics and policy-based protection of
data at risk. Big data security should de-identify information controlled by corporate policies and industry
regulations. Risk-centric big data security must enable:
Single pane of glass monitoring of sensitive data stores to provide visibility into the locations of
sensitive data
Sensitive data discovery and classification for a comprehensive 360 view of sensitive data
Usage and proliferation analysis for a precise understanding of data risk
Risk assessment to help prioritize investments in security programs
Non-intrusive persistent and dynamic data masking to protect sensitive data in development and
production environments to help minimize the risk of a security breach

Three Pillars of Big Data Management


Data Modeler

Data Scientist


Data Analyst

Data Steward

Data Engineer


Analytic Apps, Enterprise Apps, etc.


and Emails

Social Media,
Web Logs

Machine Device,

Big Data Integration

Big Data Governance


Big Data Security


Data Lakes, Data Warehouses, Data Marts, NoSQL


Figure 3: Data integration, governance, and security are three essential pillars of Big Data Management

Trustworthy Data is Essential to Achieving ROI

Its not an easy task to quantify the ROI of big data initiatives. This is largely because in the beginning, big
data projects typically start off as science experiments in the lab.
Its best to start small and get some quick winsfocusing on the journey to ROI without trying to do everything
all at once. By gradually curating trustworthy data, you can make the right decisions at the right time, get
relevant data into the hands of key decision-makers, and ultimately achieve tangible business results.
Data scientists need to explore the data for relationships, patterns, and insights. While at the same time
the business expects actionable information it can use immediately to drive results. Look for a big data
management platform that can take raw data and make it fit-for-purpose and easily accessible for data
scientists and analysts to discover insights. Data engineers should be able to build scalable data pipelines that
are easy to deploy and maintain and take raw data and convert it into something that is readily consumable
and actionable by the business (following a process of collect, prepare, cleanse, integrate,
and deliver).

Here are six of the most common
business objectives for big data
projects today. View the Big
Data Management in Action
section for customer examples.
Increasing customer loyalty
Increasing operational
Reducing security risks
Improving fraud detection
in financial services and

Increasing Customer LoyaltyA Sample ROI Scenario

Lets take a quick look at how big data management can help reduce the costs of
gathering, integrating, governing, and securing datawhile delivering results that
can significantly increase revenue:
You can reduce the cost of gathering massive amounts of raw data from web
logs, customer transactions, marketing campaign data, and other sources
by using pre-built adapters and parsers for storing data in Hadoop, thereby
reducing storage costs.
You can dramatically cut the time and cost of preparing the data for analysis by
using purpose-built tools with pre-built transformations instead of hand-coding
using expensive developers with specialized hand-coding skills. The cost of
governance is reduced with pre-built data quality rules and the ability
to match and link data sets at scale to enrich customer master data with
consumer behavior.

Improving predictive
maintenance in manufacturing

You can avoid the cost and bad publicity associated with security breaches
by understanding where all your sensitive PII/PHI customer data resides and
masking it to de-identify and de-sensitize the data.

Lowering the total cost of care

in healthcare

And finally, you can build a data pipeline that is easy to maintain and
delivers information directly to consumers mobile devicesoptimizing their
personal engagement and increasing loyalty thereby increasing revenue and
market share.

Big Data Management in Action: Customer Examples

Here are a few examples of how businesses are deriving value from their data by
integrating, governing, and securing it at scale.

Large Bank Significantly Enhances Fraud Detection and Improves ROI

A major bank with $403 billion in assets and 18.5 million customers wanted to significantly
reduce the time it was taking to catch fraudulent events as they happened. Specifically, it
wanted to bring general ledger data to the Enterprise Landing Zone (ELZ) to harmonize and
standardize data before feeding it into anti-money laundering (AML) and fraud detection
applications. The bank also wanted to bring other domains like customer banking, cards,
mortgage, wire transfers, Salesforce, Siebel, and other ERP data to the ELZ to further
improve fraud analysis.
Informatica big data management helped the company significantly reduce mainframe costs
and speed up AML and fraud detection processing. The new platform helps establish and
enforce AML data preparation rules, identify changes to data sets, tag log files for audit
purposes, execute ETL transforms, and create aggregated data sets.

Western Union Creates Enterprise Data Hub to Help Identify Trends and
Enhance Customer Experience
Ecommerce giant and money lender Western Union wanted to develop an omni-channel marketing approach
that integrated retail, web, and mobile and would help it expand into new markets with digital products. The
firm sought to reach customers with a more tailored and personalized experience, while also reducing risk.
Western Union built a new big data platform based on Hadoop and Informatica Big Data Management to
help the company identify trends and analyze data from multiple diverse sources (legacy, online, and mobile).
Western Union can now quickly evaluate customer preferences and buying patterns to enhance the overall
customer experience.
Find out more about Western Union and Informatica

Leading Insurance Firm Relies on Unified Big Data Platform to Power Marketing Campaigns
With nearly 20 million customers, a leading insurance firm wanted a 360-degree view of all consumer activity
for improved marketing, planning, and analytics. It sought to discover and mine relationships and to create
highly targeted and personalized campaigns.
Many data sources needed to be integrated, cleansed, and matched at scale from a variety of systems. Data
sources for marketing include customer profile data, Salesforce CRM, prospect and partner data, solicitation
history, web logs, and social media data.
Informatica provided a single big data management platform that delivers a consistent enterprise-wide
view across all business units. The platform enables rapid intake of new data sources, both structured and
unstructured, and eliminates data pipeline bottlenecks while increasing processing power for statistical
analytics. Insurance is a highly regulated industry, so the platform also supports data governance with tools
and processes to profile data, validate data quality, capture metadata, provide end-to-end data lineage, and
ensure security.

Healthcare Insurer Improves Patient Outcomes and Lowers Cost of Care

A North American provider of managed care services to about 4 million members uses big data management
to achieve its key business goals: improve patient outcomes, lower total cost of care, increase member
retention, and grow membership.
The company wanted to modernize its analytics infrastructure to help improve provider collaboration, member
engagement and retention, and enhance compliance reporting and quality outcomes reporting. This was
not an easy task given increasing data volumes, regulatory compliance, and data coming from various data
domains ranging from claims to clinical data domains.
The insurer decided to implement a more agile and flexible logical data warehouse strategy using Informatica
for Big Data Integration and Quality on Hadoop. The company expects to deliver more timely and trusted
data that will help it improve provider collaboration and member engagement, provide better outcomes at
lower cost to remain competitive and grow market share, increase member retention and growth, and reduce
medical costs.

Large Oil and Gas Company

About Informatica
Informatica is a leading
independent software
provider focused on delivering
transformative innovation for
the future of all things data.
Organizations around the world
rely on Informatica to realize their
information potential and drive
top business imperatives. More
than 5,800 enterprises depend on
Informatica to fully leverage their
information assets residing onpremise, in the Cloud and on the
internet, including social networks.

A major oil and gas company is building a logical data warehouse using Informatica Big
Data Management and a Hadoop-based data lake that supports critical capabilities such as
data ingestion, metadata, data integration, data quality and data governance, master data
management, information security, and information sharing and reusability.
The company is among the largest U.S.-based independent natural gas and oil producers.
Its business users need fast, accurate data at their fingertips to make smart, quick decisions.
Informatica Big Data Management makes manual data entry and reconciliation a thing of
the past by providing authoritative and trusted data as it relates to wells, suppliers, and
other key master and reference data.
Informatica accelerates time-to-value with readily available skills to build data pipelines
in Hadoop that transform, prepare, and deliver data to the companys big data analytic
applications. This improves the automation of many core business tasks such as fracking
process efficiency, dispatching drivers out to locations more efficiently and improving
decision support during well construction.

Why Informatica for Big Data Management?

With 20-plus years of innovation and leadership in data management, Informatica delivers
a proven platform for comprehensive big data management. Weve been named a
leader by both Gartner6 and Forrester across multiple categories of data integration, data
quality, MDM, data security, and cloud integration. By combining the best of open source
technology with our own proven methodology, we provide a comprehensive intelligent data
platform designed for big data management.
Backed by a strong partner ecosystem and global network of big data experts, we can help
you accelerate and improve the success of your big data initiatives, gain some quick wins,
and establish a solid foundation to continuously deliver business value from your
data assets.

Get Big Data Ready

Informatica can help you adopt a strategy to use big data management as part of your
overall enterprise information architecture planto deliver results with speed, confidence,
and repeatability.

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We interviewed Informatica customers who have built a new data organization that turns
their data into a competitive advantage. Read the eBook How to organize the data-ready
enterprise, to discover the seven key principles for building an organization that creates
great data for real business value.

Gartner, 2015 Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools, Eric Thoo, Lakshmi Randall, 29 July 2015.

Gartner, 2014 Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools, Saul Judah, Ted Friedman, November 26,
Gartner, 2014 Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management of Customer Data Solutions, Bill
OKane, Saul Judah, October 30, 2014.
Gartner 2014 Magic Quadrant for Data Masking Technology, Joseph Feiman and Brian Lowans,
December 10, 2014
Gartner, 2015 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service, Worldwide, Massimo
Pazzini, et al. March 23, 2015.

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