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Design, Analysis and Prototype Manufacturing of a Sequential


Fajar Sohail Latif

Khuldoon Usman
Momin Jawaid Ali
Mukaram Ali


Supervised By
Assistant Professor Dr. Samiur Rahman Shah

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Islamabad, Pakistan
June, 2016

Design, Analysis and Prototype Manufacturing of a Sequential


Fajar Sohail Latif

Khuldoon Usman
Momin Jawaid Ali
Mukaram Ali


Supervised By
Assistant Professor Dr. Samiur Rahman Shah

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelors of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Islamabad, Pakistan
June, 2016

National University of Sciences & Technology


We hereby recommend that the dissertation prepared under our supervision by: Fajar Sohail




(NUST201200287BSMME11112F), Momin Jawaid Ali (NUST201201370BSMME11112F)

and Mukaram Ali (NUST201200818BSMME11112F) Titled: Design, Analysis and
Prototype Manufacturing of a Sequential Transmission be accepted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of Bachelors of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
degree with (


English and format checked by Ms. Aamna Hassan, Signature:_________________

Guidance Committee Members







Supervisors Name:



Head of Department





We certify that this research work titled Design, Analysis and Prototype Manufacturing of a
Sequential Transmission is our own work. The work has not been presented elsewhere for
assessment. The material that has been used from other sources has been properly
acknowledged / referred.

Fajar Sohail Latif


Khuldoon Usman

Momin Jawaid Ali


Mukaram Ali

Copyright Statement

Copyright in text of this thesis rests with the student author. Copies (by any process)
either in full, or of extracts, may be only in accordance with the instructions given by
author and lodged in the Library of SMME, NUST. Details may be obtained by the
librarian. This page must be part of any such copies made. Further copies (by any
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the permission (in writing) of the author.

The ownership of any intellectual property rights which may be described in this thesis is
vested in SMME, NUST, subject to any prior agreement to the contrary, and may not be
made available for use of third parties without the written permission of SMME, NUST
which will describe the terms and conditions of any such agreement.

Further information on the conditions under which disclosure and exploitation may take
place is available from the library of SMME, NUST, Islamabad.



First of all, we would thank Allah Almighty, who gave us the knowledge and dedication to be
able to complete this project. We are extremely grateful to our supervisor, Dr. Samiur
Rahman Shah, for giving us the guidance required to complete this endeavor of ours. Our
departments Design and Manufacturing Resource Centre also assisted us greatly. We would
like to extend our gratitude to our entire department, its faculty and staff, for all their
assistance in our project.


The purpose of this project was to design a sequential transmission for our departments
formula student car, and also to analyze that design. We successfully performed both, using
Solidworks and Ansys for the respective tasks. We also produced a 3D-printed prototype of
the transmission. The latter part of project, though, involved preparing the prototype vehicle
for the formula student competition, of which some components were already available,
while the rest we had to manufacture

Keywords: Design, Sequential transmission, Analysis, Formula Student, Prototype


Table of Contents

Declaration................................................................................................................................. i
Copyright Statement ................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures .........................................................................................................................vii
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... ix
Symbols ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 1

Background ................................................................................................................. 1


Aim and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 1


Research Methodology................................................................................................ 2


Thesis Structure ........................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 Literature Review .................................................................................................. 3


Type of Transmission .................................................................................................. 3


Gear Calculations, Material and Related Data ............................................................ 4


Shaft Design ................................................................................................................ 5


Methodologies...................................................................................................... 5


Problems .............................................................................................................. 6


Selection of Gear Type ................................................................................................ 6


Gearwheel Performance Limitations ........................................................................... 7



Lubrication System ..................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 3 Transmission Design and Analysis ..................................................................... 10


Design Concept ......................................................................................................... 10


Vehicle Speeds, Acceleration and Forces ................................................................. 11


First Draft .................................................................................................................. 11


Individual Transmission Components ............................................................... 12

Final Draft ................................................................................................................. 18


Transmission Components ................................................................................. 18


Transmission Analysis ....................................................................................... 21


3D printed prototype ................................................................................................. 24

Chapter 4 Vehicle Construction ........................................................................................... 25


Components............................................................................................................... 25


Facts and Figures ....................................................................................................... 30


Final Vehicle ............................................................................................................. 31

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work ........................................................................... 33


Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 33


Future Work .............................................................................................................. 33

References ............................................................................................................................... 34


List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Front wheel drive. a) Longitudinal engine in front of axle, longitudinal gearbox; b)
longitudinal engine behind axle, longitudinal gearbox; c) longitudinal engine above axle,
longitudinal gearbox; d) transverse engine beside the gearbox; e) transverse engine
above the gearbox; f) transverse engine behind the gearbox ............................................. 4
Figure 2.2 Bending stress at the tooth root with force acting on the tip .................................... 5
Figure 2.3 Deflection f and bending angle in shafts with large distances between bearings
and asymmetrical loading. ................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2.4 Torque limits of case-hardened, lubricated gearwheels plotted against tangential
speed. ................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.5 Vibration fatigue failure in a spur gear..................................................................... 8
Figure 2.6 Macropitting due to flank surface fatigue ................................................................ 9
Figure 3.1 Input shaft (with the first gear) ............................................................................... 12
Figure 3.2 2nd gear input shaft ............................................................................................. 12
Figure 3.3 3rd gear input shaft .............................................................................................. 13
Figure 3.4 4th gear input shaft .............................................................................................. 13
Figure 3.5 5th gear input shaft .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 3.6 Bushing ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3.7 Output shaft ............................................................................................................ 15
Figure 3.8 1st gear output shaft............................................................................................. 15
Figure 3.9 4th gear output shaft ............................................................................................ 16
Figure 3.10 Input shaft assembly ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 3.11 Output shaft assembly .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 3.12 Gearbox assembly ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3.13 Final input shaft assembly .................................................................................... 18
Figure 3.14 Final output shaft assembly .................................................................................. 19
Figure 3.15 Casing cross-section ............................................................................................. 19
Figure 3.16 Gear Selector Cam Drum (Barrel) ........................................................................ 20
Figure 3.17 Final Gearbox assembly ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.18 1st gear torque ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3.19 2nd gear torque ..................................................................................................... 21

Figure 3.20 3rd gear torque ...................................................................................................... 21

Figure 3.21 4th gear torque ...................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3.22 1st gear pair analysis ............................................................................................ 22
Figure 3.23 2nd gear pair analysis ........................................................................................... 23
Figure 3.24 3rd gear pair analysis ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 3.25 3D-printed input shaft assembly........................................................................... 24
Figure 3.26 3D-printed input shaft assembly........................................................................... 24
Figure 4.1 CAD model of the chassis of our vehicle ............................................................... 25
Figure 4.2 Uprights steering behavior analysis ...................................................................... 26
Figure 4.3 Modified hub and wishbone assembly ................................................................... 27
Figure 4.4 Rod ends ................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 4.5 Axle elongation ...................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4.6 Left engine mounting ............................................................................................. 28
Figure 4.7 Right engine mounting ........................................................................................... 29
Figure 4.8 Mounted engine ...................................................................................................... 29
Figure 4.9 Mounting the suspension and tires onto the frame ................................................. 31
Figure 4.10 The prototype vehicle for the subsequent batches ................................................ 32


List of Tables

Table 2.1 Matrix of the configurations of commercial vehicle powertrains .............................. 3

Table 2.2 Efficiency ranges of different gearbox types ............................................................. 7
Table 3.1 Gear Parameters ....................................................................................................... 10
Table 3.2 Speed, force and acceleration calculations for each gear ........................................ 11


Chapter 1



Less than nearly four decades ago, a competition was started in which teams of university
students would design and construct racing vehicles and compete against eachother.
Nowadays this competition is known as Formula SAE. Three years ago, the School of
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME), NUST commenced work on a vehicle
to participate in this competition in the near future. Since then, its students, under the
supervision of the departments automotive expert Dr. Samiur Rahman Shah, have been
involved in the construction of this vehicle. The design and fabrication of various
components of this vehicle have been undertaken as final year projects by groups of students.
This year, one of those components was the transmission of the vehicle.


Aim and Objectives

The aim of this project was to design a sequential transmission for the formula student
vehicle. The required design would need to satisfy the following criteria:

Be compact, in order to easily fit into the designed chassis.

Have short shifting times, to be an effective racing transmission

Be lighter in weight

Our objectives for the project were as follows:

Design of the input and output shafts and gears.

Stress analysis of the above components

Manufacturing a prototype of the transmission assembly

Design of a selector drum and shift forks

Design and manufacture of the shifting mechanism

Another major deliverable was to complete the Formula Student vehicle. This deliverable
included the following objectives.

Design of Upright components and their integration with the chassis and the
suspension system of the vehicle.


Designing and constructing the suspension components along with chassis mountings.

Integrating the current engine with the chassis

Steering behavior and suspension analysis for camber, caster and scrub radius setup.

Engine tuning, testing and chassis fitting.

Research Methodology

The literature study was carried out by technical books reading, video lectures and tutorials,
seeking professional design help and through physical examination of similar components.


Thesis Structure

The brief description of the contents of the remaining chapters in thesis is described below.
Chapter 2 Literature Review: This chapter outlines the details of the literature consulted
and other aides used for the initial design concept of the transmission. This includes, besides
deign, the study carried out for making modifications to the stock transmission available and
suspension design setup.
Error! Reference source not found. Transmission Design and Analysis: This chapter will
discuss the basic rules and criteria defined for designing the transmission. This includes all
details from gear ratios, gear sizing, mesh type and sizing of the shafts. The FEM modeling
of all the parts is also part of this.
Error! Reference source not found. Vehicle Construction: This chapter will discuss the
design and manufacturing limitations faced during the process; including FSAE rules
modification limitations on available components. Gearbox alterations and iterative failures
to adhere to the chassis dimensional limits.
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work: This chapter presents the conclusion of the
conducted research along with the proposed future work.

Chapter 2
Literature Review


Type of Transmission

This chapter discusses the type of transmission that we undertook from designing. Categories
include constant mesh and synchromesh transmissions, gear types, speeds for transmission,
transverse or longitudinally mounted transmission etc. The book Automotive Transmissions
Fundamentals, Selection, Design and Application (1) was consulted to decide this.

Table 2.1 Matrix of the configurations of commercial vehicle powertrains

The table above is a guide to different types of gear configurations that could be used for
designing the transmission.

A figure that defines different types of engine-transmission configuration is given below

Figure 2.1 Front wheel drive. a) Longitudinal engine in front of axle, longitudinal gearbox; b) longitudinal
engine behind axle, longitudinal gearbox; c) longitudinal engine above axle, longitudinal gearbox; d)
transverse engine beside the gearbox; e) transverse engine above the gearbox; f) transverse engine behind the

The transmission that was finalized was an all spur gear transversely-mounted constantmesh 4-speed gearbox.


Gear Calculations, Material and Related Data

The Formula Student rule book 2016 was used to decide on design and machining of any
components. This includes maximum allowed tracks speeds, different types of differentials
allowed and manufacturing materials allowed.
The formulas for gear design were consulted, and so were the stress and bending formulas for
Equation 2.1


nominal circumferential force at the reference circle in N,

face width in mm,
standard module in mm,
form factor,
stress correction value,
contact ratio,
helical overlap,
application factor,
dynamic load factor,
longitudinal load distribution factor, and
transverse factor.

The permissible root strength is determined as,

Equation 2.2

F, lim

tooth endurance strength value,

stress correction factor,
service life factor,
relative support figure,
tooth root size factor.

The safety factor can then be calculated as a quotient of the two values calculated above,
Equation 2.3

Figure 2.2 Bending stress at the tooth root with force acting on the tip


Shaft Design

2.3.1 Methodologies
Following are the three approaches when designing shafts for transmissions:
1. Initially specifying the diameters of the shafts: This involves an initial estimate of the
shaft diameters required for a given loading.

2. Designing shafts for endurance strength: Using the maximum engine torque to work
out the maximum expected force, the transmission is designed such that is able to
sustain that load without succumbing to fatigue. An over-engineered transmission is
one which is entirely fatigue resistant, even under maximum load.
3. Specifying the operational fatigue strength of the shafts: Having decided upon a
service life for the shaft, it is designed based on existing load profiles. These profiles
are built base on the load each gear carries, and the mileage sun by each gear.
2.3.2 Problems
Two problems to which transmission shafts are particularly vulnerable to are deflection and
Deflection: In vehicle transmissions, there are large distances between shaft bearings and the
shaft loading is generally unbalanced. This results in large deflections f and large bending
angles (Figure 8.3). Additionally, the teeth become inclined, reducing the contact area
between gears in a pair, increasing stress. Shaft deflection, thus, has to be taken into account
alongside strength calculations.

Figure 2.3 Deflection f and bending angle in shafts with large distances between bearings and asymmetrical

Vibration: Vibrations, in essence, cause the transmission to become more rigid while it
undergoes its rotary motion. This additional stiffness varies with speed and gear position,
resulting in stress peaks at certain points. It is vital to study, and thus, nullify these peaks for
the transmission to serve its desired life. Vibration analysis can be performed on either test
benches or via computer simulation. There are numerous mathematical models available.


Selection of Gear Type

The use of spurs gears is solely based on their efficiency rating and easy availability and
machine-ability in the current market.

Table 2.2 Efficiency ranges of different gearbox types


Gearwheel Performance Limitations

Gears are designed based on their performance limits, i.e. their causes of failure. These limits
basically consist of 4 different types of gear failure:

tooth failure,

macropitting and micropitting,

gear scuffing (hot scuffing) and

wear (cold scuffing).

These damage types limit the load capacity of the gearwheels (Figure 2.4). The major factors
affecting the performance limits indicated above are:

operating conditions (load type, angular speed, temperature),

the material,

gear geometry,

manufacturing accuracy,

surface treatment and surface roughness and

lubricant (chemical and physical characteristics).

Figure 2.4 Torque limits of casehardened, lubricated gearwheels

plotted against tangential speed.

Out of the 4 above-mentioned damage types, the two more prominent ones, tooth failure and
macropitting, are discussed below.
Tooth failure: it is defined as failure where the tooth breaks off, partly or in its entirety. This
is further classified into overload failure and vibration fatigue failure. The former occurs
when the gear pair is briefly burdened with an intense overload. For the latter to occur, the
stress level should at least intermittently be greater than the vibrational resistance of the gear.
This resistance is largely determined by factors such as tooth root design, surface and heat
treatments, etc. Figure 7.3 shows vibration fatigue failure in a straight spur gear.

Figure 2.5 Vibration fatigue failure in a spur gear

Macropitting: Characterized by formations such as pin holes or pits on the flanks of gear
teeth, usually below the pitch circle. It indicates fatigue at the tooth flanks. Pitting load
capacity is calculated using Hertzian stress, which forms the basis for computing surface
stress. However, it should be notes that the corresponding subsurface stress is as responsible
for pitting as surface stress.

Figure 2.6 Macropitting due to flank surface fatigue

Pitting can only be found in lubricated transmissions. Pitting resistance is determined by

several factors including material type, oil viscosity and temperature, and flank surface
properties. The macropitting phenomenon is shown in Figure 2.6.


Lubrication System

Under consideration were splash lubrication vs forced lubrication systems for the
transmission. The conventional splash lubrication system was selected keeping in view its
simplicity over forced lubrication, its application in our 4-speed sequential transmission and
RPM range.

Chapter 3
Transmission Design and Analysis


Design Concept

The basic design of the transmission was based on a motorcycle transmission - a sequential
type of transmission - with gears and gear ratio calculations defined by parameters including
but not limited to top speed, acceleration, mass of transmission, maximum torque and
horsepower of the engine.
We had also acquired a Daihatsu Mira transmission, which we dismantled and examined
each component individually not only to understand its working, but also to take
measurements from, which would serve as the initial iterations of our gears parameters.
These parameters were modified to suit both standards and our requirements.
The table below details all data relevant to gearbox:

Table 3.1 Gear Parameters


The design is based on metric standards of gears and shafts, and the designing was carried out
in Solidworks 2015.


Vehicle Speeds, Acceleration and Forces

The table below shows the calculations needed for the vehicle:

Table 3.2 Speed, force and acceleration calculations for each gear


First Draft

The initial draft was totally based on Daihatsu Mira 5-speed gearbox with a top speed of
approximately 200 km/h with a time to top speed of around 11 seconds.
The pictures below show the first draft.


3.3.1 Individual Transmission Components

Figure 3.1 Input shaft (with the first gear)

Figure 3.2 2nd gear input shaft


Figure 3.3 3rd gear input shaft

Figure 3.4 4th gear input shaft


Figure 3.5 5th gear input shaft

Figure 3.6 Bushing


Figure 3.7 Output shaft

Figure 3.8 1st gear output shaft

2nd and 3rd gears are similar to 1st gear, just with different gear ratios.


Figure 3.9 4th gear output shaft

5th gear is similar to 4th with only a different gear ratio.

Figure 3.10 Input shaft assembly


Figure 3.11 Output shaft assembly

Figure 3.12 Gearbox assembly



Final Draft

The initial draft comprised of a 5-speed transmission. After further research and
consideration, a final draft with a 4-speed transmission was designed. Major factors under
consideration were top speed, weight and moment of inertia.
3.4.1 Transmission Components
All the gear ratios were kept the same. The fifth gear configuration was removed, shafts
adjusted accordingly and the dogs altered to suit the shifting mechanism.
The final shafts and assembly along with the pinion gear for the differential are shown below.

Figure 3.13 Final input shaft assembly


Figure 3.14 Final output shaft assembly

Figure 3.15 Casing cross-section


Figure 3.16 Gear Selector Cam Drum (Barrel)

Figure 3.17 Final Gearbox assembly


3.4.2 Transmission Analysis

Transmission Analysis was carried out on ANSYS. Two different materials were used for the
stress and overall analysis of the transmission, namely, grey cast iron and 4340 steel.
Figures 3.18 to 3.21 depict the effect (deflection) of each gear torque on the input shaft of the

Figure 3.18 1st gear torque

Figure 3.19 2nd gear torque

Figure 3.20 3rd gear torque


Figure 3.21 4th gear torque

The next three figures display the gear-tooth analysis of each gear pair.

Figure 3.22 1st gear pair analysis


Figure 3.23 2nd gear pair analysis

Figure 3.24 3rd gear pair analysis

The analysis behavior of the output shaft and 4th gear assembly are similar because of their
given diameter and relation to the other gears and input shaft. The stresses and strains in each
simulation were within the elastic limits of the materials.



3D printed prototype

Lack of metal manufacturing facilities led us to manufacture a 3D printed prototype of the

transmission. ABS material was used for the 3D printed model.

Figure 3.25 3D-printed input shaft assembly

Figure 3.26 3D-printed input shaft assembly


Chapter 4
Vehicle Construction



The following components were already available to us at the start of our project:

A Daihatsu Mira 660cc, 3-cylinder engine

4x stock Daihatsu Mira uprights

4x 155/65 R13 tires

4x pairs of suspension a-arms

The chassis

The steering system

The pedal assembly

Figure 4.1 CAD model of the chassis of our vehicle


Following were the parts we had to manufacture and assemble:

Modified suspension mountings for each upright

A-arm mountings for the chassis

Press-fit bushings for the a-arms, to house the rod-ends

Engine mountings

Attachment of the steering system to the chassis

Making the pedal assembly operational

Elongation of the axles

Attachment of the a-arms to the chassis

Attachment of the hubs to the a-arms

Attachment of the shocks to the suspension and chassis

Mounting the tires onto the hubs

Figure 4.2 Uprights steering behavior analysis

The unequal A-arms were used in conjunction with the uprights and Honda CG125
suspension springs to make up the suspension system. The caster factor was introduced for
optimum steer feel and behavior. This was simulated through a model in Solidworks (Fig.
4.2.). Limited adjustability of around 8 degrees allowed for camber settings.


Figure 4.3 Modified hub and wishbone assembly

Figure 4.4 Rod ends

A custom built steering system was used in conjunction with quad bike tie-rods for length
The axles had to be elongated due to the modifications in the hub and suspension.
Furthermore, custom mountings had to be constructed for the engine.

Figure 4.5 Axle elongation

Figure 4.6 Left engine mounting


Figure 4.7 Right engine mounting

Figure 4.8 Mounted engine



Facts and Figures

Important calculated and measured figures are stated below:

Engine weight = 103.5 2.5kg

Chassis weight = 61.3 2.5kg

Stiffness Constant Calculated (theoretical) = 20000 N/m

Stiffness Constant Measured (practical) = 22000 N/m

Sag in suspension under car weight = 5 cm

Total suspension travel (y-axis) = 13 cm

Caster = 12 degrees

Camber (Adjustable) = -4 to 4 degrees

Wheel size = 13 inches

Scrub Radius = 4 mm

Axle elongation (short) = 10.2 cm

Axle elongation (long) = 11.4 cm

Other figures and calculations are available in solidworks files.

List of procedures and standards used is given below

TIG welding is used throughout the chassis and components connections

Standard SS bolts were used. Majorly 10mm with certain exceptions e.g. Uprights

Standard engineering practices e.g. balancing methods, assembly procedures and

manufacturing were carried out.

All construction and manufacturing were carried out keeping into consideration FSAE



Final Vehicle

Figure 4.9 Mounting the suspension and tires onto the frame


Figure 4.10 The prototype vehicle for the subsequent batches


Chapter 5
Conclusions and Future Work



In summary, we were able to design a sequential transmission for the Formula Student
vehicle of our department. Furthermore, we conducted successful stress analyses on the
gearwheels and shafts of our transmission, and even produced a 3D-printed prototype. On the
other hand, we also assembled the prototype vehicle to near-completion, putting together the
previously available parts with newly manufactured ones.


Future Work
1. Vibrational analysis of the designed gearbox.
2. Manufacturing of the sequential transmission and attaching it to the Daihatsu Mira
engine of the actual racing vehicle for the competition.
3. Completing the prototype vehicle with the wiring of the engine, installation of the
brakes, and attachment of body kits, seats and other external elements. With this
vehicle up and running, the team will be able to secure sponsors for manufacturing the
actual vehicle for the competition. This vehicle will also serve as a test vehicle on
which the team will be able to perform trial and error.
4. Completing the competition vehicle which will feature a new chassis, suspension,
braking and steering systems and the manufactured transmission as well.




Naunheimer, H. 2011, Automotive Transmissions: Fundamentals, Selection, Design

and Application. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.


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