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The psychiatrists findings on Bonas personality profile did not emanate from a

personal interview with the subject herself as admitted by Dr. Rondain in court, as

Q: How about, you mentioned that the petitioner came for psychological test, how
about the respondent, did she come for interview and test?

A: No, maam.

Q: Did you try to take her for such?

A: Yes, maam.

Q: And what did she tell you, did she come for an interview?

A: There was no response, maam.[21]

As a consequence thereof, Dr. Rondain merely relied on her interview with Jose and
his witness, Mrs. Padernal, as well as the court record of the testimonies of other
witnesses, to wit:

Q: And you said you did interviews. Who did the interview?

A: I interviewed Mr. Ochosa and their witness Padernal, maam.

Q: When you say Padernal are you referring to Gertrudes Himpayan Padernal who
testified in this court?

A: Yes, maam.


Q: Other than the interviews what else did you do in order to evaluate members of
the parties?

A: I also interviewed (sic) the transcript of stenographic notes of the testimonies of

other witnesses, maam.


Q: Was there also a psychological test conducted on the respondent?

A: Yes, your honor.

Q: It was on the basis of the psychological test in which you based your evaluation

A: It was based on the psychological test conducted and clinical interview with the
other witnesses, your Honor.[22]


Q: How long did you stay with your wife?

A: We were married in 1973 and we separated in 1988 but in all those years there
were only few occasions that we were staying together because most of the time Im
in the field.

Q: Now, you said most of the time you were in the field, did you not your wife come
with you in any of your assignments?

A: Never, but sometimes she really visited me and stayed for one (1) day and then

Q: And, where did your wife stayed when she leaves you?

A: She was staying with her mother in Basilan.

Q: Where were you assigned most of the time?

A: I was assigned in Davao, Zamboanga, Cotabato, Basilan.

Q: And, of course she would come to your place every now and then because it is
not very far

A: No, maam, once in a while only.

Q: Did you not go home to your conjugal home?

A: I have a chanced also to go home because we were allowed to at least three (3)
days every other month.

Q: So, if you start from the marriage up to 1988 so that is 16 years you were
supposed to have been living together?

A: No, actually in 19 middle of 1987 because in 1987 I was in x x x.[25]


Q: Now, do you know when they lived together as husband and wife?

A: 1979.

Q: And you said that you have known the petitioner and the respondent in this case
because in fact, you lived with them together in the same quarters. Does the
quarters have different rooms?

A: Yes, maam.

Q: But very near each other?

A: Yes, maam.

Q: You know them because of the proximity of the quarters?

A: Yes, maam.

Q: It was only during this 1980 to 1983, three (3) years that you lived together that
you have a chance to be with the spouses?


A: Since 1980 to 1983 we lived together in the same house.


Q: Now, Madam Witness, after 1983, where did you reside together with your

A: In Cagayan de Oro and in 1986 we came back to Manila, in Fort Bonifacio.

Q: You mean, in the same house where petitioner and the respondent lived

A: Yes. Maam.

Q: How long did you live in the house where the petitioner and the respondent stay?

A: Twelve years now since 1983 to 1995.

Q: Where was the petitioner working at that time, from 1982 to 1995?

A: He is a soldier, a Colonel.

Q: Do you know where he was assigned during this time?

A: Yes, maam, G-3.

Q: May we know where this G-3 is?

A: Fort Bonifacio, maam.

Q: What about the wife, where does she stay?

A: At Fort Bonifacio, in their house.[26]


Q: Now, they got married in 1973, am I correct?

A: Yes, maam.

Q: But the matter of the work or assignment of the petitioner, he was assigned in
different Provinces or Barangays in the Philippines?

A: Yes, maam.

Q: Now, when the wife or the respondent in this case did not go with the husband in
different places of his assignment did you ask her why what was the reason why she
did not like to go those places?

A: She just did not want to. The wife did not go with him because by transferring
from one place to another, she just dont want to go, she just wanted to stay in
Basilan where her hometown is, maam.

Q: Did the petitioner herein tell you why the respondent dont want to go with him?

A: Yes, I asked, the answer of the petitioner was she simply did not want to go with
him because she did not want him to be appointed to far away places.

Q: And would it be that since she did not like to go with the husband in some far
away different assignments she also assumed that the assignments were in this war
regions they were always fighting considering the place in Basilan they were in
fighting atmosphere?

A: It is possible but he was transferred to Manila and she also refused to stay in
Manila, maam.

Q: When was that that she refused to come to Manila?

A: I think, sometime in 1983, maam. She did not follow immediately. She stayed
with him only for four (4) months, maam.

Q: Now, do you know if the petitioner and the respondent were living together as
husband and wife for this period of time during the relationship?

A: Yes, maam. After their marriage I believe their relationship was good for a few
months until he was transferred to Julu. I believe during that time when they were
together the husband was giving an attention to her. The husband was always there
and when the husband transferred to Basilan, the attention was not there anymore,

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