What Is Checksum

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What is Checksum?

A check sum is basically a value that is computed from data packet to check its integrity.
Through integrity, we mean a check on whether the data received is error free or not. This is
because while traveling on network a data packet can become corrupt and there has to be a
way at the receiving end to know that data is corrupted or not. This is the reason the
checksum field is added to the header. At the source side, the checksum is calculated and set
in header as a field. At the destination side, the checksum is again calculated and
crosschecked with the existing checksum value in header to see if the data packet is OK or

IP header checksum
IP header checksum is calculated over IP header only as the data that generally follows the IP
header (like ICMP, TCP etc) have their own checksums. Now, to calculate the IP header
algorithm one must know the basic header structure of IP protocol. So here is a basic format
of how IP header looks like :

NOTE: To have a good understanding of the IP header fields, refer to: IP Protocol Header
So, as far as the algorithm goes, IP header checksum is : 16 bit ones complement of the
ones complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header
This means that if we divide the IP header is 16 bit words and sum each of them up and then
finally do a ones compliment of the sum then the value generated out of this operation would
be the checksum.
Now, the above is done at the source side which is sending the data packet. At the destination
side which receives the data packet replaces the checksum value in the header with all zeros
and then calculates the checksum based on the same algorithm as mentioned above. After a
checksum value is obtained then this value is compared with the value that came in the
header. This comparison decides whether the IP header is fine or corrupted.

IP Header Checksum Example

Since now we have enough theoretical knowledge on IP header checksum, lets take an IP
header and actually try this algorithm out.
Here is a IP header from an IP packet received at destination :
4500 003c 1c46 4000 4006 b1e6 ac10 0a63 ac10 0a0c

Lets first map these values with the header

45 corresponds to the first two fields in the header ie 4 corresponds to the IP

version and 5 corresponds to the header length. Since header length is described in 4
byte words so actual header length comes out to be 54=20 bytes.

00 corresponds to TOS or the type of service. This value of TOS indicated normal

003c corresponds to total length field of IP header. So in this case the total length of
IP packet is 60.

1c46 corresponds to the identification field.

4000 can be divided into two bytes. These two bytes (divided into 3 bits and 13 bits
respectively) correspond to the flags and fragment offset of IP header fields.

4006 can be divided into 40 and 06. The first byte 40 corresponds to the TTL
field and the byte 06 corresponds to the protocol field of the IP header. 06 indicates
that the protocol is TCP.

be16 corresponds to the checksum which is set at the source end (which sent the
packet). Please note that as already discussed this field will be set to zero while
computing the checksum at destination end.

The next set of bytes ac10 and 0a0c correspond to the source IP address and the
destination IP address in the IP header.

So now we have a basic idea as to what these fields map to in IP header. Lets convert all these
values in binary :
4500 -> 0100010100000000
003c -> 0000000000111100
1c46 -> 0001110001000110
4000 -> 0100000000000000
4006 -> 0100000000000110
0000 -> 0000000000000000 // Note that the checksum is set to zero since we
are computing checksum at destination end
ac10 -> 1010110000010000
0a63 -> 0000101001100011
ac10 -> 1010110000010000
0a0c -> 0000101000001100

Now lets add these binary values one by one :

4500 -> 0100010100000000
003c -> 0000000000111100
453C -> 0100010100111100

/// First result

453C -> 0100010100111100 // First result plus next 16-bit word.

1c46 -> 0001110001000110
6182 -> 0110000110000010 // Second result.
6182 -> 0110000110000010 // Second result plus next 16-bit word.
4000 -> 0100000000000000
A182 -> 1010000110000010 // Third result.
A182 -> 1010000110000010 // Third result plus next 16-bit word.
4006 -> 0100000000000110
E188 -> 1110000110001000 // Fourth result.
E188 -> 1110000110001000 // Fourth result plus next 16-bit word.
AC10 -> 1010110000010000
18D98 -> 11000110110011000 // One odd bit (carry), add that odd bit to the
result as we need to keep the checksum in 16 bits.
18D98 -> 11000110110011000
8D99 -> 1000110110011001 // Fifth result
8D99 -> 1000110110011001 // Fifth result plus next 16-bit word.
0A63 -> 0000101001100011
97FC -> 1001011111111100 // Sixth result
97FC -> 1001011111111100 // Sixth result plus next 16-bit word.
AC10 -> 1010110000010000
1440C -> 10100010000001100 // Again a carry, so we add it (as done before)
1440C -> 10100010000001100
440D -> 0100010000001101 // This is seventh result
440D -> 0100010000001101 //Seventh result plus next 16-bit word
0A0C -> 0000101000001100
4E19 -> 0100111000011001 // Final result.

So now 0100111000011001 is our final result of summing up all the 16 bit words in the
header. As a last step we just need to do a ones compliment of it to obtain the checksum.
4E19 -> 0100111000011001
B1E6 ->1011000111100110 // CHECKSUM

Now if you compare this checksum with the one obtained in the packet you will find that
both are exactly same and hence the IP headers integrity was not lost.
So this is the way we calculate IP header checksum to check the integrity of IP header.

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