Marketing Analytics Question
Marketing Analytics Question
Marketing Analytics Question
University of Pennsylvania
MKTG 712
Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions
Professor Raghu Iyengar
Teaching Assistant
Office Hours:
By appointment
Recommended Text:
Required Bulkpack:
Course Website:
Guest Speakers:
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
In the course we will use a variety of readings, cases and computer-based exercises. The
readings and complete list of cases are contained in the course bulkpack. Lecture notes
and additional handouts will be made available throughout the semester. The readings
and cases are designed to introduce concepts and principles. Please read the assigned
reading and cases before coming to class.
The computer and data-based exercises are designed to give you hands-on experience
with making effective marketing decisions.
Course Software
I will demonstrate statistical analyses using Excel or JMP. You are not required to do
your assignments in these two software packages; however, I cant promise you quality
support if you choose a package that I do not know.
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
Your final grade in the course will be based on class participation (case preparation and
general contribution), written assignments, and a final examination. The evaluation is as
A. Class Participation
B. Group Assignments
C. Final Examination (individual)
Please note that no late assignments will be accepted. All written work is due on the
specified date. The due dates for the assignments are listed on the course schedule. A
more detailed outline of the evaluation procedure and requirements for A through C is
included at the end of this document. Please refer to this detailed section before preparing
for each assignment.
Group Formation
Students must organize themselves into groups of 3 to 5 people in order to do the group
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
GO / NO GO Decision
Application: Tru Earth Health Foods
Primary Data
Application: Coop
Customer Surveys
READING: Customer Discovery and Validation for Entrepreneurs
Secondary Data
Guest Speaker # 1
Conjoint Analysis - 2
Application: Portland Trailblazers
Guest Speaker # 2
Course Syllabus
Advertising ROI
Spring 2016
Guest Speaker # 3
Guest Speaker # 4
Market Structure
Online Marketing
Perceptual Maps Use of Factor Analysis
Guest Speaker #5
Course Syllabus
Social Networks
READING: Iyengar, Van den Bulte, Eichert, West
and Valente How Social Networks and Opinion
Leaders Affect the Adoption of New Products
Mobile Marketing, Geo Targeting, Text Mining
Spring 2016
Course Syllabus
Application: Ford KA
Spring 2016
Assessment Details
A. Contribution to Class Discussion (10%)
I expect you to be on time to class. Every session of the course will involve interaction in
the form of class discussion. I expect each class member to be prepared at all times to
comment in any class session. I will cold call throughout the ensuing discussion. Please
be prepared.
Some class sessions in this course follow a case discussion format. The assigned cases
are intended to give you practice to support a decision. Further, the case method provides
a vehicle by which to apply the theories, concepts, and analytical techniques discussed in
a class or in the reading materials.
Keep in mind that your grade for class participation is not simply a
amount of "air time" you take up. I will evaluate you on how well
questions and on how effectively you take into account the comments
your classmates. In order to obtain a grade for class participation you
class sessions and contribute meaningfully.
function of the
you respond to
and analyses of
must attend the
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
Using the forecast model for pasta shown in Exhibit 5, what is your forecast of the
demand for pizza?
Hints: The necessary data is contained in Table B and Exhibit 7.
What can the TruEarth team learn from Exhibit 6 about how consumers view
How the pizza concept results (Exhibit 7 and 8) compare with the findings for
pasta (Exhibits 3 and 4)?
2. The Coop
What do you think are the factors that might be causing the decline in sales within
List the pros and cons of each of the different market research proposals. In what
ways will each of the market research options potentially provide insight into the
problems facing The Coop?
What research do you think The Coop ought to undertake? Are there any options
that you think they should not undertake?
How would you ensure that insights from the research are translated into
marketing actions?
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
Which attribute does conjoint analysis indicate is most important in the overall
purchase decision?
Are the conjoint analysis results useful in making any pricing decisions? What
useful information can be gleaned from the research?
What about the promotional items? Are they worth giving away (free) to the
season ticket holders?
What about the size of the ticket packages? What does conjoint analysis suggest?
5. Star Digital
(a) Is online advertising effective for Star Digital?
(b) Is there a frequency effect of advertising on purchase?
(c) What sites should Star Digital advertise on?
6. Ford Fiesta
(a) Carefully describe Fords Marketing Campaign for Fiesta and what are its challenges?
(b) How is Ford Fiesta performing by metrics reported in the case? Would you use other
(b) Are you satisfied with the reach of the campaign?
7. Ford Ka
Describe the small car market in France. What are the major customer groups and
what are their needs?
Using the data from the customer survey, evaluate if demographic variables
separate out Ka Choosers and Ka Non-choosers
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
Goldfarb later claimed to identify four attitudinal segments from the survey:
Freedom Lovers, Attention Seekers, Sensible Classics, and No-nonsense neutrals.
Using the clustered data provided for this case, illustrate the process used for
identifying the attitudinal segments. Answer the following using the customer
survey data provided with the Ford Ka Case.
For each cluster, obtain their mean score on all the 62 attitudinal
Name the clusters using the difference in mean scores across the clusters
on the attitudinal questions.
Do you agree with Goldfarbs naming of the four attitudinal segments as:
Freedom Lovers, Attention Seekers, Sensible Classics, and No-nonsense
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016