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Conceptual Questions
38.1. (a) The ultraviolet light consists of bundles of energy that are absorbed by the electrons on the electroscope.
The frequency of these bundles of energy is enough to allow the escape of electrons from the surface of the
(b) The ultraviolet light does, in fact, cause a few electrons to be emitted from an uncharged electroscope. But once
the electroscope has acquired even a very tiny positive charge, further photoelectrons (negatively charged) cannot
escape the electric force that pulls them back to the positive electroscope. This is like projectiles being launched from
the earths surface with less than the escape speed. The very small positive charge that the electroscope is able to
acquire is not enough to deflect the leaves and thus has no noticeable effect.

38.2. (a) When V > 0, all the emitted electrons are attracted to and collected by the anode. This means a further
increase in the voltage cannot change the number of electrons arriving per second and thus cannot increase the
(b) The work function E0 is the minimum energy an electron needs to escape from the metal. Some electrons, such
as those a bit farther from the surface, need more than E0 to escape. There is a range of escape energies, so the
escaped electrons have a range of kinetic energies and not a single kinetic energy.
(c) If the anode potential is V, an electron leaving the cathode with kinetic energy K arrives at the anode with kinetic
energy K = K + eV . A negative V causes a decrease in kinetic energy. K cannot become negative, so for
eV K the electron is repelled by the anode and turned back toward the cathode. The emitted electrons have a
maximum kinetic energy K max . When eV = K max , all electrons are turned back and the current drops to zero. If the

current reaches zero at V = Vstop , then Vstop = K max /e. The stopping voltage measures the maximum kinetic energy
by causing the most energetic electrons, those with K = K max , to be turned back from the anode.


According to classical physics, the photoelectric current is not dependent on the lights frequency. If the light
intensity remains constant (same energy per second falling on the metal), the photoelectric current should be constant
with no threshold as the frequency is changed. Thus, the graph would be a horizontal line, starting from f = 0 Hz.
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Chapter 38


The graphs would still be horizontal for V > 0 V because all the electrons are being collected. Also, more intense
light would still give a larger current. But classical physics postulates a thermal cause for the photoelectric effect. If
this were true, more intense light would heat the electrons more and thus eject the electrons with more kinetic energy.
In this case, more intense light would have a larger stopping voltage. This would appear on the graph as a more
negative x-intercept.

38.5. The photoelectric current depends on the potential difference V between the two electrodes, the nature of
the cathode metal, and the intensity of the light.

Solve: (a) According to classical physics, there is no dependence on the lights wavelength. If the light intensity
remains constant (same amount of energy falling on the metal cathode), the photocurrent will be unchanged.
(b) The maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted from a cathode is K max = Eelec E0 . If E0 is smaller for a

different metal, the emitted electrons will have a higher kinetic energy and thus the stopping potential will be larger.

38.6. Lower speed. Since 1 = 2 then f1 = f 2 . And ( Eelec )1 = hf 1 is equal to ( Eelec ) 2 = hf 2 . But ( E0 )1 > ( E0 )2 ;
( K max )1 = Eelec ( E0 )1 and ( K max ) 2 = Eelec ( E0 ) 2 , so ( K max )1 < ( K max ) 2 and v1 < v2 .

38.7. Electron 1. K1 = 100 eV and K 2 = 200 eV. v =

38.8. The electron. With =

. Therefore v2 > v1. =
so 1 > 2 .

and v =
then =

. So the particle with the smaller mass
2 Km

has the larger wavelength.

38.9. (a) The number of dots will increase, but will still appear in bands of the same width. (b) When the speed is
reduced, the wavelength increases, leading to wider, more spread out fringes with the same number of dots in each
fringe as originally. (c) Neutrons have more mass than electrons, and therefore more momentum at the same speed.
More momentum means a smaller wavelength, so the fringes are narrower and closer together. (d) The pattern
becomes a single slit diffraction pattern. The two-slit interference pattern is eliminated.
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38.10. The particle has to set up a standing wave inside the box. An n = 3 wave has three antinodes. In this case,
however, the particles wavelength is not constant. The particles de Broglie wavelength is longer near the top of the
box, where its velocity is slower, and shorter near the bottom of the box, where its velocity is faster. The spacing
between two adjacent nodes on a standing wave is /2, so the nodes will be farther apart near the top of the box and
closer together near the bottom. This leads to a standing wave like the one shown in the figure.

39.11. No, the electron is not at rest. It is in an allowed orbit. The (quantized) orbits that are allowed are called
stationary states.
39.12. (a) E1 = 4.0 eV
(b) Ephoton = 3.0 eV because it had to go from state n = 1 to state n = 3 to then emit the 1240 nm photon.
(c) Eelec = 3.0 eV for the same reasons.

Exercises and Problems

Section 38.1 The Photoelectric Effect
Section 38.2 Einsteins Explanation
38.1. Solve: A steady photoelectric current of 10 A is indicated in the graph. The number of electrons per second is
10 A = 10


= 1.0 105

1 electron

= 6.25 1013 electrons/s

s 1.6 1019 C

38.2. Model: Light of frequency f consists of discrete quanta, each of energy E = hf .

Solve: (a) The energy of the light quantum is
E = hf = h

(6.63 1034 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)

400 109 m

1 eV
1.6 1019 J

= 3.11 eV

From Table 38.1, the work functions for sodium and potassium are smaller than 3.11 eV. That is, light of wavelength
400 nm has enough energy to eject photoelectrons from sodium and potassium.
(b) The energy of the light quantum is

E = hf = h

(6.63 10234 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)

250 10

1 eV
1.6 1019 J

= 4.97 eV

Light of wavelength 250 nm has enough energy to eject photoelectrons from all of the metals on the table except

38.3. Model: Light of frequency f consists of discrete quanta, each of energy E = hf .

Solve: The lowest photon energy that creates photoelectrons from the metal is



(6.63 1034 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)

388 10

1 eV
1.6 1019 J

= 3.20 eV

The work function of the metal is E0 = 3.20 eV.

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Chapter 38

38.4. Solve: From Equation 38.7, the maximum kinetic energy is

K max = hf E0 = h


(6.63 10234 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)
1 eV

= 223 nm
E0 + K max
4.28 eV + 1.30 eV
1.6 1019 J

Assess: = 223 nm is the wavelength of light in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

38.5. Model: The threshold frequency for the ejection of photoelectrons is f0 = E0 /h where E0 is the work function.
Solve: The visible region of light extends from 400 nm to 700 nm. For 0 = 400 nm, the work function is

E0 = f 0 h =

(6.63 1034 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)

400 10

1 eV
1.6 1019 J

= 3.11 eV

For 0 = 700 nm,

(6.63 1034 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)

1 eV

= 1.78 eV
700 109 m
1.6 1019 J
The cathode that will work in the entire visible range must have a work function of 1.78 eV or less.
E0 =

38.6. Solve: (a) A metal can be identified by its work function. From Equation 38.8, the stopping potential is
Vstop =

hf E0
E0 = hf eVstop

The frequency and energy of the photons are

f =

3.00 108 m/s

200 109 m

= 1.500 1015 Hz hf = (4.14 1015 eV s)(1.500 1015 Hz) = 6.21 eV

If the stopping potential is Vstop = 1.56 V, then eVstop = 1.56 eV. Thus,

E0 = hf eVstop = 6.21 eV 1.56 eV = 4.65 eV

Using Table 38.1, we can identify the metal as copper.
(b) The kinetic energy of the electrons and thus the stopping potential are independent of the light intensity. A more
intense light generates more electrons, but the electrons still have the same kinetic energy. The stopping potential is
Vstop = 1.56 V after the intensity is doubled.

Section 38.3 Photons

38.7. Solve: (a) The frequency of the photon is
f =

3.00 108 m/s

550 109 m

= 5.45 1014 Hz

From Equation 38.4, the energy is

E = hf = (4.14 1015 eV s)(4.29 1014 Hz) = 2.26 eV

(b) The frequency of the photon is

f =

7500 eV
= 1.812 1018 Hz
h 4.14 1015 eV s

Thus, the wavelength is

c 3.00 108 m/s

= 1.656 1010 m = 0.166 nm
f 1.208 1018 Hz

Assess: Because x-ray photons are very energetic, their wavelength is small.

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38.8. Solve: (a) Using Equation 38.4, the wavelength of the photon is

hc (4.14 10215 eV s)(3 108 m/s)
= 4.14 106 m = 4140 nm
f E /h E
0.30 eV

This is infrared light.

(b) Likewise, for an energy of 3.0 eV, the wavelength is = 414 nm and is in the visible region.
(c) For an energy of 30.0 eV, the wavelength is = 41.4 nm and is in the ultraviolet region.
Assess: Since E 1, the higher the energy of the photon, the smaller its wavelength.

38.9. Solve: (a) From Equation 38.4, the energy of the radio-frequency photon is
E = hf = (4.14 1015 eV s)(450 106 Hz) = 1.86 106 eV
(b) The energy of the visible light photon
hc (4.14 1015 eV s)(3.0 108 m/s)
= 2.76 eV

450 109 m
(c) The energy of the x-ray photon is
hc (4.14 10215 eV s)(3.0 108 m/s)
= 27.6 keV

0.045 109 m

38.10. Solve: (a) From Equation 38.4, the energy of each photon is
Ephoton = hf = (6.63 1034 J s)(101 106 Hz) = 6.696 1028 J
The number of photons in 104 J is

104 J
= 1.5 1029
Ephoton 6.696 1028 J

The antenna emits 1.5 1029 photons per second.

(b) The number of photons emitted per second is so enormous that we couldnt possibly recognize the effects of
single photons. Its safe to treat the broadcast as an electromagnetic wave.

38.11. Solve: The laser light delivers 2.50 1017 photons per second and 100 103 J of energy per second. Thus,
the energy of each photon is
100 103 J/s

= 4.00 1019 J
2.50 1017 s 1
From Equation 38.4, the wavelength of the photons is
c hc (6.63 10234 J s)(3.00 108 m/s)
= = =
= 4.97 107 m = 497 nm
4.00 1019 J
Assess: The wavelength is in the visible region.

38.12. Solve: The rate of photon emission by a laser is the number of photons emitted per second. If P is the power
of the beam, the rate is

Rphoton =

hf hc / hc

For the same power P,

Rred P red hc red 650 nm
= 1.44

Rblue hc P blue blue 450 nm

38.13. Model: All the light emitted by the light bulb is assumed to have a wavelength of 600 nm.
Solve: The rate of photon emission is
P 5W
Rphoton =
= 1.5 1019 photons/s 1 1019 photons/s
(6.63 1034 J s)(5.0 1014 Hz)

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Chapter 38

Section 38.4 Matter Waves and Energy Quantization

38.14. Solve: (a) The de Broglie wavelength is
6.63 1034 J s
= 1.0 1012 m v = 7.3 108 m/s
p mv (9.11 1031 kg)v
This speed is larger than c, indicating a breakdown of de Broglies equation. This is an acceptable answer if you
havent studied relativity. However, a better approach would be to use the relativistic form for the momentum,
p = mv. Hence,

6.63 1034 J s 1 v 2 /c 2
= 1.0 1012 m
(9.11 1031 kg)v

m)(9.11 1031 kg)
v (3.0 10 m/s)(1.0 10
1 v 2 /c 2 =
= 0.4122





= 0.170


v = 0.925c = 2.8 108 m/s

(b) For = 1.0 109 m,

= 1.0 109 m =

6.63 1034 J s
v = 7.3 105 m/s
mv (9.11 1031 kg)v

(c) Likewise, for = 1.0 106 m, v = 7.3 102 m/s.

(d) For = 1.0 103 m, v = 0.73 m/s.

38.15. Solve: The de Broglie wavelength is = h /mv. Thus,


6.63 1034 J s
= 1456 m/s
m (9.11 1031 kg)(500 109 m)

A potential difference of V will raise the kinetic energy of a rest electron by

1 mv 2 .


mv 2 (9.11 1031 kg)(1456 m/s)
= 6.0 106 V
eV = mv 2 V =
2(1.6 10
Assess: A mere 6.0 106 V is able to increase an electrons speed to 1456 m/s.

38.16. Model: Assume the neutron is in free fall.

Solve: The speed of an object that has free fallen 1.0 m from rest is given from the kinematic equation as
v y = 2 g y = 2(9.8 m/s 2 )(1.0 m) = 4.427 m/s

At that speed a neutron has a wavelength of

6.63 1034 J s
= 90 nm
mv (1.67 1027 kg)(4.427 m/s)
Assess: The wavelength of the neutron changes as it falls and its speed changes.

38.17. Solve: (a) The baseballs momentum is p = mv = (0.200 kg)(30 m/s) = 6.0 kg m/s. The baseballs de Broglie
wavelength is

h 6.63 1034 J s
= 1.1 1034 m
6.0 kg m/s

(b) Using = h /p = h /mv, we have


6.63 1034 J s
= 1.7 1023 m/s
m (0.200 kg)(0.20 109 m)

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38.18. Solve: The de Broglie wavelength is = h /mv. Thus

6.63 1034 J s
= 3.970 107 m/s
m (1.67 1027 kg)(10 1015 m)
So, the kinetic energy of the proton is
1 eV
= 8.2 MeV
K = mv 2 = (1.67 1027 kg)(3.970 107 m/s)2
1.6 1019 J

38.19. Visualize: Equation 38.13 gives the de Broglie wavelength of a particle in a box.
n =


n = 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .

We are given n = 1.0 nm and L = 3.0 nm.

Solve: Solve the above equation for n.



2(3.0 nm)
1.0 nm

Assess: 6 is an unsurprising value for a quantum number.

38.20. Model: The energy of a confined particle in a one-dimensional box is quantized. Model a nucleus as a onedimensional box of length L = 10 fm = 1.0 1014 m.
Solve: Protons and neutrons are particles of mass m confined in a box. From Equation 38.15, the allowed energies of
the protons are
(6.63 1034 J s)2
En = n 2
= n 2 (3.29 1013 J) = n2 (2.06 MeV)
8(1.67 1027 kg)(1.0 1014 m) 2
The first three energy levels are to two significant figures E1 = 2.1 MeV, E2 = 4E1 = 8.2 MeV, and E3 = 9E1 = 19 MeV.

38.21. Model: For a particle in a box, the energy is quantized.

Solve: The energy of the n = 1 state is

E1 = (1) 2



= Ephoton =



(6.63 1034 J s)(600 109 m)
= 0.427 nm
8(9.11 1031 kg)(3.0 108 m/s)

Section 38.5 Bohrs Model of Atomic Quantization

38.22. Model: To conserve energy, the emission and the absorption photons must have exactly the energy lost or
gained by the atom in the appropriate quantum jumps.
Visualize: The energy of a light quantum is E = hf = hc / .
Solve: (a) The wavelength of the emission photon from the n = 2 to n = 1 transition is
(4.14 1015 eV s)(3.0 108 m/s)
= 828 nm
E2 E1
1.5 eV
Likewise, = 497 nm for the 3 2 transition with E = 2.5 eV, and = 311 nm for the 3 1 transition with E = 4.0 eV.
(b) Because the atom in the ground state is in the n = 1 state, the absorption lines correspond to the 1 2 and 1 3
transitions. The absorption wavelengths are 828 nm and 311 nm. The 2 3 transition is not seen in absorption.

38.23. Model: To conserve energy, the absorption spectrum must have exactly the energy gained by the atom in
the quantum jumps.
Solve: (a) An electron with a kinetic energy of 2.00 eV can collide with an atom in the n = 1 state and raise its
energy to the n = 2 state. This is possible because E2 E1 = 1.50 eV is less than 2.00 eV. On the other hand, the
atom cannot be excited to the n = 3 state.
(b) The atom will absorb 1.50 eV of energy from the incoming electron, leaving the electron with 0.50 eV of kinetic energy.

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Chapter 38

38.24. Model: To conserve energy, the emission and the absorption spectra must have exactly the energy lost or
gained by the atom in the appropriate quantum jumps.
Solve: (a)

(b) From Equation 38.4, the energy of a light quantum is E = hf = hc / . We can use this equation to find the emission
and absorption wavelengths. The emission energies from the above energy-level diagram are E21 = 4.00 eV,
E31 = 6.00 eV, and E32 = 2.00 eV. The wavelength corresponding to the 2 1 transition is

21 =

hc (4.14 1015 eV s)(3.0 108 m/s)

= 311 nm
4.00 eV

Likewise, 31 = hc /E31 = 207 nm, and 32 = 622 nm.

(c) Absorption transitions start from the n = 1 ground state. The energies in the atoms absorption spectrum are
E12 = 4.00 eV and E13 = 6.00 eV. The corresponding wavelengths are 12 = hc /E12 = 311 nm and 13 =

hc/E13 = 207 nm.

38.25. Model: The electron must have k Eatom to cause collisional excitation. The atom is initially in the n = 1
ground state.

Solve: The kinetic energy of the incoming electron is

E = 12 mv 2 = 12 (9.11 1031 kg)(1.30 106 m/s)2 = 7.698 1019 J = 4.81 eV

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The electron has enough energy to excite the atom to the n = 2 stationary state ( E2 E1 = 4.00 eV). However, it
does not have enough energy to excite the atom into the n = 3 state, which requires a total energy of 6.00 eV.

Section 38.6 The Bohr Hydrogen Atom

38.26. Model: Assume the electron is in one of the stationary states.
Solve: We solve for n in Equation 38.27:


v1 2.19 106 m/s

7.3 105 m/s

Look just below Equation 38.26 to find r3 = 0.476nm.

38.27. Model: Assume the electron is in one of the stationary states.

Visualize: The binding energy (0.378 eV) is En ; the energies are negative, so En = 0.378 eV.
Solve: We solve for n in Equation 38.30:

n2 =

E1 13.60 eV
= 36 n = 6
En 0.378 eV

Now use Equation 38.26.

rn = n 2aB r6 = 62 (0.0529 nm) = 1.90 nm

38.28. Solve: (a) From Equation 38.26, the radius in state n of a hydrogen atom is rn = n 2aB . A 100 nm diameter
atom has rn = 50 nm. Thus, the quantum state is
50 nm
= 30.74
0.0529 nm

Since n has to be an integer, we obtain n = 31.
(b) From Equation 38.28, the electrons speed is
v31 =

v1 2.19 106 m/s

= 7.06 104 m/s

From Equation 38.31, the electrons energy is

E31 =


(31) 2

13.60 eV
(31) 2

= 0.0142 eV

38.29. Solve: (a) Using the data in Table 38.2, the wavelength of the electron in the n = 1 state is
1 =

(6.63 10234 J s)
= 0.332 nm
mv (9.11 1031 kg)(2.19 106 m/s)

Likewise, 2 = 0.665 nm, and 3 = 0.997 nm.

(b) For n = 1, the circumference of the orbit is 0.0529 nm 2 = 0.332 nm, which is exactly equal to 1. For n = 2,

the circumference of the orbit is

0.212 nm 2 = 1.332 nm = 2 2 = 2(0.665 nm)
Likewise, the data from part (a) and Table 38.2 shows 3 3 = 2 r3.

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Chapter 38


38.30. Solve: From Equation 38.31, the energy of the hydrogen atom in its first excited state is
E2 =

13.60 eV

= 3.40 eV

The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom in its first excited state ( n = 2 ) is thus 3.40 eV.

38.31. Model: The angular momentum of a particle in circular motion is L = mvr.

Solve: For the ground state, the angular momentum in terms of Planks constant is

mv1r1 (9.11 1031 kg)(2.19 106 m/s)(0.053 nm)

= 1.00
(6.63 1034 J s)/2
Likewise, mv2r2 /= = 1.99 and mv3r3/= = 3.00. Thus, L1 = mv1r1 = =, L2 = 2=, and L3 = 3=.

Section 38.7 The Hydrogen Spectrum

38.32. Solve: Photons emitted from the n = 4 state start in energy level n = 4 and undergo a quantum jump to a
lower energy level with m < 4. The possibilities are 4 1, 4 2, and 4 3. According to Equation 38.37, the
transition 4 m emits a photon of wavelength.

2 2

91.18 nm

These values are given in the table below.

4 1

97.26 nm
486.3 nm
4876 nm

38.33. Model: Equation 38.37 predicts the absorption spectrum of hydrogen if we let m = 1.
1n =

91.18 nm



n = 2, 3, 4, . . .

Visualize: The 1 2 transition will produce the longest wavelength; the 1 3 transition will produce the secondlongest wavelength; and 1 4 transition will produce the third-longest wavelength.

14 =

91.18 nm



= 97.26 nm

Assess: This result is in the ultraviolet region, as expected for m = 1.

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38.34. Model: Photons are absorbed in a quantum jump from a lower energy level to a higher energy level.
Solve: Because absorption wavelengths are a subset of the wavelengths in the emission spectrum, we can use Equation
38.37 to analyze the hydrogen absorption spectrum. Because most of the atoms in a gas are in the ground state ( n = 1 ),
the only quantum jumps seen in the absorption spectrum start from this state. In other words, only the Lyman series
(m = 1 and n = m + 1, m + 2, . . . .) is observed in the absorption spectrum. Using m = 1 and n = 2, 3, 4, in Equation
38.37, we do not find any spectral line with = 656.5 nm. However, a transition 2 3 does lead to a line with
= 656.5 nm. However, this line is in the emission spectrum, not the absorption spectrum.

38.35. Solve: For hydrogen-like ions, Equation 38.38 is

rn = n 2

aB ( rn ) H

vn = Z

13.60 eV
En = Z 2
= Z ( En )H

= Z (vn ) H

Where (rn ) H , (vn ) H , and (En ) H are the values of ordinary hydrogen. He + has Z = 2. Using Table 38.2 for the values of
hydrogen, we get
rn (nm)

vn (m/s)








4.38 10

2.19 10
1.46 10

En (eV)

38.36. Solve: (a) The energy of each photon is

Ephoton = hf =


(6.63 1034 J s)(3.00 108 m/s)

690 109 m

= 2.88 1019 J

The number of photons in each pulse of light is

0.500 J
N = total =
= 1.7 1018
Ephoton 2.88 1019 J
(b) The rate of emission, that is, the number of photons per second is
1.7 1018 photons
= 1.7 1026 photons/s
10 109 s

38.37. Visualize: Equation 38.8 gives Vstop in terms of f ; we replace f with c / .

Vstop =

hc / E0

The value of E0 for aluminum is found in Table 38.1: E0 = 4.28 eV = 6.848 1019 J.
Solve: For = 250 nm:
Vstop =

For = 200 nm:

hc / E0 (6.63 1034 J s)(3.00 108 m/s)/(250 109 m) 6.848 1019 J

= 0.693 V
1.60 1019 C

hc / E0 (6.63 1034 J s)(3.00 108 m/s)/(200 109 m) 6.848 1019 J

= 1.94 V
1.60 1019 C
So the change in stopping potential is 1.94 V 0.693 V = 1.24 V.
Assess: This answer looks reasonable in light of Figure 38.10.
Vstop =

38.38. Visualize: Power is the energy per unit time ( P = E /t ). The total energy comes from a number of photons
( E = NEphoton ) and the energy of each photon is determined by its wavelength ( E = hc / ).
Solve: Combine these expressions and solve for the number of photons.


E NEphoton N ( hc/ )
Pt (1.2 103 W)(5.50 107 m)(0.100 s)
= 3.3 1014 photons
1.989 1025 J m

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Chapter 38

Assess: While this seems like a large number, to help keep it in perspective, compare it to the number of molecules
in a mole.

38.39. Visualize: Power is related to the total amount of energy and time by P = Etotal /t . The total amount of
energy is related to the energy of a single photon by Etotal = NEphoton . The energy of a photon is related to the
wavelength by Ephoton = hc / .
Solve: The power or the flash is


(108 ) (19.89 1026 J m)

Etotal NEphoton N hc
= 4.3 1010 W
t (0.10 s) (4.60 107 m)

Assess: This is a small power rating, but considering that the dinoflagellates might flash numerous times per second,
it is a reasonable number.

38.40. Solve: (a) The threshold frequency is f0 = E0 /h. The threshold frequency for potassium and gold are given
in the table in part (b).
(b) The corresponding threshold wavelength is 0 = c /f 0 . The results of the calculations are in the table below.

E0 (eV)

f 0 (Hz)

0 (nm)



5.56 1014






1.23 10

(c) When light of wavelength is incident on the metal, the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is
K max = 12 mvmax
= hf E0 =


E0 vmax =

2 hc


E 0 must be converted to SI units of joules before this formula can be used. vmax for potassium and gold are given in

the table in part (d).

(d) The stopping potential is
Vstop =

K max 1 hc

= E0

where again E 0 has to be joules. The results of the calculations are in the table below.

E0 (J)

vmax (m/s)

Vstop (V)


3.68 1019

10.8 105





8.16 10

4.4 10

38.41. Solve: (a) The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is K max = hf E0 . Substituting the given values,
2.8 eV =


E0 1.1 eV =


Multiplying the second equation by 1.5 and subtracting the second equation from the first,
1.15 eV = 0.5 E0 E0 = 2.3 eV
(b) Substituting E0 = 2.3 eV into the first equation,

2.8 eV =

(4.14 1015 eV s)(3.0 108 m/s)

2.3 eV = 244 nm

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38.42. Solve: The stopping potential is eVstop = hf E0 . Substituting the given values,
eVstop =

E0 0.257(eVstop ) =
300 nm
400 nm

Substituting the first equation into the second,


E0 =
E0 E0 (1 0.257) = hc

300 nm
400 nm
400 nm 300 nm

E0 =

(4.14 1015 eV s)(3.0 108 m/s)(1.643 103 /nm)

= 2.75 eV

From Table 38.1, we identify the cathode metal as sodium.

38.43. Solve: (a) The stopping potential is

Vstop =

f f0

A graph of Vstop versus frequency f should be linear with x-intercept f 0 and slope h /e. Since the x-intercept is
f 0 = 1.0 1015 Hz, the work function is
E0 = hf 0 = (4.14 1015 eV s)(1.0 1015 Hz) = 4.14 eV
(b) The slope of the graph is


8.0 V 0 V

3.0 10


Hz 1.0 10


= 4.0 1015 V s

Because the slope of the Vstop versus f graph is h /e, an experimental value of Plancks constant is
h = e(4.0 1015 V s) = (1.6 1019 C)(4.0 1015 V s) = 6.4 1034 J s
Assess: This value of the Plancks constant is about 3.5% lower than the accepted value.

38.44. Model: Assume all the photoelectrons are collected and become part of the current.
Visualize: We are given E0 = 3.3 eV, P = 15 106 W, and = 300 109 m. First see if the photon energy is greater
than the work function (else the current is zero). The photon energy is
E = hf =


(4.14 1015 eV s)(3.00 108 m/s)

300 109 m

= 4.14 eV

The photon energy is greater than the work function, so electrons will be ejected.
Solve: The rate at which photons arrive is

P 15 106 J/s
1 eV

4.14 eV 1.60 1019


= 2.26 10 photons/s

If 12% of the photons eject a photoelectron then the electron current is

i = (0.12 electron/photon)(2.26 1013 photons/s) = 2.72 1012 electons/s

Finally, the actual current is

I = ei = (1.60 1019 C/electron)(2.72 1012 electrons/s) = 0.43 A
and whose x-intercept is f 0 . The frequency of the light is f = c / in each case.

38.45. Visualize: From vstop = ( f f0 ) we expect a graph of Vstop vs f to be a straight line whose slope is h /e

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Chapter 38


(a) We see from the graph that the x-intercept is f 0 = 5.5 1014 Hz so
E0 = hf 0 = (4.14 1015 eV s)(5.5 1014 Hz) = 2.3 eV

The value of E0 = 2.3 eV identifies the metal as potassium.

(b) From the graph we read the slope as 4.244 1015 V/Hz. If slope = h /e, then

h = (slope)e = (4.244 1015 V/Hz)e = 4.244 1015 eV s 4.24 1015 eV s

Assess: This value of h is a couple percent higher than the accepted value.

38.46. Model: Photons have both particle-like and wave-like properties.

Solve: (a) Because E0 = mc 2 = 0 J for a photon,

E 2 p 2c 2 = 0 p =
(b) Using E = hf in the momentum equation in part (a),



E hf h
= =

(c) Classically p = mv, so


This is the expression for de Broglie wavelength.

38.47. Visualize: The mass of the cell is m = V = (1100 kg/m3 )[ (3.5 m)2 (2.0 m)] = 8.47 1014 kg.
Solve: The de Broglie wavelength is

6.63 1034 J s
= 2.0 1018 m
mv (8.47 1014 kg)(4.0 mm/s)
This wavelength is so tiny that we do not need to be concerned with the wave nature of blood cells when describing
blood flow.
Assess: We seem to have gotten along just fine without considering the wave nature of blood cells before.

38.48. Model: Electrons have both particle-like and wave-like properties.


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Please refer to Figure 38.13.

Solve: (a) The kinetic energy is K = 12 mv 2 = 50 keV = 8.0 1015 J. Using this formula, the electrons speed is

(2)(8.0 1015 J)
= 1.32 108 m/s 1.3 108 m/s
9.11 1031 kg


(b) From Equation 22.7, the fringe spacing in a double-slit interference experiment is y = L /d , where d is the slit

separation and L is the distance to the viewing screen. The wavelength of the electrons is their de Broglie wavelength.
We have

6.63 1034 J s
= 5.5 1012 m
p mv (9.11 1031 kg)(1.32 108 m/s)

y =


(5.5 1012 m)(1.0 m)

1.0 106 m

= 5.5 106 m = 5.5 m

38.49. Model: Use the wave model for neutrons; they will interfere as they travel through the two-slit apparatus.
Visualize: From the prior chapter on the wave model of light we know that the fringe spacing in a two-slit
. Using the scale on the figure, the five tallest peaks,
experiment with slit spacing d and screen distance L is y =
which are 4y , appear to span about 250 m, so y = 250 m = 4 63 m. We are given d = 0.10 mm and L = 3.5 m.
Solve: Solve the de Broglie wavelength =



for v.

6.63 1034 J s
= 220 m/s 200 m/s

m y (1.67 1027 kg) 0.10 mm (63 m)

(3.5 m)

Because of the estimation in reading the fringe spacing from the figure, we round the answer to one significant
Assess: This speed seems reasonable for neutrons.

38.50. Model: Use the wave model for electrons as they diffract through the circular aperture.
Visualize: From the prior chapter on the wave model of light we know that in a circular aperture experiment the
variables are related by w = 2.44D L , where D is the diameter of the aperture. The energy of an electron accelerated

from rest through 250 V is 250 eV = 4.00 1017 J.

Solve: The speed of the electron is obtained from

K f = 12 mv 2 = (1.60 1019 C)(250 V) = 4.00 1017 J v =

2(4.00 1017 J)
9.11 1031 kg

= 9.37 106 m/s

The de Broglie wavelength at this speed is

6.63 1034 J s
= 7.77 1011 m
mv (9.11 1031 kg)(9.37 106 m/s)

The diameter of the bright spot is the width of the central maximum.


2.44 L (2.44)(7.77 1017 m)(1.5 m)

= 8.6 mm
33 nm

Assess: This spot seems to have a reasonable diameter.

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Chapter 38

38.51. Model: The energy of a confined particle in a one-dimensional box is quantized.

Solve: The energy of the nth quantum state of a particle in a box is En = n 2 E1, where E1 is the lowest energy level.
The energies 12 eV, 27 eV, and 48 eV have the ratios 4:9:16. Thus, they are the n = 2, n = 3, and n = 4 states of an

electron that has E1 = 3 eV = 4.8 1019 J. The lowest energy level is

E1 =



(6.63 1034 J s) 2
= 3.5 1010 m = 0.35 nm
8(9.11 1031 kg)(4.8 1019 J)

38.52. Model: The energy of the emitted photon is exactly equal to the energy between the energy levels 1 and 2.
Solve: From Equation 38.15, the energy levels of the electron are
En = n 2
n = 1, 2, 3,
8 mL2
The energy of the emitted photon is
4h 2
3h 2
E2 E1 = hf = h =

8mL 8mL 8mL2


3(6.63 1034 J s)(200 109 m)
= 4.27 1010 m = 0.427 nm
8m hc
8(9.11 1031 kg)(3.0 108 m/s)

38.53. Model: The energy of the emitted gamma-ray photon is exactly equal to the energy between levels 1 and 2.
Solve: From Equation 38.15, the energy levels of the proton are
En = n 2
n = 1, 2, 3,
8 mL2
The energy of the emitted photon is
4h 2
3h 2
E2 E1 =

8mL 8mL 8mL2


3h 2
3(6.63 1034 J s) 2
1 eV

= 1.8 1014 m = 18 fm

8m( E2 E1)
8(1.67 10
kg)(2.0 10 eV) 1.60 1019 J

Assess: This is roughly the size of a typical nucleus.

38.54. Visualize: The allowed energies of a particle in a box are

En =



We are given L = 10 nm and n = 1. We look up the mass of a sodium ion: mNa = 3.82 1026 kg.
(6.63 1034 J s)2
= 1.4 1026 J = 9.0 108 eV
E1 =
8(3.82 10 kg)(10 nm)
This energy is much smaller than the 70 103 eV, which is the potential energy of a sodium ion due to the
membrane potential.
Assess: The sodium ion does not have to be in the ground state and could have n 2 times as much kinetic energy.

38.55. Model: Photons are emitted when an atom undergoes a quantum jump from a higher energy level to a lower
energy level. On the other hand, photons are absorbed in a quantum jump from a lower energy level to a higher
energy level. Because most of the atoms are in the n = 1 ground state, the only quantum jumps in the absorption
spectrum start from the n = 1 state.
Solve: (a) Using Ephoton =
= Eatom , the 3 wavelengths in the absorption spectrum give 2.49 eV, 4.14 eV, and

6.21 eV as the energies of the n = 2, 3, and 4 energy levels.

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(b) The emission spectrum of the atom will contain the following wavelengths:

41 =

= 200 nm
E4 E1 6.21 eV

31 =

= 300 nm
E3 E1 4.14 eV

21 =

= 500 nm
E2 E1 2.49 eV

42 =

= 334 nm
E4 E2 3.72 eV

43 =

= 601 nm
E4 E3 2.07 eV

32 =

= 753 nm
E3 E2 1.65 eV

38.56. Model: Photons are emitted when an atom undergoes a quantum jump from a higher energy level to a lower
energy level. On the other hand, photons are absorbed in a quantum jump from a lower energy level to a higher
energy level. Because most of the atoms are in the n = 1 ground state, the only quantum jumps in the absorption
spectrum start from the n = 1 state.
Solve: (a) The ionization energy is E1 = 6.5 eV.
(b) The absorption spectrum consists of the transitions 1 2 and 1 3 from the ground state to excited states.
According to the Bohr model, the required photon frequency and wavelength are

f =

c hc
= =
f E

where E = Ef Ei is the energy change of the atom. Using the energies given in the figure, we calculated the
values in the table below.
1 2
1 3

Ef (eV)

Ei (eV)

E (eV)



(c) Both wavelengths are ultraviolet ( < 400 nm).

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Chapter 38

38.57. Solve: A photon with wavelength = 1240 nm has an energy Ephoton = hf = hc / = 1.0 eV. Because
Ephoton must exactly match E of the atom, a 1240 nm photon can be emitted only in a 3 2 transition. So, after
the collision the atom was in the n = 3 state. Before the collision, the atom was in its ground state (n = 1). Thus, an
electron with vi = 1.4 106 m/s collided with the atom in the n = 1 state. The atom gained 4.5 eV in the collision as it
was excited from the n = 1 to n = 3, so the electron lost 4.5 eV = 7.20 1019 J of kinetic energy. Initially, the kinetic
energy of the electron was
Ki = 12 melecvi2 = 12 (9.11 1031 kg)(1.40 106 m/s) 2 = 8.93 1019 J
After losing 7.20 1019 J in the collision, the kinetic energy is
K f = Ki 7.20 1019 J = 1.73 1019 J = 12 melecvf2 vf =

2(1.73 1019 J)
= 6.2 105 m/s
9.11 1031 kg

38.58. Solve: Equation 38.29 is

1 =2
1 =2 1

En = m 2 2 2

2 m aBn 4 0n 2aB 2 maB n 2aB 4 0n 2aB

The Bohr radius is
aB =

4 0= 2

1 e2 1 e2 1
1 e2 1
1 1 e2
En =
2 =

2 = 2

maB 4 0
2 4 0 n aB 4 0 n aB
2aB 4 0 n
n 4 0 2aB

38.59. Solve: The wavelengths in the hydrogen spectrum are given by

nm =

91.18 nm

1/m 2 1/n 2
For each m, the wavelengths range from a maximum value when n = m + 1 to a minimum value (the series limit)
when n . A few calculations reveal the following behavior:

max for n = m + 1
122 nm
656 nm
1876 nm
4050 nm

min for n =

91 nm
365 nm
822 nm
1459 nm

We see that the only visible wavelengths (400700 nm) in the hydrogen spectrum occur for m = 2, starting with n = 3.
We can calculate that 32 = 656.5 nm, 42 = 486.3 nm, 52 = 434.2 nm, and 62 = 410.3 nm. The next transition,
6 2, has < 400 nm. Thus these are the only four visible wavelengths in the hydrogen spectrum.

38.60. Model: The speed of the incoming electron is not relativistic, so use K = 12 mv 2 .
Visualize: The kinetic energy of the incoming electron is K = 12 (9.11 1031 kg)(2.1 106 m/s) 2 = 2.01 1018 J =

12.55 eV.
Solve: The orbital electron can take most of the energy of the incoming electron and jump up to level n = 3 because
n = 3 is 12.09 eV higher than n = 1. The orbital electron cant make it up to n = 4 because that would require
12.75 eV.
Now the atom undergoes a quantum jump of n = 1 so it drops from n = 3 to n = 2. This transition has an energy
difference of 1.51 eV (3.40 eV ) = 1.89 eV.

hc (4.14 1015 eV s)(3.00 108 m/s)

= 657 nm
1.89 eV

Assess: This wavelength is in the visible region of the spectrum.

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38.61. Solve: (a) From Equation 38.37, the wavelengths of the emission spectrum are
nm =

91.18 nm

m = 1, 2, 3, n = m + 1, m + 2,

m2 n 2

For the 200 199 transition,

200199 =

91.18 nm
(199)2 ( 200)2

= 0.362 m

(b) For the 2 199 transition,

2199 =

91.18 nm
(2) 2 (199) 2

= 4.000404071 (91.18 nm)

Likewise, 2200 = 4.00040004(91.18 nm). The difference in the wavelengths of these two transitions is 0.0000041
(91.18 nm) = 0.000368 nm.

38.62. Visualize:

Solve: (a) He + is a hydrogen-like ion with Z = 2. From Equation 38.38, its energy levels are
13.60 eV
54.4 eV
En = Z 2
It is straightforward to compute E1 = 54.4 eV, E2 = 13.6 eV, E3 = 6.04 eV, E4 = 3.40 eV, and E5 = 2.18 eV.
(b) The ionization energy is E1 = 54.4 eV. The ionization limit is shown as n = .
(c) The possible transitions from n = 4 are 4 3, 4 2, and 4 1.
(d) The wavelengths of these transitions are = hc /E: The computed values are shown in the table below.

4 1

E f (eV)

Ei (eV)

E (eV)






38.63. Visualize: A neutral oxygen atom that has lost 7 electrons is a hydrogen-like atom because it has one electron
going around a nucleus with Z = 8.
Solve: The energy levels for the O +7 ion are

En =

13.60 Z 2 eV

13.60(8) 2 eV

870.4 eV

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Chapter 38

The energy of the 3 2 transition is

E3 E2 = 870.4 eV 2 2 = 120.89 eV =


(4.14 1015 eV)(3.0 108 m/s)

= 10.28 nm
120.89 eV

Likewise for the 4 2 transition,

E4 E2 = 870.4 eV 2 2 = 163.2 eV

The wavelength for this transition = 7.62 nm. For the 5 2 transition, E5 E2 = 182.78 eV and = 6.80 nm. All
the wavelengths are in the ultraviolet range.

38.64. Model: An inelastic collision between the atoms causes the electrons to be excited.

Solve: From Example 38.12, a wavelength of 121.6 nm corresponds to a 2 1 transition. Because the atoms were in
their ground states before colliding, each atom lost kinetic energy K = E2 E1 and, in the process, excited the
electron from n = 1 to n = 2, from where it subsequently emitted the photon. Because the atoms each end at rest,

K = Ki = 12 mv 2 . Thus
1.60 1019 J
= 1.632 1018 J
1 eV

2 atom

= E2 E1 = 10.2 eV


2( E2 E1 )
2(1.632 1018 J)
= 44,200 m/s
1.67 1027 kg

38.65. Solve: (a) Nearly all atoms spend nearly all of their time in the ground state (n = 1). To cause an emission
from the n = 3 state, the electrons must excite hydrogen atoms from the n = 1 state to the n = 3 state. The energy
gained by each atom is
E3 E1 = 1.51 eV (13.60 eV ) = 12.09 eV
This means the electrons must each lose 12.09 eV of kinetic energy. Thus the electrons must have at least K min =
12.09 eV of kinetic energy to cause the emission of 656 nm light. The minimum speed of the electrons is
2 K min
2(12.09 eV) 1.6 1019 J

= 2.06 106 m/s

1 eV
9.11 1031 kg

vmin =

(b) An electron gains 12.09 eV of kinetic energy by being accelerated through a potential difference of 12.09 V. This
is simply the definition of electron volt.

38.66. Solve: The energy of the ultraviolet light photon is



(6.63 1034 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)

70 10

1 eV
1.60 1019 J

= 17.76 eV

To ionize a hydrogen atom, a minimum energy of 13.60 eV is required. Thus, the kinetic energy of the freed electrons is
K = 12 mv 2 = E 13.60 eV = 17.76 eV 13.60 eV = 4.16 eV

38.67. Visualize: Please refer to Figure 38.14.

Solve: (a) From Chapter 18, the rms speed of the sodium atom is

vrms =

3(1.38 1023 J/K)(0.001 K)
= 1.04 m/s 1.0 m/s
23 u 1.67 1027 kg/u

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(b) The diffraction of a wave by a grating obeys the equation dsin m = m , where m is the order of the diffraction.

The de Broglie wavelength of the atoms is

6.63 1034 J s
= 1.66 108 m
mv (23 u 1.67 1027 kg/u)(1.04 m/s)
The antinodes in the standing-wave laser beam form the grating. The spacing between adjacent antinodes of a
standing wave is

= 295 nm = 2.95 107 m

Thus, the first order diffraction angle is

1.66 108 m

= 3.2
= sin 1 = sin 1

2.95 10 m

(c) The waves traveling to points B and C are each diffracted an angle of 3.2. From the geometry, the distance
between B and C is 2(10 cm) tan 3.2 = 1.1 cm.
(d) The atoms exhibit interference when recombined at point D. For interference to occur, each atom must have
somehow traveled along both paths through the interferometer. So halfway through, each atom must have been
present both at point B and at point C, even though these points are more than 1 cm apart. Were forced to conclude
that matter, at the atomic level, does not consist of localized, point-like particles. Instead, the atoms appear to have
the nonlocalized behavior that we previously associated with waves.

38.68. Solve: (a) The orbital period of an electron in the n state is

2 rn 2 r1n 2 2 r1 3
3 2 (0.0529 nm)
Tn =


v1 /n


n = T1n =

2.19 106 m/s

n3 = (1.52 1016 s)n3

where we obtained the expression for the radius and speed from Equations 38.27 and 38.28. Thus, T1 = 1.52 1016 s.
(b) In the n = 2 state, the orbital period of the electron is T2 = (1.52 1016 s)(2)3 = 1.216 1015 s. The number of
revolutions before the electron makes a quantum jump to the n = 1 state is

1.6 109 s
1.216 1015 s

= 1.32 106 revolutions

38.69. Solve: (a) The Bohr condition on the electrons angular momentum is mvn rn = n=. For cyclotron motion in
a magnetic field, the radial component of the force is
= evn B mvn = eBrn
The Bohr condition becomes
(eBrn )rn = n= rn =


(b) The first allowed radius is

r1 =

6.63 1034 J s
= 25.7 nm
2 (1.6 1019 C)(1.0 T)

Likewise, r2 = 36.3 nm, r3 = 44.5 nm, and r4 = 51.4 nm.

(c) For an electron undergoing cyclotron motion in a magnetic field, the kinetic energy is En = 12 mvn2 . Using the Bohr

condition in part (a) first for momentum and then for the radius,
1 m 2v 2 1 e2 B 2 rn2 eB
En =
(eBrn2 ) =
2 m
2 m
From Chapter 33, the cyclotron frequency is
En =
f cyc =
( n=) = n( =f cyc )
2 m
2 m
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Chapter 38

38.70. Solve: (a) The muon acts like an electron in a hydrogen-like ion of charge Z except that the muons mass is
m = 207me . The different mass changes the Bohr radius to
(aB ) =

4 0= 2

m e

me 4 0= 2
aB =
(0.0529 nm) = 2.56 104 nm
m mee2

From Equation 38.38, the ground state radius of the muon in the carbon is

r1 =

(aB )

2.56 104 nm
= 4.26 105 nm

The speed in the ground state is
6.63 1034 J s
v1 =
= 1.31 107 m/s
m r1 2 (207 9.11 1031 kg)(4.26 105 nm)
(b) From Equations 38.31 and 38.38, the energy levels are En = Z 2 ( E1) /n 2 . Because of the different mass,
( E1 ) =

1 e2
= B
= 207(13.60 eV) = 2815 eV
4 0 2(aB ) ( aB ) 4 0 2aB

For Z = 6, the n = 1 and n = 2 energy levels are

E1 =

(36)2815 eV

= 101,300 eV

E2 =

(36)2815 eV

= 25,300 eV

The photon emitted in a 2 1 transition has an energy Ephoton = E2 E1 = 76,000 eV. The wavelength is


(6.63 1034 J s)(3.0 108 m/s)

= 1.64 1011 m = 0.0164 nm
76,000 eV

(c) This is an x-ray photon.

(d) For circular motion, the orbital period is


2 r1 2 (4.26 105 nm)

= 2.04 1020 s
1.31 107 m/s

The number of orbits completed during the muons half-life is

1.5 106 s
= 7.3 1013
T 2.04 1020 s
This is such an incredibly large number of orbits that it makes sense to use the Bohr model.

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