Alpha Field - Reservoir Data: Etienne MOREAU

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Alpha Field

---------Reservoir Data

Etienne MOREAU


Data Review
Rock Properties
Fluids' Properties
Reservoir Pressure

Data Analysis
Well Testing
Water Oil Displacement

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Data Review

Rock Properties

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Rock Properties

Permeability (Core / Test)

Air permeabilities measured on clean cores and compared with well tests
Kh test / kh core ratio (average 0.7 in hydrocarbon zone)
Permeability decrease below OWC

Capillary pressure
Initial Sw similar in majority of Ness & Tarbert ~22%
But higher in Ness close to OWC ~30%

Capillary tests on preserved and unpreserved cores
Water wet in aquifer and mixed wettability at top of reservoir

Relative permeabilities
SCAL on small plugs to determine Sorw but scatter in measurements
Not fixed for field life : further analysis can be required after start up based
on saturation logging, matching of field performance.

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Rock Properties: Core Permeability

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Rock Properties: Capillary Tests

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Rock Properties: Relative Permeability

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Rock Properties: Work To Do

Core Permeability (Core / Test)

Is K.H. core calculated over total or net reservoir thickness?
Can you explain why the ratio K.H core / K.H test is not equal to 1?

Capillary pressure & wettability

Can you calculate irreducible water saturation in Tarbert & Ness?
How varies maximum capillary pressure with wettability?
Why maximum capillary pressure in Ness is higher than in Tarbert?

Relative permeabilities


How varies the curves when the flow rate varies

How varies these curves when the oil viscosity varies
How varies maximum water rel. perm with wettability?
Why maximum water rel perm in Ness is lower than in Tarbert?

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Data Review

Fluids' Properties


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Fluids' Properties: Fluids' Properties

Hydrocarbon properties
Lab measurements
Constant Composition Expansion
Constant Volume Depletion

PVT properties
Saturation pressure
Black oil functions for oil and gas

Water analysis
Compatibility study with injection water (scaling risk)


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Fluids' Properties: Lab measurements


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Fluids' Properties: Lab measurements

Initial conditions
Reservoir pressure
Reservoir temperature

Pi = 451 bar @ 3200 m TVSss

Tr = 112 C

Oil & Gas properties

Saturation pressure
Solution GOR
Gas density @ surface
Oil density @ surface
Oil Bo @ Pi
Oil Bo @ 340 b
Oil Bo @ Pb
Oil viscosity @ Pi
Oil viscosity @ 340 b
Oil viscosity @ Pb



270.1 barg @ 112C

170 m3/m3
1 kg/m3
836 kg/m3
1.637 vol / vol
1.676 vol / vol
1.711 vol / vol
0.40 cp
0.35 cp
0.31 cp

Water properties
Water viscosity @ 112C
Water viscosity @ 50C
Water compressibility


Alpha Field

mw = 0.27cp
mw* = 0.58 cp
cw = 0.5 10-4 bar-1

Reservoir Data

Fluids' Properties: Fluid Composition


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Fluids' Properties: PVT functions (Oil)


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Fluids' Properties: PVT functions (Gas)


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Fluids' Properties: Work To Do

Lab measurements
What is the measured saturation pressure?
Can you calculate oil density at initial pressure, 340 bars and saturation
At which pressure oil density is minimum?
Can you calculate oil average compressibility between initial pressure and
saturation pressure?

PVT functions


At which pressure oil volume factor is maximum?

Why solution gas ratio constant above 270 bars?
What is the relationship between gas Z factor and gas volume factor?
Can you check this relationship at saturation pressure?

Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Data Review

Reservoir Pressure


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Reservoir Pressure: RFT data


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Reservoir Pressure: Well Testing


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Reservoir Pressure: Work To Do

RFT Pressure ( Initial Pressure versus depth)

Can you compare free water levels & oil density on wells 3/9a-2 and 3/9a-4?
Can you derive initial pressure at datum (3200 m TVDss) on wells 3/9a-2
and 3/9a-4?
Can you draw some conclusions regarding possible reservoir

Well Test
Can you derive bottom hole flowing pressure and initial reservoir
Is initial reservoir pressure compatible with RFT measurements?
Can you calculate the well productivity index associated to the test?
Can you anticipate any influence of well flow rate on well productivity


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Data Analysis

Well Testing


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Main Data


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Unit Systems


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Unit Systems


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Log Log Analysis


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Semi Log Analysis


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Skin Calculation


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Investigation Radius


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Partial Penetration Effect


1 - Re re

Re rw


H, total thickness (m)

h, perforated interval (m)
h/H ratio
Re, Partial penetration
Drainage radius (m)
Well radius (m)
Geometric skin


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Well Testing: Work To Do

Log log Analysis

Identify the duration of well bore storage

Identify the duration of well bore storage & skin effect
Identify the K.H. of the formation?
Can you identify a no flow boundary? Explain why?

Semi log Analysis

Identify the K.H. of the formation?
Identify the skin effect
Can you identify a no flow boundary? Explain why?

Productivity index calculations

Calculate the productivity index corresponding to skin of 60?
Calculate the productivity index corresponding to a zero skin?
Give your comments


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Data Analysis

Water Oil Displacement


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Work to Do

Microscopic Displacement
Complete the following table

Calculate the displacement efficiency in Tarbert and Ness

Fluids Mobility
Calculate the mobility ratio in Tarbert and Ness corresponding to a
reservoir pressure of 450 bars and 340 bars

Give your comments


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

Work to Do

Fractional Flow
Give the expression of the three components of the fractional flow
(mobility term, gravity term, capillary term)

Front Saturation
Give the expression of the front saturation by taking into account the
mobility term
Calculate this saturation in Tarbert & Ness formations
What can be said about this saturation if the reservoir dip is taken into

Give your comments


Alpha Field

Reservoir Data

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