Oracle EBS R12 Architecture

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The Oracle EBS R12 architecture follows a three-tier model with desktop, application, and database tiers.

The three tiers are the desktop tier, application tier, and database tier.

The primary servers residing in the application tier are the web server, forms server, concurrent processing server, administration server, and daily business intelligence server.

Oracle EBS R12 Architecture

Oracle EBS R12 Applications is a three-tiered architecture. 1.Desktop Tier 2.Application Tier 3.Database
Tier The Oracle Applications Architecture is a framework for multi-tiered, distributed computing that
supports Oracle Applications products. In this model, various servers or services are distributed among
three levels, or tiers.

Desktop Tier
The Forms client applet must be run within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the desktop client. The Sun
J2SE Plug-in component allows use of the Oracle JVM on web clients, instead of the browsers own JVM.
This is implemented as a browser plug-in.
The desktop tier, traditionally called the presentation layer, consists of the client user interface (a web
browser). The browser connects to the application tier via HTTP or HTTPS to the web server or the forms
server. Historically, the forms server required the use of a client-side applet, Oracle JInitiator, which runs
as an Active-X or plug-in on the client browser using a direct socket connection to the forms server. This

direct-connect environment requires two logical connections to the applications tier: one connection to the
web server listener and the other to the forms services. This exposes an enterprise to potential security
risks when connectivity is allowed beyond the confines of the corporate LAN or WAN by requiring holes in
firewalls. These holes must open another port in the firewallin addition to HTTP port allowing the
connection between the client and the forms server. This becomes more of a security risk when Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) is used. In the SSL environment, additional certificate requirements are necessary
because certificates are required for the HTTP traffic and forms server.
Application Tier
The application tier of the Oracle E-Business Suite provides administrative services and business logic,
allowing end users at the desktop tier to make use of the information found at the database tier.
The primary servers residing in this layer:

Web server
Forms server
Concurrent processing server
Administration server
Daily business intelligence
Each of the application servers provides business process logic or management services to the Oracle EBusiness Suite-enabled enterprise. The desktop tier communicates with the application tier via the web
server listener (see Forms Listener Servlet Architecture).
The application tier is commonly referred to as the APPL_TOP. The APPL_TOP is a file system that can
reside on a single physical node or span multiple nodes in a shared multi-node application tier
deployment. A shared APPL_TOP resides on a common disk mounted by each node in the Oracle 12i
installation. A shared APPL_TOP allows any of the nodes to invoke the five primary server functions, such
as the web server and forms server. The primary advantage to a shared application tier deployment is the
ability to patch and/or modify a single file system in a multi-node deployment, propagating those changes
to all nodes simultaneously.
In addition, the use of a single file system requires the backup of only a single file system despite the use
of multiple nodes. The shared application file system shows three server nodes sharing the application file
system via NFS. The shared mount point in this case is a storage device located in the network.

The Web services

The Web Services component of Oracle Application Server processes requests received
over the network from the desktop clients.

Forms services
Forms services in Oracle Applications Release 12 are provided by the Forms listener servlet or Form
Socket mode, which facilitates the use of firewalls, load balancing, proxies, and other networking

Concurrent Processing server

Processes that run on the Concurrent Processing server are called concurrent requests. When you
submit such a request, either through HTML-based or Forms-based Applications, a row is inserted
into a database table specifying the program to be run. A concurrent manager then reads the
applicable requests in the table, and starts the associated concurrent program.
Database Tier
The database tier contains the Oracle database server that stores all the data maintained by Oracle
applications. The database also stores the Oracle applications online help information. More specifically,
the database tier contains the Oracle data server files and Oracle applications database executables that
physically store the tables, indexes, and other database objects for your system. The database server
does not communicate directly with the desktop clients, but rather with the servers on the application tier
that mediate the communications between the database server and the clients. To provide increased
performance, scalability, and availability, Oracle offers real application clusters (RAC) that allow multiple
nodes to support a single database instance.

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