Stress: Force Area Change Shape Particles
Stress: Force Area Change Shape Particles
Stress: Force Area Change Shape Particles
Stress is the force per unit area on a body that tends to cause it
to change shape.
Stress is a measure of the internal forces in a body between
its particles. These internal forces are a reaction to the external
forces applied on the body that cause it to separate, compress or
slide. External forces are eithersurface forces or body forces.
Stress is the average force per unit area that a particle of a body
exerts on an adjacent particle, across an imaginary surface that
separates them.
The formula for uniaxial normal stress is:
Tensile Stress
Compressive Stress
Compressive stress is the stress on materials
that leads to a smaller volume. By compressive
stress the material is
under compression.Compressive stress to bars,
columns, etc. leads to shortening. One can increase
the compressive
stress until compressive strength is reached.
If the bar is subjected to axial compression instead
of axial tension, the stress developed at x-x is
specifically called compressive stress pc.
pc =R/A
= P/A.
Factor of Safety
Engineers use stress to aid in the design of structures.
The external load and the geometry of the structure tells
us what stress is being exerted within the material, but it
tells us nothing about the material itself. Each material
has an ultimate stress a measure of how much stress
the material can withstand before failing. To properly
design a safe structure, we need to ensure that the
applied stress from the external loading never exceeds
the ultimate stress of the material. Part of the difficulty
with this task is that we don't always know exactly what
the external load is it may vary unpredictably, and the
structure may have to withstand unexpectedly high loads.
Stress Analysis;
Stress analysis is a primary task for civil, mechanical and
aerospace engineers involved in the design of structures
of all sizes, such as tunnels, bridges and dams,aircraft
and rocket bodies, mechanical parts, and even plastic
cutlery and staples. Stress analysis is also used in the
maintenance of such structures, and to investigate the
causes of structural failures.