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(12) United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.:



(45) Date of Patent:



( H4)

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25 27 673
77 18 934
37 41 820
40 03 316
44 41 307





Feb. 10, 2004

5,725,231 A * 3/1998 Buie

6,494,476 B2 * 12/2002 Masters et a1.


US 6,688,631 B1


WO 89/02374





B E6020DD08mT/W 1035NMS60841

(21) Appl. N0.:


(22) PCT Filed:

Jul. 26, 2000

(86) PCT N0.:


Primary ExaminerLesley D. Morris

Assistant ExaminerMattheW Luby
(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmDavis & Bujold, PLLC

Feb. 7, 2002


371 (6X1),
(2), (4) Date:

* cited by examiner

The device for damping yaWing motions between a highway

(87) PCT Pub. N0.: WO01/07273

motor vehicle and its trailer is composed of a curvilinear

PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 1, 2001


damping track (4) acted upon by a friction device (17) Which

Foreign Application Priority Data

Jul. 27, 1999


99 09829

(51) Int. Cl.7

(52) US. Cl.
(58) Field of Search


B62D 53/06; B60D 1/32

280/455.1; 280/432
280/4551, 432


8/1937 Bradford

7/1968 Johnson
Rendessyet a1.

1/1977 Luck

may be a pneumatic device attached to the extremity of the

shaft (2); the track (4) may be articulated to a ?xed portion
of the rear of the truck or ?exible enough to absorb lurching

and pitching motions. The friction device (13) consists of

friction slides (21, 22) pressed against the track(4) by an

actuator (27) that may be pneumatic. The intensity of the
force it generates varies depending upon the cargo in the

trailer and/or vehicle speed in order to automatically adapt

the yaW-damping effect. This adaptation is achieved by
making the actuator (27) subject to suspension pressure

References Cited


51 %


and/or vehicle speed. This invention is of interest to manu

facturers of trailers and couplings.

24 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets

U.S. Patent

Feb. 10, 2004

Sheet 1 6f 6

US 6,688,631 B1

U.S. Patent

Feb. 10, 2004

Sheet 2 6f 6


US 6,688,631 B1

U.S. Patent

Feb. 10, 2004

Sheet 3 6f 6

US 6,688,631 B1

U.S. Patent

Feb. 10, 2004

Sheet 4 6f 6

US 6,688,631 B1

U.S. Patent

Feb. 10, 2004

28 2

hco?tsqm 6:o5Em0w

umwoaE 65 0


Sheet 5 6f 6

US 6,688,631 B1

US 6,688,631 B1



With the damping device according to the invention, the

force pressing the friction structures against the curvilinear
track is not constant. It varies, making the degree of motion
absorbed a function of the Weight carried by the trailer


The invention concerns a device for damping yaW in a

trailer on highway vehicle consisting of a motor vehicle

drawing a trailer, said device also constituting a safety

feature in the event the coupling breaks.
More speci?cally, it is designed to improve the traction of


a highWay vehicle consisting of a motor vehicle pulling a

tractor With a central axle, also called a balanced trailer.

and/or its speed. It is knoWn that the heavier the cargo on the
trailer, the more likely there Will be yaWing of the trailer and
the greater the danger, since the trailers inertia increases.
The device of the present invention advantageously
increases the damping effect in this situation. Actually, the
larger the load in the trailer, the greater the pressure exerted
on the suspension, and the harder the yaWing devices press
the friction structures against the curvilinear track, thus

increasing friction.

Conversely, When the trailer is empty or carrying a light

load, the trailers inertia decreases. In this case, less damping
suf?ces. The suspension elements are not pressured as much

and the device of the invention that depends upon the

suspension elements thus decreases the force exerted on the

The risks and dangers associated With yaWing trailers

during descent at certain speeds are Well-knoWn.
These conditions can even cause the trailer to tip or shift

friction devices, thereby decreasing friction and damping

sideWays, knoWn as being j ackknifed.

A number of devices for limiting yaWing motion already

intensity. These variations are obtained simply, quickly, and

are completely automatic.

It is also knoWn that speed increases yaWing motion.


They consist mainly of telescoping lateral arms With

damping effects. These arms are attached along the coupling

Therefore, both speed values and the amount of pressure on

the suspension system can be used to form the basis of an

on either side With a ball and socket connection at one

It is also possible to limit yaWing by using one or the other

of these variables. Obviously, if there is a different type of

extremity on the rear of the vehicle, and are attached to the

coupling With a ball and socket connection at the other

suspension system, pneumatic control is not possible and a


specialiZed sensor needs to be used if the trailers load is

These arms are suf?cient to limit small amplitude

used as a basis for the system.

movements, but large trailers carrying heavy loads remain

susceptible to danger.

Adapting the intensity of yaW damping to the Weight


The object of the invention is to damp and thus limit yaW

amplitude by the trailer in a unit consisting of a motor
vehicle draWing a trailer. The means according to the
invention also constitutes a safety device Which forms a


the rear of the motor vehicle. The friction device consists of

the constraints imposed: acceleration, braking, centrifugal

The device of the invention has an additional feature: due
to the use of a gripping element, maintenance is greatly

facilitated; for example, When replacing friction plates and

coupling or uncoupling the trailer. With the prior art yaW
reduction system, in order to perform the connecting and

?at friction pieces Which are placed in contact With the

surfaces of the curvilinear track by a force pushing the

disconnecting operations, it Was necessary to combat a

permanent ?exible recall force, such as a spring. With the
device of the invention, it is only necessary to release the

gripping pressure and these operations can be performed

structures together. The intensity of the push varies, alloW

ing the degree of damping to be adapted according to need.

Furthermore, if a pneumatic device is used to press the
friction devices together, the invention automatically com
pensates for the play caused by Wear on the friction struc

Adaptation occurs automatically and simply, by associating

the pushing force With the trailers pneumatic suspension
and/or to the speed of the vehicle.
In the case of a vehicle Without any pneumatic suspension
system, either vehicle speed alone is used, or a specialiZed
sensor is used to determine the extent of the trailers cargo.

being hauled and/or to vehicle speed decreases Wear on the

friction structures and thus prolongs the life of the device.
In the same Way, yaW damping intensity can also be
varied automatically as a function of road conditions, that-is,
the dif?culties in terrain Which the vehicle encounters and

force, etc.

temporary connection if the coupling breaks.

To achieve this objective, the damping mechanism com
prises a rigid or ?exible curvilinear damping track Which is
acted upon by a friction device attached at the end of the
shaft, With either end of the track extending into an articu
lated or non-articulated connection joining a ?xed portion of

improved control system.

tures by adapting the pressure applied to the pneumatic


A device for limiting yaWing motion is already knoWn,

In the latter instance, the nature of ?uid pneumatic energy
provides a certain progression or reduction in the application

of force due to the pneumatic effect accompanying each


consisting of a section of metal disc and a bracket attached

to the trailers shaft, equipped With tWo friction slides. These

slides are ?rmly pressed on either side by the disc using a
?exible force device to form a friction brake against the
pivoting motion of the shaft in relation to the vehicle and

apparent from the folloWing description offered by Way of

thereby limiting the yaWing motion of the trailer.

non-limiting examples, and With reference to the accompa


Other characteristics and features of the invention Will be

nying draWings Wherein:

When nearly Worn out, the damping effect achieved With

this system is of predetermined intensity dependent only

upon the force exerted by the ?exible force upon the friction
slides and thereby on the sector of track.


FIG. 1 is general overhead perspective and oblique rear

vieW of the motor vehicle and the trailer coupling equipped
With the yaW-damping device according to the invention;

US 6,688,631 B1

FIG. 3 is a pro?le vieW shoWing the rear of the motor

It is possible that the friction surfaces on surfaces 14 and

15 of track 4 could be attached or arranged differently, or
that the surfaces of the damping track could be coated With
a friction layer.

vehicle and the coupling equipped With the yaW-damping

device according to the invention;

To ensure. satisfactory performance, that is, to guarantee

that the ?at surfaces of the friction slides effectively contact

FIG. 2 is a plane vieW representing the rear of the motor

vehicle and the coupling equipped With the yaW-damping

device according to the invention;

the ?at surfaces of damping track 4, the plane de?ned by the

track is essentially parallel to the supporting plane to Which

FIG. 4 is a transverse cross-section taken along line

IVIV of FIG. 2 of one embodiment of the yaW-damping

friction device 17 is attached.

Insofar as the connection betWeen damping track 4 and
the chassis is concerned, there may be a slot 20 perpendicu

device according to the invention;

FIG. 5 is a simpli?ed explanatory schema of the pneu

matic control circuit for the yaW-damping device shoWing

its direct connection to the pneumatic suspension circuit of
the trailer; and
FIG. 6 is an explanatory schema of the pneumatic control
circuit for the yaW-damping device shoWing hoW it is
connected to the pneumatic suspension circuit of the trailer

lar to pivot axle 11, located above each articulation 9 and 10,
provided as a safety measure. If there is considerable

lurching, for example, on an inclined surface, articulation


possible to the plane de?ned by the damping track.

Although pneumatic energy is the preferred means of
activating the friction device of the present invention, it

by means of a pressure sensor and a speed detector.



The device for damping yaW motion is attached to the rear

portion 1 of the chassis or carriage of a motor vehicle
coupled With a trailer by a shaft 2 articulated to a mechanical
assembly knoWn conventionally as a trailer hitch 3. The

yaW-damping device is composed of a damping track 4,

curvilinear in shape and preferably forming an arc, centered
on the trailer hitch 3. YaW-damping track 4 is a rigid metal
plate or a ?exible blade, i.e., ?exible enough to be deformed
and return to its initial position and state after being sub
jected to pressure. Each extremity of the track extends into
connections 5 and 6 joining the rear portion of the chassis,
to Which the track is attached. According to the embodiment
shoWn, the track support terminates in free extremities 7 and
8 each articulated to a ?xed portion by a pivoting articulation
9 or 10 alloWing at least one pivoting movement around an

axles 9 and 10 can slide inside slots 20 and thus each one can
position itself at a different level.
Preferably the trailer coupling is located as close as

should be noted that all types of energy can be used, not only
hydraulic energy, but others as Well, such as electrical

The folloWing is a detailed description of friction device

17 in the embodiment of the invention shoWn in FIG. 4. It
is a pneumatic friction device.

Friction device 17, housed inside the central portion of

shaft 2, comprises a succession of superimposed elements
on either side of damping track 4. This friction device has

brake shoes 23, 24 supporting upper and loWer friction slides

21 and 22, for example, small contact plates.


Upper brake shoe 23 has on its exterior surface a closing

plate 25 and on its interior surface, a friction slide 21. Lower
brake shoe 24 has more parts. It also has a closing plate 26
on its exterior edge and a friction slide 22 on its interior
edge. Apneumatic actuator 27 is located beneath a separat

axle 11 Which is transverse to the longitudinal axle of the

ing plate 28 abutting loWer slide 22.

motor vehicle.
According to an embodiment With a ?exible track, the
track extremities are attached to the chassis and deformation

exerts an upWard force against separating plate 28 Which is

transmitted to. loWer slide 22 covering separating plate 28.

by the extremities provides absorbs lurching and pitching

This force moves loWer slide 22 toWards surface 15 of


damping track 4 and presses it against surface 15 of damping

track 4. Damping track 4 is thus gripped by the tWo friction

Under the in?uence of pressure, pneumatic actuator 27

Preferably, in the articulated embodiment, articulations 9

and 10 are ball and socket connections alloWing several

degrees of freedom When absorbing pitching motion com


bined With lurching motion, or some appropriate means is

used to provide clearance on the pivot axle for pitching


Separating plate 28 spreads the force generated by pneu

matic actuator 27 over loWer slide 22, increasing ef?ciency
and ensuring uniform Wear, since the slide is a relatively

The articulated attachment to the extremities of the sup

port for damping track 4 consists of a constructive block 12
?xed in relation to the motor vehicle chassis possibly, but
not necessarily, to a mechanical block 13 to Which trailer
hitch 3 is attached.

fragile part.
The pneumatic actuator 27 shoWn is a pneumatic belloWs
With a single air chamber, connected to the compressed air
supply by an inlet-outlet opening 29. The pressure of the

In accordance With the embodiment shoWn, this damping

track 4 is e plate or a blade of varying thickness made of

slides 21 and 22. When yaWing occurs, the motion of

damping track 4 in relation to the shaft is absorbed by the
friction betWeen surfaces 14, 15 of the damping track and
surfaces 18, 19 of the friction slides.


compressed air dilates the chamber, causing an upWard push

?exible material, for example metal, that is horiZontal, i.e.,

in the plane parallel to the shaft, and the functional portion,

on the loWer plate and thus moving the friction surfaces

together. Obviously the pneumatic actuator can be different

at least, of the blade is arc-shaped. It has tWo ?at friction

from the one shoWn Without departing from the scope of the
invention. For example, it may consist of a belloWs of the
type used in suspension systems, or some sort of air chamber

surfaces, an upper surface 14 and a loWer surface 15. This

damping track extends on either side of shaft 2 and crosses

over It, for example, above it near front extremity 16. Upper
portion of front extremity 16 of shaft 2 houses a friction
device 17, the function of Which is to absorb yaWing
movements When the ?at front surfaces 18 and 19 of friction
slides 21 and 22 contact the respective surfaces 14 and 15 of
damping track 4 When pushed together by one or more

forces, for example, pneumatic force(s).

such as the tube used in ?re trucks, or a ?exible ?at tube. It

is also possible to conceive of variations of the invention

using another type of pneumatic actuator, for example, a

pneumatic cylinder.

According to another variation, pneumatic force is no

longer applied to the loWer friction surface, but to the upper

friction surface, moving it toWards damping track 4.

US 6,688,631 B1

The components of friction device 17 are maintained in

position against each other by one or more attachment

The design of this base variation constitutes a primary

means of making the damping action dependent upon the
pressure of the pneumatic suspension systems in the trailer

devices, such connecting rods 30 Which block and stop

upper closing plate 25 using contact gaskets immobilized on

and/or truck, translating the Weight carried by that vehicle.

the upper plate by pin blocks 31 With safety rings. When

subjected to pneumatic pressure, upper plate 25 butts against

Thus, as the Weight of the truck and/or the trailer increases,

the pressure in pneumatic actuator 27 increases equally,

the contact Washers.

reinforcing gripping and thereby increasing the damping

When slides 21 and 22 become thin With Wear, they exert

less friction on damping track 4. HoWever, because of the

In this embodiment it is preferable for there to be equal
pressure on the suspension systems of the trailer and pneu

pneumatic device of the invention, there is compensation for


this Wear because pressure does not evolve With Wear. In

matic actuator 27.

comparison With conventional systems, Where it is necessary

to mechanically adjust and tighten the attachment means,
this function is permanent and automatic.

tion is achieved using an actual control loop as shoWn in the

When the Wear on slides 21 and 22 reaches the point that

According to the second variation shoWn, motion absorp

example illustrated in FIG. 6.

With conventional devices. It is merely necessary to de?ate

In this arrangement the supply of pressuriZed pneumatic

?uid to the damping device originates directly from the
compressed air source by tapping into it before the buffer
reservoir. The principal line of compressed air supplies the

pneumatic actuator 27, eliminating the force moving the

damping device through a control module Which operates on

various elements together and alloWing the friction slides to

easily be removed, Working from above. In conventional
systems, the attachment and removal processes are compli
cated by the permanent ?exible recall force pushing the

mounted on the compressed air supply line of the trailer

replacement is necessary, maintenance of friction device 17

of the present invention is greatly facilitated in comparison

elements together.
According to an essential characteristic of the invention,
pneumatic activator 27 is connected to the pneumatic sus

the basis of the values or the condition of a pressure sensor

and/or the truck. The pressure sensor is a transducer or other


pressure-sensitive device from Which or through the use of

Which a control module can direct the pneumatic energy

reaching the damping device. Thus, this damping device is

controlled on the basis of the Work and the state of the

suspension system in the trailer and/or in the truck.

According to another interesting variation, a vehicle

pension system of the trailer and/or of the truck, either

directly by joining it to the vehicle supply line, or by means
of a secondary circuit comprising at least one pressure

speed sensor is added to the pressure sensor so that the rate

sensor placed in the suspension system circuit of the trailer

and/or truck, and a control module. The pressure of the ?uid
inside pneumatic actuator 27 may therefore vary depending
upon the suspension characteristics resulting from the
Weight carried by the trailer or truck, or both at once. Thus,
yaW damping is permanently, automatically regulated as a
speci?c function of the Weight of the truck.
It is important to mention that vehicle speed also forms a
basis for the system, used either instead of pressure Within
the suspension system, or in conjunction With it.
Speed can also be taken into account, proceeding from
either the loWest speed or a speed threshold and increasing
yaW damping above that threshold.

of speed forms the basis for the laW of gripping force applied
to the friction plates.
According to another variation, the damping device may

be controlled only on the basis of the speed sensor.

There may be other elements on the pneumatic circuit
Which are not shoWn, for example, a device Which calculates
the average pressure in the tWo suspension belloWs for the
purpose of determining the pressure of the gripping ?uid to

be sent through the damping device. In practice, pressure

may differ in the tWo suspension systems, especially on an
It is conceivable for an embodiment of the device of the
invention to have a pneumatic actuator 27 supplied With

For this purpose there is a special sensor on the trailer

gripping ?uid by a source independent of the suspension
and/or on the truck, or an existing circuit may be used to 45 system circuit, but Where the ?uid pressure Would be cal
obtain the trucks speed, such as the speed values furnished
culated on the basis of parameters relating to this circuit.
by the braking control system knoWn as ABS.
It is also conceivable that a different type of energy or a

TWo exemplary embodiments of the control circuit for the

damping device are illustrated schematically in FIGS. 5 and

?uid other than compressed air could be used to drivel the

gripping elements, for example, hydraulic ?uid or electrical

Numerous other variations are possible. For example, a

The trailers pneumatic suspension systems are supplied

With compressed air by a compressor through a buffer
reservoir, and then a command and control module.
In FIGS. 5 and 6 suspension is illustrated schematically


by the belloWs and the modules and sensors, by rectangles.

In the base variation shoWn in FIG. 5, the compressed air
controlling pneumatic actuator 27 is derived by tapping into
the conduit supplying the suspension system; the air is then
sent to the yaW-damping device through an adaptation

speed values.
The laW of gripping force could be such that the intensity
of the force applied Would be inversely proportionate to the
angular separation betWeen the direction of alignment of the
vehicles longitudinal axle and that of the trailers longitu

module. The compressed air serves as the driving ?uid for

dinal axle.
Naturally, in this case, it Would be preferable not to

pneumatic actuator 27, Which it enters through opening 29.

The resulting degree of damping depends upon instant

pneumatic pressure in the conduit supplying the suspension
The compressed air may also be taken from the pneumatic
circuit of the motor vehicle or the truck.

supplemental ?uid pressure control device could be

introduced, either controlled by the operator or dependent
upon certain speci?c characteristics derived from motion
parameters, especially the amplitude of yaWing motions or


activate the force on turns in order to leave the shaft

completely free to move.

For this purpose it Would be possible to have a damping

track 4 Which varies in thickness, for example, With a larger

US 6,688,631 B1

central portion that decreases in size toward the extremities.
The opposite design could also be used, i.e., With a more

a friction brake (17) af?xed With a trailer hitch shaft (2)

having friction elements (21, 22) Which are forced

against surfaces of the damping track (4) by an actuator
(27) Which dampens the yaW by squeezing the friction
elements against the surfaces of the damping track (4);

narroW center.

There are various design and technological possibilities

for constructing yaW-damping track 4, friction device 17,
and attachment of the system near the front extremity 16 of
shaft 2.
In particular, it is possible to have a mechanical unit
operating in the form of a single constructive block on Which
the folloWing elements are located near front extremity 16 of
shaft 2: damping track 4 and its extensions 5 and 6, each
terminating in an articulated connection 9 and 10, or a direct
connection, and friction device 17, attached or to be attached
to front extremity 16 of shaft 2.
According to an additional variation, articulated connec
tions 9 and 10 are joined to each other by a connecting


Wherein the actuator (27) squeezing the friction elements

against the damping track (4) to provide yaW damping



is controlled based on one of a cargo Weight and a speed

of one of the trailer and the truck Wherein a change in
at least one of the cargo Weight and the speed of one of

the trailer and the truck produces a corresponding

change in the yaW damping and the actuator (27) is
driven by a suspension system ?uid.
2. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

suspension system ?uid drives the actuator (27) by directly

connecting a conduit to the suspension system.
3. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein

cross-piece (not shoWn) that supports the attachment means,

Which may be removable, on a ?xed portion of the rear of
the motor vehicle.

operation of the actuator (27) is governed by a control loop

dependent upon a suspension system pressure measured in

Thus, since there is a means for detaching this cross-piece

from the chassis of the motor vehicle or from a plate integral
With the chassis, it is possible to mount, attach, or join
either by placing it in contact or otherWise connecting
itthe device of the invention, previously attached to the

the suspension system.

4. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein
operation of the actuator (27) is governed by a control loop

front extremity of the shaft, to the rear of a motor vehicle 25

dependent upon the cargo Weight on the trailer.

5. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein

each time the trailer is coupled With it, and simultaneously

With that operation.

operation of the actuator (27) is governed by a control loop

dependent upon a suspension system pressure and the speed
of one of the trailer and the truck.

Insofar as the arc-shaped blade Which partially constitutes

6. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein

operation of the actuator (27) is governed by a control loop

damping track 4 is concerned, it preferably has the folloWing

The radius of the arc is as large as is technically possible
to have the least possible amount of friction on a single

dependent upon the speed of one of the truck and trailer.

7. The damping device according to claim 5, Wherein the
speed of one of the truck and the trailer is used as the basis
for yaW damping only Where the speed exceeds a desired
8. The damping device according to claim 3, Wherein the

damping coupling. Exposure to less friction decreases Wear

on the friction surfaces, reducing maintenance expense and
extending the life of the friction device. Esthetic consider
ations and the position of the friction device on the shaft are

actuator (27) is governed by a device sensing the prevailing

also factors to consider in selecting the radius.

Preferably, the blade is relatively thin in order to be

suspension system pressure in a conduit supplying suspen

sion ?uid to one of the truck and trailer.

?exible and easily deformed, for example, by tWisting.

9. The damping device according to claim 5, Wherein the

Additionally, there must be radial clearance for the blade;

that is, the blade must be longitudinally displaceable in
relation to shaft 2 When the slope of the road changes, and

actuator (27) is controlled by an element that is sensitive to

the speed of one of the truck and trailer.

10. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

curvilinear damping track (4) is a blade made of ?exible

move aWay from it or closer to it as the road ascends or

This may require an increase in the longitudinal siZe of the


material having a ?rst and second extremities attached to the

rear of the truck.

brake shoes on friction device 17.

11. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

A mechanism such as the pneumatic damping device of

friction device (17) is attached to an upper surface of a front

the invention provides a system of supplemental safety

extremity (16) of the trailer hitch shaft

12. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the
curvilinear damping track (4) has a friction coating.
13. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

features if the connection should break at the trailer cou

If the mechanical connection should actually break at the

trailer coupling, curvilinear damping track 4, With its piv

damping track (4) comprises tWo parallel opposing surfaces

(14) and (15) aligned essentially parallel to a plane de?ned

oting support attached to the rear of the motor vehicle, forms

a temporary mechanical connection betWeen the motor
vehicle and the trailer.
What is claimed is:
1. A device for damping yaW of a trailer draWn by a truck,
at least one of the trailer and truck having a pneumatic

suspension system, the device comprising:

a curvilinear damping track (4) centered about a coupling

(3) connecting the truck and trailer, but separate from

the coupling (3); the curvilinear damping track (4)
being connected to one of a damping track support


by one of the trailer hitch shaft (2) and the road, and the
friction device (17) is a gripping device for gripping the tWo

parallel opposing surfaces.

14. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

friction device (17) comprises brake shoes (23) and (24)

having plates (21, 22) Which are pushed together by the
actuator (27) until they contact and grip the opposing
surfaces (14 and 15) of the damping track
15. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein a
thickness of the damping track (4) varies near a ?rst and

integral With a rear of the truck and to an intermediate 65 second extremities of the damping track.
support to be attached to a ?xed portion of the rear of
16. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

the truck so as to absorb lurching and pitching;

actuator (27) is driven by pneumatic energy.

US 6,688,631 B1

the actuator (27) squeeZing the friction elements against
the damping track (4) to provide yaW damping is

17. The damping device according to claim 1, wherein the

actuator (27) comprises an air chamber.
18. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

controlled based on one of a cargo Weight and a speed

of one of the trailer and the truck Wherein a change in

actuator (27) comprises a bellows having one or more loops.

19. The damping device according to claim 18, Wherein

at least one of the cargo Weight and the speed of one of

the belloWs is a pneumatic suspension belloWs of the sus

the trailer and the truck produces a corresponding

change in the yaW damping and the actuator (27) is

pension system.
20. The damping device according to claim 16, Wherein
the actuator (27) comprises a pneumatic cylinder.
21. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

driven by a suspension system ?uid; and

Wherein the friction device (17) is attached to an upper
surface of a front extremity (16) of the trailer hitch shaft

friction elements of the friction device (17) sandWich the

damping track (4) therebetWeen and Wherein the friction

24. A device for damping yaW of a trailer draWn by a
truck, at least one of the trailer and truck having a pneumatic

elements of the friction device are held together by one or

more attachment devices Which facilitate detachment of the

friction elements from the darning track (4) after a necessary


force provided by the actuator (27) in squeeZing friction

suspension system, the device comprising:

a curvilinear damping track (4) centered about a coupling

elements together has been nulli?ed or diminished.

22. The damping device according to claim 1, Wherein the

(3) connecting the truck and trailer, but separate from

the coupling (3); the curvilinear damping track (4)

damping device is a single unit mounted on a front extremity

being connected to one of a damping track support

of the trailer hitch shaft (2), the single unit comprising the
damping track (4), the friction device (17) af?xed to the

integral With a rear of the truck and to an intermediate

support to be attached to a ?xed portion of the rear of
the truck so as to absorb lurching and pitching;

trailer hitch shaft (2), and a mechanical interface joining a

?rst and second extremities of the damping track (4) about

Which the ?rst and second extremities of the damping track
(4) are articulated.
23. A device for damping yaW of a trailer draWn by a
truck, at least one of the trailer and truck having a pneumatic

a friction brake (17) af?xed With a trailer hitch shaft (2)


suspension system, the device comprising:

a curvilinear damping track (4) centered about a coupling

(3) connecting the truck and trailer, but separate from

the coupling (3); the curvilinear damping track (4)
being connected to one of a damping track support
integral With a rear of the truck and to an intermediate
support to be attached to a ?xed portion of the rear of
the truck so as to absorb lurching and pitching;
a friction brake (17) af?xed With a trailer hitch shaft (2)

having friction elements (21, 22) Which are forced

against surfaces of the damping track (4) by an actuator
(27) Which dampens the yaW by squeezing the friction
elements against the surfaces of the damping track (4);

having friction elements (21, 22) Which are forced

against surfaces of the damping track (4) by an actuator
(27) Which dampens the yaW by squeezing the friction
elements against the surfaces of the damping track (4);
the actuator (27) squeeZing the friction elements against
the damping track (4) to provide yaW damping is
controlled based on one of a cargo Weight and a speed
of one of the trailer and the truck Wherein a change in


at least one of the cargo Weight and the speed of one of

the trailer and the truck produces a corresponding
change in the yaW damping and the actuator (27) is

driven by a suspension system ?uid; and

Wherein a thickness of the damping track (4) varies near
a ?rst and second extremities of the damping track.

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