Declaration of Major

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of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

Office of Student Services ! 1300 Symons Hall ! 301-405-2080 ! [email protected]

Declaration of Major / Addition of Major or Degree

Please Print Legibly in Blue or Black Ink!

Name: _______________________________________________________ UID: __________________________________________________

Current Major(s): __________________________________________ Todays Date: ________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________________ Estimated Graduation Term & Year: ______________

Note: Your signature indicates that you have reviewed all policies with your Academic Advisor and have
completely read the back of this sheet.

Any student wishing to complete a second major or degree outside of CMNS in addition to his/her declared
primary major must obtain written permission from both the primary and secondary College Deans prior to
submitting this form. Students must designate one college to be primarily responsible for maintenance of their
records. See undergraduate catalog for academic regulations pertaining to enrollment in majors.

Indicate the action you wish to take:

Declare a new (primary) major

Add a second major*

Add a second degree**

Delete a major
Delete a degree

*Double Major: 1 diploma; 120 credits minimum

**Double Degree: 2 diplomas; 150 credits minimum; 18 unique credits for each degree

Complete the following information, as you would like it to appear on your transcript:

Primary Major: _____________________________________________ Major # Code: _______________ College: ______________

Secondary Major: __________________________________________ Major # Code: _______________ College: ______________

Old Secondary Major if Deleting: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Please see the advisor for each major you are declaring to get a signature of approval. If your new second major is
in a college other than your primary major, take this form to your second major college for approval. After
obtaining second major college approval, take this form to your primary major college. Your primary major college
is responsible for submitting this completed form to the Registrars Office.

1)____________________________________________________________ 3)______________________________________________________
Secondary College Advisor

Primary College Advisor

2)____________________________________________________________ 4)______________________________________________________
Secondary College Dean

Primary College Dean


Cumulative GPA: _________________________ Cumulative completed credits: ____________
Date Forwarded to Registrar: ___________ Date Request Processed: __________________ E-mailed: ___________________
Updated November 2015

Continued on Reverse

College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

Office of Student Services ! 1300 Symons Hall ! 301-405-2080 ! [email protected]

Policies & Requirements

Please carefully read the following statements:

1. I am aware that I am responsible for learning about, creating and adhering to a four-year plan for
graduation in consultation with my departmental advisor and must submit it to a CMNS Advisor
for approval by the end of my first semester on campus (New Freshmen Only).

2. I am aware that I am responsible for knowing all about campus policies, procedures, and deadlines
as outlined in the current undergraduate catalog and the Schedule of Classes, including the

a. Only 60 community college credits are applicable toward a UMCP degree
b. Students must receive a grade of C- (1.7) or higher in each individual course used toward
their major and supporting areas. Students must earn an average of 2.0 across all major
and supporting area courses.
c. Courses used to satisfy any major requirement cannot be taken Pass/Fail. Other
restrictions also apply for taking a course Pass/Fail. See undergraduate catalog for details.
d. A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation with a single degree program, and a
minimum of 150 credits is required for graduation with a double degree.

3. I am aware of the CORE/GenEd requirements for graduation as outlined in the current
undergraduate catalog and in the current Schedule of Classes.

4. I am aware of the following for continuation in my major in CMNS and requirements for
graduation from CMNS:

a. Students may repeat any/all university courses only once. Each third attempt at a course
(i.e. a second repeat of a course) requires a Deans Exception to Policy. All exceptions
require unique, rare and extraordinary circumstances and appropriate documentation
for taking a course for a third time.
b. Students may repeat a total of 18 credits during their tenure at UMCP. Any attempt to
exceed this 18-credit limit requires a Deans Exception to Policy. All exceptions require
unique, rare and extraordinary circumstances and appropriate documentation for
exceeding the 18 credit repeat limit.
c. Some majors within CMNS require that all major course work be completed at UMCP.

5. I acknowledge that if I am having trouble completing my degree requirements or I experience
difficulty with a University policy, etc I will see my departmental advisor as soon as possible. I
will also contact my advisor if I have academic questions I cannot answer by using the University
Catalog or Schedule of Classes.

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