The Crucible Act Three Questions

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The Crucible

Act Three Questions. All questions are in order of events in Act Three.
Arthur Miller has expressed pride in The Crucible, which speaks about mass hysteria, social and political repression, and the tragic combination of the two. Deciding to present the play is often a response to similar circumstances. I can almost tell what the political situation in a country is when the play is suddenly a hit there, Miller writes, it is either a warning of tyranny on the way or a reminder of tyranny just past. (American Literature. Glencoe Literature. Columbus, Ohio. pg. 957) 1. What is Danforths role in the proceedings? How would you characterize Danforths personality? 2. What does Danforth mean when he says, the entire contention of the state in these trials is that the voice of Heaven is speaking through the children? 3. What do we learn about Elizabeth Proctor? Do you think she is telling the truth? Why or why not? 4. When Proctor and Francis Nurse present a testament signed by people who believe Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor to be good, Christian women, what does Parris claim? Include a QUOTE: 5. Do you agree with Proctor when he says: Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee? 6. Who seems more likely to listen to reason, Hale or Danforth? Explain: 7. Why was Mary Warren able to faint, but now cannot make herself? What does she claim as the reason she cannot force herself to faint when requested by Parris? 8. How would you describe the encounter between Danforth and Abigail? Who wins? Why? 9. What does Proctor finally admit in Act Three? How does Abigail react?


Why does Elizabeth lie when asked to tell why she fired Abigail? a. b. How does Hale react to Elizabeths lie? How does Danforth react?

11. 12.

Why does Mary turn on Proctor? Why does Proctor state, God is dead!

13. The end of Act III is often a climax or turning point in a play (Shakespeare plays, for instance). Do you perceive the end of Act III as a turning point? Explain your conclusion with evidence from the text. 14. Review the HUAC hearings on pg. 911 of the textbook. In the Venn diagram below, compare the HUAC hearings and the Salem Witch trials, and mark similarities between the two in the overlapping circle below:

HUAC Hearings

Salem Witch Trials

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