SMA AWiS Nutrition For Active Women

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A well balanced diet is important for fuelling the

body for exercise. Nutritious food will:

Assist with the preparation
of physical activity and sport
Assist with the recovery of
physical exercise and sport
Maintain a healthy weight
and body composition
Boost energy levels
Support immune function
Keep bowels healthy and regular
Improve quality of life

Help maintain concentration,

improve memory and
stabilise mood
Protect the body from
developing type 2 diabetes,
heart disease, various types
of cancer, high blood
pressure and osteoporosis
Maximise the benefits of


Achieving the ideal body for
activity, health & wellbeing
Active women need to be careful not to
aspire to a weight or body composition
that is unrealistic. Achieving an ideal body
weight for health is paramount. This will
optimise immune function, ensure normal
menstrual function, provide positive
subsequent effects on bone health and
maximise positive psychological effects
in relation to self-esteem and self-image.

Meeting energy needs

The active woman has increased energy
requirements. Carbohydrate rich foods
are an important source of energy. These
foods include grains and their products
such as bread, breakfast cereal, rice and
pasta, as well as fruit, starchy vegetables
and legumes. Sub maximal energy
intake will potentially result in fatigue,
poor concentration, poor performance,
inadequate nutrient intake and possibly a
disruption in the reproductive cycle, which
can have a negative impact on bone health
and in extreme cases cause osteoporosis.

How much carbohydrate?

This depends on the amount and intensity
of training, other daily activities as well as
body weight. To calculate your individual
carbohydrate requirements please go to:



Iron plays a vital role in energy production by transporting

oxygen in the blood and muscles.

Calcium plays an essential role in growth, muscle contraction

and transmission of nerve impulses, and is important for the
development of strong bones.

How much iron?

Girls 9-13 years
Girls 14-18 years
Women 19-50 years
Post-menopausal women
Pregnant women

How much calcium?

8mg per day
15mg per day
18mg per day
8mg per day
27mg per day

Girls 12-18 years

Women 19-50 years
Post-menopausal women
Pregnant/lactating women

1300mg per day

1000mg per day
1300mg per day
1000mg per day

What are the best sources of iron?

How much calcium is in food?

Iron absorption is best from haem-iron sources. Absorption is not

as efficient from non haem-iron sources. Serves provide 2mg:

The following foods provide approximately 300mg of calcium:

Food source


200g yoghurt

1/3 cup (100g) of salmon

or sardines with bones

Beef, cooked


40g hard cheese

100g almonds with skin

Chicken, cooked

200g (minimum)

1/2 cup ricotta cheese

Fish, cooked

150g (minimum)

1 cup calcium fortified soy drink

1 cup cooked spinach

provides 100mg


Spinach, cooked








1 cup of milk
Type of iron
Haem iron

Non haem iron

Do you have an iron deficiency?

A blood test which measures blood iron levels and stores is needed
to diagnose iron deficiency anaemia. Early stage symptoms are
fatigue and decreased athletic ability. Later stage symptoms are
dizziness, shortness of breath and impaired immune function.
Iron supplements (taken under medical direction) and an iron
rich diet is used to treat anaemia. Women participating in heavy
training schedules should have iron levels checked three to four
times a year.
Note: Women are more at risk of developing anaemia than men
due to iron being lost via the menstrual cycle.

NOTE: Low or reduced fat dairy products are excellent sources of

calcium especially for those watching their weight or fat intake.

Maximising your intake

that increase
iron absorption
Vitamin C rich foods or
combining haem iron with
non-haem iron sources
Coffee, bran and tea
Foods that decrease
iron absorption

Foods that decrease

calcium absorption
Excessive caffeine,
unprocessed bran,
Oxalate (found in
spinach and rhubarb)
and alcohol


For Further Information

Active women who are vegetarians need to put effort into planning
their daily nutrient requirements. If not planned correctly a
vegetarian diet may be detrimental to both performance and
health. Important considerations include:

Sports Medicine Australia
03 9674 8777

The vegetarian diet, if high
in vegetable, fruit and high
fibre foods, is potentially low
in kilojoules, yet nutrient
dense. This makes it difficult
to meet energy requirements.
Therefore, it is important
to plan frequent meals and
snacks to avoid discomfort
from overfilling with large
meals. Sources of energy
include: nuts and seeds, dried
fruit, rice and pasta, and dairy
products (for lacto and lactoovo vegetarians).

Lacto and lacto-ovo vegetarians
can meet protein needs by
regular inclusion of low fat
dairy products and by eating a
variety of plant foods to obtain
all the essential amino acids.
Protein is found in legumes,
nuts, seeds, soy products,
wholegrain cereals, eggs and
dairy products.

Foods such as cereals, grains,
nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables
and legumes are rich in many
essential vitamins such as
the B-group vitamins, which
are necessary for optimal
athletic performance. Vitamin
B12 however is not found in
many plant foods and vegan
women must choose vitamin
B12 fortified foods including
soy products. Lacto or lactoovo vegetarians can obtain
adequate B12 though dairy
products and eggs.

Sports Dietitians Australia

Australian Dietary Guidelines

Most vegetarian women can
meet calcium requirements
through a regular consumption
of low fat dairy foods, however
intake. Non-dairy sources of
calcium include fortified soy
drinks, tofu, nuts, seeds and
dark green vegetables.

Dietitians Association of Australia

For a full list of references, contact Sports Medicine Australia.



Authored by Joanna Shinewell, Complete Lifestyle Management

Vegetarians are at risk of

becoming anaemic. Sources
of iron include wholegrain and
fortified cereals, rice, pasta,
bread, green leafy vegetables,
dried fruit, legumes and tofu.
To maximise absorption it is
important to consume the
listed foods with a source of
vitamin C such as citrus fruit,
berries, tomato, capsicum
and melons.

Sports Medicine Australia wishes to thank the sports medicine

professionals and Active Women in Sports Project partners who
provided expert feedback in the development of this factsheet.

To provide the body with zinc
in a vegetarians diet sources
include legumes, wholegrain
cereals and nuts.

This factsheet has been developed with support from the Victorian
Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure.

The information contained in this fact sheet is in the nature of
general comment only, and neither purports, not is intended,
to be advice on a particular matter. No reader should act on the
basis of anything contained in this fact sheet without seeking
independent professional medical advice. No responsibility or
liability whatsoever can be accepted by Sports Medicine Australia
or the authors for any loss, damage or injury that may arise from
any persons acting on any statement or information contained in
this fact sheet and all such liabilities are expressly disclaimed.

Nutrition for
Active Women

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