What Motivates Employees To Go To Work Each Morning?: Motivation and Personality
What Motivates Employees To Go To Work Each Morning?: Motivation and Personality
What Motivates Employees To Go To Work Each Morning?: Motivation and Personality
most of its themes are still important parts of industrial engineering and management today. These
include analysis; synthesis; logic; rationality; empiricism; work ethic; efficiency and elimination of
waste; standardization of best practices; disdain for tradition preserved merely for its own sake or to
protect the social status of particular workers with particular skill sets; the transformation of craft
production into mass production; and knowledge transfer between workers and from workers into
tools, processes, and documentation.
Maslow studied what he called exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor
Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglass rather than mentally ill or neurotic people, writing that "the study
of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a
cripple philosophy."[3] Maslow studied the healthiest 1% of the college student population. [4]
Maslow's theory was fully expressed in his 1954 book Motivation and Personality.[5] The hierarchy
remains a very popular framework in sociology research, management
training[6] and secondary andhigher psychology instruction.
Work Organization
Theory X employees tend to have specialized and often
repetitive work. In Theory Y, the work tends to be
organized around wider areas of skill or knowledge;
Employees are also encouraged to develop expertise and
make suggestions and improvements.
Although the Theory X management style is widely
accepted as inferior to others, it has its place in largescale production operation and unskilled production line
Tip 1:
Enough theory. Which approach do you prefer?
Do you work most effectively when your boss controls
every part of everything you do? Or would this drive you
mad, so that you'd just do what he or she wanted (and
nothing more), look for another job, and then leave? Or
would you prefer a boss who helps you to do your best,
increasingly trusts your judgment, allows you to use your
creativity, and step-by-step gives you more control over
your job?
Which type of manager would you work for more
Learn from this! As it is for you, it will be for many of the
members of your team!
Tip 2:
That said, different members of your own team may have
different attitudes. Many may thrive on Theory Y
management, while others may need Theory X
management. Still others may benefit from an altogether
different approach.
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