Overview of The Company
Overview of The Company
Overview of The Company
We make and sell three kinds of confectionery: chocolate, gum and candy.
We operate in over 60 countries
John Cadbury opened for business in 1824 - making us nearly 200 years young
We work with around 35,000 direct and indirect suppliers
We employ around 45,000 people
Every day millions of people around the world enjoy our brand
Cadbury is the world's largest confectionery company and its origins can be
traced back to1783 when Jacob Schweppe perfected his process for
manufacturing carbonated mineral water in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1824, John
Cadbury opened in Birmingham selling cocoa and chocolate. Cadbury and Schweppe
merged in 1969 to form Cadbury Schweppe plc. Milk chocolate for eating was first
made by Cadbury in 1897 by adding milk powder paste to the dark chocolate recipe of
cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar.
Cadbury in India
Cadbury India is a fully owned subsidiary of Kraft Foods Inc. In 1948 Cadbury starts its
operations in India by importing chocolates, but today it owns five manufacturing companies
and 4 sales offices. Its corporate office is in Mumbai.
The core purpose of Cadbury was to "make today delicious". In India, Cadbury operates in
four categories i.e. milk food drink, chocolate confectionery, candy and gum. Cadbury is the
market leader in chocolate business. The pure taste of Dairy Milk describes the taste of
chocolate for Indian consumers. Bournvita is the leading product in milk food drinks and
candy halls is the leading product of candies in the country.
Since 1965, Cadbury has also started the farming of cocoa in India. (Cadbury India Ltd., n.d.)
A brand identity is the message sent out by the brand through its name, product
shape and design, visual symbols (such as logos), advertising etc. This identity needs to
be planned by brand management, as this is key to gaining market acceptance and leadership
Brand core
Brand proposition
Brand style
Brand themes
Affordable luxury: Cadbury has increased their presence in the candy in the form of halls and
Cadbury dairy milk Eclairs. Eclairs became more popular in the markets with a hotter
climate. The consumers find the delicious taste of chocolate in the middle that easily melts in
the mouth and not in the hot climate. It is also an affordable chocolate for everyone. The new
Eclairs Crunch is with more crispy caramel shell for hot climatic conditions.
Cadbury uses a combination of brand strategies. The family brand ,Cadbury is linked with its
famous sub brands , i.e. Cadbury Crme Egg, Cadbury Roses and Cadbury Flake to name
af e w . T h e f a m i l y b r a n d i d e n t i t y i s s t y l e c o m m u n i c a t e d b y p a c k a g i n g w
ith the Cadburycorporate purple color and the distinctive Cadbury scri
p t l o g o . T h e s u b b r a n d i s t h e n distinguished by is own individual livery
Recently marketers have identified particularly strong family or corpo
r a t e b r a n d s a s MASTERBRANDS Cadbury is such a brand. However, a true Masterbrand
is more than name of the company it incorporates the companys mission, vision and
values, representing the min a way that is easily understood by consumers. IBM is another
example of MASTER BRAND.
Cadburys core brand values include "lifes everyday pleasures that make
us feel good and never let us down. As a reward or a pick me up, we consumer
trust Cadbury chocolate to make us feel better.
The parent brand is also known as an In the last year there has been a major development
in brand strategy at Cadbury Ireland. The Cadb ury Dairy y Milk brand has been
stretched to become a family brand in its own right. Of all the successful Cadbury
brands, the one with the greatest loyalty is Cadbury Dairy Milk. In 2002 more than 19
million Dairy y Milk products were sold. Cadbury made a strategic marketing
decision to leverage the value of the Dairy Milk brand (i.e. optimize the market potential of
it to a Megabrand the brand ) by elevating or range brand
Tw o p r o d u c t s i n t h e C a d b u r y r a n g e c r e a t e d a d i l e m m a : W i s p a a n d
C a r a m e l . B o t h w e r e stand alone products with distinctive identities. Both had a loyal
consumer base high should not be abandoned. To incorporate these products into the Dairy
Milk range called for a fresh strategy. .
Both were blocking chocolate and provided a fit with the Dairy Milk
Megabrand. Their inclusion provided the opportunity to further leverage.
The Dairy Milk Megabrand without alienating loyal consumer s. The new Dairy Milk
Bubbly brand benefited from a new name which better conveys the distinctive "mouth feel"
of Wispa. The new aerated chocolate product now in square form, which is also easier to
break, proved popular. Test showed that 85% of Wispa consumers were likely to buy Dairy
Milk showed t h a t 8 5 % o f W i s p a c o n s u m e r s w e r e l i k e l y
t o b u y D a i r y M i l k , w h i l e 8 9 % o f C a r a m e l customers indicated their likelihood
to buy the new Dairy Milk Caramel.
Other range refreshment initiatives involved deleting some products such as
Banoffi while incorporating new variants like Cadbury Dairy Milk Orange Shots. This
approach will keep the range fresh!!!!!!!
They are breakfast type bars that are quick to eat in, and ideally as a slightly healthier and
more wholesome snack option to chocolate bars.
Cadbury Caramilk
is a caramel-filled chocolate bar made by Cadbury Adams in Canada. It was first sold in
Variations available, some of them limited editions, include Caramilk made with
dark chocolate maple, chocolate, or cappuccino. "Chunky" (thicker) versions called
Caramilk "Thick" and cylindrical versions called "Caramilk Rolls" (similar to Rolo) have
also been introduced.
Crispy Crunch
is a hard chocolate bar with a crispy peanut flake inside that is made by Cadbury. Crispy
Crunch is sold in Canada. Crispy Crunches were sold in the United States for a brief time in
the 1990s by the food distribution arm of Pro Set, the collectible card company. Pro Set went
bankrupt, resulting in Crispy Crunch no longer being available in the United States. A lowercalorie version of Crispy Crunch was available for a limited time in the mid-1990s. The
original manufacturers ,Neilson, sold all their chocolate brands to Cadbury in 1996, though
packaging continued to feature the Neilson logo for a few years. Since Cadbury began
manufacturing of the chocolate bar, the recipe has changed in that it is less salty and more
sweet as it has a more of the crunchy topaz coloured candy coating around the centre.
Al though the bar is the same as the old 8 chunk but in Fruit and Nut, Whole Nut and
Standard. This bar has the new logo and packaging. A similar technique has been introduced
with Cadbury Double Decker and Cadbury Boost bars. However instead of larger bars, two
separate bars are packaged together and are called" Duo". Both brands received a packaging
refresh at the same time.
Cadbury celebrations
:Cadbury Celebrations was aimed at replacing traditional gifting options like Mithai and dryfruits during festive seasons. Cadbury Celebrations is available in several assortments: An
assortment of chocolates like 5Star, Perk, Gems, Dairy Milk and Nutties and rich dry fruits
enrobed in Cadbury dairy milk chocolate in 5 variants, Almond magic, raisin magic, cashew
magic, nut butterscotch and caramels. The super premium Celebrations Rich Dry Fruit
Collection which is a festive offering is an exotic range of chocolate covered dry fruits and
nuts in various flavours and the premium dark chocolate range which is exotic dark chocolate
in luscious flavours.
Cadbury Celebrations has become a popular brand on occasions suchas Diwali, Rakhi,
Dussera puja. It is also a major success as acorporate gifting brand. The communication is
based on the emotional route and the tag line says "rishte pakne do" which fits with the
brand purpose of strengthening your relationships with something sweet.
Cadbury Perk:
A pretty teenager; a long line, and hunger! Rings a bell? That was how Cadbury launched its
new offering; Cadbury Perk in 1996. With its light chocolate and wafer construct, Cadbury
Perk targeted the casual snacking space that was dominated primarily by chips & wafers.
With a catchy jingle and tongue in cheek advertising, this 'anytime, anywhere' snack zoomed
right into the hearts of teenagers.
Raageshwari started the trend of advertising that featured mischievous, bubbly teenagers
getting out of their 'stuck and hungry' situations by having a Cadbury Perk. Cadbury
Perk became the new mini snack in town and its proposition "Thodi si pet pooja" went on to
define its role in the category. As the years progressed, so did the messaging, which changed
with changes in the consumers' way of life. To compliment Cadbury Perk's values, the bubbly
and vivacious Preity Zinta became the new face of Perk with the 'hunger strike' commercial
in the mid 90's.
Cadbury Gems
The saying "Good things come in small packets" has been proven right many a times and it
couldn't have been truer for the pretty chocolate buttons called Gems. Who can forget the
unique, brightly colored chocolate buttons with crispy shells, encased in a pack that's as
colorful as the product itself? Unrivalled in all these years, Cadbury Gems has captured every
consumer's fantasy for almost 4 decades. Little wonder that Cadbury Gems, the brand that
came into India in 1968 is still going strong. Cadbury Gems brings happiness to the
consumer's world. With this promise in mind, Cadbury Gems has always had 'Masti' as the
key proposition in all its communication. In fact, Cadbury Gems is always a willing ally for
pranks and fun.
Cadbury Bournvita :
Cadbury was incorporated in India on July 19th, 1948 as a private limited company under the
name of Cadbury-Fry (India). Cadbury Bournvita was launched during the same year. It is
among the oldest brands in the Malt Based Food / Malt Food category with a rich heritage
and has always been known to provide the best nutrition to aid growth and all round
development. Throughout it's history, Cadbury Bournvita has continuously re-invented itself
in terms of product, packaging, promotion & distribution. The Cadbury lineage and rich
brand heritage has helped the brand maintain its leadership position and image over the last
50 years.
To promote the new Dairy Milk
Brand core:
This is the creed or genetic code of the brand; campaign. This involved a highly Megabrand, Cadbury
implemented a To promote the new Dairy Milk
Brand core:
This is the creed or genetic code of the brand;
Megabrand, Cadbury implemented a
To promote the new dairy milk mega brand , Cadbury implemented
comprehensive 360degree support campaign. This involved a highly coordinated set of
promotional activities a c r o s s v a r i o u s
communications channel each activity bearing the same message.
T h i s approach is known as integrated marketing communications
and ensures that consumers receive a clear and consistent message about a brand.
The 360 degree support campaign include a point of sale competition to win a new look , new
display units , a buy-two-get-one free promotion on 100g bars, PR and advertisements in the
trade press. The result was that sales of the new Megabrand products exceeded targets by
We c a n a l s o d e f i n e r e s e a r c h a s a s c i e n t i f i c a n d s y s t e m a t i c s e a r c h f o r
pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of
s ci en t if i c in ve s t ig a t io n. Th e Ad va n ce d L e ar n er s D i ct i on a r y of
Current English Lays down the meaning of research as a a careful
investigation or inquiry especially through search for facts in any
branch of knowledge.
A c c o r d i n g t o C l i f f o r d Woo d y r e s e a r c h c o m p r i s e s d e f i n i n g a n d
redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions,
collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and
reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to
determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. The s ystematic
approach concerning generalization and the formulation of a theory is
als o research. As such the term research refers to the s ys te matic
method consisting of enunciating the problem, analysing the facts and
reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions towards
the concerned problem or in certain generalizations for some
theoretical formulation.
P R I M A RY D ATA: D a t a o b s e r v e d o r d a t a c o l l e c t e d d i r e c t l y f r o m
first-hand experience. Raw data is a term for data collected from a
source. Primary data has not been subjected to processing or any
other manipulation; it is also known as primary data. It is a relative
term. Primary data can be input to a computer program or used in
m a n u a l a n a l y s i s p r o c e d u r e s s u c h a s g a t h e r i n g s t a t i s t i c s f r o m a s u r v e y.
It can refer to the binary data on electronic storage devices such as
hard disk drives (also referred to as low-level data)
P R I M A R Y D ATA : i s d a t a t h a t h a s n o t b e e n p r e v i o u s l y p u b l i s h e d , i . e .
the data is derived from a new or original research study and
collected at the source, e.g., in marketing, it is information that is
obtained or experimentation.
Sources of collecting primary data are Field research, Content
analysis, Survey research and Experiments. Other methods of
gathering primary data include historical research, analysis of
existing statistics and various forms of direct observation.
S E C O N D A RY D ATA: S e c o n d a r y d a t a i s c o l l e c t e d b y s o m e o n e o t h e r
than the user common sources of secondary data for social science
includes censuses, surveys, organizational records and data collected
through qualitative methodologies or qualitative research. Primary
data by contrast are collected by the investigator conducting the
research. Secondary data analysis saves times that would otherwise be
spent collecting data and, particularly in the case of quantitative
data, provides larger and higher-quality databases than would be
unfeasible for any individual researcher data essential, since it is
impossible to conduct a new survey that can adequately capture past
change and/or development.
Research Design
T h e s o u r c e s o f d a t a c o l l e c t i o n i n t h i s p r o j e c t i s S E C O N D A R Y D ATA .
T h e r e s e a r c h d e s i g n u s e d i n t h i s p r o j e c t i s D E S C R I P T I V E D ATA