Ocean Aquamarine Products Enterprises
Ocean Aquamarine Products Enterprises
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Where can I place my seaweed farm ?
Locating a suitable site is the key to success in cultivating Eucheuma seaweed. Numerous
factors influence the growth of Eucheuma and should be considered while choosing a farming
area. These are listed below.
Water Temperature
A water temperature ranging form 25 C to 30 C is best for growing Eucheuma. In shallow
waters near the beach, the water temperature can become quite high especially during a sunny
day. Such an area is not suitable for planting seaweed. In fact, even though you might think that
the shallow sandy bottom is good for securing your stakes, the high water temperature will kill
your plants.
So, we suggest that you set your farm away from the lowest tide mark (spring low tide limit). A
good area is the one between the spring low tide limit and the reef edge or an area which does
not dry up during these big low tides occurring during full or new moon.
Water Salinity
Minimum water salinity required is about 28 ppt (parts per thousand) or more. Salinity is the
term used to indicate the amount of salt you can measure in sea water. Do not worry! By tasting
a few drops of salt water in your mouth, you can feel the difference in salinity. Brackish water at
the river mouth will taste less salty than ocean flowing water. Be sure that you do not plant your
seaweed in front of a river mouth or in fresh water, as fresh water will kill the seaweed.
In the drawing is represented a bad situation. Do not set your farm in front of a river mouth.
Bottom Type
A white sandy bottom with the presence of a limited amount of natural seaweed, is probably the
best place to cultivate Eucheuma. If the bottom is covered with seagrass, Eucheuma will not
grow very well. This is because other seaweeds might compete, absorbing the nutrients from
the water leaving your Eucheuma plants starving. In this situation, your plants might be covered
with unwanted seaweeds and as a result, silt will quickly deposit on them.
A sea bottom with hard coral formations and coral heads is not a good site to establish your
farm. In such areas it is difficult to secure your stakes. In addition, plant eating fish generally live
and aggregate around coral heads. From here, they move out from time to time to graze on your
seaweed. As a result, they damage your plants.
A muddy sea bottom, is also not advisable for your farming site because silt or mud will cover
the plants reducing the seaweed growth and some extra work will be necessary to shake and
keep clean your plants. Also murky water will limit the amount of sunlight that is supposed to
reach your plants.
Now you can see why we suggest you choose a nice white sandy bottom to set your farm.
Too many corals
Nice clean sandy bottom
Too many seaweeds
Water Movement
Moderate water movement is mostly preferred to strong water current like the one you can see
close to the reef edges or in its passages. If the water current is too strong, it can damage your
plants and even wash away your planted lines by pulling down the stakes. It will also slow down
your work as it is difficult work in areas with strong swift current.
However, be sure that there is a constant exchange of ocean water as the one you have with
the changing of the tides and sufficient water movement as the one created by waves. This will
bring the necessary nutrients to the plants for a healthy growth.
As for any type of farming, the supply of nutrients is an essential factor for growing your crops.
This applies to seaweed cultivation too. Therefore, remember to consider water movement as
an important factor for seaweed growth while selecting the area for your farm.
You must be sure that the farm is placed in such a direction that the water current flows into the
farm and not against it as shown in the drawing.
In this drawing you see a seaweed farm set against water current. Strong water current can
bend or even break the lines. This is not a good way to follow.
In this drawing, water current flows into the farm and not against it as above. This is a good
example to follow.
Eucheuma requires sufficient sunlight for growth. Sunlight is used by Eucheuma as a source of
energy for its growth and to manufacture carbohydrates like carrageenan, the commercially
valuable substance inside the seaweed. Thus, it is essential to have plenty of sunlight. Clear
seawater allows sunlight to penetrate more easily to the plants. This is why when seaweed is
planted close to the sea surface, it grows faster and healthier compared to that planted close to
the sea bottom or in deep water.
Water Depth
At least knee deep water at spring low tide (0.5 meter) is the minimum water depth required to
cultivate Eucheuma. In shallower waters seaweed can still grow, but it might be exposed to
direct sunlight and wind. As soon as your seaweed is exposed to sun and wind, the tender tips
of the plants are destroyed and if exposed for a long time (2 to 3 hours), the whitening of the
branches can be seen. This will indicate that part of the seaweed has been killed. Eventually
branches will break and drift away from the whitened area.
So, it is important to consider the water depth while selecting the area of cultivation.
Too deep at spring
low tide
Sufficient water depth at
spring low tide
Too shallow at spring
low tide
Water Pollution
Because Eucheuma prefers clear water and plenty of sunlight, even turbid water (muddy) will
not sustain good seaweed growth.
Chemical pollution will kill the seaweed as in the case of most marine plants and animals.
We suggest, after you select one location you think is good to grow Eucheuma, to plant several
lines of seaweed in various spots within that area and observe its growth. This will be the best
way to find out the ideal area for farming.
Raft or
Off-bottom Method
As you can see in the figure below, wooden stakes are driven into the sea bottom 20 to 25
centimeters apart form each other in straight rows. The stakes should be 5 to 10 centimeter in
diameter and 1 or 1.5 meter long. At least 0.5 meter of the stake should be driven into the sand
to make them secure.
Drawing showing how a seaweed line is typically suspended in the Off-bottom Method.
A 3 millimeter thick polypropylene rope 5 meters long is firmly stretched between two stakes.
Attached to the 3 millimeter rope (line) are 30 pieces of raffia (polypropylene strings). Each of
your planting material (seed), the size of the palm of your hand (150 grams), is tied to the raffia
strings. The 3 millimeter rope, is suspended at least 20 to 30 centimeters from the sea bottom to
prevent the growing seaweed from being tossed on the sand and 20 to 30 centimeters below
the water surface at low tide to avoid the seaweeds from being exposed to direct sun light.
Direct sun light will kill the exposed parts.
Stakes must be sharpened at one end so that they can be easily driven in the sand. You can
use mangrove stakes or any other bush timber which does not rot easily in sea water.
Note in the drawing above how wooden stakes are sharpened in different ways. Use the type of
sharpening as shown in the top stake.
Be sure to tie the seaweed seeds in the correct way as shown in the figure below.
Photo of seaweed seeds tied with raffia strings to a 3-millimiter line. Note the type of slip knot
The raffia strings, should be 20 centimeter in length with both ends knotted to prevent fraying as
shown in the previous photo. The raffia strings are firmly tied to a 3 millimeter rope in such a
way that it will not move along the rope as the seaweed grows bigger, or during rough weather.
If you are preparing your lines with seed on the shore, make sure the seaweed is covered and,
when possible, prepare your lines at night or in the shade during the day. Your seed will remain
alive out of the water, if you keep it moist.
Try your best to prepare the lines as quickly as possible and place them in sea water.
Remember, the seaweed seed will grow better if you limit the time the seaweed is kept out of
the water.
Also, remember that you need to tie the raffia strings to your lines on shore before you tie your
seaweed seeds to them as shown in the photo below.
Village women preparing seaweed lines on shore. The lines can be stretched between two
posts or coconut trees. You can hammer a row of nails into the posts and easily tie the lines to
If you want to follow the off-bottom method to cultivate your seaweed, you can prepare the lines
either on shore, in the shallow water at low tide, or in your punt near the farm.
Farmer preparing seaweed lines in a punt. At low tide the lines can be easily stretched standing
in the shallow water.
Raft or Floating Method
In the floating method, seaweed is attached to some device that keeps the seaweed floating;
rising and falling, with the tidal changes.
Following this method, be sure to keep the seaweed about 50 centimeters below the water
The floating devise can be a simple frame made of bamboos, mangrove wood, or bush timber
durable in seawater. You can tie together four 2.5 meter long bamboos into a square frame and
stretch 3 millimeter ropes (lines) inside the frame.
In a 2.5 meter square frame, you can stretch up to 15 lines, 10 to 15 centimeter apart. Each line
will carry 15 pieces of seaweed tied to the 3 millimeter rope with raffia.
In a frame like the one described, you can plant up to 225 pieces of seaweed.
In this method you can tie your seaweed on shore by placing the raft on a support (oil drums or
wooden posts). In this way it will be easy for you to tie your seeds to the lines.
You can use other float materials as shown in the drawing to assure a sufficient buoyancy.
Longline Method
The longline method is similar to the raft or floating method in several ways. In fact, seaweed is
hung to a rope which is suspended by floaters. In this method, however, the main rope is
thicker; about 10 to 15 millimeters in diameter. This rope is tied to plastic floaters or bamboo set
at 4 to 5 meters interval and anchored at each end. The pieces of raffia holding the seaweed,
can be tied to the main rope in two ways.
Simplest way. The raffia string are directly tied to the main rope.
Additional pieces of rope, 0.5 to 1 meter long, can be tied to the main line and the raffia strings
can be tied to them.
Remember that your seaweed has to be hung near the water surface to receive sufficient
sunlight. You can suspend the main line about 0.5 meter below the water surface.
As described in the first two methods, the lines can be prepared on shore. Generally, in the long
line method, if you prepare your lines on shore, it will be difficult to stretch them since they are
heavy and may tangle easily. If so, you might loose some seaweed seeds. We suggested, that
you tie your seaweed seeds to the main line once the line is already stretched and suspended
with floaters. You should prepare the lines from your punt as shown in the drawing below.
What are the advantages and disadvantages among these three culture
Off-bottom Method
1. Simple to construct
2. Easy to manage
grow faster
Longline Method
Drawing of seaweed farmers pouring seawater over a jute bag and a styrofoam box filled with
Even when you carry seaweed seeds on your punt to the farm site, keep the seeds covered to
protect them from direct sunlight. Pour some seawater over them at regular intervals. Preparing
the lines from your punt, might take several hours and if not covered and kept moist, the
seaweed seeds will be spoiled.
Drawing of seaweed farmers bringing seaweed seeds to the farm site for planting.
You might wonder why you should cover and keep your seaweed moist. This is to avoid the
seaweed being exposed directly to sunlight, wind and rain. Seaweed, needs to be kept moist,
cool and protected to survive out of the water.
Drawing of the most common seaweed predators. Among these, rabbit fish is the most
Even though there are no specific diseases that might affect Eucheuma, in situations where
plants are heavily grazed it is common to observe whitened areas on their branches.
Whitened areas are more exposed to fungal infection. Especially during the warmer months,
fungal infection can spread quite rapidly and the seaweed plants show large portions
of discolored branches commonly seen as white and pink areas. Ice Ice is the common term
used to describe seaweed plants in this condition.
Apart from occasional bad weather (rough sea and heavy rain), the effect of cyclones occurring
during the summer months can be devastating. Cyclones cannot be avoided, but what you can
do is take precautions.
During the cyclone season, you should listen to the radio weather forecast regularly and
carefully. If a cyclone is expected, harvest as much seaweed as you can and keep it on shore
protected from wind and rain.
Put aside sufficient seaweed to allow you to re-start farming after the cyclone has passed by.
Remember you need to keep this seaweed in bags moist with seawater at all times. That
seaweed will be your re-planting material.
If seaweed is kept small during this period, and not allowed to become over-mature, little
damage is expected. You might decide to harvest after 4 or 5 weeks of growth instead of waiting
for 6 or 8 weeks. Experience after going through several cyclones suggest that this strategy
could limit your damage.
Also, be sure that your stakes are firmly erected otherwise the strong water currents and swells
during cyclones might wash away your effort.
After the cyclone has gone through, tangled lines should be entangled and secured again. Badly
damaged seaweed should be completely removed and replaced with new seeds.
If you are heavily hit by a cyclone but you have not lost all your seaweed, then it is possible to
be back in full business again after 8 weeks. A lot of work has to be done and done quickly, but
it will worth it.