Cuurent Development in Lanuage Testing

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FL 021 757

ED 365 144


Anivan, Sarinee, Ed.

Current Developments in Language Testing. Anthology
Series 25.
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
(Singapore). Regional Language Centre.
ISBN-9971-74-037-0; ISSN-0129-8895; RELCP383-91

271p.; Selected papers presented at the Regional

Language Centre Seminar on Language Testing and
Language Programme Evaluation (April 9-12, 1990). For
selected individual papers, see also ED 328 072; ED
350 819, ED 322 725, ED 342 211, ED 317 073, ED 322

General (020)

Collected Works


Collected Works
Serials (022)


MF01/PC11 Plus Postage.

Communicative Competence (Languages); Comparative
Analysis; Computer Assisted Testing; Cues; English
(Second Language); Evaluation CriterCa; Instructional
Materials; International Programs; Interviews; Item
Response Theory; Language Aptitude; *Language
Proficiency; Language Research; *Language Tests;
*Second Languages; Simulation; Sociocultural
Patterns; Speech Skills; Teacher Developed Materials;
*Test Format; *Testing; Testing Programs; Test
Validity; Trend Analysis; Writing Evaluation; Writing
*Oral Proficiency Testing


The selection of papers on language testing includes:
"Language Testing in the 1990s: How Far Have We Come? How Much
Further Have We To Go?" (J. Charles Alderson); "Current
Research/Development in Language Testing" (John W. 011er, Jr.); "The
Difficulties of Difficulty: Prompts in Writing Assessment" (Liz
Hamp-Lyons, Sheila Prochnow); "The Validity of Writing Test Tasks"
(John Read); "Affective Factors in the Assessment of Oral
Interaction: Gender and Status" (Don Porter); "Authenticity in
Foreign Language Testing" (Peter Doye); "Evaluating Communicative
Tests" (Keith Morrow); "Materials-Based Tests: How Well Do They
Work?" (Michael Milanovic); "Defining Language Ability: The Criteria
for Criteria" (Geoff Brindley); "The Role of Item Response Theory in
Language Test Validation" (T. F. McNamara); "The International
English Language Testing System IELTS: Its Nature and Development"
(D. E. Ingram); "A Comparative Analysis of Simulated and Direct Oral
Proficiency Interviews" (Charles W. Stansfield); "Southeast Asian
Languages Proficiency Examinations" (James Dean Brown, H. Gary Cook,
Charles Lockhart, Teresita Ramos); "Continuous Assessment in the Oral
Communication Class: Teacher Constructed Test" (Shanta
Nair-Venugopal); and "What We Can Do with Computerized Adaptive
Testing...And What We Cannot Do!" (Michel Laurier). (MSE)


Edited by









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Edited by Sarin= Anivan

Anthology Series 25
Published by
SEAMEO Regional Language Centre





1991 by SEAMEO Regional Language Centre

30 Orange Grove Road
Singapore 1025
ISBN 9971-74-037-0
ISSN 0129-8895

Printed by Fong & Sow, Printets Pte.







Language Testing in the 1990s: How Far Have

We Come? How Much Further Have We To Go?
I Charles Alderson

Current Research/Development in Language



John W 01 ler Jr

The Difficulties of Difficulty: Prompts in

Writing Assessment
Liz Hamp-Lyons and Sheila Prochnow


The Validity of Writing Test Tasks

John Read


Affective Factors in the Assessment of Oral

Interaction: Gender and Status
Don Porter


Authenticity in Foreign Language Testing

Peter Dove


Evaluating Communicative Tests

Keith Morrow


Materials-13a=! Tests: How Well Do They



Michael Milanovic

Defining Language Ability: T ne Criteria

For Criteria
Geoff Brindley


The Role of Item Resporse Theory in

Language Test Validation
T F McNamara


The International English Language Testing

System 1ELTS: Its Nature and Development
D E Ingrain


A Comparative Analysis of Simulated and

Direct Oral Proficiency Interviews
Charles W Stansfield


Southeast Asian Languages Proficiency

James Dean Brown
H Gary Cook
Charles Lockhart
Teresita Ramos


Continuous Assessment in the Oral

Communication Class: Teacher
Constructed Test
Shanta Nair-Venugopal


What We Can Do with Computerized Adaptive

Testing... And What We Cannot Do!
Michel Laurier


List of Contributors




Considerable interest in current language testing and the evaluation of

language teaching programmes amongst both researchers and language
educators was evidenced by the excellent and wide-ranging attendance at
RELC's Regional Seminar on Language Testing and Language Programme
Evaluation held from 9-12 April 1990. Many well-known personalities in the
field, from within and outside the SEAMEO member colntries, attended and
gave papers or workshops. I am happy that RELC is able to publish selected
papers that appear in this volume.

The importance of language testing is recognized by virtualiy all

professionals in the field of language education. It is of special importance in

education systems that are highly competitive, as education systems in

Southeast Asia tend to be, as testing is not only an indirect stimulus to
learning, but plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of an
individual's career, with direct implications for his future earning power.

Moreover, in countries where education is seen as central to socioeconomic development, it is important that tests be valid and reliable. It is our

belief that where validity and reliability arc lacking, individuals as well as
educational programmes suffer, and society at large is the loser. Thus, testing
is an important tool in educational research and for programme evaluation,
and may even throw light on both thc nature of language proficiency and
language learning.

Although the theme of the 1990 Seminar encompassed both testing and
programme evaluation, it has not been possible to cover both areas in one
anthology, and the present volume deals with papers on testing. Those that
deal with programme evaluation will be published in a separate volume later.

Thc papers presented hcrc are inevitably a selection, limitations of space

having forced us to omit a number of papers. However, I am confident that
the papers offered all make worthwhile contributions to the important field of
language testing, and that thcy will be of interest to language educators both
within and beyond Southeast Asia.

Eatnest Lau
Director, RELC



The hoped-for developments in language testing did not materialise during

the 1980s. In spite of rapid growth in the field, many of the problems that
existed a decade ago arc still with us. Alderson in his paper in this volume sums
up the past decade as one in which, "there has been much movement, a lot of it
sideways and backwards and not much of it ... forwards% He describes areas
where language testing has made progress, but also lists problems which are as

yet intractable, and includes recommendations for a wide range of topics on

which research can bc target*.ed.

Naturally, as in all research, thc approach taken and the basis of the
research is crucial to the findings. Oiler points out some of the fundamental
problems of research in language testing. He argues for a greater understanding
of language proficiency from the point of view of semiotic abilities and processes,
as well as thc different perspectives of the various people that are involved in the
test making and test taking processes. The variances that show up in language
proficiency tests could thus be correctly identified and their sources properly
attributed and controlled. The validity of the tests would be more secure and

their significance unambiguous. Language testing could then be a "proving

ground" for language theories, and hence hdp to define the nature of language

A number of writers in this collection discuss sources of variance in tcst

results- prompts arc discussed by Prochnow and Hamp-Lyons, experience by
Read, affective factors by Porter. Prochnow and Hamp-Lyons report that
prompts such as topic assignment and selection make a difference in grades.
Read similarly shows that tcst type makes a difference in getting different
performance from test takers. Porter argues that the gender of the interviewer
is anothcr source of variance in tcst results.

According to Oiler, language learning will take place when learners can
connect their text (discourse) with their own experience, and it is the congruence
between tests and experience that is crucial in determining the validity of tests.
So long a ; this congruence or connection exists, there is less need for real world
experience or authenticity to be inserted into the tests. Boy similarly offers the

view that complete authenticity is neither possible nor desirable. He calls for
some balance between authenticity and abstraction, since hc believes that what

we gain in validity through authenticity may result in a loss in tcrms of


Broader educational traditions and educational philosophies are often

reflected in the stance and balance of language tests. In the view of Morrow,
language tests should reflect the humanistic approach, with some emphasis on
authenticity. The potential positive washback effect should be an important
consideration for validity.

Materials-based tests tend to better reflect the changes and variation of

teaching methods. The washback effects will also be potentially positive.
Milanovic describes a procedure through which materials-based tests can be
made very reliable as well.
Alderson stresses that the slow pace of advancement in language testing is,

to a large extent, due to gaps in our understanding of the structures and

processes of language proficiency. As a mature discipline, it is appropriate that
language testing helps to fill somc of the gaps. The lack of a universally accepted
yardstick is a manifestation of this gap. User,: of criterion-referencing resort to
rule-of-thumb measures which might be used in accordance with some teaching
or learning objectives. Expert judgement may appear to be an casy approach to

assessment, but there is a problem with reliability whcn raters tend to show
variability in their judgements. Brindley details the short-comings of these
procedures. Areas for future research are also discussed so that some of these
deficiencies can be reduced.
Measurement models such as Item Response Theory (IRT) and proficiency

models may complement each other to bring greater under-anding of both


models. McNamara's efforts to confirm the unidimensionality of IRT will

enhance the application of IRT. He argues that some critics of the use of IRT
assume for it roles which arc not intended by the users. As a measurement tool,
it should not be judged according to whether it will deepen our insight into the
structure of language proficiency. McNamara firstly responds to some critics of
the unidimensionality of IRT, and secondly provides some detailed analysis of
data to show IRT does have unidimensional power.
Large scale as well as small, institutional, teacher- designed tests are al ,0
described by some writers in this collection.
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) as described

by Ingram is very much an international effort, with an ESP component for

potential students in academic institutions. Morrow describes the Certificates of

Communicative Skills in English (CCSE) tests, which test at four levels of

proficiency in the four skills. For the oral skill sub-test, both IELTS and CCSE
use the face-to-face interview format, which can be expensive and difficult to
organise if large numbers of test-takers and large distances are involved. The
problems described by other papers such as the lack of criteria, authenticity, and
variability of judgement will no doubt be confronted in these tests. How well the
problems arc solved can only be shown through future evaluation.
Instead of using face-to-face interviews, Stansfield :.xplores the potential of
the Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview using the tape recorder. He shows
that, to a large extent, thc outcomes are comparable to those derived using the
face-to-face format, but potentially have some advantages over the latter.
Most of the papers deal with tests of English; however Brown describes his

efforts to establish comparable tests across Southeast Asian languages:

Indonesian, Khmer, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.

Shanta describes a programme within her institution to assess the

competence of students over a long period through a series of assessment
activities. Naturally, such elaborate testing projects must be limited to small
numbers of students. Similarly, the use of computers at present seems to be



limited to small numbers of test-takers. Alderson is optimistic about the

potential usefulness of thc computer as a testing tool. Laurier discusses some of
his work with Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) and describes thc advantages
and limitations of CAT.
For many test-takers language tests such as the IELTS and CCSE can have

long-term implications for their careers, and tcst-takers deserve reliable and
valid tcsts. Innovation and experimentation arc, however, always necessary in
order for a discipline to progress. The impact of test results on testces should
always be part of the ethical consideration when writilig tests.



Chades Alderson


The metaphor I have chosen for my title relates to the notion of distance, of
movement from A to B, or to C or Z. Reviews of language testing often employ

a growth metaphor: papers and volumes are often called things like

Developments in Language Testing. The implication is that language testing

grows, like an organism, and in developing, changes from immaturity to
maturity. In many ways, that is a useful analogy: certainly it is possible to look
back over the recent history of language testing, and to claim that testing "has
come of age". The specialisation has become a discipline. From being very
much the junior partner, not to say ugly sister in language teaching and applied
linguistics, language testing has "developed" to the point where it is almost
respectable - almost an adult. Testers show, I believe, increased self-confidence
within applied linguistics, display less of an inferiority complex, and show a much
greater willingness to contribute from testing to related areas - teaching, second
language acquisition, evaluation, and so on, as we shall see. I used to apologise

for being a language tester, and tell strangers at cocktail parties that I was an
applied linguist, or a teacher trainer. No longer. I even find that my non-tester
colleagues are becoming interested in language testing, which they feel has
become a lively, interesting arca of research and development activity. Some
have even expressed an interest in learning about how one goes about measuring

the outcomes from language learning, how language proficiency might be

identified, and how it is structured. So testing has developed and matured to the

point where it is no longer dependent on mother disciplines and areas of

interest. Testing has become acknowledged as a legitimate area of intellectual
enquiry and professional engagement. At the 12th annual ILTRC in 1990 in San
Francisco, there was talk of forming a professional organisation of language

testing specialists. This is a sure sign that the field has matured, gained in
confidence and is able to walk without holding its mother's hand, and is a
development very much to be welcomed.

However, there is a drawback in the analogy with human development.

Humans not only mature, thcy get older, and eventually wither and die. So if we

pursued the analogy, we would have to think about how and when language
testing might enter middle and then old age, and what it could look forward to in

the future. If testing is mature now, is it soon going to enter into decline and
decay? Even if language testing is still in its adolescence, and has maturity and
middle age to look forward to, the metaphor still implies the inevitability of
decay and death. It is perhaps interesting to note that I once compared the life
of a test to that of a human, suggesting that its existence was typically of the
order of fifteen years:

"After considering developments in English as a Foreign Language

(EFL) ... I conclude that a test has a fairly well established life cycle of
twelve to fifteen years. Once born, a test needs time and careful nurturing
to develop, to attract more and more attention and testces, to establish
credibility as an instrument for a particular purpose, to become recognized
as valid and reliable .... This period seems to take between three and five

Once established the test is then regarded as acceptable for a reasonable

period of time. During this period it might be accepted by a variety of
institutions, referred to in the testing and later teaching literature. It might
be taken by large numbcrs of students, often forming the goal of their
instruction and aspirations. This period might last anywhere between five

and eight years. Towards the end of this period, however, signs of
senescence appear in the shape of increasing criticism of thc test's influence

on teaching and on students' ambitions and lives .... Pressure may then

build up within the test producing body itself ... for a change in test
specification, test content, test format.. It may be that the test no longer
fulfils its original function. Change may be instituted by academic applied
linguists.., or by the examination body itself, ... or it may be brought about
by direct rather than invited teacher involvement. Whoever the agent of
change, however, rebirth is then inevitable, usually after a gestation period
of two to three ycars. And so we have another innovation: another baby
test. However, the baby may have a very close resemblance to the parent,
or it may look %/cry different indeed from its predeccessor" (Alderson, 1986,

However, although this may be true of a tcst, I do not believe it to be true

of testing. Certainly there arc people within language teaching who wish that it

were true: that testing would decline and die, and that teachers and learners
could then go about their daily lives unencumbered by tests. There is, after all,
considerable resentment against tests, and their influence, and teachers in
particular bemoan thc washback effect. Many teachers also believe that thcy
know what their learners have learned and have not learned, and how proficient

1 :3

or otherwise they are. The implication is that be.cause they know their learners,
they do not need tests, nor do they believe the information tests provide when it
is different from what they themselves believe. Clearly language learning is a
complex matter, as is the nature of the proficiency towards which learners are
striving. Equally clearly a language test is going to be only a small, probably
inadequate sample of what any learner has achieved or can do with language.

And so many teachers, and some learners, criticise tests for being
"unrepresentative" or even "misleading". Such teachers would be happy to see
testing die. So would those who feel that testing not only constrains the syllabus,
but also unduly restricts opportunities for learners, especially those learners who
perform less well on the tests - who "fail" them.

However much such people hope that testing will die, their hopes are
unlikely to be realised. Tests will probably always be needed as long as society is

obliged to make selection choices among learners (as in the case of university
entrance, for example), or as long as there is doubt about the validity or accuracy

of other estimates of what learners might have learned (such as teacher

judgements). Similarly, learners themselves frequently express the need for
insight into their learning and achievement through tcsts. They want to know
how well they are doing with reference to other people (norm-referencing) and

how well they are doing with respect to the language, or some more or less

absolute standard of what they need to achieve. And, of course, it is the

professional responsibility of teachers and testers to provide that information, to
the best of our ability.
So rather than hoping that tcsts will just go away, it is more realistic to try

to improve the tests that we have, so that negative washback can become
positive, so that tests reflect what learners and teachers think learners have
learned and can do, and so that the decisions that are made on the basis of test

results arc as fair and reasonable as they can possibly be. Which is why
reliability and validity arc so important, and why it is important that publicly
available language tests and examinations should mcct clearly established and

accepted standards. One of the first tasks that the proposed association of
language testing specialists will need to address, is that of standards: what
represents good practice in language testing, how is it be identified, fostered and

maintained? What are the existing standards of our examining bodies and
language tests, and should and can these standards be improved? So one task
for the 1990s will certainly be to improve on the growing professionalism of
language testers and language tests, and to set standards to which tests might
should - must - aspire.
However, this notion of aspiration suggests a different metaphor from that
of growth, development, maturation, then decline, decay and death. It suggests
aspiring to a goal, something distant that is getting closer, or high that is getting

nearer. Hence the metaphor of distance contained in my title, and the idea it
suggests of progress over distance. I am interested in running, and have done
quite a few long-distance events - half marathons, marathons, and ultra events. I
find short-distance running - sprinting - very painful, and do not enjoy it. Which
partly explains why I do long-distance running, and it may also explain why I

enjoy testing, or at least do not find it frustrating. You need stamina to be a

long-distance runner, you need stamina to develop good tests, you need stamina

to do language testing research, you need stamina and patience to see

improvements in language testing over time. The language testing run - the
distance we have to cover is long, very long. Language learning is very
complex, and there is a great deal we do not know about it: second language
acquisition researchers are really only at the beginning of their journey of
discovery. Language proficiency is a complex phenomenon, and is very little
understood, despite the best efforts of many social science disciplines to attempt

to elucidate it. There are many different, and indeed sometimes competing

models of language proficiency, and we are barely at the beginning of

operationalising and testing and validating those models. Research into testing
methods is fairly recent, and has a long way to go yet: there is a lot we do not
know, a frightening amount of ground to be covered. We may have made some
progress, as I shall discuss, but there certainly is a lot more to be made.


My title is intended to he suggestive of a range of topics in and related to

language testing.
Firstly it asks about progress in language testing - has there been any? Arc

language tests any better now than they used to be? Have we now achieved a
greater understanding of what the problems in language testing are, or how they

might more appropriately be approached if not solved? Have we moved

forwards at all, or have we been "running on the spot" these last ten years and
more? Do we now understand more about the nature of language proficiency:

its structure, how it is acquired or lost? Do we have a better idea of what

aptitude for language learning is? Do we now know more about how learners
learn, and how we can best measure that learning?
And secondly, the question can be seen as coming, not from a language
tester, but from a learner: How far have I come: what have I learned so far?
What progress have I made? What is my achievement? as well as How much
further have I to go: what is iny ultimate goal? What is the nature of language

I shall be arguing that we need to bear in mind that we need to be

concerned not only with testing, but with tests; not only with the nature of
second language proficiency, and the design and researching of language
proficiency tests, but also with language learning, and the design and researching

of achievement tests; not only with testers, and the problems of our
professionalism but also with testees, with students, and their interests,
perspectives and insights. As I said at a conference in Sri Lanka five years ago,
"testing is too important to be left to testers".


What progress has there been, then, in language testing? Certainly, if we

stick with the ru7ning metaphor, there has been a great deal of movement and

Since 1980, language testing has indeed been moving apace. We now have

an internationally respected journal Language Testing; newsletters like

Language Testing Update and Language Testing Notes; a Special Interest
Group within IATEFL for Language Testing; an annual Language Testing
Research Colloquium; and many publications in language testing. Where in
1980 we had relatively few publications specifically in language testing, now we

have many. Peter Skehan's recent survey article lists 215 publications in the
Bibliography, of which only thirty-five were published before 1980. Grant
Henning's book A Guide to Language Testing has been recently complemented
by Lyle Bachman's volume on Fundamental Considerations in Language

Testing. The second edition of Brian Heaton's volume; Writing English

Language Tests has been complemented by Arthur Hughes' book Testing For
Language Teachers, and Cyril Weir's Communicative Language Testing. Thc
Language Testing Research Colloquium itself has given rise to several volumes
including Jones et al (1985) from the 1983 colloquium and Stansfield (1986)
from the 1985 colloquium, on Technology and Language Testing. In Europe, the
Interuniversitare Sprachtestgruppe (IUS) organised annual conferences which

gave rise to several volumes on thc theme of "Practice and Problems in

Language Testing".

The list is much longer than this brief, unrepresentative selection. It

should, however, be sufficient to illustrate the fact that language testing appears
to have generated a lot of activity, of work, of meetings, publications, discussions,
seminars, courses, even tests.
Yet where have we got to? How far have we advanced? What do ve now
know that we did not know in 1980? It is instructive, I believe, to compat e what

was happening in 1980 with what appears to be happening in 1990.

To take an international example, first. The International Language

Testing Research Colloquium, which held its first meeting in 1978, this year held
its 12th annual meeting. The theme of the 1980 meeting in San Francisco was:

The Construct Validation of Oral Proficiency Tests. Ten years later, in San

Francisco again, the theme was: A New Decade in Language Testing:

Collaboration and Cooperation. In 1980, the colloquium concentrated on oral
testing, with papers on oral proficiency scales, the interviewer's role, convergent

discriminant validation of oral and written tests, and above all extended
discussion of Bachman and Palmer's pilot work on the construct validation of

tests of speaking and reading. The reader may recall that the upshot of the
Bachman-Palmer study was that speaking was shown to be measurably different
from reading, but that there was evidence of method effects.
In 1990, the colloquium was much larger - 106 people attending compared
with 29 invited participants in 1980. Partly as a consequence, there was a much

greater variety of papers and topics covered. It is difficult to summarise the

topics without distortion, but my subjective impression is that the papers fell
roughly into four areas:

test methods: discussion of various ways to measure traits, including the

effect of the prompt in writing tests, comparisons of open-ended and

multiple choice techniques, and the effect of instructions in summarising

test analysis: the use of Item Response Theory


test content: field specificity of speaking tests, specificity of tests of reading

skills, ESP test contcnt and test bias, approaches to the validation of
reading tests

test development and test analysis: a colloquium on the TOEFL Cambridge Comparability study, and another on the development of the
new IELTS test, from the point of view of the role of grammar, the nature
of the listenirg and speaking tests, and the issue of subject-specific testing

Yet although clearly more varied, it is not clear to me that the 1990
colloquium was an advance on the 1980 one. In sonic ways, it was a step
backwards, since in 1980 there was a common theme, with research papers
bearing on the same issue from a variety of angles, and potentially throwing light
on problems that might have been said to persist in oral testing. However, many

of the problems that were aired in 1980 are still current: the issue of oral
proficiency scales is eternal, was, for example, addressed in the recent ELTS
Revision Project, and we will hear something about this at this conference from
David Ingram.
To turn to a national example. Almost exactly ten years ago, in May 1980,
Alan Davies and I hatched a plan to hold an invitational conference at Lancaster
with the aim of reviewing developments and issues in language testing. After

some deliberation and discussion, we agrecd that the three main "issues" of
interest to British language testers, and hopefully more widely also, were:
communicative language testing; testing English for specific purposes; the
unitary competence hypothesis: testing general language proficiency. The
results of the conference were eventually published as "Issues in Language
Testing" (Alderson and Hughes 1981); out of that meeting also came the
Language Testing Newsletter, which eventually became the journal Language
Testing and at the same conference, discussions were held which led to the
Edinburgh ELTS Validation Study. I think we had a very definite sense that we
were at the beginning of interesting developments, and that much could happen.
A subsequent follow-up conference was held at Reading University on the same
three topics, and the proceedings were published as Current Developments in
Language Testing (Hughes and Porter, 1983).
At the end of 1989, the Special Interest Group in Testing within IATEFL
organised a Testing Symposium in Bournemouth, entitled Language Testing in
the 1990s: The Communicative Legacy. The symposium attracted a variety of
presentations from examination bodies in the United Kingdom, from teachers
involved in testing, and from testing researchers. In addition, a mini-colloquium
took place. where precirculated papers were reacted to by invited speakers. The
proceedings are about to be published in the ELT Documents series: the main
themes centre around three areas: oral testing, computer based testing, testing

and teaching. In the mini-collequium, the papers concentrated on

communicative testing and the role of grammar; resistance to change; and the
role of judgernents, and band scales, in proficiency assessment. Many of these

themes are by now probably familiar from the previous meetings I have
mentioned: communicative testing aad oral testing in particular, but also the
relationship between teaching and testing, and the nature of proficiency. The
newcomer is computer-based testing, and I shall come back to that topic shortly.
In general, however, I did not and do not get the impression that we have been
building upon previous research and previous discoveries and successes over the
past decade, and in this impression I am strengthened by Peter Skchan, who is
not only the author of an excellent survey article of language testing (Skehan,

1988), but also presented the opcning overview paper at the Bournemouth
symposium. In his paper, Skehan claims that there has been little notable
progress in testing in the past decade:, which he attributes in part to conservative

forces within society as well as within testing. Firstly, significant advances in

testing tend to depend upon research using large batteries of tests which require
large numbers of students. These are not readily available, and certainly require
considerable investment of resources: time, money, people - in order to exploit
the possibilities. Secondly, testing has long recognised the need for instruments
to be reliable, and since, at least by traditional statistical measures, it has been
demonstrated that established tests and techniques like the multiple choice
technique can be highly reliable, there must be an inbuilt resistance to change
for tests and techniques that may be less reliable. Thirdly, the time needed to
develop new tests for public administration is at least two, usually more like
three years, and sine such innovation will usually entail changes in syllabuses,
teaching materials and teacher training, there is an inbuilt resistance to changing
systems through innovation. (An interesting exception and example of this is
provided by the recent ELTS Revision Projcct of which I was Project Director,
where although we were charged with innovating in test contcnt and test method,
we were also told very firmly that the ncw test must be consistent with the old
tcst, and should not involve radical departures from existing practice!) Fourthly,

examining bodies tcnd to be obsessed with security, and therefore are

understandably very reluctant to allow researchers access to their probably very

considerable datasets. If it were possible to explore such datasets, and to

compare them, we might well be in a much better position to understand what
our current measures do and do not achieve, and to recommend research and

development programmes which could contribute to progress in our

understanding of what and how to test. Fifthly, Skehan points out that language
testing has not, on the whole, been well served by linguistic or applied linguistic
theory. Linguistics, especially that branch of linguistics that is concerned with
Universal Grammar, Skehan dismisses as being irrelevant to testing. He argues,
and I tend to agree, that linguistics has provided little or nothing in the way of
insights and understandings that can lead or has led to improvements or even

changes in language tcst content. Sociolinguistics, and to some extent

psycholinguistics, at least as represented by second language acquisition studics,
have indeed made sonie progress, and interesting ideas arc beginning to suggc

themselves to language testers. Yet even in these fields, the profusion of

competing and contradictory models, often with very slim empirical foundations,
inhibits the language tester or applied linguist from selecting " the best model"
on which to base his or her language test. Again, the ELTS Revision Project is a

good casc point. Thc previous ELTS test had been based upon John Munby's
model for syllabus design - the communicative needs processor (Munby, 1978).
Brendan Carroll and his associates took the model and appear to have applied it
to thc dcsign of test specifications and test content. The Revision Project was

asked to re-examine this, on the grounds that the Munby model was old-

4 1..

fashioned, out of date, and needed to be replaced. So one of our tasks was to
identify a model of language proficiency on which our test should or could safely
be based. Alderson and Clapham (1989) report on the results of our attempts to

identify an applied linguistic model to replace Munby: we failed. There was

general consensus that Munby was indeed no longer appropriate, but absolutely
no agreement on what might replace Munby. In the end, we were forced to
design our own construct, being as eclectic and openminded as we possibly could
in the circumstances.

The point of this anecdote is simply to reinforce the important point that
Skehan makes: language testing has not been well served by applied linguistic
theory, and has been forced to reach its own solutions and compromises, or to
make its own mistakes. Indeed, it is significant, in my view, that the most likely
influential model of second language proficiency to emerge at thc end of the
1980s is the model proposed by Lyle Bachman in his 3990 book. I shall return to
this model shortly, but what is significant here is the fact that Bachman is a

language tester, long concerned with tesearching the nature of language

proficiency. It is on the basis of his research and empirical findings, coupled
with his experience in language testing, and his consideration of issues like test
method effects and the facets, as he calls them, of test design, that his model has
developed. Clearly his model owes a dept to Cana le and Swain, and Cana le's

later modifications, which model itself clearly has its origins in much
sociolinguistic thought, but as Skchan points out, it is surely significant that thc
model had to be elaborated by a language tester, and is now beginning to be
operationalised through work on thc TOEFL-Cambridge comparability Study of which more later.
So, in the United Kingdom as well as internationally, the impression I gain

is that although there has been much movement, a lot of it is sideways and
backwards, and not much of it is forwards. Are wc going round and round in

What about progress closer to hand? What does a comparison of the

RELC Seminars on testing and evaluation in 1980 and 1990 reveal? In 1981,
John Read edited the proceedings of the 1980 RELC conference on testing and
evaluation: Directions in Language Testing. In this volume, the main themes
were: The Validation of Language Tests; The Assessment of Oral Proficiency;
The Measurement of Communicative Competence; The Cloze Procedure: New
Perspectives; Self-Assessment of Language Proficiency; The Interaction of
Teaching and Testing. With the possible exception of the topic of thc doze

procedure, who would wish to dcny that such themes might not be just as
appropriate to the 1990 RELC Seminar? Communicative language testing
appears on the programme of this seminar in many disguises. The assessment of
oral proficiency is still topical, as is self assessment, thc relationship between

4 44

teaching and testing, test development and test validation. I shall be very
interested as I listen to the many presentations at this seminar to see whether we

are building upon previous research and understandings, whether we are

reinventing wheels that have already been shown to be adequate, or even worse
attempting to produce new wheels that are more square than the old ones. Will
we, like our reinvented wheels, continue to go round and round in circles,
possibly bumping as we go, thanks to the irregularities in the circles? That, I
believe with Peter Skehan, is the challenge to language testing in the 1990s: can
wc make progress, can we go forward, or must we continue to go roolid in
circles? One of thc major contributions that this RELC Seminar could make to
language testing, I believe, is to help us to answer the questions in my title, which
I believe to bc central. What progress have we made made in language testing :
What do we now know, that we did not know in 1980? How far have we come?
And secondly, what do we still not know? What needs to be done?

If by the end of the Seminar we have got our personal answers to these
questions, and if we have also a sense of an emerging consensus among language
testers of the answers, then we will not only have achieved a great deal, but will
also be in a position to move forward.

I do not wish to pre-empt your own thoughts on progress to date and the
need for furthcr progress, but I fear that it would be remiss of me, given my title
and the expectations it may have aroused, not to offer my thoughts on what we
have and have not achieved to date. However, I shall do so only briefly, as I do
hope that this seminar will clarify my own thinking in this area. Nevertheless, let
me at least indicate the following areas of progress and lack of progress:


The last ten years have seen apparent improvement in the content of
language tests, especially those that claim to be "communicative". Texts arc
more "authentic", test tasks relate more to what people do with language in "real

- life", our tests are more performance related and our criteria for evaluating
performance are more relevant to language use. Advances in performance
testing have accompanied a movement away from "discrete-point", knowledgefocussed tests and have benefited from more integrative approaches to language
assessment. However, wc do not know that this apparent improvement is a real

advance in our ability to measure language ability. What analyses and

comparisons have been done suggest that there is little detectable difference
between thc "new" and the "old", and much more work needs to be done to


establish that progress has indeed been made. Lyle Bachman and his co-workers
have developed a useful instrument for the TOEFL-Cambridge Comparability
Study, intended to identify and examine aspects of "Communicative Language

Ability" (based upon the Bachman model, Bachman 1990), but even this
instrument when perfected will only enable us to compare tests in content terms.

Much more work will need to be done before we can relate the empirical
analysis of test performance to an examination of tcst content. We are still very
far from being able to say "I know how to test grammatical competence", "I know
how to test the ability to read in a foreign language", and so on.


Research has clearly shown that there is such a thing as method effect in
testing. Given that we are not interested in measuring a person's ability to take a

particular type of test, it is important that we minimise method bias in our

measures and maximise their ability to measure trait. We are more aware than
we were that there is no such thing as the one best method, much less one best

test. We have, I believe, generally accepted that no one test method can be
thought of as superior, as a panacea. There have bccn interesting attempts to
devise new testing methods for particular purposes, which remain to be
validated, but which offer alternatives to the ubiquitous multiple-choice. We
have as yet no means, however, of estimating the method effect in a test score,
much less any way of predicting test method effects or of relating test method to
test purpose. The development of an instrument to identify possible test method

facets through the TOEFL-Cambridge Comparability Study is a welcome

contribution co our future understanding of this issue.


Considerable advance has been made in the quantitative and qualitative

tools available to testers. The increased use of Item Response Theory, of
multivariate statistics and casual modelling, including confirmatory factory
analysis, has contributed to an increased understanding of the properties of
language tests, and recent developments in the use of introspective techniques
for the analysis of test performance promise to increase further that

understanding. At the samc time, the use of morc sophisticated techniques

reveals how complex responses to test items can be and therefore how complex a
test score can be. Wc have much more work to do before we can claim to have
identified what it is that any test tests, and therefore are equally far from being
able to claim that we have perfected our tools for test analysis.


We now know, or believe, that the answcr to the question: what is language

proficiency? depends upon why one is asking the question, how one seeks to
answer it, and what level of proficiency one might be concei ned with. It is
generally accepted that the UCH was overstated, and that proficiency consists of
both general and specific components. We know that speaking can be different

from reading. We also now know, thanks to the work of Gary Buck (Buck,
1990), that reading and listening can be empirically separated, provided that
certain conditions arc met. We also know from various sources, including the
empirical work of Vollmer, Sang et al, and Mike Milanovic in Hong Kong, that

thc nature of proficiency depends upon the level of proficiency. Advanced

learners tend to exhibit a relatively integrated proficiency, which therefore tends

to he unifactorial. Similarly, virtual beginners are likely to exhibit a non-

differentiated proficiency. Whereas intermediate level learners - the majority tend to show differentiated abilities across macro-skills, and therefore thcir test
performance tcnds to be multifactorial. However, we are still at the beginning of

this sort of research, and many carefully designed studies with large test
batteries, homogeneous subjects, and adequate background information on
learning histories and biodata will be needed before we can be more definitive in
our statements about the nature of language proficiency than that.


We know that language learners do learn language. We know very little

about how, about how long it takes, under what conditions, and therefore we
know little about how to measure the progress of learners. We do know that
proficiency tests arc very insensitive to such progress (as Palmer and Des Brisay

will tell us at this conference). We lack more sensitive measures, and we arc


therefore unable even to make useful statements about the impact on learning

of one method/teacher /classroom/syllabus over any other. We ought as a

profession to know more about language learning than that it is complex and
unpredictable! Our previous tendency in language tcsting to concentrate on the
development and validation of proficiency tests must be reversed in the next

decade by a concerted effort to devise tests that are sensitive to learning on

particular programmes, that will help us to explore the nature of language
learning, and to contribute to second language acquisition studies, to programme
evaluation, to language teaching and to applied linguistics more generally.


So much for my personal view on our achievements and lack of

achievements to date. Before I offer a few thoughts myself on thc directions I

believe we must go in language testing in order to make further progress, I

should like to expand on Skehan's ideas at the Bournemouth symposium as to
why there has been so little progress in testing, and then speculate on how this
might be overcome.

There arc, I believe, four main reasons:


Language testing is a young discipline, and has only been taken seriously,
and taken itself seriously, in the past twenty ycars or so. As Alan Davies

once pointed out, the resurgence, or increased attention and respect

accorded to language testings, is due to the influence of people like John
Oiler, and latterly Lyle Bachman, but this is relatively recent.

Language testing suffets from a lack of replication: this is a problem

common to the social sciences. There is considerable pressure on

researchers, especially doctoral students, to be "original". As a result, we do
not yet have a tradition of teLm research, or established research agendas,
which researchers in arious centres are working on.
iii) The problem of lack of replication, lack of research teams, and lack of a

research agenda is in part due to a lack of funding. It is relatively unusual,

at least in the United Kingdom, and in my experience also elsewhere, for
language testing - especially achievement testing - to receive funding from

the research councils or other sponsors of social science research. As a



result, the research that gets done tends to be done by doctoral students,
striving to be original, or by individual researchers working on their own
(this is a point also made by Skehan), or by researchers within organisations
like the Defense Language Institute in the USA, or the Centre for Applied

Linguistics, who are necessarily bound by the priorities of their

organisations. Occasionally the examination bodies fund outside research thc TOEFL - Cambridge Comparability Study is a good example of this , as

are some of the research studies reported in the ETS TOEFL Research
Report Series. However, understandably enough, the examination and test

development bodies arc more interested in funding research that will

contribute directly to the development of their own tests and examinations,
rather than to progress in language,testing more generally.

Lack of a coherent framework within which to work, so that ideas can

contribute to cach other, allowing the systematic exploration of one aspect
and its relationship to other aspects of the framework or model.

In order to make progress in language testing, we need to pay attention to

these problems. The first problem will, of course, resolve itself as testing
becomes a more established field of study. There are reasons to believe, as I
stiggested at the beginning, that this has already occurred, that language testing
is now sufficiently developed and mature, or language testers are sufficiently well

trained and experienced, for this no longer to be a problem. The second

problem can be overcome by an awareness of its existence: those of us who
direct and supervise research should consciously encourage replication and the

accumulation of research findings. Wc should also consciously seek

opportunities for collaboration among researchers and research teams. The
fourth problem - the lack of a common framework - is partly resolved by the
appearance of thc Bachman model, which is beginning to be welcomed by testing

researchers in a variety of situations as a very useful and usable starting point

and framework. I am sure that we would all have our individual misgivings or

criticisms of parts of thc model, but that should not prevent us from
endeavouring to operationalise aspccts of it, in order to explore relationships
among them. The third problem is perhaps the most problematic: funding for
research and development. I have no easy solutions to that, but will be very
interested to hear what other have to say about this, from their institutional and
national perspectives.


In what follows, I offer a few of my own thoughts, on what I believe to be

important areas for language testing to pay attention to in the next decade and
Achievement and research in language learning


Now that testing has come of age, it is time for testers to make major
contributions to other areas of applied linguistics. Three related areas come to
mind immediately: programme evaluation, second language acquisition research
and classroom learning. In each case, it will be important for language testers to
pay much more attention to the development and researching of achievement
tests. In each case, what is needed is a set of carefully constructed, highly
specific tests which can be shown to be sensitive to learning. The concentration
of language testing researchers on developing and researching proficiency tests is
understandable: most funding bodies want proficiency tests, rather than tcsts
that relate reliably, and validly and directly to specific achievement on particular

syllabuses, materials and programmes, or to the acquisition of particular

language items/features/skills. The fact is that much programme evaluation
uses inappropriate tests: either proficiency tests which can hardly be expected to

be sensitive to learning in a detailed rather than global sense; or poorly

constructed, untrialled or unvalidated "achievement" tests (the use of the doze
test in Canadian immersion studies, the Bangalore evaluation, etc is a case in
point). The net cffect is that findings are of dubious validity or indeed certainty,
and our professional knowledge of the effect let alone effectiveness of teaching
and learning is minimal. Put crudely, we ought to know far more than we do
about the nature of language learning and I believe that one of the reasons we
do not is the neglect of the contribution that language testing could makc to
gathering insights in this area. There are, of course, immensely difficult issues to
be faced in deciding when and what someone has learned something, but these

are not insuperable, and I believe that the 1990s will see much more
collaboration between language testers, sccond language acquisition researchers,
programme evaluators and language teachers than we have seen hitherto.



It is a commonplace to declare that tests have an impact on teaching washback is everywhere acknowledged and usually deplored. At the same time,



it is not uncommon to point out that tests can have both negative and positive
influences on the curriculum, a fact which has been used in some settings in
order to bring about innovation in the curriculum through the test. Usually, the
test is said to lag behind innovations and progress in materials, teacher training

and classroom practice, until the dissonance between the two becomes so
uncomfortable that the test has to change. In some settings, however, deliberate

innovation in the content and method of the examinations has been used to
reinforce or in some occasions even go in advance of changes in materials and
methods, However, in both sets of circumstances - whcrc the test is held to have
negative washback on teaching and where the test is being used to bring about
classroom change - there is remarkably little evidence of the impact of the test.

What there is is largely anecdotal, and not the result of systematic empirical
research. What is needed, and there are signs that this will become an increased
focus for testing related research in the future, is research into the impact of
tcsts on classrooms. Do teachcrs "simply" use previous exam papers as textbook

material? If so, do they simply expect students to take the tests, and then to
receive the answers? How long in advance of the exam does such teaching
begin, and what do students think of it , and how do they benefit from it? Why

do teachers do it - if they do? Arc there other, equally or more effective

strategies for preparing students for exams, or for helping students to perform to
the best of their ability in tests? What do tests do to the process of learning? Is
washback necessarily negative, and do teachers necessarily and inevitably resent

the influence and power of the test, or do they welcome it as providing

motivation for learners and guidance to the teacher? Studies of the washback
effect are only just beginning - Israel and Nepal arc two examples, and my own
University is involved in a four year project in Sri Lanka to seek to determine
attitudes to tests and the nature of their impact.


Test Content
The last few years have seen a resurgence in interest in the content validity

of tests. Over the past ten years there has developed a tendency for test
developers to devise taxonomies of thc skills and content being tested by their
tests. Such taxonomies are typically contained in the Specifications of the test,
which are used for thc guidance of item writers, and they have been heavily
influenced by the writings of curriculum and syllabus developers. The classic

example of these in the USA is Benjamin Bloom and his associates, in the
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, and in the United Kingdom in EFL/ESP
in the work of John Munby and his Communicative Needs Processor. The
existence of taxonomies in test specifications has led to an attempt to test


individual skills and objectives in individual items, and to the concomitant claim
that certain items do indeed test certain skills/objectives.
Unfortunately, however, recent research has begun to cast doubt on these

claims, at least to the extent that it has proved somewhat difficult in some
circumstances to get "expert" judges to agree on what is being tested by
individual items. If judges do not agree with each other, or with the test
constructor, on what items are testing, then it becomes somewhat difficult to
substantiate claims as to the content validity of an item, and conceivably also a

The development and use of introspective techniques in other areas of

applied linguistics especially in the study of reading - :las led to their
application to an understanding of what test candidates do when they arc taking
tests. Insights gained to date have centered upon test-taking strategies - what
might be called test-wiseness and its absence: how students approach the task of

taking a test - and test-processing: what students report of their mental

processes when they arc reading and listening, writing responses and completing
multiple-choice grammar tests. What this new area of test analysis is beginning

to show is that students approach test items in a highly individual way and,
moreover, that students get the correct answer for a variety of different rcasons.

Sometimes they get the answcr right without knowing the right answer,
sometimes they gct thc answer wrong whilst clearly displaying the ability being
tested. Even more worrisomely, in some ways, is the fact that individual students
have been seen to get the answer right, yet have displayed abilities that were not
supposedly being tested, nor have they displayed evidence of the ability that the
test constructor believed was being tested.
If individuals respond to single items individually, revealinb different skills

and abilities in so doing, and if "expert" judges disagree about what is being
tested by individual test items, thcn it is unclear whether we are justified (a) in
saying that a given item is testing a particular skill for any group of learners, and
(b) in grouping together the responses of different learners to the same itcm for
the purposes of item analysis (even facility values and discrimination indices). If
there are doubts about the legitimacy of grouping individual responses (which
arc at least potentially different psycholinguistically) to one itcm, there must also
be doubts about the wisdom and indeed interpretability of grouping responses to
items to arrive at test scores for one individual, and even less to arrive at group
test results. Given that traditional test statistics - reliability indices and validity
coefficients and calculations - depend upon grouping data - perhap.; it is small
wonder that factor analyses of large datasets of performance on large numbers

of items result more frequently than not in unifactorial structures, or in multfactorial views of proficiency that are difficult to interpret. This is at least an

argument for interpreting statistical data cautiously, especially if it runs counter

to our intuitions and insight into language learning from other perspectives. It is
not an argument for doing away with language tests altogether.


Structure of language proficiency

The appearance of Issues in Language Testing Research, the admission by

John 01 ler that he had pushed the Unitary Competence Hypothesis too far, and
above all the careful empirical work of Bachman and Palmer led many to declare
that the notion of "general language proficiency" had gone too far: language
proficiency is both unitary and divisible at the same time, it seems. Thus there is
a common or general factor in proficiency as measured by test results and also

evidence for separable components, sometimes relating to the macro-skills,

sometimes to less easily definable traits. For a while in the early 1980s, the
debate was quiet, all was resolved, we thought. However, recently further
research evidence for a very strong general factor as provided by researchers like

Fred Davidson and the work of the Comparability Study has led some to
reconsider their position. The to-some-disappointing finding that the factor
structure of test batteries is more unifactorial than theory would lead us to
expect is being accounted for by the notion that the nature of language
proficiency may vary dcpcnding upon the level of proficiency. Thus advanced
learners might be thought to have integrated their abilities in different skill
areas, and therefore to manifest a general proficiency, or at least a proficiency

that is relatively undifferentiated in the sense that no one skill is radically

distinguishable from another skill. Good language users tend to be good at
grammar and reading, writing and speaking, listening and vocabulary. Thus one
might expect a unifactorial structure for language proficiency at the higher levels.
However, lower intermediate students might well find that their reading abilities
far outstrip their speaking or listening abilities, and therefore one might expect

that at the lower levels of proficiency, language proficiency is more

differentiated, more multi- factorial. Recent research in this general area does
seem to offer some evidence to support this view, and it is likely that further
research into the nature of language proficiency will have to look at more
homogeneous groups than has been the casc in the past. Grouping candidates
from widely varying cultural, ethnic, linguistic and educational backgrounds

together in order to make inferences about test content and construct and
therefore also about language proficiency, is a dubious exercise at best, and also

possibly highly misleading. Of course, researchers have used such

heterogeneous populations partly because of the tests being investigated especially the TOEFL - and also because of the populations from whom data has


been gathered - typically the Language Institutes associated with an American

University, whose populations may be relatively homogeneous educationally but
certainly not culturally or linguistically.
It is hoped that the realisation of the problems associated with this, and the

need for closer attention to the need to test language achievement rather than
proficiency, might well lead to an increase in the studies that are conducted on
populations in individual countries, within particular educational settings. This
might also enable us to focus more clearly on achievement and learning within
institutions and systems.


CBELT: computer-based language testing and the impact of technology.

One major development since 1980 has been the advent of personal
computers utilising powerful and advanced micro-processors. Such computers
are increasingly being used not only for the calculation of test results and the

issuing of certificates, but also for test delivery and scoring. Computerised
adaptive testing is an important innovation, where the computer "tailors" the test
that any candidate takes to that candidate's ability level as revealed by his/her

performance on previous test items. Thus on the basis of his/her response to

the first item,the computer calculates the candidate's ability level (using IRT in
some form) and selects thc next item from an item bank at that estimated level
of ability. Through an iterative process of estimation and administration, the
computer is able to achieve a reliable estimate of a candidate's ability with fewer
items than is normally possible, thus increasing the efficiency with which tests
can be administered and reducing the time necessary.
Computers are also increasingly being used for the routine administration

of a range of different tests for diffcrent purposes. Unfortunately, the tests

administered are usually either multiple-choke, or fixed ratio CbD7C tests scored

by the exact word procedure. Whereas such test methods are coming under
increasing scrutiny and criticism elsewhere in language tcsting, the advent of the
computer has to date proved to be a conservative force in test development: test

methods are being used that might otherwise be questioned, because it is

thought difficult for the computer to deal with other test methods. The
tremendous opportunities that computers might offer for innovation in test
method have not yet been taken up, despite the possibilities outlined in
Alderson, 1988.

The speed, mcmory, patience and accuracy of the computer would appear
to offer a variety of possibilities for innovation in test method that should be
actively explored in the 1990s. In addition, however, it is already clear that
delivering tests on computer allows the possibility for a blurring of the



distinction between a test and an exercise. The computer can assess a student's

response as soon as it has been made: this then allows the possibility for
immediate feedback to the student before he/she progresses to the next item. It
also allows the possibility of giving the student a "second chance", possibly for
reduced credit. The computer can also provide a variety of help facilities to
students: on-line dictionaries can be made easily available, and with not much
more effort, tailor-made dictionaries - directly relevant to the meanings of the
words in the particular context - can also be available, as can mother tongue
equivalents, and so on. In addition, the computer can deliver clues to learners

who request them. These clues can be specific to particular items, and can
consist of hints as to the underlying rules, as to meanings, as to possible
inferences, and so on. Again, the test developer has the possibility of allowing
access to such clues only for reduced credit. Moreover, the computer can also
offer the possibility of detailed exploration of a particular area of weakness. If a
student performs poorly on, say, two items in a particular arca, the machine can
branch the student out into a diagnostic loop that might explore in detail the
student's understanding and weaknesses/strengths in such an area. If thought

desirable, it would be easy to branch students out of thc test altogether into
some learning routine or set of explanations, and then branch them back in,
either when they indicated that thcy wished the test to continue, or once thcy had
performed at some pre-specified criterion level.
In short, a range of support facilities is imaginable through computers - and
indeed software already exists that allows thc provision of some of these ideas.

The provision of such support raises serious questions about the distinction
between tests and exercises, and the consequences of providing support for our
understanding of candidates' proficiency and achievement. Since the computer
can also kccp track of a student's use of such facilities, it is possible to produce
very detailed reports of progress through a test and of performance on it, thus
allowing the possibility of detailed diagnostic information. The big question at
present is: can teachers and testers use this information? Will it reveal things
about a student's proficiency or achievement or learning or test taking strategies
that will be helpful? We do not yet know, but we now have thc hardware, and

partly the software, to find out, and a duty to explore the possibilities and


Learner-centered testing

The very real possibility of the provision of support during tests, and thc
tailoring of tests to students' abilities and needs, raises the important issue of



student-centered testing. For a long time in language teaching there has been
talk of, and some exploration of the concept of, learner-centered teaching and
learning. This now becomes an issue in testing, and as teachers we will need to

decide whether we need and want to explore the possibilities. Interest in

students' self-assessment has continued throughout the decade; the advent of
introspective methods for investigating test content and test taking processes
allows us to gather information on test processes from a student's perspective
and thus to get a different, student-centered, perspective on test validity. It is

possible to envisage further developments where students are invited to

contribute more directly to the test development process, by getting them to
indicate what they consider suitable measures of outcomes from instructional

programmes might be. What do they think they have learned during a
programme and how do they think they can demonstrate such learning? An
increased focus on such questions could help learners as well as teachers become
more aware of the outcomes of classroom learning, which would in turn inform
those who need to develop classroom progress and achievement tests.
Clearly such suggestions are revolutionary in many settings, and I am not
necessarily advocating that students design tests for themselves, thcir peers or
their successors, at least not immediately. It is often necessary to begin such a
development cautiously: one way already suggested and indeed being tried out
in various contexts is to ask students what they are doing when they respond to

test items. Another way is to ask students to comment and reflect on the
discrepancy between their test results or responses, and their own view of their
ability, or their peers' views or their teachers views. Such explorations may well
help us to understand better what happens when a student meets a test item, and
that might help us to improve items. It might also help students to understand

their abilities better, and might even encourage students to contribute more
substantially to test development. The ideas may appear Utopian, but I would
argue that we would be irresponsible not to explore the possibilities.


Judgments in language testing

Language testers have long been aware that testing is a judgemental

activity. The development of multiple-choice tests was an attempt to reduce
unreliability of scoring judgements, by making it possible to mark tests by
machine. Those concerned with the development of direct or semi-direct tests of
speaking and writing abilities have traditionally sought to establish the reliability
of subjective scoring judgcmcnts/carcful training through scorers, through inter

and intra-rater comparisons, and it is common practice in many parts of the

world to report scorer reliability coefficient However, there are many areas



beyond scoring where judgements are important in language testing. These

include: the design of the test, involving decisions about test method and test
content, and judgements about what is being tested by items and subjects.
Testers also have to make judgements about the appropriacy of items to given
target populations, especially important in settings where pre-testing and
pilotting of tests is impossible, or massively difficult. Testers also often have to
decide which students should be deemed successful on tests and which not: who
has passed and who failed? Some traditions of language testing - I am thinking
here especially of the British tradition - rely very heavily indeed on "expert
judgements". Examination bodies select individuals to produce, edit and mark
their tests who they consider to be "expert". Much depends upon the accuracy
and reliability of such individuals, and it should be said that it is rare for
examination boards to challenge such judgements.
However, recent research suggests that it may be unwise to leave "expert"
judgements unchallenged. In a recent paper, I present results (Alderson, 1990)
of studies of judgements in three areas: content inspection, item difficulty and
pass-fail grades. I have already alluded to the first area above: in two studies, I
showed that "expert" judges do not agree with each other on what is being tested

on a range of reading tests. Moreover, where there was agreement among

judges, this did not necessarily agree with the intcntions of the test constructor,
nor with what students reported of thcir test-taking processes. It is much more
difficult than we may have thought to decide by content inspection alone what a
test is testing. Yet much testing practice assumes we can make such judgements.
In a second study, I showed that test writcrs, experienced test scorers, and
experienced teachers, were unable to agree on the difficulty of a set of items, for
a given population, and were unable to predict the actual difficulty of items. This
shows clearly the need for pre-testing of items, or at the very least for post-hoc
adjustments in test content, after an analysis of item difficulty. Declarations of
the suitability, or even unsuitability of a test for a given population are likely to
he highly inaccurate.
In a third study, I investigated agreement among judges as to the suitability
of cut-offs for grades in school-leaving examinations. There was considerable
disagreement among judges as to what score represented a "pass ", a "credit" and
a "distinction" at 0 Level. Interestingly, it proved possible to set cut-offs for the
new examination by pooling the judgements - the result of that exercise came

remarkably close to a norm-referenced percentile equating method.

Nevertheless, thc amount of disagreement as to what constitutcd an adequate

performance for students is worrying; a worry that is confirmed by a recent
review of standard-setting procedures by Berk, who shows the instability and
variability of judgements (Berk, 1986).


What will clearly be needed in the cuizing years is a set of studies into the

accuracy and nature of the range of judgements that language testers are
required to make, in order to identify ways in which such judgements can be

made reliable and also more valid. Testing depends upon judgements by
"experts". We need to know how to improve these judgements, and how to
guarantee their reliability and validity.


Traditional concerns

This question of the reliability and validity of judgements in testing brings

me on to my final point, which relates to the traditional concerns of language
testers and users of language tests. Are the tests valid? Are they reliable? What
standards are followed to ensure reliability and validity?
Any review of research and practice in language testing reveals an ongoing
concern with test validation. The past decade has indeed seen the introduction

of new ways to validate tests, both statistical through Item Response Theory,
Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Multi Trait, Multimethod analyses of convergent
and discriminant validities, and the like, and qualitative, through introspective
studies, through comparisons with "real-life" language use, through increased

sensitivity to developments in language teaching and applied linguistics,

increased concern for the "communicative" nature of the tests, and so on. We
have also seen attempts to devise new test methods that might help us to reduce

method bias, and it is increasingly commonplace to advocate at least the

triangulation of test rrethods (ie the use of more than one test method in any
test battery) in order to maximise our chances of measuring traits, not just test
method abilities.

Clearly more needs to be done in the validation of the new tests wc

produce - this certainly applies to the so-called communicative tests like the
CUEFL and the IELTS, but also more generally across the range of language
tests for which we are responsible. But in addition to this, I believe that the
1990s will be a period during which there will be increasing pressure from test
users and from test researchers for accountability: accountability of test quality
and the meaning and interpretation of test sco-es. I have already mentioned in
passing the proposed development of a professional association of language
testing specialists. Associated with that will come a requirement that we develop

a set of standards for good practice in language testing. There already exist
general standards for educational and psychological testing - the APA, AERA
and NCME standards. However, these do not refer specifically to language
tests, nor, I believe, do they take account of, or accommodate to, thc variety of

test development procedures that exist around the world. The TOEFL Cambridge Comparability Study I have referred to revealed considerable
differences in approaches to test development, and to the establishing of
standards for tests in the United Kingdom and the USA. Similar cross-national
comparisons elsewhere would doubtless also reveal considerable differences.
What we need to do is not to impose one set of standards on other systems, but
to explore the advantages and disadvantages, the positives and negatives of the
different traditions that might emerge from a survey of current practice, and to
incorporate the positive features of current practice into a set of standards that
could - should? be followed by those who develop language tests. There
already exists a well-documented and well-articulated psychometric tradition for
establishing tcst standards, especially but not exclusively in the USA. What we
now need to do is to identify the positive features of other traditions, and to

explore the extent to which these are compatible or incompatible with the
psychometric tradition.

Clearly this will take time, and considerable effort, and may well cause
some anguish. Just as does a long-distance run. The analogy may not be entirely
inappropriate, since the effort may well need stamina and determination. And
the end-point may well he distant. But I believe it to be worthwhile.
To summarise: Recent research is beginning to challenge some of the basic
assumptions we have made in the past 20-30 years: our judgements as experts
are suspect; our insights into test content and validity are challengeable; our
methods of test analysis may even be suspect. The apparent progress we think
we have made - that we celebrate at conferences and seminars like this one, that
we publish and publicise - may well not represent progress so much as activity,
sometimes in decreasing circles.
It may at times appear, it may even during this talk have appeared as if the
goal is reducing into the distance. Are we facing a mirage, in which our goals
appear tantalisingly close, yet recede as wc try to rcach them? I believe not, but
I do believe that we need patience and stamina in order to make progress. At
least language testing is now maaire enough, confident enough, well trained

enough, to take part in the run, to begin thc long distance journey. Did you
know that to take part in long-distance events, at least in the United Kingdom,
you have to be at least eighteen years old? Modern approaches to language
testing are at least that old. We should not despair, but should identify thc
direction in which we want and need to move, and continue to work at it.




Alderson, J Charles (1986) Innovations in language testing? In Portal, M (ed)

Innovation in Language Testing. Windsor: NFRE-Nelson. Pages 93 - 105
Alderson, I Charles (1986) "Judgentents in Language Testing". Paper presented at
the 121h International Language Testing Research Colloquium, San Francisco

Alderson J Charles (1988). Innovation in Language Testin : Can The Micro

Computer Help? Special Report No I: Language Testing Update, Lancaster

Alderson J Charles (1990) Judgements in Language Testing. Paper presented at

12th 1LTRC. San Francisco.

Alderson, J Charles and Hughes A (eds) (1981) Issue in ' angua ,e Testing. ELT
Documents, Number 111. London: The British Council
Alderson, J Charles and Clapham C ( 1989) "Applied Linguistics and Language
Testing: A Case Study of the ELTS Test" Paper presented at the BAAL
Conference, Lancaster, September 1989

American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association,

National Council on Afeasuretnent in Education (1985) Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Washington, DC: The American Psychological Association

Bachman L (1990) Fundamental Considerwions in anguage Testing Osford:

Oxford University Press

Berk R A (1986) "A Consumer's Guide to Setting Performance Standards on

Criterion-Referenced Tests". Review of Educational Research. Vol 56. No 1 pp

Buck G (1990) "Testing Listening Comprehension" Unpublished PhD thesis,

University of Lancaster

Heaton B H (1988) Writing English Language Tests Second Edition. London:



Henning G (1987) A Guide to Language Testing: Development,


Research Cambridge, Mass: Newbury House

Hughes A (1989) Testing for Lansuage Teachers Cambridge:
University Press
Hughes A and Porter D (eds) (1983) Current Developments in Lanaztaee
London: Academic Press

Jones S, DesBrisay M and Paribakht T (eds) (1985) Proceedings of the 5th
Language Testing Colloquium.
Rowley: Newbury
011er, I W lnr (ed) (1983) Issue in Language Testing Research

Read, I A S (ed) (1981) Directions in Language Testing. Singapore:
Regional Language Centre/
the Art Article,
Skehan P (1988) Language Testing, Part 1 and Part 2. State of
Language Teaching p211 - 221 and p 1 - 13
presented at the
Skchan, P (1989) Progress in Language Testing: 77te 1990s Paper
on Language
IATEFL Special Interest Group in
Test:ng in the 1990s: the Communicative

Stansfield C W (ed) (1986): Technolo 7v and Language Testing.
Washington, DC

Ewer Linguistic
Weir C J (1988) Commtwicative Language Testing. Volwne 11:
Studies. Exeter: University of Ereter.



John W. 01 ler. Jr


Without question, the most important item on the present agenda for
language testing research and development is a more adequate
perspective on what language proficiency is and what sources of variance
contribute to its definition in any given test situation. Perhaps the
developed idea with reference to the research has been thc differentiation
sources of variance that are bound to contribute to observed differences in
measures of language proficiency in different test situations.

Among the sources of variance that have heretofore been inadequately

sorted out arc those attributable to text/discourse as opposed to authors

contrasted also with audience or consumers. With respect to these
positions, which may be roughly related to Pcirce's categories of
firstness, and secondness respectively, several distinct dimensions of each

may be sorted out. Among the most salient variables to be takensource

consideration are background knowledge, relative language ability, and

motivation of author (first person) and consumer (second person)

as well as
the properties that can be distinguished as pertaining to the discourse/text itself.
For an example or two, these several sources of variability (and
discussed within a Pcirccan perspective relative to research on dozeothers) are
and several other ways of investigatiag coherence/comprehensibility
texts/discourses vis a vis certain producers and interpreters. It is
argued that

impoverished theories that fail to take the three positions of firstness,

sccondncss, and thirdness into consideration are doomed to inadequacy.
Nor is
research that fails to do so apt to be reasonably interpretable.
Examples of

experimental research projects that do and do not consider the

relevant variables
are discussed. Finally, some general
recommendations arc offered for test
development and future research.



back in Singapore again and t.
After ten years, it is a distinct pleasure to be
testing. As
at RELC on language
attend once more an international conference
little" has happened
Charles Alderson reminded us at least "a
the next decade
(since the 1980 conference) and we look
that all of us who were able to attend this year
may bring forth. We may hope
years time. We are saddened to note that
will be able to come hack
Michael Cana le is no longer with us, and areRatanakoses (Minister of Education
It is a "noble undertaking", as General
told us yesterday that we arc embarked
in Thailand and President of SEAMEO)
if we arc to stay in it for the long haul, as
upon, but a difficult one. Therefore,
Director of
level of "stamina". The
Alderson said, wc will require a certainIsman,
the Director of

RELC, Mr. Earnest Lau and Dr. Jakub

opeing of this year's seminar
Secretariat, defined very admirably at the
grapple with and their
scope and limits of ,ne problems that we
multilingual settings. Again
the enterprise of education especially in
of the central role of
papers at the conference, we are reminded
and maintenance of social
communication of information, the establishment
norms, and in thc very definition of what education

is all about.


currcnt research and

This morning I want to speak to you about recommendation to be

development in language testing. Following the

sessions, and also a

"audience-centered", from A. Latief in one of yesterday's
to illustrate the
suggestion from Adrian Palmer, I have tried
practical concerns of my own presentation from things
various theoretical and
a theory of semiosis (our use
said at the conference. My goal is to introducesensible
the ability we have as human beings to form
way I will introduce Charles
regards language testing as a special case. Along the mathematician,
logician, and
Sanders Peirce (1839-1914], the American scientist,for having been the mentor of
philosopher, best known in this century, perhaps,
William James and John Dewey.



In fact, having mentioned Peirce, I am reminded of something he wrote

about being audience-centered. By the end of the talk, I hope you will see its
relevance to all that I have to say and to the method have tried to employ in
saying it. When he was a young man concerning the process of writing, he wrote
in his private journal, "The best maxim in writing, perhaps, is really to love your
readcr for his own sake" (in Fisch, et al., 1982, p. 9). It is not unlike the rule laid
down in the Mosaic law and re-iterated by Christ Jesus that we should love our
neighbors as ourselves. It is a difficult rule, but one that every teacher in some
measure must aspire to attain. Moreover, in interpreting it with reference to

what I will say here today, it is convenient that it may be put in all of the
grammatical persons which we might have need of in reference to a general

theory of semiosis and to a more specific theory of language testing as a special


For instance, with respect to the first person, whether speaker or writer, it

would be best for that person to try to see things from the viewpoint of the
second person, the listener or reader. With reference to the second person, it
would be good to see things (or to try to) from the vantage point of the first.
From the view of a third person, it would be best to take both the intentions of
the first and the expectations of the second into consideration. And, as Ron
MacKay showed so eloquently in his paper at this meeting, even evaluators
(acting in the first person in most cases) are obliged to consider the position of
"stakeholders" (in the second person position). The stakeholders arc thc persons
who are in the position to benefit or suffer most from program evaluation. They
are the persons on the scene, students, teachers, and administrators, so it follows
from the generalized version of Peirce's maxim for writers (a sort of golden rule
for testers) that evaluators must act as if they were thc stakeholders.
Therefore, with all of the foregoing in mind, I will attempt to express what I
have to say, not so much in terms of my own experience, but in terms of what we
have shared as a community at this conference. May it be a sharing which will go
on for many years in a broadening circle of friendships and common concerns. I
suppose that our common goal in thc "noble undertaking" upon which we have
embarked from our different points of view converging hcrc at RELC, is to
share our successes and our quandaries in such a way that all of us may benefit
and contribute to the betterment of our common cause as communicators,
teachers, educators, experimentalists, theoreticians, practitioners, language
testers, administrators, evaluators, and what have you.




It seems that our natural proclivity is to be a little bit cautious aucut

embracing new theoretical perspectives. Therefore, it is with a certain
reasonable trepidation that I approach the topic of semiotic theory. Adrian
Palmer pointed out that people have hardly had time to get used to the term
"pragmatics" (cf. 01 1er, 1970) before there comes now a new, more difficult and

more abstract set of terms drawn from the semiotic theory of Charles Sanders

Peirce. It is true that the term "pragmatics" has been at least partially
assimilated. It hk. come of age over the last two decades, and theoreticians
around the wolld i ow use it commonly. Some of them even gladly incorporate
its ideas into grammatical theory. I am very pleased to see that at RELC in 1990
there is a course listed on "Pragmatics and Language Teaching".

Well, it was Peirce who invented the term, and as we press on with the
difficult task of sinking a few pilings into solid logic in order to lay as strong a
foundation as possible for our theory, it may be worthwhile to pause a moment
to realize just who he was.
C. S. Peirce [1839-19141

In addition to being the thinker who invented the basis for American
pragmatism, Peirce did a great deal else. His own published writings during his
75 years, amounted to 12,000 pages of material (the equivalent of 24 books of
500 pages each). Most of this work was in the hard sciences (chemistry, physics,
astronomy, geology), and in logic and mathematics. During his lifetime, however,
he was hardly known as a philosopher until after 1906, and his work in grammar

and semiotics would not become widely known until after his death. His
followers, William James [1842-1910] and John Dewey [1859-1952], were better
known during thcir lifetimes than Peirce himself. However, for those who have
studied the three of them, thcre can be little doubt that his work surpassed theirs
(see, for example, comments by Nagel, 1959).
Until the 1980s, Peirce was known almost exclusively through eight volumes
(about 4,000 pages) published by Harvard University Press between 1931 and
1958 under the title Collected Writings of Charles S. Peirce (the first six volumes
were edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, and volumes seven and eight
by Arthur W. Burks). Only Peirce scholars with access to the Harvard archives
could have known that those eight volumes represented less than a tenth of his
total output.


More recently, in 1979, four volumes on mathematics appeared under the

editorship of Carolyn Eisele. Peirce's work on mathematics, it is claimed, rivals
and surpasses the famed Principia Mathematica by Bertrand Russell and Alfred

North Whitehead. In 1982 and 1984 respectively two additional tomes of

Peirce's writings have been published by Indiana University Press. The series is
titled Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition and is expected,
when complete, to contain about twenty volumes. The first volume has been
edited by Max Fisch, et al., (1982) and the second by Edward C Moore, et al.,
(1984). In his Preface, to the first volume (p. xi), Moorc estimates that it would
require an additional 80 volumes (of 500 pages each) to complete the publication
of the remaining unpublished manuscripts of Peirce. This would amount to a
total output of 104 volumes of 500 pages each.

Nowadays even dilettantes (such as Walker Percy a popular writer of

novels) consider Peirce to have been a philosopher. In fact, he was much more.
He earned his living from the hard sciences as a geologist, chcmist, and engineer.
His father, Benjamin Peirce, Professor of Mathematics at Harvard was widely
regarded as the premier mathematician of his day, yet the work of the son by all
measures seems to have slit pas.sed that of the father (cf. Eisele, 1979). Among

the better known accomplishments of Charles Sanders Peirce was a

mathematical improvement in the periodic table of chemistry. He was also one

of the first astronomers to correctly determine the spiral shape of the Milky Way
Galaxy. He generalized Boolean algebra - a development which has played an
important role in the logic oi modern computing. His work in the topological
problem of man-making is, some say, still unexcelled.
Ernest Nagel wrote in 1959, "There is a fair consensus among historians of
ideas that Charles Sanders Peirce remains the most original, versatile, and
comprehensive mind this country has yct produced" (p. 185, also cited by Moore,
1984, p. xi). Noam Chomsky, the foremost linguist and language philosopher of
the twentieth century, in an interview with Mitsou Ronat in 1979, said, "The
philosopher to whom I feel closest - is Charles Sandcrs Peirce" (p. 71). In fact, it
is Pcirce's theory of abduction (or hypothetical inference; sec 011er, 1990) that
Chomsky credits as the basis for his whole approach to the study of language.


Peirce himself saw abstract representation and inference as the same thing.
Inference, of course, is the process of supposing something on the warrant of


4i 44


something else, for example, that there will be rain in Singapore because of the

build-up of thunderheads all about. Peirce wrote, "Inference in general

obviously supposes symbolization; and all symbolization is inference. For every

symbol ... contains information. And ... all kinds of information involve
inference. Inference, then, is symbolization. They are the same notions" (1865,

in Fisch, 1982, p. 280). The central issue of classic pragmatism, the variety
advocated by Peirce, was to investigate "the grounds of inference" (1865, in Fisch,

p 286), or, in different words, the connection of symbols and combinations of

them with the world of experience. However, Peirce differed from some socalled "pragmatists" because he did not see experience as supplying any basis for
inference, but rather, inference as the only possible basis for experience. In this
he was encouraged by his precursor Immanuel Kant, and his position would be
later buttressed by none other than Albert Einstein (see pertinent writings of
Einstein in Oiler, 1989).


Figure 1 gives a view of what I term "pragmatic mapping". It is by definition

the articulate linking of text (or discourse) in a target language (or in fact any
semiotic system whatever), with facts of experience known in some other manner
e , through a different semiotic system or systems).



of all sorts)

e World of

Einstein s

Figure 1. Pragmatic mapping.



That is, pragmatic mapping (also known as abductive reasoning), is a kind of

translation process. It is a process of taking a representation in one form and
interpreting it in terms of a representation in some other form. The only thing
that keeps this process from being completely circular, and therefore empty, is
that we really do have some valid knowledge of facts in an external world.
Another point to be made is that the process of pragmatic mapping also involves
risk. Or as James Pandian put it at this conference, "We talk a lot about what we
don't know". Or putting the point in a slightly weaker form, we only have some of

the facts most of the time and we are seeking to discover others or we may
merely be speculating about them.


To some extent, therefore, British skepticism of the sort advocated by

David Hume [1711-17761 and Bertrand Russell [1872-1970] was only partially
well-founded. If there were no secure knowledge, and if all representations were
always of doubtful interpretation in all circumstances (which they are not), then
all representations would ultimately be meaningless, and communication and
language acquisition would be impossible. However, both communication and
language acquisition do in fact occur, and arc in fact possible precisely because

we do possess a great deal of well-equilibrated knowledge (previously

established pragmatic mappings) concerning the external world--a world that is
as real as the space-time continuum can be. All of this is thrashed out in detail in
011er (1989) through a collection of writings by Einstein, Peirce, James, de
Saussure, Russell, Dewey, and Piaget, so that argument will not be reiterated
here Let it simply be noted that for all of its merits in pointing out the naiveness
of naive realism and the positive benefits of empiricism, British skepticism failed

to so much as touch the skin of classic pragmatism or the Peircean idea of

abductive reasoning which forms the basis for the diagram given in Figure 1.

There are two interpretations of thc figure that are of interest here. First,
there is the general theory that it suggests for the comprehension of semiotic
material, i.e., texts or discourse, in general, and second, there is the more specific
application of it to language testing theory which we arc about to develop and
elaborate upon.




With respect to the first interpretation we may remark that the theory of
pragmatic mapping, though entirely neglected by reviewers like Skehan (1989),
offers both the necessary and sufficient conditions for language comprehension
and acquisition. In order for any individual to understand any text it is necessary
for that individual to articulately map it into his or her cwn personal experience.
That is, assuming we have in mind a particular linguistic text in a certain target
language, the comprehender/acquirer must determine the referents of referring
noun phrases (who, what, where, and the like), the deictic significances of verb
phrases (when, for how long, etc.), and in general the meanings of the text. The
case is similar with the producer(s) of any given text or bit of text. All of the
same connections must be established by generating surface forms in a manner

that articulately corresponds to facts. If such texts are comprehended and

produced (here I diverge from Krashen somewhat) over a sufficient period of
time, the outcome is language acquisition. For this to occur, it figures that the
individual in question must both have access to comprehensible input and must
engage in comprehending it. Moreover, the learner must actively (productively)
engage in the articulate linking of texts in the target language with his or her own
experience. In fact, comprehension already entails this much even before any
active speaking or writing ever may take place. This entails sufficient motivation
in addition to opportunity. Therefore, the theory of pragmatic mapping provides
both the necessary and sufficient conditions for language acquisition (whether
primary or non-primary).


Obviously, the theory requires elaboration. Before going on to a slightly

elaborated diagram viewing the process in terms of a hierarchy of semiotic
capacities, however, a few comments arc in order concerning the middle term of
Figure 1 which is referred to as "Einstein's gulf". Although it may be true that
there really is an external world, and though we may know quite a lot about it
(albeit practically nothing in relation to what is to be known; see the reference to
Pandian above), our knowledge of the world is always in the category of being an

inference. There is no knowledge of it whatever that does not involve thc

inferential linking of some representational form (a semiotic text of some sort)
with the facts of experience. The physical world, therefore, the cosmos in all its


vast extent, we do not know directly--only indirectly and inferentially through our
representations of it.

The fact that physical matter should be representable at all is as Einstein

put it, miraculous. He wrote of a "logically unbridgeable gulr which "separates
the world of sensory experiences from the world of concepts and propositions"
(Einstein, 1944, in 01 ler, 1989, p. 25). This gulf poses an insurmountable barrier
to any theory that would attempt to explain human intellect in a purely
materialistic manner. All materialistic philosophies cnd in the abyss. There is

for them, no logical hope whatever. It would be good to dwell on the

philosophical and other implications of this, but we cannot linger here.


Another point worthy of a book or two, is that what the material world is,
or what any other fact in it is, i.e., what is real, in no way depends on what we
may think it to be. Nor does it depend on any social consensus. Thus, in spite of

the fact that our determination of what is in the material world (or what is
factual concerning it), is entirely dependent on thinking and social consensus
(and though both of these may be real enough for as long as they may endure),
reality in general is entirely independent of any thinking or consensus. Logic
requires, as shown independently by Einstein and Peirce (more elaborately by
Peirce), that what is real must be independent of any human representation of it.
But, we cannot develop this point further at the moment. We must press on to a
more elaborate view of the pragmatic mapping process and its bearing on thc
concerns of language testers and program evaluators.


In fact, the simplest form of the diagram, Figure 1, shows why language
tcsts should be made so as to conform to the naturalness constraints proposed

earlier (01 ler, 1979, and Doye, this conference). It may go some way to
explaining what Read (1982, p. 102) saw as perplexirs. Every valid language test

that is more than a mere working over of surface forms of a target language
must require the linking of text (or discourse) with the facts of the test taker's
experience. This was called the meaning constraint. The pragmatic linking,
moreover, ought to take place at a reasonable speed--the time constraint. In his

talk at this conference, Alderson stressed, as others have throughout, the

importance of reliability and validity. It is validity that the naturalness
constraints are concerned with directly.


Figure 2 gives a more developed view of the pragmatic mapping process.

As my point of reference here at this year's RELC seminar for what follows
immediately, I take N. F. Mustapha's suggestion, that we must look at the
psycho-motor functions that enter into the taking of a language test.

General Semiotic Capacity



SensoryMotor Semiotic






Figure 2. Different kinds of semiotic capacities.



SM n




The new diagram, therefore, suggests that a hierarchical organization exists. At

the top of the hicrarchy is what might bc called general F emi oti c capacity. This
is our ability to represent facts at the highest level of abstraction imaginable. It
undergirds all the less general and more specialized capacities by which we make
sense of our world. At the next level down we find at least three (perhaps there
are more, but there cannot be any less) universal human capacities that are also
of a representational (semiotic) sort: linguistic, kinesic, and sensory-motor. In
their most abstract and general forms, each of these capacities :s nonetheless
distinct. Linguistic ability is the one most studied by us language testers so we
may pass over it for the moment.
Kinesic Capacity. Kinesic ability pertains to our knowledge of the meanings

of gestures, some aspects of which arc universal and some of which are
conventional and must be acquired. Smiling usually signifies friendliness, tears
sadness, and so on, though gestures such as these are always ambiguous in a way
that linguistic forms are not ordinarily. A smile may be the ultimate insult and
tears may as well represent joy as sorrow. Sensory-motor representations are
what we obtain by seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. They include
all of the visceral and other sensations of the body.
Sensory-Motor Capacity. Sensory-motor representations, as we learn from

empiricism, are the starting point of all experience, experimentation, and

therefore of science, and yet a little logic soon reveals that they are insufficient to
determine anything by themselves (this was the valid point to be derived from

the skepticism of Hume and Russell, see Oiler, 1989 for elaboration). The
problem with sensory-motor representations is to determine what precisely thcy
are representations of. What do we see, hear, etc? The general logical form of
the problem is a Wh-question with an indeterminate but emphatic demonstrative
in it: namely, "What is that?" To see the indeterminacy in question, picture a

scientist in a laboratory with a surprised expression on his face looking at a

strange new concoction in a test-tube, or under a microscope, on a CRT, or in a
mathematical formula, or wherever, and asking, "What is that?" Or imagine a
person on the street or a language tester who asks the same question of any
observed datum.
A gesture may help the observer determine whatever is in question. For
instance, if someone points to whatever is in question or merely looks at it, this
narrows down the field of possible resolutions of the demonstrative reference,
but it never can adequately determine the phenomenon or object in question

unless it is supported by something more abstract--namely, a conceptual or

linguistic representation. With the gesture alone there is always thc problem of
finding out what it refers to. What precisely is pointed to or signified? In


experience, gestures may serve dcictic or other significant functions, but, as

Peirce pointed out, gestures are always reactionally degenerate. Sensory-motor
representations arc also degenerate, but in a rather different way. They actually
fade or dissipate over time, or even if they can be well-preserved, the physical
facts themselves to which the sensory-motor impressions correspond will change
and thus distort the connection between the sensory-motor representation and
whatever it purports to represent.
Linguistic Capacity. Here is where language comes to the rescue. While

sensory-motor representations by themselves are entirely inadequate to

determine any facts about experience completely, and gestures hardly help

cxcept to bring certain significances to our attention, language affords the kind
of abstract conceptual apparatus necessary to fully detcrmine many of the facts
of experience. For instance, it is only by linguistic supports that we know that
today we are in Singapore, that it is Tuesday, April 9, 1990, that Singapore is an
island off the southern tip of Malaysia, and west of the Philippines and north of
Australia, that my name is John Oiler, that Edith Hanania, Margaret Des Brisay,
Liz Parkinson, J4cet Singh, Ron MacKay, Adrian Palmer, Kanchana Prapphal,

P. W. J. Nababan, James Pandian, Tibor von Elck, and so forth, are in the

audience. We know who we are, how we got to Singapore, how we plan to leave
and where we would like to go back to after the meeting is over, and so forth.
Our knowledge of all of these facts is dependent on linguistic representations. If
any one of them were separated out from the rest, perhaps some reason could be
found to doubt it, but taken as a whole, the reality suggested by our common
representations of such facts is not the least bit doubtful. Anyone who pretends
to think that it is doubtful is in a state of mind that argumentation and logic will
not be able to cure. So wc will pass on.

Particular Systems and Their Texts. Beneath the three main universal

scmiotic capacities identified, various particular systems are indicated. Each of

these requires experience and acquisition in ordcr to connect it to the class of

texts which it defines. Each specialized semiotic system, it is asserted,

supertends, or defines (in the manncr of a particular grammatical system), a
class of texts, or alternatively, is defined in part by the universal system that
underlies it and in part by the texts that it relates to.

Relevance to Language Testing illustrated. Now, let's see how this

hierarchical model is relevant to language testing. John Read, in his very
informative paper, without perhaps intending to, showed the relevance of several
aspects of this model. For instance, one of the critical aspects of language use in

the writing process is not merely language proficiency per se, which is
represented as any given Li, in the diagram, but is also dependent on background
knowledge which may have next to nothing to do with any particular Li. The



background knowledge can only be expressed representationally as some

combination of linguistic, gestural (especially indexical signs), and sensory-motor

representations. It is at least obtained through such media. Perhaps in its most

abstract form it is represented in purely abstract logical forms, at least part of
whose structure, will be propositional in character (i.e., equilibrated relations
between subjects and predicates, negations of these, and concatenations of
various conjunctive and disjunctive sorts). However, knowledge which is not
ultimately grounded in or related to sensory-motor contexts (i.e., sensory-motor
representations) is mere superstition or pure fiction. That sort of knowledge we
can know nothing of because it has no bearing on our experience.


Looking at the pragmatic mapping process in tcrms of the proposed

hierarchy predicts three kinds of results of immediate importance to us language
testing researchers and program evaluators. Each sort of result is discussed in
one way or another in papers at this conference, and it may be useful to com.ider
each in turn.

(i) Distinct Factor(s) Explained. As John Read, Achara Wongsatorn, and

Adrian Palmer showed, languzige proficiency can be broken into a
variety of factors and, as Read argued most convincingly, language
proficiency per se can properly be distinguished (at least in principle)
from background knowledge. Each of the various factors (sometimes
trait, sometimes skill, and sometimes method) involves different aspects
of the hierarchy. For example, this can easily be demonstrated logically

(and experimentally as well) with respect to the distinctness of

background knowledge from language proficiency by seeing that the
same knowledge can be expressed more or less equivalently in Ll, L2,
or in fact in any Li whatever that may be known to a given user or
community of users. Therefore, background knowledge is distinct from
language proficiency.

(ii) General Factor(s) Explained. However, the hierarchical view of the

theory of pragmatic mapping also shows that background knowledge

and language proficiency must be inevitably interrelated. This is

logically obvious from the fact that the theory (following Peirce) asserts



that all comprehension and all representation is accomplished via a

complex of translation processes. That is to say, if each and every
semiotic representation must be understood by translating it into some
other form, it follows that the various forms must have some common
ground. The hypothesizing of "general semiotic capacity" at the deepest
level of the hierarchy expresses this fact most perfectly, but, in fact,
every node in the hierarchy suggests the interrelatedness of elements
above and below that node. Hence, we have a fairly straightforward

explanation for the generally high correlations betwe _a language

proficiency, school achievement, 10 tests, subject matter tests, as well as
the interdependency of first and second language proficiency, and many

similar interactions. The general factor (more likely, factors, as John

Carroll has insisted) observed in all kinds of educational or mental
testing can be explained in this way.

(in)Non-Linearity Predicted. The interrelatedness of elements in the

hierarchy, furthermore, is bound to increase with incrcasing maturity
and well-roundedness of experience, i.e., at higher and better integrated
levels of experience. This result has been commented at this year's
RELC seminar by Charles Stansfield in public discussion with Alderson

(also see Oltrnan, Stricker, and Barrows, 1990). We see in a

straightforward way why it is that as normal hun6.n beings mature,
skills in all the various elements of the semiotic hierarchy are bound to
mature at first at rather different rates depending on experience. This

will produce, in the early stages, rather marked differences in basic

skills (Figure 3) and traits (or components of language proficiency,
Figure 4), just as Palmer pointed out at this seminar with reference to
the sort of model that Cana le and Swain, and Palmer and Bachman
have argued for.








Affective Evaluation
or - with vanable










of all sorts)

(The World of

Figure 3. A modular information processing expansion of the pragmatic
mapping process.

Language IL

Pragmatics Semantics Syntax Lexicon Morphology Phonology

Figure 4. Language proficiency in terms of domains of grammar.



However, as more and more experience is gained, the growth will tend
to fill in gaps and deficiencies such that a greater and greater degree of
convergence will naturally be observed as individuals conform more and
more to the semiotic norms of the mature language users of the target
language community (or communities). For example, in support of this
general idea, Oltman, Stricker, and Barrows (1990) write concerning
thc factor structure of the Test of English as a Foreign Language that
"the test's dimensionality depends on the examinee's overall level of
performance, with more dimensions appcaring in the least proficient
populations of test takers" (p. 26). In addition, it may be expected that
as maturation progresses, for some individuals and groups, besides
increasing standardization of the communication norms, there will be a
continuing differentiation of specialized subject matter knowledge and
specialized skills owing to whatever differences in experience happen to

be sustained over time. For example, a person who speaks a certain

target language all thc time will be expected to advance in that language
but not in one that is never experienced. A person who reads lots of old

literary works and studies them intently is apt to develop some skills
and kinds of knowledge that will not be common to all the members of
a community. Or, a person who practiccs a certain program of sensorymotor skill, e.g., playing racquetball, may be expected to develop certain

skills that a marathoner will not necessarily acquire, and so forth

throughout the limitless possibilities of the hierarchy.

An Information Processing View. Anothcr way of looking at the same basic

hierarchy of semiotic capacities, still in relation to the pragmatic mapping theory,
is in terms of information processing, as shown in Figure 5.
Language (11.

Listening Speaking Signing Interpreting Reading Writing Thinking

Figure 5. Language proficiency in terms of modalities of processing.



Here the general question is what sorts of internal processing go on as a

language user either produces or interprets representations in relation to facts of

experience. The more specific question, of interest to language testing, is
does the test taker relate the text (or
be spelled out as
her own experience.
follows. Informaton impinges on the language user from the external world first
through the senses. We might say that this is the first line of defense, and it feeds

directly into consciousness or immediate awareness. At the same time

consciousness is also guided by expectations coming from the various
internalized grammatical systems, linguistic, kinesic, and sensory-motor. As
information is processed according to these several inter-coordinated, and to

some extent co-dependent expectancy systems, what is understood passes
short-term memory while whatever is not
even though it may in fact have been perceived. What is processed so as to
achieve a deep level translation into a general semiotic form goes into long term
memory. All the while information being processed is also evaluated affectively
for its content, i.e., whether it is good (from the vantage point of the processor)
marking, and
or bad. In general, the distinction between a positive or negative
devoted to
the degree of that markedness, will determine
the processing of the information in question. Things which are critical to the
survival and well-being of the organism will tend to be marked positively in
terms of affect and their absence will be regarded negatively.
Affect as Added to Cognitive Effects. The degree of importance associated
with the object (in a purely abstract and general sense of the term "object") will
be determined by the degree of positive or negative affect associated with it. To
some extent this degree of markedness and even whether a given object of
semiosis is marked positively or negatively will depend on voluntary choices
made by the processor. However, there will be universal tendencies favoring
suivival and well-being of the organism. This means that on the positive side we
will tend to find objects that human beings usually regard as survival enhancing

and a complementary sct of negative elements that will usually be seen as

With respect to language processing more specifically, the consequences of
affective evaluation arc immense. We know of many experimental effects which
show both the importance of positive and correct cognitive expectancies (these
presumably from the semiotic hierarchy of capacities: linguistic, kinesic, and

sensory-motor) and of positive or negative affective valuations of objects of

perception, awareness, and memory. These effects arc sometimes dramatic and
relatively easy to illustrate. In tachistoscopic presentations of stimuli, it is well43

known that contextually expected words, for instance, are easier to perceive than
unexpected ones (the British psychologist John Morton comes to mind in this
connection). In fact, either positive or negative expectations may be created by

context which either make it easier or in fact make it harder than average to
perceive a given item. These experiments carry over rather directly into the
whole genre of doze testing to which we will return shortly. However, it can be
demonstrated that in addition to the effects of cognitive expectancies, affective
evaluations associated with stimuli also have additional significant and important
(a distinction made by James Dean Brown [19881 and alluded to by Palmer at

this meeting) effects on processing. For instance, when we are hearing a

conversation amid background noise and not listening, we are apt to perk up our
cars so-to-speak whenever we hear our own name mentioned. It is as if the ears
themselves were specially tuned for the mention of our own name. This effect

and others like it, well-known to experimental psychologists are collectively

known under the terms perceptual vigilance and perceptual defense. The latter
phenomenon is common to the difficulty we sometimes experience in perceiving

something we really don't want to see (e.g., obscenities or representations

pertaining to death, and the like).
Relating all of the foregoing to language testing, I am reminded again of

Read's paper of yesterday evening. As he pointed out the evidence seems to

suggest that writers who are highly motivated and well-informed do better on all

sorts of writing tasks. They generally write more, at a greater level of

complexity, and with greater coherence. Furthermore, the graders and anyone

else who takes the time to read such essays find the ones written by better
motivated and better informed writers to also be that much more
comprehensible. All of which leads me to the most important and final diagram
for this paper, Figure 6.






direct acms-3

inferential access
Second Person
(Reader(s] or

Third Person
(Community or

First Person
(Author or



Figure 6. The three Peirrean categories as porations or

perspectives of persons in reference tr. cloze test
performances (dotted lines indicate indirect inferential
connections while solid lines indicate more or less direct
perceptual connections).

Not only is it necessary in language testing research and in program

evaluation to develop a more comprehensive and better defined theoretical
perspective on what semiotic capacities and processes there are, and how they
interrelate with each other, but it is also, I believe, urgently necessary to
differentiate the various perspectives of the persons involved in the process. The

first person or producer of discourse (or text) is obviously distinct from the
second person or consumer. What is not always adequately appreciated, as


Read points out in his paper at this meeting, is that variability in language tests

may easily be an indiscriminant mix from both positions when only one is
supposedly being tested. What is more, logically, there is a third position that is
shared by the community of users (who will find the text meaningful) and the
text itself. Incidentally, for those familiar with Searle's trichotomy in speech act
theory (a rather narrow version of pragmatic theory), we may mention that what

he calls illocutionary force (or meaning) pertains to the first position,

perlocutionary force to the second, and mere locutionary force to the third.

It will be noted that the first person is really the only one who has direct
access to whatever facts he or she happens to be representing the production of
a particular text. Hence, the first pe:son also has direct access to the text. At the

same time the text may bc accessible directly to the person to whom it is
addressed, but the facts which the text represents (or purports to represent in
thc case of fiction) arc only indirectly accessible to the second person through

the representations of the first. That is, the second person must infer the
intentions of the first person and the facts (whatever either of these may be).
Inferences concerning those facts are based, it is hypothesized, on the sort of
semiotic hierarchy previously elaborated (Figures 1-5). Similarly, a third person
has direct access neither to the facts nor thc intentions of the first person nor the
understandings of them by the second person. All of these points must be
inferred, though the text is directly accessible. The text, like the third person(s),
also logically is part of the world of facts from the point of view of the third
person, just as the first person and second person are part of that world. (For

anyone who may have studied Peirce's thinking, thc three categories
differentiated here will be readily recognized as slightly corrupted, i.e., less
abstract and less general, versions of his perfectly abstract and general categories
of firstness, secondness, and thirdness.)
Going at these categories in a couple of different ways, I am sure that I can
make clearer both what is meant by them in general and how they arc relevant to

the practical business of language testing. When, as language testers, we ask

questions about skills and traits, as Cana le and Swain (see Palmer's references)
did and as Palmer and Bachman have in their several joint projects (again, see
Palmer's references), we arc concerned primarily in most cases with what is
going on in either the first or second position. However, with some procedures

attention shifts to the third position, e.g., when we use language tests to
investigate characteristics of textual structure.

The point that I want to make in this next section is that unless the two
other positions (beyond whichever of the three may already be in focus), and
possibly a great many subtle variables within each, are controlled, it is likely that



data drawn from any language testing application will be relatively meaningless.
Unfortunately this is the case with far too many studies. As Palmer emphasized

in his review of program evaluation with respect to theories of language

acquisition and whatever sorts of proficiency may be acquired, it appears that the
language teaching profession is long on methods, recipes, and hunches, and short
on theories that are clear enough to put to an experimental test.


For instance, consider doze procedure as a family of testing techniques.

Between 1983 and the end of 1989 about 717 research projects of a great variety

of sorts were conducted using doze procedure in one way or another. A data
search turned up 192 dissertations, 409 studies in ERIC, z 'd 116 in the PsychLit
database. At this conference there were a number of other studies that either
employed or prominently referred to doze procedure (but especially sec R. S.
Hidayat, S. Boonsatorn, Andrea Penaflorida, Adrian Palmer, David Nunan, and
J. D. Brown). We might predict that some of the many doze studies in recent
years, not to mention the many other testing techniques, would focus on thc first
person position, i.e., variability attributable to the producer(s) of a tcxt (or
discourse); some on the second person position, variability attributable to the
consumer(s); and some on third position, variability attributable to the text itself.

Inevitably, studies o: the third position relate to factors identified with a

community of language users and the sorts of texts they use.
Always a Tensional Dynamic. In fact, the interaction between a writer (or

speaker) and a reader (or listener) through text (or discourse) is always a

dynamic tensional arrangement that involves at least three positions

simultaneously. Sometimes additional positions must be posited, but these, as
Peirce showed, can always be seen as complications of the first three positions.
All three of the basic positions also logically entail all of the richncss of thc
entire semiotic hierarchy elaborated previously in this paper (Figures 1-5). Also,
as John Rcad hinted (and as Peter Doy stated overtly), wc may move the whole
theory up a level of abstraction and consider that "test-raters are different people
from the test-makers, and that the way thc raters interpret the task is a further
source of variability in the whole process" (Read, this conference). What is not
apparent in Read's statement, though I don't think he would deny it, is that the

problem hinted at is completely general in language testing research and

applications. All tests are susceptible to the same sort of logical criticism in

terms of the sources of variability that will influence scores on them.

Congruence or :_;oodnes'3-of-Fit as the Central Issue. In effect, the

question throughout all the levels of abstraction that are imaginable, as Doy
correctly intuited though he did not say this explicitly, is whether or not the
various possible positions of interlocutors (first and second positions) and texts

(third), testers (first position once removed) and tests (third position once
removed) interlocutors and texts, raters (first position twice removed) and
testers and interlocutors and texts, etc., are in agreement. It is miraculous (as
Einstein observed decades ago, see Oiler, 1989) that any correspondence (i.e.,
representational validity) should es,cr be achieved between any representations
and any facts, but it cannot be denied that such well-equilibrated pragmatic

mappings arc actually common in human experience. They are also more
common than many skeptics want to admit in language testing research as well,
though admittedly the testing problem is relatively (and only relatively) more
complex than the basic communication problem. However, I believe that it is
important to see that logically thc two kinds of problems are ultimately of the
same class. Therefore, as testers (just as much as mere communicators) we seek

convergences or "congruences" (to use the term employed by Peter Doye)

between tests and what they are supposed to be tests of.
Reality and even authenticity (apart from the idea of congruence as defined
within the theory of pragmatic mapping or the correspondence theory of truth

which is the same thing; cf. Oiler, 1990), on the other hand, are hardly worth
discussing since they are so easy to achieve in their minimal forms as to be trivial
and empty criteria. Contrary to a lot of flap, classrooms are real places and what

takes place in them is as real as what takes place anywhere else (c.g., a train
station, restaurant, ballpark, or you name it!) and to that extent tests are as real

and authentic in their own right as any other superficial semiotic event.
Interviews are real enough. Conversations, texts, stories, and discourse in
general can be just as nonsensical and ridiculous outside the classroom (or the
interview, or whatever test) as in it. Granted we should get the silliness and
nonsense out of our teaching and our testing and out of thc classroom (except
perhaps wheu wc arc merely beirg playful which no doubt has its place), but
reality and authenticity apart from a correspondence theory of truth, or the
pragmatic mapping theory outlined here, are meaningless and empty concepts.

Anything whatever that has any existence at all is ipso facto a real and
authentic fact. Therefore, any test no matter how valid or invalid, reliable or
unreliable, is ipso facto real and, in this trivial way, authentic. The question is
whether it really and authentically corresponds to facts beyond itself. But here
we introduce the whole theory of pragmatic mapping. We introduce all of
Peirce's theory of abduction. or the elaborated correspondence theory of truth.

The test is seen as representative of something else. It is the correspondence to

that something else which is really at issue. We introduce the matter of validity,
truth, and goodness of fit in relation to an external world beyond the test per se.

Tests, curricula, classrooms, teachers and tcaching are all real enough, the
problem is to authenticatc or validate them with reference to what they purport
to represent.
With reference to that correspondence issue, without going into any more

detail than is necessary to the basic principles at stake let me refer to a few
studies that show the profound differences across the several pragmatic
perspectives described in Figure 6. Then I will reach my conclusion concerning

all of the foregoing and hopefully justify in the minds of participants in the
conference and other readers of the paper the work that has gone into building
up the entire semiotic theory in the first place. There are many examples of
studies focussing on the first position, though it is the least commonly studied
position with doze procedure. A dramatically clear example is a family of
studies employing doze procedure to discriminatc speech samples drawn from
normals from samples drawn from psychotics.

The First Person in Focus. When the first person is in focus, variability is
attributable to the author (or speaker) of the tcxt (or discourse) on which the
doze test is based. In one such study, Maher, Manschreck, Weinstein, Schneycr,
and Okunieff (1988; and see their references), the third position was partially

controlled by setting a task where the subjects described Breughel's "The

Wedding Feasr. Thcn doze tests were made by replacing every fifth word with
a standard blank. Paid volunteers (n = 10), then, were asked to "rate" (i.e., fill in
the blanks on the various) speech samples with a minimum of two raters per
sample. The assumption here being that the second position variability will be
negligible. (In fact, this assumption will turn out to be wrong in this case just as it
so often is in others). Results then were pooled across raters and the various

authorial groups were contrasted. In fact, some discrimination did appear

between different samples of speech, but (and this is thc critical point to our
theory), the researchers realized rathcr late that the second position involved
variables that might drastically affect the outcomes.
A follow up study in fact aimed to test whether more educated "raters" (i.e.,
the paid volunteers who filled in the doze tests) might be better at guessing all

kinds of missing items and therefore might produce a ceiling effect. In such a
case any differences between the speech samples of normals and psychotics
would be run together at the top of the scale and thereby washed out. Indeed
thc follow up confirmed this expectation and it was concluded that less educated

(and probably, therefore, less proficient) "raters" would generally produce

greater discrimination among normal and psychotic speech samples. In addition


to demonstrating that doze procedure is sensitive to differences in the first

position for psychotics and normals, this study (albeit unintentionally) showed
how the procedure has to be tuned to the right level of difficulty for "raters" (i.e.,
persons in the second position) in order to get results. Another alternative

would have been to adjust the level of difficulty of the task performed by the
normals and psychotics thereby producing more complex passages (in the third
position) to be doze-rated.
Another pair of studies that focussed on first position variability with doze
procedure sought to differentiate plagiarists from students who did their own
work in introductory psychology classes. In their first experiment (El), Standing
and Gorassini (1986) showed that students received higher scores on doze
passages over their own work (on an assigned topic) than over someone else's.
Subjects were 16 undergraduates in psychology. In a follow-up with 22 cases, E2,
they repeated the design but used a "plagiarized" essay on a new topic. In both
cases, scores were higher for psychology students who were filling in blanks on
their own work.

Clearly the researchers assumed in both El and E2 that thcy had

sufficiently controlled the variability attributable to differences in the second
position, i.e., that of the subject filling in the blanks on one or another doze
passage, and in the third, i.e., the text itself. The researchers assumed that the
texts in El would be reasonably comparable since they were all written on an
assigned topic. John Read's paper at this meeting shows that in many cases this
assumption will probably not be correct. In fact, it seems fairly likely that a
really bright plagiarist, one who knew thc subject-matter well and who was highly

proficient in the language at issue in thc plagiarized material, might very well
escape detection. Motivation of the writers, the amount of experience they may

have had with the material, and other background knowledge are all
uncontrolled variables.
With respect to E2, the third position is especially problematic. Depending
on the level of difficulty of the text selected, it is even conceivable that it might

be easier to fill in thc blanks in the "plagiarist's" work (the essay from an
extraneous source) than for some subjects to recall the exact word they
themselves used in a particularly challenging essay. There is also a potential
confounding of first and second positions in El and in E2. Suppose one of the

subjects was particularly up at the time of writing thc essay and especially
depressed, tircd, or down at the time of the doze test. Is a not possible that an

honest student might appear to be a plagiarist? Or vice versa? At any rate,

difficulty, topic, level of abstraction, vocabulary employed, motivation, alertness,
and a host of other factors that might be present at the time of writing and not at

the filling in of the blanks (or vice versa) arc potential confounding variables.


Nevertheless, there is reason to hold out hope that under the right conditions
doze procedure might be employed to discourage if not to identify plagiarists,
and it should be obvious that countless variations on this theme, with reference
to the first position, are possible.

The Second Person in Focus. As an example of a study focussing on the

second position, consider Zinkhan, Locander, and Leigh (1986). They attempted

to determine the relative effectiveness of advertising copy as judged by

recallability. Two independent dimensions were identified: one affective,
relating to how well the subjects (n = 420) liked the ad, brand, and product

category, and one cognitive relating to knowledge and ability of the subjects (we
may note that background knowledge and language proficiency are

here but not necessarily in a damaging way). Here, since the variability
advertising copy (i.e., third position) is taken to be a causal factor in getting
people to remember the ad, it is allowed to vary freely. In this case, the first
position effectively merges with the third, i.e., the texts to be reacted to. It is
inferred then, on the basis of the performance of large numbers of measures
aimed at the second position (the n of 420), what sorts of performances
writing or constructing ads are apt to be most
this instance since the number of cases in the second position is large and
randomly selected, the variability in second position scores is probably
legitimately employed in the inferences drawn by the researchers as reflecting
the true qualitative reactions of subjects to thc ads.
Many, if not mOst, second language applications of doze procedure focus
on some aspect of the proficiency or knowledge of the reader or test
Another example is the paper by R. S.

"Reading as a communicative activity implies interaction between the reader and

the text (or the writer through the text). To be able to do so a reader should

contribute his knowledge to build a 'world' from information given by the tcxt." I
would modify this statement only with respect to the "world" that is supposedly
"built" up by the reader (and or the writer). To a considerable extent both the
writer and the reader are obligated to build up a representation (on the writer's

side) and an interpretation (a representation of the writer's representation, on

the reader's side) that conforms to what is already known of the actual world
that reader, writer, and text are all part of (in defense of this sec the papers by
Peirce, Einstein, Dewey, and Piaget in Oiler, 1989). In an even more important
way, the reader's interpretation should conform in sonic degree to the writer's
intended meaning, or else we could not say that any communication at all had
occurred. Therefore, the reader had better aim to build just the world that the
writer has in mind, not merely some "possible world" as so many theoreticians
are fond of saying these days. Similarly, the writer, unless he or she is merely

building up a fictional concoction had best have in mind the common world of
ordinary experience. Even in the case of fiction writing, of course, this is also

necessary to a very great extent, or else the fiction will become

Happy to say, in the end, Hidayat's results are completely in line with the
theory advocated here. Thcy show a substantial correlation between the several

tests aimed at grammar, vocabulary, and whatever general aspects of

comprehension arc measured by doze. This is as we should expect, at least for
reasonably advanced learner/acquirers. Witness prediction (ii) above that as
language learners mature towards some standard level thcir various skills and
components of knowledge will tend more and more to even out and thus to be
highly correlated--producing general scmiotic factors in correlational research.

This being the case, apparently, we may conclude that the first and third
positions were adequately controlled in Hidayat's study to produce the expected
outcome in the second position.

In addition, relative to observed general factors in language testing

research, recall (or refer to) the high correlations reported by Stansfield at this
conference. His results are doubly confirmatory of the expected convergence of
factors in the second position for relatively advanced learners (see prediction ii
above) because, for one, he used a pair of rathcr distinct oral testing procedures,
and for two, he did it with five replications using distinct language groups. In

Stansfield's case, the oral tests, an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and a
Simulated Oral Proficicncy Interview (SOPI), are themselves aimed at
measuring variability in the performance of language users as respondents to the
interview situation--i.e., as takers of the test regarded as if in second position.
Though subjects are supposed to act as if they were in first position, since thc
interview is really under the control of the test writer (SOPI) or interviewer
(OPI), subjects are really reactants and therefore arc seen from the tester's point
of view as being in second position. As Stansfield observes, with an ordinary OPI
standardization of the procedure depends partly on training and largely on the
wits of the interviewer in responding to the output of each interviewee.
That is to say, there is plenty of potential variability attributable to the first

position. With the SOPI, variability from the first position is controlled fairly
rigidly since the questions and time limits arc set and thc procedure is more or
less completely standardized (as Stansficld pointed out). To the extent that the
procedure can be quite perfectly standardized, rater focus can be directed to the
variability in proficiency exhibited by interviewees (second position) via the
discourse (third position) that is produced in the interview. In other words, if
thc first position is controlled, variability in the third position can only be the
responsibility of the person in second position.


With the OPI, unlike the case of the SOPI, the interviewer (first position)
variability is confounded into the discourse produced (third position). Therefore,
it is all the more remarkable when the SOPI and OPI are shown to correlate at

such high levels (above .90 in most cases). What this suggests is that skilled
interviewers can to some extent factor their own proficiency out of the picture in

an OPI situation. Nevertheless, cautions from Ross and Berwick (at this
conference) and Bachman (1988) are not to be lightly set aside. In many
interview situations, undesirable variability stemming from the first position (the
interviewer or test designer) may contaminate the variability of interest in thc

second position. This caveat applies in spades to variability with respect to

particular individuals interviewed though less so as the number of interviewees is

increased. To avoid undesirable contamination from the first position, the

interviewer (or test vaiter) must correctly judge the interests and abilities of the
interviewee in each case so as not to place unnecessary stumbling blocks in the
way. Apparently this was accomplished fairly successfully on the whole (though
one wonders about individual cases) in Stanslieid's study or else there would be
no way to account for the surprisingly strong correlations between OPI and

The Third Position in Focus. For a last case, consider a study by Henk,
Helfeldt, and Rinehart (1985) of the third position. The aim of the study was to
determine the relative sensitivity of cloze items to information ranging across
sentence boundaries. Only 25 subjects were employed (second position) and two

doze passages (conflating variables of first and third position). The two
passages (third position) were presented in a normal order and in a scrambled
version (along the lines of Chihara, et al., 1977, and Chavcz-011er, ct al., 1985).

The relevant contrast would be between item scores in the sequential versus
scrambled conditions. Provided the items arc really the same and the texts are
not different in other respects (i.e., in terms of extraneous variability stemming
from first and/or second positions, or unintentional and extraneous adjustments
between the scrambled and sequential conditions in the third position).
That is, the tests must not be too easy or too difficult (first position) for the
subject sample tested (second position), or, alternatively, that the subject sample
does not have too little or too much knowledge (second position) concerning the
content (supplied by the first position) of one or both texts, the design at least
has the potential of uncovering some items (third position) that are sensitive to
constraints ranging beyond sentence boundaries. But does it have the potential

for turning up all possible constraints of the type? Or even a representative

sampling? Hardly, and there are many uncontrolled variables that fall to the first
and second positions that may contaminatc the outcome or prevent legitimate

contrasts between the sequential and scrambled conditions from showing up



even if they are really there.

In spite of this, the researchers conclude that doze items don't do much in

the way of measuring intersentential constraints. It does not seem to trouble

them that this amounts to implying that they have proved that such items are
either extremely rare or do not exist at all anywhere in the infinitude of possible
texts. This comes near to claiming a proof of the theoretically completely general
null hypothesis--that no contrast exists anywhere because none was observed

here. This is never a legitimate research conclusion. Anyone can see the
difficulty of the line of reasoning if we transform it into an analogous syllogisul
presented in an inductive order:
Specific case, first minor premise: I found no gold in California.

Specific case, second minor premise: I searched in two (or n) places (in
General rule, or conclusion: There is no gold in California.

Anyone can see that any specific case of a similar form will be insufficient to

prove any general rule of a similar form. This is not a mere question of
statistics, it is a question of a much deeper and more basic form of logic.


Therefore, for reasons made clear with cach of the several examples with
respect to each of the three perspectives discussed, for language testing research

and development to be optimally interpretable, care must be taken by

researchers to control the variables of whichever of the two positions are not in

focus in a particular application of any given test. In thc end, in response to

Jagjeet Singh (of the International Islamic University in Selangor, Malaysia) who

commented that she'd have liked to get more from the lecture version of this
paper than she felt she received, I have two things to say. First, that I am glad
she said she wanted to receive more and flattered that "the time", as shc said,
"seemed to fly by" during the or al presentation (I had fun too!), and second, I

hope that in years to come as she and other participants reflect on the
presentation and the written version they will agree that there was even morc to
be enjoyed, reflected upon, understood, applied, and grateful for than they were
able to understand on first pass. As Alderson correctly insists in his abstract, the

.udy of language tests and their validity "cannot proceed in isolation from
developments in language education more generally" (apropos of which, also see



01 ler and Perkins, 1978, and Oiler, in press). In fact, in order to proceed at all, I
am confident that we will have to consider a broader range of both theory and
research than has been common up till now.

Bachman, Lyle. 1988. Problems in examining the validity of the ACTFL oral
proficiency interview. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 10:2. 149-164.

Brown, James Dean. 1988. Understanding Research in Second Language Learning:

A Teacher's guide to statistics and research design. New York: Canzbridge


Burks, Arthur W., 1958. Collected Writings of Charles S. Peirce, Volumes VII and
VIII. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University.
Chavez-011er, Mary Anne, Tetsuro Chihara, Kelley A. Weaver, and John W. 011er,

Jr. 1985. When are close items sensitive to constraints across sentences?
Language Learning 35:2. 181-206.

Chihara, Tetsuro, John W. 011er, Jr., Kelley A. Weaver, and Mary Anne Chavez011er. 1977. Are close items sensitive to constraints across sentence boundaries?
Language Learning 27. 63-73.
C'homsky, Noam A. 1979. Language and Responsibility: Based on Conversations
with Mitsou Ronat. New York: Pantheon.
Eisele, Carolyn, ed. 1979. Studies in the Scientific and Mathematical Philosophy of
Charles S. Peirce. The Hague: Mouton.

Fisch, Max, et al., eds., 1982. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological

Edition. Volume I. Indianapolis: Indiana University.

HanAome, Charles and Paul Weiss. 1931-1935. Collected Papers of Charles

Sanders Peirce. Volumes 1-6. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknapp of Harvard

Henk, William A. John P,. Helfeldt, and Steven D. Rinehart. 1985. A metacognitive

approach to estimating intersentential integration in close tests. In National

Reading Conference Yearbook 34. 213-218.




Kamil, Michael L., Margaret Smith-Burke, and Flora Rodriguez-Brown. 1986. The

sensitivity of doze to intersentential integration of information in Spanish

bilingual populations. In National Reading Conference Yearbook 35. 334-338.

Maher, Brendan A., Theo C. Manschreck, Cecily C. Weinstein, Margaret L.

Schneyer, and Rhoda Okunieff. 1988. Cloze analysis in schizophrenic speech:
scoring method and rater's education. Perceptual and Motor Skills 67:3. 9119 IS.

Moore, Edward C., et al., eds., 1984. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A

Chronological Edition. Volume 2. Indianapolis: Indiana University.

Nagel, Ernest. 1959. Charles Sander: Peirce: a prodigious but little known
American philosopher. Scientific American 200. 185-192.

011er, John W, Jr. 1970. Transformational theory and pragmatics. Modern

Language Journal 54. 504-507.

Oiler, John W., Jr. 1979. Language Tests at School: A Pragmatic Approach.
London: Longinan.
Oiler, John W, Jr, 1989. Language and Erperience: Classic Pragmatism. Lanham,
Maryland: University Press of America.
Oiler, John W, Jr. 1990. Semiotic theory and language acquisition Invited paper
presented at the Forty-first Annual Georgetown Round Table on Languages and
Linguistics, Washington, D.C.

011er, John W, Jr. and Kyle Perkins. 1978. Language in Education: Testing the
Tests. London: Longinan.
Oilman, Philip K.. Lawrence J. Sticker, and Thomas S. Barrows. 1990. Analyzing
test structure by multidimensional scaling. Journal of Applied Psychology 75:1.

Read, John A. S. 1982. Review of Language Tests at School.

John W. 011er, Jr. London: Longman, 1979. RELC Journal 13:1. 100-107.


6 '1

Schumann, John. 1983. Art and science in second language acquisition research. In

Language Learning, Special Issue: An Epistemology for the Language

Sciences, ed. by Alexander Guiora, volume 33.5. 49-76.

Skehan, Peter. 1989. Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. New

York: Edward Arnold.

Standing, Lionel G. and Donald Gorassini. 1986. An evaluation of ihe doze

procedure as a test for plagiarism. Teaching of Psycholog 13:3. 130-132.

Ztnkhan, George M, William B. Locander, and James H Leigh. 1986.

Dimensional relationships of aided recall and recognition. Journal of
Advertising 15:1. 38-46.



Liz Ilamp-Lyons and Sheila Prochnow


In the field of writing assessment, a growing educational industry not only in

the United States but also worldwide, it is often claimed that the "prompt", the

qui ition or stimulus to which the student must write a response, is a key
variable. Maintaining consistent and accurate judgments of writing quality, it is

argued, requires prompts which are of parall::t difficulty. There are two
problems with this. First, a survey of the writing assessment literature, in both
LI (Benton and Blohm, 1986; Brossell, 1983; Brosse II and Ash, 1984; Crowhurst
and Fiche, 1979; Freedman, 1983; Hoetker and tsrossell, 1986, 1989; Pollitt and
Hutchinson, 1987; Ouellmalz et al, 1982; Ruth and Murphy, 1988; Smith et al,
1985) and L2 (Carlson et al, 1985; Carlson and Bridgeman, 1986; Chiste and
O'Shea, 1988; Cummings, 1989; Hirokawa and Swalcs, 1986; Park, 1988; Reid,

1989 (in press); Spaan, 1989; Tedick, 1989; Hamp-Lyons, 1990), reveals
conflicting evidence and opinions on this. Second (and probably causally prior),
we do not yet have tools which enable us to give good answers to the questions

of how difficult tasks on writing tests are (Pollitt and Hutchinson, 1985).
Classical statistical methods have typically been used, but are unable to provide
sufficiently detailed information about the complex interactions and behaviors

that underlie writing ability (Hamp-Lyons, 1987). Both g-theory (Bachman,

1990) and item response theory (Davidson, in press) offer more potential but
require either or both costly software and statistical expertise typically not
available even in moderate-sized testing agencies, and certainly not to most
schools-based writing assessment programs.

An entirely different direction in education research at the moment,

however, is toward the use of judgments, attitude surveys, experiential data such
as verbal protocols, and a generally humanistic orientation. Looking in such a

direction we see that language teachers and cssay scorers often feel quite
strongly that they can judge how difficult or easy a specific writing test prompt is,

and arc frequently heard to say that certain prompts are problematic because

they arc easier or harder than others. This study attempts to treat such
observations and judgments as data, looking at the evidence for teachers' and
raters' claims. If such claims are borne out, judgments could he of important
help in establishing prompt difficulty prior to large-scale prompt piloting, and
reducing thc problematic need to disard many prompts because of failure at thc
pilot stage.
1. .




The MELAB, a test of English language proficiency similar to the TOEFL

but containing a direct writing component, is developed by the Testing Division
of the University of Michigan's English Language Institute and administered in
the US and in 120 countries and over 400 cities around the world. In addition to
the writing component, the test battery includes a listening component and a
grammar/cloze/vocabulary/reading component (referred to as "Part 3"). There
is also an optional speaking component, consisting of an oral interview. Scores
on the 3 obligatory components are averaged to obtain a final MELAB score,
and both component and final scores are reported. Scores are used by college or
university admissions officers and potential employers in the United States in
making decisions as to whether a candidate is proficient enough to carry out
academic work or professional duties in English.
The writing component of the test is a 30-minute impromptu task, for which
candidates are offered a choice of two topics. Topics arc brief in length, usually
no more than three or four lines, and intended to be generally accessible in

content and prior

assumptions to all candidates. Topic development is an ongoing activity of the
Tcsting Division, and prompts are regularly added to and dropped from the
topic pool. In preparation of each test administration, topic sets are drawn from
the topic pool on a rotating basis, so as to avoid repeated usc of any particular
topic set at any test administration site. Currently, 32 topic sets (i.e. 64 separate
topics) are bcing used in MELAB administrations in the US and abroad and it is
these topic sets, comprising 64 separate prompts, which examined in this study.
MELAB compositions are scored by trained raters using a modified holistic
scoring system and a ten-point rating scale (see Appendix 1). Each composition
is rcad independently by two readers, and by three when the first two disagree by
obtain a final
more than one scale point. The two closest scores are averaged to
(the 10
writing score. Thus, there arc 19 possible MELAB
scale points and 9 averaged score points
from all administration sites are sent to the Testing Division, where they arc

scored by trained MELAB raters. Inter-rater reliability for the MELAB

composition is .90.


Since research to date has not defined what makes writing test topics
difficult or easy, our first step toward obtaining expert judgments had to be to


design a scale for rating topic difficulty. Lacking prior models to build on, we
chose a simple scale of 1 to 3, without descriptions for raters to use other than
1 = easy, 2= average difficulty and 3 = hard. Next the scale and rating procedures
were introduced to 2 trained MELAB composition readers and 2 ESL writing
experts, who each used the scale to assign difficulty ratings to 64 MELAB topics
(32 topic sets). The four raters' difficulty ratings were then summed for each

topic, resulting in one overall difficulty rating per topic, from 4 (complete
agreement on a 1 =easy rating) to 12 (complete agreement on a 3-hard rating).
We then compared "topic difficulty (thc sum of judgments of the difficulty of
each topic) to actual writing scores obtained on those topics, using 8,497 cases
taken from MELAB tests administered in the period 1985-89.
Next, wc categorized the 64 prompts according to the type of writing task

each represents. We began with application of the topic type categories

developed by Bridgeman and Carlson (1983) for their study of university faculty
topic preferences. However, judges found that of Bridgeman and Carlson's nine
categories, three were not usable because there were no instances of such topic
types in the dataset; further, only about half of the dataset fit in the remaining six
categories. The remaining half of the topics were generally found to call either

for expository or for argumentative writing. The expository/argumentative

distinction is of course one which has been made in many previous studies
(Rubin and Piche, 1979; Crowhurst and Piche, 1979; Mohan and Lo, 1985;
Quellmalz et al, 1982; etc). Another noticeable difference between topics is that
some call for the writer to take a public orientation toward the subject matter to

be discussed whereas others call for a more private orientation. Similar

distinctions between prompts were noted by Bridgeman and Carlson (1983), who
discuss differences in thcir various topic types in terms of what they call "degree
of personal involvement", and by Hoetker and Brossell (1989) in their study of

iations in degree of rhetorical specification and of "stance" required of the

Based on these distinctions, we created a set of 5 task type categories: (1)

expository/private; (2) expository/public; (3) argumentative/private; (4)

argumentative/public, and (5) combination (a topic which calls for more than
one mode of discourse and/or more than one orientation; an example of such a
topic might be one which calls for both exposition and argumentation, or one
which calls for both a personal and public stance, or even one which calls for
both modes and both oricntations). Examples of the five types are shown in
Appendix 2. All 64 topics were independently assigned to the category, and then

the fcw differences in categorization were resolved through discussion

Following a commonly held assumption often found in the litxtrature (Bridgernan
and Carlson, 1983; Hoetker and Brossell, 1989), we hypothesized that some topic

type categories would be judged generally more difficult than others, and that

expository/private topics would, on average, be judged least difficult, and


argumentative/public topics most difficult. To test this prediction, we used a

two-way analysis of variance, setting topic difficulty as the dependent variable
and topic type as the independent variable.


Tonic Difficulty

When we displayed the summed topic difficulties based on four judges'

scores for each of the 64 prompts, we obtained the result shown in Table

Table 1

Topic IN.fticulty foe 64 Idl:LAB Prompts

















































Most prompto had a difficulty score around the middle of thc overall
difficulty scale (i.e. 8). This is either because most prompts are moderately
difficult, or, and more likely, because of thc low reliability of our judges'


judgments. The reliability of the prompt difficulty judgments, using Cronbach's

alpha, was .55.

And here was our first difficulty, and our first piece of interesting data: it
seemed that claims that easy readers and language teachers can judge prompt
difficulty, while not precisely untrue, are also not precisely true, and certainly not
true enough for a well-grounded statistical study. When we looked at the data to
discover whether the judgments of topic difficulty could predict writing score,
using a two-way analysis of variance, in which writing score was the dependent

variable and topic difficulty was the dependent variable, we found that our
predictions were almost exactly the reerse of what actually happen (see Table

Table 2. Difficulty Judgments and Writing Score


N- 8583 OUT OF 8583





ETA. .0698



ETA-BOR- .0049


(VAR Comp. .46927 -1





















%VAR AMONG. .47)


Mean writing score increased, rather than decreased, as topic difficulty

increased, except for topics in the group judged as most difficult (those whose
summed rating was 12, meaning all four judges had rated them as 3= difficult)
As shown in Figure 1, topic difficulty as measured by "expert" judgment is unable
to explain any of the variance in MELAB writing score.



Figure 1- ANOVA
Topic Difficulty and Writing Score

N. 8583 OUT OF 10447














372 OS

37 841


R-SOR. .00439 SE. 3.1356






.18623 -1






Further, while the effect of judged topic difficulty on writing scorc is
would be
(p=.0000), the magnitude of the effect
expected, considering the relative
the topic
scales. That is, since the writing
difficulty scale (19 points vs. 11 points), we would expect, assuming "even"
proficiency (i.e. that writing proficiency
with a 2topic
width) that every 1-point increase in
point decrease :n writing score; instead, the coefficient for topic dqficulty
.ctually, on
(.11456) indicates that a 1-point
average, associated with only about a 1/10-point increase in writing score.
since a
it should be noted that such an increase
change of less than a point in MELAB writing score would have no effect
on reported level of

Task Type Difficulty

We had hypothesized that when topics were categorized according to topic

and that the
type, the topic type categories would vary in judged difficulty level,
overall difficulty level of categories
continuum), and "response mode" (an
(a private/public
expository/argumentative continuum) (see Figure 2).


Figure 2: Response Mode. Orientation and Topic Difficulty




.1. argumentative



Table 3 shows the difficulty ratings for each category or "response mode":
Table 3: Resmense mode.- and DItticulty RatIngs

Topic Category Groupings






















4 lA




































34A 7
28A 8
45A 8





T diff=6.528
%wt. =9.063

r diff4.746



'X 611=8.44


T wr..9.359

wr =9.9

overall 7 el:L.7.9455



diff=7 713
wr =9 517

We conducted an ANOVA, shown in Figure 3, which showed that our

predictions were correct: prompts categorized as expository/private by judges
are, on average, judged easiest and those categorized as argumentative/public
are judged hardest.

Figure 3. ANOVA
Topic Difficulty Judgments and Response Mode Difficulty








N- 8497 OUT OF 8497


998 42

(VAR COmP- 1.3219

ETA-SOR- .3199






















1488 0


%VAR AMONG- 37 941

Since the two sets of judgments were made by the same judges, albeit six months
apart, such a finding is to be expected.

Judgments and Writiraz Scores

When wc looked at the relationships between our "expert" judgments of

topic difficulty and task type, and compared them with writing scores, our
predictions were not upheld by the data. Wc had hypothesized that topics in the
category judged most difficult (argumentative/public) would get the lowest


scores, while topics in the category judged least difficult (expository/private)

would get the highest scores, with topics in the other categories falling in
between. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a two-way analysis of variance, in
which writing score was the dependent variable and topic type the independent

variable. The results of the ANOVA, shown in Figure 4, reveal that our
predictions were exactly the reverse of wha: actually happened: on average,
expository/private topics are associated with the lowest writing scores and
argumentative/public the highest.

Figure 4: ANOVA

Writing Performance for Prompt Categories

N- 3497 OUT Of 8497














(VAR COMP. .13141















%VAR AMONG. 1.32)












We then looked at the combined effects of topic difficulty and prompt

categories, predicting that topics with the lowest difficulty ratings and of the
easiest (expository/private) type would get the highest writing scores, and that






( Li







(argumentative/public) type would get the lowest writing scores. To test this, wc
again used a two-way analysis of variance, this time selecting writing score as the

dependent variable and topic ditficulty and topic type as the independent
variables. It should be noted that in order to be able to use ANOVA for this

analysis, we had to collapse the number of difficulty levels from 9 to 2, in order

to eliminate a number of empty cells in the ANOVA table (i.e. some topic types
had only been assigned a limited range of difficulty ratings). The results of this
analysis are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5:


Topic Difficulty Judgments, Prompt Categories and Writing





As the















ANOVA suggests and Table 4 shows clearly, our predictions were

again almost the reverse of what actually happened: expository/private topics

judged easiest (expri 1), as a group had the second lowest mcan writing score,
while argumentative/public topics judged most difficult, as a group had the
second highest mean writing score.


Table 4.

Combined Effects of To ic Difficulty and Topic Ty e

x writing_ag_are

topic type & difficuitY








argumentative/private 2




argumentative/private 1










Thus, patterns of relationship between topic difficulty, type and writing

performance which we predicted based on commonly held assumptions were not

matchcd by our writing score data. What we did find were unexpected but
interesting patterns which should serve both to inform the item writing stage of
direct v,Titing test development, and to define questions about the effects of topic

type and difficulty on writing performance which can he explored in future


Several intriguing questions for further ..tudy arise from possible

explanations for the patterns we did discover in our data. One possible
explanation is that our judges may Itave misperceived what is and is not difficulty
for MELAB candidates to write about. A common perceptio about writing test
topics is that certain types of topics arc more cognitively demanding than others,

and that writers sill have morc difficulty writing on these. Yct, it may be that
either what judges perceive as cognitively demanding to ESL writers is in fact
not, or alternately, that is not necessarily harder for ESL writers to write about
the topics judged as morc cognitively demanding while some LI studies have

concluded that personal or private topics arc easier for LI writers than
impersonal or public ones, and that argumentative topics arc more difficult to
write on than topic:. calling for other discourse modes, these LI findings do not
necessarily generalize to ESL writers.
Another possible explanation for the patterns we discovered is that perhaps
more competent writers choose hard topics and less competent writers choose


easy topics. In fact, there is some indication in our data that this may be true. We

conducted a preliminary investigation of this question, using information

provided by Part 3 scores of candidates in our dataset. The Part 3 component is

a 75-minute multiple choice grammar/cloze/vocabulary/reading test, for which
reliability has been measured at .96(KR21). The Pearson correlation between
Part 3 and writing component scores is .73, which is generally interpreted to
mean that both component are measuring, to some extent, general language

proficiency. We assumed, for our investigation of thc above question, that

students with a high general language proficiency (as measured by Part 3) will
tend to have high writing proficiency. In our investigation wc examined mean

indeed been chosen by candidates with higher mean Part 3 scores. We found this
to be true for 15 out of 32--nearly half--of the topic sets; thus, half of the time,

general language proficiency and topic choice could account for the definite
patterns of relationship we observed between judged topic difficulty, topic type
and writing performance. One of these 15 sets, set 27, was used in a study by
Spaan (1989), in which the same writers wrote on both topics in the set (A and
B). While she found that, overall, there was not a significant difference between
scores on the 2 topics, significant differences did occur for 7 subjects in her
study. She attributed these differences mostly to somc subjects apparently
possessing a great deal more subject matter knowledge about one topic than the
A furthcr possible explanation for the relationship we observed between
difficulty judgments and writing scores could be that harder topics, while perhaps
more difficult to write on, push students toward better, rather than worse writing
performance. This question was also explored through an investigation of topic

difficulty judgments, mean Part 3 scores and mean writing scores for single
topics in out dataset. We found in our dataset 3 topics whose means Part 3
scores were below average, but whose mean writing scores were average, and
which were judged as "hard"(11 or 12, argumentative/public). One of these
topics asked writers to argue for or against US import restrictions on Japanese
cars; another asked writers to argue for or against governments treating illegal
aliens differently based on their different reasons for entering; the other asked

writers to argue for or against socialized medicine. The disparity between Part 3
and writing performance on these topics, coupled with thc fact that they were
judged as difficult, suggests that perhaps topic difficulty was an intervening
variable positively influencing the writing performance of candidates who wrote
on these particular topics. To thoroughly test this possibility, future studies could
be conducted in which all candidates write on both topics in these sets.
A related possibility is that perhaps topic difficulty has an influence, not
necessarily on actual quality of writing performance, but on raters' evaluation of
that performance. That is, perhaps MELAI3 composition raters, consciously or
subconsciously, adjust thcir scores to compensate for, or even reward, choice of


0 4. .

a difficult topic. In discussions between raters involved in direct writing

asscssmcnt, it is not uncom non for raters to express concern that certain topics
arc harder to write on than others, and that writers should therefore be given

"extra credit" for having attempted a difficult topic. Whether or not these
concerns translate into actual scoring adjustments is an important issue for direct
writing assessment research.


In sum, the findings of this study provide us with information about topic
difficulty judgments and writing performance without which we could effectively

proceed to design and carry out research aimed at answering the above
questions. In other words, we must first test our assumptions about topic
difficulty, allowing us to form valid constructs about topic difficulty, allowing us
to form valid constructs about topic difficulty effect; only then can we proceed to
carry out meaningful investigation of the effect of topic type and difficulty on
writing performance.

Bachman, Lyle. 1990. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. London,
England: Oxford University Press.

Benton, S.L. and P.]. Blohm. 1986. Effect of question type and position on
measures of conceptual elaboration in writing. Research in the Teaching of
English. 20: 98-108

Bridgeman, Brent and Sybil Carlson. 1983. A Survey of Academic Writing Tasks
Required of Graduate and Undergraduate Foreign Students. TOEFL Research
Report No. 15. Princeton, New lerseF Educational Testing Service.

Brossell, Gordon. 1986. Current research and unanswered questions in writing

assessment. In Greenberg, Karen S. Harvq 5 Weiner and Richard S. Donovan
( Eds). Writing Assessment: Issues and Strategies (168-182). New York:

Brossell, Gordon. 1983. Rhetorical specification in essay examination topics.

College English,45: 165-173.

Brossell, Gordon and Barbara Hooker Ash. 1984. An experiment with the wording
of essay topics. College Composition and Communication, 35: 423-425.

Carlson, Sybil! and Brent Bridgeman. 1986. Testing ESL student writers. In
Greenberg Karen L., Harvey S Weiner and Richard A Donovan (Eds). Writing
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APPENDIX 2: Samples of Topic Categories

Whcn you go to a party, do you usually talk a lot, or prefer to listen? What does
this show about your personality?

Imagine that you are in charge of establishing the first colony on the moon.
What kind of people would you choose to take with you? What qualities and
skills would they have?


A good friend of yours asks for advice about whether to work and make money
of whether to continuc school. What advice would you give him/hcr?

What is you opinion of mercenary soldiers (those who are hircd to fight for a
country other than their own?)


People who have been seriously injured can be kept alive by machines. Do you
think thcy should be kept alive at great expense, or allowed to die? Explain your



John Read


There is a long tradition in the academic world of using essays and other
A means of assessing student proficiency and
forms of written expression


In earlier times essay writing seemed to be quite a

straightforward method of examining student performance. However, with the

development of the modern science of language testing, writing has come to be
considered one of thc more difficult skills to test adequately because we now
recognise the importance of achieving a satisfactory level of both intra-rater and
It is no longer considered
inter-rater reliability in the marking of such tests.
acceptable to rely simply on the subjective judgement of a single teacher who has

not been specifically trained or guided for the task -- although it has to be

admitted that this is an idea that dies hard in the context of academic assessment
in the university.
The modern concern about achieving reliability in marking has meant that
relatively less attention has been paid to the other major issue in the testing of
writing: how to elicit samples of writing from the students. Recent research on
vaiting involving both native speakers and second language learners raises a
number of questions about the setting of writing test tasks. The relevant
research involves not only the analysis of writing tests but also more basic studies

of the nature of the writing process. Some of the questions that arise are as

I To what extent is performance influenced by the amount of prior

knowledge that writers have about the topic that they are asked to
write about in a test?
2 Does it make a difference how the writing task is specified on the test

3 Do different types of task produce significant differences in the

performance of learners in a writing test?

The purpose of this paper is to explore these questions, with particular

reference to the author's experience in testing English for academic purposes,

41 t

and then to consider the more general issue of what constitutes a valid writing
test task.


One starting point in the selection of writing test tasks is a consideration of

the role that knowledge of the subject matter might play in writing performance.
In the case of reading, it is now widely accepted - on the basis of the research by

Carrell (e.g. 1984, 1987), Johnson (1981) and others - that background
knowledge is a very significant factor in the ability of second language readers to
comprehend a written text. Furthermore, testing researchers such as Alderson
and Urquhart (1985) and Hale (1988) have produced some evidence that a lack
of relevant background knowledge can affect performance on a test of reading
comprehension. Until recently, there have been few comparable studies of the

role of background knowledge in second language writirgi , but it seems

reasonable to expect that it does have a similar effect: someone is likely to write
better about a familiar topic than an unfamiliar one.

Of course, in general terms this factor has long been recognised as a

significant one in the testing of writing, and there arc various ways in which
testers have sought to minimise its effect. One approach is to give careful
consideration to the choice of topic. Jacobs, et al. (1981:12-15) suggest, among
other thing:-, that thc topic should be appropriate to the educational level and

interests of the students; it should motivate them to communicate with the

reader and should not bc biased in favour of any particular sub-group among
them. In other words, it should be a subject about which all potential test-takers
have enough relevant information or opinions to be able to write to the best of
their ability. On the other hand, it should not be too simple or predictable.
Anothcr solution is to give the test-takers a choice of topics. In this case, it
is asrumed that there is a range of interests and backgrounds represented among

the test-takers, and so it is hoped that all of them will find at least onc that
motivates them to write as best they can.

However, an alternative approach to the problem of the effect of

background knowledge is to design tasks that provide the test-takers with
-elevant content material to work with. Thus, although differences in prior
knowledge of the topic are not eliminated, the students are all provided with
subject matter to use in completing the writing task, so that the focus of their
efforts is not so much on generating ideas but more on expressing the ones
provided in an appropriate manner.



In order to provide a basis for analysing writing test tasks according to the
amount of content material that they provide, it is useful to refer to Nation's
(1990) classification of language learning tasks. In this system, tasks are
categorised according to the amount of preparation or guidance that the learners
are given. If we adapt the classification to apply to the testing of writing, there
are three task types that are relevant and they may be defined for our purposes
as follows:

1 Independent tasks:



arc set



expected to write on it without any guidance.

This approach to the assessment of writing, known as the timed impromptu

test, is commonly used in universities in the United States, especially in largescale placement and proficiency tests. It assumes that all of the tcst-takers have
background knowledge in thc form of information, ideas and opinions that are
relevant to the topic set. Another term which describes this type of task is "free

In thcir simplest form, independent writing tasks can be illustrated by

means of these topics, which are typical of those which arc used in the
composition section of the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery
The role of agriculture in my country today
Why young people in my country need a college euucation

Meeting the energy needs of a modern world - problems and

(Quoted in Jacobs, Zingraf ct al., 198l )

2 Guided tasks:

The learners are provided with guidance while

they are writing, in the form of a table, a

graph, a picture or relevant language material.

Here wc arc not referring to "guided composition", in which lower

proficiency learners arc given language support, but rather tasks which provide
content support, especially in the form of non-linear text material.
One major test which uses guided tasks of this second kind is the Test of
Written English, the direct writing component of TOEFL (Test of English as a


Foreign Language). In one of the two alternating versions of this test, the
candidates are presented with data in the form of a graph or a chart and are
asked to write an interpretation of it (Educational Testing Service, 1989: 9). For
example, a preliminary version of the test included three graphs showing changes
in farming in the United States from 1940 to 1980, the task being to explain how
the graphs were related and to draw conclusions from them.

3 Experience tasks:

The students arc given the opportunity to

acquire relevant content and skills through
prior experience before they undertake the
writing task.

Tasks of this kind arc found in major EAP tests such as the International

English Language Testing Service (IELTS) and the Test in English for
Educational Purposes (TEEP). In both of these tests, writing tasks are linked
with tasks involving other skills to some extent in order to simulate the process
of academic study. For example, in the first paper of TEEP, the candidates
work with two types of input on a single topic: a lengthy written academic text
and a tcn-minute lecture. In addition to answering comprehension questions

about each of these sources, they are required to write summaries of thu
information presented in each one (Associated Examining Board, 1984). The
same kind of test design, where a writing task requires the synthesizing of
information from readings and a lecture presented previously on the samc topic,
is found in the Ontario Test of ESL (OTESL) in Canada (Wesche, 1987).
Thus, the three types of task vary according to the amount and nature of the

content material that is provided to the test-takers as part of thc task

specification. The assumption is that this may help to reduce :he effects of
differences in background knowledge among test-takers and, when the writing
tasks are linked to earlier reading and listening tasks, may represent a better
simulation of the process of academic study than simply giving a stand-alone
writing test.


In order to illustrate in practical terms the use of guided and experience

tasks in thc assessment of writing for academic purposes, let us look at the tasks
used in a writing test developed at the English Language Institute of Victoria
University. The test is administered at the cnd of a three-month EAP course
for foreign students preparing for study at Ncw Zealand universities, and forms

part of a larger proficiency test battery. The test results provide a basis for

reporting on the students' proficiency to sponsoring agencies (where applicable)

and to the students themselves.

They arc not normally used for university

admission decisions; other measures and criteria are employed for that purpose.
The test is composed of three tasks, as follows:
Task 1 (Guided)

The first task, which is modelled on one by Jordan (1980: 49), is an example of
the guided type. The test-takers are given a table of information about three
grammar books. For each book the table presents the title, author name(s),

price, number of pages, the level of learner for whom the book is intended
(basic, intermediate or advanced) and some other features, such as the
availability of an accompanying workbook and the basis on which the content of
the book is organised. The task is presented to the learners like this: "You go

to the university bookshop and find that there are three grammar books

available. Explain which one is likely to be the most suitable one for you by
comparing it with the other two."

This is a guided task in the sense that thc students arc provided with key facts
about the three grammar books to refer to as they write. Thus, the focus of their
writing activity is on selecting the relevant information to use and organising the
composition to support thc conclusion that they have drawn about the most
suitable book for them.
Task 2 (Experience)

For the second task, the test-takers are given a written text of about 600 words,
which describes the process of steel-making. Together with the text, thcy
receive a worksheet, which gives them some minimal guidance on how to take
notes on the text. After a period of 25 minutes for taking notes, the texts are
collected and lined writing paper is distributed. Then the students have 30
minutes to write their own account or the process, making use of the notes that
they have made on the worksheet but not being able to refer to the original text.
It could be argued that this second task is another example of the guided type, in
the sensf: that the students arc provided with a reference text that provides them
with content to use in their writing. However, it can also he seen as a simple
1;ind of experience task, because the test procedure is divided into two distinct
stages: first, reading and notetaking and then writing. While they are composing
their text, the students can refcr only indirectly to the source text through the
notes that they have taken on it.


Task 3 (Ex erience)

The third task, like the second one, is intended to simulate part of the process of
academic study. In this case, the preparation for the test begins five days
beforehand, because in the week leading up to the test the students all study the

topic on which the test task is based as part of their regular classwork. The
topic used so far has been Food Additives. The classes spend about five hours
during the week engaged in such activities as reading relevant articles, listening
to mini-lectures by the teacher, taking notes, having a class debate and discussing
how to organise an answer to a specific question related to the topic. However,
the students do not practise the actual writing of the test task in class.
The week's activities are intended to represent a kind of mini-course on the topic
of Food Additives, leading up to the test on the Friday, when the students are
given an examination-type question related to the topic, to be answered within a
time limit of 40 minutes. The question is not disclosed in advance either to the
students or the teachers. A recent question was as follows:
Processed foods contain additives.
How safe is it to cat such foods?

This third task in the test is a clear example of an experience task. It provides
the students with multiple opportunities during the week to learn about the topic
(to acquire relevant prior knowledge, in fact), both through the class work and

any individual studying they may do. Of course this does not eliminate
differences in background knowledge among the students on the course.
However, it is considerLd sufficient if the students' interest in the topic is
stimulated and they learn enough to be able to write knowledgeably about it in
the test.


The classification into independent, guided and experience types focuses

attention on one important dimension of writing test tasks: the extent to which
they provide content support for the test-takers. However, recent developments

in the study and teaching of writing have highlighted a variety of other

consi 't:rations that need to be taken into account, and it is to these that we now
The litet ature on academic writing for native speakers emphasises the need
to state explicitly some of the requirements that have traditionally been taken for
granted. It is now more widely recognised that students need not only the


ability to marshal content material effectively but also to tailor their writing for
specific readers (or "audiences") and purposes. In addition, they need guidance
on such matters as the amount to be written and form of text that thcy should
produce. If such specifications are needed for native speakers of English, then
the need is even greater in the case of foreign students who - as Hamp-Lyons
(1988: 35) points out - often lack knowledge of the discourse and pragmatic rules
that help to achieve success in an academic essay test.
At a theoretical level, Ruth and Murphy (1984) developed a model of the
"writing assessment episode" involving three actors - thc test-makers, the testtakers and the test-raters - and correspondingly three stages: the preparation of
the task, the student's response to it and the evaluation of the student's response.
The model highlights the potential for mismatch between the definition of the
task as intended by the test-makers and as perceived by the students. Assuming
that in a large-scale testing programme thc test-raters arc different people from
the test-makers, the way that the raters interpret the task is a further source of
variability in the whole process.
The tasks in the ELI writing test described earlier can be used to illustrate
some of the problems of interpretation that arise. For example, in Task 1, the
purpose of the task is not very clear. In real life, if one were making a decision
about which grammar book to buy, one would normally weigh up the various
considerations in one's mind or at most compose a list similar to the table in the

4task specification, rathcr than writing a prose text about it.

Some of the

students who took the test apparently had this difficulty and thcir solution was to

compose their response in the form of a letter, either to a friend or to the

Neither of these alternatives was entirely

manager of the university bookstore.

satisfactory, but thc fact that some students responded in this way represents
useful feedback on the adequacy of the task specification. The instinct of sonic
of the teacher-raters was to penalize thc letter-writers, on the grounds that there

was nothing in the specification of the task to suggest that a letter should be
written. However, one can equally argue that it was the task statement that was
at fault.
Another kind of interpretation problem has arisen with the third task, when
the question has been stated as follows:
Processed foods contain additives.
How safe is it to eat such foods?

The test-setter intended the first sentence to he an introductory statement

that could be taken as given; it was the second sentence that was supposed to
be the actual writing stimulus. However, in the most recent administration of
the test, a number of the students took it as a proposition to be discussed and

devoted the first half of thcir composition to it, before moving on to the

question of the safety of the additives. Ruth and Murphy (1984: 417-418) noted

the same phenomenon with a similar writing prompt for LI students in the
United States. Whereas the majority of the students considered the opening
sentence of the prompt to be an operative part of the specification that needed
to be referred to in their essays, none of the teacher-raters thought it necessary
to do so.
Faced with such problems of interpretation, test-writers are in something of
a dilemma. In a writing test, it is obviously desirable to minimise the amount of

time that the students nccd to spend on reading the question or the task

On the other hand, as Hamp-Lyons (1988: 38) points out, a short

statem...nt may give inadequate guidance to the students on the kind of

composition that they arc expected to produce. This suggests that longer
statements are necessary, but also that they must bc composed with great care in
order to reduce the possibility of misinterpretation.

The following example of a "state-of-the-art" writing task specification

comes from a proposed test prepared by the U.S. Defense Language Institute for
the selection of language teaching applicants:

Assume that you have just returned from a trip and are writing a letter
to a close friend. Describe a particularly memorable experience that
occurred while you were traveling.

This will be one paragraph in a longer letter to your friend. Thc

paragraph should be about 100 words in length.

You will be judged on the style and organization of this paragraph as

well as vor-thulary and gramitnr. Remember, the intended reader is a
close fric

(Herzoe, 1988: 155

In terms of our classification, this is still an independent task, because it

provides no content material for the test-takers to work with, but obviously it
provides explicit specifications for the task in other respects.

Carlson and Bridgeman (1986: 139-142) give a useful summary of the

factors to be considered in designing a stimulus for an academic writing test,
based on their experience with the development of the Test of Written English.

However, the most comprehensive system for classifying writing tasks is

undoubtedly that established by Purves and his colleagues (Purves, Soter, Takala
and Vahapassi, 1984) for the lEA Study of Writtcn Composition in secondary

schools in eighteen countries. Their system consists of fifteen dimensions:

instruction, stimulus, cognitive demand, purpose, role, audience, content,
rhetorical specification, tone/style, advance preparation, length, format, time,


draft, and criteria. Obviously not all of these dimensions need to be specified in
any individual writing stimulus, but they highlight the complexities involved,
especially w1- .n the test-setters and the test-takers do not share the same cultural
and educational backgrounds.


A more general issue related to the preparation of writing tests is whether

the type of task makes a difference to the students' performance. No matter
how carefully a task is specified, its validity may be limited if it does not provide
a basis for making generalizations about the test-takers' writing ability. The
issue is of particular relevance for a test like the Test of Written English (TWE)
because, although two different task types are used, only one of them is included
in any particular administration of the test. Thus, if task type is a significant
variable, candidates may be advantaged or disadvantaged depending on which
version of the test they take. Carlson and Bridgeman (1986) report that the pilot
study of the TWE showed no significant differences in performance on the two
types of task. However, Stansfie Id and Ross (1988) acknowledge that this is a
question which requires further investigation.
In fact, Reid (1988) found evidence of differences between the TWE tasks

when she analysed student scripts from a pre-operational version of the test
using the Writer's Workbench, a computer text-analysis program which provided
data on discourse fluency, lexical choice and the use of cohesion devices in the
students' writing. The program revealed significant differences in thc discourse
features of the texts produced in response to the two different tasks.

There are a number of other recent research studies which provide

evidence that type of task does make a difference in tests for both Ll and L2
writers. In their study of Ll secondary students in Scotland, Pollitt and
Hutchinson (1987) used five different tasks. They found that the easier tasks
were those in which the content and organization of the text were cued in various

ways by the test stimulus. In addition, tasks that were closer to personal
experience and spoken language (letter-writing or story-telling) were less
demanding than more formal ones, like expressing an opinion on a controversial
This variation according to formality was also present in Cumming's (1989)

research on L2 writers at a Canadian university. The ratings of his three tasks

differed significantly and, in particular, there was a clear distinction between the

informal topic (a personal letter) and the more academic ones (an argument
and a summary).


Of course, in a test of academic writing, one would normally expect that

only more formal tasks would be set. However, a recent study by Tedick (1988)

indicates that there is another distinction that is relevant to the setting of

academic writing tests: that of general vs. specific topics. Tedick's subjects, who
were graduate ESL students in the United States, wrote one essay on a general
topic and another on a topic related to their own fields of study. The essays on

the field-specific topic were longer, more syntactically complex and of higher
overall quality (as measured by holistic ratings) than the essays on the general
topic. Furthermore, the field-specifie essays provided better discrimination of
the three levels of ESL proficiency represented among the subjects. Tedick

concluded that allowing students to make use of prior knowledge of their

academic subject gave a better measure of their writing proficiency than the kind
of general topic that is commonly used in writing tests.

Thesc findings can be interpreted in relation to Douglas and Se linker's

concept (1985) of "discourse domains", which are the content areas that are
particularly meaningful and important for individual test-takers. Like Tedick,
Douglas and Se linker argue that performance in tests of language production is
affected by whether the test-takers can relate the test topic to their own interests
and fields of specialization. Although these authors have looked specifically at
oral production, it seems reasonable to expect that discourse domains may play a
role in writing test performance as well.
There is clearly more research to be done to explore the variability in types
of writing task. As Stansfield and Ross (1988) point out in a survey of research
needs for the Test of Written English, there are two ways in which writing tasks

can be shown to be meaningfully different. The first kind of evidence is

psychometric: are there significant differences in the rankings of the test-takers
when the ratings from each of the tasks arc subjected to correlational analysis?
In othcr words, are the different tasks measuring the same underlying construct?
Secondly, one can use linguistic evidence to identify differences by means of
syntactic and discourse analyses of the students' texts. Thus, measures of
fluency, frequency of error and syntactic complexity can be obtained to reflect
various aspects of the quality of the writing. Stansfield and Ross argue that,
from the point of view of construct validity, the psychometric evidence is crucial:
"if an empirical analysis of performance ratings on each task failed to show any
significant variation between the two sets of ratings, one could claim that both
were tapping the same construct, even if qualitative differences were found in the
language used on each task." (op. cit.: 166) However, they acknowledge that at
least some writing specialists consider that qualitative, linguistic differences arc
also important.
For the present, it seems prudent to include a variety of writing tasks in a
writing test. It can be argued that this not only makes the assessment more

reliable by producing several samples of writing from each student, but it


contributes to the validity of the test by giving a broader basis for making
generalizations about the student's writing ability.

CONCLUSION: Writing as Process

However, this leads to one final issue that is relevant to a consideration of

the validity of writing tasks. The testing of writing inevitably focuses on the text

that the test-taker produces or, in other words, the product rather than the
process. Practical constraints normally mean that the students can be given only
a limited amount of time for writing :lad therefore they must write quite fast in
order to be able to produce an adequate composition. The preceding discussion
of different tasks and ways of specifying them has concentrated on the issue of
how to elicit the kind of texts that the test-setter wants, with little consideration
of the process by which the texts will be produced and whether that reflects the
way that people write in real life.
However, any contemporary discussion of writing assessment must take
account of the major developments that have occurred over the last fifteen yep.,s
in our understanding of writing processes. In the case of LI writers, researchers
such as Britton et al. (1975), Murray (1978), Peri (1980) and Graves (1983) have

demonstrated how people compose a segment of text, pause to read and

consider it, revise or replace it, plan further segments of text and so on. Murray
(1978) described writing as "a process of discovery", through which writers
explored their ideas and found out what they wanted to express. As Kelly (1989:
80) puts it, "the act of writing has great generative power, both in the scnse of

creating ideas and creating the language to express those ideas". Studies by
Zamel (1983), Raimes (1987), Cumming (1989) and others have found that L2
writers exhibit very much the same strategies in composing text as LI writers do.
There are a number of implications of this research for the assessment of
writing. If the production of written text is not strictly linear but inherently
recursive in nature, normally involving cyclical processes of drafting and revising,
this suggests that test-takers need to be given time for thinking about what thcy
are writing; in addition, explicit provision needs to be made for them to revise
and rewrite what they hpve written.
The question, then, is how the writing process can be accommodated within

the constraints of the test situation Of course, any test situation is diffcrcnt
from the context of real-world language processing, but the disjunction between

"natural" writing processes and the typical writing test is quite marked,
particularly if we are interested in the ability of students to write essays, research
reports and theses, rather than simply to perform in examination settings. Even
a substantially increased time allocation for completing a test task does not alter


the fact that thc students arc being required to writc under constraints that do
not normally apply to the writing process.

Thcre arc various ways in which one can reduce the effects of the time
constraints. One means is to limit the demands of the writing test task by
providing support as part of the task specification. The provision of content
material, as is done with guided and experience tasks, is one way of reducing the

complexity of the writing task and allowing the test-taker to focus on the
structure and organization of the text.
Another, more radical approach which is gaining ground is to move away
from a reliance on timed tests for writing assessment. This may not be possible

in large-scale placement or proficiency tests for practical reasons, but there is

now increasing interest in portfolio assessment (sec, e.g., Katz, 1988: 196-198),
which involves collecting a standard set of different types of writing completed by
each student over a period of time (usually as part of a course) and thcn having
them assessed according to agreed criteria by one or two teachers other than the
class teacher. Once again, there arc practical difficulties in implementing this

approach, but it may be valuable as a supplementary method of assessment,

especially in the case of postgraduate students whose primary academic writing
activities are the preparation of theses and research papers.
Clearly, all of these considerations indicate that the validity of writing tcst
tasks is a complex issue and one that is likely to receive increasing attention in
the years to come.

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interpretation. Language Testing, 2.2, 205-226.
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language proficiency assessment: Cuaent issues. Englewood Cliffs, NI:
Prentice Hall Regents.

Jacobs, H. L., Zingraf, S. A., Wormuth, D. R., Hartfiel, V. F., & Hughey, J. B.
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Johnson, P. (1981). Effects on reading comprehension of language complexity

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Don Porter



In its internal structure and in its components, linguistic ability is extremely

- if not infinitely - complex. Any attempt to summarize linguistic ability in the

form of a description will necessarily have to consist of some form of

simplification of the original complexity. Language tests arc constructed on thc
basis of such simplifying descriptions of linguistic ability in general - what we

might call linguistic 'models' - and arc themselves devices for generating
descriptions of the individual language user's ability in terms of the underlying
model. So language tests, too, must simplify what they assess.
Sometimes the descriptions produced by a language test are in terms of
numbers, cg '72%' or perhaps '59% in Writing, 72% in Reading' (although it is
difficult to know what such descriptions of linguistic ability could mean, they are

so abstract and relativistic); sometimes the descriptions are put in terms of

verbal descriptions, cg:

'very little organisation of content; for the most part satisfactory

cohesion; some inadequacies in vocabulary; almost no grammatical

(Based on criteria for Test of English for Educational

Purposes: Weir, 1958)
But whatever form the description takes, the general headings under which

the various aspects of the description fall are not God-given, inherent in the
nature of language or linguistic ability, so much as imposed on a continuum of
confusing and unruly data by language specialists. Language ability does not fall
neatly into natural pre-existing categories, but has to be forced into man-made

categories with varying degrees of success. A description which aims for

completeness by having special headings for all the bits which do not quite fit
may well end up by being morc complex than the original language ability being
described - and thc more complex the description gets, the less our brains are
able to grasp it in its entirety: the less it means to us. A truly useful description


1 1,) 5



of a language ability, then, will be onc which leaves a great deal out! What such

a description will do will be to focus on various features which arc felt to be

particularly salient and important. That is to say, it will be founded on a

theoretical model - one which, in the features it chooses to highlight, and in the
way it relates those features one to another, attempts to capture the essence of
the language ability. The questions for a test, then, arc: how elaborate a model
should it be based on if it is to avoid the criticism that it leaves out of account
crucial features of the language ability to be measured; and on the other hand
how much complexity can it afford to report before it runs thc risk of being

Communicative Language Testing

Testers vary in whether they claim to be producing or discussing

communicative competence tests, communicative performance tests, or simply and conveniently - communicative tests, and views of what those various terms

imply also vary considerably. There is no widely accepted overall model of

communicative proficiency used as a basis for this approach to language testing.
Nevertheless, there is in Britain at least a fair degree of working consensus about

the sorts of characteristics such tests ought to have. We may citc just thc
following few as being fairly typical:

(a) Tests will be based on the needs (or wants) of learners. It would bc
unreasonable to assess a learner's ability to do through English
something which he has no need or wish to do. A principle such as this
suggests that the different needs of different learners may call for
different types of linguistic ability at different levels of performance; in
principle tests incorporating this idea will vary appropriately for each
ncw set of needs in the number and type of abilities they assess, and in
their appraisal of what constitutes a satisfactory level of performance.

Results will be reported separately for ach ability in the form of a

profile. We arc thus immediately faced with a degree of test complexity

at thc points of test-content, assessment criteria, and report format.
(b) Tests will be based on language use in the contexts and for thc purposes

relevant to the learner. It is at least conceivable that any one of the

linguistic ability types mentioned in the previous paragraph might be
required in a number of distinct contexts crucial to the learner and for
more than one distinct purpose in any given context. Ir varying context
and purpose are seen as central features of natural communication, this


suggests that particular contexts and purposes require particular

deployments of linguistic abilities. Both context and purpose will then
need to be suitably incorporated hi tests and will represent two further
dimensions of complexity.

(c) Tests will employ authentic texts, or texts which embody fundamental
features of authenticity. These 'fundamental features' may well include
appropriate format and appropriate length, both of which will vary with
the type of text. Concerning length in particular, longer texts are said to

require types of processing different from those needed for shorter

texts. Text authenticity then implies yet another dimension of


These characteristic features, together with others, reflect the assumption

that, in Oiler's (1979) terms, language ability is not unitary, but in fact very

Tests already exist which seek to embody all these and other features of
natural communication for more or less well-defined groups of learners. Thc
challenge is great and the difficulties formidable. Bachman (1990) has criticised

such tests as suffering from inadequate sampling and consequent lack of

generalizability of their results: the descriptions of ability yielded by the tcst, it is
argued, refer only to the needs, contexts, purposes, text-types, ctc. covered in
the test; needs, contexts, purposes, etc. are so multifarious it is not possible to

sample them adequately for all test-takers, and perhaps not even for a single
In the light of the already-existing difficulties posed for test construction,

and of such criticisms, and of the need for a useful, practical test to avoid
excessive complexity, we must think very carefully indeed before proposing that
tests should incorporate yet another level of complexity by including information
on the effects of affective factors in the descriptions which they yield.

Affective Factors

Affective factors arc emotions and attitudes which affect our behaviou,
We may distinguish between two kinds: predict
and unpredictable.
Unpredictable: Most teachers will be familiar with thc kinds of affective factor
which produce unpredictable and unrepresentative results in language tests, eg. a

residue of anger after a family row or a mood of irresponsibility after some

unexpected good news on the day. The fact that such moods may weaken
concentration, or may lead in some other way to learners not reflecting in their

performance the best that they are capable of, will obviously detract from the
reliability of the description of abilities yielded by the test.
Clearly, if we can find ways of minimizing the effects of such unpredictable

factors, we should do so. If the test is associated with a teaching programme,

continuous assessment or a combination of continuous assessment with a formal
test would be less likely to be affected by a single unrepresentative performance.
On the other hand, if there is no associated teaching programme, and everything
hangs on a single measure, we might try to eliminate from the subject matter of
the test any topics which might be likely to touch on a raw nerve somewhere.
For example, the Educational Testing Service carefully vets all esc2y topics for
the Test of Written English for possible sources of unreliability, emotional
associations being one such source.

Another possible route to eventual affect-free assessment might be to

devise a programme of research to discover thc kinds of test techniques which
are least susceptible to emotional buffeting.

On the other hand, the attempt to eliminate emetional content from

language tests, on whatever grounds, may be misconceivc.d. Is it not the case
that a fundamental and natural use of language is as a vehicle for messages with
emotional associations? Imagine tests in which the learner is asked to react to
or produce language with which he feels no personal involvement, and to which
he feels no personal commitment. Would not such language be at least severely
restricted in its range of content, and at most fundamentally unnatural? We are
left in a dilemma: it is suggested that emotional content is a central feature of
language use, but it is at the same time a potential source of unreliability.
The very unpredictability of such moods and emotions, however, means that
there is a limit to the effectiveness of whatever measures we might take to deal
with their effects. And if for some reason a learner does not feel like writing or
talking, there is not a lot that we can do.

Predictable: There may be another sct of affective factors which are predictable
in their effects on the quality of communication, and which can therefore be built

into a model of communicative performance. This is still an area of great

ignorance and one worthy of much more research: we need to know what the
predictable affective factors are, and what their sphere of influence is. It could
be, for instance, that performance in spoken and written language is influenced
by different sets of factors. But if we may from now on narrow our focus to
performance in the spoken language, candidates for inclusion in the relevant set
of predictable affective factors will include thc age, status, personality-type (eg.

'out-going', 'reserved'), acquaintance-relationship, and gender of the

participants. Let us now turn to three small studies which have aimed to shed
some light on these questions, and to their implications.


Three Small Experimental Investigations

Investigation 1: Locke (1984) felt that the quality of spoken language

elicited in an interview, or in any other face-to-face spoken interaction, might be
crucially affected by features of the interlocutor - in the case of the interview, by
features of the interviewer. Thus, if the interviewee was given interviewer 'a' he
might do well, but if he was given interviewer 'b' he might do badly. Intuitively,

her concern seemed reasonable, and was backed up by a wealth of anecdotal

evidence. Yet most testing concern with unreliability in interview assessment
focuses on lack of consistency in the assessor; attempts to strengthen reliability
in the assessment of speaking ability focus on assessor training and the use of

adequate and appropriate rating scales. Whilst the latter are undeniably
important, the more fundamental point that the quality of spoken language
performance may vary predictably with features of the interlocutor tends to go
unnoticed. Research in this area is practically non-existent, although the results
would be of importance beyond language testing for our understanding of the
nature of linguistic performance.
Locke chose to consider the effect of the gender of the interviewer on the
interviewee. Four male postgraduate Iraqi and Saudi students at the University
of Reading were each interviewed twice, once by a male and once by a female
interviewer. The four interviewers w re all of comparable age. Two students
were interviewed by a male interviewer first, and the other two by a female

interviewer first; in this way it was hoped that any order effect could be
discounted. Then, it was necessary for each interview to be similar enough to
allow meaningful comparison of results, but not so similar that the second
interview would be felt to be a simple repeat of the first, with a consequent
practice effect. A 'same-but-different' format was therefore necessary. Each
interview was given the same structure, and the general topic-area was also the
same, but the specific content of the first and second interviews was different.

Each interview was video-recorded. Recordings were subsequently

presented in a shuffled order, and assessed by one male and one female rater,
cach using two methods of assessment, one holistic (Carroll, 1980) and one
analytic (Hawkey, 1982). In this way 16 comparisons of spoken language quality
with male and female interviewers could be made.
Although the number of students was very small, the result was clear and
provocative: there was an overwhelming tendency for students to be given
higher ratings when interviewed by male interviewers. Thc tendency was evident

in both scoring methods and there was a high level of agreement between the
two raters.
Investigation 2: These results demanded both replication and deeper
exploration. Thc writer therefore carried out a slightly larger investigation with



thirteen postgraduate Algerian students at Reading (11 males and two females).
This time, interviewers were cross-categorized not only by gender, but also by

whether or not the student was acquainted with them and by a rough
categorization of their personality as 'more outgoing' or 'more reserved'. Once
again, the age of interviewers was comparable.

As in Locke's study, order of presentation was controlled for, with six

students being given the female, and seven the male interviewer first. Cutting
across the male-female category, as far as was possible (given the odd number
involved) roughly half of the studcnts were acquainted with the interviewer in the

first interview, and unacquainted in the second, with the other half of the
students having the reverse experience; and again roughly half of the students
received an 'outgoing' interviewer First, followed by a 'reserved' interviewer, with

thc remainder having the reverse experience. The interviews were again
designed to be `same-but-different', were video-recorded, shuffled, and rated
using two methods of assessment.

The tendency observed in Locke's study, for students to be rated more

highly when interviewed by men, was once again overwhelmingly found. The
tendency was equally clear in both scoring methods, and the degree of difference
was fairly constant at about .5 of one of Carroll's bands. Interestingly, neither of
the other potential factors considered - acquaintanceship and personality-type could be seen to have any consistent effect.

What was not clear from Locke's study and could only be trivially
investigated in this one was whether any gender effect was the result of
interviewees' reactions to males versus females, or to own-gender versus
opposite-gender interviewers. In this respect, it was particularly unfortunate that
morc female students could not.he incorporated in the study: female students of
the same cultural background as the males were not available. Nevertheless,
while expressing all the caution necessary when considering the results of only
two students, the results for the two female students were interesting. For one
of the women, no difference was observable by either scoring method with the
male and female interviewers. The other woman was rated more highly when
interviewed by the man. Neither woman could be seen to go against the trend
established in the men.
A very tentative conclusion to be drawn from these two limited studies
would seem to be that, in the interview situation at least, young adult male Arab

students may have a consistent tendency to produce a higher quality of

performance in spoken English when being interviewed by a man than when

being interviewed by a woman.

If these studies really have, in a preliminary way, succeeded in detecting a
predictable affective factor in spoken language performance, a number of further
questions will need to he researched to clarify just what that affective factor is.
As has been suggested above, it is still not clear whether what has been observed




concerns reaction to a male interviewer or to an own-gender interviewer.

Further studies with female students would be needed in an attempt to answer
this question.
Again, to what extent would this factor be restricted to Arab students? The
emotive power of gender must surely pervade mankind, and thus such a gendereffect could be expected not only in any part of Europe but world-wide. On the
other hand, Japanese colleagues say that they would not expect a gender-effect

with Japanese students, but would not be surprised to find an age-effect, ie. we
might expect students to achieve higher spoken-English ratings when interviewed
by older interviewers, as such interviewers would be accorded greater respect.

This interesting suggestion thus relates quality of performance in spoken

language to the idea of degree of respect for the interviewer. A proposed
gender-effect might thus bc a manifestation of a more general 'respect' or
'status' effect. It might be that in many societies, but not all, men are accorded
greater status than women, and that interviewees are moved to produce a higher
quality of performance when confronted by high status in the interviewer. This

suggests a need for a programme of research aimed at establishing and

distinguishing between the effects of gender and status on quality of
performance in spoken language.

Investigation 3: In an attempt to shed some light on this issue, a further

small investigation was undcrtaken in Reading earlier this year. This is not yet
complete, but preliminary indications are certainly of interest.
In this investigation, 16 postgraduate students were interviewed, coming
from a variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds. They included Arabs

(Sudanese, Saudis, Yemenis and a Libyan), Japanese, Turks, and a Greek.

Twelve students were male and four female.

As in the previous studies, each student was given two short 'same-butdifferent' interviews, one by a male interviewer, onc by a female. Half of the

students were interviewed by a male first, half by a female first, and all
interviews were video-recorded.

The interviewers were roughly comparable in age, ranging from late

twenties to early thirties. None of the interviewers was known to the students,
and the personality of the interviewer was not controlled for. An attempt was
made, however, to manipulate the status of each interviewer such that, in one
interview the interviewer's status would be 'boosted' (high status), while in the


next it would not be (neutral status). Each interviewer (I) interviewed four
students, thus:
1st interview

2nd interview

Student # 1

Male I # 1
High status

Female I # 1
Neutral status

Student # 2

Female I # 1
High status

Male I # 1
Neutral status

Student # 3

Female I # 1 Male I # 1
Neutral status High status

Student # 4

Female ! # 1
Male I # 1
Neutral status High status

The status of an interviewer was manipulated in the following way: if status

interviewer was introduced to the student by family

was being `boosted' the

name, and with academic titles where relevant (cg. Dr Smith). A brief

description of the interviewer's affiliation and most important responsibilities

items of
was given. Most interviewers in this condition wore some formal
clothmg (eg. jackets for both men and women,
introducing thc interviewers maintained physical
them. An attempt was made by the
tone of voice. If status was not being boosted - the `neutral status' condition
interviewers were introduced in a very friendly way, by first name only, as friends

of the investigator and sometimes as graduate students in the Department of

Linguistic Science. Jackets, ties, ctc. were not worn, and in each introduction
physical contact was made between the introducer and the interviewer, in the

form of a friendly pat on the arm. Interviewers were instructed to `be


themselves' in both status conditions, their status being suggested to the student
purely through the mode of introduction together with minor dress differences.
Videos of these interviews are currently being rated on holistic and analytic
scales, as before. On this occasion, however, the holistic scales used are those
developed by Weir for the oral component of the Test of English for Educational
Purposes (see Weir, 1988), and in order to facilitate comparisons, the videos

have not been shuffled. Multiple rating is being undertaken, with an equal
number of male and female raters. Thus far, only two sets of ratings have been
obtained, one by a male rater and one by a female.

While it is as yet much too early to draw any solid conclusions, some

tentative observations arc possible.


Firstly, the two raters agree closely, on both rating scales.

Secondly, there is a slight tendency on both rating scales and with both
raters for students to achieve higher ratings when being interviewed by males,
but this is by no means as clear-cut as in the earlier investigations, and on the
analytic scales there is considerable disagreement between the raters on which
criteria, or for which students, this tendency manifests itself. Nevertheless, sonic
tendency is there.
Finally - and this, perhaps is the most surprising finding - there is some
slight tendency on the analytic scale, and a more marked tendency on the holistic
scale, for students to achieve higher ratings with interviewers who were not
marked for high status!
If this latter suggestion is borne out when the analysis is complete, and if it
is reinforced when more substantial studies arc undertaken, it will raise some
perplexing questions of interpretation. One possibility might be that it is not
rather specific factors such as 'gender' or 'age', and not even a rather more
general factor such as 'status' which affect the quality of language production
directly, but some much more general, very abstract factor such as 'psydwlogical
distance'. Thus the more 'distant' an interlocutor is perceived to he, the poorer
the ratings that will be achieved. All kinds of secondary factors might contribute
to this notion of 'distance', in varying strengths, but an interlocutor who is 'same
gender', 'same age', 'known to speaker', 'same status', etc. might be expected to
elicit higher-rated language than one who is 'other gender', 'older', 'unknown to
speaker'. 'higher status', etc.
Whatever the primary and secondary factors which ultimately emerge, if the
nature and degree of effect can he shown to be consistent in any way for a

specifiable group of speakers, this will suggest that a gender or status or

psychological distance feature will have a good claim to be incorporated in

models of spoken language performance for those speakers, and that tests of this
performance will need to take such predictable factors into account.
Let us now consider what such 'taking account' might involve, and finally
relate the whole issue to our underlying concern with thc complexity of tests.

Taking Account of A Predictable Mkctive Factor

It is certainly not widespread current practice to take account of gender,

status of participants, or 'distance' between them, in tests of oral interaction.
Thc selection of interviewer or other type of interlocutor is normally a matter of
chance as far as such factors are concerned, and no attempt is made to adjust
results in the light of them. Some post-hoc adjustment of ratings would of


course be possible if thc scale of an effect were known to be consistent. Thus a

perfot mance rating with a male interviewer could be converted to an equivalent
rating with a female interviewer, or vice versa. But we would now be touching

on very sensitive matters. This should not surprise us, and is not a unique
byproduct of the particular affective factor chosen by way of illustration; the
reader is reminded that affective factors are matters of emotion and attitude,
and it is not only thc testee who is subject to their effects!

The question arises, then, of whether it is appropriate to adjust ratings in

such cases. What would be the standard to which particular results would be
adjusted? Many people feel that the test should give the learner the chance to
show the best that he can do, with the implication that the tcst results should
report the learner's best achievement. But what if that were to mean for many

groups of male learners that spoken language achievement with a female

interviewer would be converted to a predictive description of what they would
have been able to achieve if they had been interviewed by a man? Or something
between the two? For many, this would not be an acceptable solution.

A slightly different approach would be to recognize that humanity

incorporates gender differences, status differences etc., and that thc quality of
linguistic performance is conditioned by such factors. Care should therefore be
taken to allow all major relevant factors to have full and appropriate play ill each
component of a language tcst, and the description of performance which would
be the output of thc test would be understood to be based on an incorporation of

such factors. Thus it might be appropriate for all interviewees to be multiply

interviewed, by interviewers of varying degrees and types of 'distance'.
This type of solution would have the added attraction of being able to deal

with the effects of affective factors in cases where it was predictable that the
factors would have a marked effect, hut not predictable how great or in what
direction the effect would be. Thus a 'distance' effect might be great in some
individuals, or in people from some cultural backgrounds, hut slight in others;
great 'distance' might depress the quality of performance in some learners, but
raise it in others.
It might at first glance appear that such a 'full play' solution would also have.

the attraction of making it unnecessary to do thc research to find out what the

significant factors would be. Simply replicate as closely as possible those

situations in which the learner would be likely to find himself, and the
appropriate affective factors would come into play of themselves. However the
practicality of test construction and administration will inevitably require some
simplification of reality as it appears in the test, some sdection of the features to

include - including what is felt to be important, excl. eling what is felt to be

irrelevant. Research into what the significant affective 'actors are, the scale of

their effects, and their field of operation (what topic-areas, what cultural
backgrounds, etc) will be necessary to inform the selection process.

Affective Factors and The Complexity of Tests

We have considered in this paper only one small area of affectiveness.

There are certain to be others which affect language performance, perhaps of
much greater magnitude in their impact. The spoken language only has been

considercd; it may be that some or all of ttle factors affecting the spoken
language will be shown to have significant effects on performance in the written
language, too, to the same or different degrees. Alternatively, there may be a

quite different set of affective factors for the written language. And in both
media, the term `performance' may be understood to involve both reception and

production. The potential for test complexity if all arc to be reflected in test
content, structure and administration is quite awesome. Even the `full-play'
proposal of thc previous section, related to a 'status' or 'distance' effect alone,
would double at a stroke the number of interviewers required in any situation.
Nevertheless, a description of a learner's linguistic performance which ignored
this dimension of complexity would be leaving out of account something
But yes, in the cnd, practicality will have to win the day. Where thc number

of people taking the test is relatively small, and where the implications of the
results arc not critical in some sense, it is unlikely that affective factors will be, or
could be, seriously and systematically taken into account. But where the test is a

large one, where the results can affect the course of lives or entail the
expenditure of large sums of money, and where specifiable affective factors are

known to have significant effects on linguistic performance, it would be

dangerous to ignore them.

Bachman, L. 1990. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. London:

Carroll, B J. 1980. Testing Communicative Peiformance: An Interim Study.

Oxford: Perganzon.
Hawkey, R. 1982. Unpublished Ph D. Thesis, University of London.

Locke, C. 1984. Unpublished MA Pmject, University of Reading.

011er, J W 1979. Language Thsts at Sclzool. London: Longman.

Weir, C. 198$. Communicative Language Testing. University of Exeter Prcss.




Peter Doye


Validity of foreign language tests

Classical psychometric theory has taught us to evaluate the quality of

educational tests by a number of basic criteria, such as validity, reliability,
economy and utility. Although the characteristics of a good test can be classified
in many different ways, test specialists are in general agreement that the criteria
just named are the oncs that any tcst producer or user should have in mind when
making or applying a test.

They also agree that among the criteria mentioned above validity is the
most important, for unless a test is valid it has no function. Thc validity of a test
depends on th e. degree to which it measures what it is supposed to measure. A
good test must serve the purpose that it is intended for, otherwise it is useless.
However reliable the results may be, however objective the scoring may be, if the
test does not measure what the test user wants to know it is irrelevant.

In our context most of the test users arc foreign language teachers who
want to know how well their students have learnt thc foreign language. For this
purpose they employ tcsts. My phrase "how well the students have learnt the

foreign language" disguises the complexity of the task. In thc past twenty or
thirty ycars we have all learnt to accept communicative competence as the
overall aim of foreign language instruction. Students are supposed to learn to
understand and use the foreign language for purposes of communication. This
general aim can, of course, be broken down into a number of competencies in
listening, speaking, reading and writing.

In most countries the school curricula for foreign language instruction are
formulated in tcrms of communicative competencies, and a logical consequence
of this is that also testing is organized according to these competencies. This

approach to testing has been called the "curricular approach". The foreign
language curriculum is taken as the basis for the construction of foreign
language tests. On the assumption that the actual teaching follows the content
prescriptions laid down in the curriculum it seems plausible also to determine
the content of the tests on thc basis of the curriculum. This takes us back to the
concept of validity. If the content of a test corresponds to the content prescribed
by the curriculum it is said to possess "curricular validity" or "content validity".




However plausible the concept of content validity may be, in practice it

presents a number of problems. One of these problems is the congruence of the
test situation and the real life situation that the learner is supposed to master
according to the curriculum. It is on this problem of congruence that I wish to
concentrate in my talk. The problem has been described very aptly by Edward
Cureton in his article on Validity in Lindquist's well-known book on Educational
If we want to find out how well a person can perform a task, we can put him

to work at that task, and observe how well hc does it and the quality and

quantity of the product he turns out. Whenever a test performance is

anything other than a representative performance of the actual task, we
must inquire further concerning the degree to which the test operations as
performed upon the test materials in the test situation agree with the actual
operations as performed upon the actual materials in the situation normal
to the task. One way to do this is to make detailed logical and psychological
analyses of both the test and the task. From such analyses we may be able
to show that many or most of the test operations and materials are identical
with or very much like many or most of those of the task, and that the test

situation is intrisically s:milar to that of the task. On the basis of this

demonstration it might be reasonable to conclude that the test is sufficiently
relevant to the task for the purpose at issue. I

Let us try to appiy the ideas expressed in this passage to a very common
task that is to be found in any foreign language curriculum: Asking the way in an
English speaking environment.
If we want to find out whether students are able to perform this speech act
the safest way would he to take them to an English speaking town, place them in
a situation where they actually have to ask the way and sec whether thcy perform
the task successfully and to which degree of perfection. We all know that this is

hardly ever possible, except for language courses that are being held in an
English speaking country. In the great majority of cases the teaching and
learning of English takes place in a non-English environment. Therefore the
second case mentioned by Cureton comes up when the tester tries to invent a
realistic situation in which the learners have to perform operations congruent
with thc ones they would have to perform in situations normal to the task.
Absolute congruence would exist when the tasks in the test situation and in the
corresponding mil-life situation would actually be identical. In this extreme case
the test situation and the tasks in it are called authentic. An authentic test is



therefore one that reproduces a real-life situation in order to examine the

student's ability to cope with it.
There are authors who make authenticity one of the decisive characteristics

of a good test. They derive it from the generally accepted criterion of validity
and regard authcnticity as the most important aspect of validity in foreignlanguage testing.

To quote just one author who takes this view: Brendan J Carroll:

The issue of authenticity must always be an important aspect of any

discussion on language testing. A full application of the principle of
authenticity would mean that all the tasks undertaken should be real-life,

interactive communicative operations and not the typical routine

examination responses to the tester's 'stimuli', or part of a stimulusresponse relationship; that the language of the tet should be day-to-day
discourse, not edited or doctored in the interests of simplification but
presented with all its expected irregularities; that the contexts of the
interchanges arc realistic, with the ordinary interruptions, background
noises and irrelevancies found in the airport or lecture-room; and that the
rating of a performance, based on its effectiveness and adenuacy as a
communicative response, will rely on non-verbal as well as verbal criteria. 2

Brendan Carroll's whole book can he seen as one great attempt to ensure
authenticity in language testiog.


Limits to authenticity

It is at this point that I begin to have my doubts. However useful the

postulation of authenticity as one criterion among others may be, it is certainly
also useful to keep in mind that (a) a complete congruence of test situation and

real-life situation is impossible and that (b) there are other demands that
necessarily influence our search for optimal forms of testing and therefore
relativize our attempt to construct authentic tests.
Re (a) Why is a complete congruence of test situation and real-life situation
impossible? The answer is simple: because a language test is a social event that
has - as onc of its characteristics - the intention to examine the competence of
language learners. In D Pickett's words: "By virtue of being a test, it is a special

and formalised event distanced from real life and structured for a particular
purpose. By definition it cannot be the real life it is probing."3


The very fact that the purpose of a test is to find out whether the learner is
capable of performing a language task distinguishes it considerably from the
corresponding performance of this task outside the test situation. Even if we
succeed in manipulating the testees to accept the illocutionary point of a speech
act thcy are supposed to perform, they will, in addition, always have in mind the
other illocutionary point that is inherent to a test, namely to prove that they are
capable of doing what is demanded of them.
An example of a test that examines the studcnts' competence in asking for a

piece of information: Even if by skillful arrangement we manage to lead the

students to actually wanting this piece of information, they will always have
another purpose of their verbal activity in mind which is: I will show you,
teacher, that I am able to ask for information!
Re (b) The other obstacle on the way to perfect authenticity is an economic

onc. Through a test we want to get as much information about a person's

communicative competence as possible. Thc greater the area of competence we
cuver by giving a particular test, the better. This requires a certain amount of
abstraction from situational specifics. To use the example of Asking the Way:
What we wish to know is how well the students can perform the speech act of
Asking the Way in a variety of real-life situations - and the more the better - and
not whether they can perform this act in the particular situation of a particular
English city where thcy are looking for just one building in a specific street in a
certain quarter of that city. However, we have to embed our task in a realistic

setting that contains all these specifications in order to be plausible to the

students. But this does not mean that we have to include all the incidentals that

might he properties of such a real-life situation. On the contrary: the more

incidentals we include, the more we move away from the general concept of
Asking the Way as most of these incidentals might not be present in the majority
of other situations where "asking the way" is demanded. Therefore we need not
be sorry if we do not succeed in making a test situation absolutely authentic by

providing all the peculiarities, background noises, hesitations, interruptions,

social constraints by which a real-life communicative situation is charactcrizcd.

We should endeavour to employ just the amount of realism that makes it

understandable and plausible, but no more. The fact that we want to know how
well thc students master the essentials of our speech act requires abstraction
from incidentals. Pickett gives the example of a simple arithmetic problem:

I f you arc asked to find the area of a field 50 metrcs x 200 metres you do
not have to get up and walk all over the field with a tape measure. You will
not be concerned with whether it is bounded by a hedge or a fence, whether
it is pasture or planted, whether it is sunny or wet or whether it is Monday
or Thursday. These incidentals are irrelevant to the task of measurement,
for which the basic information is ready to hand, and we know that the


solution will not be affected by weather, time, cultivation, perimeter

markings or any of the other factors which form part of our real-life
perception of any particular field. The concept of area is an abstraction
from all possible perceptions and is a constant.4

We have to concede that the decision about what are irrelevant incidentals
is easier to make in the case of an arithmetic problem than in a communicative
task, as communicative performance is always embedded in concrete situations
with a number of linguistic as well as non-linguistic elements. But the arithmetic
problem and the communicative task have one thing in common: Normally, ie.,
outside the artificial classroom setting, they occur in real-life situations that arc
characterized by a small number of essential features and a great number of
incidentals which differ considerably from one situation to the next. And if we

want to grasp the essential features of a task, wc have to abstract from the
incidentals. In this respect abstraction is the counterpoint to authenticity in

What is needed is thc right balance between authenticity and abstraction.

We want a fair amount of authenticity but not so much as to obscure the

essential properties of the speech act in question, which by virtue of being
essentials obtain in all its manifestations. In this context, the findings of modcrn

pragmatics can be of great help, I think. Its analyses of speech acts have
demonstrated that every speech act has its own specific structure with certain
characteristic features. It is on these characteristics that we have to concentrate
if we wish to test the learners' competence in performing this particular act.



Let us take "Asking for Information" as an example. In his classical book

"Speech Acts. An essay in the philosophy of language" John Searle has

developed a systematic procedure for the description of speech acts, in which he

presents the characteristic features of each act in terms of four kinds of

conditions that arc necessary and sufficient for thc successful and non-defective
Frformance of each act. The speech act of "asking for information" or simply
"question" is one of the examples that Searle uses himself.
The essential characteristic of a question is that it counts as an attempt to

elicit information from a hearer. Th,.. two preparatory conditions for the
performance of a question are that the speaker does not know the answcr and
that it is not obvious that thc hearer will provide the information without being
asked. The propositional content of a question depends on what information the
speaker needs, of course.


Now, we all know that teaching as well as testing the ability to ask questions
is often practised in a way that disregards these conditions. A very common way
is to present a number of sentences in which certain parts are underlined and to
invite the students to ask for these parts.

Holburne Museum is situated in Pultenev Street.

It belongs to the University of Bath.
It is open daily from l am to 5 pm.
Mr. Green works in the Museum library.
He goes there every second morning.
He gets there by bus No. 32.
It takes him right to the main entrance.
This procedure is often used for the simple reason that it is easy to prepare,
to administer and to score. But it very obviously violates the essential rules that

govern the performance of a question. First of all, thc speech act demanded
cannot be regarded as an attempt to elicit information. Secondly, the testccs do
very well know the answer because it is given to them in the statements. It is
even underlined, which normally means that the piece of information given is
especially important - a fact that stresses the non-realistic character of the task.
And there is an additional negative feature: the procedure complicates the
task for all those learners who find themselves incapable of imagining that they

do not possess precisely the information that is given to them and to behave
accordingly, ic. to pretend that they need it.
To conclude: The questions that the students have to ask in this test are no
questions at all. The conditions under which they have to perform their speech
acts arc so basically different trom those of real questions that the test cannot be
regarded as a means to examine the students' competence in asking questions.
Let us look at the next example which could serve as an alternative to the
previous one:
flolburne Museum is situated xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx.

It is open daily xxxx XXXX XX XXXX.

Mr Green works xx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx.

Ile goes there xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx.
I lc gets there xx xxx
It takes him right XX XXX VOCX xxxxxxxxx.

Thc difference between the two types of test is minimal on the surface, but
decisive as regards the speech acts that arc required to perform the task. By a
very simple design, namely through replacing the underlined parts of the



sentences by words that are illegibly written, the second type marks a
considerable step forward in the direction of an authentic test: The questions

that the learners have to ask arc real questions in so far as the two main
conditions of the speech act 'QUESTION' as elaborated by Searle arc fulfilled.
First, they can be counted as attempts to elicit information and, second, the

testees do not know thc answers yet. What is still missing is an addressee to
whom the questions might be addressed. Illegible statements are quite common,

but one would hardly ever try to obtain the lacking information by a list of
written questions. To make this test still more realistic, one could present the
statements not in writing, but in sp, ken form with a muffled voice that fails to be

clear precisely a.t those points where one wishes the students to ask their
questions. lrt this case all the essential conditions of the speech act
"QUESTION" would be fulfilled. But the test is still far from being authentic.

In a real life situation one would rarely find such a concentration of

unintelligible utterances and therefore the necessity for a whole series of
questions. Of course we can think of situations in which the necessity for quite a
number of successive questions arises, such as in the situation of an interview or
the situation of a game in which two partners need certain information from one
another in order to complete a common task. - Two more examples are given.

The balance between authenticity and abstraction

But to come back to our central problem: How far do we want to go in our
efforts to create authenticity?
In the middle part of my talk, I tried to explain why absolute authenticity, ie.

complete congruence between the test situation and the so-called real life
situation is neither possible nor ,!esirable.
However much, for validity's sake, we might want to achieve authenticity in

our tests, any attempt to reacli it will necessarily arrive at a point, where it
becomes clear that there are limits to authenticity for the simple reason that a
language test - by its very purpose and structure is a social event that is
essentially different from any other social event in which language is used.
Very fortunately, we need not bc afraid of protests from our students. They

might be better motivated if we succeed in constructing tests that are highly

authentic, for then they see thc practical relevance of their tasks.
On thc other hand most of them see as we do that a test can never become
absolutely authentic and might find the vain attempts of their teachers to create
fully authentic test situations fairly ridiculous. Therefore, and for the two main


reasons I have presented we shoukl give up our efforts to achieve the impossible

and be satisfied with finding the right balance between authenticity and



Cureton, Edward E: Validity In: Lindquist, E F (cd): Educational

measurement. American Council on Education, Washington, D C.
1963, p. 622.


Carroll, Brendan J: Testing Communicative Perfomtance Pergamon Press,

Oxford, 1980. p. 111

3 & 4) Pickett, D: Never the Twain ...? COMLON SprOL1984. LCCIEB,

Sidcup. P7.



Keith Motrow


In 1976, while working at the Centre for Applied Language Studies at the
University of Reading, I was commissioned by the Royal Society of Arts to
undertake a feasibility study into the development of a series of English language
examinations based on the ideas about "communicative" language teaching which
were then taking shape at Reading and elsewhere. 1 The outcome of this study

was a series of examinations called the Conununicative Use of English as a

Foreign Language run by the RSA between 1980 and 1988, and subsequently run

jointly by the RSA and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations

Syndicate. I have recently completed a review of these examinations for
Cambridge/RSA, and from November 1990 they are to be re-launched as
Certificates in Communicative Skills in English (CCSE).

It will be clear that the origins of these examinations are to be found in a

particular, though now widespread, view of what language, language teaching
and language testing are about. In this paper I want to consider how this view
has affected the design of the examinations, and then look at the question of the
evaluation of the examinations in practice from the same perspective.
A number of characteristics of the new series of examinations relate directly
and consciously to an underlying construct of what a "good" test ought to be.

1.1 Single skills

The examinations in fact consist of a suite of free-standing modules in Writing,
Reading, Listening and Oral interaction. In each skill area, ncw tests are set at 4

levels for each series of the examination, and candidates arc able to choose
which modules at which level thcy wish to enter at any time. This structure
reflects the experience of language teachers that the performance of students is
not uniform across skill areas.

1.2 Tests of Performance

The tests are designed to be direct measures of performance. The

justification from this again derives largely from an educational perspcctive on

how tests should affect what is done in the classroom. In a "communicative"

classroom, the focus of activities is (in simple tcrms) "doing somcthing" through

the language. We wanted to encourage this in washback terms, by designing

tests which shared the same focus.

1.3 Task Based

More specifically, communication through language involves the participants
in carrying out "tasks" in the production or comprehension of language in order

to arrive at a shared understanding. This "negotiation of meaning" is most

obviously a feature of face-to-face interaction, but it underlies all purposeful usc
of language whcthcr in reading, writing, listening or speaking. The most striking
implication of adopting this perspective on the design of a language test is the

overriding importance of authenticiry both of text (as input) and of task (in
processing this input).

1.4 Criterion-referenced
The essential question which a communicative test must answer is whether or
not (or how well) a candidate can use language to communicate meanings. But
"communicating meanings" is a very elusive criterion indeed on which to base
judgements. It varies both in terms of "communicating" (which is rarely a black
and white, either/or matter) and in terms of "meanings" (which are very large
and probably infinite in number). In other words, a communicative test which
wishes to he criterion-referenced must define and delimit the criteria. This is a
major undertaking, which for CCSE has led to statements for each of the four

levels in each of the four skill areas of the tasks and text types which the
candidates arc expected to handle as well as (crucially) thc degree of skill with
which they will be expected to operate.
13 To reflect and encourage good classroom practice

Reference has already been made above to the educational cffcct of testing
through thc promotion of positive washback into the classroom. In the case of
CCSE, this is a major concern underlying the design of the tests; indeed in many
ways the tests themselves have drawn on "good" classroom practice in an attempt
to disseminate this to other classrooms. This conscious feedback loop between
teaching and testing, in terms not only of coittent but also of approach, is a vital
mechanism for educational development.




It will be clear from the preceding section that there is a conscious and
deliberate rationale underlying the construction of the CCSE tests. However, a
rationale can be wrong and some of the bases on which the tests are constructed

may appear to be assertions ot what is believed, rather than outcomes of a

process to determine what is right. Most significantly a "professional" language
tcster might perhaps wish to investigate the justification for the following design
2.1 Why tests of specific abilities not overall proficiency?

The idea of a single measure of overall competence or proficiency in a

language is an attractive one for test designers and educational administrators.
For administrators, the convenience of a single score or rating is obvious, and
tests and exams as diverse as TOEFL, the Cambridge First Certificate, and the

new Cambridge/British Council IELTS all manage to provide this. Why

shouldn't CCSE? For test designers and researchers an "overall proficiency"
model may also be attractive, not least for the scope it offers for writing papers
reporting sophisticated investigations into the existence of this underlying "g" and
the factors which may or may not contribute to it.
The CCSE scheme minimises the problem of weighting different factors by
reporting performance in terms of each skill area individually. However, since

within cach skill area decisions have to be made about the contribution of
individual tasks involving specific text types to I ; overall performance, there will
still be scope for investigations of what makes up thc underlying "I", "r", "s" and
"w" factors in the listening, reading, speaking and writing tests.
The main justification for the apparent complexity of the structure of CCSE is

not, in fact, to be found in the literature on language testing. Rather it is to be

found in a deliberate attempt to provide on educational grounds an examination
system which allows candidates to gain certification for what they can do without

being penalised for what they cannot do. This is a stance which reflects a
philosophical rather than an empirical starting point. Nonetheless, it is a
common experience of teachers that many students have differential abilities in
different language skill areas; it is important both practically and educationally
that this is recognised.


22 Is there a conflict between authenticity and reliability?

The short answer to this question is probably "yes". In terms of test design,
CCSE clearly needs to address itself to (at least) two areas of potential problem

caused by the focus on the use of authentic tasks and texts. The first is the
question of consistency of level of the tasks/texts used both within a particular
test, and across tests in the same skill area in different series; the second is the

question of consistency of judgement in the evaluation of performance,

particularly in the oral interaction and writing tests.
In the implementation of the CCSE scheme, rigorous safeguards are in place
to take account of these potential problems. A thorough moderating procedure

is undertaken to scrutinise and trial tasks and papers to ensure consistency of

content; and assessors for both the writing and oral tcsts are trained, briefed and
Yet still, it has to be said that the conflict remains. There are steps that could

be undertaken to improve the reliability of the CCSE tests; but they would
conflict directly with the authenticity criterion. Once again, it seems that in test
design terms, the way that is chosen reflects a basic educational philosophy.
From one standpoint, reliability is crucial; authenticity can be brought in to the

extent that it is possible, but remains secondary. From another, the essential
characteristic is authenticity; while recognising that total authcnticity of task can

never bc achieved in a testing (or teaching) situation, every effort is made to

focus on it. Reliability is not ignored and indeed every effort is made to ensure it

receives duc attention, but in the final analysis it is not the overriding factor in
the design of the test.

It seems unlikely that in principle this conflict can be resolved. What is

perhaps more important is to investigate how in practice the implementation of
communicative exams like the CCSE proceeds.

23 HOW valid are the tests?

The third area of concern clearly focuses on validity. In the literature,

language proficiency tests are investigated in terms of construct, content ald
concurrent validity, and face validity is also considered - sometimes as an
afterthought, sometimes if nothing else can be found, but because it cannot be
"measured", sometimes rather disparagingly. Some specific purpose tests are
also evaluated in terms of predictive validity.
It will be clear from the preceding discussion that there is a "construct" to the

CCSE scheme; the relationship between the construct and the content of any
particular set of tests is open to empirical investigation - but unfortunately the
construct itself is probably not. Similarly, in terms of content, thc relationship


between the specifications and the content of any particular set of papers can be
investigated; but the more fundamental question of how far the specifications
reflect the "real world" is not a matter of straightforward analysis. Concurrent
validity is largely irrelevant because there are few other tests available against
which CCSE can be measured. Face validity can be claimed - and claimed to be
extremely important - but no; proved. It may seem that CeSE should be open
to investigation in terms of predictive validity since it is in essence making claims
about the ability of candidates to carry out "real world" tasks. If they pass the
test and can in fact carry out these tasks in the real world then the tcst may be
said to have "predicted" this.
However, a moment's thought will show that this is in fact an impossible

requirement. How would a researcher judge whether or not tasks had been

"carried out" in the real world? The only way would be by evaluating

performance on individual instances of the task - in which case all the problems
of specification, reliability and generalisability which arise for CCSE would arise
again. In a very real sense, the test would bc validating itself against itself.


In the preceding section we have seen how in three very basic respects, the
design of a communicative test is based on factors which go beyond, or arc not
susceptible to, conventional language testing research: the overall design is
founded on educational rather than testing requirements; reliability is secondary
on construct grounds to authenticity; and the fundamental validity is not open to
straightforward investigation.
This situation seems to raise some rather interesting questions about the kind
of research which is appropriate to the investigation of language tests.
3.1 Language testing as pure science
Since the 1960's and the development of the "scientific" approach to testing,

the predominant model of research has been one based on the precise

measurement of data collected through empirical means. In other words,

language testing has been seen as a branch of pure science, based essentially
upon the twin concepts of quantification and analysis. In many ways this model
has been extremely productive - at least of articles, books and PhD theses. But
in terms of actually being able to make reliable, valid and comprehensible
statements about what it is that tests measure, how this relates to language use,


and how performance on tests relates to the real world, one might be tempted to
echo the comments of a Nobel Prize winning economist about his own subject:

"In no field of empirical enquiry has so massive and sophisticated a statistical

machinery been used with such indifferent results". 2

It seems to mc that the reason for this sad state of affairs may well lie with

the very notion of scientific rigour as it is generally understood, and the

orthodoxy that this has imposed on our field.

"Under normal conditions the research scientist is not an innovator but a solver
of puz2les, and the puzzles upon which hc (sic) concentrates arc just those which
he believes can be both stated and solved within the existing scientific tradition" 3

At its best, this existing scientific tradition has encouraged researchers into
what has become known as "McNamara's fallacy" of "making thc measurable

important instead of making thc important measurable (or at least


At its worst, it might tempt us to paraphrase Oscar Wilde's

epigram about the English upper classes and thcir fondness for fox-hunting.
Wilde spoke of "The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - the
unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable". Language testing researchers may

not be unspeakable; but they may well he in pursuit of the unmeasurable.

Elsewhere, 5 I have suggested that it may be time to propose a distinction
between language testing researchers (who follow the existing orthodoxy) and
researchers into language testing who would be prepared to adopt equally rigorous
but rather different ways of looking at the area.

Support for alternative ways of conducting research into language testing

seems to me to be available from two very different sources.

The first is the recent development (or at least the recent dissemination) of
the ideas behind chaos theory. An exposition of this theory would he out of
place here 6 (and in detail beyond my present understanding of it). But I find a
sct of ideas leads to the insight that conventional science finds it impossible to
maKe a definitive statement about the length of a coastline (because of the
problems of scale; the larger the scale, the longer the length because the more
"detail" is included), or a firm prediction about the temperature of cup of "hot"
coffee in a minute's time (because of thc variability of convection), let alone
what the weather is going to be like next week (because of the cumulative effect
of a whole range of unpredictable and in themselves "trivial" events) an
extremely powerful heuristic in thinking about language and language testing.
Perhaps the key concept is "sensitive dependence upon initial conditions" - a way
of saying that in looking at the world, everything depends on precisely where you
start from. Nothing could be more appropriate for our field.



The second source of alternative ideas for the investigation of language

tcsting comes from work carried out in the validation of experiential research.
An extremely lucid account of this is given in Heron 1982. 7. Experiential
research is concerned above all to establish the quality or nature of the learning
experience which participants have undergone. In this, it seems to me to relate
very closely to important areas of concern for research into language learning
and language testing.
Heron sets out a number of categories of validity which should be mct by
research. Empirical and conceptual validity can be related easily enough to
categories which are familiar in our field; but his third category ethical validity

perhaps opens up new areas. How far does existing research into language
testing concern itself with the ethics of the test?

"Ethical validity has two aspects. Firstly is the research relevant to basic
human concerns? Is it committed to values that make a difference to the quality
of life for people now and in the future?...Secondly, do we behave morally while

doing and applying the research...And do we deploy the results in ways that
respect the rights and liberties of persons?" (Heron: 1982 p.1)
There are many questions raised here about the design and implementation
of language tests, but perhaps the most obvious area of ethical involvement is the
question of washback. It seems to me that a test which imposes (overtly or
covertly) an impoverished or unrealistic classroom regime on students preparing
for it is indeed "making a difference to the quality of life for people now and in
the future" (though a difference of the wrong sort). This reinforces my view 8
that an important area of investigation in considering the validity of a test is an
investigation of the classroom practice which it gives rise to.
A large part of Heron's paper is taken up with considering "Procedures for

Distinguishing between the Veridical and the Illusory" in the context of

experiential research. Again, this seems a rich field to harvest in considering the
validity of language tests. This is not the place to considcr all of these in detail,

but one in particular is worthy of note. It is the principle of "authentic

collaboration" between all the participants in a research project, breaking down
"the traditional distinction between the role of the researcher and the role of the
subject". As Underhill 9 points out, the use of label "subjects" is a widespread
but de-humanising feature of most current work in language testing. In
principle, the job of finding out what somebody is able to do in a language, or
what the effectiveness of a particular test or test procedure is, might be greatly
facilitated and would be much more "ethical" if the "subjects" were themselves

genuinely involved in the process. Working out how to do this is of course

another matter. But it does seem to point a new and very interesting direction
for language testing and its assoeoted research.
Underlying these two source.. of new input to research on language testing,
thcn, are ideas which move the centre of attention away from the conventional

1 17

focus on the acquisition and analysis of "hard" data, to include a concern with
those aspects of the nature of language itself which may not be susceptible to
such procedures, and with the effects which tests and testing may have on the
consumcrs. Testing and research which reflects thic move will no longer be
concerned simply to measure; rather it will establis J framework which will
permit informed and ,,nsistent judgements to I., mad,
It would be unrealistic to claim that the ci SE sch,ine meets all the criteria
(implicit and explicit) set out in this last section. But it is perhaps reasonable to
claim that it illustrates the legitimacy of asking questions about tests other than
those which language testing researchers conventionally ask. The next stcp is to
find some answers.


1Techniques of Evaluation for a Notional Syllabus RSA (London) 1977. Now

available from EFL Dept, UCLES, 1 Hills Rd, Cambridge, CBI 2EU UK
2W Leontiev quoted in Chaos by I Gleick Cardinal 1988.

3Kuhn T S. Thc Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and

Change, University of Chicago 1977 Quoted in Gleick 1988 (See note 2 above).
4Quoted in Assessing Students: How Shall We lGiow Them by D Rowntree. Open
University 1977.

SSee Ebvaluating Tests of Communicative Pelformance in Innovation in Language

Testing ed. M. Portal Nelson/NFER 1987.
OFor an excellent popular account, see Gleick 1988 (See note 2 above).

7.1ohn Heron Empirical Validity in Experiential Research Department Adult

Education, University of Surrey, Guildford Surrey GU2 SXH
8See reference in Note 5 above.
9See N Underhill Testing Spoken Language Cambridge University Prcss 1988.



Michael Milanovic


While all language tests tend to be materials-generating, their rationale and

format is varied and they have differing effects on classroom practice. I would

like to propose that language tests can be described as measurement-based,

psycholinguistically-based and materials-based. Measurement-based tests tend
to use a restricted item format, most commonly multiple-choice. They claim
high reliability though are often criticized for lack of face and content validity.
Psycholinguistically-bascd tests also tend to use a restricted range of item
formats, such as doze and dictation. It has been claimed that such tests tap an
underlying language competence but they too have been criticized for lack of

face and content validity. Materials-based tests arise out of trends in the
development of language teaching materials. In recent years the most dominant
generator of materials-bascd tests, in the British context at least has been the

communicative language teaching movement. One important feature of

materials-based tests is their use of a wide range of item formats which attempt
to rcflect teaching materials and currently, real-world language performance.
Communicatively generated materials-based tests have tended to stress face and
content validity but have placed less emphasis on reliability.
Materials-based test construction tends to bc dynamic. New item formats

arc developed in line with developments in teaching methodology and

materials. Measurement and psycholinouistically-based tests, on the other

hand, tend to be static. The range of item formats does not change

It is important to note that the distinctions made above are not clear cut.
An item format may be materinls-based when it is first developed in that it
represents current trends in teaching methodology or views of the nature of
language competence. If it thcn becomes established, and continues to be used,
despite changes in methodology or views of language, it is no longer materialsbased. Ideally, tests should be materials-based, psycholinguistically-based and
measurement-based concurrently. Only when this is the case, can we claim to
have reliable and valid tests.
Hamp-Lyons (1989) distinguishes between two types of language testing

research. The first is for the purposes of validating tests that will be


1 3 :2

operationally used. The second, which she calls metatesting, she defines as
having its purpose in:

"... the investigation of how, why and when language is acquired or learne4
not acquired or not learned, the ways and contexts in which, and the purposes
for which, it is used and stored, and other such psycholinguistic questions".

This type of language testing research has focused to a great extent on

psycholinguistically and measurement-based test types and less on materialsbased ones. In so doing, it has laid itself open to the criticism that too much
attention has bccn paid to too restricted a range of item types. That not enough
attention has been paid to understanding the interaction between background

variables such as proficiency levels (Farhady, 1982) or the effects of the

learning/teaching environment (Cziko, 1984) on test performance. The same
might be said with regard to a systematic description of test content and the
interaction between content and performance. Serious interest in this area is
relatively recent (Bachman et al. 1988. 1

The aim of this article is to show that materials-based tests of English as a

Sccond/Forcign language, reflecting both real-world and classroom language

activities, can satisfy both measurement demands and provide interesting

psycholinguistic insights. In other words, that there need not be an
overpowering tcnsion between the three perspectives outlined above. In
practical terms, thc tests and procedures used as examples here arc most directly
relevant in the context of a language teaching institute.

Tcst constructors, educators and test consumers need to bc satisfied that

tests are measuring what they are intended to measure consistently and fairly.
Tests must be reliable because people's lives may depends on the results. For a
variety of reasons it appears to be the case that many test construction agencies
have been too willing to believe that satisfactory measurement criteria can only
be achieved in a limited number of ways. In language testing, although this is
also true in many other subject areas, this belief has led to the development and
very wide use of indirect methods of testing ability. The most common such
method is the multiple-choice item. It satisfies thc conditions of objectivity of
marking, economy of scoring and readily lends itself to statistical validation
procedures. However, it does not have a very good effect on classroom practice,
nor does it reflect the way language is used in real-world contexts.

A tension exists in the language teaching/testing world between the need

for accountability in the educational process and the need to be accountable for
thc effects of testing on the educational process. In othcr words, while wc must
be able to trust the testing instruments that we use, it must be accepted that tests
have a major influence on what goes on in the classroom. Both teachers and
students generally believe, and rightly so to a great extent, that one of the best




ways to prepare for a test is to practice the items in the test. It is a well
established fact that the multiple-choice test format does not inspire innovative
methodology, that it has had a largely negative effect on classrooms all over the

world. Unhappily, it is still widely considered the best testing has to offer
because it satisfies the need for measurement accountability and is economical
to administer and mark.
In test validation research the problem of relating testing materials to useful

and beneficial teaching materials has led to investigations of different test

formats. Swain (1985) describes a Canadian project in which studcnts actually
participate in the creation of test items based on their own perceived needs.
Swain formulates four principles that should guide the test constructor. These


start from somewhere;

concentrate on content;
bias for best;
work for washback.

The first principle, start from somewhere, suggests that the test constructor

needs to base test development on a model of language ability. The second

principle, concentrate on content, suggests that test content should motivate, be
substantive and partially new, that it should be integrated, and that it should be
interactive. The third principle, bias for best, demands that tests should aim to

get the best out of students, rather than the worst. Swain feels

it is

important to try and make the testing experience less threatening and potentially

harmful. The fourth principle, work for washback, requires that test writers
should not forget that test content has a major effect on classroom, practice and
that they should work towards making that effect as positive as possible. Clearly,
these four principles cannot be satisfied by using only indirect measures such as
multiple-choice items. We have to turn towards other item types.

There have been attempts originating from testing agencies to make

language tcsts more relevant and meaningful. The Royal Society of Arts (RSA)

in the United Kingdom developed a series of examinations in the

Communicative use of English in the late seventies based on criteria proposed by
Morrow (1979). The tasks appearing in these examinations attempted to reflect

authentic communication activities and current trends in language teaching

methodology. Great emphasis was placed on the involvement of language
teachers in test construction and marking, and the backwash effect of this
process, as well as the examinations themselves, on the teaching of English.


must bc said that these are powerful features of the approach taken by
examining hoards in Britain. Examinations are not perceived as thc property of
boards alone. Ownership is distributed between the boards, methodologists and



tcachcrs, all of whom accept responsibility for the effect that the examinations
have on the consumer - the students taking examinations - and the educational
process. Many examining boards in the United Kingdom try to reflect language
in use in many of the item types they use. This has been done in response to
pressure from teachers demanding an approach that reflects more closely recent

trends in methodology. The trend towards more realistic test items has not
always been backed up by the equally important need to validate such tests. The
combination of innovation and appropriate validation procedures is a challenge
yet to be fully faced.
Even so, the examples cited above show that parts of the testing world are
trying to move towards tests that look more valid and try to reflect both real life

language activities and recent trends in language teaching methodology and

materials more closely.
A major strength of the materials-based approach is that it actively works

for positive washback effect. This helps to indicate to students, as well as

teachers, that the main purpose of language instrue'ion is to prepare students for
the world outside the classroom. This should give the materials-based approach
significant motivational value. However, as Wesche (1987) points out with
regard to performance-based test construction (and the same is surely true with
regard to materials-based tests):
"Performance-based test constmction requires considerable advance or 'front

end' work: careful specification of objectives, identification and sampling of

appropriate discourse types, content and tasks, and consideration of scoring criteria
and pmcedures."

When preparing materials-based tests, achieving reliability may appear to

be difficult due in part to the untried nature of many of the item types and in

part to the fact that achieving reliable measurement is always a problem.

However, both reliability and alidity have to be established. Extensive
investigation, moderation and pretesting procedures have to be employed to
achieve both reliability and validity at the expense of neither.
While several attempts have been made to produce face, and to some extent

content valid language tests, a disturbing lack of attention has been paid to
making such tests reliable, or establishing their construct validity. In the
following I will describe a project that attempted to produce a test battery that
was based, to some extent at least, on the real world needs of the test takers. It
took place in the British Council language teaching institute in Hong Kong.
Thc British Council language institute in Hong Kong is the largest of its
kind in the world. There are between 9,0(X) and 12.000 students registered in any
one term. In the region of 80% of the students are registered in what are loosely
called General English courses. In fact this term is misleading. Through a fairly
12 2

standard ESP type of irwestigation into the language needs of thc students, it was

possible to show that two main categories of student were attending courses.
These were low to middle grade office workers, and skilled manual workcrs.
This meant that the courses could be designed with these two main categories in
mind. A much smaller third category was also identified, though this overlapped
heavily with the first two. This category was students learning English for varied

reasons. A set of real-world English language performance language

performance descriptions were generated. These formed the basis for test
specifications and the generation of teaching materials.


An achievement or progress test should reflect course content. This is not

to say that each item in the course needs to be tested. Unfortunately, in the
minds of many teachers and studcnts a test needs to cover all aspects of a course
to be valid or fair. If the test is a discrete-point grammar test, testing a discretepoint grammar course then this may be possible if not desirable (Carroll, 1961).

In almost any other context it is simply not possible to test all that has been
taught in the time available for testing. In deciding test contcnt the following
points need to be considered:

A representative sample of areas covered in the course need to

appear in the test. (the term 'representative' is not defined

accurately. Its meaning will vary from context to context, and test to

Enough variety needs to be present to satisfy teachers and students

that no one is being discriminated against or favoured in any way;


The item types that appear in a test must be familiar to both teachers
and students.


The tcst content must not appear to be trivial.

There must not be an undue emphasis in the test areas of minor


12 3



The use of item formats suited primarily to testing purposes cg.

discrete-point multiple-choice, should be avoided as far as possible if
they conflict with sound teaching principles (whatever these may be).

All too often operationally used tests do not resemble teaching materials in
style and format. If, teaching a language aims to prepare learners for real-world

use of that language then it is reasonable to assume that certain tasks

encountered in the classroom will, to some extent, reflect reality. Other tasks
may be of a purely pedagogical nature. There must, for students and teachers,
be either a pedagogical or rcal-world familiarity with items in a tcst - preferably

Items to be included in tests should be selected on the basis of their

relevance and familiarity and the extent to which thcy arc, when incorporated
into a test, reflective of the course students followed and the ways in which they
put language to use.


The argument above raises the question of whether test ituns should be
task-based or discrete-point. As teaching becomes more whole-task-based it is
inevitable that test items must follow. However, this causes two sets of problems
from a testing point of view. Firstly, how is thc tester to sample effectively from

all the task-based activities and to what extent are the results obtained
generalizable? These problems have been discussed at length over the years but
no satisfactory solution has been reached.
Secondly, in real life, a task is generally either successfully completed or
not. In class, the teacher can focus on any aspect of the task in order to improve
student performance. In the t..tsting context, however, the task may provide only
one mark if treated as a unity, as long as an overall criterion for success can be

defined and whether this is possible is a moot point. Such a task may take
several minutcs or longer to complete. If the test in which it resides is to be used

for ranking or grading it can be extremely uneconomical to treat a task as a

single unit. An example of a task based item would be the telephone message
form illustrated below.

1 t.








4 1'4 ck

Tel. No.:


tikth All 410Ck 0-e" 7,7,

kfe.:(a.k CCICC

c:111 14-11

Clearly, for the task to have been successfully completed all the relevant
information needs to be present. Unfortunately this is rarely the case - mistakes
arc made, information is missing. It would be difficult to score such an item
.dichotomously and achieve a reasonable distribution of scores or provide enough
information for effective test validation.

A compromise solution that satisfies the criterion of authentic/realistic

appearance, allows the tester to allocate an appropriate number of points to the
task to make it economical from a scoring point of view, and provides relevant
data for validation, is to break a task down into discrete points for marking
purposes. It is important the student does not perceive such a task as a group of
individual items but rather as a whole task.


The views of both students and teacheis arc important in test construction.
It is difficult to involve students in test construction, but it is of great importance
that their views are sought after pre-testing or test administration in order that

objectionable items can at least be considered again. It is often enough for

teachers to ask for informal feedback at the end of a test. Some recent research
has also focused on introspection by students.
Equally important as the views of the students is that of the teachers. At
best the concept of testing in English language teaching is unpopular and badly


understood. For any approach to testing to succeed, therefore, three factors are
of vital importance:
Teachers must gain some familiarity with the principles and practice
of language testing. This is perhaps best ac:iieved through some form of basic
training course;

Teachers must be involved in the process of test design, itcm format
selection, and the writing of test items;
Teachers must be familiar with the life cycle of a tcst and aware of the
ict that good test construction cannot be haphazard.

It is unfortunately very difficult to achieve any of the three aims in a short

period of time with an entire teaching body of any size. In the case of the British

Council institute in Hong Kong, there were more than one hundred teachers
employed at any one time and so, training and involvement had to take place by

degree. However, it was anticipated that the credibility of the tests and the
process of consultation would be better accepted when those who were actually
involved in working on the tests mixed with teachers who were not involved. Thc
more teachers could bc made to feel a personal commitment to the tests, thc
more people there were who would be available to explain and defend them as
necessary. Thc image of the test constructor in the ivory towcr having no contact
with the teaching body had to be dispelled as fully as possible. Thus it was that
there were generally between four and six teachers involved in test construction
in any one term.


One of the tests in the battery developed in Hong Kong will now be
described in order to illustrate some of the points made earlier. Thc A3
Progress test, likc all the others, is divided into four basic parts. A3 level
students have a fairly low standard of English therefore the test tasks they have

to perform arc of a rather basic kind. Every attempt was made, however, to
kccp these tasks realistic and relevant.
The Listenin Test, a copy of which appears in appendix I, comprises three
item types. The first simulates a typical telephone situation that the students are
likely to encounter, the second a face to face exchange at a hotel reception desk,

`-f1, 126
1 iJtl

and the third a face to face exchange between a travel agency clerk and a tourist
booking a day, tour. The skills tested are listed below:
Taking telephone messages
This involves:

writing down spelling of names;

writing down telephone numbers;
writing down short messages (instructions, places, times).

Writing down information about a customer

This involves:

writing down spelling of last time;

writing down first name when not spelt;

writing down 'Tokyo' (not spelt);

writing down spelling of address;
writing down namc of local airline (not spelt).

Writing down information for customers at a travel desk

This involves:

writing down spelling of name;

writing down room number;
writing down number of people going on trip;
writing down times of day;
writing down price.

In thc real world, skills frequently tend to integrate. This feature of

language use was accepted as fundamental to itcm design. However, it should

be noted that reading and writing are kept to a minimum in thc Listening test. It
was felt that it would be unfair to include a significant element of either of these

two skills, since the studcnts' competence in both was likely to affect

performance in listening. Enough reading and writing was retained to ensure

the reality of the tasks while not hindering students in their completion of these


tasks. The tape recordings were made in studio conditions and various sound
effects incorporated to make them more realistic.
The Grammar Test caused some conccrn. It was decided that the tests
should include a section on grammar, or perhaps more appropriately, accuracy.
The communicative approach has been much criticized by teachers and students
for its perceived lack of concern for the formal features of language. In the
Hong Kong context, it was very important to the students that there should be
something called grammar in-the tests. From the theoretical point of view, it was
also felt that emphasis should be placed on more formal features of language.
How they should be tested was the difficult question. If standard discrete-point
multiplc-choice items were used, the washback effect on the classroom would
have been negative in the sense that thc multiple-choice approach to grammar
teaching was not a feature of the teaching method in the British Council. It was
also thought better to use an item type which was text-based as opposed to
sentence-based. To this end a variation on the doze procedure was developed
for use in the lower level progress tests. It was given the name `banked doze'
because, above each text, there was a bank of words, normally two or three more

than there were spaces in the text. Students chose a word from the bank to
match onc of the spaces. Each text was based on some authentic text-type
relevant to and within the experience of the students. These were:
An article from Student News.
A newspaper article.
A description of an office layout.
A letter to a friend.

It should be pointed out that the same format was not used at higher levels.

A method of rational deletion (Alderson, 1983) was used instead. It was

accepted that there were many potential hazards in the usc of the cloze.
However, it satisfied the washback requirements better than any other item-type
available at the time.
The Approprimy Test was based on the common teaching technique, the
half and half dialogue. Situations relevant to and within the experience of the
students were selected. One person's part of the dialogue was left blank and it
was up to the student to complete it as best he could. Clearly, writing down what
would he said in a conversational context suffers from the point of view that it is

not very realistic. However, it was a teaching device commonly used in the
institute, and thus familiar to the students. Furthermore, it focused attention on
the sociolinguistic aspects of language and allowed for a degree of controlled
creativity on the part of the student. The marking was carried out on two levels.
If the response was inappropriate it received no marks, regardless of accuracy.



If it was appropriate, then the marks were scaled according to accuracy. Only a
response that was both appropriate and wholly accurate could receive full marks.
The types of functional responses that the students were expected to make
are listed below:
giving directions;
asking about well being;
offering a drink;
asking for preference;
asking about type of work/job;
asking about starting time;
asking about finishing time;
giving information about own job;
giving information about week-end activities.

Reading and Writing were the final two skills areas in this test. An attempt
was made here to integrate the activity as much as possible, and to base the task
on realistic texts. Students were asked to fill in a visa application form using a

letter and passport as sources of information. The passport was authentic

reading material, while the letter was especially written for the test. The form
was a slightly modified version of a real visa application form. The introduction
of authentic materials into the test as opposed to contrived teaching materials,
and a focus on a situation that any of the students may need to deal with was an
important statement. The test was attempting to do something that, at the time,
most of the teachers were not, that is, using authentic materials with low
proficiency students. The teachers soon saw that the nature of the task was as

important as the material. They were also able to sec that students almost
enjoyed this sort of activity, and immediately understood its relevance to their
day-to-day lives. Informal feedback from teachers, after the introduction of the
test, indicated that it had encouraged a greater focus on the use of authentic
materials and realistic tasks in the classroom. It seemed that positive washback
was being achieved.


Little guidance has appeared on how to actually develop a communicative

test battery or integrate it into the workings of a school environment. Carroll
(1978; 1980) gives the matter of test development some coverage but he does not

consider, in any depth, the consequences or role of testing in an educational


context. With regard to involving teachers and integrating testing into the school
environment, there is also very little guidance available. Alderson and Walters

(1983) discuss the question of training teachers in testing techniques on a

postgraduate course. The process of training and sensitization in-service is not
Inextricably linked to the process of test development, as described here, is
the need to actively involve and train teachers in the institute in test design and
implementation. The tests developed in Hong Kong underwent very similar
treatment before they were finally implemented. It was through involving

teachers in the stages of this treatment, that some degree of training and
sensitization was achieved. Listed below are the sLx stages of test preparation.

believe they arc appropriate to many situations where teaching and testing

Stage 1

Test construction needs to be coordinated. At the beginning of a test

construction cycle, the testing coordinator needs to meet with a group of test
itcm writers, normally teachers, specializing in writing items for a given test. In
this case 'specializing' means teachers who have worked with students at a given
level and are preferably teaching them. The purpose of a preliminary meeting is

to discuss any ideas that the teachers may have, to take into account any
feedback regarding the tests already operating and decide on a topic area that
each teacher could focus on in order to prepare items for the next meeting.

Teachers need to bc briefed on some of the difficulties they are likely to

encounter in test item writing, and how they might cope with such difficulties.

Stage 2

The ieachers write first draft items in light of Stage 1 discussions, their
experience of the materials and students, the course outlines and performance

Stage 3

A series of meeting is held when the items prepared by individual teachers

are subjected to group moderation. The items are discussed in terms of their
relevance, testing points, importance, and suitability for the students in question.
lt is important that any idiosyncrasies are removed at this stage.



Group moderation is a vital phase in the preparation of items for several

precision and clarity are
reasons. Firstly, in test construction, where great
required, several people working on an item inevitably produce better results
than just one person working alone. Secondly, a group product is generally
better balanced and more widely applicable if worked on by teachers all actively
engaged in teaching a course. Thirdly, the teachers in the test construction team
from the use
are well prepared for many of the questions that might later arise

of a particular item and are able to justify its inclusion in a test.

Teachers are often found to rush moderation at first because they may be
worried about offending their colleagues or unable to focus precisely enough on

the likely problems or difficulties an item may pose, such as markability,

reasonable restriction of possible answers and so forth. It is important to insist

on thorough moderation at this stage since without it the product will
before it
be of inferior quality and may need
is of any use.

Stage 4

Completed items are thcn informally trialled with participating teachers'

classes in order to uncover any glaring difficulties that the moderation team had
not been able to predict. This helps to greatly increase thc sensitivity of teachers

engaged in item writing. It is all too commonly believed by teachers and

administrators alike that test construction can be accomplished quickly and that
the product will still be quite acceptable. Unfortunately, due to a number of
factors such as the unpredictability of thc students, the shortsightedness of the
test writer, the lack of clarity in instructions, this is rarely the case. Initial
moderation helps to make teachers aware of some of the difficulties; trialling
informally with their own classes is an invaluable addition to this sensitization
process. Moreover, teachers have the opportunity of observing the reactions
students to the items and the way in

these factors are very important in the construction of task-based tests that
attempt to have a positive washback effect on the classroom.

Enough time nccds to bc allocated to Stages 1-4. In the context of a

teaching institution, given the range of demands on everyone's time, at least
three or four months is required for the successful completion of these stages.

Stages 5

After initial trialling, the moderation team meets again, and in light of the
experience gained so far prepares a pretest version of a test or part of a test.

The pre-test is then administered to a representative sample of the population

and the results analyzed. It is generally necessary to pre-test up to twice as many
items as will eventually he required to achieve the appropriate quality.

Stages 6

The moderation team meets to discuss the results of the pretest and decide
on the final form of the test items.

Any test item generally takes at least six months from inception to

completion in the context under discussion here. Teachers should be involved in

the process from start to finish. Those teachers involved realize that the process
of test construction, while lengthy and time consuming, must be carried out with

the greatest of care because the test results have a very real influence on the

students in question. They are able to bear witness to the fact that no test can be
produced without due care and attention. To begin with, most of thcm believe
the approach to be unnecessarily long drawn out and tedious, but as they work
on items and become fully aware of the fallibility of tests and test constructors,
their attitudes change.

Do these tests meet measurement criteria..

I made the claim earlier that materials-based tests need to function at least
as well as measurement-based tests, from a statistical point of view. Even if the
same degree of economy of marking cannot he achieved, this is out weighed, in
an institutional context, by the considerable educational benefits.
Some basic test statistics for five progress tests from thc battery in question
are presented below. Each test was analyzed in two ways. Firstly, it was treated
as a unity, in thc sense that none of the sections were analyzed separately. This

means that the mean, standard deviation, reliability and standard error of

measurement were established for the whole test. Then each section was treated

as a separate test. This meant that there were four separate analyses of
Listening, Grammar, Appropriacy, and Reading and Writing.

14 5






































































73 Test



131 Test



g2 Test



C' Tes'



C2 Test










Whole Test
Reading and writing
mean score;
standard deviation
Kuder-Richardson 20 reliability quotient;
number of items in the test or subtest;
number of students in the sample

Table I illustrates basic overall test and subtest statistical characteristics.


133 1.10

It is clear from these figures that the tests are very reliable. The reasons for
this are as follows:

much time and effort was put into planning and moderation;


test content was relevant and well defined;


teachers were involved in the process of test writing from the earliest


the tests were all pretested and revised in light of pretest


Do these tests meet psycholinpistic criteria?

Meeting psycholinguistic demands is a complex issue at several levels. In

this context, the most straightforward of these is to attempt to show that the

subtests arc indeed measuring different aspects of underlying language

performance. In order to do this it is necessary to demonstrate that tasks in a
subtest relate to each other more closely than they do to tasks in other subtests.
The most widely used methodology to investigate this type of issue is factor
analysis. Simply put, factor analysis is a correlational technique which attempts
to reduce the number of observed variables to a smaller number of underlying
variables. It does this by grouping the observed variables on the basis of how
closely related they are to each other. It is then up to the researcher to interpret
the findings.

In the case of the tests in the battery described here this was done by
computing students' scores on subtest tasks and then treating these tasks as
mini-tests in their own right. If the tasks grouped together according to the skills
they were said to be testing, then this would provide evidence that performance
could be accounted for by different underlying skills. A factor analysis for the
A3 test is illustrated in Table 2.


Table 2




Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4


Listening 4
Listening 1
Listening 5
Listening 2
Listening 6
Listening 3










Interestingly, at this fairly low level of proficiency, it is clear that

skill than thcy arc to

tasks are more closely related to tasks testing the same
between the skills.
tasks testing other skills. There is a very clear differentiation
would not find this discovery startling. In the lower
Most experienced teachers

clearly develop skills

and intermediate stages of language acquisition learners listening and bad at

differentially. In other words, a learner may be good at
is reported more
reading. Analyses of tests are different levels of proficiencyindicated
that, as
fully in Milanovic (1988). Thc findings of this research
more with
learners' language proficiency
(1990) using Rasch
cach other. A similar finding has been reported by de Jongdoubt on the findings
analysis as opposed to factor analysis. Such evidenceproficiency
level of learners
of language testing research that does not take the
into account.

135 1 4

The results and procedures described here show that materials-based tests
can work. In an educational context, where possible, such tests should be used in

preference to approaches further removed from the classroom or real-world

context. They are educationally far more desirable than more traditional tests
and lose nothing in terms of reliability, if well prepared. In addition, it is time
that more innovative tests formed the basis for research in language testing.
They would be a more relevant starting point than tests that reflect thinking
thirty years ago.

Cana lc (1985) amongst others, has pointed out that there is often a
mismatch between teaching/learning materials and those that appear in

proficiency -oriented achievement tests. Hc attributes the mismatch to what he

calls thc 'image problem', which he breaks down into several categories. First he
focuses on the role of the learner in testing and describes him as typically:
"an obedient cyaminee, a disinterested consumer, a powerless patient or even
an unwilling victim".

Cana le also focuses on the type of situation that current achievement testing
often represents:
"... it is frequently a crude, contrived, confusing threatening, and above all
intrusive event that replaces what many learners (and teachers) find to be
more rewarding and constructive opportunities for lecming and use".

The problems that Cana le outlines, which are also of concern to Swain
(1985), are major difficulties in the acceptability of testing as an important and
useful part of the educational process. Several strategies can be adopted to
overcome these problems.

Firstly, testing programmes should he integrated into the life of the

institution in which they occur. Testing specialists need to be involved in all
stages of curriculum design and not seen as additional extras to the process.

Secondly, the materials used in tests should always reflect the types of
activities that go on in the classroom and/or the lives of the students taking the
test. In this way both teachers and students will have the better chance of seeing
the relevance of tests.
Thirdly, teachers' sometimes inadequate understanding of testing purposes,
procedures and principles are often a major barrier in the successful integration

of testing into the curriculum in order to overcome this problem, teachers need
to be actively encouraged to get involved in test writing projects, and there needs
to be a heavy emphasis on their training. Such a strategy not only improves the



quality of tests, in terms of reliability and validity as illustrated earlier, but also
means that more teachers will become familiar with testing as a discipline that is
integrated into the education process and not apart from ic.

Alderson, .1 C., 1983. 77ze close procedure and proficiency in English as a foreign
language, In Oiler, J W (ed), 1983.

Alderson, J C and A Waters, 1983. A course in testing and evaluation for ESP
teachers, or 'How bad were my tests?' In A Waters (ed), 1983.

Bachman L F, et al. (1988). Task and ability analysis as a basis for examining
content and construct comparability in two EFL proficiency test batteries,
Language Testing VS No 2 pp 128-159.

Cana le, M. 1985. Proficiency oriented achievement testing. Paper presented at

the Master Lecture series of the American Council on the teaching of Foreign
Languages, at the Defence and Language Institute.

Carroll J B. 1961. Fundamental consideration in Testing for English proficiency in

foreign students. in Testing the English Proficiency of foreign students, CAL,
Washington DC, pp 31-40.

Carroll, B J. 1978. Guidelines for the Development of Communicative Tests,

Royal Society of Arts, London.

Carroll, B J. 1980. Testing Communicative Petformance, Pergamon Press, Oxford.

1984. Some problems with Empirically-based
communication competance Applied Linguistics, Vol 5 No 1.

Cziko, G.

models of

Farady, H. 1982. Measures of Language Testing proficiency from Ow learners'

perspective, TESOL r uarterly, Vol 16 No I.

Hamp-Lyons, Liz (1989a). Applying the partial credit method of Rasch analysis:
Language Testing and Accountability, Language Testing Vol 6:1, 109-718.


1 :)1:1

Milanovic, M.

1988. The Construction and Validation of a Performance-based

Battery of English Language Progress Tests Unpublished PhD Thesis, University
of London.
1979. Communicative language testing: revolution or evolution, In
Brumfit, C J and K Johnson (eds), 1979.


Swain, M. 1985. Large-scale Comnumicative language testing: A case study in

Lce, Y.P. et al (eds), New Direction on Language Testing, Perganron, Oxford.
Wesche, M B. 1987. Second language performance testing: the Ontario test of
ESL as an exanzple, Language Testing, Vol. 4, No. I, 28-47.




Geoff Brindley


In recent years, there has been a move towards the wider use of criterionreferenced (CR) methods of assessing second language ability which allow
learners' language performance to be described and judged in relation to defined
behavioural criteria. This is in line with the concern among language testers to
provide meaningful information about what testees arc able to do with the
language rather than merely providing test scores. However, while criterionreferencing has enabled language testers to be morc explicit about what is being

assessed, there are numerous problems associated with the development,

interpretation and use of CR methods of assessment, to such an extent that thc
feasibility of true criterion-referencing has been questioned by some writers (cg.
Skehan 1984, 1989).

This paper aims to illustrate and discuss the nature of these problems in the

context of both standardized proficiency testing and classroom assessment.

First, different interpretations of "criterion-referencing" will be examined.
Following this, a range of approaches to defining criteria and performance levels
in second language assessment will be outlined and some of the issues which
have arisen in defining and applying these criteria will be discussed, including the
difficulties of defining the nature of "proficiency" and the failure of expert judges
to agree on criteria. Finally, research directions will be indicated that might lead

to language assessment criteria which incorporate multiple perspectives on

learners' communicative needs and which derive from empirical data on second
language acquisition and usc.


The term "criterion-referenced" has been interpreted in a variety of ways in

both general education and language learning. In their original formulation of
the concept, Glaser and Klaus (1962: 422), in the context of proficiency
measurement in military and industrial training, stated that



knowledge of an individual's score on a criterion-referenced measure provides

explicit information as to what the individual can or cannot do

Glaser (1963) described criterion-referenced assessment (CRA) thus:

The degree to which his achievement resembles desired petformance at any
specified level is assessed by criterion-referenced measures of achievement or
proficiency. The standard against which a student's performance is compared

when measured in this manner is the behaviour which defines each point
along the achievement continuum. The term 'criterion', when used this way,
does not necessarily refer to final end-of-course behaviour. Criterion levels

can be established ut any point in instruction as to the adequacy of an

individual's petfomiance. 7 he point is that the specific behaviours implied at
each level of proficiency can be identified and used io describe the specific
tasks a student must be capable of performing before he achieves each of
these knowledge levels. It is in this sense that measures of proficiency can be

This early definition of CRA highlights several key elements which are
reflected in various kinds of language assessment instruments: first, proficiency

(here, interestingly, not distinguished very clearly from achievement) is

conceived of as a continuum ranging from no proficiency at all to "perfect"
proficiency; second, the criterion is defined as an external standard against which
learner behaviour is compared; and third, levels of proficiency (or achievement)
arc linked to specific tasks.


In the context of language learning, CRA has number of different meanings

(Skehan 1989: 5-6). In the first instance, it refers in a general sense to tcsts or

assessments which arc based on sampling of a behavioural domain and which

make explicit the features of this domain. For example, in an oral interview, a
testee might be given a score on a rating scale which contains thc key aspects of
performance (that is, the criteria) to he assessed such as fluency, appropriacy,
accuracy, pronunciation, grammar etc. These criteria may then be described
more fully in a band or level description. As Skehan (1984: 217) notes, such
descriptions represent a set of generalised behaviours relating performance to
external criteria (referred to by Jones 1985: 82 as the performance criterion),
rather than a statement that would enable a yes/no decision to be made with
respect to a tcstcc's ability on a particular task.

I 5:3


As we have seen, CRA also carries a sccond meaning of a standard

(criterion level) or cut-off point which may be defined with reference to some

external requirement. In the context of language assessment, this might be

exemplified by the "threshold lever set by the Council of Europe as a minimal
level of functional language competence. Somc writcrs, in fact, posit the
existence of a constant and "natural reference point" for this external standard in
the form of the native speaker (see, for example, Cziko 1983: 294).
Skehan (1989) also suggests a third sense in which CRA can be interpreted:
This is that the proficiency levels which are the basis for criterion-refcrencing
are linked in some cwnulative way to a course of development.

This raises the issue of whether assessment criteria should take as their
reference point what learners do, what linguists and teachers think learners do
or what native speakers do. This point will be taken up later.


CRA is traditionally contrasted with norm-referenced methods of

assessment which are meant to compare individual's performances relative to
each other and to distribute them along the normal curve, not to establish the
degree to which students have mastered a particular skill (Hudson and Lynch
1984: 172). Large-scale standardized examinations, in which students are given
aggregate scores or grades for purposes of selection, certification or placement
are probably the best-ki.own ex..mple of norm-referenced assessment. An
example of a norm-referenced approach from second language learning would
be proficiency test batteries in which results are reported solely in terms of an
overall score (a range of such tests is describ;:d by Alderson, Krahnkc and
Stansfield 1987).

According to some authors, however, the differences between normreferenced assessment and CRA however, arc not as great as conventionally
imagined. Rowntrce (1987: 185-6), for example, notes that criterion levels are
frequently established by using population norms:

So much assessment that appears to he criterion-referenced is, in a sense,


The difference is that the student S. petfonnance is judged

and labelled by comparison with the nonns established by other students

elsewhere rather than thaw established by his inunediate fellow-students.

There is an element of both norm- and criterion-referencing about the way in

which proficiency descriptions are drawn up and interpreted. For example, one
method of defining af,sessment criteria and performance descriptors for writing
proficiency is to ask experienced teachers, without the aid of any explicit criteria,

to rank learners in order of proficiency by sorting a set of writing scripts into

piles representing clearly definable proficiency differences. Following this, the
characteristic features of scripts at each level are discussed and these are then
used to establish critcria and performance descriptors.
Thc level descriptions in proficiency scales, as numerous authors have
pointed out (eg. Trim 1977, Skehan 1984), often contain norm-referenced
terminology despite their claim to be criterion-referenced. Terminology such as
"greater flexibility" or "fewer errors" relates the levels to each other instead of to
the external standard which is supposed to characterise criterion-referencing. In
terms of their actual use, as well, the descriptors may be interpreted in covertly
norm-referenced ways. It is not unusual, for example, to hear teachers refer to a
"good Level 1", a "slow Level 2" ctc.


Real world and classroom dimensions of CRA

CRA has both a real-world and a classroom dimension. In the

development of a proficiency test aimed at assessing real-world language usc,
defining criteria involves operationalising the construct of proficiency -- in other
words, specifying the skills and abilities which constitute the test developer's view
of "what it means to know how to use a language" (Spolsky 1986). From the test

specifications thus established, items are constructed and/or level/band

descriptions written according to which performance will be rated. This is, of
necessity, a time-consuming and rigorous process involving empirical studies of
performance samples, consultation with expert judges and continuing revision of
criteria and descriptors (see, for example, the descriptions by Alderson (1989)
and Wcstaway (1988) of the way in which IELTS bands were derived).

In classroom CRA which is aimed at assessing learner achievement or

diagnosing difficulties, thc process of defining criteria and descriptors involves
specifying thc behavioural domain from which objectives arc drawn, formulating
a set of relevant objectives and establishing a set of standards by which learners'
performance is judged. In many ways, this process replicates what is involved in
operationalising the construct of proficiency, in that it involves specifying the
nature of the domain to be assessed and breaking this down into its component
parts. FIowevN-, classroom CRA is likely to be less formal and may rely on



implicit judgements on the teacher's part as to what constitutes the domain of

ability which is assessed (Black and Dockrell 1984: 42-43).
It is worth noting at this point that thc interpretation of "criterion" is slightly
different, according to the purposes for which CRA is being carried out. Where

learners' proficiency is being assessed in order to determine their capacity to

undertake some real-world activity (eg. to exercise a profession), criterionreferenced is often taken to mean that their performance is compared against a
"criterion level" of performance or a cut-score. They either reach the criterion or
they don't. As Davies (1988: 33) notes, users of tests interpret all tcst results in
a criterion-referenced way. A candidate's actual score is of less importance than
the question: has the candidate attained the cut score or not?
In the classroom, however, the emphasis is slightly different. Here, the
"criterion" against which learners' performance is assessed relates to a domain
specification and a set of learning objectives. Attainment may he assessed in
terms of mastery/non-mastery of these objectives (see, for example, Hudson and
Lynch 1984; Hudson 1989). However, making a yes/no decision on whether
mastery has been attained can be extreme', difficult. In fact, the validity of the
concept itself has been questioned (Glass 1978) and there are a multiplicity of
competing views on appropriate standard-setting methods in CRA (see Berk
1986 for a comprehensive discussion of the relative merits of various methods).
For this reason, classroom CRA is often more concerned with assessing learners'
attainment on a scale of ability which represents varying degrees of mastery but
is not necessarily linked to a "cut-score" (see Brindley 1989 for examples).
In terms of contcnt, CR proficiency testing tends to focus on assessing tasks
which replicate real life or from which inferences can be made to real-life
perform Ince. As far as classroom assessment is concerned, however, opinions

differ on thc question of whether CRA should be exclusively focussed on

subsequent extra-classroom tasks or whether any valid objective can be assessed

(Brown 1981: 7). If the latter view is accepted, then it would be possible to
imagine situations in which CRA assessment did not concern itself with elements
of learners' communicative performance (eg. if the syllabus were grammatically-

based). CRA does not, in other words, necessarily mean communicative

assessment. However, in the case of second language learners who have to use
thc language in socicty on a daily basis there are clearly arguments for
accentuating methods of CRA which allow them to gain feedback on their ability
to perform real-life tasks (see Brindley 1989: 91-120 for examples).




A variety of methods have been used by test developers and teachers to

define a:.sessment criteria and performance descriptors. These will be described
below and some problems associated with each will be discussed.

Use existing criteria

The easiest way to define criteria and de.criptors for language assessment is
to use those already in existence. There is no shortage of models and examples.

For proficiency testing, literally thousands of rating scales, band scales and
performance descriptors are used throughout the world. An equivalent number
of skills taxonomies, competency checklists, objectives grids etc, are available for
classroom use.
Like tests, some proficiency scales seem to have acquired popular validation

by virtue of their longevity and extracts from them regularly appear in other
scales. The original scale used in conjunction with the Foreign Service Institute
Oral Interview (FSI 1968), in particular, seems to have served as a source of
inspiration for a wide range of other instruments with a similar purpose but not
necessarily with a similar target group. Both the Australian Second Language
Proficiency Rating Scale (ASLPR) (Ingram 1984) and the ACTFL Proficiency
Guidelines (Hip le 1987) which aim to describe in the first case the proficiency of

adult immigrants in Australia and in the second the proficiency of foreign

langune students and teachers in the USA, draw on the FSI descriptions.

Although proficiency scales have gained widespread acceptance over a

considerable period of time and appear face-valid, it is very difficult to find any
explicit information on how thc descriptions were actually arrived at. Although
some scales are claimed to be data-based (see, for example, Liskin-Gasparro
(1984: 37) who states that the ACTFL guidelines were developed empirically),
no information is made publicly available as to how thc data were collected,
analysed and turned into performance descriptors. This is despite the fact that
in some cases claims arc being made (if only by inference) to the effect that the
descriptions constitute universal descriptions of second language development.

Byrnes (1987), for example, claims that the ACTFL/ETS scale is built on a
"hierarchy of task universals" .
Apart from their lack of empirical underpinning, the validity of rating scale
descriptors (in particular the ACTFL/ETS Oral Proficiency Interview) has been



contested on a number of other grounds. Some of the principal concerns which

have been voiced can be roughly summarised as follows:
the logic of the way levels are arrived at is essentially circular--"the criteria
are the levels and vice versa" (Lantolf and Frawley 1985: 340). They cannot

therefore be criterion-referenced in the accepted sense since there is no

external standard against which the testee's behaviour may be compared.

the incremental and lockstep nature of level descriptions fails to take into
account the well documented variability and "backsliding" which occur in

interlanguage (Pienemann, Johnston and Brindley 1988); nor can

differential abilities in different "discourse domains" be accounted for (see
Douglas and Se linker 1985, Zuengler 1989). In particular, the assumption
that grammatical and phonological accuracy increases in a linear fashion is
contradicted by evidence from second language acquisition studies which

have shown systematic variability according to the learner's psychosociological orientation (Meisel et al. 1981); emotional investment in the
topic (Eisenstein and Starbuck 1989); the discourse demands of the task
(Brown and Yule 1989); desired degree of social convergence/divergence
(Rampton 1987); planning timc available (Ellis 1987); and ethnicity and
status of interlocutor (Beebe 1983)

not only are the performance descriptions covertly norm-referenced (see

above), but also there is no principled relationship between co-occurring
performance features which figure in the one level (Skehan 1984, Brindley

it is very difficult to specify relative degrees of mastery of a particular skill

with sufficient precision to distinguish clearly between levels. This is

illustrated by Alderson's (1989: 11) comment on the development of the
IELTS Speaking scales:

For some criteria, for example pronunciation or gramniatical accuracy, the

difference in levels canw down to a different choice of quantifiers and we were

faced with issues like is 'some' more than `a few' but fewer than 'several' or
'considerable' or 'many'. How many is 'many'?

the essentially interactive nature of oral communication is inadequately

represented due to the restriction of the possible range or roles which can

be assumed by the non-native speaker (Lantolf and Frawley 1988;

Raffaldini 1988; van Lier 1989).



the descriptions are highly context dependent and thus do not permit
generalisation about underlying ability (Bachman and Savignon 1986;
Skehan 1989). Methods such as the oral interview confuse trait and method
(Bachman 1988).

in the absence of concrete upper and lower reference points, criterionreferencing is not possible. Bachman (1989: 17) points out that criterionreferencing requires the definition of the end points of an absolute scale of
ability (so-called "zero" and "perfect" proficiency). Yet in practice, no-one
has zero proficiency, since somc language abilities are universal. Similarly,
native speakers vary widely in ability, which makes the "perfect speaker" an
equally tenuous concept.
Clearly the validity of the criteria on which proficiency descriptions are built
is by no means universally accepted. However, the controversy surrounding the
construct validity of proficiency rating scales and performance descriptors is
merely a manifestation of the fundamental question that CRA has to face: how

to define the domain of ability which is to be assessed, that is, langtoge

proficiency? Criterion-referencing depends on a very detailed and exact
specification of the behavioural domain. But this amounts to asking the question
posed by Spolsky (1986):

When does it mean to know how to use a language!

As far as proficiency testing is concerned, a definitive answer to this

question is clearly not presently on the horizon, although detailed and testable
models such as that proposed by Bachman (1990) offer some hope of describing
more exactly the nature of communicative language ability. Meanwhile, in the

context of classroom assessment, the move towards criterion-referencing

continues. There is an increasing number of objectives-based assessment and
profiling schemes derived from specification of real-life communicative needs
which allow cumulative attainment to be monitored and documented in the form
of profiles of achievement (see Brindley 1989: 91-111). These present a way of

linking classroom assessment closely to real-world outcomes. However,

objectives-based domain specifications also require the operationaliwion of the

behaviour which forms the basis of the domain. As such, they arc open to
question on the same grounds as the proficiency descriptions described above.
In addition, some testers would claim that performance testing associated with

assessment of course objectives gives no information on underlying ability

(Skchan 1989: 7).



The problem of domain specification is clearly far from being resolved. In

the meantime, disagreement on the validity of criteria will no doubt continue,
since there is as yet no description of language learning and language use on thc
basis of which universally agreed criteria could be drawn up.

Attacking the domain specification problem

Because of the limitations of context-dependent proficiency descriptions

and the difficulties of relating these to an 'absolute' scale of ability, Bachman

(1989) argues that the only way to develop adequate CR procedures for

assessing communicative language proficiency is to attempt to clearly specify the

abilities that make up language proficiency and to define scales or levels of

proficiency which are independent of particular contexts, 'in terms of the relative
presence or absence of the abilities that constitute the domain' rather than 'in
terms of actual individuals or actual performance' (Bachman 1989: 256). An
example of such a scale is given below.


0 Extremely limited vocabulary

(A few words and formulaic
phrases. Not possible to
discuss any topic, due to
limited vocabulary).

No cohesion

(Utterances completely disjointed,

or discourse too short to judge).

Very little cohesion

1 Small vocabulary

(Difficulty in talking with

examinee because of

vocabulary limitations).
2 Vocabulary of moderate size

(Relationships between utterances

not adequately marked; frequent
confusing relationship among ideas)
Moderate cohesion

(Frequently misses or searches (Relationships between utterances

generally marked; sometimes
for words).
confusing relationships
among ideas).
Good cohesion

3 Large vocabulary
(Seldom misses or searches

for words).

(Relationship between utterances

Excellent cohesion

4 Extensive vocabulary

(Uses a variety of appropriate

(Rarely, if ever, misses or
devices; hardly cvcr confusing
searches for words. Almost
always uses appropriate word) relationships among ideas)

Figure 1 Scales of ability in vocabulary and cohesion (Bachman and

Palmer, 1983)


However such scales, too, are clearly fraught with problems as Bachman
and Savignon (1986: 388) recognize when they admit the difficulty of 'specifying
the degree of control and range in terms that are specific enough to distinguish
levels clearly and for raters to interpret consistently'. The sample scales, in fact,

manifest many of the same problems which arise in the design of more
conventional proficiency rating scales. Thc terminology used is very imprecise
and relativistic ('limited'; `frequently'; 'confusing' etc) and in the absence of
precise examples of learners' language use at each of the levels, problems of
ratcr agreement would inevitably arise. In fact, since the levels do not specify
particular contexts, structure, functions and so on, raters would not have any
concrete criteria to guide them. The difficulties of reaching agreement between
raters would, consequently, be likely to be even more acute.
Consult erpert judges

Another commonly used way of producing criteria for proficiency testing is

to ask expert judges to identify and sometimes to weight the key features of
learner performance which arc to be assessed. Experienced teachers tend to be
the audience most frequently consulted in the development and refining of
criteria and performance descriptions (cg. Westaway 1988; Alderson 1989;
Griffin 1989). In some cases they may be asked to generate the descriptors
themselves by describing key indicators of performance at different levels of
proficiency. In others, test developers may solicit comments and suggestions
from tcachcrs for modification of existing descriptors on the basis of their
knowledge and experience.
In ESP testing, test users may also surveyed in order to establish patterns of
language usage and difficulty, including the relative importance of language tasks

and skills. The survey results then serve as a basis for test specifications. This
procedure has been followed in the development of tests of English for academic
purposes by, inter alia, Powers (1986), Hughes (1988) and Weir (1983, 1988) and

by McNamara (1989) in the construction of tests of speaking and writing for

overseas-trained health professionals in Australia.

li'ho are the experts?

The idea of using "expert judgement" appeals to logic and common sense.
However it poses the question of who the experts actually are. Conventionally it
is teachers who provide "expert" judgements, although increasingly other non-


teacher test users are being involved in test development. There arc obvious
reasons, of course, for appealing to teacher judgements. They arc not difficult to

obtain since teachers are on hand, they are familiar with learners' needs and
problems, they are able to analyse language and they can usually be assumed to
be aware of the purposes and principles of language testing, even though they
may not always be sympathetic to it. Although less obviously "expert" in the
sense of being further removed from the language learning situation and less
familiar with linguistic terminology, test users who interact with the target group
(such as staff in tertiary institutions or employers) can similarly be presumed
likely to have some idea of the language demands which wi:l be made on the
testee and thus to bc able to provide usable information for test developers.

But in addition to teachers and test users, it could also be argued that
testees/learners themselves are "experts" on matters relating to thcir own
language use and that their perceptions should also be considered in drawing up

test criteria and specifications. Self-assessment based on learner-generated

criteria is becoming increasingly common practice in classroom-based formative
assessment and quite high correlations have been found between self-assessment
and other external measures (Oskarsson 1989). However, learner perspectives
have only recently begun to figure in proficiency test development (LeBlanc and
Painchaud 1985; Bachman and Palmer 1988).

So-called "naive" native speakers constitute another "expert" audience whose

perceptions could profitably be drawn on in establishing performance criteria. As
Barnwell (1987) forcefully argues:
the domain of proficiency is outside the classroom not inside. We can
(perhaps) leave achievement testing to the leachers and professional testers,
but once we aspire to measure proficiency it becomes a question of vox populi,
vox dei.

Language is central to our humanity, and it is the most democratic and

egalitarian attribute we share with our fellow man. Why then should we need
'experts' to tell us how well we speak? Thus it is not just an interesting novelty
to contemplate the use of 'native' natives in proficiency testing and rating, it is
a logical necessity which arises out of the nature of the thing we are trying to

Given that it is native speaker judgements of proficiency which may well

determine the futurc of testces, it clearly important to investigate on what basis
these judgements arc made. As Clark and Lett (1988: 59) point out, comparing
native speaker judgements with proficiency descriptors is one way of validating
the descriptors in a non-circular way and of establishing the external criteria
which have been lacking up to the present.


Data collection is resource-intensive

In order to establish valid performance criteria, an analysis of the testecs'

future domain of language use is clearly desirable. However, the collection of
data for test construction purposes poses a number of logistical difficulties.
From a practical point of view, the investigation of communicative needs is
extremely resourcc-intensive, to such an extent that the practical constraints of
data-gathering may end up jeopardizing the purpose for which the data are being
gathered. (This same point had been made in relation to the rigorous needs
assessment procedures which accompanied "target situation analysis" in ESP
course development). An example is provided in a study by Stansfield and Powers
(1989) aimed at validating the Test of Spoken English as a tool for the selection

and certification of non-native health professionals and to establish minimum

standards of proficiency. They state:
of necessity we asked for relatively global ratings, even for professionals and
chose situations that would be representative and typical of those in which

each professional nzight be involved. No attempt was made to specify all

the nzany situations that Might be encountered, nor was any effort made to
designate highly specific tasks. We might have asked about the degree of
speaking proficiency needed in the performance of surgical procedures, for
example (in which oral proficiency might be critical) but time limitations
precluded such detail. In addition in' this study, we decided to consider
neither other important dimensions of communicative competence (eg.

interpersonal skills and other affective components) nor functions of

language (eg. persuading or developing zpport with patients) that might be
highly desirable in various medical situations.

In only considering global proficiency, a course of action they were forced

to take through lack of necessary resources, the researchers neglected the

information which would be considered most essential by some (prospective
patients is one group which springs to mind!) for test validity.

Precise infornudion is difficult to elicit

An additional problem in consulting test users or "naive native speakers in

drawing up criteria for assessment is the difficulty of getting them to be

sufficiently precise about situations of language use to provide usable



information. Powers (1986), reporting on his attempts to elicit information from

faculty members on university students' listening patterns, observes that:
the notion of analysing listening activities may have been 'foreign" to many
faculty members who were not involved intensely in language instruction or
testing. In particular, such concepts as "discourse cues" and "non-verbal
signals" may be somewhat far afiela for faculty in non-language disciplines.
Moreover, while the rating of such passive, non-observable skills as listening
may be difficult generally, non-language oriented faculty may have even
greater difficulty in determining wizen students encounter specific kinds of

Native speakers are not language analysts. Nor are most learners. It is
hardly surprising, therefore, that the test users' perceptions of language needs
tend to be stated in rather vague tcrms. This is exemplified by an examination
by Brindley, Neeson and Woods (1989) of the language-related comments of 63
university supervisors' monitoring reports on the progress of foreign students.
They found that the vast majority of the comments were of the general kind
("has problems with writing English"; "English expression not good"), though a
few lecturers were able to identify particular goal-related skills ("has difficulty
following lecturers-speak very fast").

In a similar vein, Weir (1988: 73), commenting on the development of a

test specification framework for the TEEP test of English for academic purposes,
notes that
There is a need for more precise methods for dealing with task dimensions
than the pragmatic ones used in our research. We relied heavily on the
judgements of teachers and other experts in the field, as well as on the results
of small test administrations, to guide us on the appropriateness of task
dimensions in the various constructs. Unless finer instmnwnts are developed
than these rather coarse subjective estimates, it is difficult to see now fully
parallel versions of the test can ever be developed.

Expert judgement may be unreliable

If expert opinion is to have any currency as a method of developing criteria,

then one would expect that a given group of expert judges would concur, first on
the criteria which make up the behavioural domain being assessed and second,

on the allocation of particular performance features to particular levels.

(Obtaining data in this way would be an integral part of construct validation).

One would also expect that the group would be able to agree on the extent to



which a test item was testing a particular skill and the level of difficulty
represented by the item (agreement would constitute evidence for content
Studies aimed at investigating how expert judgements arc made, however, cast
some doubt on the ability of expert judges to agree on any of these issues. Alderson
(1988), for example, in an examination of item content in EFL reading tests, found
that judges were unable to agree not only on what particular items were testingbut

also on the level of difficulty of items or skills and the assignment of these to a
particular level. Devenney (1989) who investigated the evaluative judgements of
ESL teachers and students of ESL compositions, found both within-group and
between-group differences in the criteria which were used. Hc comments:
Implicit in the notion of interpretive communities are these assmnptions: (I)

a clear set of shared evaluative criteria exists, and (2) it will be used by
members of the intopretive community to respond to text. Yet this did not
prove to be the case for either ESL teachers or students

Different people use different criteria

Non-teacher native speakers, teachers and learners themselves, by virtue of

their different backgrounds, experiences and expectations, have different

understandings of the nature of language learning and communication. As a
result, they tend to use different criteria to judge language ability and thus to pay
attention to different features of second language performance. Studies of error
gravity, for example, have shown that native speakers tend to be less concerned
with grammatical accuracy than teachers (particularly those who arc not native
speakers of the language taught (Davies 1983)). This highlights the difficulties of

constructing assessment criteria and descriptors which can he consistently

interpreted by different audiences.

It is interesting, and perhaps significant, to note in the context of this

discussion that disciplines outside applied linguistics interpret "communication"
or "communicative competence" quite differently and hence employ different
criteria for assessment. Communication theorists, for example, accentuate
criteria such as empathy, behavioural flexibility and interaction management
(Wiemann and Backlund 1980) and emphasise the role of non-verbal aspects of

communication. In other fields, such as organisational management,

communicative ability is seen very much in terms of "getting the job done" and
the success of communication is thus judged primarily in relation to how well the
outcomes are achieved rather than on specific linguistic features (Brindley 1989:
122-23). McNamara (1987: 32) makes this point in relation to doctor-patient
communication, noting that in the medical profession "there is a concern for the

1 fi t)


communication process in terms of its outcomes". He comments (1987: 47) that

"sociolinguistic approaches to 'communicative ability' are indeed narrow, and
narrowly concerned with language rather than communicative behaviour as a

Two conclusions can be drawn from these observations. First, as

McNamara (op. cit.) points out, we must be conscious of the limitations of the

claims which can be made about the capacity of language tests to predict
communicative ability (in the broader sense) in real-life settings. Second, if real-

life judgements of communicative effectiveness are based on perceptions of

people's ability to use language to complete a task satisfactorily, then it is worth

trying to build this notion into assessment criteria. In this regard, the use of
"task fulfilment" as a criterion in the IELTS writing assessment scales is a
promising stcp in this direction (Westaway 1988).

Teachers will be teachers

Although teachers' judgements are frequently used as a basis for

establishing assessment criteria, there is some evidence to suggest that the
influence of their background and experience may be sufficiently strong to
override the criteria that are given. For example, in a preliminary analysis of 12
videotaped moderation sessions of oral interviesss conducted for the purposes of

rating speaking ability at class placement in the Australian Adult Migrant

Education Program, I have found a consistent tendency for teachers to:

refer to criteria which are not contained in the performance descriptors at

all, such as confidence, motivation, risk-taking capacity and learning


concentrate heavily on the assessment of some features of performance at

the expense of others. In this case, more time was spent discussing the role
of the grammatical accuracy than any other single factor, even though the
descriptions being used did not provide detailed or specific comments on
grammatical features.
use diagnostically-oriented and judgemental -teacher language" in applying
the criteria, such as:
She seenied to be weak on lenses
I was a bit concerned about her word order generally



her language was letting her down

She's got weak tense forms, not sure of !lc prepositions and quite often leaves

off a final-s

Caulley et al (1988), report on a similar phenomenon in the context of the

evaluation of common assessment tasks used in the Victorian senior secondary
English examination:
in their discussions the teachers rarely or even referred to the specified criteria.

Their assessments were largely global, the language abstract and rarely
substantiated by reference to anything concrete:

This was exemplified by comments such as

he's got conununicative sense
he's more sure of his material
there's a lack of flow
she hasn't crystallised hcr ideas

Thcy note that

teachers are involved with the growth and development of human beings
through practice and in the end were shown to be neither willing nor able to
divorce the performance of an action from those aspects of it such as
intention, effort and risk, which make it one performed by a growing and
developing luunan beings. They thus included in their assessment of students
an estimate of the risk involved for the panicular student to present as he or

she did and something for the effort (or lack of effort) made in the
preparation, although neither is mentioned in the guidelines.

Although such non-linguistic factors do not conventionally figure as criteria

in definitions of proficiency, it would appear that they are included by teachers,

perhaps because they are perceived as part of their educator's role. Specific
assessment criteria may be developed rigorously and clearly spelled out, yet the
teachers appear to be operating with their own constructs and applying their own
criteria in spite of (or in addition to) those which they are given. This tendency
may be quite widespread and seems to be acknowledged by Clark and Grognet


(1985: 103) in the following comment on the external validity of the Basic English
Skills Test for non-English-speaking refugees in the USA:
On the assumption that the proficiency-rating criterion is probably somewhat

unreliable in its own right, as well as based to some extent on factors not
directly associated with language proficiency per se (for example, student
personality, diligence in completing assignments etc) even higher validity
coefficients might be shown using external criteria more directly and accurately
reflecting language proficiency

Further support for the contention that teachers operate with their own criteria

is provided by a study carried out by Griffin (1989) who examined the

consistency of the rating of IELTS writing scripts over time using a Rasch Rating
scale model. An analysis of rater statistics revealed that

For assessment I, most raters appeared to fix' the underlying variable. On

occasion 2, however, few raters appeared to fix the variable. There appears to
have been a change in the criteria or in the nature of the variable being used to

assign scripts t9 levels. The original criteria used in the familiarisation

workshop and reinforced in the training workshop do not seem to have been
used for assessment 2. Unfonunately it was assumed that the criteria would
remain the same and were in fact supplied to the raters.
(Griffin 1989: 10)

He comments that
raters seem to be influenced by their teaching background and the nature of

the criteria used can differ from rater to rater. Consensus moderation
procedures appear to have controlled this effect to some degree but not

(Griffin 1989: 13)


From this review of CRA, it should be clear, as Skehan (1984: 216)

remarks, that "criterion-referencing is an attractive ideal, but extremely difficult
to achieve in practice. As we have seen, the criteria which are currently uscd


1 6 :3

may not reflect what is known about the nature of language learning and use and
they may not be consistently interpreted and applied even by expert judges.
If the ideal of CRA is to bc attained, it is necessary to develop criteria and

descriptors which not only reflect current theories of language learning and
language use but which also attempt to embody multiple perspectives on
communicative ability. As far as the first of these requirements is concerned,
Bachman and his colleagues have put forward a research agenda to develop
operational definitions of constructs in Bachman model of communicative
language proficiency and validate these through an extensive program of test

development and research (see, for example, Bachman and Clark 1987;
Bachman et al 1988; Bachman 1990). One of the main virtues of this model, as
Skehan (1990) points out, is that it provides a framework within which language
testing research can bc organised. It is to be hoped that the model will enable
language testers to systematically investigate the components of language ability
as manifested in tests and that the results of such research will be used to inform
the specifications on which assessment instruments arc based.
Second language acquisition (SLA) research can also make a contribution
to the development of empirically-derived criteria for language assessment which
reflect the inherent variability and intersubjectivity of language use. First,
research into task variability of the type reported in Tarone (1989), Tarone and
Yule (1989) and Gass et al (1989a: 1989b) provides valuable insights into the
role that variables such as interlocutor, topic, social status and discourse domain
might exercise on proficiency. Investigation of factors affecting task difficulty
might also provide a more principled basis for assigning tasks to levels, a major

problem in CRA. A number of testable hypotheses are outlined by Nunan


Second, SLA research could also provide much-needed information on the

factors which influence native speaker perceptions of non-native speakers'

proficiency. There is already a considerable literature on the overall

communicative effect of non-native speaker communication (cg Albrechtsen ct

al 1980; Ludwig 1982; Eisenstein 1983) and crror gravity (cg James 1977;
Chastain 1980; Davies 1983). However such studies have tcndcd to examine the

effects of particular discourse, phonological, syntactic or lexical features on

comprehensibility and/or irritation, rather than relating thcm to perceptions of
proficiency. Studies conducted with a specific focus on proficiency would assist

in the creation of performance criteria which reflect those used in real life.
Information of this kind is of critical importance since in many cases, it is thc
judgements of native speakers that will determine the future of language
learners, not so much those of teachers. At thc same time, it ;.: important to try
to establish to what extent non-linguistic factors such as personality, social status,
ethnicity, gender etc affect judgements of proficiency and the extent to which
these factors can be related to linguistic ones (Clark and Lett 1987).


Third, research into the nature of developmental sequences in learner

language gives an indication of the grammatical elements of language which can
realistically be expected for production at different stages and thus provides a

basis for establishing assessment criteria which arc consistent with the

regularities of language development (Pienemann et al 1988). In addition, since

the multi-dimensional model of second language acquisition described by

Pienemann and Johnston (1987) makes strong predictions concerning the
processing demands made by different linguistic elements on learners, it should
be possible to incorporate these predictions into concrete hypotheses concerning
task difficulty which can be empirically investigated.
Thus far I have sketched out the kinds of research that might contributc to
the development of better criteria. As far as the Mterpretation of the critcria is
concerned, however, it would be naive to imagine that different judges will not
continue to interpret criteria idiosyncratically. As Messick (1989) says: judgement is fallible and may imperfectly apprehend domain

structure or inadequately represent test structure or both.

Agreement between testers can be improved by familiarisation and training

sessions in which raters, as Griffin (1989) reports. But there is always the
possibility that agreement might conceal fundamental differences. As Barnwell
(1985) comments:

raters who agree on the level at which a candidate can he placed may offer
very different reasons for their decisions

Given, as we have seen, that different judges may operate with their own
personalized constructs irrespective of the criteria they are given, it would be a
mistake to assume that high inter-rater reliability constitutes evidence of thc
construct validity of the scales or performance descriptors that are used. In

order to provide such evidence, empirically-based investigation of the

behavioural domain itself has to be carried out, as I have indicated above. At the

same time, studies requiring teachers, !carnets and native speakers arc to
externalize the criteria they (perhaps unconsciously) use to judge language

ability would help to throw some light on how judgements are actually made by a

variety of different audiences and lead to a better understanding of the

constructs that inform the criteria they use. The procedures used in the
development of the IELTS hand scales as reported by Wesiaway (N88),
Alderson (1989), Griffin (1989) offer the possibility of building up a useful data
base in this area.
Finally, in thc context of classroom CRA, the time is ripe to explore the
feasibility of incorporating communicatively-oriented CRA into the teaching and


learning process. In the field of gene-al education, the results of research into

the development of CR instruments for classroom use indicatcs that the

problems of domain specification described in this paper may not be as
intractable as they are sometimes portrayed (Black and Dockrell 1984).
Numerous CR schemes for formative assessment and profiling are in existence
in general education the United Kingdom and Australia (see Brindlcy 1989 for

an overview) and appear to be quite adaptable to second language learning

situations. The use of CR methods of assessing achievement based on
communicative criteria would not only help to link teaching more closely to

assessment, but also would allow for closer involvement of learners in

monitoring and assessing their progress.


I would like to thank Charles Alderson for his helpful comments on an earlier
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T F McNamara


The last decade has seen increasing use of Item Response theory in the
examination of the qualities of language tests. Although it has sometimes been
seen exclusively as a tool for improved investigation of the reliability of tests

(Skehan, 1989), its potential for investigation of aspects of the validity of

language tests has also been demonstrated (McNamara, 1990). However, the
application of IRT in this latter role has in some cases mct with objections based
on what are claimed to be the unsatisfactory theoretical assumptions of 1RT, in
particular the so-called 'unidimensionality' assumption (Hamp-Lyons, 1989). In
this paper, these issues will be discussed in the context of the analysis of data
from an ESP Listening test for health professionals, part of a larger test, the

Occupational English Test (OET), recently developed on behalf of the

Australian Government (McNamara, 1989b).

The paper is in three sections. First, there is a brief description of the

Listening sub-test of the OET. Second, the appropriateness of the use of IRT in
language testing research is discussed. Third, the use of IRT in the validation of
the Listening sub-test of the OET is reported. In this part of the paper, the issue
of unidimensionality is considered in the context of analysis of data from the two
parts of this test.


The Occupational English Test (McNamara, 1989h) is administered to several

hundred immigrant and refugee health professionals wishing to take up practice
in Australia each year. The majority of these are medical practitioners, but the
following professional groups are also represented: nurses, physiotherapists,
occupational therapists, dentists, speech pathologists and veterinary surgeons,
among others. Responsibility for administering the test lies with thc National
Office for Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR), part of the Commonwealth



Government's Department of Employment, Education and Training. NOOSR

was establis'ied in 1989 as an expanded version of what had been until thcn the
Council fe. Overseas Professional Qualifications (COPQ).
The OET is taken as onc of three stages of the process of registration for
practice in Australia (the other stages involve pencil-and-paper and practical
assessments of relevant clinical knowledge and skills). Prior to 1987, thc OET
was a tcst of general English proficiency and was attracting increasing criticism
from test takers and test users in terms of its validity and reliability. In response

to this, COPQ initiated a series of consultancies on reform of the test. The

report on the first of these, which was carried out by a team at Lancaster
University, recommended the creatk;s of e test which would (Alderson et al.,
1986: 3)

assess the ability of candidates to conununicate effectively in the workplace.

A series of further consultancies (McNamara, 1987 ; McNamara, 1988a;

McNamara, 1989a) established the form of the new test and developed and

triallcd materials for it. There are four sub-test, one each for Speaking,
Listening, Reading and Writing. The format of the ncw test is described in
McNamara (1989b). The validation of the Speaking and Writing sub-tests is
discussed in McNamara (1990).

The Listening sub-test is a 50-minutc test in two parts. Part A involves

listening to a talk on a professionally relevant subject. There arc approximately
twelve short answer questions, some with several parts; the maximum score on
this part of the test is usually about twenty-five. Part B involves listening to a

consultation between a general practitioner and a patient. There arc

approximately twenty short answer questions (again, some have several parts);
the maximum score here is usually twenty-five, giving a total maximum score of
approximately fifty on thirty-two items. Because of test security considerations,
ncw materials are developed for each session of the test, which is held twice a

Before going on to report on the use of IRT in the validation of the

Listening sub-test of the OET, the debate about the appropriateness of the usc
of IRT in language testing research will be reviewed.

Applications of IRT in language testing

The application of IRT t, thc arca of language testing is relatively recent.

Oiler (1983) contains no refe ence to IRT in a wide-ranging collection. By contrast,
IRT has featured in a number of studies since thc early 1980s. Much of this work


I 7n

has focused on the advantages of IRT over classical theory in investigating the
reliability of tests (eg Henning, 1984). More z,ignificant is the use of IRT to examine
aspects of the validity, in particular the construct validity, of tests.

de Jong and Glas (1987) examined the construct validity of tcsts of foreign
language listening comprehension by comparing the performance of native and
non-native speakers on the tests. It was hypothesized in this work that native
speakers would have a greater chance of scoring right answers on items: this was

largely borne out by the data. Moreover, items identified in the analysis as
showing 'misfit' should not show these same properties in relation to native
speaker performance as items not showing misfit (that is, on 'misfitting' items
native speaker performance will show greater overlap with the performance of
non-native speakers); this was also confirmed. The researchers conclude (de
Jong and Glas, 1987: 191):
The ability to evaluate a given fragment of discourse in order to understand

what someone is meaning to say cannot be measured along the sante

dimension as the ability to understand aurally perceived text at the literal level.

Items requiring literal understanding discriminate better between native

speakers and non-native learners of a language and are therefore better
measures of foreign language listening comprehension.

This finding is provocative, as it seems to go against current views on the

role of inferencing processes and reader/listener schanata is comprehension (cf.
Carrell, Devine and Eskey, 1988; Widdowson, 1983; Nunan 1987a). One might
argue that the IRT analysis has simply confirmed the erroneous assumption that

the essential construct requiring measurement is whatever distinguishes the

listening abilities of native- and non-native speakers. An alternative viewpoint is
that there will in fact be considerable overlap between the abilities of native- and

non-native speakers in higher-level cognitive tasks involved in discourse

comprehension. If the analysis of listening test data reveals that all test items fail
to lie on a single dimension of listening ability, then this is in itself a valid finding
about the multi-dimensional nature of listening comprehension in a foreign

language and should not be discounted. The point is that interpretation of the
results of IRT analysis must be informed by an in principle understanding of the
relevant constructs.
In the area of speaking, the use of IRT analysis in thc development of the
Interview Test of English as a Sccond Language (ITESL) is reported in Adams,
Griffin and Martin, 1987; Griffin, Adams, Martin and Tomlinson, 1988. These

authors argue that their research confirms the existence of a hypothesized

'developmental dimension of grammatical competence... in English *condi
Llanguagej A[cquisitionr (1988: 12). This finding has provoked considerable


controversy. Spolsky (1988: 123), in a generally highly favourable review of the

test, urges some caution in relation to the claims for its construct validity:
The authors use their results to argue for the existence of a grammatical
proficiency dimension, but sonic of the items are somewhat more general.
The nouns, verbs and adjectives items for instance are more usually classified

as vocabulary. One would have liked to see different kinds of items added
until the procedare showed that the limit of the unidimensionality criterion
had now been reached.

Nunan (1988: 56) is quite critical of the test's construct validity, particularly
in the light of current research in second language acquisition:
The major problem that I have with the test...fig that it fails adequately to
reflect the realities and complexities of language development.

Elsewhere, Nunan (1987b: 156) is more trenchant:

[The test] illustrates quite nicely the dangers of attempting to generate models

of second language acquisition by running theoretically unmotivated data

from poorly conceptualized tests through a powerful statistical programme.

Griffin has responded to these criticisms (cf Griffin, 1988 and the discussion

in Nunan, 1988). However, more recently, Hamp-Lyons (1989) has added her
voice to the criticism of the ITESL. She summarizes her response to the study
by Adams, Griffin and Martin (1987) as follows (1989: 117):
..This study... is a backward step for both language testing and language

She takes the writers to task for failing to characterize properly the
dimension of 'grammatical competence' which the study claims to have
validated; like Spolsky and Nunan, she finds the inclusion of some content areas
puzzling in such a test. She argues against the logic of the design of the research
project (1989: 115):
Their assumption that if the data fit the psychometric model they de facto
validate the model of separable grammatical competence is questionable. If
you construct a test to test a single dimension and then find that it does indeed

test a single dimension, how can you conclude that this dimension exists
independently of other language variables? The unidimensionality, if that is
really what it is, is an artifact of the test development.


On the question of the unidimensionality assumption, Hamp-Lyons (1989:

114) warns the developers of the ITESL test that they have a responsibility to

...the limitations of the partial credit model, especially the question of the
unidimensionality assumption of the partial credit model, the conditions
under which that assumption can be said to be violated, and the significance
of this for the psycholinguistic questions they are investigating... They need to
note that the model is very robust to violations of unidimensionality.

She further (1989: 116) criticizes the developers of the 1TESL for their
failure to consider the implications of the results of their test development
project for the classroom and the curriculum from which it grew.

Hamp-Lyons's anxieties about the homogeneity of items included in the

test, echoed by Nunan and Spolsky, seem well-founded. But this is perhaps
simply a question of revision of the test content. More substantially, hcr point
about the responsibilities of test developers to consider the backwash effects of
their test instruments is well taken, although some practical uses of the test seem

unexceptionable (for example, as part of a placement procedure; cf the

discussion reported in McNamara, 1988b: 57-61). Its diagnostic function is
perhaps more limited, though again this could probably be improved by revision
of the test content (although for a counter view on the feasibility of diagnostic
tests of grammar, see Hughes, 1989: 13-14).

However, when Adams, Griffin and Martin (1987: 25) refer to using
information derived from the test
in monitoring and developing profiles,

they may be claiming a greater role for the test in the curriculum. If so, this
requires justification on a quite different basis, as Hamp-Lyons is right to point
out. Again, a priori arguments about the proper relationship between testing and
teaching must accompany discussion of research findings based on IRT analysis.
A more important issue for this paper is Hamp-Lyons's argument about the
unidimensionality assumption. Here it secms that she may have misinterpreted
thc claims of the model, which hypothesizes (but does not assume in the sense of
'take for granted' or 'require') a single dimension of ability and difficulty. Its
analysis of test data represents a test of this hypothesis in relation to the data.
The function of the fit t-statistics, a feature of IRT analysis, is to indicate the
probability of a particular pattern of responses (to an item or on the part of an

individual) in the case that this hypothesis is true. Extreme values of t,

particularly extreme positive values of t, are an indication that the hypothesis is

unlikely to be true for the term or the individual concerned. If items or


individuals are found in this way to be disconfirming the hypothesis, this may be
interpreted in a number of ways. In relation to items, it may indicate (1) that
the item is poorly constructed; (2) that if thc item is well-constructed, it does
not form part of the same dimension as defined by other items in the test, and is
therefore measuring a different construct or trait. In relation to persons, it may
indicate (1) that the performance on a particular item was not indicative of the
candidate's ability in general, and may have been the result of irrelevant factors
such as fatigue, inattention, failure to take the test item seriously, factors which
Henning (1987: 96) groups under the heading of response validity; (2) that the
ability of the candidates involved cannot be mcasurcd appropriately by the test
instrument, that the pattern of responses cannot be explained in the samc terms
as applied to othcr candidates, that is, there is a heterogeneous test population in
terms of the hypothesis under consideration; (3) that there may be surprising

gaps in the candidate's knowledge of the areas covered by the test; this
information can then be used for diagnostic and remedial purposes.
A further point to note is that the dimension so defined is a measurement

dimension which is constructed by the analysis, which must be distinguished

from thc dimensions of underlying knowledge or ability which may be

hypothesized on other, theoretical grounds. IRT analyses do not 'discover' or
'reveal' existing underlying dimensions, but rather construct dimensions for the
purposes of measurement on the basis of test performance. The relationship
between thesc two conceptions of dimensionality will be discussed further below.

Hamp-Lyons is in effect arguing, then, that IRT analysis is insufficiently

sensitive in its ability to detect in the data departures from its hypothesis about
an underlying ability-difficulty continuum. The evidence for this claim, she

argues, is in a paper by Henning, Hudson and Turner (1985), in which the

appropriateness of Rasch analysis with its attempt to construct a single
dimension is questioned in the light of the fact that in language test data
(Henning, Hudson and Turner, 1985: 142)

...examinee performance is confounded with many cognitive and affective

test factors such as test wiscness, cognitive style, test-taking strategy,

fatiguc, motivation and anxiety. Thus, no test can strictly be said to
measures one and only one trait.
(In passing, it should be noted that these arc not the usual grounds for objection
to the supposedly unidimcnsional nature of performance on language tests, as
these factors have been usefully grouped together elsewhere by Henning under
the heading of rcsponse validity (cf above). The more usual argument i that thc
linguistic and cognitive skills underlying performance on language tests cannot he
conceptualized as being of one type.) Henning et al. examined performance of

some three hundred candidates on thc UCLA English as a Second Language


Placement Examination. There were 150 multiple choice items, thirty in each of
five sub-tests: Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Grammar
Accuracy, Vocabulary Recognition and Writing Error Dctection. Relatively few
details of each sub-test are provided, although we might conclude that the first

two sub-tests focus on language use and the other three on language usage.
This assumes that inferencing is required to answer questions in the first two

sub-tests; it is of course quite possible that the questions mostly involve

processing of literal meaning only, and in that sense to be rather more like the
other sub-tests (cf the discussion of this point in relation to dc Jong and Glas
(1987) above). The data were analysed using the Rasch one-parameter model,
and although this is not reported in detail, it is clear from Table two on p. 153
that eleven misfitting items were found, with the distribution over the sub-tests
as follows: Listening, 4; Reading, 4; Grammar, 1; Vocabulary, 3; Writing error
detection, 3. (Interestingly, the highest numbers of misfitting items were in the

Listening and Reading sub-test). One might reasonably conclude that the
majority of test items may be used to construct a single continuum of ability and

difficulty. We must say 'the majority' because in fact the Rasch analysis does
identify a number of items as not contributing to the definition of a single
underlying continuum; unfortunately, no analysis is offered of these items, so we
are unable to conclude whether they fall into the category of poorly writtcn items
or into the category of sound items which define some different kind of ability.

It is not clear what this continuum should be called; as stated above,

investigation of what is required to answer the items, particularly in the Reading
and Listening comprehension sub-test, is needed. In order to gain independent
evidence for the Rasch finding of the existence of a single dimension underlying

performance on the majority of items in the test, Henning et al. report two
other findings. First, factor analytic studies on previous versions of the test
showed that the test as a whole demonstrated a single factor solution. Secondly,
the application of a technique known as the Bejar technique for exploring the

dimensionality of the test battery appeared to confirm the Rasch analysis

findings. Subsequently, Henning et al.'s use of the Bejar technique has
convincingly been shown to have been unrevealing (Spur ling, 1987a; Spur ling,

1987b). Henning et al. nevertheless conclude that the fact that a single
dimension of ability and difficulty was defined by the Rasch analysis of their data

despite the apparent diversity of the language subskills included in the tests
shows that Rasch analysis is (Henning, Hudson and Turner, 1985: 152)

sufficiently robust with regard to the assumption of unidimensionality to

permit applications to the development and analysis of language tests.


(Note again in passing that the analysis by this point in the study is examining a
rather different aspect of the possible inappropriateness or otherwise of IRT in
relation to language test data than that proposed earlier in the study, although
now closer to the usual grounds for dispute). The problem here, as Hamp-Lyons
is right to point out, is that what Henning et al. call 'robustness' and take to be
virtue leads to conclusions which, looked at from another point of view, seem

worrying. That is, the unidimensional construct defined by the test analysis
seems in some sense to be at odds with the a priori construct validity, or at least
the face validity, of the test being analysed, and at the very least needs furthcr
discussion. However, as has been shown above, the results of the IRT analysis in
the Henning study are ambiguous, the nature of the tests being analysed is not
clear, and the definition of a single construct is plausible on one reading of thc
sub-tests' content. Clearly, as the results of the de Jong and Glass study show

(and whether or not we agree with thcir interpretation of those results), IRT
analysis is capable of defining different dimensions of ability within a test of a
single language sub-skill, and is not necessarily 'robust' in that sense at all, that
is, the sense that troubles Hamp-Lyons.
In a follow-up study, Henning (1988: 95) found that fit statistics for both

items and persons were sensitive to whether they were calculated in

unidimensional or multidimensional contexts, that is, they were sensitive to
'violations of unidimensionality'. (In this study, multidimensionality in the data

was confirmed by factor analysis.) However, it is not clear why lit statistics
should have been used in this study; thc measurement model's primary claims
are about the estimates of person ability and item difficulty, and it is these
estimates which should form the basis of argumentation (cf the advice on this
point in relation to item estimates in Wright and Masters, 1982: 114-117).
In fact, the discussions of Hamp-Lyons and Henning are each marked by a
failure to distinguish two types of model: a measurement model and a model of
the various skills and abilities potentially underlying test performance. These are

not at all the same thing. The measurement model posited and tested by IRT
analysis deals with the question, 'Does it ma1.7 sense in measurement tcrms to

sum scores on different parts of the test? Can all items be summed
meaningfully? Are all candidates being measured in the same terms?' This is the
'unidimensionality' assumption; the alternative position requires us to say that

separate, qualitative statements about performance on each test item, and of

each candidate, are the only valid basis for reporting test performance. All tests
which involve the summing of scores across different items or different test parts
make the same assumption. It should be pointed out, for example, that classical
item analysis makes the same 'assumption' of unidimensionality, but lacks tests
of this `assumption' to signal violations of it. As for the interpretation of test
scores, this must be done in the light of the our best understanding of the nature

of language abilities, that is, in the light of current models of the constructs


models such as IRT, and both kinds of analysis have the potential to illuminate
the nature of what is being measured in a particular language test.

It seems, then, that Hamp-Lyons's criticisms of 1RT on thc score of

unidimensionality are unwarranted, although, as stated above, results always
need to be interpreted in the light of independent theoretical perspective. In
fact, independent evidence (of example via factor analysis) may be sought for the
conclusions of an IRT analysis when there are grounds for doubting thcm, for

example when they appear to overturn long- or dearly-held beliefs about the
nature of aspects of . Iguage proficiency. Also, without wishing to enter into
Hamp-Lyons (1989: 1 i .) calls
the hoary issue of whether language conzpetence is unitary or divisible,

it is clear that there is likely to be a degree of commonality or shared variance on

tests of language proficiency of various types, particularly at advanced levels (cf
the discussions in Henning (1989: 98) and de Jong and Henning (1990) of recent
evidence in relation to this point).

Hamp-Lyons (1989) contrasts Griffin et al.'s work on the ITESL with a

study on writing development by Pollitt and Hutchinson (1987), whose approach

she views in a wholly positive light. Analysis of data from performance by

children in the middle years of secondary school on a series of writing tasks in
English, their mother tongue in most cases, lcd to thc following finding (Pollitt
and Hutchinson, 1987: 88):
Different writing tasks make different demands, calling on different language

functions and setting criteria for competence that are more or less easy to

Pollitt (in press, quoted in Skehan, 1989: 4)

discusses how the scale of difficulty identified by 1RT can he related to

underlying cognitive stages in the development of a skill.

For Hamp-Lyons (1989: 113), Pollitt and Hutchinson's work is also

significant as an example of a valuable fusion of practical test development and
theory building.
Several other studics exist which use the IRT Rating Scale model (Andrich,
1978a; Andrich, 1978b; cf Wright and Masters, 1982) to investigate assessments

of writing (Henning and Davidson, 1987; McNamara, 1990), speaking

(McNamara, 1990) and student self assessment of a range of language skills
(Davidson and Henning, 1985). These will not he considered in detail here, but

17 3


demonstrate further the potential of IRT to investigate the validity of language


Data from 196 candidates who took the Listening sub-test in August, 1987
were available for analysis using the Partial Credit Model (Wright and Masters,
1982) with the help of facilities provided by the Australian Council for Education

Research. The material used in the test had been trialled and subsequently
revised prior to its use in the full session of the OET. Part A of the test
consisted of short answer questions on a talk about communication between
different groups of health professionals in hospital settings. Part B of the test
involved a guided history taking in note form based on a recording of a
consultation between a doctor and a patient suffering headaches subsequent to a
serious car accident two years previously. Full details of the materials and the
trialling of the test can be found in McNamara (in preparation).
The analysis was used to answer the following question:

Is it possible to construct a single measurement dimension of 'listening

ability' from the data from thc tcst as a whole? Does it make sense to add
thc scores from the two parts of the Listening sub-test? That is, is the
Listening test `unidimensional'?

If the answer to the first question is in the affirmative, can we distinguish

the skills involved in the two Parts of the sub-tcst, or are essentially the
same skills involved in both? That is, what does the test tell us about the
nature of the listening skills being tapped in the two parts of the sub-test?
And from a practical point of view, if both sub-tests measure the same

skills, could one part of the sub-test be eliminated in the interests of


Two sorts of evidence were available in relation to the first question.

Candidatcs' responses were analysed twice. In thc first analysis, data from Parts
A and B were combined, and estimates of item difficulty and person ability were
calculated. Information about departures from unidimensionality were available

in the usual form of information about 'misfitting' items and persons. In thc
second analysis, Part A and Part B were each treated as separate tests, and
estimates of item difficulty and person ability were made on the basis of cach

test separately. It follows that if the Listening sub-test as a whole is

unidimensional, then the estimates of person ability from the two separate Parts
17 4

should be identical; that is, estimates of person ability should be independent of

the part of the test on which that estimate is based. The analysis was carried out
using the programme MSTEPS (Wright, Congdon and Rossner, 1987).
Using the data from both parts as a single data set, two candidates who got
perfect scores were excluded from the analysis, leaving data from 194 candidates.

There were a maximum of forty-nine score points from the thirty-two itcms.
Using data from Part A only, scores from five cpdidates who got perfect scores
or scores of zero were excluded, leaving data 6.691 191 candidates. There were a
maximum of twenty-four score points from twelve items. Using data from Part
B only, scores of nineteen candidates with perfect scores were excluded, leaving

data from 177 candidates. There were a maximum of twenty-five score points
from twenty items. Table 1 gives summary statistics from each analysis. Thc
Test reliability of person separation (the proportion of the observed variance in
logit measurements of ability which is not due to measurement error; Wright
and Masters, 1982: 105-106), termed the 'Rasch analogue of the familiar KR20
index' by Pollitt and Hutchinson (1987: 82), is higher for the test as a whole than
for either of the two parts treated independently. The figure for the test as a
whole is satisfactory (.85).

Table 1 Summary statistics, Listening sub-test

Parts A and B

Part A

Part B




Number of items




Maximum raw score




Mean raw score




S D (raw scores)




Mean logit score


0 86


S D (logits)




Mean error (logits)




Person separation
reliability (like KR-20)




Table 2 gives information on misfitting persons and items in each analysis.



Table 2 Numbers of misfitting items and persons, Listening sub-test



Part B

Parts A and B

Part A

2 (#7, #12)

2 (#7, #12) 1 (#25)

The analysis reveals that number of misfitting items is low. The same is
true for misfitting persons, particularly for the test as a whole and Part A
considered independently. Pollitt and Hutchinson (1987: 82) point out that we
would normally expect around 2% of candidates to generate fit values above +2.
On this analysis, then, it seems that whcn the test data arc treated as single

test, the item and person fit statistics indicate that all the items except two
combine to define a single measurement dimension; and the overwhelming
majority of candidates can be measured meaningfully in terms of the dimension

of ability so constructed. Our first question has been answered in the


It follows that if the Listening sub-test as a whole satisfies the

unidimensionality assumption, then person ability estimates derived from each of

the two parts of the sub-test treated separately should be independent of the
Part of the tcst on which thcy arc made. Two statistical tests were used for this

The first tcst was used to investigate the research hypothesis of a perfect
correlation between the ability estimates arrived at separately by treating the
data from Part A of the test independently of thc data from Part B of the test.
Thc correlation -oetween the two sets of ability estimates was calculated,
corrected for attenuation by taking into account thc observed reliability of the

two parts of thc test (Part A: .74, Part B: .60 - cf Table 1 above). (The
procedure used and its justification arc explained in Henning, 1987: 85-86.) Let
the ability estimate of Person n on Part A of the test be denoted by bnA and the

ability estimate of Person n on Part B of the test be denoted by bnB. The

correlation between these two ability estimates, uncorrected for attenuation, was
found to be .74. In order to correct for attenuation, we use the formula


VINX riy


rxy = the correlation corrected for attenuation

Rxy = the observed correlation, uncorrected
rxx = the reliability coefficient for the measure of thc variable x
ryy = the reliability coefficient for the measure of the variable y

and where if rxy > 1, report rxy = 1.

The correlation thus corrected for attenuation was found to bc > 1, and
hence may be reported as 1. This test, then, enables us to reject the hypothesis
that there is not a perfect linear relationship between the ability estimates from
each part of the test, and thus offers support for the research hypothesis that the
true correlation is 1.
The correlation test is only a test of the linearity of the relationship between
the estimates. As a more rigorous test of the equality of the ability estimates, a
X2 test was done. Let the 'true' ability of person n be denoted by Bn. Then tvz,4
and bnB arc estimates of Bn. It follows from maximum likelihood estimation

thcory (Cramer, 1946) that, because bnA and tmB are maximum likelihood
estimators of Bn (in the ease when both sets of estimates are centred about a
mean of zero),
bnA N (13n, er2iA)

whcrc eitA is the error of the estimate of the estimate of the ability of Person n
on Part A of the tcst and

bnB N (Bnl, enB)

where enB is the crror of the estimate of thc ability of Person n on Part B of the

From Table 1, the mean logit score on Part B of the test is 1.67, while thc
mean logit score on Part A of the tcst is .86. As the mean ability estimates for
the scores on :ach part of the test have thus not been set at 7ero (due to the fact
that items, not people, have been centred), allowance must be made for the
relative difficulty of each part of the test (Part B was cons:,ferably less difficult

than Part A). On average, then, bnB - bnA = .81. It foliows that if the


hypothesis that the estimates of ability from the two parts of the test are identical
is true, thcn bnB - bnA - .81 = 0. It also follows from above that

bnB bnA - .81N(0, enB +

and thus that

bnB - bnA - .81

N (0,1)


+ anA

if the differences between the ability estimates (corrected for the relative
difficulty of the two parts of the test) are converted to z-scores, as in the above
formula. If the hypothesis under consideration is true, then the resulting set of
z-scores will have a unit normal distribution; a normal probability plot of these zscores can bc done to confirm the assumption of normality. These z-scores for

each candidate are then squared to gct a value of X2 for each candidate. In
order to evaluate thc hypothesis under consideration for the entire set of scores,
thcn the test statistic is


where N = 174

The resulting value of X2- is 155.48,0 = 173, p = .84. (The normal

probability plot confirmed that the z-scores wcrc distributed normally). The
sccond statistical test thus enables us to reject the hypothesis that the ability
estimates on the two parts of the test are not identical, and thus offers support
for thc research hypothesis of equality.
Thc two statistical tests thus provide strong evidence for the assumption of
unidimensionality in relation to the test as a whole, and confirm thc findings of
the analysis of the data from the whole test taken as a single data set. In contrast
to the previously mentioned study of Henning (1988), which relied on an analysis

of fit statistics, the tests chosen arc appropriate, as they depend on ability
estimates directly.


Now that the unidimensionality of the test has been confirmed,

performance on items on each part of the test may be considered. Figure 1 is a

map of the difficulty of items using the data from performance on the tcst as a
whole (N = 194).
Figure 1 Item difficulty map






1 12



16 24




22 23


18 32

27 30
13 28
4 19



1 9 4,-

Figure 1 reveals that the two Parts of ale test occupy different areas of the
map, with some overlap. For example, of the eight most difficult items, seven
are from Part A of the test (Part A contains twelve items); conversely, of the
eight easiest items, seven are from Part B of the test (Part B has twenty items).
It is clear then that differing areas of ability are tapped by the two parts of the

test. This is most probably a question of the content of each part; Part A
involves following an abstract discourse, whereas Part B involves understanding
details of concrete events and personal circumstances in the case history. The
two types of listening task can be viewed perhaps in terms of the continua more
or less cognitively demanding and more or less context embedded proposed by
Cummins (1984). The data from the test may be seen as offering support for a
similar distinction in the context of listening tasks facing health professionals
working through the medium of a second language. The data also offer evidence
in support of the content validity of the test, and suggest that the two parts are
sufficiently distinct to warrant keeping both. Certainly, in terms of backwash
effect, one would not want to remove the part of the test which focuses on the
consultation, as facc-to face communication with patients is perceived by former
test candidates as the most frequent and the most complex of the communication
tasks facing them in clinical settings (McNamara, 1989b).
The interpretation offered above is similar in kind to that offered by Pollitt

and Hutchinson (1987) of task separation in a test of writing, and further

illustrates the potential of IRT for the investigation of issues of validity as well as
reliability in language tests (McNamara, 1990).


An IRT Partial Credit analysis of a two-part ESP listening test for health
professionals has been used in this study to investigate the controversial issue of

test unidimensionality, as well as the nature of listening tasks in the tcst. The
analysis involves the use o' wo inder,mdent tes:5 of unidimensionality, and both
confirm the finding of the wual analysis of the test data in this case, that is, that
it is possible to construct a single dimension using the items on the test for the

measurement of listening ability in health professional contexts. This

independent confirmation, together with the discussion of the real nature of the

issues involved, suggest that the misgivings sometimes voiced about thc
limitations or indeed the inappropriateness of IRT for the analysis of language
test data may not be justified. This is not to suggest, of course, that we should be
uncritical of applications of the techniques of 1RT analysis.
Moreover, the analysis has shown that the kinds of listening tasks presented to
candidatcs in the two parts of the test represent significantly different tasks in terms


of the level of ability required to deal successfully with them. This further confirms
the useful role of IRT in the investigation of the content and construct validity of
language tests.

Adams, R I, P E Griffin and L Manin (1987). A latent trait method for measuring
a dimension in second language proficiency. Language Testing 4,1: 9-27

Alderson, I C, C N Candlin, C M Clapham, D J Martin and C I Weir (1986).

Language proficiency testing for migrant professionals: new directions for the
Occupational English Test University of Lancaster.

Andrich, D (1978a). A rating formulation for ordered response categories.

Psychometrika 43: 561-573.

Andrich, D (1978b). Scaling attitude items constructed and scored in the Liken
tradition. Educational and Psychological Measurement 38: 665-680.

Carrell, P L, I Devine and D E Eskey (eds) ( 1988). Interactive approaches to

second language reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cramer, H (1946). Mathematical methods of statistics. Princeton: Princeton

University Press.

Cummins, 1 (1984). Wanted: a theoretical framework for relating language

proficiency to academic achievement among bilingual studies. In C Rivera (ed.)

Language proficiency and academic achievement. Clevedon, Avon:

Multilingual Matters, 2-19.

Davidson, F and G Henning (1985). A self-rating scale of English difficulty:

Rasch scalar analysis of items and rating categories. Language Testing 2,2:

De Jong, IILA.L and CA.W Glas (1987). Validation of listening comprehension

tests using item response theory. Language Testing 4,2: 170-194.



De long, .I.H.A.L and G Henning (1990). Testing dimensionality in relation to

student proficiency. Paper presented at the Language Testing Research
Colloquium, San Francisco, March 2-5.

Griffin P (1988). Tests must be administered as designed: a reply to David

Nunan. In T F McNamara (ed.) Language testing colloquium. Selected
papers from a Colloquium held at the Norwood Language Centre, University of
Melbourne, 24-25 August 1987. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 11,2:

Griffin P E, R I Adams, L Martin and B Tomlinson (1988). An algorithmic

approach to prescriptive assessment in English as a Second Language.
Language Testing 5,1: 1-18.

Hamp-Lyons L (1989). Applying the partial credit model of Rash analysis:

language testing and accountability. Language Testing 6,1: 109-118.

Henning G (1984). Advantage of latent trait measurement in language testing.

Language Testing 1,2: 123-133.

Henning G (1987). A guide to language testing: development, evaluation, rcscarch.

Cambridge, M A: Newbury House.

Henning G (1988). The influence of test and sample dimensionality on latent trait
person ability and item difficulty calibrations. Language Testing 5,1: 8-99.

Henning G ( 1989). Meanings and implications of the principle of local

independence. Language Testing 41: 95-108.

Henning G and F Davidson (1987). Scalar analysis of composition ratings. In K

M Bailey, T L Dale and R T Clifford (eds) Language testing research. Selected
papers from the 1986 colloquiwn. Monterey, CA: Defense Language Institute,

Henning G, T Hudson and I Turner (1985). Item response theory and the
assumption of unidimensionality for language tests. Language Testing 22: 141154.

Hughes A (1989). Testing for language teachers.

University Press.



Cambridge: Cambridge

McNamara T F (1987). Assessing the language proficiency of health professionals.

Recommendations for the reform of the Occupational ..nglish Test. Melbourne:
University of Melbourne, Department of Russian and Language Studies.

McNamara T F (1988a). The development of an English as a Second Language

speaking test for health professionals. Parkville, Victoria: University of
Melbourne, Department of Russian and Language Studies.

McNamara T F (ed.) (1988b). Language testing colloquium. Selected papers from

a Colloquium at the Norwood Language Centre, University of Melbourne, 24-25
August 1987. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 11,2.

McNamara T F (1989a). The development of an English as a Second Language

test of writing skills for health professionals. Parkville, Victoria: University of
Melbourne, Department of Russian and Larpage Studies.

McNamara T F (1989b). ESP testing: general and particular. In C N Candlin

and T F McNamara (eds) Language, learning and community. Sydney, NSW:
National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research, Macquarie
Urdversity, 125-142.

McNamara T F (1990). Item Response Theory and the validation of an ESP test
for health professionals. Paper presented at the Language Testing Research
Colloquium, San Francisco, March 2-5.

McNamara T F (in preparation). Assessing the second language proficiency of

health professionals. Ph D thesis, University of Melbourne.

Nunan D (1987a). Developing discourse comprehension: theory and practice.

Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Langauge Centre.
Nunan D (1987b). Methodological issues in research. In D Nunan (ed.) Applying

second language acquisition research. Adelaide: National Curriculum

Resource Centre, 143-171.

Nunan D (1988). Commentary on the Griffin paper. In T F McNamara (ed.)

Language testing colloquium. Selected papers fro? a Colloquium held at the

Norwood Language Centre, University of Melbourne, 24-25 August 1987.
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 11,2: 54-65.

011er I W (ed.) (1983). Issues in language testing research. Rowley, M A:

Newbury House.


Po !lilt A (in press). Diagnostic assessment through item banking. In N Entwhistk

(ed.) Handbook of educational ideas and practices. London: Croom Helm.

Pollitt A and C Hutchinson (1987). Calibrated gradcd assessments: Rasch partial

credit analysis of performance in writing. Language Testing 4,1: 72-92.
Skehan P (1989). Language testing part II. Language Teaching 22,1: 1-13.
Spolskv B (1988). Test review: P E Griffin et al. (1986), Proficiency in English as
a second language. (1) The development of an interview test for adult migrants.
(2) The administration and creation of a test. (3) An interview test of English
as a second language. Language Testing 5,1: 120-124.

Spurling S ( 1987a). Questioning the use of the Bejar method to determine

unidimensionality. Language Testing 4,1: 93-95.
Spurling S (1987b). The Bejar Method with an example: a comment on Henning's
'Response to Spurling*. Language Testing 4,2: 221-223.
Widdowson H G (1983). Learning purpose and language use. Oxford: OUP.

Wright B D and G N Masters (1982). Rating scale analysis. Chicago: MESA


Wright B D, R T Congdon and M Rossner (198 7). MSTEPS. A Rasch

programm for ordered response categories. Chicago, IL: Department of
Education, University of Chicago.




D E Ingram


The international English Language Testing System was formally released

for use in November 1989 and is now available in Britain, throughout Australia,

in all British Council offices around the world, in the Australian Education
Centres and 1DP Offices being established in many Asian and Pacific countries,
and in other centres where trained administrators arc available. The test is the

result of a two-year project jointly conducted by Australil and Britain with

additional input from Canada and from some individuals elscwhere. The project

was funded and directed by the International Development ProLram of

Australian Universities and Colleges, the British Council, and the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. The project was led by a team based
at the University of Lancaster under the direction of Dr Charles Alderson with
the day-to-day activities conducted by Caroline Clapham, supported by a large
and varying number of item-writers and reference persons in Britain, Australia,
and Canada. A Steering Committee with membership from both countries and
including the Project Team oversighted the project in Britain while, in Australia,

in addition to teams of item-writers, there was a small Working Party to

coordinate Australia's contribution. Australia's input to the Project Team was
provided by locating the present writer in Lancaster for thirteenth months in
1987-8 and Dr Patrick Griffin for approximately mo months in 1988 while major

contributions to tb , project have continued to be made from Australia

throughout the development phase and beyond. The basic reason for the two
countries' collaborating to produce the test is that such collaboration shares the
inevitably large development cost, draws on a larger and more diverse group of
nem-writers, and, more importantly, increases considerably the worldwide
network of test administration centres available to candidates.
The purpose of the project has been to provide a test suitable for assessing

the English proficiency (both general and special purpose) of the large and
growing number of international students wishing to study, train or learn English
in Australia, Britain, and other English-speaking countries. The test seeks, first,
to establish whether such students have sufficient English to undertake training



and academic programmes without thcir study c. training being unduly inhibited
by their English skills; second, to provide a basis a which to estimate the nature

and length of any presessional English cours required; third, to provide

Australian ELICOS centres (ie, public or prh. schools providing English
Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Stude tts) with a measurement of
general proficiency that will indicate the likely level and course needs of students

wishing to learn English; and, fourth, when the s..udents exit from an English
course, to provide them with an internationally used aod recognized statement of
English proficiency.



The form that the IELTS takes has been dctermired by the purposes it has
to serve, evaluations of earlier tests, needs analyses of end-users of the test's

results, and significant changes in applied linguis ics through the 1980's
growing scepticism about the practicality of Munby-type needs
analysis (Munby 1978) and ESP theory).
The purposes the IELTS serves require that it pros ides a valid and reliable

measure of a person's practical proficiency both for general and for academic
purposes. Because if the large number of students involved, the test has to be
readily and rapidly administered and marked, preferably by clerical rather than
more expensive professional staff, and able to be administered on demand,

worldwide, en masse (except for the Speaking test), and often in remotc
localities by per sons with little training, little professional supervision, and no
access to sophi.;ticated equipment such as language laboratories. In addition,
once the test has been taken and scored, its results must be readily interpretable
even by non-professionals such as institutions' admission officers.
The large number of candidates to whom the test has to be administered
also implies a diversity of academic or training fields within which candidates'
English proficiency should be measured. While face validity would suggest that
the test should have modules relevant to the specific academic or training fields

candidates wish to enter, the sheer diversity of those fields (one count, for
example, indicated 34 different fields within Engineering) makes a hard version
of specific purpose testing impractical while, in any case, there has been growing
scepticism through the 1980's about the validity of hard versions of ESP theory

and whether thc registers of different academic or vocational fields arc

sufficiently different to warrant different tests in any but very broad domains
(see Alderson and Urquhart 1985).

In addition to the constraints imposed by the purposes the test serves, its
form was influenced by thc pre-development studies made in thc course of


1 zi

various evaluations of thc British Council's English Language Testing Service

(ELTS) (see Clapham 1987, Criper and Davies 1986, ELTS 1987c) and of the
needs of end-users of the test's results. These had emphasized the need to limit
the total length of the tcst to less than three hours, the need to provide measures
of both general proficiency and ESP/EAP not least in ordcr to ensure face
validity, the contrasting need to limit the number of modules in order to simplify
administration, the need to provide a profile of results for the four macroskills
but to improve the reliability of the Speaking and Writing tests, the desirability
of maintaining the use of nine-point band scales and of ensuring that the results
(expressed in band scale levels) were readily interpretable, the importance of
providing clear and precise specifications to facilitate test replication, and the
need for the test to be able to be administered by relatively untrained person:,.
Changes in testing itself in the last two decades have also played down the value
of multiple choice item types and emphasized the need to use types that replicate
as far as possible real language use. Considerable thought was given to whether
or not the test should include a sub-test specifically focusing on grammar and
!ex's and, indeed, early versions of the test included a Grammar sub-test which
was dropped only after the initial trials and statistical analyses showed that it
provided little additional information on a candidate's proficiency.
Because the test is used to assess candidates of a wide range of language

proficiency, it was necessary to structure thc test to provide measures of

proficiency, as far as possible, through the band scale range. This was achieved
by having the General component (Listening and Speaking) and the General

Training sub-test focus especially around Band level 4 while the EAP/ESP
component focuses around Band level 6 without, in both cases, excluding the
possibility of information being provided about candidates above and below
these levels. In addition, within each sub-test, different phases of the sub-test
are focused around different band levels in order to provide graduation within
the sub-test as well as between the General and Modular components.
As already indicated, the purposes thc 1ELTS has to serve ne,:essitate that
it assess both general proficiency and ESP/EAP proficiency. Consequently, the

test has two components. A General Component which has sub-tests in

Listening and Speaking and an ESP/EAP component (loosely known as the

"Modular" component) which seeks to assess proficiency in Reading and Writing
in English for Academic Purposes in one of three broad academic fields (Arts
and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Technology, and Life and Medical

Sciences) and in general proficiency in Reading and Writing in the General

Training sub-test. Hence, the overall structure of the 1ELTS is as appears in
Figure 1.



Figure 1: Overall Structure or thelELTS

International English Language Testing System




eneral Comp.


Modular Comp.

A Phys. Scs. 5 Tech





B Life & Med. Scs.



C Arts & Soc. SC's.


General Training


The nature and purpose of the modular components raise some difficult

issues for the form of the test. For reasons already indicated, the three
ESP/EAP modules arc less specific than, for instance, the former ELTS test and
favour the features and academic skills of the broader rather than more specific
discipline areas. In addition to the reasons already stated for this, thc less
specific nature of the Ms and their greater focus on EAP rather than ESP make
them more compatible with their use with both undergraduates and graduates.

Since some graduates (eg an Engineer taking an MBA) and many

undergraduates are often, though not always, just entering a field while many
graduates are continuing in their field, there seems at first sight to bc some
illogicality in using the same ESP-EAP test with both groups but it does seem
reasonable to assess whether, whatever their background, applicants to study in a
field have both general proficiency and the ability to apply thcir language to cope

with the broad range of academic tasks and register features of the broad
discipline arca to be entered. However, the M's were considered inappropriate
for persons at lower levels of academic development (upper Secondary School),
for persons entering vocational training such as apprenticeships, or for persons
participating in on-the-job attachments. For these, the emphasis is on general
proficiency and consequently they take the G component together with the
General Training (GT) module which, likc the M's, assesses reading and writing

skills but in general and training contexts rather than in discipline-related

academic contexts. Persons undertaking training or attachments that make more


significant academic demands would take the relevant M rath than the GT (eg,
persons entering a diploma-level TAFE course, persons going on attachment to
a scientific laboratory, or subject-specialist teachers going for practical training,
work experience or on exchange in a school). To prevent candidates' taking thc
General Training module rather than one of the other modules in the belief that
it is easier to score higher on the more general test, an arbitrary ceiling of Band
6 has been imposed on the General Training module. The logic, practical value
and validity of this decision have yet to be fully tested and will, undoubtedly, be
an issue for future consideration by the International Editing committee.
The effect of the pattern of sub-tests just outlined is to enable the IELTS to
provide a comprehensive measure of general proficiency in all four maeroskillls
using the two General component sub-tests in Listening and Speaking and the
General Training sub-test in Reading and Writing. For Australian purposes, this
makes the test relevant to ELICOS needs where, for persons entering or exiting
from a general English course, a comprehensive test of general proficiency is
needed. The availability of the EAP/ESP sub-tests in Reading and Writing
means that candidates at higher proficiency levels in all four macroskills can also
have their proficienc ),. comprehensively assessed though with Reading and
Writing being assessed in broad ESP/EAP contexts. It is regrettable that the
decision to limit maximum General Training scores to Band 6 prevents persons
with high general proficiency in Reading and Writing but no ESP or EAP
development from having their skills fully assessed.


The current form of the IELTS as released in November 1989 is the result
of more than two years' work but the permanent administrative structures allow
for considerable on-going development and review activity and, in any case, the
test specifications give considerable freedom to item-writers to vary actual item
types within clearly stated guidelines. No decision concerning the form and
detailed specifications of the test has been taken lightly but, nevertheless, the
need to adhere strictly to the original release date of October-November 1989
inevitably meant that some issues will be subject to further trial and investigation
and this, together with the continual review process, will mean that the test is not
static (and hence rapidly dated) but is in a state of constant evolution.

Detailed specifications have been prepared for all sub-tests so as to

facilitate test replication and so that item-writers can, within defined limits, be
allowed some flexibility in devising parallel forms of the test. This flexibility is
desirable for reasons of test security, to try to ensure that it is proficiency that is
being measured and fostered through the washback effect rather than merely the



ability to perform specified item types, and to encourage the sort of innovation
on the part of item-writers that might lead to progressive irr--overnent in what
we would claim is already a valuable test.

The specifications take broadly similar forms subject to the necessary

variations arising from the different macroskills. The Introduction to all the
Specifications outlines the purpose of the IELTS, the nature of the particular
test, the target population, the focus of the test (especially in terms of Band
Scale levels, tasks, materials, registers and discourse styles), and cultural
appropriacy. The next section describes the test structure in detail. In the
Speaking test, the structure is described in terms of the length of the interview,
the five phases with the purpose, tasks and stimuli, and skills and functions for
each. In the Listening test, the structure is described in terms of the time for the
test, the stages and, for each stage, the text types, style, utterance rates, item
types, skills and functions, contextual features (such as ambient noise, register
shifts, number of speakers, accents, and situations), and possible topics. The Ms
indicate test focus in tcrms of band levels, academic tasks, source and audience,
the proficiency level, length and structure of texts, and the test tasks that may be
included. All Specifications are accompanied by the appropriate Band Scale or,
in the case of Writing, Band Scales and by guidelines for non-sexist language.
The Specifications for the International English Language Testing System
describe the general nature and purpose of the whole test battery thus:
"The 1ELTS is a language test battery designed to assess thc proficiency of

candidates whose first language is not English and who are applying to
undertake study or training through the medium of English. It is primarily
intended to select candidates who meet specified proficiency requirements

for their designated programmes. Its secondary purpose is to be a semidiagnostic test designed to reveal broad areas in which problems with
English language use exist, but not to identify the detailed nature of those

"The test battery consists of a General and a Modular section. The General
section contains tests of general language proficiency in the areas of listening
and speaking; the Modular section consists of tests of reading and writing for
acadcmic purposes."

During the investigations that wcrc conducted prior to thc commencement

of the development project, informants asked for the IJstenin.g sub-test to be
included in thc modular component because of the ir :lance of students' being
able to listen to a lecture, take notes, and carry out a writing task. However, the
need to minimize administration time and to be able to administer the test cn


masse often without access to a language laboratory made this proposal

impractical even for the four broad fields catered for in th; modular component
of the test. Consequently, Listening is part of the general component and has
two stages, the first relating to social situations and the second to course-related
situations. A variety of item types may be used including information transfer
(such as form-filling, completing a diagram, following routes on a map), more

traditional true-false and multiple-choice types, and open-ended (but

exhaustively specifiable) answers to questions. Speakers are to be "intelligible

native speakere from one or more of the three countries involved in the project

(Australia, Britain and Canada). Discourse styles differ through thc test and
include conversation, monologue, and formal and informal lectures. Utterance
rates are graduated through the test from the lower to middle range of native
speaker rates and the contextual features listed ensure that candidates are
required to cope with varied accents, different utterance ratcs, varied but
relevant situations, and register shifts.
The Speaking sub-test is discussed in detail elsewhere (Ingiam 1990). In

brief, it is a direct test of oral proficiency in which the specifications and test
outline seek to exercise more control over the interviewer's options than in more

traditional approaches using, for example, the ASLPR or FSI Scales. The
interview lasts eleven to fifteen minutes, is in five phases, and includes activities
that progressively extend the candidate and give him or hcr the opportunity to
lead the discussion. Aftcr a short introductory phase in which the interviewer
elicits basic personal information, Phase Two aives candidates the opportunity to
provide more extended speech about some familiar aspect of their own culture

or some familiar topic of general interest. Phase Three uses information gap
tasks to have the candidate elicit information and, perhaps, solve a problem.
Phase Four draws on a short curriculum vitae Filled out by candidates before the
interview in order to have them speculate ahout their future, express attitudes
and intentions, and discuss in some detail their field of study and futurc plans.
There is a very short concluding phase entailing little more than the exchange of
good wishes and farewell. Assessment is by matching observed language
behaviour against a band scale containing nine brief performance descriptions
from 1 (Non-Speaker) to 9 (Expert Speaker). Interviewers are native speakers.
trained ESL teachers who have undergone short format training in administering
the Speaking test with an additional requirement to work through an interviewer
training package at regular intervals. All interviews are audio-recorded with a
10% ample being returned to Australia or Britain for monitoring of interview
quality and moderation of assessments assigned. This sub-test is of particular
interest from a test design point of view since it draws on thc developments in
"direct", interview-based assessment of the last two decades hut seeks to control
the interview to maximize validity and reliability for largc-scalc administration
often in remote locations using minimally trained interviewers. Of particular



importance is the attempt made in the interview to surrender initiative from the
interviewer to the candidate (especially in Phase 3) because of the importance, in
English-speaking academic environments, of students' being willing to ask
questions and seek information for themselves.
Three of the modular tests assess reading and writing in ESP-EAP contexts
while the General Training module (to be discussed subsequently) assesses them
in general and training contexts. It was noted earlier that these tests each have
to be appropriate for candidates in a wide range of disciplines and for both those
entering and those continuing their field. Consequently, though reading or

stimulus materials are chosen from within the broad discipline areas of the
target population of the module, neutral rather than highly discipline-specific
texts are to be used, which excludes such materials as is found in textbooks so
that item-writers arc required to choose "(scientific) magazines, books, academic

papers and well-written newspaper articles (in a relevant field) writtcn by

scientists for the informed lay person and for scientists in other fields". Reading
and writing are integrated so that, as is integral to academic writing, at least one
of the writing tasks draws on material in one or more of the reading texts. The
difficulty level of the texts is to be within the target proficiency range (Bands 5 to
7) except that, where the Writing test draws on reading materials for input to the
writing task, the difficulty level should not exceed Band 5 so as to minimize the
chance of reading interfering with the candidate's ability to demonstrate writing
proficiency. The reading tasks focus on tasks relevant to academic reading and
include, amongst others, identifying structure, content and procedures, following
instructions, finding main ideas, identifying underlying themes, evaluating and
challenging evidence, reaching a conclusion, and drawing logical inferences
Though the reading test items have to be ckrically markable, they make use of a
variety of item types including, inter alia, doze-type procedures, summary

completion, table completion, heading insertion, multiple choice, and

exhaustively specifiable open-ended questions.

The writing tasks are as realistic as possible and require the sort of activity
that candidates will have to do on entering and pursuing their courses, including,
amongst others, organizing and presenting data, describing an object or event,

explaining how something works, presenting and justifying an opinion or

hypothesis, comparing and contra.,fing evidence, arguing a case, and evaluating

and challenging evidence. The assessment procedure for the Writing test is the
most complicated in the test battery and uses three different sub-scalcs for each
of the two tasks in the Writing tcst. These have then to be converted to a single

band scale score. Whether this more analytic approach to assessing writing
proficiency is more global band scale or whether the increased complexity and
time demands of the scoring procedure mitigate any possible benefit from the
analytic approach has yet to be convincingly demonstrated by research and this

will undoubtedly be one of the urgent matters to be reconsidered by the


International Editing Committee now that the test has been formally released.
The approach to writing assessment used in the IELTS is to be discussed in a
workshop presentation elsewhere in the 1990 RELC Seminar.
The General Training test focuses on Bands 3 to 6 (rising through the test)
with, as already noted, a ceiling of Band 6 on scores that can be assigned. The
tasks are required to focus on those skills and functions relevant to survival in
English speaking countries and in training programmes including, amongst
others, following and responding to instructions, identifying content and main
ideas, retrieving general factual information, and identifying the underlying
theme or concept. Texts should not be specific to a particular field, may bc
journalistic, and should include types relevant to training contexts and survival in
English speaking countries (eg, notices, posters, straightforward forms and
documents, institutional handbooks, and short newspaper articles). Some of the

possible item types in the reading test may include iaserting headings.
information transfer, multiple choice, short-answer questions with exhaustively
specifiable answcrs, and summary completion. In the Writing test, the skills and

functions that may be tested include presenting data, giving instructions,

expressing needs and wants, expressing an opinion, providing general factual
information, and engaging in personal correspondence in a variety of topics
relevant to training and survival in an English speaking country.
Some examples of item types have been given in discussing the form of the

sub-tests. Their choice is constrained by several factors that are not always
compatible, including economy of administration and scoring and the need to
provide a realistic measure of the candidate's practical proficiency. To reduce
costs, the tests are designed to be clerically, and hence essentially, objectively,
markable except for Speaking and Writing which are assessed directly against
Band Scales by ESL teachers trained and accredited to assess. Some use of
multiple-choice questions remains though all items are contextualized and itemwriters are required at all times to consider the realism of the task the candidate
is being asked to undertake. Item-writers are also required at all times to relate

texts, items and anticipated candidate responses to the Band Scales so as to

facilitate interpretation, to provide the required band scale focus, and to ensure
an appropriate gradation through the test.
The proficiency level of the test and its component parts is a critical issue
determining its overall usefulness. It was important, in order for the test to meet

the variety of needs it was intended to cover, that it have a wide proficiency
range and provide a measure of proficiency in all four macroskills. The General
component and General Training consequently focus around Band 4 and the
three academic sub-tests focus around Band 6 with the band scale spread shown
in Figure 1 (without excluding the possibility in all sub-tests of information being

provided on candidates above or below these levels) but, in addition and as

already indicated, thc sections within each sub-test are graduated to enable each



to cater for a wider range of candidates. In othcr words, though the IELTS is
designed to select candidates for academic courscs and training programmes, it
does not just adopt a threshold approach but is designed to make a statement
about candidates' proficiencies whatever their level might be.

It was indicated earlier that it was a requirement on the project Team to

keep the total length of the IELTS below three hours. The actual length of the
current form of the test is a maximum of 145 minutes made up of 30 minutes for
the Listening test, the Speaking test i 11 to 15 minutes, and the Ms are 100
minutcs with 55 minutes for Reading and 45 for Writing.


The ncw test, as the name indicates, is the result of an international project
involving three English-speaking countries with their own distinctive dialects and

cultures. The test has to be seen to be an international test and to be

appropriate to all candidates whatever their country of origin and target country.
This has significantly affected the operation of the development project and the

content of the test and is a continual factor in determining the permanent

management structures and technical operations.

In development and administration, the IELTS has had to recognize the

respective roles and contributions of the participating countries (especially
Australia and Britain, the principal participants, and now the owners of the test),
to recognize and utilize the expel tise in those countries, and to be clearly the
result of the equal-status collaboration of the participating countries. It has been
necessary, therefore, to ensure major contributions to all phases of the project
from both Australia and Britain even though the development project was based

in Lancaster. Hence, the present writer was based in Lancaster for thirteen
months and Patrick Griffin for six weeks, an Australian Working Party provided

additional support, and major contributions continued from Australia

throughout 1989 after the present writer returned to Australia from Lancaster.
The permanent management, development and administration arrangements for
the test to bc referred to below are also designed to ensure equal ownership and
involvement by both Australia and Britain. Indeed, in the unlikely event that
either country were to take action that would relegate the role of the other to a

more subordinate position in manag(,mcnt, development, monitoring, or

supporting research, the international arrangements would probably cease and,
in Australia's casc, a ncw Australian test acceptable to Australian institutions
and the large ELICOS market would have to be devised. There is no reason to
anticipate such an unsatisfactory event occurring since the project has proceeded
harmoniously and effectively and the point is made here solely to stress the

2 1!


importance placed on the international nature of the test, its development, and
its on-going management. A number of factors arising from the internationalism
of the test are worthy of note.
First, participating countries have had to adjust their requirements for test

content to accommodate each other's needs. Thus, for instance, the nonacademic module in the former ELTS test has been changed to meet Australian
ELICOS needs so that the IELTS General Training module includes a lower
proficiency range, and focuses mainly around general proficiency in reading and

Second, care is taken to ensure that place names or anything else identified

with one country are balanced by features identified with the other and
unnecessary references to one or the other country arc avoided so as to ensure
that nothing is done that could lead the test to be associated with any one of the
participating countries or to bias the test towards candidates going or going back
to any of the countries.

Third, in language and culture, the test focuses on international English

rather than on British, Australian or Canadian English. On the cultural level, it
is reasonable to expect that candidates learning English will learn the general

culture that underlies the language and constitutes the meaning system.
However, an international test must avoid country-specific assumptions based on
just one of thc cultures involved. To do this, however, requires careful editing by
testers from all participating countries since it is often impossible for a person,

however expert but locked in his or her own culture, even to recognize when
knowledge of certain aspects of his or her culture is assumed. On one occasion
during the writing of an early item in a draft Listening test, for example, the
present writer, coming from Australia where mail is delivered once a day,
Monday to Friday, interpreted a question and marked a multiple choice answer
quite differently from what was intended by the British writer who assumed that
mail was normally delivered once or twice a day, six days a week. In another
question in another sub-test, a person familiar with Australian culture would
have marked a different multiple-choice answer because of assumptions arising
from the fact that, in Australia, large numbers of sheep are trucked on road
trains and so a large flock could be "driven" from one place to another whereas,
if they had been walked there (which thc British test writcr intended), the verb
used would have been "to drove".

Fourth, the Specifications for all thc sub-tests include a section on cultural
appropriacy which emphasizes thc need for the test to he equally appropriate. for

students going to any of the participating countries and the need to avoid
country-specific cultural knowledge and lexical and other items identified with
any onc variety of English. The section on cultural appropriacy also emphasizes
the need to avoid topics or materials that may offend on religious, political or
cultural grounds and to observe international guidelines for non-sexist language.


2 Li Li


As already indicated, the IELTS is available worldwide from British

Council offices, Australian Education Centres, offices of the International
Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges (IDP), and from

other places administered by the British Council or IDP where trained

administrators, interviewers and markers arc available. Where both Australian
and British offices are available, the centres arc required to work cooperatively
rather than in competition. Both countries are responsible for the training of
administrators, interviewers and markers working to an agreed training schedule
and both countries will take responsibility for thc monitoring and moderation of

interviewing and the rating of Speaking and Writing proficienc;cs. Both

countries will also cooperate in other aspects of IELTS administration,
management, technical development, and related research and the supporting
structures have heeh established to ensure that this occurs.
The senior management body is the International Management Committee
with equal representation from Britain and Australia. The senior technical body
is the International Editing Committee which consists of thc two (ic, Australian
and British) Chief Examiners and a chairperson. The chairs of the IMC and
IEC are to alternate between Britain and Australia, with one being Australian
and the other British. In Britain, the test is owned by the British Council which
has contracted its management and the technical aspects of thc on-going test
development to the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
while, in Australia, a consortium of institutions, called "IELTS Australia", has
been established with IDP holding half the shares. The item-writing is carried
out equally in both countries by teams of item-writers engaged for the purpose
with items being submitted to the national Chief Examiner and subsequently to
the International Editing Committee before formal trialling takes place. At least
one parallel form of the test will be developed each year though it is strongly to
be hoped that this number will rapidly increase in order to ensure test security.



The International English Language Testing System is a test of some

considerable interest for several reasons. First, it will rapidly become (if it is not
already) thc principal test of English proficiency to be taken by students or
trainees going to Australia and Britain to study, train or learn English. Second,

this is probably the first time that a major test has been developed and
maintained in an international project of this sort, in which, in addition to



technical cooperation, the project has sought and continues to seek to draw
equally on the testing expertise available in the participating countries, to foster
that expertise on a wide scale by the deliberate involvement of applied linguists
across each nation, and to develop a test compatible with the needs, dialects and
cultures of the participating countries. Third, certain features of the test itself
are of interest, not least the structured controls on the Speaking test and the
attempt to give candidates thc opportunity to take initiative during the inteniew.
Fourth, there has been a deliberate attempt throughout the development process
to consider the washback effect of the test on English language teaching in other
countries and to adopt test techniques that arc more likely to have a favourable
influence on the teaching of English. Finally, the sheer magnitude of the project,

the large number of candidates that will be taking the test, and the need for
much on-going test monitoring and regeneration will provide a considerable
stimulus to the development of language testint: as a skilled activity in both
countries. It is, for instance, not coincidental that the recently established
Languages Institute of Australia (a nationally funded centre for research and
information in applied linguistics in Australia) includes within it two language
testim; units established in two of the institutions most involved in Australia's
contribution to the development of the International English Language Testing


Alderson, J Charles and Caroline Clapham, 1987, "The Revisiion of the ELTS

Test". Paper to the English Language Education Forum, Univeryity of

Lancaster, 3 November, 1987.

Alderson, J Charkts and A Urquhart, 1985. "This Test (5 Unfair: I'm not an
Economist". In Hauptman et al 1985.
Burke, Ed, 1987. "Final Report on the Evaluation of Overseas Standardized
English Language Proficiency Tests: Implications for English Language
Proficiency Testing in Australia". Report to the Overseas Students office,
Commonwealth Department of Education, Canberra, Australia, 30 April.

Clapham, Caroline, 1987. "The Rationale for the Structure of the Revised
ELTS". Mimeograph.


Criper, Clive and Alan Davies, 1986. "Edinburgh ELTS Validation Project: Final
Report". Mimeograph. Subsequently published by Cambridge University
Press, 1988.

English Language Testing Service (ELTS), 1987. An Introduction to ELTS,

London: British Council.
English Language Testing Service (IELTS), 1987a. Specimen Materials Booklet,
London: British Council.

English Language Testing Service (ELTS), 1987b. Non-Academic Training

Module: User Handbook. London: British Council.

English Language Testing Service, 1987c. "Acceptability of ELTS in UK

Universities and Polytechnics". London: British Council.

Hauptman, P C, R LeBlanc and M B Wcsche (cds), 1985. Second Language

Performance Testhrg Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Ingram, D E. 1990. "The Internatiomil English Language Testing System: The

Speaking Test", workshop presentation to the 1990 RELC Seminar, Singapore,
9- I3 April 1990.

Ingram, D E. In preparation. Direct Proficiency Assessment.

Ingram, 0 E and Caroline Clapham, 1988. "ELTS Revision Project: A New

International Test of English Proficiency for Overseas Students". Paper to the
16th FIPLV World Congress on Language Leaming/7th Biennial AFMLTS
National Languages Conference. "Learning Languages is Learning to Live
Together", Australian National University, Canberra, 4-8.1anuary, 1988.

Lo Bianco, Joseph, 1987, National Policy on Languages, Canberra: Australian

Government Publishing Service.
Munby, I L, 1978. "Conummicative Syllabus Design", Cambridge University Press.





Charles W. Slansfield

This article introduces thc reader to the simulated oral proficiency

interview and discusses the research that has been conducted on it to date.
Subsequently, it compares this type of test with a facc-to-face interview in
respect to reliability, validity, and practicality. Finally, it offers some reasons why
thc simulated oral proficiency interview is as good a measure of oral language
proficiency as the face-to-face interview and describes the situations in which it
may actually be preferable to the face-to-face format.


Thc simulated oral proficiency interview (SOPI) is a type of semi-direct

speaking test that models, as closely as is practical, the format of the oral
proficiency interview (ON). The OP! is used by US Government agencies
belonging to the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) and by the American
Council for thc Teaching of Forcign Language (ACTFL) to assess general

speaking proficiency in a second language. The OPI, and thc scale on which it is
scored, is the precursor of the Australian Second Language Proficiency Rating

The measure I have called a SOPI (Stansficld, 1989) is a tape-recorded test

consisting of six parts. It begins with simple personal background questions

posed on the tape in a simulated initial encounter with a native speaker of the
target language. During a brief pause, the examinee records a short answcr to
each question. Part one is analogous to the "warm-up" phase of the OPI. Thc
remaining five parts are designed to elicit language that is similar to that which
would bc elicited during the level check and probe phases of the OPI. Parts two,
three, and four employ pictures in a test booklet to check for the examinee's
ability to perform the various functions that characterin the Intermediate and
Advanced levels of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines, or levels one and two of

the ILR skill level descriptions. Thus, the examinee is asked to give directions to
and to
someone using a map, to describe a particular place based on drawing,
drawings in
narrate a sequence of events in




the test booklet as a guide. Parts five and six of the SOP1 require examinees to
tailor their discourse strategies to selected topics and real-life situations. These

parts assess the examinee's ability to handle the functions and contcnt that
characterize the Advanced and Superior levels of the ACTFL guidelines, or
levels two through four of the ILR skill level descriptions. Like the OPI, the
SOPI can cnd with a wind-down. This is usually one or more easy questions
designed to put the examinee at case and to facilitate the ending of the

examination in as natural a manner as possible.

After the test is completed, the tape is scored by a trained rater using the
ACTFL/ILR scale. The score an examinee earns may range from the Novice
level to High Superior (See Figure 1). The Novice level is equivalent to level 0
or 0 + on the ILR scale, while High Superior is equivalent to a rating of between
3 + and 5 on the ILR scale.


In five studies involving different test development teams and different

languages, the SOPI has shown itself to be a valid and reliable surrogate of the
OPI. Clark and Li (1986) developed the first SOPI, although they did not label it
as such, in an effort to improve on the Recorded Oral Proficiency Interview, or
ROPE test, which was a semi-direct version of the OPI containing instructions
and questions entirely in the target language (Lowe and Clifford, 1988). Clark
and Li developed four forms of a ROPE-like tcst of Chinese, with instructions
and scenarios in English, and then administered the four forms and an OPI to 32
students of Chinese at two universities. Each test was scored by two raters and

thc scores on the two types of test were statistically compared. The results
showed the correlation between the SOPI and the OPI to be .93.
Shortly after arriving at the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) in 1986, I

read Clark's report on this project and realized that these favorable results
merited replication by other researchers in situations involving other test
developers and learners of other languages. As a result, I applied for a grant
from the US Department of Education to develop similar tests in four other
languages. Fortunately, the grant was funded, and in August 1987 1 began the
development of a similar semi-direct interview test of Portuguese, called the
Portuguese Speaking Test (Stansfield, et al., 1990).
Three forms of this test and an OPI were administered to 30 adult learners

of Portuguese at four institutions. Each test was also scored by two raters. In
this study a correlation of .93 between the two types of test was also found. In
addition, the SOPI showed itself to be slightly more reliable than the OPI, and


4 I t)

raters reported that the SOPI was easier to rate, since the format of the test did
not vary with each examinee.

During 1988 and 1989, I directed thc development of tests in Hebrew,

Hausa, and Indonesian. The Hebrew SOPI, or Hebrew Speaking Test (HeST)
as we call it, was developed in close collaboration with Elana Shohamy and her
associates at the University of Tel Aviv (Shoharny et al., 1989). In order to
accommodate the different settings where the language is studied and used, two

forms of the test wcrc developed for use in Hebrew language schools for
immigrants to Israel, and two forms were developed for use in North America.
The first two forms were administered to 20 foreign students at the University of
Tel Aviv and thc other two forms were administered to 10 students at Brandeis
University and 10 students at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Each
group also received an OPI. The correlation between the OPI and this SOP1 for

the Israeli version was .89, while the correlation for thc U S version was .94.

Parallel-form and interrater reliability were also very high. The average
interrater reliability was .94 and parallel form reliability was .95. When
examinees' responses on different forms were scored by different raters, the
reliability was .92.

Recently, Dorry Kenyon (my associate at CAL) and I reported on the

development and validation of SOPIs in Indonesian and Hausa (Stansfield and
Kenyon, 1989). Thc development of the Indonesian Speaking Test (1ST) posed
special problems. Indonesian is onc of thosc languages where thc context of the
speech situation seems to be especially important. Because of this, we strived to
contextualize the test items to an even greater degree than had been doae for
other languages. In order to do this, we specified the age, scx, and position or
relationship of the supposed interlocutor for the examinee. During trialing, we

noticed that examinees tended to assign a name to the person they were
speaking with. As a result, we gave each interlocutor, as appropriate, a name on
thc operational forms. To validate the test, 16 adult learners of Indonesian were
administered two forms of thc IST and an OP!. The correlation i'h the OPI
was .95. Reliability was also high, with interrater reliability averaging .97, and
parallel-form reliability averaging .93 for the two raters. When different forms
and different ratcrs were used, the reliability was also .93.

The development of two forms of the Hausa Speaking Test also posed

special problems. Here, it was necessary to develop a version for male

examinees and a version for female examinees, because the pronoun "you"
carries gender in Hausa as it does in Hebrew. Because no ACTFL or ILRcertified interviewer/raters were available for Hausa, it was not possible to
administer an OPI to the 13 subjects who took the Hausa Speaking Test.
However, two speakers of Hausa as a second language who had received

familiarization training in English with the ACTFL/ILR scale, subsequently

scored the Hausa test tapes on that scale. The raters showed high interrater


reliability (.91) in scoring thc test and indicated that they believed it elicited an
adequate sample of language from which to assign a rating.


A comparison of the two types of test demonstrates that thc SOPI can offer

a number of advantages over the 0 PI with respect to the fundamental

psychometric characteristics of reliability, validity and practicality.

Reliability. The SOPI has shown itself to be at least as reliable and sometimes
more reliable than the OPI. During the development of the Chinese Speaking
Test (Clark and Li, 1986) the OPI showed an interrater reliability of .92, while

the four forms of the SOPI showed an interrater reliability of .93. On the
Portuguese SOPI that I developed, the interrater reliability for three forms
varied from .93 to .98, while the reliability ot the OPI was .94. In addition, some

raters reported that it was sometimes easier to reach a decision regarding the

appropriate score for an examinee who was taking the SOPI than for an
examinee who was taking the ON. This is because the OPI requires that each
examinee be given a unique interview, whereas the format and questions on an
SOPI arc invariant. Under such circumstances, it is often easier to arrive at a
decision on the score. The situation is similar to scoring a batch of essays on the

same topic versus scoring essays on different topics. The use of identical
questions for each examinee facilitates the rater's task. I should be careful to
point out that although the rater's task is made easier by the use of identical
questions, competent raters arc able to apply the scale reliably when different
questions are used. Thus, the use of a common test for all examinees does not
guarantee an improvement in reliability over the face-to-face interview.
Thc length of the speech sample may also facilitate a decision on a rating.
Thc OPI typically takes about 20 minutes to administer and produces about 15

minutcs of examinee speech. The SOPI takes 45 minutcs to administer and

produces 20-23 minutcs of examinee speech. Thus, there is a greater sample of
performance for the rater to consider on the SOPI and this sample may makc
distinctions in proficiency more salient.
Another advantage is found in the recording of the test for later scoring. In

the OPI, the same interviewer typically rates and scores the test. Yet this
interviewer may not bc the most reliable or accuratc ratcr. In the SOPI, one can

have the tape scored by thc most reliable rater, even if this rater lives in a
different city or region of the country.



Validity. Many factors can affect the validity of a measure of oral proficiency.
The consideration of several factors explains why the SOPI may be as valid as
the OPI.
The SOPI usually produces a longer sample of examinee speech. Whcn this
is the case, the more extensive sample may give it greater contcnt validity.

In an OPI, the validity of the speech sample elicited is in large part

determined by the skill of the interviewer, lithe interviewer does not adequately
challenge the examinee by posing demanding questions, the examinee will not be

given a chance to demonstrate his or her language skills. If the interviewer

consistently asks questions that are too demanding for the examinee, then the
examinee's language skills may appear to be consistently faulty on all tasks, with
the result that a lower score may be assigned than is warranted. Similarly, the
interviewer may miss opportunities to question the examinee about topics that

are of personal interest or within his or her range of awareness. Or, the
interviewer and the interviewee may have very little in common. Finally, if the
interview is too short, it will not adequately sample the language skills of the
interviewee. All of these factors can affect the validity of the OPI.

Although interviewers can vary considerably in their interviewing

techniques, the SOPI offers the same quality of inlerview to each examinee.
Parallel forms of the SON can be developed with great care over a period of
timc, so as to ensure that they are comparable in quality and difficulty. The
parallel forms developed thus far have shown nearly identical correlations with
OPIs administered by highly trained interviewers. Thus, different forms of the
SON, unlike different interviewers, appear to be equal in validity, even when
rated by different ratcrs.
Many second language educators feel that the face-to-face ON is the most
valid test available. Thus, it is appropriate to consider the effects of the SOPI's

semi-direct format on its validity as a measure of general oral language

proficiency. One point of comparison is the naturalness with which topics are
switched during the test. Within the context of the SOPI, the topic changes with
each question in Parts Il through VI, for a total of approximately 15 transitions,
depending on the language of the test. Yet because of the test-like format of a

semi-direct measure, the change in topic seems perfectly natural to the

exarnince. In the OPT, thc examiner must change the topic on a number of
occasions in order to provide adequate sampling of the contcnt. This switching

of topic, if done too abruptly, can seem awkward and disconcerting to the
interviewee. This is not the case when the topic is switched naturally, but such
natural changes in topic of the conversation can only be brought about a limited
number of times (4-8) within the span of a 20 minute conversation. As a result,



the SOPI makes possible a greater number of topical transitions, which

contribute to greater content sampling on the part of the SOPI.
Another point of comparison between the two test formats is the role play
situation. Usually, the OPI includes two role plays. These are usually presented
to the interviewee on a situation card, written in English. The interviewee reads
thc card to the interviewer and then both interlocutors play the roles prescribed
on the card. Although somewhat artificial, these situations are incorporated into
the interview because they provide useful diagnostic information on the strengths
and weaknesses of the interviewee. Yet only two situations are included in the
OPI. The SOPI includes five situations in Part VI, thereby providing a greater
amount of diagnostic information than thc OPI.

Since speaking into a tape recorder is admittedly a less natural situation

than talking to someone directly, it is possible that the SOPI format will cause
undue stress. However, feedback from examinees has not indicated that this is
the case. While most examinees prefer the face-to-face interview, because of the
human contact it provides, about a quarter of the examinees either have no
preference or actually prefer to speak into a tape recorder. The latter group
claim they feel less nervous than when forced to converse face-to-face with an
unfamiliar and highly competent speaker of the target language.
One may also examine the test situation itself as a source of unnaturalness.

In the OPI the examinee speaks directly to a human being. However, the
examinee is fully aware that he or she is being tested, which automatically
creates unnatural circumstances. As van Lier (1989) has noted, in the OPI the
aim is to have a successful interview, not a succcssful conversation. Thus, even
thc 011 is not analogous to a real conversation. The SOPI, on the other hand,
would seem even less natural, since it is neither a conversation nor an interview.
In short, neither format produces a "natural" or "real-life" conversation.
As mentioned above, the interview usually contains two role plays that arc

described to the examinee on situation cards printed in English. During this

portion of the interview, the exam:nee is fully aware that the examiner is not a
waiter, a hotel clerk, a barber, a cab driver, or the next door neighbor. Yet the
examinee has to engage in spontaneous acting with the interviewer in order to
succeed. The situational portion of the SOPI may be actually more natural than
in the OPI, since the examinee is free to imagine that he or she is talking to the
people described in the situation prompt.

In the SOPI format, the aim of the interviewee is to perform as well as

possible on the test. Unnaturalness seems to be a natural part of the test

situation. Tests themselves arc unnatural samples of examinee performance.

This is a fundamental reason why the validity of tcst scores is always an

important issue. Tests, whether direct, semi-direct, or indirect, are mere
indicators of thc true underlying ability they claim to measure. Yet tests can be
valid measures of this ability, whether they arc natural in format or not.

2 04

Further examination of the naturc of thc

gives critical clues as to why

thc SOPI correlates so highly with it, even when the OPI is conducted by
experienced, expert interviewers. The explanation probably lies in the
limitations of the OPI itself. Since the SOPI does not mcasurc interactive
language, and the two tests measure the same construct, then the examinee's

skill in verbal interaction must not play a significant role on the OPI.
Consideration of the relationship between interviewer and interviewee on thc
OP1 suggests this is indeed the case. The interviewer typically asks all thc
questions and maintains formal control over the direction of the conversation.
The interviewee plays the subservient role, answering questions and responding
to prompts initiated by the interviewer with as much information as possible. He

or shc has little if any opportunity to ask questions, to make requests,

exclamations or invitations. Nor does the interviewee have the opportunity to
demonstrate sociolinguistic competeneL in a variety of situations, such as when

spcaking to merre,er of the opposite sex, older and younger persons, or

individuals of higher or lower status. The interviewer is trained to maintain a
secondary profile, and to not engage in back-and-forth discussion or exchange

with the examinee. Both parties understand that it is the examinee's

responsibility to perform. Little true interaction takes place.
The lack of authentic interaction in the OPI prompted van Lier (1989) to
state: "Since it is so difficult to attain conversation in the formal context of an
OPI and since we have not developed sufficient understanding of what makes
conversation successful in order to conduct reliable and valid ratings, it would be
easier for all concerned if we could dispense with conversation as thc vehicle for
evaluation" (p. 501). I do not propose dispensing with the OPI. However, given
the lack of true interaction in the OP1, it is not surprising that the SOPI and the
OPI correlate so well.
It should be noted that there may be circumstances where interactive skills
or pragmatic or sociolinguistic competence need to be measured. In such
circumstances, the OP I would appcar to be potentially more useful. However, in
order to do this one would have to modify the OPI to focus on these abilities.
One would also have to modify the scale, so that it would reflect the cxaminee's

interactive ability. Or, perhaps it would be more appropriate to assign a

separate rating for interaction.
Pcrhaps a greater urdcrstanding of the two test types can be gleaned from
qualitative research into examinees' performance on them. If a content analysis
or discourse analysis of examinee speech indicated that either format elicits a
widcr spectrum of language skills, then additional content validity would accrue

to that format. Similarly, if thc two test types seem to elicit language that is
qualitatively different, then it would bc helpful to know this as well. Currently,
we have available tapes containing examinee responses under both formats.
Elana Shohamy and hcr associates arc currently planning a qualitative study of

2 05

the Hebrew tapes. We are willing to make the tapes in Chinesc, Portuguese,
Hausa and Indonesian available to other serious researchers. The results of such

studics have the potential to contribute greatly to our understanding of the

validity of each type of test.

Practicality. The SOPI offcrs a number -1 practical advantages over the ON.
The OPI must be administered by a trained interviewer, whereas any teacher,

aide, or language lab technician can administer the SOPI. This may be
especially useful in locations where a trained interviewer is not avaiiable. In the
US, this is often the case in languages that are not commonly taught, which are
those for which I have developed SOPI tests thus far.
Another advantage is that the SOPI can be simultaneously administered to

a group of examinees by a single administrator, whereas the OPI must be

individually administered. Thus, the SOPI is clearly preferable in situations
where many examinees need to be tested within a short span of time.
The SOPI is sometimes less costly than the OPI. If a trained interviewer is

not available locally, one will have to be brought to the examinees from a
distance, which can result in considerable expenditure in terms of the cost of
travel and the interviewer's time. The fact that the SOPI makcs it possible to
administer the test simultaneously to groups obviates the need for sveral
interviewers who would interview a number of examinees within a short period
of time.


An examination of the SOP1 research, which has been carried out on

different examinees, and on tests of different languages produced by different
test devtlopment teams, shows that the SOPI correlates so highly with the OPI
that is seems safe to say that both measures test the same abilities. The SOPI
has also shown itself to be at least as reliable as the UPI, and in some cases more

so. Thus, it seems safe to conclude that it is as good as an OPI in many

situations. Furthermore, a comparison of the advantages of each has shown that
the SOPI can offer certain practical and psychometric advantages over the OPI.
Thus, it may be useful to consider the circumstances that should motivate the
selection of one format or the other.
Since the tasks on the SOPI are ones that can only be effectively handled by
responding in sentences and connected discourse, the SOP1 is not appropriate
for learners below the level of Intermediate Low on the ACTFL scale or level 1
on the ILR scale, since examinees whose proficiency is below this level use words

and memorized phrases, not sentences, to communicate. Similarly, the



standardized, semi-direct format of the test does not permit the extensive
probing that may be necessary to distinguish between the highest levels of
proficiency on the ILR scale, such as levels 4,4+, and 5.

The purpose of testing may also play a role in the selection of the

appropriate format. If the test is to have very important consequences, it may be

preferable to administer a SOPI, since it provides control over reliability and
validity of the score. Such would seem to be the case when language proficiency

will be used to determine whether or not applicants are qualified for

employment. Examples of such important uses are the certification of foreign

trained medical personnel and the certification of foreign language and bilingual
education teachers. (The Texas Education Agency, which is the coordinating

agency for public schools in the state of Texas, agrees with me on this point.
Recently, it awarded CAL a contract to develop SOPI tests in Spanish and
French for teacher certification purposes in Texas).
When conducting research on language gains or language attrition, use of
the SOPI would permit one to record the responses of an examinee at differcnt
points in time, such as at six months intervals. These responses could then be
analyzed in order to determine their complexity. In this way, the SOPI would

serve a valid measure of general language competence, while allowing the

researcher to completely standardize the test administration. Many other
research situations requiring a valid and reliable measure of general oral
language proficiency, would also seem to call for the SOPI.

Whcn scores will not be used for important purposes, and a competent

interviewer is available, it would seem preferable to administer an OPI. Such is

often the case with placement within an instructional program. In such a

situation, an error in placement can be easily corrected. Similarly, an OPI
administered by a competent interviewer may be preferable for program

evaluation purposes because of the qualitative information it can provide and

because the score will not have important repercussions for the examinee.
Ultimately, the type of test chosen will depend on the purpose for testing, and on
practical considerations.
It may appear that I am suggesting that the OPI is not a valid and reliable
test. This is not the case. I continue to view the OP! as potentially being the

more valid and reliable measure when carefully administered by a skilled

interviewer and rated by an accurate ratcr. I also recognize that the OPI can
assess a broader range of examinee abilities that can the SOP1. Thc central

point I have made here is that when quality control is essential, and when it can

not be assurcd for all examinees using the OPI, thcn the SOPI may be

preferable, given the high degree of quality control it offers. When quality
control can be assured, or when it is not a major concern, or when assessment at
very low and very high ability levels is required, or when practical considerations
do not dictate test type, then the OPI may be preferable.



Clark, J. L. D. (1979). Direct vs. semi-direct tests of speaking ability. In E. .1

Briere and F. B. Hinofotis (Eds.), Concepts in Language Testing: Some Recent

Studies (pp. 35-49). Washington, DC: Teachers of English to Speakers of

Other Languages.

Clark, J. L. D. and Li, Y. (1986). Development, Validation, and Dissemination of

a Proficiency-Based Test of Speaking Ability in Chinese and an Associated

Assessment Model for Other Less Commonly Taught Languages. Washington,
DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED 278 264).
Clark, J. L. D and Swinton, S. S. (1979). Exploration of Speaking Proficiency
Measures in the TOEFL Context (TOEFL Research Report 4). Princeton, NI:
Educational Testing Service.

Lowe., P. and Clifford, R. T. (1980). Developing an Indirect Measure of Overall

Oral Proficiency. In, J. R. Frith, Editor, Measuring Spoken Language
Proficiency. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Shoham)+, E., Gordon, C., Kenyon, D. M., and Stansficld, C. W. (1989). The

Development and Validation of a Semi-Direct Test for Assessing Oral

proficiency in Hebrew. Bulletin of Hebrew Higher Education, 4(1), pp. 4-9.

Stansfield, C. W. (1989). Simulated Oral Proficiency Interviews. ERIC Digest.

Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics.

Stansfield, C. W and Kenyon, D. M. (1988). Development of the Portuguese

Speaking Test. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. (ERIC
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 296 586).

Stansfield, C. W and Kenyon, D. M. (1989). Development of the Hausa, Hebrew,

and Indonesian Speaking Tests. Washington, DC: Center for Applied

Linguistics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Forthcoming).

Stansfield, C. W, Kenyon, D. M, Paiva, R, Doyle, F., Ulsh, 1., and Cowles, M. A.

(1990). The Development and Validation of the Portuguese Speaking Test.

Hispania, 73(3), 641-651.

Van Licr, L. (1989). Reeling Writing, Drawling Stretching and Fainting in Coils:
Oral Proficiency Interviews as Conversation. TESOL Ouanerly, 23(3), 489-508.

2 08

Future I.

The Novice level is charactertzed by the ability to communicate minimal!) with

learned material The PST ts designed for examinees who exceed this leset An)
committee not achieving the minimum ability to bc rated at the Intermediate lcsel
will receive this rating.

INTERMEDIATE The Intermediate level is chat-clerized by thc speaker's ability to

create with the language by combining and recombining learned elements, though
pnmanly in a reactive mode.
imitate, minimallysustain. and close us a simple way basic communicative tasks, and
ask and answer questions.

Intermediate Low

Able to handle successfully a Itmited number of interactive, task-oriented and social

situations Misunderstandings frequently ante, but with repetition. the Intermediate
Low speaker can generally bc understood by sympathetic interlocutors.

Intermediate Mid

Able to handle successfully a vancty of uncomplicated, bask and communicattue

tasks and social situations. Although misunderstandings still anse. the Intermediate
Mid speaker can generally be understood by sympathetic interlocutors

Intermediate High

Able to handle suoarssfully most uncomplicated communicative tasks and

situations. The IntermeduteHigh speaker C2L1 generally be understood even bi
interlocutors not accustomed to dealing with speakers at this level, but
may still bc required.


The Advanced level is characterized by the speaker% ability to

converse in a clearly participatory fashion - isii,ate. sustain. and bring to closure a
wide va nety of communicative tasks, including those that require 2R increased abilit
to convey meaning with diverse language strategics due to a asmplIcation or an
unforeseen turn of events;
satisfy thc requirements of school and work situations, and
narrate and describe with paragraph-length connected discount.


In additton to demonstrattng those skills characteristic of the Advanced lesel. the

Advanced Plus level speaker is able to handle a broad variety of everyday, school,
and wort. situations. These is emerging evidence of ability to support opinions.
explair. in detail, and hypothesize The Adva- d.Plus speaker often shows
remarkable fluency and case of speech but under .ne demands of Superior.lescl.
complex tasks, Language may break down or prove inadequate.


Thc Superior level is characterized by the speakves ability to:

participate effectively and mil ease Ut most formal and informal conversations on
practical, social, prolesional. and abstract topics; and
support opinions and hypothesize using aativc-like discourse strategies.


This rating. which is not part of the ACTFL scale, is uscal in PST scoring for
examinees who clearly emceed the requirements for a rating of Superior A rating

of High-Superior corresponds to a rating of 3+ to 5 on the scale used by the

Interagency Language Roundubk of the US. Government. The PST ss not designed

to evaluate examinees above the ACTFL Superior kvel.



2 r!..-


James Dean Bmwn
H. Gary Cook
Chwies Lockhart
Teresita Ramos


This paper reports on the design, administration, revision and validation of

the Southeast Asian Summer Studies Institute (SEASSI) Proficicncy

Examinations. The goal was to develop parallel language proficiency
examinations in each of five languages taught in the SEASSI: Indonesian,
Khmer, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese. Four tests were developed for each of
these languages: multiple-choice listening, interview, dictation and doze test.
To maximize the relationships among these examinations and the associated
curricula, the interview and listening tests were each designed to assess all of the

levels of language ability which are described in the ACTFL Proficiency

Guidelines from "novice" to "advanccd-plus."

This study (N = 218) explored the score distributions for each tcst on the
proficiency batteries for each language, as well as differences between the
distributions for the pilot (1989) and revised (1989) versions. The relative
reliability estimates of the pilot and revised versions were also compared as were
the various relationships among tests across languages.
The results are discussed in terms of the degree to which the scores on the

strategics here are generalizable to test development projects for other

Southeast Asian languages.

Each year since 1984, a Southeast Asian Summcr Studies Institute

(SEASSI) has bccn held on somc university campus in the United Statcs. As the

name implies, thc purpose of SEASSI is to provide instruction in the "lesser

taught" languages from Southeast Asia. In 1988, SEASSI came to thc university
of Hawaii at Manoa for two consecutive summers. Since wc found ourselves

with several language testing specialists, a strong Indo-Pacific Language


department, and two consecutive years to work, we were in a unique position to

develop overall proficiency tests for a number of the languages taught in SEASSI
-- tests that could then be passed on to future SEASSIs.

The central purpose of this paper is to describe the design, production,

administration, piloting, revision and validation of these Southeast Asian
Summer Studies Institute Proficiency Examinations (SEASSI). From the outset,
the goal of this project was to develop overall language proficiency examinations

in each of five languages taught in the SEASSI: Indonesia, Khmer, Tagalog,

Thai and Vietnamese. The ultimate objectives of these tests was to assess the
grammatical and communicative ability of students studying these languages in
order to gauge their overall proficiency in the languages. It was decided early
that the tests should be designed to measure all of the levels of language ability
which are described in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines from "novice" to
"advanced-plus" for speaking and listening (see Appendix A from ACTFL 1986,

Liskin-Gasparro 1982, and/or 1LR 1982). Though the ACTFL guidelines are
somewhat controversial (eg. sce Savignon 1985; Bachman and Savignon 1986),
they provided a relatively simple paradigm within which we could develop and

describe these tests in terms familiar to all of the teachers involved in the
project, as well as to any language teachers who might be required to use the
tests in the future.
The central research questions investigated in this were as follows

How are the scores distributed for each test of the proficiency
battery for each language, and how do the distributions differ
between the pilot (1989) and revised (1989) versions?


To what degrce are the tests reliable? How does the reliability differ
between the pilot and revised versions?


To what degree are the tests intercorrelated? How do these

correlation coefficients differ between the pilot and revised versions?


To what degree arc the tests parallel across languages?


To what degree are the tests valid for purposes of testing overall
proficiency in these languages?


To what degree arc the strategies described here generalizable to

test development projects for other languages?

211 r)

(--) iA

.... Jc


A test development project like this has many facets. In order to facilitate
the description and explanation of the project, this METHOD section will be
organized into a description of the subject uscd for norming the tests, a section
on the materials involved in the testing, an explanation of the procedures of the
statistical procedures used to analyze, improve and reanalyze the tests.


A total of 228 students were involved in this project: 101 in the pilot stage
of this project and 117 in the validation stage.
The 101 students involved in the pilot stage were all students in the SEASSI
program during the summer of 1989 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. They

were enrolled in thc first year (45.5%), second year (32.7%) and third year
(21.8%) language courses in Indonesian (n = 26), Khmer (n = 21), Tagalog (n
= 14) Thai (n = 17) and Vietnamese (n = 23). There were 48 females (47.5%)
and 53 Malcs (52.5%). The vast majority of these students were native speakers

of English (80.7%), though there were speakers of other languages who

participated (19.3%).
The 117 students involved in the validation stage of this test development

project were all students in the SEASSI program during summer 1989. They
were enrolled in thc first year (48.7%), second year (41.0%) and third ycar
(10.3%) language courses in Indonesian (n = 54), Khmer (n = 18), Tagalog (n
= 10) Thai (n = 23) and Vietnamese (n = 12). There were 57 females (48.7%)
and 60 males (51.3%).

In general, all of the groups in this study were intact classes. To some
degree, the participation of the studcnts depended on the cooperation of their
teachers. Since that cooperation was not universal, the samples in this project

can only be viewed as typical of volunteer groups drawn from a summer

intensive language study situation likc that in SEASSL


There were two test batteries employed in this project. The test of focus
was the SEASSIPE. However, the Mockrn Language Aptitude Test (MLAT),
developed by Carroll and Sapon (1959), was also administered. Each will be
described in turn.
Description of the SEASSIPE Thc SEASSIPE battery for each language
presently consisted of four tests : multiple-choice listening, oral interview


procedure, dictation and doze test. In ordcr to make the tests as comparable as
possible across the five languages, they were all developed first in an English

prototype version. The English version was then translated into the target
language with an emphasis on truly translating the material into that language

such that the result would be natural Indonesian, Khmer, Tagalog, Thai or
Vietnamese. The multiple-choice listening test presented the students with aural
statements or questions in the target language, and they were then asked what
they would say (given four responses to choose from). The pilot versions of the
test all contained 36 items, which were developed in 1988 on the basis of the

ACTFL guidelines for listening (see APPENDIX A). The tests were then
administered in the 1988 SEASSI. During 1989, the items were revised using
distractor efficiency analysis, and six items were eliminated on the basis of

overall item statistics. Thus the revised versions of the listening test all
contained a total of 30 items.
The oral interview procedure was designed such that the interviewer would
ask students questions at various levels of difficulty in the target language (based

on the ACTFL speaking and listening guidelines in APPENDIX A). The

students were required to respond in the target language. In thc pilot version of
the test, the responses of the students were rated on a 0-108 scale. On each of

36 questions, this scale had 0 to 3 points (one cach for three categories:
accuracy, fluency, and meaning). On the revised version of the interview, 12
questions were eliminated. Hence on the revised version, the students were
rated on a 0-72 scale including one point each for accuracy, fluency and meaning
based on a total of 24 interview questions.

The dictation consisted of an eighty word passage in the target language.

The original English prototype was of approximately 7th grade reading level
(using thc Fry 1976 scale). The passage was read three times (once at normal
rate of speech, then again with pauses at the end of logical phrases, and finally,
again at normal ratc). Each word that was morphologically correct was scored
as a right answer. Because these dictations appeared to be working reasonably
well, only very minor changes were made between the pilot and revised versions
of this tcst.
The doze test was based on an English prototype of 450 words at about the
7th grade reading level (again using the Fry 1976 scale). The doze passage was

created in thc target language by translating the English passage and deleting
every 13th word for a total of 30 blanks. The pilot and revised versions of this

test each had the same number of items. However, blanks that proved
ineffective statistically or linguistically in thc pilot versions were changed to more
promising positions in the revised tests (see Brown 1988b for more on doze test
improvement strategics).

As mentioned above, these four tests were developed for each of five
languages taught in the SEASSI. To the degree that it was possible, they were



made parallel across languages. The goal was that scores should be comparable
across languages so that, for instance, a score of 50 on the interview procedure
for Tagalog would be approximately the same as a score of 50 on the Thai test.

To investigate the degree to which the tests were approximately equivalent

across languages, the Modem Language Aptitude Test was also administered at
the beginning of the instruction so that the results could be used to control for
initial differences in language aptitude among the language groups.
All of the results of the SEASSI Proficiency Educations were considered

experimental. Hence the results of the pilot project were used primarily to
improve the tests and administration procedures in a revised version of each test.
The scores were reported to the teachers to help in instructing and grading the

students. However, the teachers were not required, in any way, to use the
results, and the results were NOT used to judge the effectiveness of instruction.

Teachers' input was solicited and used at all points in the test development

Description of the MLAT. The short version of the MLAT was also
administered in this study. Only the last three of the five tests were administered
as prescribed for thc short version by the original authors. These three tests are
entitled spelling rhiPs, words in sentences and paired associates.

The MLAT was included to control for differences in language learning

aptitude across the five language groups and thereby help in investigating the
equivalency of thc tests acrossjanguages. The MLAT is a well-known language
aptitude test. It was designed to predict performance in foreign language
classroom. In this study, the results were kept confidential and did not affect the
students' grades in any way. The scores and national percentile ranking were
reported individually to the students with the caution that such scores represent
only one type of information about their aptitude for learning foreign languages.
It was made clear that the MLAT does not measure achievement in a specific
language. The group scores, coded under anonymous student numbers, were
only used to make general observations and to calculate some of the statistical
analyses reported below.


The overall plan for this project procceded on schedule in four main stages and a
number of smallet steps.

Stage one: Design. The tests were designed during June 1988 at the
University of Hawaii at Manoa by J D Brown, Charles Lockhart and Teresita
Ramos with the cooperation of teachers of the five languages involved (both in


the Indo-Pacific Languages department and in SEASSI). J D Brown and C

Lockhart were responsible for producing a prototypes into each of the five
languages. J D Brown took primary responsibility for overall test design,
administration and analysis.
Stage two: Production. The actual production of the tapes, booklets, answer
sheets, scoring protocols and proctor instructions took place during the last week

of July 1988 and the tests were actually administered in SEASSI classes on
August 5, 1988. This stage was the responsibility of T. Ramos with the help of C.
Stage three: Validation. The on-going validation proccss involved the
collertion and organization of the August 5th data, as well as teachcr ratings of

the students' proficiency on the interview. Item analysis, descriptive statistics,

correlational analysis and feedback from the teachers and students were all used
to revise the four tests with the goal of improving them in terms of central
tendency,dispersion, reliability and validity. The actual revisions and production
of new versions of the tests took place during the spring and summer of 1989.
This stage was primarily the responsibility of J D Brown with the help and
cooperation of H Gary Cook, T Ramoa and the SEASSI teachers.
Stage four Final Product. Revised versions of these tests were administered
again in the 1989 SEASSI. This was primarily the job of H G Cook. A test
manual was also produced (Brown, Cook, LocKhart and Ramos, unpublished
ms). Bascd on the students' SEASSI performances and MLAT scores from both
the 1988 and 1989 SEASSI, the manual provides directions for administering the
tests, as well as discussion of the test development and norming procedures. The

discussion focuses on the value of these new measures as indirect tests of

ACTFL proficiency levels. The manual was developed following the standards
set by AERA, APA and NCME in Standards for Educational and Psychological
Testing (see APA 1985). The production of all tests, answer keys, audio tapes,
answer sheets, manuals and reports was the primary responsibility ofJ D Brown.


The analyses for this study were conducted using the QuattroPro
spreadsheet program (Borland 1989), as well as the ABSTAT (Bell-Anderson
1989), and SYSTAT (Wilkinson, 1988) statistical program. These analyses fall
into four categories: descriptive statistics, reliability statistics, correlational
analyses, and analysis of covariance.

Because of the number of tests involved when we analyzed four tests rach
in two versions (1988 pilot version and 1989 revised version) for cach of five
languages (4 x 5 x 2 = 40), the descriptive statistics reported here are limited to

the number of items, thc number of subjects, the mean and thc standard



deviation. Similarity, reliability statistics have been limited to the Cronbach alpha
coefficient (see Cronbach 1970) and the Kudcr and Richardson (1973) formula

21 (K-R21). All correlation coefficients reported here arc Pearson product-

moment coefficients. Finally, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and

multivariatc analyses were used to determine the degree while controlling for
differences in initial language aptitude (as measured by the MLAT). thc alpha
significance level for all statistical decisions was set at .05.


Summary descriptive statistics arc presented in Table 1 for thc pilot and
revised versions of the four tests for each of the five languages. The languages
are listed across the top of the table with the mean and standard deviation for

each given directly below the language headings. Thc mean provides an
indication of the overall central tcndcncy, or typical behavior of a group, and the
standard deviation gives an estimate of the average distance of students from the
mean (see Brown 1988a for more on such statistics). The versions (ie. the pilot
versions administered in summer of 1988 or the revised versions administered in
summer of 1989) and tests (Listening, Oral Interview, Dictation and Cloze Test)
are labeled down the left side of the table along with thc number of items (k) in
.1,0651PE MI-1)41M t coal

rlf# k





. IE '9411E%.










I '. 95

1- .8"



87. 2?

9. '2




tat It,



1 '.


16 .




b1.09 9.55


1 '.q0






4.5- 20.75


.stub Inc)


. 59

:lc tat ..-x

49 .9e,

C1,:ne "'St.



trt .20

56.50 10 ...2





6. T..3

50.22 13.92

57 .S3


76 .86









Notice that, for each tcst, there is considerable variation across versions and
languages not only in the magnitude of the means but also among the standard
deviations. It seems probable that the disparities across versions (1988 and
1989) are largely due to the revision processes, but they may in part be caused by

differences in the numbers of students at each level of study or by other

differences among the samples uscd during the two summers.
Table 2 presents the reliabilities for each test based on the scores produced
by the groups of students studying cach of the languages. A reliability coefficient

estimates the degree to which a test is consistent in what it measures. Such

coefficient can range from 0.00 (wholly unreliable, or inconsistent) to 1.00
(completely reliable, or 100 percent consistent), and can take on all of the values
in between, as well.
Notice that, once again, the languages are shown across the top of the table
with two types of reliability, alpha and k-R21, labeled just under each language
heading. You will also find that the versions (1988 or 1989) and tests are again
labeled down thc left side of the table.

cm gra














Cloze 'st























ra Nct aoollcable.

As mentioned above, the reliability estimates reported in Table 2 are based

on Cronbach alpha and on the K-R21. Cronbach alpha is an algebraic identity
with thc more familiar K-R20 for any test which is dichotomously scored (eg. the

listening and doze tests in this study). However, for any test which has a
2 17

weighed scoring systcm (like the Interview tests in this study), another version of
alpha must be applied -- in this case, one based on the odd-even variances (see
Cronbach 1970)






LOO LOD LOO 100 100


N1 21 ',VI

3ral ',Is





Mut lst


'41 .126








571 .141

.6.11 .551 .471







541 .621


156 .754 .671

TGASED 14111

Oral Int,





C312, 7s3






.651 .441



44 .111 .111



.es .ni 11


-.61 -.71

.* -.I/

Gs .nt
.711 .571 .721

7 .35
115113016; 0

(M. 1110; 1

QS 751

Intercorrelations among the SEASSIPE tests on both versions were

calculated using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for each
language separately (sec Table 3). A correlation coefficient gives an estimate of

the degree to which two sets of numbers are related. A coefficient of 0.00
indicates that thc numbers arc totally unrelated. A coefficient of +1.00 indicates
that they arc completely related (mostly in terms of being ordered in the same
way). A coefficient of -1.00 indicates that they are strongly related, but in

opposite directions, ic. as one set of numbers becomes larger, the other set
grows smaller. Naturally, coefficients can vary throughout this range from -1.00
to 0 00 to 1.00.

Notice that the languages arc labeled across the top with Listening (L),
Oral Interview (0) and Dictation (D) also indicated for each language. The
versions (1988 or 1989) and tests (Oral Interview, Dictation and Cloze Test) arc

also indicated down thc left side. To read the table, remember that each
correlation coefficient is found at the intersection of the two variables that were
being examined. This means, for instancc, that the .54 in the upper-left corner
indicates the degree of relationship between the scores on thc Oral Interview
and Listening tests in Indonesian in 1988 pilot version.


r-. a

6. I

2 18

Following some of the correlation coefficients in Table 3, there is an

asterisk, which refers down below the table to p < .05. This simply means that
these correlation coefficients are statistically significant at the .05 level. In other
words, there is only a five percent probability that the correlation coefficients

with asterisks occurred by chance alone. Put yet another way, there is a 95
percent probability that the coefficients with asterisks occurred for other than
chance reasons. Those coefficients without asterisks can be interpreted as being

Recall that, in Table 1, there was considerable variation in the magnitude of

the means and standard deviations across languages and versions. Table 4 shows

the results of an analysis of covariance procedure which used language

(Indonesian, Khmer, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese) as a categorical variable
and MLAT language aptitude scores as a covariate to determine whether there
were significant differences across languages for thc mean test scores (Listening,
Interview, Dictation and Cloze treated as repeated measures).



MLAT tcov4R1arE)




ID <













In Table 4, it is important to realize that the asterisks next to the F ratios

indicate that there is some significant difference among the means for different

languages across the four tests. This means in effect that at least one of the
differences in mcans shown in table 1 is due to other than chance factors (with
95 percent certainly). Of course, many more of the differences may also bc
significant, but there is no way of knowing which they arc from this overall
analysis. It should suffice to recognize that a significant difference exists
somewhere across languages. The lack of asterisks after the F ratios for thc
MLAT indicate that there was no significant difference detected language
aptitude (as measured by MLAT) among the groups of studcnts taking the five


Since analysis of covariance is a fairly controversial procedure, two

additional steps were taken:

First, the assumption of homogeneity of slopes was carefully

checked by calculating and examining the interaction terms before
performing the actual analysis of covariance. The interactions were
not found to be significant.


Second, multivariate analyses (including, Wilks' lambda, Pillai trace,

and Hotelling-Lawley trace) werc also calculated. Since they led to

exactly the same conclusions as the univariate statistics shown in

Table 4, they are not reported here.

Thus the assumptions were found to be met for thc univariate analysis of
covariance procedures in a repeated measures design, and the results were
further confirmed using multivariate procedures. It is therefore with a fair
amount of confidence that these results are reported here.





1st year
asca year

Dral Inty

3rd year
1st year
a,c1 year

3rd year


1st ',ear

Cloze Tst












One other important result was found in this study: the tests do appear to
reflect thc differences in ability found between levels of language study. This is
an important issue for overall proficiency tests like the SEASSIPE because they
should be sensitive to the types of overall differences in language ability that



22 0

would develop over time, or among individuals studying at different levels.

While this differential level effect was found for each of the languages, it is
summarized across languages in Table 5 (in the interests of economy of space).
Notice that, with one exception, the means get higher on all of the tests as the
level of the students goes up from first to second to third year. The one anomaly
is between the first and second years on the oral interview.


The purpose of this section will be to interpret the results reported above
with the goal of providing direct answers to the original research questions posed
at the beginning of this study. Consequently, the research questions will be
restated and used as headings to help organizc the discussion.

How are the scores distributed for each test of the proficiency battery for each

language, and how do the distributions differ between the pilot (1989) and
revised (1989) versions?

The results in Table 1 indicate that most of the current tests are reasonably
well-centered and have scores that arc fairly widely dispersed about the central
tendency. Several notable exceptions seem to be the 1989 Oral Interviews for
Indonesian and Khmer, both of which appear to be negatively skewed (providing
classic examples of what is commonly called the ceiling effect -- see Brown 1988a
tor further explanation). It is difficult, if not impossible, to disentangle whether
thc differences found between the two versions of the test (1988 and 1989) arc
due to the revision processes in which many of the tests were shortened and
improved, or to differences in the samples used during the two SEASSIs.
(2) To what degree are the tests reliable? How does the reliability differ between
the pilot and revised %visions?

Table 2 shows an array of reliability coefficients for the 1988 pilot version

and 1989 revised tests that arc all moderate to very high in magnitude. The
lowest of these is for the 1989 Indonesian Listening test. It is low enough that
the results for this test should only bc used with extreme caution until it can be
administered again to determine whether the low reliability is a result of bad test
design or some aspect of the sample of students who took the test.

These reliability statistics indicate that most of the tests produce

reasonably consistent results even when they are administered to the relatively
homogeneous population of SEASSI students. The revision process appears to

221 9

have generally, though not universally, improved test reliability either in terms of

producing higher reliability indices or approximately equal estimates, but for

shorter more efficient, versions. The listening tests for Indonesian and Tagalog
arc worrisomc because the reliabilities are lower in the revised than in the pilot
testing and because they are found among the 1989 results. However, it is
important to remember that these are fairly short tests and that they are being
administered to relatively restricted ranges of ability in the various languages
involved. These are both important factors because, all things being equal, a
short test will be less reliable than a long test, and a restricted range of talent will
produce lower reliability estimates than a wide one (for further explanation and
examples, see Ebel 1979; Brown 1984, 1988a).
Note also that the K-R21 statistic is generally lower than the alpha estimate.
This is typical. K-R21 is a relatively easy to calculate reliability estimate, but it
usually underestimates the actual reliability of the test (see, for instance, the 1989
Revis. i Khmer and Thai doze tests reliabilities in Table 2).

To what degree are the tests intercorrelated? How do these correlation

coefficients differ between the pilot and revised versions?

In most cases, the correlation coefficients reported in Table 3 indicatc a

surprisingly high degree of relationship among the tests. The one systematic and
glaring exception is the set of coefficients found for Thai. It is important to note

that these correlation coefficients for Thai based on very small samples (duc
mostly to the fact that students at the lowest level were not taught to write in
Thai), and that these correlation coefficients were not statistically significant at
the p < .05 level. Thcy must therefore be interpreted as correlation coefficients
that probably occurred by chance alone, or simply as correlations of zero.
(4) To what degree are the tests parallel aovss languages?

The interpretation of these results is fairly straightforward. Apparently,

there was no statistically significant difference in MLAT language aptitude
scores among the groups studying the five languages. However, there was clearly

a significant difference among the mean test scores across the five languages
despite the efforts to control for initial differences in language aptitude (the
MLAT covariate). A glance back at Table 1 will indicate the magnitude of such

One possible cause for these differences is that thc tests have changcd
during the process of development. Recall that all of these tests started out as
the same English language prototype . It is apparent that, during the processes

of translating and revising, thc tests diverged in overall difficulty across

languages. this is reflected in the mean differences found here. Another



potential cause of the statistically significant differences reported in Tables 1, 4,

and 5 is that there may have been considerable variations in the samples used
during the two summers.

(5) To what degree are the tests valid for purposes of testing overall proficiency in
these languages?

The intercorrelations among the tests for each language (see Table 3)
indicate that moderate to strong systematic relationships exist among many of
the tests in four of the five languages being tested in this project (the e=eption is

Thai). However, this type of correlational analysis is far from sufficient for

analysing thc validity of these tests. If there were other well established tests of
the skills being tested in these languages, it would be possible to administer
those criterion tests along with the SEASSIPE tests and study the correlation
coefficients between our relatively new tests and the well-established measures.

Such information could then be used to build arguments for the criterion-

related validity of some or all of these measures. Unfortunately, no such wellestablished criterion measures were available at the time of this project.

However, there arc results in this study that do lend support to the
construct validity of these tests. The fact that the tests generally reflect

differences between levels of study (as shown in Table 3) provides evidence for
the construct validity (the differential groups type) of these tests.
Nevertheless, much more evidence should be gathered on thc validity of the
various measures in this study. An intervention study of their construct validity

could be set up by administering the tests before and after instruction to

determine the degree to which they are sensitive to the language proficiency
construct which is presumably being taught in the course. lf, in future data,
correlational analyses indicate patterns similar to those found here, factor

analyses factor analysis might also be used profitably to explore the variance
structures of those relationships.
The point is that there arc indications in this study of the validity of thc tests
involved. However, in the study of validity, it is important to build arguments from
a number of perspectives on an ongoing basis. Hence, in a sense, the study of
validity is never fully complete as long as more evidence can be gathered and
stronger arguments can be constructed.

(6) To what degree are the strategies described here generalizable to test
development projects for other languages?

From the outset, this project was designed to provide four different types of
proficiency tests -- tests that would be comparable across five languages. The
intention was to develop tests that would produce scores that were comparable



across languages such that a score of 34 would be roughly comparable in

Indonesian, Khmer, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese. Perhaps this entire aspect
of the project was quixotic from the very beginning. Recall that the process
began with the creation of English language prototypes for the listening test, oral
interview, dictation and doze procedure. These prototypes were then translated
into the five languages with strict instructions to really translate them, ie. to
make them comfortably and wholly Indonesian, Khmer, Tagalog, Thai and
Vietnamese. While the very act of translating the passages in Five different
directions probably affected their comparability across languages, they probably
remained at least roughly thc same at this stage of development. Then, during
the summer of 1988, the tests were administered, analyzed and revised
separately using different samples of students with the result that the tests
further diverged in content and function.

We now know that the use of English language prototypes for the

development of these tests may have created problems that we did not foresee.
One danger is that such a strategy avoids the use of language that is authentic in
the target language. For instance, a passage that is translated from English for
usc in Khmer doze test may he topic that would never be discussed in the target
culture, may be organized in a manncr totally alien to Khmer, or may simply
seem stilted to native speakers of Khmer because of its rhetorical structure.
These problems could occur no matter how well-translated the passage might be.
Ultimately, the tests did not turn out to be similar enough across languages
to justify using this translation strategy. Thus we do not recommend its use in

further test development projects. It would probably have been far more

profitable to use authentic materials from the countries involved to develop tests
directly related to the target languages and cultures.


In summary, thc tests in each of the five SEASSI Proficiency Examinations

appear to be reasonably well-centered and seem to adequately disperse the

studen'-' performance. They arc also reasonably reliable. Naturally, future
rescan should focus on ways to make the tests increasingly reliable and further
build a case for their validity. Thus the final versions of the tests can be passed
on to future SEASSIs at other sites with some confidence that any decisions
based on them will be reasonably professional and sound. It is also with some
confidence that the tests will he used here at the University of Hawaii at Manna
to test the overall proficiency of students studying Indonesian, Khmer, Tagalog,
Thai and Vietnamese. However, the process of test development and revision
should never be viewed as finished. Any test can be further improved and made



to better serve the population of students and teachers who are the ultimate
users of such materials.
One final point must be stressed: we could never have successfully carricd

out this project without the cooperation of the many language teachers who
volunteered their time while carrying out other duties in the Indo-Pacific Languages
department, or thc SEASSIs held at University of Hawaii at Manoa. We owe cach
of these language teachers a personal debt of gratitude. Unfortunately, we can only
thank them as a group for their professionalism and hard work.


ACTFL (1986). ACTFL proficiency guidelines. Hastings-on-Hudson, NY:

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Anderson-Bell. ( 1989). ABSTAT Parker, CO: Anderson-Bell.

APA. (1985). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington,

DC: American Psychological Association.
Bachman, L & S Savignon. (1986). The evaluation of communicative language
proficiency: a critique of the ACTFL oral interview. Modern Language Journai
70, 380-397.

Borland. (1989). QuattroPro. Scotts Valley, CA: Borland International.

Brown, I D. (1983). A closer look at doze: validity and reliability. liz J W
Jr (Ed). Issues in language testing. Cambridge, MA: Newbury House.
Brown, J D. (1984). A doze is a doze is a doze? In J Handscombe, R A Orem,

and B P Taylor (Eds). On 7ESOL '83: the question of control Washington,

Brown, J D. (1988a). Understanding research in second language learning: A
teacher's guide to statistics and research design. London: Cambridge University.

Brown, I D. (1988b). Tailored doze: improved with classical item analysis

techniques. Language Testin& 19-3 1.

Brown, I D., H G Cook, C Lockhart and T Ramos (Unpublished ins). The

SE4SSI Proficiency Examination Technical Manual. Honolulu, HI: University
of Hawaii at Manoa.


Carroll, J B and S M Sapon (1959). Modern language aptitude test. New York:
The Psychological Corporation.

Cronbach, L J. (1970). Esseruials of psychological testing (3rd ed). New York:

Harper and Row.
Ebel, R L. (1979). Essendals of educational measurement (3rd ed). Englewood
Chffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Fry, E B. (1976). Fry readability scale (extended). Providence, RI: Jamestown

1LR (1982). Interagency Language Roundtable Language Skill Level Descriptions:
Speaking. appendix B in Liskin-Gasparro (1982).

Kuder, G F and M W Richardson. (193 7). The theory of estimation of test

reliability. Psychornetrika, 2, 151-160.

Liskin-Gasparro (1982). Testing and teaching for oral proficiency. Boston:

Heink and Heinle.
Savignon, S J. (1985). Evaluation of communicative competence: the ACTFL
provisional proficiency guidelines. Modem 1.4anguage Journa4 69, 129-142.

Wilkinson, L. (1988). SYSTAT: The system for statistics. Evanston, IL:






AC1F1_ 15136

Generic DeStriplions-Speaking

Novice Low

The Novrce level is chat aciertred by the ability to communicate minimally with learned in


Oral production consists of isolated words and perhaps a few hightheduency Ora,. Essentially no tun.:
ilonal communicative ability

Novice Mid

Nemec High


Oral production continues to Consist Of isolated words and learned phrases within ery predictable areas 01
need. although quantity. increased. Vocabulary is sufficient only for handling simple. elementary nerds and
expressing basic courtesies Utterances rarely consist of more than two ea (100, worth and show ftequent lung
pauses and "petition of interlocutor's words. Speaker may have some difficulty Producing een the simples,
utterances. Some NIOsice.hilid speakers will be understood only with great difficulty
Abte to satisfy partially the tequirernents Of basic communianiYe exchanges by relying heavily on learned in.
terances but occasionally expanding these through simple recombinations of their elements. Can ask questions
or make statements involving learned material Shows signs of spontaneity although this falls short of real
autonomy of expression Speech Continue% 10 COnsts1 of learned utterathes rather than of personalized. t.- Ca
ttonally adapted ones Vocabulary centers on areas such as basic obiects, places, and most common kinsnup
terms. Pronunclation may still be strongly influenced by first language. berm, are frequent and, in mite of Novice High speakers will have difficulty being understood even by sympathette interlocutors

The Intermediate lestl is characterized by the speaker's ability in;

create oith Me language by combining and recombining Framed elements. though primarily in a reactive mcJe

initiate. minimally sustain. and close in a simple ay basic communicative tasks, and
ask and answee questions.


Able to handle successfully limited number of intereCtive, task-oriented and LOCial SilstatiOns Can ask as.1
answer questions, initiate and relpond to simple statements and rnainithn face to.face conversation. annougn
in a highly restricted manner and with much linguistic inaccuracy. Within ;hex limitations. can perform
;asks as introducing self, ordering a meal. asking directions. and making purchases. vocabulary ts aelec.,ac
to caper.a only the most ekrnentary needs. Strong interference from native language may occur Misuralersiand.
sop frequently arise, but viols true-Mien. the Intermediateilow speaker can generally be under treed by svm
pathetic tnterlocutors.
Able to handle successfully sariely of uncomplicated. baste and communicative tasks and social SituanOns
Cars talk Simply a0Out self and family members Can atk and Instals cluMliOns and participate in simple son
ersations on topics beyond the most immediate needs: e g.. personal history and leisute nme achvities
terance length incteases slightly, but speech may continue to be characterized by frequent long pautcs,


the smooth incorporation of even basic consersanonal strategies is often hindered as the speaker struggin
to ereaH appropriate language forma PeonunCiatiOn May continue 10 be strongly influenced by roti lantuale
and fluency may still be strained. Although misunderstndings still arise, the Intermediate...lid speaker Can
generally bc understood by sympathetic inrlocutors
11110mm:hale High

Able to handle successfully most UnCOrnplitated COMInuniCalte last s and social silualiOns Can initiate. tut
lain, and Close general con ,,,,, non uith a nurnbei Of strategics appropriate to a range or circumsianies
and topics, but errors are evident Limited vocabulary still necessitates hesitation and may bring about went:.
uneaPecled CueumloCutton. There is erner ging evidence of connected discourie. Particularly fOr simple nail.
lion and/or desertption. The Intermediate High socialite can generally by understood even by interfneuiori

not accustomed to dealing with speakers al thrs lewd. but repetition may still be required.

227 2 0

Ad anted

The. Adsanced lesel it characterized by the speaker*, ability to

converse in a clearly parnopalory fashion:
inmate. sustam. and bnng to closure a wide sanely of eommunicatoe t those that require

an increased ability to convey meaning erirh diverse language strategtel due to a complication or an unforeseen

turn of esents.

.lay the requirement, of schOol and sOfIl snuations; and

narrate and descrtbe sent; paragraphkngth conneeted discourse.

Shinto mangy the requirements of everyday situ...nand routine school end seork requirements ( an han
die n th conlidenie but nnt cob facility complicated task.* and a...l situations, such as el...nanny., wn. and anoints/in; Can narrate and describe with come detail., linking lenience, together menoenhly
an .0iiimunmate famlt and talk sasually about lupins of murrent public and Pertonal nterest miming general
i.Kanutarr Sh0rrsoiniegs man often be smoothed oser by summumeanse strategies. much as panic filter,
mialling desists, and diflefent rates of speech Ciesuinlosution which arises from s,Os.abutare Of svniastis
Immo anon, sera often is stune successful. though tom< groping for words may still bt esident Thc Adsanced
lcmel mpeal er can be understood cillinut difficulty by native interlocutors



Able to sattel y the requirement, 0( a broad satiety of evereday. school, and nor klilollmtciis Can dile.,
mnncrete Wit s relating to particular interest, and Special (meld, Of competence There is emef ging es id,nCe

of ability to support opinions. esplain in detail. and hyPothwize. The AdeanCed Plus speaker often rhos,
a developed ability to compensate foe an impeded grasp of some forms enter confident use of tom
nutmeat int SfralegInt. ISICh a, enteaphrastog and cocumlocution Differentiated ocabulary and iniunanon
are effeenvely used to communnate fine shades Of meaning The Adanced.Plus sneaker often mons
remarkable fluency and ease of speech but unuer the demands of Superior.lesel. (emote< ,,,,, . languace
may Weak dossn itt rt.< ioadetauOre


The Superior level is characterized by the Speaker's ability to

participate elfeeinely in most formal and informal conversations on practical. t.o.d.
atisiract topics. and opinions and hypothesize using nanse like dissourse


amble to speak the language enth sufficient accuracy tO Participate effectieele in rnon formal and infntmal
crnsertation, on practical. tonal. professional. and abstract topics. Can discuss special fields of competence
and iniemeat with rate Can support opinions and hypothesize. but may not be able to tailor language so
audience Of diSCut, in depth highly abstract or unfamiliar topics Usually the Superior leel sneaker is owe
pall-aily familiar voth regional or mher dralectical sartants The Superior level speaker commands a

arrery of interaniee strategies and shoy. gopd "Vents, Of dneourie strategies The latter insolses ISt
ability to oistmguish main ideas from supporting informatton ihtough syntactic. lexical and surrategrneniat
leatures twIs. stress. inzonationl Sporadic ettor, may occur. particularly in lovr.ftequeney nruClufeS and
tome complex highlfe011oney Structure, more common to formal welling but no patterns of error are es,

dent Errors do not disturb the nag, speaker Or interfere erith communication

Generic DeSCrtpllOns- Listening

it,sn gyidetines aSSurne rl-at all Interning rasks take place in an authentic environment at
yr neat tr andard norms

Notice lau

normal rate of speech using standard

llsdersi a ndin g it limited 10 occarronal isolated sword, . such as cognates. borrowed word, . and high ftequency

ins ial convention, Essentially no ability to comprehend teen short utterances

Sosice `Aid

Atte to understand some shoot . learned utterances. pattnutatly +here context strongly supports understand.

ing and speech is dearly audible Comprehend, some -ord, and phrases from simple questions...C.c.,.
high frequency command, and courtesy formulae about topics that refer te, basic personal information or
the immediate physical setting The listener to:nitres long pauses for asstmilation and periodically requens
repetition and/or a tloever rate of speech

(a 41



Able tal understand short. learned utterances and some sentenee.length utterances. particularly where con
rent strongly supports undersondorg and tooth is clearly audible. Comprehends nords and phrases from


omple quemons. statements. brill f.requency comr.ands and courtesy formulae May fourie opentron .
rephtasing and/ot a skined rate of speon for cm Iptehentron


Able to understand sentence length utterances nh C. consist of recombinations of learned eIemenh in a irmued

number of content areas. particularly if strongly Supported by the trtuational con.. Comen4 ere, 4a
basic personal background and needs. '00,liter...entrant and retain< tasks, such at genius meals tad reteietng
omple instructions and arrections. Lotening tasks pertain primarily to spontaneous face to la..e 4on ,,,,,

c.ons Undetstandreig o often unccn repermon and renordrng may be necessary misunderoandrngs in

tom main ideas and der.. {MC frequently

inieinsediale htul

hulk 10 undoril and hniency length ul want e4 huh conust nI ro.conbinatiOns Or kat ned utterances on a .4alely

,,,,, ly in basic r.ershord baorgfound mai nerds. I., ai coneniorm

of tom, Come.. cononuen in reit.

and nomeerhat morn comples tasks, such ar 'odg4ng. Sransportatton. and thOppIng Addaronal "mem Vest
...rude Wale DerfOnal rmeresh and WI.. res. aeda grearne diversity Of tnstructrOns and droccitons Lsiening
not only penain to sdontaneous lace to fate tonetsations hut alao to short routine telephone toner,sa
trona and rome deliberate speech, such as simple announcemenrs and reports oeer the meal. Undentandrog

.ononues to be unmet,.
Intermediart Irian

Able ler tusfain underhandtna over looter tlittchey of connected drscourst on a number of mires periarnmg
drIleten1 hints antl places. honmer. undemanding o inconsraltel due to failure to grasy main ideas and m
derails That. uhtle topics do net Mt fer hand-mantle frOrh those Of an Adeanced level later., component...

o los rn quantity and pOorer in qualto

Able to understand main Ideas and mon details of connected drscourse on a eartery of topms beyond the on

Adr anseel

med.., of the trtuairon Comprehension may be uneon due ion cutely of ling...hoc andcattalo-1,4.41h !an
eery prommens There teats foquently thClyn desorption and nal4a
rola. among +inch rod.< famtlranty
t.on in Off fere et trine names ot aspects. Such as proem, nonpasr. habitue/. Of undertone< Tex it Mu inclUde
.nitr.,eus, rhotl leCtures nn famiLar topics, and nen. items and odorre pomanly dealing nun factual "Ira,.
macron Listener of cohesive des ices bur may nO4 be able to use them tO follow the sequence of lhougld

m an Oral lesl.
Ad. an4n0 Ph,

woo mar nor

Able to underhand the main tdesi of mot, speech in a standard dialect,
mocumnonally and tregurstraalle comp.. L
Mr< rO tomato comprehension meetcnded discourse ntrit h


thou.5 an emergrng anareness I nullotally nnpoed meamngt beyond the surface meanings of the teal but 41,4

fail 10 grasp soctocullufal nuances of the message.

Able to understand rho main des, of all 'torn m a standard dialect. Including technuat discussion on a 1.e..1
nI 40CesalitalrOn. Can folio. the essentrais of mended discoed. sehrth is Porposumnally and ;mg.
eomplet. as in academe/professional settings. in tomes. rOrceehes. and reports Lrstener Mons some aP
preciation of aesthetic norms of tat get language. Of idlOrns. colloroutalisms. and register hutting Able lo mace
rnlerenceturthrn the cultural framework of the target language. Understanding is oded by an 1..arrnell
he underlying organ...nal ttruoure of Me oat tot and includes aeronomy for .1%100/land h./halal refocuses


and us affective OeettOnes Rarely enhunderslancil Out man nO1 underhand etcessisely rapid. high', f011Oqu Ii
speech or speech that has strong Cultural references

Able to undostand all form, and Mks of truoch pertinent to personal, social and proleshonal needs la.Ierr.l
to dif (trent audrences. Shona strong senotorty to social and cultural references and aorhettc norms by pit,
;Ming language horn no tun the CUltulall11111,0lk. Tents include theater plays, sown pro4.14101on1. eduluroo
literary readrngs, and most roLes and puns May hare
,44000a.a, academe debates. Pubrm dedoe
dtl (octal,. nag some and slang




Shanta Nair - Vemigopal


The Teacher As Tester

There is evidence that not only are teachers good judges of behaviour, they
arc also reliable judges of test performances. (Callaway, D R 1980). However it

would be quite naive and perhaps even imprudent to suggest thcn, that all
teachers will also by extension make naturally good testers given Spolsky's (1975)

rhetoric on whether testing is art or scicnce. Nevertheless, it can be assumed

that a teacher who has been actively involved in course design or better still in
the privileged position of 'negotiating' the curriculum, with her students would at
least have a blueprint of sorts as a starting point for the construction of tests for

that course. This could be further enhanced if the process is subjected to

friendly criticism at the very least by other members of staff in relation to the
objectives of thc course or curriculum as a whole. The teacher is then in the
informed and educated position of being able to translate the objectives of the
course into tests construction by linking the specific objectives of the course with
thc task specifications identified. The test would then be underpinned by at least
a view of language learning even if not a full fledged theory, in a clear case of
doing the bcst that can be done. The analogy is best supplied by Skehan (1988)
who summarized the current state of the art on (communicative) testing.
"...Since ... definitive theories do not exist, testers have to do the best they
can with such theories as are available."

The contention therefore is that thc teacher who has had some
responsibility for course design and implementation is in many ways preeminently qualified to construct tcsts for the course particularly if it is backed by
experience and shared knowledge in the field. Since the target group is known at
first hand, needs can be fairly accurately specified on the basis of introspection
and experience. The backwash effect of teacher-made tests on teaching can only
be beneficial. As the teacher in this case is also responsible for course content
(and like all other teachers across the board has the best interests of her students


at heart), she will certainly teach what is to be tested, test what is taught and
'bias for best' in the use of test procedures and situations. The only possible
danger lurking in this happy land is the possibility of a teacher who willy-nilly
teaches the test as well and thereby nullifies its value as a measuring instrument.


The Target Group

At the English Department of the National University of Malaysia (UKM),
students in the second year of the B A in English Studies program are required
to take both levels 1 and 2 of an oral communication co4irse that straddles two

semesters or one academic session. These students arc viewed as potential

candidates for the B A in English Studies degree and there is a tremendous
responsibility (equally shared by the writing and reading courses) to improve
their language ability to make them "respectable" (Nair-Venugopal, S. 1988)
candidates for the program. This may be seen as the perceived and immediate
need. The projected or future need is seen as a high level of language ability
that also makes for good language modelling as there is evidence that many of
these students upon graduation enroll for a diploma in Education and become
English language teachers. The mature students in the course are invariably
teachers too. The responsibility is even more awesome given the language

situation in the country which while overtly ESL also manifests many hybrids of

the ESL/EFL situation, notwithstanding government efforts at promoting

English as an important second language. These students (except those who are
exempted on the basis of a placement test and have earned credits equivalent to
the course) are also subject to a one year fairly intensive pi eparatory proficiency

program (twelve hours per week). The emphasis in this course is on an

integrated teaching of the four language skills. These students have also had a
minimum of eleven years of instruction in English as a subject in school. There
is also invariably the case of the mature student who has probably had 'more'
English instruction, having been subject chronologically to a different system of
education in the country's history.

Course Objectives

The oral communication course comprises two levels- cach level taught
over two semesters consecutively. The general aim of level I is to provide a


language learning environment for the acquisition of advanced oral skills and
that of level II to augment and improve upon the skills acquired in level I, thus
providing a learning continuum for the acquisition of advanced oral skills. At
this juncture it must be pointed out that in the integrated program of the first

year there is an oral fluency component. In other words thc students in the
second year have already been thrown into the 'deep end' as it were and the
assumption is that upon entry to Level I they have more than banal or survival
skills in oral communication. The reality is that students in spite of the first year
of fairly intensive instruction and exposure enter the second ycar with varying
levels of abilities. The task at hand for the second year oral skills programme is

quite clear; raise levels of individual oral ability, bridge varying levels of
individual abilities and yet help students to develop at their own pace. Hence the
need to see the language class as a language acquisition nvironment bearing in

mind that contact and exposure with the language outside the class is not
optimal. The main objective in Level I is to achieve a high level of oral fluency
in the language with an accompanying level of confidence and intelligibility, the
latter being viewed with some urgency since native vernaculars are increasingly

used for social communication outside the classroom and Bahasa Malaysia
remains the language of instruction for courses in all other disciplines. The main
objective of Level II is to achieve a high level of oral language ability. Both these
objectives arc further broken down into specific objectives for both levels. The
tests arc pegged against these objectives
The specific objectives of Level I of the course are as follows:

attain high levels of intelligibility in speech

comprehend standard varieties of the spoken language without difficulty

interact and converse freely among themselves and other speakers of the

convey information,narrate and describe; express and justify opinions.

These objectives arc realized through an eclectic methodology using a

variety of instructional devices, classroom procedures and multimedia materials.

The second objective is realized largely through practice in the language

laboratory and it is not tested ie. elicited for as a skill domain in thc tests that
have been developed for the course. While it is generally accepted that listening
comprehension as a skill is not easy to teach, it is even more elusive to test.
According to Brown, G. and Yule, G. (1983)



"...a listener's task performance may be unreliable for a number of

reasons.., we have only a very limited understanding of how we could
determine what it is that listening comprehension entails. Given these

two observations, it woul." seem that thc assessment of listening

comprehension is an extremely complex undertaking".

Having said that, why then has listening comprehensior been included as a

desirable objective on the course? As the view of language underlying the

course is that of communication, no course that purports to teach oral

communication (which view of language surely sees listening as a reciprocal
skill) can justifiably not pay attention to teaching it at least. Objective 3 is
specifically tested as speech interaction in the form of group discussions and 4 as

extended "impromptu" speech in 3 modes. 1 is rated as a variable of

performance for both these test types. 4 is also subsumed as 'enabling' skills in
the group discussion test.
Objectives for level 2 arc as follows:

not only comprehend all standard varieties of the language hut also make

themselves understood to other speakers of the language without difficulty.


participate in discussions on topics of a wide range of general interest

without hesitation or effort

speak before audiences confidently (as in public speaking/platform


convey information, persuade others and express themselves effectively as

users of the language (as in debates and forums)
These objectives arc achieved through the use of a selection of instructional

devices, classroom procedures and modes such as simulations, small group

discussions, debates and public speaking.

Objective 2 is tested using the group discussion test. 3 and 4 to borrow

Tarone's notion (1982/83) of a "continuum of interlanguage styles" are to he
seen as examples of "careful styles" and are tested as formal modes of speaking
and debates. Objective 4 is also elicited as performance variables in the group
discussion test. The second part of 1 ie. intelligibility/comprehensibility operates

as an important variable in assessing thc performance of all these tests. The

final tests for both !eve sample global communicative ability in the rehearsed
speech genre which is an oral newsmagazine presentation on tape for the first



level and a videotaped presentation for the second level of either one of two

platform acti%ities or a chat show. Both are take-home, end-of-semester



Some Considerations

"In constructing tests, it is essential to have a defined curriculum or a set

body of knowledge from which testers determine what to test (Shohamy, E

To echo Charles Alderson (1983) the most important question to be asked

of any test is, "What is it measuring?" which "can be determined by a variety of
means including facc inspection". Needless to say there are two other questions
that mcrit equal consideration. One is, how if; it measured and perhaps more
crucially why? With reference to these tests, the question "for whom" ie. the
target group has already been answered. As for purpose, each test type is seen

as having a specified purpose that corresponds to an ability in an oral skill

domain that has been delineated in thc course objectives. Task specifications are

prescribed by the oral skills domains. Therefore each test would sample
different behaviour or skills in the form of different speech modes and the task
specifications will vary from test type to test type. However all tests will test for
both linguistic and communicative ability.

"It is difficult to totally separate the two criteria, as the linguistic quality of

an utterance can influence comprehensibility thc basic communicative

criterion. Further, while a major goal of most college or secondary
language programs is communicative ability in the target language, there
is justifiable conccrn with linguistic correctness because ...we are not just
attempting to teach survival communications..., we are also trying to teach
literacy in another language". Bartz W H (1979)

It is quite clear that as the view of the language underlying the teaching is

communicative and the view of language learning, that of acquisition,

achievement tests administcrcd both mid-way and at the end of each semester
will not allow thc teacher to obtain feedback on acquired ability which could be
used for diagnostic purposes as well (particularly at entry from the first level to
the second), nor allow for a 'profiling' of performance. Hence the need for and



the development of a continuous 'battery' of tests, spaced out in relation to their

ordering on the course and as spelt out by thc course objectives. These have
been conceptualized as oral skills domains and rated accordingly.

"...Advances in the state of the art of achievement testing are directly

related to advances in the concept of skills domains on which student
achievement is assessed". Shoemaker (cited by Swain M. 1980)

The tests are administered at various points in the semesters that roughly
coincide with points on the course where the skills to be tested have already been

taught or practised. The course provides ample opportunity in the practice of

these sk;lls. Such an ordering on the learning continuum had implications for
the content validity of the tests where,

"Content validity refers to the ability of a test to measure what has been

taught and subsequently learned by the students. It is obvious that

teachers must see that the test is designed so that it contains items that
correlate with the content of instruction. Thus it follows that unless
students are given practice in oral communication in the foreign language
classroom, evaluation of communication may not be valid...." Bartz (W H

By spacing out the tests in relation to the content, not only is the teachertester able to 'fir the test to the content, she is also able after each test to obtain
valuable feedback for the teaching of the subsequent domains that have been
arranged in a cyclical fashion. Hence learning and performance is also on a
cumulative basis because each skill taught and learnt or acquired presupposes
and builds on the acquisition and the development of the preceding skills. It is

on these bases that the tests have been developed and administered over a
period of time. They are direct tests of performance that are communicative in

nature and administered on a cumulative basis as part of on-going course

assessment for both levels. The tests formats, and methods of elicitation owe
much to some knowledge in the field (particularly the state of the art), test
feedback, student introspection and teacher retrospection and experience with its
full range of hunches and intuition.



Test Types

Level I

Level I as mentioned earlier consists of three test types.


Extended/impromptu' speech

Group discussion

End-of-semester project

There are three speaking tasks of this typc. Student speak for about 2
minutes on thc first, 2-3 on the second and 3-5 on thc third. The tasks test for
three modes of speech as follows:

(i) Talking about oneself, others and experiences

(ii) Narrating and describing incidents and events
(iii) Expressing and justifying opinions.

(i) and (ii) are tested at the beginning of the first level mainly for diagnostic

purposes as the students arc of heterogeneous levels of proficiency. The

speeches are staggered for both (i) and (iii) to ensure that each student has a
minimum of a minute or so to prepare mentally for the topic. For (ii) they are
all given an equal amount of time to prepare mentally and to make notes. Whcn
the testing begins they listen to each other speak, as the audience, thus providing
thc motivation and a 'valid' reason as it were for the task. (iii) is tested before
the second half of thc semester, to obtain information on learned behaviour as
the students have had sufficient practice in expressing and justifying opinions
through reaching consensus in group work. The topics for (i) and (ii) are well
within the students' realm of experience and interest such as
The happiest day in my life.
The person who has influenced me the most.

However thc topics for (iii) are of a slightly controversial nature such as
Should smoking be banned in all public places?
Do women make better teachers?


Both (ii) and (iii) arc rated for global ability to communicate in the mode
which is the overall ability of the studcnt to persuade or justify reasons taken for
a stand in the case of the latter and to describe, report and narrate in thc case of
the former.
The group discussion test is administered in the second half of the semester
as by this time there has been plenty of practice in the interaction mode as the
modus operandi of Level I is small group work. It tests specifically for oral
intcraction skills. The topics for group discussion tests are also based on thc
tacit principle that the content should be either familiar or known and not pose
problems in thc intcraction process. Though the amount of communication (size
of contribution) and substantiveness is rated as criteria, content per se is not
rated. Group discussion in Level 1 tests lower order interaction skills that are
discernible at the conversational level.
The groups discussion test has been modelled on the lines of the Bagrut
group discussion test with some modifications (see Shomay, E., Reyes, T. and
Bejerano, Y. 1986 and Gefen, R. 1987). In Level I the topics are of matters

that either concern or pose a problem to the test takers as UKM students.
Hence there is sufficient impetus to talk about them and this 'guarantees'
initiation by all members of thc group in the discussion. Topics in the form of
statements are distributed just before the tests from a prepared pool of topics.

Each topic comes with a set of questions. Students arc allowed to read the
questions in advance but discussion on the topic and questions before the test is
not permitted. These questions function as cues to direct and manage the
interaction. They need not be answered. In fact students may want to speak on
other aspects of the topic. An example of the topic and questions is as follows:
Scholarships should be awarded on nccd and not on merit.
(a) Are both equally important considerations?

(b) Should students have a say in w' o gets scholarships ie. have student
representatives on scholarship boards?

Do generous scholarships make students dependent on aid?

(d) Arc repayable-upon-graduation loans better than scholarships as more

students can benefit?
Groups are small and students arc divided (depending on class size) into 45 (maximum) students per group. It has been possible to establish a rough ratio
between rating time per test-taker and their number per group. Groups of 4


took 15-20 minutes to round off the discussion and groups of 5 took about 20-25

minutes. However, it is desirable not to cut off the discussion after 20-25
minutes, as extra time (usually an extra 5 minutes) helped to confirm ratings.
Rating is immediate on the score sheets prepared for the test (see Appendix C
ii). A variation of the topics with maximum backwash effect on learning is to use
books that have been recomr,ended for extensive reading as stimulus for group
discussion. This has been trialled as a class activity.

It can be seen that the oral interview test is noticeably absent in the
sampling of speech interactions for Level I of the course and probably begs the

question why, as it is a common and well established test for testing oral
interaction. Suffice to say that it is firstly one of the tests administered in the
first year integrated program (and therefore sampled). Secondly the group
discussion appears to be a more valid (face and content) test of oral interaction
in relation to the course objectives.

Since a premium is placed on intelligibility/comprehensibility the end-ofsemester project tests for overall verbal communicative ability in the rehearsed
speech genre in the form of a news magazine that is audio taped for assessment
and review. The news magazine may be presented either as a collage of items of
news and views of events and activities on campus or thematically cg. sports on
campus, cultural activities, student problems etc.

Level II

This level consists of 4 test types.


Group discussion

Public speaking


End-of-semester project

In the second level the group discussion test is administered early in the
semester and the results used to determine how much more practice is needed in
improving interaction skills before proceeding to the more formal performanceoriented speech genres. The topics for the group discussion in the second level
arc of a more controversial nature than in the first. Although cognitive load is

cxpcctcd to be greater in the tests, procedures for test administration and

scoring are the same.


Public speaking is tested mid-way in the second semester after lecture-

demonstrations and a series of class presentations. As a test of global

communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, it represents fairly high level
order skills on the language learning continuum assumed for the course. Like
debates, it is a sample of rehearsed speech in a formal situation. It is also viewed
as a necessary advanced oral skill. Examples of topics arc,
Mothers should not go out to work.
Alcoholism is a worse social evil than drug abuse.

The debate is placed at the end of the semester and usually viewed by the
students as a finale of sorts of their oral communication skills. As with thc

public speaking test, topics and teams (for the debates) are made known well in
advance and students work on the topics cooperatively for the latter. The
backwash effect on the acquisition of social and study skills is tremendous as
students are informed that ratings reflect group effort in the debating process.
Both tests 2 and 3 are rated immediately and video taped for both review and
record purposes.

The end-of-semester can take two forms - that of a form of a platform

activity (in the public speaking mode) or a chat show (spccch interaction). Both
test for skills learned or acquired during the course. Thc platform activity and
the formal speech situation can be either an appeal (for blood donation, funds,
etc) or the promotion of a product/service or idea. The chat show tests for oral

interaction in the form of an extended interview of a 'celebrity'. Both tests

simulate real life situations and allow for creativity and flexibility in that students
can assume personae.

Criteria and Rating Scales

'Testers should construct thcir own rating scales according to the purpose
(Shohamy E. 1988)
of the test".

Rating scales have been constructed for all the tests developed. A look at
the critcria and the rating scales (sce appendices) for the various tests discussed

above, shows that the criteria for each test varies although some (mainly
linguistic) recur as each test samples diffcrcnt types of communicative ability.

Working over a period of time (ic two years = four semesters) it has been
possible to specify what critcria should be used to rate each test and therefore
what sorts of rating scales to produce. It has also been possible to select specific


components from the broader criteria identified for each rating scale. In this
sense each test has evolved pedagogically (mainly) and psychologically over a
period of time to become more comprehensive in terms of the test (task)
specifications. Feedback in the form of student responses (and reaction) to cach
task has also helped the tests to jell as they were used to make changes especially
to the criteria and subsf...quently thc rating scale so as to reflect a wider possible
range of responses for cach test.
Obviously comprehensiveness of criteria should not be at the expense of the
feasibility of rating scales and the practicality of scoring procedures. Too many
descriptors can make it difficult for a rater to evaluate thc performance in any
one task. Using all these simultaneously to make an immediate judgement is no

mean task. Hence, instead of fully descriptive qualitative scales, more

parsimonious rating scales were devised. Working hand in hand with a checklist
of what are essentially holistic criteria which will vary according to test purpose,

the tester rates analytically on a 1 to 4 or 6 point scale depending on the test.

These scales are also grouped into 3 broad bands of 'weak', 'fair' and 'good'
which provide guidelines to help the rater to keep on course in the absence of

banded descriptors. There is also space on each score-sheet for tester

comments. This allows the tcstcr to make relevant remarks of each test on an
individual basis particularly with reference to those factors that had an apparent
effect on test performance, verbal, non-verbal or affective.
The problem (personal experience) with banded qualitative rating scales is
that the descriptors may not fit the description of the individual student in that
some of the performance variables for any one component may be absent while
others may be present. And there are students whose performance defy 'pigeon-

holing'. However, it is possible to categorize the same students, firstly, on a

broad basis as 'weak', 'fair' and 'good' and then work from there to rate them
analytically on weightedi6 point scales in this case. It may even be possible to
describe thcm with reference to the criteria on an individual basis as it is small
scale testing. While such rating procedures remain subjective and may even be
criticized on that basis, at the very least thcy prevent stereo typing of students by
not assigning their performance to prescriptive ready-made bands.

Test Anxiety

A certain amount of anxiety has been removed from the testing situations in
thc course firstly, because of the ongoing nature of the assessments and secondly
because of the wider sampling of the speech genres.

dr ,



'There is ... evidence in the literature that thc format of a task can unduly
affect the performance of some candidates. This makes it necessary to
include a variety of test formats for assessing each construct... In this

case, candidates might be given a better chance of demonstrating

potentially differing abilities (Weir, C. 1989).

Practitioners know that not only do levels of test anxiety vary from situation

to situation and from testee to testce, it may not even be possible to eliminate
anxiety as an affective variable. However, in order to further reduce test anxiety
and to 'bias for best', students are informed at the beginning of each level about
course objectives and expectations, test types and task specifications explained.
Feedback is also provided aftcr each test although actual scores obtained are not

Other Matters
All tests of courses on thc university curriculum (cumulative or otherwise)

arc seen as achievement tests with scores and grades awarded accordingly.
There is a certain amount of tension between rating according to specified
criteria and the subsequent conversion of the weightage of the components of
these criteria into scores. However despite this constraint it is still possible to
speak of a studcnt's profile of performance in the oral communication class from
level to level. At thc end of the second year similar judgements can be made of
them as potential students for the B A in English Studies.
The oral communication course has also been offered more recently as an
elective to other students and therefore involves more teachers. While the

difference in clientele does change somc of the course's methodological

perspectives, the objectives have still been maintained as needs are broadly
similar. The tcsts are now being subjected to a process of small-scale teacher
validation since the question of some extrapolation is apparent. There have been
informal training and practice sessions for the teachers in the use of the criteria
and rating scales. Past samples of performance have been reviewed to arrive at
bench marks and pre-marking sessions held to increase intra and inter-rater
reliability. Thc intersubjectivity and teacher feedback on all these aspects are
invaluable in improving the efficacy of the test as instruments, at least with
reference to facc and content validity. Obviously more work has to he done
before anything conclusive can be said.


Alderson, C. 1981. Report of the Discussion on Communicative Language Testing

in Alderson, C. and Hughes, A. (eds) in Issues in Language Testing. ELT

Documents III. The British Council.
Alderson, C. 1983. "Who Needs Jam?" Current Developments in Language
Testing London: Academic Press. 55-65.
Bachman, L. (Forthcoming). Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing
Reading. Mass: Addison-Wesley.
Bartz, W H. (1979). "Testing Oral Communication in the Foreign Language
Classroom" in Language in Education: Theory and Practice. Arlington.
Virginia: Centre for Applied Linguistics 1-22.

Brown, G. and Yule, G. 1983. Teaching the Spoken Language, Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Callaway, D R. 1980. "Accent and the Evaluation of ESL Oral Proficiency" in

Wover, J. Perkins, K. Research in Language Testing, Rowley. Mass:
Newbury House.

Carroll, B J. 1980. Testing Communicative Performance, Oxford: Pergamon


Clark, J L D.


"Theoretical and Technical Considerations in Oral

Proficiency Testing in !one, R. and Spolsky, B. (eds) Testing Language

Proficiency Arlington. Virginia: Centre for Applied Linguistic 10-28.

Gefen, R. 1987. "Oral Testing --- The Battery Approach" Forum 25.2 24-27
Kreshcn, S. and Terrell T. 1983. The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in

the Classroom, Pergamon: axford.

Nair-Venugopal, S. 1988. 'Simulations, authentic oral language use in multiracial
settings" Babel Occasional Papers 1 27-31

Skchan, P. 1988. Language Testing: Part! 1-10. Language Testing: Pan 11 1-13.
Language Teaching Abstracts.


Shohanzy, E. 1988. "A Proposed Framework for Testing the Oral Language of
Second/Foreign Language Learners" Studies in Second Language Acquisition
10.2 165-180

Shohamy, E., Reyes. T. and Bejerano, Y. 1986. "Large Scale Communicative

Language Testing: A Case Study" in Lee, Fok, Lord and Low (eds) Ncw
Directions in Language Testing Oxford: Petganwn Press.
Spolsky, B. 1975. "Language Testing: Art or Science" Lecture Delivered AILA
Wodd Congress 75 University of Stuttgart.

Weir, C. 1988. 'Approaches to Language Test Design: A Critical Review" Lecture

Delivered at British Council Specialist Course 937 Testing Oral Interaction:
Principles and Practice, Reading England.


25 "s;


Michel Laurier


Among numerous applications of computers for language teaching and

learning there is a growing interest for a new acronym: CAT which stands for
Computerized Adaptive Testing. CAT can be seen as the second generation of
computerized tests (Bunderson, Inouye & Olsen 1989). The first generation
consisted of conventional test administered by computers; further generations

will be less obtrusive and will provide constant advice to the learners and
teachers. In this paper wc shall attempt to explain how CAT works and what is
thc underlying theory. Thc various steps involved in implementing an adaptive

test will be described with examples from a placement test that we have
developed in French.


Computers in testing are particularly useful because of two advantages over

conventional testing methods:

number-crunching capabilities: Conventional marking systems oftcn

means counting the number of right answers or converting a score with a

pre-sct scale. Using a computer allows more complex assessment

procedures right after the test or even during the test. These calculations
may use thc data that is available more efficiently. In addition, computers
are fast and virtually error-free.
multiple-branching capabilities: Using "intelligent" testing systems, somc

decisions can be madc during the administration of the test. Thc

computer can analyze students' responses and decide which item will be

submitted, accordingly. Therefore, thc inherent linearity of a

conventional test is no longer a limitation.

1) -


CAT takes full advantage of these two properties of the computer. Let's
suppose we want to assign a student to a group that would suit his needs by
mcans of a conventional placement test.
We do not know a priori at which level the student could be placed; he/she
could be an absolute beginner in the language or an "educated native". In this
case, the test should probably include some difficult items, as well as some easy
ones. In fact, given the student's level, how many of the items of a two hour tcst

are relevant? Probably less than 25%. Some of the items will be too easy,
particularly if the student is at an advanced level. From the student's point of
view, those items are boring, unchallenging; from the psychometric point of view,
they do not bring valuable information because the outcome is too predictable.

On the other hand, some items will be too difficult, particularly for beginners
who will feel frustrated because they find that the test is "over their heads%
again, there is very little information on the student's level that can be drawn
from these items.
Adaptive testing has also been called "tailored testing" because it aims at
praenting items that suit the students' competence and that arc informative. In
an open-ended test, this means items in which the chance to answer correctly will
be approximately fifty/fifty. This approach to testing problems might bring to
mind Binet's multi-stage intelligence tests that were developed at the beginning
of the century. For language teachers, it may also resemble recent oral interview
procedures in which the examiner is encouraged to adapt the exchange to the
examinees' performance (Educational Testing Service 1985).
Adjusting the test is in fact a complex process that CAT seeks to replicate.
For this task, we need:

- an item bank: a collection of items stored with some specifications and

measuring the same ability at different levels.

- a selection procedure: an algorithm which will choose and retrieve the

most appropriate itcm at a given moment, with a given examinee.


Although different theoretical frameworks could be applied to set up thc

itcm bank and the selection procedure, the most widely used is thc Item
Response Theory (IRT). Despite its mathematical complexity, IRT is
conceptually attractive and very interesting for CAT. The theory was first
labeled "latent trait theory" by Birnbaum (1968) because it assumes that a test



labeled "latent trait theory" by Birnbaum (1968) because it assumes that a test

score or a pattern of answers reflects a single construct that is not directly

observable. What the test measures is known as the "trait" and corresponds to
the subject's ability. The theory was refined by F. Lord who studied the "Item
Characteristic Curve" (Lord 1977). "An item characteristic curve (ICC) is a
mathematical function that relates thc probability of success on an item to the
ability measured by the item set or test that contains it" (Hambleton and
Swaminathan 1985:25). If we plot the probability of answering correctly against
the examinees' ability, the curve should rise as the ability level increases. Thus,
the probability of having a right answer at the advanced level will be very high
but should be very low at the beginner's level. The ability is expressed in terms

of standard deviations and ranges from roughly -3 to +3. Figure 1 shows the
curve for an "Intermediate" level item. The inflection point of this ICC is around
0 which corresponds to the sample mean. Since the subject's ability and the item
difficulty are expressed on the same scale, we say that the difficulty of the item
(the parameter b) is 0.


Figure 1: Item Characteristic Curve





If an item clearly separates the advanced students from the beginners the
curve should be very steep; if it does not, the curve will be flatter. In other
words, the slope of the ICC corresponds to thc discrimination (the parameter a).
An item with a discrimination index of 1 or more is a very good item. Finally, we
see that, in this particular case, the curve will never reach the bottom line. This
is due to the fact that the item is a multiple choice question which involves some
This is expressed with a third parameter (parameter c). A m/c item with
five options should have a c around .2. Of course, in reality, such a regular curve
is never found. The degree to which the data for an item conforms to an ICC is
the "item fit". Misfitting items should be rejected.
Once the parameters are known, we can precisely draw the ICC using the
basic IRT formula

Da (Rbi )
Pi (8)

= Ci


Ci )

+ e Da,.

where 0(theta) represents the subject's ability and D a scaling constant set
at 1.7. A simpler formula for a less complex but generally less accurate model
has been proposed by G. Rasch (1960). The Rasch model is a one-parameter
model; it assumes that there is no guessing and that all the itcms discriminate
equally. Under this model, only the difficulty has to be estimated.

The parameter estimation is a complex mathematical procedure that

requires a computer. Various programs arc available either on mainframe
computers (v.g LOGIST, Wingersky, Barton & Lord 1982) or micro-computers
(v.g. MicroCAT, Assessment Systems Corp. 1984). To estimate the parameters
properly, particularly with the three-parameter model (discrimination, difficulty
and guessing) a large sample is needed - about 1,000 examinees. Fortunately,
the distribution of the sample does not have to reflect exactly the distribution of
the population because the program will try to fit a curve rather than calculate

proportions of correct answers. The item calibration is sample-free. This

property of 1RT models is known as the "invariance of items". IRT provides also

the "invariance of subjects" which means that we get test-free person

measurement. This second property is crucial in adaptive testing because it
implies that ability estimates can be calculated and compared even though
different items have been submitted.





The following steps are involved in creating the item bank:

- Planning the bank: Are we measuring more than one common trait? If
so, then several item banks should be set up. At this stage, we must also
make sure that the items can be administered, answered and marked both
with a "paper-and-pencil" format and with a computerized version. Since
field testing is expensive, a great deal of attention must be paid to the
wording of the items. For large item banks, several versions using
"anchor items" will be necessary.

- Field testing and item analysis: The items will be tried out on a small
sample - 100 to 200 subjects. Classical item analysis using proportions of
correct answers and correlations is helpful in order to eliminate bad items
from the next version. At this stage, some dimensionality analysis can be
conducted to make sure the test (or sub-test) is measuring a single trait.

- Field testing and calibration: The new version(s) is(arc) administered to

a large sample - 200 to 2,000 depending on the model chosen and the

quality of the sample. This data will be processed so that item

parameters and degree of fit will be obtaincd for each itcm.

- Inclusion to the bank: If the item is acceptable, it will be added to the

bank. At least, an identification code, the questions (and the options with

multiple-choice items), the right answer and the parameters should

appear on an item record. Additional information may be incorporated
(Henning 1986).

Of course, a management system will have been previously set up. A

management system works like a data base system. Each sub-test is a data base
that can be accessed with the management system. Once the user has chosen a
sub-test, different operations can be executed:

- Updating the bank: new items may be added, some others deleted. The

user should also be able to browse in the bank and modify an item
without having to rewrite it.

- Importing items: When a set of items are located in another file, there
should be provisions to execute a mass transfer into the bank.


- Listing the items: Each item can been seen individually on the screen.
Yet the user can also call a list of the items. Each tine will show the
code of an itcm, the parameters, and a cue to remind the
In addition, our system calculates the "Match index% According to Lord
(1970), this value corresponds to the ability at which the item is the most

Obtaining the iteta information: Under IRT, one can tell how much
information can be obtained at different points of the ability scale. As the
information sums up, at a specific ability point, the estimation becomes
increasingly more reliable at this point.

The selection procedure is a method that can be applied in order to

estimate the examinee's ability after an answer and to find the next item that is
the most appropriate. The concept of item information is crucial as the most
appropriate item is the one that brings the most information for a given ability.
Tracing the administration of the adaptive test we have designed will help to
understand how the program works. We needed a computerized placement test

for English speaking post-secondary students learning French as a

second/foreign language in Canada. As a placement test, thc instrument

attempts to assess the student's general proficiency. It assumcs that such a

construct exists even though a more refined evaluation should probably divide
this general competence in various components such as the grammatical
competence, the discourse competence or the sociolinguistic competence
(Canale and Swain 1980). The format of the test is affected by the medium, the
micro-computer. The three sub-tests contain multiplc-choicc items because we
want to minimize the use of the keyboard and because open-ended answers are
too unpredictable to be properly processed in this type of test. The organization
and the content of the. test also reflect the fact that we had to comply with IRT


Within the IRT framework, procedures have been developed to estimate

thc student's ability, using the answers to the items and the parameters of these
itcms. However, calculating thc student's ability is not possible when the.
program is started since no dP.ta is available. This is the reason why, at the

2 49

beginning of thc test, the student will be asked some information about his/her
background in the second/foreign language:
How many years did the student study the langtne?
Did he/she ever live in an environment where tl- is language is spoken?
If so, how long ago?

Then the program prompts thc student to rate his/hcr general proficiency
level on a seven category scale ranging from "Beginner" to "Very advanced". All
this information is used to obtain a preliminary estimation that will bc used for
the selection of the first item of the first sub-test. Tung (1986) has shown that
the more precise is the preliminary estimation, the more efficient is the adaptive
The first sub-test contains short paragD,phs followed by a rn/c question to
mcasure the student's comprehension. According to Jafarpur (1987), this "short
context technique" is a good way to measure the general proficiency. Figure 2
illustrates how the adaptive procedure work. At the beginning of the sub-test,
after an example and an explanation, an item with a difficulty index close to the
preliminary estimation is submitted.

If m







O.? ill










-n 810




0 318














2 685















2 752


n 807





3 269









Figure 2 - Items used in sub-test #1

In the example, the first item was failed (U = 0) and the program then
selected an easier one. Whcn at least onc right and one wrong answer have been
obtained, the program uses a more refined procedure to calculate the student's


ability. The next item will be one which has not bccn presented as yet and that is

the closest to the new estimation. The procedure goes on until the pre-set
threshold of information is reached. When this quantity of information is
attained, the measure is precise enough and the program switches to thc next

The same procedure is used for the second part with the estimation from
the previous sub-test as a starting value. On the second sub-test, a situation is
presented in English and followed by four grammatically correct statements in
French. The student must select the one that is the most appropriate from a
semantic and sociolinguistic point of view. Raffaldini (1988) found this type of
situational test a valuable addition to a measure of the proficiency. Once we
have obtained sufficient information, the program switches to the third sub-test,
which is a traditional fill-the-gap exercise. This format is found on most of the
current standardized tests and is a reliable measure of lexical and grammatical

aspects of the language. Immediately after the last sub-test, the result will
appear on the screen.
Since a normal curve deviate is meaningless for a student, the result will be
expressed as one of the fourteen labels or strata that the test recognizes along
the ability range: "Absolute beginner, Absolute beginner +, Almost beginner ...
Very advanced +".


Both the students and the program administrators appreciate that the result
is given right away. The studcnts receive immediate feedback on what he/she
did and the result can be kept confidential. Since there arc no markers, thc

marking is economical, error-free and thcre is no delay. Individual

administration as opposed to group administration is, in some situations, an
asset: the students can write thc test whenever they want, without supervision.
Because of the adaptive procedure, thc tests are shorter. In order to reach a
comparable reliability with our test, we need a "paper-and-pencil" version that is
at least twice as long as the CAT one. Actually, in most cases, CAT will use only

40% of the items of the equivalent conventional test. Finally, thc adaptive
procedure means that the student is constantly faced with a realistic challenge:
thc itcms arc never too difficult or too easy. This means less frustration,
particularly with beginners. With a more sophisticated instrument than the one
we designed, one could even find other positive aspects of CAT. For example,
with IRT it is possible to recognize misfitting subjects or inappropriate patterns



and therefore detect phoney examinees. Taking advantage of the capabilities of

the computer, one could also make the testing environment more enjoyable.
However, there are also very serious limitations with CAT. Even with the
fanciest gadgetry, the computer environment will always be a very artificial one.
It is always a remote representation of the real world and precludes any form of
direct testing. Moreover, the type of answer is restricted because of the machine

itself and because of the psychometric model. With the combination of the
prcscnt technology and IRT, it is hard to imagine how a test could use anything
other than m/c items or very predictable questions. The medium, the computer,
not only affects the type of answers but also the content of the test. In our test,

we wanted to use standard and affordable hardware but some students

complained that the test was very poor in assessing oral skills. In spite of recent
innovations with videodiscs, audio-tape interfaces, CD-Rom, or even artificial
speech devices, the stimulus in CAT is generally written. On the other hand, the
model, IRT, not only affects the type of answer but also th3 practicality of the
development. In our test, three parts of fifty items each were administered to
more than 700 hundred exarninees. This is considered as a minimum and some
research shows that even with 2,000 examinees, the error component of a three-

parameter calibration may be too large. Using a Rasch model may help to
reduce the sample sizc, usually at the expense of the model fit, but the field
testing will always be very demanding. Therefore, CAT is certainly not
applicable to small-scale testing.

Perhaps the most formidable problem, is the assumption of

unidimensionality. This concept refers to the number of traits that are
measured. Under IRT, a common dimension, ie. a single factor, must clearly
emerge. Otherwise, applications of IRT may be highly questionable. Even
though the calibration procedure is statistically quite robust and most language
tests will comply with the unidimensionality requirement (Henning, Hudson &
Turner 1985), many testing situations are based on a multidimensional approach
of the language competence (Bachman, forthcoming).

Multi-dimensional calibration techniques exist but they are not always

practical (Dandonelli & Rumizen 1989).

One particular type of

unidimensionality is the independence of the items. This principle implies that

an answer to one itcm should never affect the probability of getting a right
answer on another item. Cloze tests usually do not meet this requirement
because finding a correct word in a context increases the chance of finding the
next word.
Finally, when all the theoretical problems have been solved some practical

problems may arise. For example, for many institutions the cost cf the
development and implementation of an adaptive test could be too high. Madsen


(1986) studied the student's attitude and anxiety toward a computerized test;
attention must be paid to these affective effects.


These limitations clearly indicate that CAT is not a panacea. It should

never be used to create a diagnostic tcst that aims at finding weaknesses or

strengths on various discrete points because this type of test is not

unidimensional. By the same token, it should not be used on so-called
"communicative" tests that attempt to measure aspccts of the communicative
competence without isolating the different dimensions in separate sub-tests.
Cana lc (1986) mentions that the testing environment is so artificial that CAT
lacks validity when test results are used to make important decision - for a
certification test, for instance.
However if only a rough estimation over a wide range of ability is needed,
for placement purposes, for example, CAT may be a very adequate solution. It

is also appropriate if the trait being measurcd is unique such as general

proficiency, vocabulary, grammar. It could also be a solution to testing problems

for some integrative tests of receptive skills particularly if the result will not
affect the student's future or can be complemented with more direct measures.
In short, a CAT will always be a CAT, it will never be a watchdog.


For an excellent introduction to 1RT, see Baker (1985)

An experimental version of this tcst has been developed at the Ontario

Institute of Studies in Education (Toronto) and will be implemented at
Carleton University (Ottawa).

Assessment Systems Corporation (1984) User's Manual for the MieroCAT testing
system. St.Paul, MN.


Bachman L.F. (forthcoming) Fundamental considerations in language testing.

Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.

Baker F.B. (1985) The basics of item response theory. Portsmouth, NH.

Birnbaum A. ( 1968) Some latent trait models and their use in infering an
examinee's ability. In F.M. Lord & M.R. Novick, Statistical theories of mental
test scores. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.

Bunderson C.V., Inouye D.K. & Olsen J.B. (1989) The four generations of
computerized educational measurement. In R.L. Lmn (Ed.) Educational
Measurement 3rd ed. (pp. 367-408) New York: American Council on
Education - Macmillan Publishing.

Canale M. (1986) The promise and threat of computerized adaptive assessment of

readi:ig comprehension. In C. Stansfield (Ed.) Technology and language

testing (pp. 29-46). Washington, D.C.: TESOL.

Canale Al. & Swain M. (1980) Theoritical bases of communicative

to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics, 1, 1-47.

Dandonelli P. & M. Rumizen (1989) There's more than one way to skin a CAT:
Development of a computer-adaptive French test in reading. Paper presented
at the CALICO Conference, Colorado Spring, CO.
Educational Testing Service (1985) The ETS Oral Interview Book Princeton, NI.

Hambleton and Swaminathan (1985) Item response theory: Principles and

applications. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Henning a (1986) Item banking via DBasc II: the UCLA ESL proficiency
examination experience. In C. Stansfield (Ed.) Technolok, and language
testing (pp. 69-78). Washington, D.C.: TESOL.

Henning G., Hudson T. & Turner 1. (1985) Item response theory and the
assumption of unidimensionality for language tests.

Language Testing, 2,


Jafarpur A. (1987) The short-context technique: an alternative for testing reading

comprehension. Language Testing 4, 133-147.
Lon! F.M. (1970) Some test theory for tailored testing. In W.H. Holtzman (Ed.),



Computer-assisted instruction, testing and guidance (pp. 139-18.3) New York:

Hagler & Pow.

Lord P.M. (1977) Practical application of item characteristic curve thony. Journal
of Educational Measurement, 14, 117-138.

Madsen H. (1986) Evaluating a computer adaptive ESL placonent test. CALICO

Journal, December, 41-50.

Raffaldini T. (1988) The use of situation tests as measure of comnumicative

ability. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 10, 197-215.

Rasch G. ( 1960) Probabilistics models for some intelligence and attainment tests.
Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Educational Research.

Tung P. (1986) Computerized adaptive testing: implications for language test

developers. In C. Stanslield (Ed.) Technology and language testing (pp. I I28). Washington, D.C.: TESOL.
Wingersky MS., Barton MA. & Lord F.M. (1982) LOGIST user's guide. Princeton,
NJ: Educational Testing Service.


J Charles Alderson
Department of Linguistics &
Modern Languages
University of Lancaster
Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW
United Kingdom
Geoff Brindley
National Centre for English
Language Teaching & Research
Macquarie University
North Ryde, NSW 2109

James Dean Brown

H Gary Cook
Charles Lockhart
Tcresita Ramos
Department of ESL
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1890 East Wcst Road
Honululu, HI 96822

Peter Doyc
Tcchnischc Universitat Braunschweig
Seminar fur Englishe und
Franzosische Sprache
Buitenweg 74/75
3300 Braschweig
David E Ingrarn
Centre for Applied
Linguistics & Languages
Griffith University
Nathan, Queensland 4111



Michel Laurier
National Language Testing Project
Department of French
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6
Liz Hamp-Lyons
Sheila B Prrx:how
English Language Institute
3001 North University Building
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1057

T F McNamara
Language Testing Unit
Department of Linguistics
& Language Studies
University of Melbourne
Parkvillc, Victoria 3052
Michael Milanovic
Evaluation Unit
University of Cambridge
Local Examinations Syndicate
Syndicate Buildings
1 Hills Road
Cambridge CB1 2EU
United Kingdom

Keith Morrow
Bell Education Trust
Hillscross, Red Cross Lane
Cambridge CB2 2QX
United Kingdom



John W Oiler Jr
Department of Linguistics
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Don Porter
Centre for Applied Linguistics
University of Reading
Whitcknights, Reading RG6 2AA
United Kingdom
John Read
English Language Institute
Victoria University of Wellington
P 0 Box 600, Wellington
New Zealand

Charles W Stansficld
Division of Foreign Language
Education & Testing
Center for Applied Linguistics
1118 22nd Street, N W
Washington DC 20037

Shanta Nair-Venugopal
English Department
Language Centre
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Bangi, Selangor, Darul Ershan 43600


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