Instrumentation Principles

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Motion, Vibration and Shock Measurement

Chapter 19 of Alan Morris book + Lecture Notes.

Motion, Vibration and Shock Measurement Devices
and Principles

Translational Motion Measurement

1. Displacement

Motion of the body between two points in a straight line

2. Velocity
Rate of change of Displacement

3. Acceleration
Rate of change of velocity

Displacement transducers are widely used as a secondary

component in measuring systems for finding pressure, force,
acceleration, temperature etc.

1. Displacement Measurement Devices


Resistive Potentiometer.
Linear Variable Differential Transformer.
Nozzle Flapper
Variable Inductance Transducers
Variable Capacitance Transducers
Strain Gauges
Piezoelectric Transducers
Other methods for measuring small/medium displacements.
Measurement of Large Displacements(Range Sensors)

1.1 Resistive Potentiometer

The resistance can be changed manually by the sliding
The voltage Vs is applied across the two points of the wire A
and C.
B is the variable contact point between A and B and its
position can be changed by the sliding contact.
The voltage Vo is measured between the points A and B.

1.2 Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)

A transformer with a single
primary and two secondary
Central core is the only
moving part which changes
the amount of e.m.f induced
in the secondary windings
Stray capacitances and
unwanted excitation voltage
are some problems which
cause non zero output at null

1.3 Nozzle Flapper

The output pressure is changed in proportion to the movement
of Flapper
As the flapper moves closer to the nozzle, there will be less
airflow through the nozzle and the air pressure inside the
pipe will increase
Displacement caused is linear for a small range

1.8 Other Small/Medium Displacement Measuring Devices

Linear inductosyn
Used for axis measurement and
control in machine tools
Based on Inductance

Laser Interferometer
Photonic Sensor
Non Contacting optical sensor
By comparing two photodiodes where one is shaded by displacement

1.9 Large Displacement Measuring Devices

Basic types for long range are
energy source, energy detector Rotary Potentiometer with
wire round over it can be
and means of timing flight for
used for Intermediate
a know velocity.
displacement measurements
In Ultrasonics, 49 kHz is
common for 5 m measurement
Optical systems use a laser
light source.
Reasonable accuracy in
reading light travelling time
is required in light based

Velocity Measurement
Differentiation of Displacement Measurement
Integration of Output of an accelerometer
Conversion to Rotational Velocity

Acceleration Measurement
Only class available is Accelerometer
Electromechanical device to measure acceleration forces
Static forces like gravity pulling at an object lying at a table
Dynamic forces caused by motion or vibration

They have a frequency response between zero and a high value

Measured in gs to relate it to standard gravity acceleration
How can we measure g?

Seismic mass accelerometer:
a seismic mass is connected
to the object undergoing
acceleration through a spring
and a damper;
Piezoelectric accelerometers:
a microscopic crystal
structure is mounted on a
mass undergoing
acceleration; the piezo crystal
is stressed by acceleration
forces thus producing a

Capacitive accelerometer: consists of two
microstructures (micromachined features) forming a
capacitor; acceleration forces move one of the structure
causing a capacitance changes.
Piezoresistive accelerometer: consists of a beam or
micromachined feature whose resistance changes with
Thermal accelerometer: tracks location of a heated mass
during acceleration by temperature sensing

Vibration and Shock Measurement

Motion detection in terms of oscillations
Normally consist of harmonic motion
X : displacement at any instant
Xo: Peak displacement
t : Angular Frequency and
Displacement and velocity measurement at lower
frequencies is more convenient
Acceleration is a good parameter for higher frequencies
Mass of accelerometer itself is important?
Shock is a term for sudden change in the motion of a body
Like a sudden rest of a moving body or vice versa
Example: Crashing of a car, dropping of a large object
Piezo accelermeters are commonly used for shock detection

4. Prony Brake (From Torque Lecture)

For measuring torque in rotating shaft
Rope wound round the shaft
One end is attached to spring balance or a force
measurement device and other carries a standard mass
hanging under gravity
Brake blocks are squeezed to increase friction force till
rotation stops and thus measures braking torque

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