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Fact Sheet

What does SAS University Edition do?

SAS University Edition is free SAS software that can be used for teaching and
learning statistics and quantitative methods. It is useful in such areas as economics,
psychology and other social sciences, computer science, business, medical/health
and engineering.

Why is SAS University Edition important?

Throughout the world both public and private sectors are experiencing a technical
analytics skills gap. SAS is helping to build the statistical knowledge needed to fill this
gap and provide the workforce with high-demand skills to solve problems with analytics.

For whom is SAS University Edition designed?

SAS University Edition is designed for those who want easy access to statistical
software to learn and perform quantitative analysis. This includes teachers, professors,
students, academic researchers and independent learners.

SAS University Edition

Free software to expand or advance your career with high-demand analytical skills
SAS is known for its commitment to
education. To give learners the highdemand skills needed to address the
analytics skills gap, our SAS Analytics U
global initiative provides free access to
SAS software, learning resources, and
ways to connect with other SAS users and
organizations seeking analytics talent.
As part of this initiative, SAS University
Edition offers faster and easier access to
learning the most up-to-date statistical
methods. This offering is designed for
all learners wanting access to statistical
software to learn and perform quantitative analysis.
SAS Analytics U includes e-learning
classes and training videos, as well as the
SAS Analytics U Community, where you
can interact with users, share ideas and
access more SAS resources.

Build your statistical prowess. With SAS, you can explore and solve important and
stimulating problems. Doing so develops analytical skills for instructors to advance
statistical research and education, and for students and learners to prepare for
rewarding careers in any industry.
Easy to access, easy to use. Download the software yourself, or access it in the cloud
via AWS Marketplace (AWS usage fees may apply). Writing and submitting code is
easy with a powerful graphical interface to our advanced statistical analysis software.
See to learn more.
Tap into a wide array of supportive teaching and learning resources. In addition to
the fully functional software, SAS makes it easy for anyone to learn, teach and stay
connected to SAS:
o Software users also can access free introductory courses and videos online to learn
the basics of SAS programming and statistical analysis and get a jump on using
features quickly.
o The SAS Analytics U initiative provides an interactive community for SAS users
including chat, support and introductory videos.
o Our SAS Global Academic Program offers teaching and curriculum development
materials for professors at no cost. Gain huge benefits by participating in this engaging
analytics community and preparing yourself for your future whether in academia,
commercial industry or the public sector.

SAS University Edition is a great way to start
using SAS. SAS University Edition gives you
everything you need to perform advanced
statistical analysis using the most current
statistical and quantitative methods available
with unlimited observations and procedures. This includes:
Base SAS. Make programming fast and
easy with the SAS programming language,
ODS Graphics and reporting procedures.

SAS/STAT. Trust our proven reliability

with a wide variety of statistical methods
and techniques.
SAS/IML. Use this matrix programming
language for more specialized analyses
and data exploration.
SAS Studio. Reduce your programming
time with autocomplete for hundreds of
SAS statements and procedures, as well
as built-in syntax help.

SAS/ACCESS. Seamlessly connect with

your data, no matter where it resides.
And for statistical tasks such as linear
regression, distribution analysis, correlations and summary statistics, you have the
option to use the powerful SAS programming language or select code-generating
tasks or process flows through SAS Studio.
SAS maintains rigorous software
testing, complete product documentation, and numerical validation of its
software. Statistical procedures in SAS
are constantly being updated to reflect
the latest advances in statistical methodology. In addition, technical support is
provided by experienced masters- and
doctoral-level statisticians who provide
industry-leading service.

The SAS Programming
Language Base SAS
Base SAS is a powerful, versatile software
foundation for all SAS University Edition
components. With an intuitive programming language thats easy to learn, it
significantly reduces the amount of code
required to deliver information increasing
your programming productivity.
Figure 1: SAS Studio generates SAS code through guided interaction with the user just
select tasks for the code you want to create.

This highly flexible and extensible fourthgeneration programming language has

a clear syntax and hundreds of language
elements and functions. It supports
programming everything from data
extraction, formatting and cleansing to
data analysis, reporting and information
delivery. From small data issues to large
complex data problems, users can read,
format, analyze and report on data in any
format quickly.
Base SAS provides a rich library of encapsulated programming procedures for data
manipulation, information storage and
retrieval, descriptive statistics and basic
analyses (such as correlation, distribution
analysis and table analysis), and report
writing. You also get ODS Graphics, which

Figure 2: SAS Studio has several features to help reduce your programming time, including
autocomplete for hundreds of SAS statements and procedures, as well as built-in syntax help.

includes several procedures designed to

create statistical graphics and the Graphical
Template Language.

Reliable Statistical Methods

Statistics is a rapidly expanding discipline, and SAS is leading the way. SAS/
STAT provides a comprehensive range
of statistical methods that are applicable
in higher education, business, research
and the public sector. Capabilities include
analysis of variance, mixed models, regression, categorical data analysis, Bayesian
analysis, multivariate analysis, survival
analysis, psychometric analysis, cluster
analysis, nonparametric analysis, survey
data analysis, multiple imputation, power
and sample size computations, and postfitting inference.
Our accelerated release schedule continually delivers more state-of-the-art statistical methods and computational tools,
along with numerous enhancements via
updates. Documentation with a rich set of
introductory examples lets you learn the
software quickly and effectively. The clarity
and consistency of your statistical output,
which includes a wealth of automatically
produced graphs, helps you readily understand analysis results. And an extensive
process of testing and validation means
those results are reliable.

Matrix Programming With SAS/IML

SAS/IML gives you a powerful and flexible
matrix programming language. You can
use SAS products for data manipulation
and statistical analysis, and then employ
SAS/IML for more specialized analyses and
exploration. For example, you can implement a recently devised method that has
recently been published in a journal.
You can program easily and efficiently with
the many features for matrix expression
and an extensive library of statistical and
numerical methods. Simple syntax makes
it easy to translate mathematical formulas
into program statements with features
for arithmetic and character expressions.

Key Features
SAS programming language (Base SAS)
Flexible, intuitive 4GL with easy-to-learn syntax.
SAS Macro Facility reduces coding for common tasks so you can modularize work for
easy reuse and maintenance.
Data analysis: descriptive statistics, correlations, distribution analysis, table analysis.
Library of prewritten programming procedures for managing, analyzing and
presenting data.
Ability to read data in any format, from any kind of file, including variable-length
records, binary files, freeform data and files with messy or missing data.
Support for Structured Query Language (SQL).

Statistical methods (SAS/STAT)

Extensive statistical capabilities in over 80 procedures:
o Analysis of Variance
o Bayesian Analysis
o Categorical Data Analysis
o Cluster Analysis
o Descriptive Statistics
o Discriminant Analysis
o Distribution Analysis
o Exact Methods
o Group Sequential Design and Analysis
o Market Research
o Missing Value Imputation
o Mixed Models
o Multivariate Analysis
o Nonparametric Statistics
o Power and Sample Size
o Psychometric Analysis
o Regression
o Spatial Analysis
o Structural Equations
o Survey Sampling and Analysis
o Survival Analysis
o Transformations

Matrix programming (SAS/IML)

Interactive matrix programming language.
Control statements, matrix functions, linear algebra and statistical functions, time
series functions, and numerical analysis functions.
Extensive set of dynamic mathematical and matrix operators.
Control statements.
General matrix functions.
Linear algebraic and statistical functions.
Time series.
Numerical analysis.
Interactive data analysis.

Take advantage of automatic memory

management and matrix sizing. No need to
declare, dimension or allocate storage for
a data matrix; SAS/IML software does this

An Interactive Interface: SAS Studio

SAS Studio is the development environment for SAS University Edition; it runs
through your web browser. Access to Base
SAS, SAS/STAT and SAS/IML is provided
through SAS Studio. This interface provides
an easy way for you to interact with SAS
whenever and wherever you are. Write
and submit SAS code from any device
that supports SAS University Edition PC,
Mac or Linux workstation. It looks the same
on all supported devices, which makes it
easier to teach and learn.

Key Features (continued)

Interactive interface (SAS Studio)
Helpful programming tools increase productivity with interactive feedback and
Pop-up syntax help always available.
Code-generating tasks to speed development and increase efficiency.
Browser-based interface for basic data manipulation and basic statistical tasks to
generate SAS code.

Access to PC file formats (SAS/ACCESS)

Interface to several PC file types, such as:
o Microsoft Excel
o Paradox

o Stata

And if youre not an experienced SAS

programmer, or if you need an existing
program to help you get started, SAS
Studio can help. You can open a table in
the table viewer, select which columns to
display, and filter and sort the data. Behind
the scenes, SAS Studio writes all the code
that is needed to display the table and
makes that code available to you.

Access to PC File Formats

SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files is a
simplified approach for accessing data.
Itcomes ready to use, and provides direct
and highly optimized data access and
integration between SAS and common
third-party PC file formats.
You get direct, easy and secure access
to data with native interfaces. Import and
export popular PC file data such as Microsoft Excel, JMP, Paradox, SPSS, Stata and
DBF. You dont need SQL expertise or
custom coding extractions. And theres no
need to learn or train on different scripting
or query languages.

Figure 3: You can open a table in the table viewer, select which columns to display, and filter
and sort the data.

To learn more and download SAS

University Edition, please visit

SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of
SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product
names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright 2015, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

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