Nadroga-Navosa Province - Lands of Potential
Nadroga-Navosa Province - Lands of Potential
Nadroga-Navosa Province - Lands of Potential
Province - Lands of
Nadroga-Navosa province has about 14,600 families.
Located on the south-western part of Viti Levu, on the
main thoroughway from Suva to Lautoka ports. It is
served by major roads networks.
The province contains one of Fiji's 'salad bowls', is
abundant in taro, kava, copra and a host of other
The famous Mamanuca group of islands are part of
the province.
Nadroga-Navosa Province is part of the Burebasaga
confederacy, one of the three traditional chiefly
hierarchies of Fiji. It covers about 2,385 square
kilometers, and the 2007 census recorded a
population of about 58,400. Its major town is
Sigatoka (population 8,000) and is less than an
hour's drive from Nadi international airport.
Here is a summary of the 22 districts. Village details
and their 'ai cavuti' or titles follow:
Nadroga-Navosa Province has 22 Districts and
121 Villages:
6. Bavu
Conua District has 7 villages:
1. Vatukarasa - Title "Nabili Turaga na Tui Conua"
2. Malevu
3. Korotogo
4. Naroro
5. Nawamagi
6. Nalaca
7. Nadrala
Komave District has 4 villages:
1. Komave - Title "Vusu na Turaga na Tui Vusu"
2. Namatakula
3. Biausevu
4. Navola - Title "Nasikawa na Turaga na Tui
Korolevuiwai District has 4 villages:
1. Votua - Title "Na via gwane na Jui Davutukia"
2. Vatu-o-lalai
3. Tagaqe
4. Namada
3. Nanoko
4. Tuvavatu
Vatulele District has 4 villages:
1. Ekubu - Title "Vunisalevu na Tui Ekubu"
2. Taunovo
3. Lomanikaya
4. Bouwaqa
Malolo District has 4 villages:
1. Solevu - Title "Turaga na Tui Lawa"
2. Yaro
3. Tavua
4. Yanuca