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21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform and Out-Earn

the Competition

Getting Everything You Can Out

of All You've Got

(Jay Abraham/

St. Martins Press/2001/384 Pages/$15.95)

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Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got

21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform and Out-Earn
the Competition
The Big Idea
Believe it or not, it is easy to create new opportunities for building wealth. In fact, unseen
opportunities are passing you by everyday. The only thing you need to do is to look at
these overlooked opportunities with fresh eyes and capitalize on them.
Marketing genius Jay Abraham shares with you a program that will help you reach the
pinnacle of success. Using the strategies he has utilized as a top advisor to some of
Americas top corporations, Jay teaches you how to spot hidden assets and how to use
untapped resources to maximize your career and increase your income.
About the Author
Jay Abraham - As the founder and CEO of Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles,
California, Jay Abraham has spent the last 25 years solving problems and significantly
increasing the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide.
Jay has seen and dealt with every type of business you can imagine. And he's studied
and solved every kind of business question, problem, challenge and opportunity.
Jay has been acknowledged as a unique and distinctive authority in the field of business
performance enhancement - and the maximizing and multiplying of business assets.
He's been featured twice in Investors Business Daily both on the front page and in the
Leaders & Success Section - saying Jay, Knows how to maximize results with
minimum effort. The March 6, 2000 issue of Forbes Magazine listed Jay as one of the
top 5 executive coaches in the country saying jay's specialty is, Turning corporate
underperformers into marketing and sales whizzes.
In addition, Jay has been written up in USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles
Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, OTC Stock Journal, National
Underwriter, Entrepreneur, Success, and Inc.
magazine, and many others.

Part 1: How to Maximize What You Have

1. Your Flight Plan


Sometimes, people are just not able to recognize the obvious. For this reason, it took
hundreds of years for people to invent the ice cream cone even if ice cream was already
in existence. In the same way, it took hundreds of years after bread was invented for
people to even think of making a sandwich.
Today, you are surrounded by the same hidden opportunities that can change your
income for the better and boost your career. However, you must learn how to look for
2. Great Expectations










unconventionally fresh, superior and more exciting ways of doing something. Creating
your own breakthroughs is the easiest way to achieve success both in business and in
You dont need to be as smart as Bill Gates to create breakthroughs. All you need is an
opportunistic attitude. You must be able to look at things with common sense and even
more important, be able to take action on the opportunities you see.
Here are some examples of breakthroughs:
1. A hair growing product was developed when it was discovered that an acne product
grew hair as a side effect.
2. The roll-on deodorant was inspired by a ball point pen.
3. Nikes unique sole was developed when the founder of Nike poured rubber over a
waffle iron.
Your Fundamental Objectives
Here are some of the fundamental objectives you must focus on when coming up with
your breakthrough:
* Always discover what the hidden opportunity is in every situation.
* Try to uncover at least one cash windfall for your business every three months.
* Remember that the more value or wealth you can create for your client, the greater the
power of that breakthrough.
* Build business breakthroughs based on multiple streams of idea generation. \
* The best breakthroughs take away risk or resistance.
3. How Can You Go Forward If You Dont Know Which Way Youre Facing?
All businesses must go through strategic analysis. Before you can begin improving a


business, you must first know exactly its strengths and weaknesses. You must also
know how these strengths and weaknesses relate to the competition. In other words,
you must find out where you are at this point in time.
One of the best ways to gain insight into the current state of your business is to answer
a set number of questions. These questions will help you evaluate your current
Here are some sample questions:
1. What first got me started in my business or career?
2. Why did clients buy from me then?
3. Why do clients buy from me at the present
4. What was my primary method for generating clients?
5. Which of my marketing efforts brought in the most sales or clients?
4. Your Business Soul - The Strategy of Preeminence
The strategy of preeminence is the ability to put your clients needs above your own. If
you follow this philosophy, success will be sure to follow. Remember that you must start
to serve clients rather than sell to them.
You must give your clients a reason to choose your company for the rest of their lives.
To do this, you must take them under your protection. It is not enough that you are able
to sell them your product. You must understand and see to their needs.
This also applies to any situation in business. You must be able to solve problems and
add value to every task you undertake. Act like a trusted friend to your associates.
Focus on providing valuable service. Fall in love with your clients and not your product
or services.
5. Break Even Today, Break the Bank Tomorrow
One of the best methods to increase client and revenue growth is to acquire clients at a
breakeven (or even a slight loss) and making substantial profits on back-end
repurchasing. This will only work, however, if you are engaged in a business that has a
high probability of clients coming back to repurchase products or services.
You must be able to give your clients great value and service. Furthermore, you must be
able to give your clients the results they want. If you do all these, they will keep coming
back. This is the only way to turn a prospect into a lifelong client.
Here are some examples of companies or individuals who are utilizing this strategy:
* The Book-of-the-Month Club that sends 6-12 books for a dollar initially.


* Credit card companies that offer lower interest rates for the first six months.
* Server companies that offer 30 days free service upon sign up.
* An employee who agrees to take on a higher position without an initial raise knowing
that in the long term, the employer will pay him or her 30%-100% more.
6. Vive Le Difference
You must be able to stand out among your competitors. Your clients must be able to see
why it would be more favorable and advantageous to choose your company.
To make this happen, you must be able to discover your companys Unique Selling
Proposition (USP). Your USP is that distinct, appealing idea that sets your business
apart from your competitors. Once you have identified your USP, you must be able to
integrate this into all your marketing materials.
Here are some strategies you can use to help you develop a USP:
* Identify needs that are unfulfilled in your industry (e.g. big discounts, speedy service, a
wide selection, etc.)
* Preemptive marketing.
* You must come up with something clear and straight-to-the point.
7. Make Em an Offer They Cant Refuse
The biggest secret to success in both business and career is the ability to maintain the
edge in everything you do. One example of a great competitive edge is always making it
easier for a client to say yes than no. The only way to do this is by eliminating financial,
psychological and emotional risks to any decision-making proposition.
You must be ready to take on the risks yourself. Maybe you can provide your clients
with money-back guarantees or service warranties. You must totally and completely
guarantee the purchase for your client.
Even more important, you must ensure that you are serious with your offer of a
guarantee. You must be sincere. Remember, if you are providing a product or service
that is truly of high value, you cant go wrong when you take on the risk for your client.
8. Would You Like the Left Shoe, Too?
Every time you close a sale, another opportunity arises - the opportunity to make an
additional sale. All you need to do is to provide your client a reason to make an
additional purchase. Naturally, this reason must be beneficial to your client.
Here are three techniques that you can use and examples of each:
1. Add products and services . Auto dealers give buyers the option to purchase their


cards with sunroofs, car phones, stereo systems, etc.

2. Add volume or time options. Magazines who offer 3-year subscriptions for a
discounted price.
3. Add combinations. Mcdonalds complete meals - hamburger, fries and sodas.
9. How to Never Fall off a Cliff
According to the author, anyone can be a marketing genius by doing one simple thing testing. You must never leave anything to chance. Everything that can produce
measurable results can be tested. Therefore, you must start by testing all the major
elements in your current business activities.
Here are a few examples of activities that you can subject to testing:
1. Sales presentations
2. Sales letters
3. Advertising
4. Web copy
5. Conduct and attitude of employees
Testing is the key to improvement. Through testing, you can dramatically increase your
sales and profits. An example of a good thing to test is your price. Although no one
knows for sure why a certain price draws more sales than another, sometimes a $19
price can outsell the same product ten times when it is priced at $17.

Part 2: How to Multiply Your Maximum

10. With a Little Help from My Friends
Acquiring a new client or a prospect is not only difficult - it is also very expensive.
Consider getting other people and companies to help you get new clients.
Try to find companies who have built a strong relationship with clients who fit your
consumer demographics. Of course, make sure that they are selling a non-competitive
product. Contact these businesses and ask them for help in introducing your product or
service to their clients. In return, offer them a percentage of the profits from all sales
generated through the partnership.
When making a proposal, remind your host that:
1. Your products and services do not compete with their products.
2. It will not take away income or profit.
3. It will increase their profits.
4. They do not have to do anything nor do they have to spend anything.


5. You will create all the needed marketing materials.

6. You will provide an unconditional guarantee to all products sold.
11. Someone You Should Meet
Put together a formal and aggressive referral system. The only way to do this is by
showing your current clients how much you care about them.
You must be able to make your clients see and understand how your product or service
has made a significant improvement in their business. If you do, they will refer clients to
12. The Prodigal Client
The easiest way to instantly increase your current client base is to regain your inactive
clients. You must identify how many of your old clients are no longer actively purchasing
from your company and why they do. Here are three reasons why people stop buying
from you:
1. Something totally unrelated to you happened in their life that has caused them to stop
dealing with you. They probably have every intention to start dealing with you again but
just havent gotten around it yet.
2. They experienced a problem during their last purchase.
3. They can no longer benefit from your product or service.
The best way to reinstate your lost clients is to simply contact them. Make an
appointment to visit them or call them if a visit is not possible. You can also choose to
send them a letter.
Tell your lost clients that you noticed that they have not been buying from your company
and that you sense that something is wrong. Make sure that you communicate both
humility and concern. Remember to focus on them and their well-being.
If your client falls under category number one, your call will awaken them into buying
again. If your client falls into category number two, you must take the opportunity to tell
them how much you value their business and apologize for the problem they
encountered. Do something special to make up for the inconvenience they experienced.
13. Your Ten-Thousand-Person Sales Department
Would you like to have a sales force of over ten thousand people who will work for you
around the clock without you having to pay them to do so? Believe it or not, direct mail
simulates just that.


Direct mail is defined as written material that you use to communicate with prospects
and clients. These include sales letters, brochures and proposals. You can send these
materials out through e-mail, fax or regular mail.
Put simply, direct mail is a very powerful tool. They can be used to generate new clients
and can save you thousands of dollars. After all, direct mail is so much cheaper than
actual client visits.
14. Fish Where the Big Fish Are
Do not waste your time trying to bring in clients who are just not interested. Instead, you
must learn to target higher-quality prospects. Remember, choose quality over quantity.
Go where the money is.
A lot of companies waste time by not qualifying their prospects. Choose to concentrate
on people who are qualified to buy your product or service today. Choose people who
have the need for your product, have the capacity to pay, and can make the decision
If you are wondering where you can find a list of high-quality prospects, you might be
surprised to learn that there are mailing-list directories that are available of any target
audience you wish to reach. You can rent lists that include name, title, job specifications
and even the phone number of qualified buyers.
15. Watson, Come Here, I Need You
When used correctly, telemarketing brings a wealth of opportunity. It can also bring
adverse consequences when mismanaged. Here are a few telemarketing rules you
should adhere to:
1. Start the process by mail. Prepare your prospect by sending a letter or advertisement.
2. Test before you start telemarketing.
3. Price your offer right.
4. Stair-step the telemarketing presentation.
a. Begin conversations by putting the prospect at ease.
b. Present your offer naturally and in a conversational manner.
c. Do not be argumentative or pushy.
d. Be completely honest.
e. Remember that you only have 30 seconds to capture your prospects interest.
f. State your name and companys name clearly and the reason you are calling. Also tell
the prospect where you got his/her name or number.
g. State an important benefit of your product and service.


h. Mention a product feature that backs up the benefit.

i. Ask preliminary probing questions.
16. Big Profits.Com
The Internet is a powerful and yet different communication and marketing tool. Any
company can profit on the Internet. You can sell anything online from gourmet food to
consulting services. Although most successful companies are not purely Internet based,
many businesses have augmented their income through the use of the Internet.
To successful sell products online, you must:
1. Offer very high-quality products or services that your visitors want.
2. Create a great website that sells effectively
3. Generate high-quality, qualified traffic to your site cost-effectively.
17. Manhattan for $29 Worth of Beads
Business barter is when you trade your products or services for things your business
needs. Believe it or not, proper bartering can increase your companys purchasing
power tremendously. Bartering allows you to purchase products and services without
having to pay for them until much later.
Bartering creates almost unlimited purchasing power. The good news is, any business
has the capacity to barter. A plastic surgeon can barter out facelifts. A furniture
manufacturer can barter out office furniture.
18. Leave a Message After the Beep
Communication is the key to a stronger and richer relationship. You must be able to
keep continual and meaningful communication with everyone important to our business.
You must find ways to retain and sustain your client transactions and one way to do so
is to keep them thinking about you and your company. Do not make the mistake,
however, of sending communication materials that simply state how good you are.
Instead, offer them a free service review or give advice on how they can get better use
out of your product.
19. Somewhere over the Rainbow
You must have a specific and reachable goal to reach success and financial prosperity.
Remember that you must choose a goal that is both attainable and yet worthy of your
true ability and potential.
Do not be afraid of setting the bar high. The important thing is that the goal must be


clear and decisive. Hold yourself accountable for reaching that goal and when you do
achieve the goal, set the bar higher.
20. Your Never-Ending Success
Dont stop at one success alone. If upon using the strategies mentioned above, you are
able to make a fantastic windfall for your company, dont stop there. Focus on bigger
successes. Take on greater responsibilities. Remember that to succeed in business,
you must undergo a never-ending cycle of improvement and retirement.
21. You Are Richer than You Think
You can succeed in both life and career just by applying the strategies in this book. You
must play life to the fullest based on your sense of value. Reflect and find who you are
and exactly what you want in life. Then reach towards your goal.
Always remember that you are capable of reaching your goals. You can not reach your
goal, however, if you have not yet defined what your goal is. Find out what you want and
make sure that you take the path that will lead you straight to what you desire.

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