Manblunder Nyaasa

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17. Nysa
This is discussed under two parts. The first part deals with principle and purpose of
nysa-s and the second part deals with practical nysa-s. Explanatory notes and
applications are restricted to only select nysa-s. All types of nysa-s are give here only
for the purpose of knowing the types of nysa-s.
17.1) Principle beind nysa-s:
Nysa is explained as mental appropriation or assignment of various parts of the body
to protective deities(tutelary deities) and exceptionally for the principal deity. There are
also meanings such as placing, fixing, putting away, taking off, etc. Irrespective of these
meanings, nysa is an act of the mind expressed physically by touching various parts of
the body. This is mainly done to make the worshiper feel that his body is not different
from Her. At the end of nysa procedures, sdhakas duality is completely dissolved and
he becomes one with Her. At this stage the ego of the sdhaka is completely annihilated
paving to realize Her within. When ego is dissolved, the sdhaka realizes that he is not
the performer of navvarana pj. This is the stage where the navvarana pj, the one
who performs navvarana pj and Lalitmbik become one. Lalitmbik is Citakti, the
power of Consciousness (of iva), that brings about the world process (creation,
sustenance, etc). What is the power of Citakti in the mind? When the mind affirms that
we are Citakti, it is important that the mind is fully aware of three forms of Parakti viz.
gross, subtle and subtlest. She has many gross forms and known by different names
such as Kl, Soda and other forms, more fully explained in Daamahvidy and other
Scriptures. In fact, all that exists in the universe is Her form. Subtle forms refers to Her
mantra form such as Soda mantra, Pacada mantra and all other mantras. In fact,
all the mantras originate from Her. Lalit Sahasranma 204 says, Sarvamantra
svarpin. Mantras are made up of different alphabets of Sanskrit and all these
alphabets originate from Her, says Lalit Sahasranma 577, mtr k-varna-rpin. Most
importantly, Her subtler form is said to be kmakal, which is explained in Lalit
Sahasranma 322, kmakal-rp. Her subtlest form is Kund alin.
By performing nysa-s in the body, our body is considered as Her mantra form. This is
the purpose of nysa. Therefore, it is very important that mental concentration is
important while performing nysa-s, otherwise, the very purpose of nysa-s would be
Following twenty nine nysa-s are prescribed in r Vidy.
01. bairmtr k
02. antarmtr k
Mtr k literally means mother. Mtr k also means the power of letters. Combination of
various letters gives rise to a word and formation of words is known as Mlin, the deity
of alphabets (rtantrlokah). In other words, Mtr k is the mother alphabets and Mlin
is the mother of words. Mlin (Lalit Sahasranma 455) is explained as the power of
letters which holds the entire universe within itself. iva says to Prvat, All the sins are

destroyed by performing mtr knysa-s (Mantrayoga Sahit). By performing

mtr knysa-s one identifies his body with the subtle form of Parakti. This
contemplation is more important in performing all the nysa-s.
Bahirmtr knysa means or bhyamtr knysa means touching various external parts
of the body with finger tips by reciting an alphabet. Thus all the fifty alphabets are
placed at different parts of the body. Antarmtr knysa means contemplating the same
fifty alphabets in the six psychic chakras, from mldhra to j and at sahasrra.
Every alphabet is preceded by pranava, tritri and Bl and this is formed like this:
om - ai hr r - ai kl sauh - -
After this an alphabet is recited with bindu (a dot on the top of the alphabet) and suffixed
with namah hasah ( ) at the end. Let us take the example of alphabet a ( ) and
nysa is done like this.






namah hasah

- -

Practical nysa will be dealt with subsequently.

03. karauddinysa
Karauddhi literally means cleansing of hands. But, contextually karauddhinysa is
one of these several nysa-s.
This nysa is done by prefixing om - ai hr r to a or or sauh ( ) and
suffixing with namah (). For example om - ai hr r a namah. The three bjas a, , sauh ( ) are derived from the first varana, trilokyamohanacakra. Each
cakreavar (the one who presides over that varana) has got different bja-s and these
bja-s are used as prefixes to various nysa-s.
The purpose of karauddhinysa is to eliminate the influences of antah k arana, organs
of perception and organs of action on the mind, so that the mind is purified and
becomes one with iva tattva. Hands and fingers are cleansed symbolically to purify the
mind as explained above. Again the contemplation is more important here, as is always
the case with all types of nysa-s.
There are twelve karauddhinysa-s.
04. tmaraksnysa
This nysa is done in the heart chakra, known as anhata chakra. In this nysa, the
three bja-s of second varana ai, kl, sauh ( ) are prefixed to r
mahtripurasundari tmna raks a
raksa. This nysa is done for two purposes. One,
to pray to Her to remove my, which acts as an impediment to the realization of the
Self. Two, in order to remove my, Her Grace is sought. When Her Grace descends,
karmic imprints are removed. Therefore, this nysa seeks protection for the individual
soul, which is the very cause of our existence. Within this individual soul remains the
Self, but veiled by my.

05. catursananysa
Catursana means four types of subtle seating. They are tmsana, cakrsana,
sarvamantrsana and sdhyasiddhsana ( , , and ).
Out of the nine varana-s, the bja-s of the first two varana-s are used in
karauddhinysa (3 above) and tmaraksnysa (4 above). In catursananysa the
bja-s of third, fourth, fifth and sixth varana-s are used. These four nysa-s refer to
unification of pramt (subject), prameya (object) and pramna (means, anumna,
inference). These three are symbolically represented by tmsana, cakrsana and
sarvamantrsana. When the subject, object and the means are perfectly in unison, it
leads to the ultimate stage of union of iva and akti. This is known as PrakaVimara smarasya, where Praka is iva, Vimara is akti and smarasya means
union of iva and akti. Lalit Sahasranma 792 is smarasya-paryan explains this.
This concept is also explained in Bhvanopanisad 8, which says, jtr jna jeyn
abhedabhvana rcakrapjanam. This means that realising that there is no
difference between the knower, the known and the process of knowing (knowledge) is
true worship of ri Cakra.
06. blsadaanysa
Here, nysa is done with Bl mantra ai kl sauh ( ). Generally, in r Vidy
cult, in the beginning one is initiated with Bl mantra and a sdhaka with consistent
and dedicated practice moves up in stages to Pacada and Soda to become one
with Her. This nysa is performed to comprehend that there is no differentiation in Her
various forms. She alone manifests in different forms.
07. vainydinysa
This is also known as vgdevat nysah ( ), the composers of Lalit
Sahasranma. Identifying ourselves with these vgdevei-s is the purpose of this nysa.
All the fifty alphabets are used in this nysa and nysa is done on the psychic centres.
08. mlavidyvarnanysa
Mlavidyvarnanysa is different from mlavidynysa, which is discussed under
additional nysa-s. The main difference between the two is this - mlavidyvarnanysa
uses fifteen alphabets used in Pacada as bjksara-s. Varna means sound, vowel,
syllable. For example the first alphabet of Pacada mantra is ka (). In
mlavidyvarnanysa, a bindu is added by making ka () as ka (). In
mlavidynysa, pacada mantra is used for nysa. Mlavidynysa nysa is done
like karanysa and hrdaydi nysa using each kt of Pacada mantra.
Both these nysa-s are done to reaffirm that there is no difference between Her, Her
mantra and the sdhaka. This is subtly conveyed in Varivasy Rahasya (verse 114)
which says, Body of Parakti is composed of Vg, Kma and akti kt a
-s of
Pacada mantra which are placed from Her crown to neck, neck to hip and hip to feet.
The same concept is also explained in Lalit Sahasranma 85, 86 and 87
(rmadvgbhava-kt a
kant h
kat i paryantha ika-svarpa-mukha-pakaj,
madhyakt a-svarpin and akti-kt aikatpanna-kat yadhobhga-dhrin).

09. rsodaksarnysa
This nysa is done with Soda mantra with certain mudras like saubhgyadand in,
ripujihvgrah, trikhand and yoni. The purpose of this nysa is to control worldly life
endued with desires, attachment, etc and to attain liberation by becoming one with Her.
10. samoananysa
Contemplating the entire universe as red is the purpose of this nysa. Bhvanopanis ad
19 says, lauhityametasya sarvasya vimarah. This means that pure Consciousness is
Kmevara. Individual self, which is in the state of eternal Bliss is Lalitmbik. The
redness is contemplating the union of iva, akti and jvan (individual soul). When the
universe is contemplated as red, the sdhaka attains Her qualities of compassions. She
is described as red in dhyna verses of Lalit Sahasranma.
11. saranysa
12. sr s
t inysa
13. stinysa
Sahranysa, sr s t i nysa and sthinysa refers to dissolution, creation and
sustenance. sahranysa is done to annihilate avidy (nescience or spiritual
ignorance). Sr s t inysa is done to contemplate thatsdhaka is born afresh with vidy or
spiritual knowledge, where all dyads and triads are not in existence. Sthinysa is done
to establish the union of sdhaka with Her. This is the state of jvanmukta. This is the
essence of mahvkya-s such as I am Brahman, I am That or aha brahmsmi.
14. lagusodnysa
Laghu means easy, quick, etc. Laghus odhnysa consists of six types of nysa-s and
they are follows.
i). ganeanysah
ii). grahanysah
iii). naksatranysah
iv). yoginnysah
v). rinysah
vi). pt hanysah
These six types of nysa-s are done to reaffirm that there is no differentiation between
Her and the sdhaka. This means that Ganea (also known as Ganapati), the god of
knowledge who removes all obstacles and is the son of iva and Prvat. He is
worshiped to remove all obstacles at the commencement of navvaran a
pj. By doing
this nysa, it is established that Lalitmbik is not different from Ganea. Similarly,
navagraha-s (nine planets) and twenty seven stars are one with Her. Nine planets,
twenty seven stars and nine ri-s (zodiac; also called bhva or houses) constitute a
birth chart. When She is worshiped with true devotion and love, even if the planets are

placed adversely in ones birth chart, they will not cause any impediments in sdhakas
Yoginnysa is about sixty four yogini-s, who preside over various parts of the body.
Yogin here means the deities who preside over various aspects of existence. There are
several references to sixty four yogini-s. However, for the purpose of this nysa, seven
yogini-s presiding over seven psychic centres and their deputies amounting to forty nine
are taken into account. Each psychic centre has certain number of lotus petals and
each petal is embedded with a Sanskrit alphabet. Thus we have fifty alphabets placed
in the fifty petals of six psychic centres and at sahasrra each alphabet is placed in
twenty petals giving rise to one thousand petals. This is explained in detail in Lalit
Sahasranma 475 to 534. Please refer to the interpretation of these nma-s for details.
Thus, not only the psychic centres are identified with Lalitmbik, but also the entire
alphabets of Sanskrit. These alphabets form words and their meaning, which
establishes Her presence in every aspect of the universe. This is the purpose of
Pt h
anysa refers to fifty one aktipit h
a-s. When iva was not invited by Daks a to
participate in a yaj organised by demon Daks a, father of Sat, an incarnation of akt,
immolated Herself. iva carrying Her corpse was milling around. Visn u
cut the corpse
into fifty one pieces that fell in fifty one different places. These places are known as fifty
one aktipit ha-s. Each of these aktipit h
a-s is represented by an alphabet and thus we
have fifty one alphabets. The number of alphabets is different from fifty alphabets
referred in yoginnysa as alphabet (a) is addition here.
15. rcakranysa
In rcakranysa, Ganapati, Ksetrapla, Yogini-s (who preside over eight varana-s),
ast adikblaka-s (cardinal guards), bat u
ka (young guards), Brahm and Ananta are
placed in various parts of the body. This nysa also confirms that every aspect of the
universe is pervaded by Her.
i). trailokyamohanacakranysah
ii). sarvapariprakacakranysah
iii). sarvasaksobhanacakranysah
iv). sarvasaubhgyadyakacakranysah
v). sarvrthasdhakacakranysah
vi). sarvarakskaracakranysah
vii). sarvarogaharacakranysah
viii a). yudhanysah
viii b). sarvasiddhipradacakranysah
ix). sarvnandamayacakranysah

These nine nysa-s represent nine varana-s of ri Cakra. Each akti of every varana
is placed on different parts of the body. Nysa for ninth varana is done only with
Additional nysa-s.
1. mlavidynysa: this is discussed along with mlavidyvarnanysa (08).
2. kmevarytinysa is done contemplating the four pit h
a-s () viz. kmagiripit h
prnagiript ha, jlandharapt ha and odynapt ha, which are connected to four
mnya-s (pantheons). Each pantheon has one akti and all the pantheons put
together, we have four akti-s. mnya-s are worshiped at the end of navvarana pj.
These are the broad interpretations of nysa-s and their significance. Which of these
nysa-s are to be followed is decided by ones Guru and his lineage. It is important to
contemplate Her while performing nysa-s, as otherwise the very purpose of nysa-s
would be lost.
17.2) Mantras only for te following nysa-s will be discussed in te next part.

01. bahirmtr knysah

02. antarmtr knysah

03. karauddhinysah
04. tmaraksnysah
05. blsadaanysah
06. catursananysah


08. mlavidyvarnanysah
Mantra-s for rest of the nysa-s will be discussed at the end of this series.


18. Nysa mantras and procedures:
18.1) Mtknysa

This is done like a japa. Following is the general procedure and this is to be done
i) ydi nysa

asya rmtknysamahmantrasya
brahm i | gyatr chanda | rmtk sarasvat devat |
(i - open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead; chanda - right palm
on the mouth; but lips should not be touched; devat - right palm on the heart
Halbhyo bjebhyo nama1 | svarebhya aktibhyo nama2 | bindubhyo klakebhyo
nama3 |
(1.bja - touch right shoulder with right hand; 2. akti - touch left shoulder with
right hand; 3. klakam on the navel*. Only tip of the fingers to be used.)
This subtly conveys the origin or alphabets, words and their meanings.
*It is said that any part below the navel is touched, hands should be washed with
water from pacaptra (a vessel with water kept for the purpose of purification). But
for the purpose of nysa-s, hands can be washed after completing all the nysa-s.
This is based on precepts of stra-s, which consider that all body parts below the
navel are impure.
mama r vidy'gatvena nyse viniyoga
(open both the palms and run them over all parts of the body; from head to feet;
alternatively viniyoga mudra can be used.
ii) Karanysa

Note: Throughout nysa procedures, if number 7 is used, it means om ai hr r

ai kl sau (

). Numeric 7 consists of praava (), tritri

(ai, hr, r) and Bl (ai, kl, sau). If numeric is used, it means only
praava and tritri (om ai hr r).
ii.1) 7

7 a ka kha ga gha a aguhbhym nama|

(use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs)
ii.2) 7

7 i ca cha ja jha a tarjanbhy nama |

(use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers)
ii.3) 7

7 u a ha a ha a madhyambhy nama|

(both the thumbs on the middle fingers)

ii.4) 7

7 ai ta tha da dha na ai anmikbhy nama|

(both the thumbs on the ring fingers)
ii.5) 7

7 au pa pha ba bha ma au kanihkbhy nama|

(both the thumbs on the little fingers)
ii.6) 7

7 a ya ra la ba a a sa ha a ka a karatalakaraphbhy
(open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back
sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm)
iii) Hrdaydi nysa

iii.1) 7

7 a ka kha ga gha a hrdayya nama|
(open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart
iii.2) 7

7 i ca cha ja jha a irase svh|

iii.3) 7

7 u a ha a ha a ikhyai vaa|
(open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where tuft is
iii.4) 7

7 ai ta tha da dha na ai kavacya hu|

(cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips)
iii.5) 7

7 au pa pha ba bha ma au netratrayya vaua|

(open the index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand; touch both the eyes
using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two eyebrows (j
cakra) with the middle finger.)
iii.6) 7

7 a ya ra la ba a a sa ha a ka a astrya pha||
(by using right hand thumb and middle fingers make rattle clockwise around the

bhrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandha||
iv) Dhynam

pacdvara bhedai vihitavadanado pdayuk kukivako
de bhsvatkapardkalita aikal mindukundvadtm |
akasrakkumbha cintlikhitavarakar rka mabjasasth
macchkalp matuccha stana jaghanabhar bhrat t nammi ||
Meaning: The verse describes Bhrat Devi (known as Sarasvat, the goddess
presiding over speech. Lalitmbik is addressed as mtk-vara-rpi in Lalit
Sahasranma 577). Fifty alphabets (Sanskrit) are Her face, arms, legs, abdomen and
bosoms. She has moon with kal-s on Her head. She is white complexioned like
jasmine flower. She holds in her hands, an akaml (rosary of 51 beads; (a) is
added to fifty alphabets; Lalit Sahasranma 489 is akamldi-dhar), a pitcher
containing nectar (amta kalaa; amta also refers to immortality), a book and
varada mudra (conferring boons). She has three eyes. Her entire form is flawless
(nirmala). She is seated on a lotus. I bow to this Devi.
(It is said that iva in the form dhyna (meditation) and akti is in the form of japa.
Only this union (union of meditation and mantra japa) leads to realization. There is
no other way to attain realization. The entire form of Lalitmbik is r Vidy
mantra-s. When nysa is done, it means that our body transforms as Her temple.
Abiding in this thought perpetually leads to Her realization.)
v). Pacapj

(follow as per karanysa)

la - pthivytmikyai gandha samarpaymi|
ha - ktmikyai pupai pjaymi|
ya - vyvtmikyai dhpamghrpaymi|
ra - agnytmikyai dhpa daraymi |
va - amttmikyai amta mahnaivedya nivedaymi |
sa - sarvtmikyai sarvopacra pjm samarpaymi||

18.2) Bahirmtknysa

(nysa on the external body parts)

7 is to be prefixed to each akara and nama hasa (
Example: om ai hr r ai kl sau a nama hasa

While touching the body parts, join right hand thumb and ring finger and the body
parts should be touched with these fingers joined as explained in this image.



Right eye

Left eye

Right ear

Left ear


Right nostril

Left nostril


Right cheeks


Left cheeks


Upper lips



Lower lips


Upper teeth



Lower teeth


Tip of the tongue





Right shoulder



Right elbow



Right wrist



bottom of right


Tip of right fingers



Left shoulder



Left elbow



Left wrist



bottom of left fingers


Tip of right fingers


Right thigh joint



Right knee


Right ankle



Bottom of right toes


Tip of toes



Left thigh joint



Left knee



Left ankle



Bottom of left toes



Tip of left toes



Right thorax



Left thorax



Lower back












Right armpit



Nape of the neck



Left armpit


Run left hand fingers

from heart to right
finger tips


Run right hand fingers

from heart to left
finger tips



Run left hand fingers

from heart to right toe



Run right hand fingers

from heart to left toe


Run both hand fingers

from hip to toes



Run both hand fingers

from hip top of the

1 to 16 are vowels and from 17 to 51 are consonants. Each alphabet is with ndabindu (nda-bindu can be explained as the supreme energy that is divided into
three nda, bindu and bja).
As already discussed, any portion below the navel is touched, hands should be
washed as detailed above; otherwise these nysa-s can be mentally contemplated.
18.3) Antarmtknysa

(nysa on the psychic centres)

Same procedure as per 18.2 above is to be adopted.
7 is to be prefixed to each akara and nama hasa (
Example: om ai hr r ai kl sau a nama hasa












Throat area
Viuddhi chakra
16 petals
















Anhata chakra



12 petals














Maipraka chakra



10 petals
















Svdhihna chakra



6 petals









Mldhra chakra


4 petals





Centre of eye brows



j chakra
2 petals

For nysa in sahasrra all the fifty akara-s mentioned above are to be done and
with prefix and suffix. Each akara should have prefix and suffix. Similar is the case
for every chakra.


1. Nysa-s on these chakras follow the pattern of Lalit Sahasranma, where

viuddhi chakra (475), anhata (485), maipraka (495), svdhihna (504),
mldhra (514), j (521) and sahasrra (528).
18.4) karauddhinysa

(nysa-s on palm and fingers)

This nysa is of two types. First one is done on the palms and the second one is
done on the fingers. Some texts say that prefix for palms is 4 (om ai hr r)
and for the fingers it is 7 (om ai hr r ai kl sau); other texts say prefix is
only 4. We are adopting only 4. There is no suffix except nama for this nysa. For
nysa on the fingers, procedure for karanysa is to be adopted. For nysa-s on the
right palm, left hand is to be used. There are only three bjkara-s are used a
sau ().
I. Palms
i) 4 (om ai hr r )a nama - 4 right palm
ii) 4 nama - 4 back of the right palm
iii) 4 sau nama - 4 both sides of the right palm
iv) 4 a nama - 4 left palm
v) 4 nama - 4 back of the left palm
vi) 4 sau nama - 4 both sides of the left palm
II. Fingers
i) 4 a nama - 4 middle fingers of both hands

ii) 4 nama - 4 ring fingers

iii) 4 sau nama - 4 little fingers
iv) 4 a nama - 4 thumbs
v) 4 nama - 4 index fingers
vi) 4 sau nama - 4 both sides of palms
18.5). tmaraknysa

Join both palms in front of the heart chakra and meditate on Her by reciting this
mantra. While doing so, inner side of palms should be in contact with middle of the
7 r mahtripurasundari tmna raka raka ||

18.6) Blaaanysa

Nysa is done with Bl mantra which is as follows.

i) 4
4 ai - hrdayya nama| (open index, middle and ring fingers of
the right hand and place them on the heart chakra)
ii) 4
4 kl - irase svh| (open middle and ring fingers of the
right hand and touch the top of the forehead)
iii) 4 -
4 sau - ikhyai vaa| (open the right thumb and touch the
back of the head. This is the point where tuft is kept)
iv) 4 -
4 ai - kavacya hu| (cross both the hands and run the fully
opened palms from shoulders to finger tips)
v) 4

4 kl - netratrayya vaua| (open the index, middle and
ring fingers of the right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and
touch the point between the two eyebrows (j cakra) with the middle finger.
vi) 4 -

4 sau - astrya pha||
18.7) Catursananysa

i) 4

4 hr kl sau devytmsanya nama |

(touching feet with both hands with nysa mudra)
ii) 4

4 hai hkl hsau rcakrsanya nama |

iii) 4

4 hsai hsklr hssau

sarvamantrsanya nama
(upper thighs)

iv) 4

4 hr kl ble sdhyasiddhsanya nama

(on the perineum / mldhra this nysa can be mentally contemplated)
18.8). Vainydinysa

This nysa follows the pattern of seventh varaa

Please refer nysa 18.2 above, where there are fifty one akara-s. These 51 akaras are used in this nysa as detailed below. For example 1 16 means akara-s to
(a to a). These are eight Vgdevi-s who composed Lalit Sahasranma.
i) 4 (om ai hr r ) 1 16

4 1- 16 bl vaini
vgdevatyai nama |
(head sahasrra)
ii) 4 17 21

4 17 21
klhr kmevar vgdevatyai nama |
(forehead manas chakra, which is just above jcakra)
iii) 4 22 26

4 22 26 nvl modin vgdevatyai
nama |
(centre of eye brows jcakra)
iv) 4 27 31

4 27 31yl vimal vgdevatyai nama |
(neck - viuddhi chakra)
v) 4 32 36

4 32 36 jmr aru vgdevatyai nama |
(heart anhata chakra)
vi) 4 37 41

4 37 41 hslvy jayin vgdevatyai
(navel - maipraka)
vii) 4 42 -45

4 42 -45 jhmry sarvevar
vgdevatyai nama |
(genital - sex chakra/svdhihna chakra)
viii) 4 46 51

4 46 51 kmr kaulin vgdevatyai
nama |
(perineum mldhra chakra)
18.9) Mlavidyvaranysa

This nysa is based on pacada mantra. Mlamantra of Lalitmbik is always

pacada mantra (Lalit Sahasranma 88 is mlamantrtmik), the reason for

which is explained in Lalit Sahasranma 322, kmakalrp. Alphabets of

pacada mantra do not have bindu, whereas in this nysa each letter is used with
bindu. Certain versions place each akara Bl mantra after 4 and before the
akara-s. For example om ai hr r ai ka nama.

om ai hr r (4) is to be prefixed to all the akara-s and nama at

the end. Example: om ai hr r ha nama

i) First ka:
ka head; e mldhra (can be mentally contemplated) ; heart
(biological heart); la - right eye;
hr - left eye.
ii) Second ka:
ha - centre of eyebrows; sa - right ear; ka - left ear; ha - mouth; la
- right shoulder;
hr - left shoulder.
iii) Third ka:
sa - derriere (can be contemplated mentally); ka - right knee; la left
hr - navel.
After completing nysa-s, mlamantra japa should be done. If one is initiated into
oa, only oa should be recited mentally.
This completes the first section of nysa-s. After completing, both the hands should
be washed with the water kept in a vessel (pacaptra) meant for this purpose, as
during nysa-s parts below the navel are touched. Rest of the nysa-s will be
discussed at the end of this series. After completing nysa-s, it would be ideal not to
change the sitting posture or get up from the seat. If one has to get up for
compelling reasons, twenty four counts of mlamantra japa should be done.
Further, while performing navvaraa pj, it is better to have two persons for help.
Navvaraa pj is equivalent to performing a yaj and therefore, one has to
follow the laid down procedures to the maximum possible extent.

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