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Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited

(A group Company of IndianOil)

Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), is a leading profit making Public Sector Organization, a Group
Company of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., in the field of Hydro-carbon processing with a refining capacity of 11.5
MMTPA, having Refineries located in Chennai and Nagapattinam, in Tamil Nadu. The Company had achieved a
turnover of `26,284 Crore and profit of `790 Crore for the year 2015-16.
CPCL invites applications from young, self-motivated and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for the following
positions. The number of vacancies indicated are tentative which may increase or decrease in the relevant
categories at the absolute discretion of the Management.
Reserved for
PwD Reservation
Engineer (Chemical)
14 7
2 1
Engineer (Mechanical)
1 1
Engineer (Electrical)
1 0
Engineer (Civil)
0 0
Engineer (Metallurgy)
0 0
Marketing Officer
0 1
Human Resources Officer
0 0 Reserved for VH (B, LV)
Law Officer
0 0
29 14 8
4 3
Note: Vacancies at Position Code 01 to 06 are identified as suitable for OH/HH, and,
vacancy at Position Code 08 is identified as suitable for OH/HH/VH.
ABBREVIATIONS USED: OH=Orthopedically Handicapped, HH=Hearing Handicapped, VH=Visually Handicapped, LV=Low
Vision, B=Blind.

1. Qualification & Experience:








Experience (Refer note 1 & 2 below)

First class Degree in

Engineering / Technology in
Chemical / Petroleum /
Petrochemicals with not
less than 60% mark in
aggregate of all Semesters
/ Years. SC/ST candidates
need to score a minimum

Minimum two years of relevant post qualification work experience

in Process Units preferably in a Crude Oil Refining / Chemical /
Petro-Chemicals / Fertilizer industries, etc. Exposure to
commissioning, start-up, day-to-day operations, shutdown &
trouble shooting and knowledge of DCS, PFDs, P&IDs, Logic
Descriptions, Instrument Data Sheets, Cause and Effect Diagram,
HAZOP and Safety norms pertaining to Process Units in a
Refining / Chemical / Petro-Chemicals / Fertilizer Hydro-carbon
processing Industry will be an added advantage.
Minimum two years of post-qualification work experience in any
process industry preferably in Petroleum / Petro-chemical /
Chemical / Fertilizers / Power Industry having worked with
Mechanical equipment of Static & Rotary type like Pumps /
Compressors / Heaters / Columns / Exchangers etc.,

First class Degree in

Engineering / Technology in
Mechanical with not less
(Mechanical) aggregate of all Semesters
/ Years. SC/ST candidates Knowledge on condition monitoring of equipment / inspection
need to score a minimum techniques / routine and shutdown planning and computer literacy
with familiarity to software based maintenance systems will be an
added advantage.
Minimum two years of post-qualification work experience in any
First class Degree in process industry preferably in Petroleum / Petro-chemical /
Engineering / Technology in Chemical / Fertilizers / Power Industry in maintenance of Electrical
Electrical / Electrical & Equipment like LT/HT motors, LT/HT transformers, LT/HT
Electronics with not less breakers, PCCs, MCCs, Battery charge system etc.
aggregate of all Semesters Conversant with control circuit drawings of Electrical control
/ Years. SC candidates panels / relay panels / Switchgears panels, conventional Electroneed to score a minimum magnetic relays, numeric relays and computer literacy with
familiarity to software based maintenance systems will be an
added advantage.

Minimum two years of relevant post

qualification work experience in any Process
Units preferably in a crude oil Refining /
Chemical / Petro-Chemicals / Fertilizer /
Hydro-carbon processing Industry.

First class Degree in Engineering / Technology

in Civil with not less than 60% mark in aggregate
Exposure in structural design, civil erection
of all Semesters / Years.
work, planning & monitoring of projects with
hands-on experience in PRIMAVERA and MS
PROJECT, rate analysis, tendering & contract
management process, etc. will be an added
Minimum two years of relevant post
qualification work experience in any Process
First class Degree in Engineering / Technology
Units. Preference will be given to candidates
in Metallurgy with not less than 60% mark in
having experience in a crude oil Refining /
aggregate of all Semesters / Years.
Chemical / Petro-Chemicals / Fertilizer /
Hydro-carbon processing Industry.
Engineering Graduate in either Chemical or Minimum two years of relevant post
qualification experience in sales & marketing.
Mechanical discipline with
a) Two years full-time regular course leading to Preference will be given to candidates with
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing marketing
Management, with not less than 60% mark in petrochemical / fertilizers / coal industry of
large volume products including customer
aggregate of all Semesters / Years or,
b) Two years full-time regular course leading to identification, product launching, market
Masters Degree in Business Administration segmentation, product positioning, market
(MBA) with specialization in Marketing scanning, formulation of marketing strategies
Management with not less than 60% mark in for maintaining / improving sales volume, after
(Refer note 3
sales support / feedback, etc.
aggregate of all Semesters / Years, or
& 4 below)
c) Any equivalent full-time regular course with
specialization in Marketing Management with Direct experience in product launching and
not less than 60% mark in aggregate of all positioning of a large volume product in
petroleum / petro-chemical / fertilizer / coal
Semesters / Years.
Industry in a competitive market will be an
ST candidates need to score a minimum 55% in added advantage.
Management Course.
Graduate in any discipline with two years full- Minimum two years of relevant post
time regular course leading to Post Graduate qualification experience. Candidates having
Diploma / Masters Degree in Human Resource experience in HR policy formulation / Labour
Management / Personnel Management / Laws & IR / Manpower Planning &
Industrial Relations / Labour Welfare / Social Recruitment / Training & Development /
Work / Masters Degree in Business Employee Relations including establishment
(Refer note 2 Administration (MBA) or equivalent with matters / etc. will be given preference.
specialization in Personnel Management &
& 4 below)
Labour Welfare / Human Resources with not Experience in large industrial organizations,
less than 60% mark in aggregate of all will be an added advantage.
Semesters / Years.
Law Officer Bachelors Degree in Law (LLB or equivalent) Minimum two years of relevant post
(Refer note 3 with not less than 55% mark in aggregate of all qualification experience under employment
with Private / Public Organizations or with
Semesters / Years.
& 4 below)
Central / State Governments.
Age Limit: 30 years as on 31.07.2016
Age Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC: Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates
Age Relaxation for PwD:
1) For Position Code 01 to 05: 10 years for PwD - General, 13 years for PwDOBCs and 15 years for PwDSCs/STs.
2) For Position Code 06 to 08: 5 years for PwD - General, 8 years for PwDOBCs and 10 years for PwDSCs/STs.
Age Relaxation for Ex-servicemen: As per the Government Directives.


1. The Apprenticeship Training under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, shall be considered as work experience,
wherever applicable.

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2. Only full-time work experience will be considered from the date of joining the employment after announcement of
result of the Qualifying Degree Examination. Internships during continuation of studies or before announcement
of result of the qualifying degree examination will not be considered as experience.
3. Subjects in the required specialization should have been part of the examination cleared and find mention in the
final mark-sheet / degree certificate or the specialization should be certified by the concerned University /
Institute attended by the candidates. In absence of the above, CPCL shall be at liberty to decide the
specialization based on the courses opted by the candidates during their post graduation study of the qualifying
course. The candidates appearing for Marketing must have majority of the elective papers from Marketing
Management. Similarly, candidates for Human Resource Management must have majority of the elective papers
from Human Resource Management.
4. The candidates under employment with any organization and willing to apply for the position of HR / Marketing /
Law Officer in CPCL need to produce the following documents while sending their applications as proof of their
having qualification and work experience in the respective field:
a) Certificate evidencing award of degree as mentioned above
b) Experience certificate from the employer(s) {last salary slip, joining letter, Offer of Appointment, etc.}
2. Pay & Emoluments:
Candidates will be appointed in the IDA Pay Scale of `24,900-50,500 on a basic pay of `24,900/- (Rupees Twenty
Four Thousand Nine Hundred only) in Grade A in Supervisory cadre, subject to medical fitness.
In addition to the Basic Pay, Industrial pattern of DA, HRA / Self-lease / Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, LFA
(lumpsum) / LTC, Reimbursement of Medical expenses and other benefits including Superannuation benefits
would be provided according to the rules of the Corporation. The Cost to Company, including performance related
pay, works out to about `11.5 lakhs per annum.
3. Mode of Selection:
a) For the Position Codes 01 to 05, the selection shall be made through Written Test (to be held in Chennai
only) and Personal Interview of the short listed candidates for assessment of different facets of Knowledge,
Skills, Attitude, Aptitude, etc.
b) For the Position Codes 06 to 08, the selection shall be made through Personal Interview of the eligible
candidates only.
4. Application Fee:
Candidate belonging to General / OBC categories are required to pay online a non-refundable registration fee of
`300/- (Rupees Three hundred only). No other means / mode of application shall be accepted. CPCL will not be
responsible for non-receipt / bouncing back of any email sent to the candidate. The SC / ST / PWD / Exservicemen candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
5. How to Apply:
a) The eligible candidates have to apply through online registration system of CPCL only. To apply visit: . The candidate must possess a valid e-mail ID. The site will be functional from 10:00 hours
of 06.07.2016 to midnight of 30.07.2016. For General and OBC candidates, once they submit their data
Online, system will display a unique Registration Number and a link for Payment of Application Fee.
Candidates have to click on that link and make the payment of Application fee. Only after payment of
Application Fee, the Application will be treated as complete and candidate can generate final Registration
Slip using the unique Registration Number.
b) After downloading the registration slip, the candidates are required to enclose self-attested photocopies of all
relevant documents in support of their age, educational qualification, community, physical disablement,
experience (last salary slip, joining letter, Offer of Appointment, etc.) and send them by ORDINARY / SPEED
POST ONLY, superscribing on the envelope Application for the position of (Name of the Position) to
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Post Box No. 99, GPO, Kolkata 700001 so as to reach latest
by 03.08.2016.
c) PHOTOGRAPH: One recent coloured passport size photograph not more than three months old is to be
scanned and uploaded in the space earmarked in the on-line application. The photograph should be
minimum 200 dpi (dots per inch) and in .JPG Format. The size of the photograph should be between 2KB to
50KB. (Refer our website for detail).
d) SIGNATURE: Scanned signature (in Black ink) against white background is to be scanned and uploaded in
the space earmarked in the on-line application. Candidates must ensure the signature uploaded shall be
maintained as same at all places viz. signature up-loaded, appended on Undertaking, Attendance Sheet of
written examination, etc. If any variation is found between the signatures, the candidature is liable to be
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cancelled. Candidate is advised to confirm that his / her uploaded signature is clearly visible /
identifiable at the appropriate place. The signature should be minimum 200 dpi (dots per inch) and in
.JPG Format. The size of the signature should be between 2KB to 20KB. (Refer our website for detail).
e) While making the Payment, system will again ask the details of Name, Mobile No. etc. and Reference
Number, which were generated at the time of applying online.

METHOD OF APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT: A link will be provided on the website for payment, which
would take the candidate to www.onlinesbi after submitting of online data and generation of Registration
Number. The candidate should then follow the instruction as given on SBI Link to complete the payment. The
candidate can make payment through Internet Banking / ATM-cum-Debit Card / Credit Card / Bank Challan.
After making the payment a Payment Slip will be generated on screen, and candidates should take the print
of that payment slip or save that.

g) Candidates who wish to make the payment later on should click on the link: Acknowledgement For
Registered candidates only given on main page to: Reprint Registration Slip / To submit the Bank details
and generate Registration Slip / To make the Payment of Application Fee if provisionally Registered. This
information will be asked only at ONE time for completing the Application, and after that a candidate can
generate and take the print of Registration Slip again (if required).
h) It is mandatory to submit the details of SBCollect Reference Number (10 digit alphanumeric reference
number starting with DU) printed on e-receipt and deposit dates again in online portal by login through
Unique Registration Number after making the payment. If a candidate fails to submit these details within due
date after making the payment, his / her application shall be treated as incomplete and summarily be

Bank commission charges shall be borne by the candidate. In case the candidate deposits the fee in a wrong
account, CPCL will not be responsible. Registration fee deposited after 30.07.2016 will not be valid.

6. General:
a) Candidates can apply for only one post. While applying for any post, the applicant should ensure that he /
she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and that the particulars
furnished are correct in all respects.
b) All the qualifications should be full time regular courses from a Government recognized University / Institute
recognized by AICTE.
c) Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail id and mobile no., which are to be entered in the
application form, so that intimation regarding downloading of call letter for written test / interview can be sent.
d) Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify
their eligibility before paying the application fee.
e) Wherever CGPA / OGPA / DGPA or Letter Grade in a Degree is awarded, its equivalent percentage of
marks must be indicated in the online application form as per norms adopted by University / Institute.

All successfully enrolled candidates for the position code 01 to 05 will be allowed to download the admit card
from the site. Please note that the admit card will not be sent by post.

g) All information regarding this recruitment will be made available on the website and no
separate communication with the candidates will be done.
h) Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms
mentioned in this advertisement on the web site .

Candidates applying for the Position Code 01 to 05 will be intimated about the details of written test by
email and as well as through website latest by 13.08.2016. For Position Code 06 to 08 the date of
interviews will be intimated by email and as well as through website.


The admit card indicating roll number, name of the allocated test center and guidelines for the test will be
made available on the same site to the candidates found apparently eligible based on the online data. The
candidate has to download his Admit card, Test Guidelines etc. for appearing in the test from the website.
Admit cards will not be sent by post.

k) For all posts the period of experience will be determined upto 31.07.2016.

Candidates applying against Persons with Disabilities category shall have not less than 40% of relative
disability. An attested copy of the Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority, viz. a Medical
Board duly constituted by the Central or State Government shall be furnished, while applying, failing which
their application will be rejected.

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m) For claiming the benefit of OBC category, the candidate should submit a proper Caste Certificate as per the
proforma prescribed by the Government of India (copy available on our website, which
would, among others, specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections
(Creamy Layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to OM No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08-091993 of the Department of Personnel and Training in the Govt. of India.
n) Candidates serving in Government Departments / PSUs should furnish NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at
the time of interview, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
o) Selection and Appointment of candidates is subject to verification of Caste / Character & Antecedents from
authorities concerned.
p) SC / ST candidates called for Written test / Personal Interview will be reimbursed single Second Class
Railway / Bus fare from the nearest railway station of the mailing address to the place of test / interview and
back by the shortest route on production of ticket, provided the distance is not less than 30 kms.
Reimbursement will be made subject to submission of TA claim along with original rail ticket / receipt or
photocopy thereof or original bus tickets(s) and copy of Community Certificate. Reimbursement of travel
claim will not be allowed, if Community Certificate is not produced and if the SC / ST candidate is found
ineligible as per Press Advertisement criterion.
q) Furnishing false / incorrect information or suppression of material fact(s), if detected at any stage even after
appointment, shall invite termination of the service without any notice.

Management reserves the right to fill or not to fill the posts and mere fulfillment of qualification, experience
and other eligibility requirements laid down, does not entitle a candidate to be called for the written test /

s) In case of any ambiguity / dispute arising on account of interpretation of versions of advertisement other than
English advertised in Newspaper / Employment News, English version given in the web-site
will prevail.

For any clarifications, please contact at 044-25944282 during office hours (10:00 am to 04:00 pm) from
Monday to Friday or email at [email protected]

Important Dates:
a. Opening of online application:
b. Closing of online application:
c. Deposit of payment by Challan:
d. Submission of registration slip:
e. Intimation of Written Test:
(For Position Code 01 to 05)

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