Exploration Concession

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Exploration Concession

Definition of Exploration.
All work that have for their object the discovery of petroleum, including, but not
restricted to:
-surveying and mapping,
-aerial photography,
-surface geology,
-geophysical investigations,
-testing of subsurface conditions by means of borings or structural drillings, and
-all such auxiliary work as are useful in connection with such operations.
Test wells drilled for exploratory purposes may be of such size and type suitable for oil
-but the actual production of oil is not included in the term "Exploration,"
-except that oil found during exploration that may be used in exploration operations
Application for Exploration Concession.
Filed with the Director of Mines
Map of the exploration areas shall accompany the application
o Show the location of the block with regard to the municipalities and province or
provinces in which it is located, the four corners of the block in case it is
rectangular, or the natural boundaries thereof
o Include a technical description and map shall also indicate the bearings and
distances of the tie line
o The boundaries of the block desired shall be well-established on the ground by
placing permanent and conspicuous monuments, posts or mounds of earth on the
corners, so that at any time, the block can be identified, and later be tied to
accurate surveys.
Pay an application fee of one thousand pesos
o If no concession is granted, the sum paid shall be returned to the applicant less
such amount as corresponds to the expenses incurred by the Government

Areas available for Exploration Concessions.

may be granted on any lands within the Free, and National Reserve,
not covered by
-valid and existing Exploration or Exploitation Concessions,
-Petroleum Drilling Leases acquired under the Petroleum Act (Act No. 2932),
-petroleum mining claims located and held under the Act of Congress of July first,
nineteen hundred and two, as amended.
may be granted in lots or blocks as compact as possible, and rectangular in shape
-except when contiguous with the sea, bays, lakes, rivers, lagoons, roads, or with other
concessions already granted which are of irregular boundaries.
The greater dimension of the rectangle cannot be more than five times the other,
Each block or lot shall not be:
-more than one hundred thousand hectares
-less than twenty thousand hectares in area,
Maximum exploration area a person may acquire.
-In any one petroleum region - no more than five hundred thousand hectares
-In the whole territory of the Philippines - no more than one million hectares

Rights conveyed under Exploration Concession.

The Exploration Concession conveys upon the concessionaire, his heirs and assigns, from
the date of the granting of the concession, and during the exploration period and any
extension thereof, the exclusive right:
to explore the block granted,
to do geological and geophysical work,
to open test pits,
to conduct drilling operations, and
to do such other work related to exploration.
Term of Exploration Concession.
The initial term shall be not more than four years counted from the date of its issuance:
The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources may grant a three-year extension
The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources may, upon application of the
concessionaire made prior to the expiration of the first extension, grant, a further
extension for another term of three years,
Making the total term for Exploration Concession not more than ten years.
No further renewal shall be allowed
Annual exploration tax.
Each holder of an Exploration Concession shall pay during the whole period of such
concession and its extension or extensions if any, an annual exploration tax as follows:
Initial term:
First year
Not less than five centavos per hectare per year, or fraction thereof.
Second and third year
Not less than seven and one-half centavos per hectare per year, or fraction thereof.
Fourth year
Not less than ten centavos per hectare per year, or fraction thereof.
First extension:
Fifth to seventh year
Ten centavos per hectare per year, or fraction thereof.
Second extension:
Eighth to tenth year
Twelve and one-half centavos per hectare per year, or fraction thereof.
Renunciation of areas covered by Exploration Concession.
May, at any time,
The whole or any part of the total area covered
Partial renunciation, portion retained shall be not less than twenty thousand
-unless the same is contiguous to another exploration block or blocks - the total area
of all the contiguous blocks thus retained for exploration shall be not less than
twenty thousand hectares.

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