Flowey Lines

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You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha?
Golly, you must be so confused.
Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!
I guess little old me will have to do.
Ready? Here we go!
Why did you let me go?
Don't you realize that being nice...
...just makes you get hurt?
Look at yourself.
You made all these great friends...
But now, you'll probably never see them again.
Not to mention how much they've been set back by you.
Hurts, doesn't it?
If you had just gone through without caring about anyone...
You wouldn't have to feel bad now.
So I don't get it.
If you really did everything the right way..
Why did things still end up like this?
Is life really that unfair?
What if I told you...
I knew some way to get you a better ending?
You'll have to load your SAVE file, and...
You'll have to start over, and...
Well, in the meantime, why don't you go see Papyrus, then Undyne?
It seems like you could have been better friends.
Who knows... maybe theyve got the key to your happiness...?
See you soon.

But, despite everything, your happy ending didn't come.

I know why.
Go to Dr. Alphys.
Your date with her has really just begun.
So you went the whole way through without killing...
And then you decided to kill ASGORE?
What the hell is WRONG with you?
You COMPLETELY missed the point.
Are you trolling me?
You are only trolling yourself.
What a waste of everybody's time.
All you had to do was make friends.
With Papyrus, Undyne, and then Alphys.
But you were too busy messing it up!
Since you defeated me.
I've been thinking.
Is killing things really necessary?
I honestly don't know anymore.
I have a request for you.
Prove to me...
Prove to me you are strong enough to survive.
Get here from the beginning.
Without killing a single thing...
...and I won't kill the king.
...and, maybe...
Then you'll have your so-called "happy ending."

So, what will it be?

Will you prove yourself?
Or will I get to watch you suffer...?
Either way, I'm interested!!!
Hee hee hee...
So, even with everything you did...
The outcome's still the same.
In the end, your choices were an illusion.
NOTHING you do really matters!
Hee hee hee!
You DID do what I told you.
I guess it's up to me to get you a REAL happy ending.
For starters, you can't do it by yourself.
Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys... these guys.
Are you friends with all of them yet?
Maybe you should go back and... "hang" with them.
The power of friendship...
That always saves the day, right?
So, killing people is ACTUALLY fine...?
I'm glad we agree on the value of a life.
I've learned SO MUCH from you.
Though... are you REALLY gonna keep doing things halfway?
The amount of people you killed...
It's honestly DISAPPOINTING.
You really can't do ANYTHING right.

We were on our way to REAL victory...
On our way to making up for LAST time!
Why'd you have to SCREW IT UP?
Is this REVENGE?
Making me watch you act so pure and happy, while I...?
Making me watch you live out your life, while I...?
I KNOW what you're doing.
You just want to see what it's all like.
Before we TEAR IT AWAY from them.
Well, I'll let you mess around.
I know you'll come back eventually.
And when that time comes...
I'll be waiting for you.
Why do you keep coming back here?
Oh, I get it. You wanna be friends, huh...?
You REALLY think I want to be friends with YOU?
You really DON'T get it, do you?
There's only one person I could care about anymore.
And even then, I couldn't TRULY care about them.
I just like to think there's someone out there...
Someone that I won't get tired of.
Someone like ME.

Quit looking at me with that stupid expression.

You're pissing me off.
So you're here again.
What's wrong with you?
Are you trying to start the Flowey Fan Club?
Because if you want to join THAT...
You'll have to talk to Papyrus.
Yeah, he started one.
A few different times, anyway.
I won't lie.
He's one of the better characters to mess around with.
Took me a long time to get bored of that one.
Talk to him about it.
Did you start the Flowey Fan Club?
Ha. I'm just kidding.
I was watching. I know you didn't.
But I don't care. Really.
He probably would have invited his garbage brother.
You know. Smiley Trashbag.
If I have ONE piece of advice for you...
Let his brother.
Find out ANYTHING about you.
He'll... well...
Let's just say.
He's caused me more than my fair share of resets.
Stay away from that guy.
Why do you keep coming back here?

You don't REALLY want to be friends, do you...?

No. I get it.
You're just like me, aren't you?
You don't care about anyone.
You're just bored.
You just want to see what I'll say.
So you can laugh and throw me away like a broken toy.
Well, TOO BAD!
I'm not LIKE everybody else.
So, from now on...
You're not getting ANYTHING.
Don't you have anything BETTER to do?
You haven't learned a thing.
Hee hee hee.
So you finally get it.
So you DO recall.
In this world...
It's KILL or BE killed.
Hee hee hee. Don't worry.
I know there's no REAL point in fighting you.
The human souls would probably just revolt again.
Hee hee hee.
Did you REALLY think killing me would make a DIFFERENCE?
Every time you load your SAVE, I'll come back.
And every time you try to get a happy ending...
I'll be there to tear it away!
Ha ha ha!!!
Hee hee hee...

Why'd you make me introduce myself?

It's rude to act like you don't know who I am.
Someone ought to teach you proper manners.
Don't you have anything better to do?
Really, Chara?
Well, do what you will.
I'll be waiting for you!
Hey. Remember.
DON'T kill anyone.
I can't believe this is a REAL thing I have to remind you.
Hee hee hee...
Good luck!
THIS time, you've GOT to become friends with everyone.
If you DON'T, you'll be miserable FOREVER.
And we wouldn't want THAT, would we?
No... We just want you to be happy, right?
Good luck.
I hope you like your choice.
After all, it's not as if you can go back and change fate.
In this world, it's kill or be killed.
That old hag thought she could break the rules.
She tried so hard to save you humans.
But when it came down to it...
Hee hee...
You just can't get enough, can you!?

How many more times will you kill her?

Ha ha ha ha ha...
You disgusting animal.
You didn't even TRY to spare her.
Wow, you really can't get enough.
You kind of remind me of myself.
Wow, you're utterly repulsive.
You spared her life...
Then you decided that just wasn't interesting enough for you.
So you murdered her just to see what would happen.
You killed her out of boredom.
Truly disgusting...
Hee hee...
You naive idiot.
Do you think you are the only one with that power?
The power to reshape the world...
Purely by your own determination.
The ability to play God!
The ability to "SAVE."
I thought I was the only one with that power. But...
I can't SAVE anymore.
Apparently YOUR desires for this world override MINE.
Well well.
Enjoy that power while you can.
I'll be watching.
Clever. Verrrryyy clever.
You think you're really smart, don't you?
So you were able to play by your own rules.
You spared the life of a single person.

Froggit, Whimsun. Vegetoid, Loox. Migosp, Moldsmal.

Think about those names.
Do you think any of those monsters have families?
Do you think any of them have friends?
Each one could have been someone else's Toriel.
Selfish brat.
Somebody is dead because of you.
I bet you feel really great.
You didn't kill anybody this time.
But what will you do if you meet a relentless killer?
You'll die and you'll die and you'll die.
Until you tire of trying.
What will you do then?
Will you kill out of frustration?
Or will you give up entirely on this world...
...and let ME inherit the power to control it?
I am the prince of this world's future.
Don't worry, my little monarch, my plan isn't regicide.
This is SO much more interesting.
But don't act so cocky.
I know what you did.
You murdered her.
And then you went back, because you regretted it.
Ha ha ha ha...
You naive idiot.
Are you REALLY that desperate...? Hee hee hee...
Are you letting me kill you... ... on PURPOSE? SICKO. Ha ha ha.
Honestly, fighting you IS pretty fun...
...So even if you ARE a sicko, I'll take it!
Maybe you're wondering if I ever get tired of winning...

Wanna see my answer?

It's me, FLOWEY.
I owe you a HUGE thanks.
You really did a number on that old fool.
Without you, I NEVER could have gotten past him.
But now, with YOUR help...
He's DEAD.
And I'VE got the human SOULS!
I've been empty for so long...
It feels great to have a SOUL inside me again.
Mmmm, I can feel them wriggling...
Awww, you're feeling left out, aren't you?
Well, that's just perfect.
After all, I only have six souls.
I still need one more...
Before I become GOD.
And then, with my newfound powers...
I'll show them all the REAL meaning of this world.
Oh, and forget about escaping to your old SAVE FILE.
It's gone FOREVER.
But don't worry.
Your old friend FLOWEY...
Has worked out a replacement for you!
I'll SAVE over your own death.
So you can watch me tear you to bloody pieces...
Over, and over, and over...

Do you really think you can stop ME?

Hee hee hee...
You really ARE an idiot.
Hee hee hee. Did you really think you could run away?
Did you really think I was gonna be satisfied...
...killing you only ONE time?
Pathetic... Now you're REALLY gonna die!
Do you even realize what will happen if you defeat me...?
Don't you get it?
There's no such thing as happy endings.
This is all that's left...!
This is all just a bad dream...
And you're NEVER waking up!
No... NO!!!
This CAN'T be happening!!!
You... YOU...
Did you REALLY think...
You could defeat ME!?
I am the GOD of this world.
And YOU?
Hopeless and alone...
Golly, that's right!
Your WORTHLESS friends...
...can't save you now.
Call for help. I dare you.
Cry into the darkness!
"Mommy! Daddy!" "Somebody help!"
See what good it does you!
(You called for help.)
But nobody came.

Boy! What a shame!

Nobody else...
Is gonna get to see you DIE!!!
How'd you...?
Well, I'll just
Where are my powers!?
The souls...?
What are they doing?
NO!! NO!!!!!
STOP!!! STOP IT!!!!!
What are you doing?
Do you really think I've learned anything from this?
Sparing me won't change anything.
Killing me is the only way to end this.
If you let me live...
I'll come back.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill everyone.
I'll kill everyone you love.
...why are you being...
...so nice to me?
I cant understand.
I cant understand!
I just cant understand...

Seems as if everyone is perfectly happy.
Monsters have returned to the surface.
Peace and prosperity will rule across the land.
Take a deep breath.
There's nothing left to worry about.
There is one thing.
One last threat.
One being with the power to erase EVERYTHING...
Everything everyone's worked so hard for.
You know who I'm talking about, don't you?
That's right.
I'm talking about YOU.
YOU still have the power to reset everything.
Toriel, Sans, Asgore, Alphys, Papyrus, Undyne...
If you so choose...
Everyone will be ripped from this timeline...
...and sent back before all of this ever happened.
Nobody will remember anything.
You'll be able to do whatever you want.
That power.
I know that power.
That's the power you were fighting to stop, wasn't it?
The power that I wanted to use.
But now, the idea of resetting everything...
I don't think I could do it all again.
Not after that.
So, please.
Just let them go.
Let Frisk be happy.

Let Frisk live their life.

If I can't change your mind.
If you DO end up erasing everything...
You have to erase my memories, too.
I'm sorry.
You've probably heard this a hundred times already, haven't you...?
Well, that's all.
See you later...

Genocide Route
You're not really human, are you?
No. You're empty inside. Just like me. In fact...
You're Chara, right?
We're still inseperable, after all these years...
Listen. I have a plan to become all powerful.
Even more powerful than you and your stolen soul.
Let's destroy everything in this wretched world.
Everyone, everything in these worthless memories...
Let's turn 'em all to dust.
You finally made it home.
Remember when we used to play here?
Hee hee hee...
Today's gonna be just as fun.
I remember when I first woke up here, in the garden.
I was so scared.
I couldn't feel my arms or my legs...
My entire body had turned into a flower!
"Mom! Dad! Somebody help me!" I called out.

But nobody came.

Eventually, the king found me, crying in the garden.
I explained what had happened to him.
Then he held me,
He held me with tears in his eyes, saying...
"There, there. Everything is going to be alright."
He was so... Emotional.
But... For some reason...
I didn't feel anything at all.
I soon realized I didn't feel ANYTHING about ANYONE.
My compassion had disappeared!
And believe me, it's not like I wasn't trying.
I wasted weeks with that stupid king, vainly hoping I would feel something.
But it became too much for me.
I ran away from home.
Eventually, I reached the RUINS.
Inside I found HER,
I thought of all people, SHE could make me feel whole again.
She failed.
Ha ha...
I realized those two were useless.
I became despondent.
I just wanted to love someone.
I just wanted to care about someone.
, you might not believe this...
But I decided... It wasn't worth living anymore.
Not in a world without love.
Not in a world without you.
I decided to follow in your footsteps.
I would erase myself from existence.
And you know what?
I succeeded.
But as I left this mortal coil...

I started to feel apprehensive.

If you don't have a SOUL, what happens when you...?
Something primal started to burn inside me.
"No," I thought. "I don't want to die!"
Then I woke up.
Like it was all just a bad dream.
I was back at the garden.
Back at my "save point."
Interested, I decided to experiment.
Again and again, I brought myself to the edge of death.
At any point, I could have let this world continue on without me.
But as long as I was determined to live...
I could go back.
Amazing, isn't it,
I was amazed, too.
At first, I used my powers for good.
I became "friends" with everyone.
I solved all their problems flawlessly.
Their companionship was amusing...
For a while.
As time repeated, people proved themselves predictable.
What would this person say if I gave them this?
What would they do if I said this to them?
Once you know the answer, that's it.
That's all they are.
It all started because I was curious.
Curious what would happen if I killed them.
"I don't like this," I told myself.
"I'm just doing this because I HAVE to know what happens.
Ha ha ha... What an excuse!
You of all people must know how liberating it is to act this way.
At least we're better than those sickos that stand around and WATCH it happen...
Those pathetic people that want to see it, but are too weak to do it themselves.
I bet someone like that's watching right now, aren't they...?

Nowadays, even that's grown tiring.

You understand,
I've done everything this world has to offer.
I've read every book. I've burned every book.
I've won every game. I've lost every game.
I've appeased everyone. I've killed everyone.
Sets of numbers... Lines of dialogue... I've seen them all.
But you... YOU'RE different.
I never could predict YOU,
When I saw you in the RUINS, I didn't recognize you.
I thought I could frighten you, then steal your SOUL.
I failed.
And when I tried to load my save file...
It didn't work.
Somehow, it's even greater than mine!
I just have one question for you,
How did you get back to the RUINS from here...?
...wait, I know.
She must have taken you when she left.
And decided to give you a proper burial, rather than...
Hanging out in the basement forever.
...but, why then...?
What made you wake up?
Did you hear me calling you...?
It doesn't matter now.
I'm so tired of this,
I'm tired of all these people.
I'm tired of all these places.
I'm tired of being a flower.
There's just one thing left I want to do.
Let's finish what we started.
Let's free everyone.
Then... let's let them see what humanity is REALLY like!

That despite it all...

This world is still "kill or be killed!!"
Well. I had...
Been entertaining a few ways to use that power.
Hee hee hee...
But seeing you here changed my mind.
...I think if you're around...
Just living in the surface world doesn't seem so bad.
We don't even need to leave to get them this time.
The king has six of them locked away.
I've tried hundreds of ways to get him to show me them...
But he just won't.
I know he'll do it for YOU.
Why am I telling you all of this?
, I said it before.
Even after all this time...
You're still the only one that understands me.
You won't give me any worthless pity!
Creatures like us...
Wouldn't hesitate to KILL each other if we got in each other's way.
So that's...
So... that's... Why...
...ha... Ha...
...what's this... ... feeling?
Why am I... Shaking?
...No hard feelings about back then, right?
H-Hey, what are you doing!?
B... back off!!
I... I've changed my mind about all this.
This isn't a good idea anymore.
Y-you should go back,
This place is fine the way it is!

S-s-stop making that creepy face!

This isn't funny!
You've got a SICK sense of humor!

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