Technical Stock Idea: Private Client Group
Technical Stock Idea: Private Client Group
Technical Stock Idea: Private Client Group
Recommended Action
Buy between CMP & 545
Time Horizon
1-2 Months
Note: * Place stoploss as per daily closing basis. Recommended to stagger buying/selling. If first target achieved, then revise
stoploss to buying/selling price.
Bullish MACD
Bullish ADX
Technical Evidences
Short term moving averages are trading above long term moving averages, indicating strength in the counter
Oscillators like MACD and ADX have turned bullish on the weekly chart, which strengthen the chances of
price appreciation from here.
Price has broken out from the narrow range 420-520, which held for last 15 months. Due to this price
development Stock price has claimed the level above weekly bollinger upper brand, which indicates the chances
of momentum buying from current price.
Volumes have gone up significantly, along with the price rise in last 3 sessions
Considering the technical evidences discussed above, we advise buying the stock between CMP and 545, for
the upside targets of 660 and 740, keeping stop loss at 525 on closing basis.
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