Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education
Laura A. Williams
Salem College
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My dream and ultimate goal in life has always been to be an educator. From the moment
I entered my kindergarten class, I knew I wanted to be a teacher one day. This aspiration and
desire of mine has never changed throughout all of these years. Instead, it has continued to
flourish my ambition and passion to become the best educator that I can possibly be. The idea of
being able to shape, influence, and impact anothers life has always been an aspiration of mine,
and that is what has always captivated me about the teaching profession. Nelson Mandela once
said, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. The
ability to help a child grow, learn, and achieve the impossible is what teachers create in their
students lives. I am an educator because I want to teach the minds of the future and impact their
lives like my previous teachers have done for me.
My goal of education is to create creative minds that are able to go out into society and
become whatever they aspire to be. Every student possesses different unique qualities and
talents. It is my desire to stimulate and establish these talents in students. I believe the most
effective way to achieve this in students is the educational theory known as, constructivism. The
constructivist paradigm states, that students learn by constructing their own meaning of the world
around them based on their past experiences and prior knowledge. According to constructivist
theories, learning is a social advancement that involves language, real world situations, and
interaction and collaboration among learners. The learners are considered to be central in the
learning process (Ozer, 2004). As this states, the learning process is different for all students,
because all students experiences and cognitive abilities are different. Therefore, teachers need to
construct a fitting learning environment that is meaningful to all learners.
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Continuing, another influential education theorist was Lev Vygotsky. One important
concept of his philosophy of how children learn correlates with Piaget. Basically, both believed
that no students are the same as stated previously. Some students may need more assistance than
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Furthermore, the role of the teacher in the learning process should be the facilitator.
Students are the ones that should be the center of focus. Teachers need to let the learning process
be the students responsibility with them guiding over them. The role of a teacher is to establish
high expectations for everyone, model appropriate behavior, manage the class, engage students
in the material, have continuous assessment, and make sure to meet the individual needs of every
student. In order for students to succeed, they must be challenged. Therefore, teachers need to
establish and encourage high expectations for all the students. As discussed, some students
cognitive abilities may be more developed than others and they may learn faster than others.
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Continuing, another role that teachers must do is engage students in the material. As
stated before, learning is a process that needs to be interactive for the students. Therefore, having
engaging and meaningful tasks are crucial. If students are not engaged in the material, then they
will not succeed in learning it because it does not have valuable meaning to them. The teacher
needs to provide creative ways to deliver the content to the students. This involves activities that
have the students problem solving, exploring, collaborating with their peers, analyzing, and
synthesizing new ideas. Another significant responsibility of a teacher is assessment. Teachers
need to know how their students are progressing in the material. Therefore, teachers need to
assess students to determine what they are struggling with and what they are succeeding at.
Assessment also lets teachers view what they need to reteach and informs the teacher if their
teaching practices are effective or not. Nonetheless, all these are what the role of a teacher
As shown, the role of the teacher is the facilitator, but students also have a role in their
education. Students are responsible for making sure they do all that is asked of them by their
teacher. A benefit to the students of a teacher being a facilitator, is that students have the
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Not only do teachers and students have roles in education, but parents are significant as
well. The families role in the education process should be to support and encourage their child
every step of the way in school. However, reality is that many students do not have this support
system in their home setting. Therefore, it is important for teachers to provide support and
encouragement to all students because sometimes a teacher may not know what occurs at home
for a student. Numerous statistics show that parents who show little interest in their childs
education contributes to them having the same negative attitude about school and possibly
dropping out in the future. Therefore, I think parent involvement is crucial and can be established
by the teacher keeping the parents current on what is going on in the class by sending emails,
calling, or simply having meetings with the parents.
In addition, another important role in education, is the role of the community. Students
are influenced and shaped by the community they reside in. A study was done to assess the
communities role in education, and one student had this to say, Your community is where your
heritage lies. Where you grow up and who you grow up with has a huge influence in the outlook
you have on life, how you speak, how you view the people around you, and how you view
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It has been established that teachers, students, parents, and the community all have roles
in the institution of education. Schools themselves also have their own role to ensure of academic
success. The schools role is to create a school environment that encourages its students and
believes in its teachers. The administration of a school need to make sure the school ensures a
safe learning environment and has high expectations for the students and its educators. This
includes the personal safety of all that are in the school. For example, the role of the school is to
have a safe learning environment for all, which means taking the appropriate steps to ensure that
no students are bullied. The only worry students should have at school should be about their
work, not about being physically or mentally abused by another student.
Continuing, school is also responsible for making sure that all students are treated equally
regardless of their ethnicity, religion, heritage, culture, gender, sexuality, or other personal
matters. The schools role is to value and respect individuals of all statues. Currently, the world
is more diverse than ever, and schools have the role of making sure they are creating global
citizens of the world, which means respecting everyone and their differences. School plays the
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As shown, there are a plethora of components that make up the success of education for
students in the 21st century classroom. One matter that shapes the quality of the education
provided is effective teaching strategies and practices. One effective teaching strategy is the use
of graphic organizers. Students are nationally tested on state tests that assess them on problem
solving and comprehension. Therefore, graphic organizers can help organize a students thoughts
and understanding of topics, as opposed to a regular worksheet that requires minimal thinking.
Another teaching strategy that should be implemented in the class are the use of journals. The
Common Core expects high performance in reading and writing. Therefore, having students
write their thoughts and explanations down in a journal not only improves their writing skills, but
it also serves as an assessment tool to the teacher. Teachers can assess the journals by the
students writing ability and comprehension.
Continuing, another effective teaching strategy for teachers to use in the 21st century
classroom are strategies that promote higher order thinking and problem solving. The Common
Core requires the use of problem solving and higher order thinking. It is important that students
develop their higher order thinking skills by doing problem based assignments and tasks. Blooms
Taxonomy states that teachers help students develop their higher order thinking skills by slowly
requiring students to do work that challenges them. The levels start at lower thinking skills and
progresses to higher order thinking skills that students should be able to do. It starts at the lowest
being knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and the highest thinking skill
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Moving along, many of the core subject areas receive the most instruction in schools,
which are math, reading, and writing. Many subjects get reduced from instruction such as, social
studies and science. One important aspect that teachers need to do is make sure all content can
relate to a students life outside of the classroom. A student experiences science every day when
they walk outside and they experience social studies every day because they are a member of
society. Math, reading, and writing are significant to students, but these other areas of instruction
that are reduced in schools are crucial to a students life experience as well. Therefore, it is
crucial for teachers to integrate these subject areas into instruction. Many of these areas can be
implemented through reading. For example, students can read books that are about science and
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Another way to use technology is for enrichment activities. For students that finish early,
they could go to a math website and play a game that improves their skills, or students could
have books read to them from online, which could increase their reading skills. Also, the
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To conclude, education is a powerful institution that affects all parts of society. Education
is such a powerful tool and changes the lives of people every single day. My education from
grade school to college has shaped the person that I am today and continues to enrich my life
daily. Jon Dewey once said, Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
Learning and growing are a part of the life cycle. Being able to guide and watch students learn,
grow, and change the world every day in a classroom are what educators do. I want to spend the
rest of my life continuously educating myself and I want to inspire other students to want to be
educators like I was inspired. Effective educators have to create a meaningful learning
experience for all students, which requires meaningful tasks, encouragement to all students,
utilizing 21st century instructional techniques and technology, and always fitting the needs of
every student. Robert Frost once said, There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you
with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind
and you jump to the skies. I aspire to be the educator that makes students feel that they can
achieve anything in life and if that involves them believing that they can even jump to the skies,
then I know I am doing my job well.
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