DFG - Senate Commission On Food Safety: Prof. Dr. G. Eisenbrand - President

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DFG - Senate Commission

on Food Safety


Prof. Dr. G. Eisenbrand - President

Opinion on algal toxins


On 10/11 april 2003, the commission passed the following opinion

(shortened version)









Cyanobacteria because of their similarity to bacteria, Bacillariophyceae and

Prymnesiophyceae are included among the toxin-producing algae.
In Germany residues of algal toxins in mussels are controlled at present under the
regulations of the Fischhygiene-Verordnung (Order) of 8th June 2000. This Order
requires the testing of mussels for the presence of algal toxins by means of animal
tests (so-called mouse bioassays) or by chemical analytical procedures. Limits for
water-soluble algal toxins PSP (paralytic shellfish poisoning), fat-soluble algal toxins
DSR (diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning) and ASP (amnesic shellfish poisoning) are set
forth in this Order.
The residue limits and analytical methods for the marine biotoxins of the DSP group,
i.e. azaspiracid (AZA), yessotoxins (YTX) and pectenotoxins (PTX), are listed in the
Council Directive 91/492/EWG since March 2002. The Commission of the European
Communities has expressly requested the development of alternative detection
methods to the presently employed biological methods [1].

Little information is available on the frequency and severity of human intoxications

with algal toxins other than PSP and DSP. Presumably mild intoxications are
frequently not recognised because their symptomatology hardly differs from that
appearing as a consequence of the consumption of microbially spoiled foodstuffs.

For some time now products based on algae have found increasing use as foodstuffs
or as food supplements. The Commission expresses its concern that the risk of a
critical serious exposure to algal toxins may become associated with this practice,
because the products involved are often consumed in larger quantities.
Investigations of food supplements based on algae have shown a significant degree
of contamination with microcystins in those products made from blue-green algae [2].
Whenever surface waters are used for the production of drinking water, there is a
need to ensure the absence of algal toxins. The example of microcystins has
provided evidence that adequate ozone treatment combined with appropriate
filtration techniques is suitable for this purpose. It is important, however, to ensure
constant supervision of the effectiveness of the measures taken for the removal of
toxins [3]. The WHO has recommended a limit of 1 g/L of microcystin in drinking
water, based on microcystin-LR [4]. This value is being enforced in Germany at

Research needs exist especially for:

the development of screening methods as replacement for the so-called mouse


the development of sensitive and structure-selective methods for the detection

and the determination of those algal toxins capable of causing serious adverse
health effects;

the collection of data on the toxicity and the explanation of the basic mechanisms
of action;

the identification of the chemical structural elements relevant for toxicity;

the elucidation of the exposure taking into account both algal food products as
well as food supplements.

The provision of the data set out above will permit the necessary risk assessments to
be undertaken.
The SKLM considers the data base on algal toxins to be generally inadequate.
Adequate toxicological data are not available for many algal toxins, particularly those
data related to long-term effects. Similarly, hardly any data exist on the residues in
foodstuffs and on what would enable reliable estimates to be made of the exposure
of the consumer. In the view of the SKLM it is impossible to carry out a properly
based risk assessment at present.

[1] Amtsblatt der Europischen Gemeinschaft; Entscheidung der Kommission vom 15. Mrz 2002 mit
Durchfhrungsbestimmungen zur Richtlinie 91/492/EWG des Rates hinsichtlich der Grenzwerte
und der Analysemethoden fr bestimmte marine Biotoxine in lebenden Muscheln, Stachelhutern,
Manteltieren und Meeresschnecken (2002/225/EG).
[2] Gilroy DJ, Kauffmann KW, Hall RA, Huang X, Chu FS (2000) Assessing Potential Health Risks
from Microcystin Toxins in Blue-Green Algae Dietary Supplements. Environmental Health
Perspectives 108, 435-439.
[3] Hoeger SJ, Dietrich DR, Hitzfeld BC (2002) Effect of Ozonation on the Removal of Cyanobacterial
Toxins during Drinking Water Treatment. Environ Health Perspect 110 (11), 1127-1132.
[4] Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd ed. Addendum to Vol. 1. Recommendations. Geneva,
World Health Organization, 1998.
Please contact us:
Scientific Office
DFG-Senat Commission on Food Safety
Dr. Sabine Guth:
Dr. Monika Kemny:
Dr. Doris Wolf:

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