SUBJECT: Analyses and Recommendations For The Different Cost Accounting
SUBJECT: Analyses and Recommendations For The Different Cost Accounting
SUBJECT: Analyses and Recommendations For The Different Cost Accounting
Therefore, the three-cost-pool system can trace the costs back to the actual operation
factors more clearly.
We recommend some changes to the system proposed by the consultant in the
following aspects. First of all, it would be better to introduce a four-cost-pool system,
allowing ETO to separate the engineering cost and administrative cost. According to
the consultant, he uses the same rate per direct labor dollar for technical and
administrative cost, which is not accurate and unreasonable. Some products may need
more engineering with the design, construction and operation of engines or machines.
Other products may need more administrative function, such as helping ETO to
mange resources and people in an efficient manner. Therefore, using different rate for
technical and administrative cost would be more reasonable and precise when
calculating total cost.
Second, it would be better for ETO to allocate cost by machines rather than machine
hours. If the machines are very different in price, lifetime and performance, using
machine hour to allocate cost is not very precise. Due to the significant difference of
prices and depreciation times among machines, it is more accurate to allocate cost by
different machines. By measuring different cost rate of different machines, ETO
would be able to get a more accurate machine burden cost. If ETO only use machine
hours to allocate cost, it will experience higher or lower cost than it is supposed to be
which can be misleading for the company.
To decide whether to treat the new machine as a separate cost center or as a part of the
main test room, we compared the machine-hour rate for the main test room only, for
the new machine only, and for the combined total rate.
Machine-Hour Rate for Main Test Room Only
$ 2,103,116
$ 63.34
Machine-Hour Rate for New Machine Only for Year 1
Year 1
$ 825,000
=$ 2,062.50
Total Machine-Hour Rate for Year 1
$ 2,103,116 +$ 825,000
$ 87.14
As shown above, there is significant difference between the main test rooms original
machine-hour rate and the new machines machine-hour rate in Year 1, which cause
the combined machine-hour rate is over $20 more than the original rate, so the new
machine should be a separate cost center in Year 1.
Then, let us compare the rates of the following years, for example, Year 5. (The
calculation of depreciation of the new machine is shown in Exhibit E)
Machine-Hour Rate for New Machine Only for Year 5
Year 5
$ 408,203.13
$ 74.74
Total Machine Hour Rate for Year 5
$ 2,103,116 +$ 408,203.13
$ 70.54
Comparing to the $63.34 original burden rate, the new machine still makes a great
difference in the Year 5. Therefore, the new machine should be always treated as a
separate cost center.
Exhibit B: The reported cost of the system proposed by the accounting manager