CPP - Geometrical Optics

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10. Geometrical Optics Type of CPP - Objective & Subjective Level - MODERATE A point object is kept between a plane mirror and a concave mirror facing each other. The distance between the mirrors. is 22.5 em. The radius of curvature ofthe concave mirror is 20 cm. What should be the distance of the object from the inal image is formed on the object itself’? ‘concave mirror so that after two successive reflections the [Consider first reflection from concave mirror] (a)Sem (B) 15cm (©)10em (oy m Half the surface ofa transparent sphere of refractive index 2 issilvered. A narrow, parallel beam of light is incident on the unsilvered surface, symmetrically with respect to the silvered part, The light finally emerging from thesphere will bea (A) Parallel beam (B) Converging beam (©) Slightly divergent beam (D) Widely divergent beam An object AB is kept horizontally. How will you place a plane mirror to getits image vertically. Draw its ray diagram, Find the angle of deviation (both clockwise and anticlockwise) suffered by a ray incident on a plane mirror, at an angle of incidence 30° incident on the first mirror is parallel tothe Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at an angle 60°. Ifa.ray of lig second mirror, itis reflected from the second mirror (A) Perpendicular to the first mirror (B) Parallel tothe first mirror (C)Parallel to the second mirror (D) Perpendicular to the second mirror ‘Arod oflength 10.cm lies along the principal axis of a concave mirror of focal length 10. em in such a way that the end farther from the pole is 20 cm away from it. Find the length of the image. ‘Aparticle is moving towards fixed spherical mirror. The image: (A) Must move away from the mirror (B) Must move towards the mirror (C)May move towards the mirror (D) Will move towards the mirror, only ifthe mirror is convex. Figure shows a plane mirror onto which a light ray is incident light ray is turned by 10° and the mirror by 20°, as shown, find the angle turned by the reflected ray ‘An object is placed at 20 em from a convex mirror of focal length 20 cm, The distance ofthe image from the pole ofthe mirroris : (A)infinite (B) 10cm (sam. (D)40cm Which of the following statements are incorrect for spherical mirrors : ‘ (A)Aconcave mirror forms only virtual images for any position of real object (B)A convex mirror forms only virtual images for any position of areal object (C)Aconcave mirror forms only a virtual diminished image of an object placed between its pole and the focus wage of an object placed between its pole and the focus oe Class XII Page (1) Physics a re 1s, 6 ”. 8, measured from ca tangent eo ae pple! nei &- Wik of te PICMG ray ght raves favs a ms dhe neem fo the Doondary, and fis angle of deviation is 8 eee Forretfaction through a smal angled prism, the angle of deviation (n, <7) (AO tpereases with the imerease in RI othe prism (@) Willbe2D fea rayofR I. 2.4 itis forarayof RA. 12 (©Plsirectty proportional tothe angle ofthe prism. fas (D) Wil decrease with the increase in RL of aprism Ary oflightis incident from air toa glass red at point the angle of incidence being 45°, Tre minimum value ofreffactive index ofthe material ofthe rod so that T.LR. takes placeat Bis Retraction takes place ata concave spherical boundary separating glass air medium. For the image to be real, the object distance (a, = 72): (A) Should be greater than three times the radius of curvature of the refracting surface (8) Should be greater than two times the radius of curvature ofthe refracting surface {(€) Should be greater than the radius of curvature ofthe reacting surface (D)Is independent of the radius of curvature ofthe reffacting surface [A point source of light atthe surface ofa sphere causes a parallel beam of light to emerge from the oppesite surface ofthe sphere. The refractive index ofthe material ofthe sphere jus ss 2 25 [A square ABCD of side Imm is kept at distance 15 em infront ofthe concave mirror as shown in the figure. The focal length ofthe mirror is 10m. The ength ofthe perimeter of c itsimage will be: (ay8mm @)2mm (2mm (6mm isem ANSWER KEY Geometrical Optics ‘Type of CPP - Objective & Subjective Level- MODERATE Find the diameter of the image of the moon formed by a spherical 14m Thediameter ‘of the motion in 3450 km and the distance betsween the earth and 2 Inthe figure shown a convex mirror ofa radius of eurvature 20cm is shown. An object Os placed in front ofthis mirror. ts ray di ' many mistakes are therein theray diagram (4B isits principal ass) . =! (a3 (B)2 A aS = @l Do i 3 Theradius of curvature of convex spherical mirrors 1.2 m. How far away from the mirror isan object of eight |2.em P ifthe distane betwocn its virtual image & the mimor i 035 m? Whatisthe height of the image? 4 Thesun (diameter D)subtends an angle radian atthe pole ofa concave mirror of focal length f. The diameter ofthe image of the sun formed by the mirror is wo (6/2/08 of Om 5 _Aplastichhemisphere has a radius of curvature of cm and an index of refraction of 1.6. On the axis halfway between the plane surface and the spherical one (4 cm from cach) is a small object O. The distance between the two images when viewedalong the axis from the two sides of the hemisphere is approximately = oe eA (A) LOcm Biscm (C)3.75an (D)2S5an 6 ‘Sun ray are incident at an angle of 24° with the horizon. How can they be directed parallel wo the horizon using aplane mirror? 7. A person's eye is at a height of 1.5 m. He stands infront of a 0.3 m long plane mirror which is 0.8 m above the ground, ‘The length of the image he sees of himself is ism (B)1.0m (08m asm yanis & ‘Appoint object is placed at (0, 0) and a plane mirror 'M is placed. inclined 30° with thex axis. (a) Find the position of image (b) Ifthe object starts moving with velocity 17 m/s and the mirror is fixed find the velocity of image. aus best a Two parallel rays are travelling in a medium of refractive index 4, = 4/3. One of the rays passes through a parallel glass slab of thickness rand refractive index p, = 3/2. The path difference between the two rays due tothe glass lab will be: (A) 403 (B) 302. Ces (Des 10. ray oflight is incident on a glass sphere of refractive index 3/2. What should be the angle of incidence so that the ray which enters the sphere does not come out ofthe sphere : (Ayan! 2/3) (B)sin-' (23) ow (Dycos'(13) ee : Class Xi Page (0. Filtsee = 2 13, 4 15, 16, a index pis allel plate of glass of thickness ¢ refractive 1 normal incidence) = ‘A beam of light is converging towards a point. A plane pat introduced in the path of he bearn. The convergent point is shifted by (assume nea 1) awe 4+ awa wh 4) ay o(h away d \ 1 1\n ye +4) nearer ori 4), rare cori 4) ; When a wave i effaced (A) ks path must change (8) tesamplitude must change (©)lts velocity must change (0) Is frequency must change Rays incident on an interface would converge 10.em below the interface ifthey continued to move in straight lines without bending. But due to reffaction, the ‘ays will bend and meet some where else. Find the distance of meeting point of refracted rays below the interface, assuming the rays to be making small angles with the normal tothe interface ‘The light reflected by a plane mirror may form a eal image (A) Ifthe rays incident onthe mirror are converging _(B) Ifthe rays incident on the mirror are diverging (C) Ifthe object is placed very close tothe mirror (D) Under no circumstances eo te index = u) is poured int it upto a height k. What should be distance ofa point ‘object rom surface along principal axis so tha is final image i formed on itself. ‘Consider two cass, +0 Gidintermsofh How much water shouldbe filled in container of21 em inheight, so that it appears half filed (of otal height ofthe container) when viewed from the top ofthe container (Assume near normal incidence andj, = 43) (ay8oem @y105en, (20cm (0) 14.0em For a glass prism (y= V2 ) the angle of minimum deviation is equal othe refracting angle ofthe prism. The angle of the prism is. (ayer (ease our (Dy Geometrical Optics Type of CPP- Objective & Subjective Level- MODERATE, 1. Column gives certain situations regarding a point object and itsimage formed by an ‘optical instrument. The possible optical instruments are concave and convex mirrors | principal axis or lenses as given in Column-Il, Sume side of principal axis means both image and object should either be above the principal axis or both should be below the principal rane axisas shown in figure, Same side of optical instrument means both image and object should be either left ofthe optical instrument or both should be on right of the optical instrument as shown in figure. Match the statements in column-1 with the corresponding statements in column-I1 Cotumn-1 Columo-t (p)Concave mirror (A) Ifpoint object and its image are on same side of principal axis and opposite sides of the optical instrument then the optical instrument is e (B) Ifpoint object and its image are on opposite side of principal axis and same sides ofthe optical instrument then the optical instrument is, (C)1tpoint object and its image are on same side of principal axis and same sides of the optical instrument then the optical (D) If point object and its image are on opposite side of principal axis and ‘opposite sides of the optical instrument then the optical instrument (q)Convex mirror (r) Concave lens (s) Convex lens 2 A glass hemisphere of refractive index 4/3 and of radius 4 em is placed on a plane mirror. A point object is placed on axis of this sphere at a distance 1 image is formed at infinity, then find the value of 3. A linear object 42 is placed along the axis of a concave mirror. The object is ‘moving towards the mirror with speed V. The speed of the image of the point 4 is 4V and the speed of the image of B is also 4Y. If centre of the line AB is at a distance L from the mirror then length of the object AB will be aL Sk rT ” ws @F 4L OL o> 4. Aconcave mirror of focal length 2 cm is placed on a glass slab as shown in the figure. Then the image of object O formed due to reflection at mirror and then refraction by theslab. (A) Will be virtual and will beat 2 em from the pole of the concave mirror (B) Will be virtual and formed on the pole of the mirror (©) Will be real and on the object itself (D) None of these SA thin prism of angle 6.0%, @= 0.07 and y, = 1.50is combined with another thin prism having @ = 0.08 and j, = 1.60. The ‘combination produces no deviation in the mean ray. (a) Find the angle of the second prism. (b) Find the net angular dispersion produced by the combination when a beam of white light passes through it. (c) Ifthe prisms are similarly directed, what will be the deviation in the mean ray ?(d) Find the angular dispersion in the situation described in (c). ‘FIITIEE yy rae 10. nL 2, 1B “The position ofa real pint object and its real point image are as shown inthe igure. 4B 1 isthe principal axis. This cn be achieved by using | __4 (AyConves mirror (8) Concave miror x t {(©)Concavemirrr only (D) Conver mire only A ray must ‘State true‘or" false: Aray is incident on spherical mirror at an angle = 30° wth principal axis then reflected make an angle 8= 30° with principal axis. : ‘A man starting fom point P crosses 4 km wide lagoon and reaches Point Q in the shortest possible time by the path shown. If the Person swims ata speed of 3 km/hr and walks ata speed of km/hr, then his time of journey (in minutes) is? ‘Two beams of red and violet colours are made to pass separately through a prism (angle of the prism is 60°). Im the ‘postion of minimum deviation, the angle of refraction will be (A) 30° for both the colours (B) Greater forthe violet colour (C) Greater forthe red colour {(D) Equal but not 30° for both the colours the observer sees the bottom of vessel at 8m, find the refractiveindex_19¢m| ofthe medium in which observer is present. ‘Amirror oflengih J: moves horizontally as shown inthe figure witha velocity v. The mirror is illuminated by a point source of light placed on the ground. The rate at which the length of the light spot on the ground increases is = Ay (B)Zer0 (2 (wv ray fight travelling in sii incidentat grazing angleon aslab of 3m thickness with variable reactive index, m 9) = (4322+ 1}! where k= 1m? and follows path as shown. What is the total deviation produced ty the slab when the rays at (= Im), in degrees? ‘An object and a plane mirror ae asshown in figure. Mirror is moved with velocity as shown, The velocity ofimage is: (A)2V sind wv (O28 (D) None ofthese STATEMENT-1:: A spherical surface ofradius of curvature R separates ‘twomediaofreffactive index n, and nas shown. Ifan object O(athin small rod) is placed upright on principal axis a a distance R from pole ((e, placed at centre ofcurature) then the size ofimage issame as size of object. [STATEMENT2 : If point object is placed at centre of curvature of spherical surface separating two media of ifferent refractive index. then the image is also formed at centre ol curvature, L<. mage distance i equal to object distance, (A) Statement- is True, Statement-2s True; Statement-2is a correct explanation for Statement-t. SE) Socernere 1 ne; Sabres 2 Tre, Satomi 2 NOT s orm mir Sc SAME Geometrical Optics Type of CPP. MODERATE, jective & Subjective Level pre " tn an experiment performed with a 647 prism where angle of minimum deviation for sodium light is 60° ‘following experiment was done, When sodium light enters at one face at grazing incidence from a certain ‘emerges from the other face (in ai) al 60° trom the normal to ede of the prism. Are the observations correct? A.ray of Tight is incident on a face of equilateral triangle at un incident angle $0° At this angle minimum deviation ‘sccurs. This deviation is: A” 40 0 (D) None of these ‘The image of the sun is obtained on a screen with a convex lens of diameter 3x cm and focal length 45cm, How many ‘times will the intensity produced by sun's image be greater than that coming directly from the sun if he angular ‘Giameter of the sun is 30 minutes ? ss (B)288 (©5% (D) None Array of light in air is incident on face 4B ofan irregular block made of ‘material with refractive index J/2 , as shown in figure. The face CD ‘opposite 10 4B isa spherical surface of radius of curvature 0.4 m. From {this face the refracted ray enters.a medium of refractive index 1.514 and ‘ects the axis PQ at point E. Determine the distance OF correct to1wo decimal places. “The focal length of a lens of refractive index 3/2 s 10 em in air. The focal length ofthat ens in a medium of refractive index 7/Sis: (A700 (B)107cm. (©)70an (D) None of these ‘An objec approaches. fixed diverging lens witha constant velocity from infinity along the principal axis. The relative ‘velocity between object and its image will (A) Increasing (B) Decreasing {C) First increases then decreases (D) First decreases and then increases From the figure shown establish arelation among, i, Hp. Hy: pre h Bas Hy: Bs= Hh D)p,> Hy B= He ‘The distance between a fixed object and the fixed screen is 100 em. A lens produces an image on the screen Jens is placed at either ofthe positions 40 cm apant, The power of the lens is nearly & (A)3 diopters (©)2 diopters, is ay may suf I. STATEMENT&€I: Arayis incident ram outside ona glass sphere surtounded by at as shown. This ay may sue {otal internal reflection at second interface STATEMENT:2: For a ray going from denser to rarer medium, th ‘may suffer total internal reflection. (A)Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2is a correct explanation for Statement- (B) Statemente1 is True, Statement-2s True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct, explanation for Statement ate (C)Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 i False a (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2is True Second Pr interface 12, The faces of prism ABCD made of glass with a refractive Index 1 from dihedral angles LAM OP, ZB= 7S, ZC= 135° & Z D= 6P(The Abbe's prism). Abeam of ight falls on face 4B & atier total internal reflection from Face BC escapes through luce 1D. Find the range of nandangle of incidence a of the beam onto face 4B, i's beam that has passed through the prism in this manner is perpendicular tothe incident beam, 13, Aparale! beam of ight is ineident normally onthe flat surface ofa hemisphere of radius 6 em and refractive index 1.5, placed in air as shown in figure). ‘Assume paraxial ray appraximation (A) The rays are focussed at 12 em from the point Ptothe right, in the situation as shown in figure-(i) (B) The rays are focussed at 16 em from the point P tothe right, inthe situation as shown in figure-(i) (C) Ifthe rays are incident atthe curved surface (figure-i totheright. (D) Ifthe rays are incident at the curved surface (figure-ii)) then these are focused at distance 14 em from point P totheright ‘then these are focused at distance 18 em from point P 14, Alhemispherical portion ofthe surface ofa solid glass sphere (1 = 1.5) of radius ris silvered to make the inner side reflecting. An object is placed on the axis ofthe hemisphere at a distance 3 from the centre ofthe sphere, The light from the object is refracted atthe unsilvered par, then rellected from the silvered part and again refracted atthe unsilvered part Locate the final image formed. 15. The view in the figure is from above a plane mirror ng suspended by thread connected tothe centre ofthe mirror at point A. A scales located 0.75 m (the distance fom point nil Psion ‘Ato point P)to the right ofthe centre ofthe mirror, Initially, the plane of the mirror is parallel tothe side ofthe scale: and the angle of incidence ofa light ray whichis directed at thecentre of the mirror is 30°. A small torque applied tothe thread causes the mirror toturn 15° away from its in position, The reflected ray then intersects the scale at point . The distance from point P to point Qon the scale (@)1.00m (B)056m ()L02m (D)0.8m Normal the ior ints ini position 16. ‘State true ‘or! false : A particle moves towards the pole of a converging lens, Phe image moves away trom lens. wherever isthe position ofthe object. (ENsept a fous) tees i ANSWER KEY = : 2b Nol 2 @ 3 © 4 [0E-606m) 8. © 2 © ity i 8, [Oneat 15 cm andthe other at 24 cm fom the lens aay from the mirror) i +8 75%,0=45* (geometry), =>¢<45° =2>n> V2, 45°

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