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SWORN AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS § case Number. 1G - S 3. L county or _(andal( perenpant Pla brtck Thea hy Mohler Bofore me, the undersigned authori, in and for stl State of Texas, on this day personally appeared { and having been by me first duly sworn upon his‘her oath, deposes and says: My name is Live at : My home phone number is My work phone number is _ fama My date of birth is and fam, years of age. My drivers license/identitication card number is _ ____ State of issue _ Eero on_5 Sep dor at 170Q. ~Patwick Timothy Mahler. was my ¢éxth grade teacher at Fannin Wtrddle Schaal. Ken 2. was |S years ald Twas. seruall molested wby. Mohler. Mehler was Patwick Timathy Mallen’: mkk Kane. To tant From_the begining 2 eat and.oeouple otter His vse te spenal_a lotof Kine ia Mohler’ classroom out side of History class. use to. shes ope —ta_school early and goto _chis Mtohlens class rove and play.on the compobers he faol_in_tnct _clact. Z tembdr all the hestory things on huis walls (old news papers, Hing, Tot memarbtie, maps, Kids art) ond 7 woolol have. access te condy rhs class _fivel thing ih fhe wannsig. —% would, also hangout in his class roam afer school _uetil_he was Fprishes_guacdna, pqpars,Z_wasldplay.hanrd..gomes.erth my..two afer Spends onbel chee owt ake vs leave. My. ater Sntenals thst woth hengewt ca Wablers class thane. yaad _onotben — Hid thot has not ehosomate spect 0 Twill witkhald hes_nome been asked ts oot off pespects Signore Pele Subscribed and sworn to before me this _& day of APD-ITHD Crested Lt Notary Public, case Number_lG S155 49_ pevenpant_Pa frie lip Mohler Before me, the undersigned authority, in and for said State of Texas, on this day personally appeared and having been by me first duly sworn upon hisTher ‘oath, deposes and says: My name is Hive at ae ‘My home phone number is . My work phone number is Tama My date of birth is and Tam _____years of age. My divers clifton card number i Site offisue ee esaaaaaaaaaaaae X_ do nat remember 0S cb was fr oa es tree sk vent to Mohler’ heute. was ultea én lloween ceshide.. lee. tot. Hick -a0- Luiliing » E remmeadser Wohler hack a. lot-of cleoratiinas enal_Itgkt _to_eelebrate tke holiday. 2 juaped out of o coffer olresseel as Proac. Daddy (ocharocter..from the aut "A MitBnare below Cluvshuos —Belurcen tre ench of satldle school ana. Hee _moleshabiony sy fe cur other frvienal oma X_tqsousld_spenct tine oct makler's hawse onthe weeKenole « Htalter would tellus tt wot a sofe place fo clon asso snake. Mahler saral he — swrould path us disk ome smae ona tafe places We deank Crows Royal ar Dock Dontels oid between the four af us ( Mohler, then fecenal _orsol_mycdf) swe auld duh a Aewalle stee hater or move. We smalkeal Marlbra Me. 275. clgereties od _manijuota when ever we wontal 24 we oll sot have our own -Cigeretles Mehler would _provitle them fo os, if we ask Then rere _toesythosgs sue comtmonly waht te Males house te ale, Signature _, ols Subseribed and sworn to before me this_37_dayor_ Sea Mr bduen (560 APD. 17HO Crested 0/5 ae SWORN AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS casoNumber_[b~ £91551 Sarees silat DEFENDANT Pafitek Jlameth huhle- Betore me, the undersigned authority, in and for said State of ‘Texas, on this day personally appeared ee ______and having been by me first duly swom upon histher oath deposes and says: My name is ECE EeE Clive -asetseeeaeEECaa ___ My home phone number is My work phone mumberis fama. My date of biath is and Lam _ years of age ‘My drivers license/itemtitieation card number is a . State of issue are aee eC on at his gavage he had aol. table —eveel ox bam. We woul play. foun style paol..qomes... When one... tea uae playing pool the other Heer _uroulol._be selfing ot his. fable decking mol_sesatiing. Mohler kad. _htsHube 16 ts back — rooms that wwe (Male melvaol) would seb in ove _wwekh maura om a ZV. he hash te Ws back moon. Mohler wavid always alk vs. rate naeal_ om hes attb. Early thougitanybhing bast being nakol arowasd ibe ry tovenal becose we. all playeal_sports together onc _choageal infront af cach other in locker voants, but _sever_tealy fd belts, nahi avesaach Mahlon _becase hewas 10. much clolers F remember __shaylisg Has. _naghte at Moklens house, -We—tuauld _vaalle palets ia kes _hving room floor ust __bloskets cxsal_pelfoues Trememben he Hest these blabets onal pillows tna hallway closet between hes gest’ beolvcora andl _conapater room. We ale wae allowed. _to_uce Be tober. Compaen 40a heme work oud toda reseonch. Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of _Geyo # Mh ls Aju | St Pave Officer Printed Name Centfied Peace Officer on, Notary Public, State of Texas SWORN AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS : Case Number: [Gs SRL 5879 county or_fundall verenpant Cofuck [imolny Mohler Before me, the undersigned authority, in and for said State of Texas, on this day personally appeared BIEISHESESIE _-________and having been by me first duly sworn upon his/her oa, depose and says: My nae is SHeneaaLeeeea heat My home phone number is ‘My work phone number is. tama ‘My date of birth is He __andtam____years of age. My drivers license/identifieation eard number is ate of issue __ On, at T_do nat remember why T.ncealeal Io fake a shower. the. olay.. was woleskd but Teck to tae a shouser_in Mahlert quest hath naom cnet found out th yas brolien. So 7 took ox shower tn Mahler bateraom . sos tothe shower whew _ Wahler enheredh the shower, We were both waked onck__he_ stated rubbing, my. choulderie remember smellng..ceisHey orm bas breath, He hao me tin the back camer of the shower —cxhire I coulel nat get ost of the shower. Moller 2 Jock robleing ty genibals worth his honals. esa lowinom a Dench that wes ra the shawer—omel put my geudale 0 hes Wout, T_rememben beng searcal Srozen trying to move jbuit SX cooblap. TE remember looking —avoowd ond sean white tile, grey grout’, cocunue Sumave = Ahonspoe & Covalibimes,-0..2crvbbing bites machine that ewoolal gray bis. chasen ka clon shy L_vemember black modd_o fhe courses af Lh dbowr, o shower Cody He stood! froma tte Abad the ett of He shinwerr aul nore ~S00p3 etn chompoos .asmirtora, ond thang marae oa fe Twas then ia t ‘Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ dayot_Se ab Ee Inthe year O/C IM [Sey _ ~ faces eerie i Notary Pu Wwof Texas APD-760 Creed I ‘SWORN AFFIDAVIT. STATE OF TEXAS. 8 Case Number, Uo 59. | S59 wtdel perenpant Pn fret Lemoby Mohler Belore me, the undersigned authority, in and for said State of Texas, on this day personally appeared and having been by me frst duly sworn upon histher ‘oath, deposes and says: My name is Hive at ‘My home phone number is + My work phone number is tam My date of birth is and 1am ____years of age. My drivers license/identifieation card numba is. on sat : Hholten trie fo make sce put hed opnslals ony trcouth__ that cater gat aes camgh space or courage fo get away. Mohler tas palliteg, My head lew te Ars erabh ama onal 1 pusheal hyn bach —emal get-out of the shower Otter J get aresseal T_peenembern cetbg in toe — “garage. fn sual pots onc oo A headke smoking a etigercth , I think st 13...joie San uony af Feburary becouce T. rementbar being cald hot _no nea en the —gtomd. T. sat there ongr_gethng — oageyer one aagnyer Abi bing abt what Mahler _sust olipl fo nye. te come anit roth. He garage ond ash —enjpyeolt:? 26 hao finn?” See at eee EEL — See that = __spest_o tat of hime trying to indo. wmy be qe baclh Ot _Wohlen.C spevit_twe omer there waiting for how 4a alo Ht agate so SZ eoutd—have on —oppeolondy fo fell finns shill have the Kuthe Mead 2 sas planing toute, ~L_hase spend 24 to 3 years 0 _coanserling trying ta get through the. ‘Subscribed and sworn to before me this. S” dayot___ Geo k__* Lbs Aclise [Sty
  • 5a/ as 7 county or Randal DEFENDANT _2ex bl Mebibe~ Bofors s+ 1s sntoeciongd authority, in and for said State of Texas, on this day personally appensed te _________and having been by me first duly sworn upon histher ‘oath, deposes and says: My name is Yi a Uliveat_ __. My home phone numbers 1 My work phone numb is, tama _____» My date of birth is _ and | am “years of age. My drivers license/identification card number is _ seplrber 61 6290 , A met abvick Taney Mohloe of Fannin Mell Sohal He cas may 68 gpd Headers He was teaher dif, and 3 Lincosreged fo take hd clatt becuse be ota_a “evs!” father © sell he Toot tothe.» foe days fhe 64 grade she iolllyes 0) tid s.and.mystlt stake fo_go fe his hs beled a b Play Loops aber gamer aad rhe mands Lo (, (2000/2003 ie hp gon, sie and wt a eran white’ Atlany conde ip. pedcfrvdaivand gad _myelt Slackd frye. fo Malls hense wp ole ae le aca syns “The fit in Ttnt by Mablerd fouse war Ge extn Lote admission rebels, ie pli 4 6 copy ofn weap ont of ti dek and asked thet wT dost sell any afte Ady or geaghabord where he tiutd.

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