MCWP 2-4 - Intelligence Dissemination
MCWP 2-4 - Intelligence Dissemination
MCWP 2-4 - Intelligence Dissemination
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13 Jul 2004
MCWP 2-4
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Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 2, Intelligence, and Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 2-1, Intelligence Operations, provide doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures for intelligence operations. Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 2-4
Marine Air-Ground Task Force Intelligence Dissemination, complements and expands
upon this information by detailing specific doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures
for conducting intelligence dissemination in support of the Marine air-ground task force
(MAGTF). The primary target audience of this publication is intelligence personnel
responsible for planning and executing intelligence dissemination operations, as well as
personnel who provide support to intelligence dissemination or who use results from
intelligence operations.
MCWP 2-4 describes aspects of intelligence dissemination operations including doctrinal
fundamentals, responsibilities, management, methodology and planning, and common forms
of dissemination, such as estimates, studies, briefings, and reports. MCWP 2-4 provides the
information needed by Marines to understand, plan, and execute intelligence dissemination
operations in support of the MAGTF across the range of military operations.
Reviewed and approved this date.
Chapter 1. Intelligence Dissemination Overview
Objective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Communications and Information System Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intelligence Dissemination Capabilities and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . .
Dissemation Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internal Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
External Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Major Subordinate Command Level and Below . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dissemination Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intelligence Dissemination and Intelligence Functions . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intelligence Dissemination within the Intelligence Cycle . . . . . . . . . .
Intelligence Dissemination Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pertinence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Usability of Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Timeliness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MCWP 2-4
A. MAGTF Intelligence Dissemination
Plan Appendix Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Intelligence Communications and
Information Systems Plan Appendix Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Sample Intelligence Dissemination
Requirements Planning Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Intelligence Reports Dissemination Matrix Format . . . . . . . . . . . .
E. Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I ntelligence dissemination is the delivery of
Dissemination management involves dissemination priorities, selection of dissemination means,
and monitoring the flow of intelligence throughout the command. The objective of dissemination management is to deliver the required
intelligence to the appropriate user in the proper
form at the right time, while ensuring that individual consumers and the dissemination system
are not overloaded by attempting to move
unneeded or irrelevant information. Dissemination management also provides for the use of
security controls, which do not impede the timely
delivery or subsequent use of intelligence, while
protecting intelligence sources and methods.
(MCRP 5-12C)
Communications and
Information System Factors
The MAGTF must ensure that sufficient communications and information systems (CIS) connectiv-
Intelligence Dissemination
Capabilities and Challenges
Dissemination Assets
The intelligence battalion collection management and dissemination section provides the core
C2 for Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) intelligence dissemination operations by developing
and coordinating the dissemination plan and
reporting criteria. The surveillance and reconnaissance cell (SARC) executes reporting criteria.
The production and analysis (P&A) cell receives
collected intelligence data and information, analyzes it, produces intelligence products, and executes dissemination criteria. Key CIS resources
required include IAS and JDISS, with access to
the full range of MAGTF communications
external dissemination; and IAS via the TDN and
other MAGTF communications resources for
internal dissemination.
Internal Dissemination
The IAS, the IOW, and MAGTF TDN are the key
tools for electronic dissemination between the command element (CE) and major subordinate commands (MSCs). Communications connectivity
between the MAGTF CE and its major subordinate
element (MSE) headquarters are predominantly
provided by SATCOM, supplemented where practical with high frequency/ultra high frequency
(UHF) radios, troposcatter multichannel radio sys-
MCWP 2-4
External Dissemination
The MAGTF CE will attempt to exploit all available external capabilities (national, theater or
joint) to satisfy its intelligence requirements
(IRs). Intelligence agencies and Department of
Defense (DOD) organizations have varying connectivity and procedural requirements. These
may be planned for and coordinated through the
joint staff intelligence element (J-2) and the joint
CIS staff element (J-6) or the Marine Corps
forces (MARFOR) headquarters (HQ).
Meeting MAGTF intelligence dissemination requirements requires extensive planning, coordination,
situational awareness, flexibility, and perseverance.
The CIS officers focus is on providing the necessary communication channels, interfaces, and media
necessary to move intelligence throughout the
MAGTF, and to lateral elements and higher echelons. The intelligence officer remains focused on the
employment of allocated CIS resources that support
intelligence dissemination requirements while maintaining close coordination with the operations officer
to monitor current and future operational missions
and requirements.
Dissemination Guidelines
Guidelines for intelligence dissemination include
the following:
Dissemination formats; either verbal, text or
Whether verbal, text or graphic, intelligence
products should use standard formats whenever possible to facilitate ease of preparation,
usability, and dissemination.
Transmission can be either hardcopy or electronic, regardless of the format.
Dissemination of too few or too many intelligence products can adversely affect operations.
Intelligence dissemination requires sound judgment when applying information management
Effective intelligence dissemination requires that
intelligence personnel be aware of enemy capabilities and probable courses of action (COAs),
as well as friendly missions, the commanders
intent, and the concepts of operations.
Successful MAGTF intelligence dissemination
requires planning, management, and flexibility.
Executing intelligence dissemination requires
knowledge of manual and automated dissemination means available to the MAGTF.
Intelligence Dissemination
and Intelligence Functions
MAGTF intelligence dissemination must support
the following six specific intelligence functions:
Support to the commanders estimate.
Situation development.
Indications and warning (I&W).
Support to force protection.
Support to targeting.
Support to combat assessment.
Intelligence Dissemination
within the Intelligence Cycle
The process used to develop intelligence is called
the intelligence cycle (see fig. 1-1). The intelligence cycle consists of six sequential yet interdependent steps: planning and direction; collection;
processing and exploitation; production; dissemination; and utilization. While consistent with the
joint intelligence cycle, the Marine Corps cycle
emphasizes the importance of intelligence utilization. MAGTF intelligence dissemination must be
planned for and supervised to the same degree as
direction, collection, processing, and production to
ensure that intelligence operations are successful.
MCWP 2-4
The dissemination system must provide the flexibility to use a supply-push system (which pushes
important or time-sensitive intelligence directly to
users), while also permitting users to demand-pull
(allowing users to access information) relevant
intelligence as needed from readily accessible
sources, such as a database or a watch section at an
intelligence center. The following principles guide
successful dissemination of pertinent intelligence:
Relevant intelligence must be disseminated to
all units or agencies that require it. Intelligence must be tailored to the needs of the commander. Stated requirements are a minimum,
and often change. Aggressive management of
the dissemination strategy, a thorough understanding of user needs, sound judgment, and
continuous monitoring of the dissemination
architecture are required. Tactical judgment is
important to disseminate pertinent intelligence
to affected users, whether a requirement for it
is a stated requirement or not.
Disseminate critical information and intelligence. Disseminate intelligence, not simply
information, to supported decisionmakers.
However, because of its highly perishable or
critical nature, combat data (derived from
reporting by operational units) and sensor
data may be disseminated without being converted into intelligence. Caution is required
since warnings and combat and sensor data
may later be explained in ways other than
reflected in the original report. Additionally,
this type of information has the potential to be
over-disseminated. Operational rules of
engagement must match the commands timesensitive targeting policy.
Crisis situations may preclude some or all of
the normal filtering process. Filtering is a
responsibility shared among intelligence collectors, producers, and disseminators, as well
as among intelligence and other warfighting
personnel. When time-sensitive crisis situations preclude deliberate intelligence processing and necessitate dissemination of untailored
intelligence or unevaluated information, intelligence personnel must ensure that tactical commanders are aware that they are receiving
unevaluated intelligence.
Dissemination downward should be selective
and well planned. Units should not receive
irrelevant intelligence or voluminous amounts
of information that can tie up their communication channels or overload their organic analytical capability. This is especially valid in the
case of dissemination to lower tactical units
whose capabilities for processing and producing information are limited. However, broad
dissemination that results in the occasional
delivery of intelligence to a non pertinent unit
preferable to selective dissemination in which
units may fail to receive available intelligence
when they need it.
Usability of Form
Disseminated intelligence must be in a form suitable for immediate use by the recipient and
should be tailored for the intended consumer.
Standard formats for intelligence productssuch
as the intelligence estimate, intelligence studies,
briefings, and reportsmust be established,
understood, and used by intelligence personnel
and users. Basic MAGTF intelligence products
have established formats. Individual units may
modify formats if necessary, but modifications
must be thoroughly coordinated as they may
impact interoperability. Intelligence personnel
should complement textual data with graphics
when appropriate. Forms of dissemination
include the following:
Written documents. Intelligence estimates, operation plan/operation order (OPLAN/OPORD)
annexes, studies, and reports are useful for general dissemination of large amounts of intelligence to many usersparticularly within larger
organizations when time is not critical and when
deliberate planning is possibleand for all
Intelligence must be disseminated in time to
influence planning, decisionmaking, and execution. Rapid dissemination of critical, time-sensitive intelligence is particularly vital. The
commanders intent and the commanders critical intelligence requirements (CCIRs) guide the
intelligence staff in identifying PIRs and anticipating future IRs. Many factors influence the
timeliness of disseminated intelligence, including the following:
Date desired is the date-time-group of when
the requester requires the intelligence product
and is a key dissemination planning factor.
Latest time intelligence is of value (LTIOV)
should be designated in cases where the value
of intelligence collection would still be of use
even if received after the specified date
desired. LTIOVs should be written into PIRs
for incorporation into dissemination operations planning and management.
Transmitting intelligence securely precludes the
enemy from ascertaining MAGTF intelligence
sources, estimating the effectiveness of MAGTF
intelligence operations, and altering his actions or
strengthening his counterintelligence (CI) efforts.
Secure intelligence dissemination must be planned
for and integrated with all command security programs: operations, information, communications,
personnel, and physical security. Intelligence can
MCWP 2-4
required intelligence is provided to the appropriate user in the proper form and at the right time.
Identify Landing
Hydrographic Surveys
Beach Study
Distribute 40
Dissemination Methods
The two basic methods used to disseminate intelligence are supply-push and demand-pull. Intelligence planners must develop and implement
intelligence dissemination plans with the flexibility to exploit either methodology, pushing time-
MCWP 2-4
Dissemination Channels
Intelligence is disseminated using two types of
channels: standard and alarm (see fig. 2-2).
Standard Channel
Standard channel dissemination consists of
transmission of intelligence according to a set
order and format. It is used for routine intelligence dissemination and is the channel used for
the majority of dissemination requirements. Dissemination generally occurs on a regular schedule or intervals. Examples of standard
intelligence dissemination include studies,
Standard Channels
(Intel Bn IOC)
Lateral Recipient
(18th Airborne Corps G-2)
Subordinate Recipient
(1st Marine Division G-2)
Subordinate Recipient
(82nd Airborne Division G-2)
Subordinate Recipient
(7th Marines S-2)
Alarm Channels
(Intel Bn IOC)
Subordinate Recipient
(1st Marine Aircraft Wing G-2)
reports, routine message intelligence summaries, and formal staff briefings. Standard dissemination employs normal MAGTF command and
staff channels and supporting CIS.
Alarm Channel
Alarm channel dissemination is used for critical,
time-sensitive intelligence that can have an
immediate effect on operations. This type of dissemination has no set format or schedule and is
activated only when critical intelligence is
received that requires immediate decision or
action. When an alarm-triggering event occurs,
Dissemination Modes
Intelligence is disseminated via broadcast or
point-to-point modes (see fig. 2-3).
Broadcast Mode
When using the broadcast mode, intelligence that
affects the majority of units is disseminated
simultaneously to a broad audience. Examples
MCWP 2-4
include dissemination of the initial MAGTF intelligence estimate or an I&W report of an enemy
surface-to-surface missile launch. Successful use
of broadcast modes depends on judicious selection of what intelligence is disseminated, the ability of all pertinent recipients to monitor the
broadcast, and the ability of users to filter and
select relevant intelligence for detailed examination. The broadcast mode improves dissemination timeliness, but must be used with discipline
to avoid overloading MAGTF CIS pathways or
intelligence processing capabilities.
Point-to-Point Mode
In the point-to-point mode, intelligence is disseminated to a specific user, normally in response
Broadcast Mode
Simultaneous Recipient
(1st Marine Division G-2 and all Regimental S-2s)
Simultaneous Recipient
(3d Marine Aircraft Wing G-2 and all
Marine Aircraft Group S-2s)
(1st Marine Division
Simultaneous Recipient
(3d FSSG G-2 and all
Simultaneous Recipient
(18th Airborne Corps G-2)
Point-to-Point Mode
(Intelligence Battalion IOC)
Subordinate Recipient
(3D Marine Aircraft Wing G-2)
Much intelligence is disseminated via documents,
which may take many formats: plans, studies,
analyses, estimates, assessments, reports, and electronic messages. Document dissemination provides a ready reference source, but may become
obsolete, and may be difficult to rapidly and
broadly disseminate during tactical operations.
Many intelligence reports, databases, and sensor
data are disseminated and updated electronically
to improve timeliness and enable near real time
connectivity between intelligence collectors, producers, and users. Examples include tactical
LANs and WANs, and systems such as the JDISS
and the IAS.
Dissemination Forms
The most suitable format for intelligence dissemination depends primarily on the needs of the
recipient, the nature and urgency of the intelligence, and the means available to convey the
information. The unit intelligence officer should
specify a desired format (such as verbal, text,
electronic) whenever stating an IPR and or/IDR.
intelligence information (for example, video footage) directly from a collector (for example, an
unmanned aerial vehicle) to a targeting or operational node perhaps via an intelligence operations node.
Graphical Products
Graphics, such as those used in map enhancements or contained in annotated imagery, portray vast amounts of intelligence in a
condensed form more easily interpreted by the
human mind. When appropriate, they should be
MCWP 2-4
incorporated in intelligence production and dissemination. The chief benefit of graphical dissemination formats, such as maps, overlays,
annotated imagery, briefing graphics, and topographic products, is that they may be assimilated and understood by people more quickly
than textually-based formats. Effective use of
graphical product dissemination requires standards, procedures, and training. In most cases
intelligence disseminated via graphics must be
reinforced with supporting documents or supplemental information.
Determine Forms
Determine Modes
Allocate Resources
Evaluate Effectiveness
Train Personnel
Allocate Resources
The commander and intelligence officer exercising centralized control of intelligence dissemination must allocate resources to ensure that the
needs of subordinate commanders are properly
addressed and supported. Detachments from one
or more intelligence/reconnaissance/CI unit may
be placed in direct support (DS) or attached to subordinate units. They may also be used to create
intelligence nodes to support a subordinate unit or
center (for example, the rear area operations center; civil-military operations center). This must be
done in coordination with the G-3/S-3 (for unit
concept of operations and tactical task organization); the G-6/S-6 (for CIS resources); the G-1/S-1
(for personnel augmentation and courier support);
the G-4/S-4 (for unique intelligence elements
combat service support); and within the G-2/S-2
section for effective management of dissemination
personnel and assets.
Intelligence products must be disseminated as
quickly as possible to all relevant users. Dissemination planners should anticipate overloaded or
disabled communication links by planning alternate distribution means. Redundancy must be
planned for and used as needed.
Good reporting and dissemination flow diagrams
and matrices assist in dissemination development,
planning, and execution. They also provide combat operations center (COC), P&A cell, and
SARC watch personnel with references to guide
them in dissemination decisions.
MCWP 2-4
Evaluate Effectiveness
After disseminating an intelligence product, disseminators must ensure that it was received and
understood by all intended recipients. Intelligence
products are occasionally misrouted or not transmitted completely. Verification of receipt can be
accomplished through a telephone call or email
confirmation from select addressees. Follow-on
contact should be made to determine if intelligence needs were met or if the provided intelligence led to any new IRs.
Train Personnel
Regular and realistic training of all intelligence
personnel and users is needed to improve their
understanding of dissemination operational capabilities and limitations, their tactical abilities and
judgments, and their technical skills and expertise.
Intelligence dissemination capabilities must be
exercised under a variety of realistic tactical scenarios and operating conditions. Training must
emphasizes unit SOPs, as well as other Service,
joint, and intelligence agency procedures. Training must develop the following procedures:
The MAGTF intelligence section develops and
Planning Factors
Intelligence dissemination plans and procedures
must incorporate the following:
IDR priorities, to include integrated linkage
with ICRs and IPRs.
Grouping IRs by type of intelligence and echelon of intended recipient.
Anticipated IDRs.
Preferred intelligence product.
Primary and alternate communication means
with all supported units.
Routine and time-sensitive dissemination means
and responsibilities.
Communications security (COMSEC) considerations.
Procedures to verify that the intelligence has
been received by the intended recipients.
MCWP 2-4
The next step is to determine what type intelligence
support (for example, finished deliberate intelligence, time-sensitive intelligence products or particular formats) each recipient requires. The who and
what are cross-referenced with the following:
Finished intelligence products (intelligence studies, estimates or reports).
Addressee indicator groups, Defense Special
Security Communications System address
groups, collective address designators, and
MAGTF units.
Alarm intelligence support (for example, I&W
report or time-sensitive target of opportunity
Imagery IRs.
Signals intelligence (SIGINT) (for example,
requirement for time-sensitive/non-codeword
reporting; sanitized version SCI products).
Human intelligence (HUMINT) (for example,
CI time-sensitive reports, tactical interrogation
reports, special CI reporting).
Geographic intelligence (for example, planning
and operational map allowance requirements,
terrain models and analyses, geospatial information needed for automated systems).
Reconnaissance and surveillance requirements.
Level(s) of classified information that the user
Releasability and formats for sharing intelligence with multinational units.
The final basic dissemination planning step is to
identify timeliness requirements. In general, intelligence should be disseminated as soon as possible. Planning considerations include the following:
Rapidly assessing the feasibility of satisfying
the commanders stated LTIOV requirement.
Nature of the IR (for example, routine, time
sensitive, CCIR).
Notional MEF Intelligence Support to Targeting Flow
Targeting Related IR Management. Targeting-related IRs will be
submitted by higher, adjacent, and subordinate elements. These will be
submitted to the CM/DO in the intelligence operations center (IOC). The
CM/DO will consult with the P&A cell and other producers to determine if
they can answer the request. If yes, they will do so per either the
production or dissemination plan, disseminate products as appropriate,
and also post the answer or the product on the intelligence homepage. If
the analysts cannot answer the request, they will so notify the CM/DO
who will then prioritize and request collection.
Support to Time-Sensitive Targeting. Each potential source of timesensitive targeting intelligence must make decisions on whether the
combat information received constitutes high-payoff target reporting
(HPTR), and if it is targetable. Daily guidance reflecting changes to the
commanders intent, G-3 force fires targeting priorities, the daily targeting
board, and the G-2/IOCs PIRs, and intelligence reporting criteria
provides this. A tracking and identification code/system should be
established for these reports. Reactive targeting occurs when high-payoff
targets (HPTs) are located. This time-sensitive intelligence is collected
and disseminated through the organization responsible for reporting from
the sensor concerned. Generally, information will come to the MEF G-2
and its IOC through the SARC or the COC intelligence watch (point of
contact for friendly unit intelligence and combat information reporting). In
special cases and when authorized, this flow may be direct from a
specialized intelligence unit to designated recipients (for example, from
the radio battalions operational control and analysis center to the COC).
Immediate Dissemination of High-Value Target Reporting. If the
information is not an HPT or battle damage assessment (BDA) report, it
is moved to the P&A cell for analysis. The P&A cell will review all reports
to determine if they are high-value, time-sensitive intelligence. If yes, it
will note who needs to see it and immediately disseminate it per the
dissemination plan and intelligence reporting criteria. If no, it will
determine who needs to see it, internal to the G-2, for use in subsequent
intelligence P&AO.
Analysis and Dissemination of Intelligence Products. P&A cell
analysts will process the information against the current and estimated
future enemy situation using other relevant intelligence and databases
as appropriate. Time-sensitive intelligence will rapidly be incorporated by
the analyst into an intelligence report that is disseminated immediately
per the dissemination plan and current reporting criteria. Where
immediate dissemination is not required, the analyst will likely forward
the intelligence for possible inclusion in the intelligence summary or
other intelligence products. Where targets are developed through the
analytical process, the analysts will forward all targets to P&A cells
target analysis/BDA team for follow-on support to the targeting process.
MCWP 2-4
Allocate Resources
The intelligence officer, in coordination with the
units communications officer, should allocate
available personnel and equipment resources to
support the dissemination requested. Requirements must be estimated and resources allocated
for routine and time-sensitive operations, with
sufficient redundant capabilities for each.
Monitor Execution
A wide range of intelligence dissemination will
be occurring simultaneously. It is critical to constantly evaluate its effectiveness, the quality of
support provided to commanders, and rapidly
identify and resolve problems as follows:
Develop a dissemination tracking matrix to
record receipt of major and/or critical intelligence and products by intended recipients.
(See fig. 4-1)
Determine if the user is satisfied with the quality and quantity of intelligence.
Supervise adherence to specified dissemination
priorities and reporting criteria.
Ensure that no precedence abuse exists or
information overload occurs to degrade or
overload communication channels.
Maintain awareness of the operational status of
all supporting CIS, as well as the status of PIRs,
IRs, and IDRs, to rapidly make necessary
changes consistent with ongoing operations.
Intelligence estimates, studies, reports, and brief-
ings are the principal intelligence products disseminated during MAGTF operations. Detailed
information on preparing each is contained in
MCWP 2-12, MAGTF Intelligence Production
and Analysis.
Disseminating intelligence estimates and studies
provides large amounts of detailed data in support
of general operational planning. Many estimates
and studies are scheduled production documents;
however, estimates and studies may be produced
and distributed quickly during a rapidly developing crisis. Intelligence estimates and studies may
be disseminated via paper copy or a computer diskette mailed to a predetermined distribution list or
electronically via a secure datalink. In most cases,
broader dissemination will be possible by posting
these products on Web pages accessible by the
intended recipient.
Intelligence Estimate
The intelligence estimate is the primary means
for providing basic and current intelligence and
results of the intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB) effort focused on a specific mission. It is usually the first significant intelligence
product developed to support initial orientation,
immediate mission analysis, and other planning
needs. The scope and detail of the estimate will
be determined by the following:
Resources of the command preparing it.
Nature of the operation.
Available intelligence.
Identified IRs.
Prior contingency planning.
Time and resources available.
The intelligence estimate should be succinct, yet
provide commanders and staffs the necessary
intelligence for planning and early decisionmaking. A summary of basic intelligence, the estimate normally uses supporting studies for indepth treatment of specific aspects of the enemy
situation or the area of operations (AO). Whenever possible, the intelligence estimate should
clearly present the analysis and conclusions
developed during IPB. When contained in an
OPLAN or OPORD, the intelligence estimate is
typically found in Appendix 11 to Annex B. The
finished estimate may be written, graphic or verbal in form. Subparagraphs and tabs may be
added and omitted, based on their relevance to
the stated mission. For topics that require a large
Intelligence Studies
Intelligence studies deliver detailed intelligence
on specific aspects of the AO or threat (for example, beaches, minefields, helicopter landing zones
(HLZ)s, hydrography or airfields). Studies
directly support intelligence estimates. Wherever
possible, standardized formats should be used
and essential intelligence should be transformed
into graphics. Unit intelligence studies should be
disseminated at least two echelons upward and
downward, especially if the intelligence contained in the study is derived from organic collection assets.
Target/Objective Studies
Target/objective studies are focused, detailed
intelligence products that aid in the application of
fires or the maneuver of forces against a specific
target set or area. These studies can also be used
by small units for mission preparation and execution. Target/objective studies are graphically oriented and may use many of the graphics derived
MCWP 2-4
Intelligence Preparation
of the Battlespace Products
IPB is a continuous, systemic process of analyzing the threat and environment presented in the
intelligence estimate. IPB products provide supported commanders and planners with a graphic
portrayal of the battlespace. By integrating, analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, and fusing vast
amounts of textual information into symbols, IPB
products convey easily understood overlays to
operators and planners with detailed intelligence
available in supporting text products or intelligence databases. Overlays, such as the modified
combined obstacle and fields of fire overlays,
quickly and effectively depict such key terrain
and enemy characteristics as mobility corridors,
obstacles, terrain trafficability, and threat COAs.
IPB overlay updates should always be disseminated as rapidly as possible to other staff sections and subordinate units.
Standardized formats for IPB products should
be used to the maximum extent possible and
tailored according to the situation or a users
unique needs.
The ability to prepare and convey intelligence in
a clear, concise manner is an essential skill for
intelligence personnel. For the operational intelligence officer, the briefings will be the most common way to disseminate intelligence to the
command. However, intelligence personnel at all
command levels frequently use intelligence briefings, formal and informal, to disseminate intelligence to commanders, staffs, and others.
Intelligence briefings are used to convey information in a concise, mission-oriented format. Depending on available preparation time, briefing styles can
range from formal presentations with detailed handouts and graphics to concise verbal updates.
In nontactical situations, given sufficient leadtime, formal briefings can be supplemented with
multimedia products. During operations, intelligence can be relayed rapidly through short verbal updates. To convey a large amount of
intelligence, paper hand-outs, electronic presentations, graphics or other supplemental material
covering key briefing points may accompany the
verbal presentation.
The intelligence brief should focus on the intelligence and events that correspond to the CCIRs
and other PIRs. Doing so ensures that the commander is given the most essential information in
the shortest amount of time. This does not preclude additional information being presented. If
something of significance occurs that affects the
current or future plans, the commander must be
informed. Good judgment must prevail.
Information Brief
The most common form of briefing is the information brief. Its primary purposes are initial situation orientation for planning and enhancing
situational awareness and understanding. Common examples are the initial staff orientation
brief, the commanders daily update, intelligence
update, intelligence estimate of supportability,
mission/target intelligence brief, and the technical
intelligence brief.
higher-echelon studies and estimates and is presented as basic background intelligence. Because
this type briefing can easily become too long or
too detailed for timely dissemination, graphics
should be used wherever possible.
MCWP 2-4
I ntelligence reports disseminate intelligence
Intelligence Summary
The intelligence summary (INTSUM) is a textbased or text and graphic intelligence report that
provides a summary of the intelligence situation
covering a specific period, normally prescribed
by the unit SOP for intelligence or the intelligence annex to the OPORD (for a MEF-level
operation, typically every 12 or 24 hours). It is
used to report threat activities, changes to threat
capabilities, and the results of further P&A. It is
designed to update the original and subsequent
intelligence estimates. INTSUM distribution
will be in accordance with the dissemination
Intelligence Report
The intelligence report is a standardized report
that is prepared and disseminated based on its
importance to the current situation rather than on
MCWP 2-4
Mission Report
Mission reports (MISREPs) are used by aviation
units to report significant results of aircraft missions and nonimagery sightings along flight routes.
They employ a standardized format that includes
air task/mission number or nickname, location
identifiers, time on target/time of sighting, results/
sighting information, and remarks. Upon completion of post-flight debriefing, squadron S-2s should
disseminate MISREPs to the MAGTF G-2/S-2 by
the most expeditious means possible.
Tab C (Intelligence Dissemination Plan) to Appendix 16 (Intelligence Operations Plan) to Annex B
(Intelligence) explains how intelligence dissemination elements supporting the MAGTF will be used to
support the operation.
Copy no. ___ of ___ copies
Date/time group
Message reference number
(U) REFERENCES: Identify organic DOD; Director, National Security
Agency; National Imagery and Mapping Agency, and other directives;
combatant commander, JTF, joint force maritime component commander/joint
force land component commander/joint force air component commander or
other higher authoritiesOPORDs, tactics, techniques, and procedures), and
SOPs for intelligence dissemination operations; intelligence reporting formats
or any other relevant documents that pertain to anticipated intelligence
dissemination operations.
1. (U) Situation
a. (U) Define the AO and Area of Interest. Describe the limits of the AO
and area of interest. Summarize pertinent weather, terrain, and other AO
characteristics and conditions as they may influence the conduct of
intelligence dissemination operations.
b. (U) Enemy. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence) and current intelligence
estimates for threat capabilities, limitations, vulnerabilities, and order of
battle pertinent to intelligence dissemination operations.
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MCWP 2-4
c. (U) Assigned MAGTF Organic and Supporting Intelligence Dissemination Assets.
Identify organic and supporting forces available to perform intelligence dissemination
d. (U) Assumptions. (Derived during the mission analysis step of the Marine Corps
Planning Process.)
e. (U) Intelligence Dissemination Considerations. List key intelligence dissemination, CIS and interoperability considerations that impact this OPLAN/OPORD.
(1) (U) Availability of national and commercial intelligence and multipurpose
CIS resources.
(2) (U) Intelligence C2 and dissemination support to and from JTF or component
HQ and other external commands and/or intelligence organizations.
(3) (U) Creation and manning of forward intelligence C2 and operations elements.
2. (U) Mission. State concisely the intelligence dissemination mission as it relates to the
commands planned operations.
3. (U) Execution
a. (U) Concept of Operations. Summarize command relationships, task-organization,
main and supporting efforts, and the scope of MAGTF and supporting intelligence
dissemination operations. Reference the units intelligence SOP and Appendix 16
(Intelligence Operations Plan) to Annex B. Restate as appropriate the commanders
intent and pertinent aspects of the units overall concept of operations as they relate to
intelligence operations. Outline the purpose and concept of intelligence dissemination
operations, specified priorities, and summarize the means and agencies to be
employed to support the operations and intelligence concepts of operations. Address
the integration of JTF, other components, theater, national, and allied intelligence
operations, dissemination, and CIS support.
b. (U) Dissemination Tasks for Intelligence Units and Organizations, Subordinate
Units, and Detachment Commanders/Officers in Charge.
(1) (U) Orders to Subordinate, Attached, and Supporting Units. Use
separate subparagraphs to list detailed instructions for each unit conducting
intelligence-related dissemination operations, including the originating HQ,
subordinate commands, and separate intelligence support units.
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(a) (U) Marine division(s).
(b) (U) Marine aircraft wing(s).
(c) (U) Force service support group(s).
(d) (U) Commanding officer, intelligence battalion/intelligence support
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c. (U) Coordinating Instructions. Reference Appendix 16 (Intelligence Operations
Plan), Annex K (CIS), Annex J (C2), as well as command, other unit, intelligence and
CI SOPs. Detail here or in supporting tabs key changes to unit SOPs. Additional
topics to include are as follows:
Requesting dissemination support.
Timely reporting procedures for intelligence CIS problems.
Coordinating switchover to backup dissemination paths.
Intelligence operations.
CIS hand over between command echelons.
(1) (U) General Dissemination Guidance and Procedures. Use separate
subparagraphs to list detailed instructions for routine and time-sensitive
dissemination, precedence of transmissions, predetermined recipient lists, general
and specific broadcast parameters, reporting thresholds and reporting filters.
(2) (U) Intelligence Reporting Criteria
(3) (U) Resource Allocation. Discuss dissemination resource allocation between
the main and supporting efforts, and between support to current operations and
support to future operations.
(4) (U) Intranet Management. List detailed instructions for homepage and
database management, to include authorities for posting, updating, and removing
information and intelligence.
(5) (U) Common Operational Picture/Common Tactical Picture. List detailed
instructions for track data and auto-forwarding, broadcast times, and boundary/
track ownership responsibilities.
(6) (U) Formats and Standardization. Provide formats for internal and external
MAGTF intelligence dissemination and reporting, preformatted templates and/or
where to find these referenced elsewhere in the OPORD. Include standards and
limits on size and composition of files attached to electronic mail.
Page number
4. (U) Administration and Logistics
a. (U) Logistics. Reference Annex D (Logistics). Identify intelligence dissemination
logistics requirements and concerns, such as follows:
Unique combat service support requirements (batteries, unique
replacement parts).
Procedures, and other guidance to support MAGTF intelligence units
and operations.
Procedures for specialized technical logistics support necessary from
external organizations.
Map distribution.
Requirements for courier runs.
b. (U) Personnel. Identify personnel requirements and concerns that affect
intelligence dissemination operations and support (systems administrators or global
sourcing requirements).
5. (U) Command and Control
a. (U) Command Relationships. Reference Annex J (Command Relationships).
Provide any instructions necessary regarding MAGTF command relationships that
will influence intelligence operations and dissemination support.
b. (U) Information Management. Reference Annex U (Information Management),
Annex C (Operations) and Appendix 16 (Intelligence Operations Plan). Provide any
instructions necessary regarding information management (time-sensitive and routine
reporting criteria, intelligence databases, reports) that will influence MAGTF
intelligence dissemination, reporting, and other operations.
c. (U) Communications and Information Systems. Reference Appendix 16
(Intelligence Operations Plan) and Annex K (CIS). Provide any instructions necessary
regarding CIS that will influence MAGTF intelligence dissemination operations.
List intelligence dissemination priorities (by operational phase, intelligence units,
operational intelligence and C2 nodes, and intelligence activities. Choose the most
effective approach for the operation.
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d. (U) Intelligence C2 Nodes and Facilities. Reference the units SOP and Appendix
16 (Intelligence Operations Plan). Provide any guidance and instructions necessary regarding establishment and operation of intelligence C2 nodes and facilities and
dissemination support and priorities to these to include as follows:
G-2/S-2 elements within future plans.
Future operations.
Current operations, and force fires centers.
IOCs support cell.
SARC and P&A cell.
CI/HUMINT company command post.
Reconnaissance operations center.
Operations control and analysis center.
Command element tactical or rear echelons.
Intelligence liaison elements.
A Intelligence Dissemination Flow Diagram(s)
B Intelligence Dissemination Requirements Matrix
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MCWP 2-4
c. (U) Assigned MAGTF Organic and Supporting Intelligence CIS Assets. Identify
organic and supporting forces available to perform C2 or intelligence CIS functions.
d. (U) Assumptions. Derived during the mission analysis step of the Marine Corps
planning process.
e. (U) Intelligence CIS Considerations. List key intelligence CIS and interoperability
considerations that impact this OPLAN/OPORD.
(1) (U) Availability of national and commercial intelligence and multipurpose CIS
(2) (U) Intelligence C2 and dissemination support to and from JTF/component HQ
and other external commands and intelligence organizations.
(3) (U) Creation and manning of forward intelligence C2 and operations elements.
2. (U) MISSION. State concisely the intelligence CIS mission as it relates to the
commands planned operations.
3. (U) Execution
a. (U) Concept of Operations. Summarize command relationships, task organization,
main and supporting efforts, and the scope of MAGTF and supporting intelligence CIS
operations. Reference the units intelligence SOP and Appendix 16 (Intelligence
Operations Plan) to Annex B. Restate as appropriate the commanders intent and
pertinent aspects of the units overall concept of operations as they relate to
intelligence operations. Outline the purpose and concept of intelligence CIS
operations, specified priorities, and summarize the means and agencies to be
employed to support the operations and intelligence concepts of operations. Address
the integration of JTF, other components, theater, national, and allied intelligence
operations and CIS support.
b. (U) CIS Tasks for Intelligence Units and Organizations, Subordinate Units, and
Detachment Commanders/Officers in Charge.
(1) (U) Orders to Subordinate, Attached, and Supporting Units. Use separate subparagraphs to list detailed instructions for each unit conducting intelligence-related
dissemination operations, including the originating HQ, subordinate
commands, and separate intelligence support units.
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(a) (U) Marine division(s).
(b) (U) Marine aircraft wing(s).
(c) (U) Force service support group(s).
(d) (U) Commanding officer, intelligence battalion/intelligence support
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MCWP 2-4
c. (U) Coordinating Instructions. Reference Appendix 16 (Intelligence Operations
Plan), Annex K (CIS), Annex J (C2), and command, other unit, intelligence and CI
SOPs. Detail here or in supporting tabs key changes to unit SOPs. Additional topics to
include are as follows:
Requesting CIS support.
Timely reporting procedures for intelligence CIS problems.
Coordinating switchover to backup dissemination paths.
Intelligence operations.
CIS hand over between command echelons.
4. (U) Administration and Logistics
a. (U) Logistics. Reference Annex D (Logistics). Identify intelligence CIS logistics
requirements and concerns, such as follows:
Unique combat service support requirements (batteries, unique
replacement art).
Procedures, and other guidance to support MAGTF intelligence units
and operations.
Procedures for specialized technical logistics support necessary from
external organizations.
Requirements for courier runs.
b. (U) Personnel. Identify personnel requirements and concerns that affect
intelligence CIS operations and support (systems administrators, global sourcing
5. (U) Command and Control
a. (U) Command Relationships. Reference Annex J (Command Relationships).
Provide any instructions necessary regarding MAGTF command relationships that
will influence intelligence operations and CIS support.
b. (U) Information Management. Reference Annex U (Information Management),
Annex C (Operations) and Appendix 16 (Intelligence Operations Plan). Provide
any instructions necessary regarding information management (time-sensitive and
routine reporting criteria, intelligence databases, reports) that will influence MAGTF
intelligence CIS, reporting, and other operations.
Page number
c. (U) Communications and Information Systems. Reference Appendix 16
(Intelligence Operations Plan) and Annex K (CIS). Provide any instructions necessary
regarding CIS that will influence MAGTF intelligence dissemination operations.
List intelligence CIS priorities by operational phase, intelligence units, intelligence
operations and C2 nodes, and intelligence activities. Use the most effective approach
for the operation.
d. (U) Intelligence C2 Nodes and Facilities. Reference the units SOP and Appendix 16
(Intelligence Operations Plan). Provide any guidance and instructions necessary
regarding establishment and operation of intelligence C2 nodes and facilities and CIS
support and priorities to these to include as follows:
G-2/S-2 elements within future plans.
Future operations.
Current operations, and force fires centers.
IOCs support cell.
SARC and P&A cell.
CI/HUMINT company command post.
Reconnaissance operations center.
Operations control and analysis center.
Command element tactical or rear echelons.
Intelligence liaison elements.
A Intelligence CIS Architecture Diagrams
Include an diagram for the overall, overarching intelligence CIS architecture.
Include diagrams by intelligence discipline (imagery intelligence, signals
intelligence, HUMINT) if possible and useful for the operation.
Include blueprints and CIS wire diagrams for all intelligence C2 and
operations nodes and facilities, as appropriate.
B Intelligence Information Management Flow Diagram(s)
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The sample IDR planning matrix is developed to assist in dissemination planning and includes the following information.
Requestor: identify the unit name or staff section that requested the intelligence or products. If the requestor has assigned the IR a control number, also
list the control number here.
CCIR/PIR/IR: identify the supported CCIR, PIR or IR. This may be either a
short text description or its control number.
Likely Collection Timeframe: ranges from anytime to specific windows of
opportunity for collection (for example, related to anticipated time or operational phase requirements).
Source: source of intelligence collection. This may be depicted either by intelligence discipline (for example, SIGNET, ground reconnaissance) or by specific collector (for example, unmanner aerial vehicle, EA-6B, HUMINT
exploitation team).
Who Needs Intelligence First: most immediate distribution recipient(s). This
may be the original requestor and/or a list of units identified during COA wargaming. Specifically identify each unit by unit name, staff section or node.
Timeliness: (hours, minutes, seconds). Factor in users who need finished analysis and who needs semi-finished, single-source analysis.
Currency: (hours, minutes, seconds): Usually there is a direct proportional
relationship between timeliness and currency requirements. Basic intelligence
analysts, for example, may need current information for event by event analysis, but their timeliness requirements are less critical than that needed by I&W
analysts or the G-3.
Periodicity of Reporting: (days, hours, minutes, seconds or as event occurs):
Usually used when reporting surveillance results or tracking critical threat targets or emerging events. Nothing significant to report or negative reports are
required unless otherwise directed.
MCWP 2-4
This appendix provides a sample of an intelligence report dissemination matrix,
used to ensure understanding and efficiency in dissemination of intelligence reports.
It may be used as an exhibit to Tab E (Intelligence Reports) to Appendix 16
(Intelligence Operations Plan) to Annex B (Intelligence).
Section I. Acronyms
AC/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .assistant chief of staff
AO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .area of operations
BDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . battle damage assessment
C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .command and control
C2PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .command and control
personal computer
CCIR . . . . . . . . commanders critical information
CE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . command element
CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .counterintelligence
CIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . communications and
information systems
CM/DO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . collection management/
dissemination officer
COA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . course of action
COC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . combat operations center
COMSEC . . . . . . . . . . . communications security
COP. . . . . . . . . . . . . common operational picture
CTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .common tactical picture
DISUM . . . . . . . . . . . daily intelligence summary
DOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Defense
DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . direct support
DSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defense Switched Network
DSNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defense Secure Network
G-1 . . . . . . . . . . . manpower or personnel officer
(major subordinate commands
and larger organizations)
G-2 . . . . . intelligence officer (major subordinate
commands and larger organizations)
G-3 . . . . . . operations officer (major subordinate
commands and larger organizations)
G-4 . . . . . . . . logistics officer (major subordinate
commands and larger organizations)
G-5 . . . . . . . . . . plans officer (major subordinate
commands and larger
MCWP 2-4
damage assessment can be applied to the employment of all types of weapon systems (air, ground,
naval, and special forces weapon systems)
throughout the range of military operations.
Battle damage assessment is primarily an intelligence responsibility with required inputs and
coordination from the operators. Battle damage
assessment is composed of physical damage
assessment, functional damage assessment, and
target system assessment. (JP 1-02) 2. In Marine
Corps usage, the timely and accurate estimate of
the damage resulting from the application of military force. BDA estimates physical damage to a
particular target, functional damage to that target,
and the capability of the entire target system to
continue its operations. Also called BDA.
(MCRP 5-12C)
battlespaceAll aspects of air, surface, subsurface, land, space, and electromagnetic spectrum
which encompass the area of influence and area
of interest. (MCRP 5-12C)
collectionIn Marine Corps usage, the gathering of intelligence data and information to satisfy
the identified requirements. (MCRP 5-12C)
collection assetA collection system, platform,
or capability that is supporting, assigned, or
attached to a particular commander. (JP 1-02)
collection management1. In intelligence usage,
the process of converting intelligence requirements into collection requirements, establishing
priorities, tasking or coordinating with appropriate
collection sources or agencies, monitoring results,
and retasking, as required. (JP 1-02)
combatant commandA unified or specified
command with a broad continuing mission under
a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary of
Defense and with the advice and assistance of the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Combatant
MCWP 2-4
MCWP 2-4
friendly force information requirementsInformation the commander needs about friendly forces
in order to develop plans and make effective decisions. Depending upon the circumstances, information on unit location, composition, readiness,
personnel status, and logistics status could become
a friendly force information requirement. Also
called FFIR. (MCRP 5-12C)
geographic intelligenceThe process of collecting, organizing, analyzing, synthesizing, disseminating, and using all-source geospatial and other
intelligence information with regard to the military aspects of the terrain in support of MAGTF
operations. GEOINT can include cross-country
movement studies, line of sight analysis, natural
and manmade obstacles, and various terrain studies (e.g., road, railroad, airfield, bridges, ports,
helicopter landing zones). Also called GEOINT.
(This term and its definition are proposed for
inclusion in the next edition of MCRP 5-12C.)
global sourcingA process of force provision
or augmentation whereby resources may be
drawn from any location/command worldwide.
(MCRP 5-12C)
helicopter landing zoneA specified ground
area for landing assault helicopters to embark or
disembark troops and/or cargo. A landing zone
may contain one or more landing sites. Also
called HLZ. (JP 1-02)
high-payoff targetA target whose loss to the
enemy will significantly contribute to the success
of the friendly course of action. High-payoff
targets are those high-value targets that must be
MCWP 2-4
complement any combination of the other instruments of national power and occur before, during,
and after war. Also called MOOTW. (JP 1-02)
multinational operationsA collective term to
describe military actions conducted by forces of
two or more nations, usually undertaken within
the structure of a coalition or alliance. (JP 1-02)
national intelligence support teamA nationally sourced team composed of intelligence and
communications experts from either Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency,
National Security Agency, or any combination of
these agencies. Also called NIST. (JP 1-02)
near real timePertaining to the timeliness of data
or information which has been delayed by the time
required for electronic communication and automatic data processing. This implies that there are no
significant delays. Also called NRT. (JP 1-02)
noncombatant evacuation operationsOperations directed by the Department of State, the
Department of Defense, or other appropriate
authority whereby noncombatants are evacuated
from foreign countries when their lives are
endangered by war, civil unrest, or natural disaster to safe havens or the United States. Also
called NEO. (JP 1-02)
operational controlCommand authority that
may be exercised by commanders at any echelon
at or below the level of combatant command.
Operational control is inherent in combatant
command (command authority) and may be delegated within the command. When forces are
transferred between combatant commands, the
command relationship the gaining commander
will exercise (and the losing commander will
relinquish) over these forces must be specified by
the Secretary of Defense. Operational control is
the authority to perform those functions of
command over subordinate forces involving
organizing and employing commands and forces,
assigning tasks, designating objectives, and
giving authoritative direction necessary to
MCWP 2-4
Joint Publications (JPs)
Marine Corps Operations
Expeditionary Operations
Command and Control
Intelligence Operations
MAGTF Intelligence Production and Analysis
Geographic Intelligence
Remote Sensor Operations
Signals Intelligence
Imagery Intelligence
Aviation Operations
Information Management
Communications and Information Systems
Marine Corps Planning Process
MCWP 2-4