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Middle Earth The Wizards MECCG METW Rules
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These are the rules for the Middle-Earth Collectible Card Game (Middle-Earth The Wizards), published in the late 1990s online.
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These are the rules for the Middle-Earth Collectible Card Game (Middle-Earth The Wizards), published in the late 1990s online.
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These are the rules for the Middle-Earth Collectible Card Game (Middle-Earth The Wizards), published in the late 1990s online.
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Middle Earth The Wizards MECCG METW Rules
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These are the rules for the Middle-Earth Collectible Card Game (Middle-Earth The Wizards), published in the late 1990s online.
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The Flouse of Nicnna, METW rules Cas Star ned roa Lect err ULg Da Car) Guestbook Evreciteled 1 oF 36 -nup://www. TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules html METW unlimited edi n Rules Main Rules| MEWH Rules| MI W Unlimited Edition Rules) MEDM Rules| METD Rules) The rules do not contain hyperlinks, but bookmarks have been created that match the table of | contents. The color inseris are also missing, Table of Contents in Usi © Introduction a his Rulesbook © Brief Player Tum Summary © Player Notes Commonly Used Terms “The Starier Rule The Vietory Conditions 2. The Canis and De 3. Getting Ready wo Play 4 The Player Tamm 5. Charactors & Companies 6. Movement combat 8. Comniption 9. Influence 10: Playing and Drawing Cards Part li-The Standard Rules The Victory Conditions The Cards and Decks Geuing Ready 10 Play Full Player Turn Summary acters & Companies Combat Comruption Influence Playing and Drawing Cards Pail Part II] and the Appendices are coming soon, INTRODUCTION During the Third Age, the Valar sent five Maiar to Middle-earth to unite and counsel the Free Peoples in their struggles against Sauron, the Dark Lord. However, they were forbidden to dominate the peoples of Middle-earth or to match the power of Sauron with power. These five were known as "Wizards" (also called Istari) in Middle-earth, and individually they were called: Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, Alatar, and Pallando, In Middle-earth: The Wizards, you play one of these five Wizards. Your goal is to marshal the forces of the Free Peoples so that Sauron can be resisted until the One Ring is destroyed, Since your fellow Wizards do not agree on how best to accomplish this goal, you must battle for the minds, bodies, and souls of the Free Peoples In The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf was the only Wizard to succeed. Saruman was corrupted by power, Radagast “went native,” and Alatar and Pallando disappeared into the East. Only Gandalf remained true to his task, marshalling the characters and Forces that withstood Sauron long enough for the Fellowship to destroy the Ruling Ring. Evil forces" are represented by hazards that the players use against one another, For example, if you move a character into Moria, your opponent could play a Troll card as a hazard, These hazards are not “controlled” by the Wizards, but rather they represent the forces of Sauron, who himself s in a "dormant" or hiding phase, All players are "good," so conflict takes the form of hazards and direct attempts to "persuade" or "dominate" each other and each other's characters and forces, rather than the form of direct conflict Note: For purposes of readability, these rules use the standard masculine pronouns when referring to a person of uncertain gender. In such cases, these pronouns are intended to convey the meanings: she/he, hinJher, et 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 20f36 ‘up: www. {Return to Using this Rulesbook ble of Contents) ‘These rules are organized into four sections: the Starter Rules, the Standard Rules, the Optional Rules, and the Appendices. The Starter and Standard Rules are for a two-player ‘game; multi-player rules are provided in the Optional Rules, ‘The introductory material on pages 4-8 provides a brief player tum summary, player notes, and definitions of commonly used terms. ‘The Starter Rules - The Starter Rules contain all of the guidelines you need to play METW. They have been designed to simplify teaching the game and to speed up play. You should use the Starter Rules if you and your opponent have never played this game before or if one of you only has access io a starter deck, Ifyou are already an experienced player of collectible card games, you might read the next couple of pages and the sections that are not boxed. As you play, you can refer to the other ‘material that details the more complex rules and situations that may arise during play ‘The Standard Rules - These rules assume you have already played several games using the Starter Rules. The Standard Rules consist of additions and extensions to the Starter Rules that make play and deck building more flexible, exciting, and interesting. We recommend that experienced METW players use all of the Standard Rules. ‘The Optional Rules - Interesting variations to the standard rules, Before play begins, both players must agree on which optional rules are to be used, ‘The Appendices - An index, credits, keys, the Full Player Tum Summary. The color insert includes a map and a key to the cards, [Return to Table of Contents Brief Player Turn Summary Play consists ofa series of "Player Turns." During your tur, follow the steps outlined in this tum summary. Then, your opponent does the same during his turn. You and your opponent altemate tums until the game ends. This turn summary is included here to give you an idea of how play proceeds; see p. 68-70 forthe Full Player Turn Summary. Untap Phase - Each of your characters may do one of the following: Untap or Heal (if at a Haven site). In addition, untap (see page 15) all of your other tapped non-site cards, Organization Phase ~ You may take the following actions in any order: play one character (if allowed) or your Wizard (if available), reorganize your companies, transfer items ‘between characters (corruption checks required), and store items (corruption checks required). In addition, each of your companies may plan its movement by playing new site card face down on its present site card, Long-event Phase - Discard your resource long-events and your opponent's hazard long-events. Play new resource long-event cards, Movement/Hazard Phase - One at atime, each of your companies takes the following actions. The company tums over its new site card (iF it has one): its current site becomes its site of origin. Ifthe company moved to a non-Haven site, you may draw up to the # of cards indicated by the site that itis moving to (atleast one card must be draw); your opponent does the same. Ifthe company is moving to a Haven site, you may draw up to the # of cards indicated by the site that you are moving from (at least one card must be drawn); your ‘opponent does the same. Next, your opponent may play allowable hazard cards on the company; the maximum number of hazards that may be played on a company is equal to the size of the company (to a minimum of two). Finally, remove the site of origin card and each player discards or draws so that he has eight cards in his hand. Site Phase - One at « time, each of your companies may take the following actions at its ‘current, untapped site. The company decides to enter and explore the site, First, ifthe site has an automatic-attack, it attacks the company. Then, the company may attempt to play one item, ally, faction, or information resource card that is "playable" at that site, A character in 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules htp:/ html the company must tap 10 make this attempt. Ifthe card is successfully played, tap the site, End-of-Turn Phase - Each player may discard one card, Then each player must draw or discard so that his hand has eight cards [Return to Table of Contents) Player Notes Site cards (and region cards in the Standard Game) represent the geography of ‘Middle-earth. They are used to control the acquisition of resources, but they should not direct play. Instead, a player should examine the resources in his hand and then select a nearby site to travel to. Initially, do not worry too much about which site 10 use, just pick one that has the resource type you want to play. It also helps if you Brselect the location cards you are most likely 0 use when you put together a play In METW you will draw multiple cards each turn, and in some cases you will have to discard a number of cards each turn, Don't let this worry you, it’s part ofthe flow of play. Just keep cards that are immediately useful during the next turn or that are ‘rucial to your overall strategy (ie., your primary resource acquisition strategy). Notes For Players of other Collectibie Card Games If you have played other collectible card games (CCG), there are several key factors to keep in mind: METW is less tactical and more strategic than some other CCGs. There is combat, but it is mot the dominant focus of the game. The players in METW ate in direct competition with cach other to marshal resources. However, only hazards directly attack the players’ characters and they are handled in a less controlled fashion (e.g. they are only played during your opponent's ‘movemenvhazard phase, hazard creatures do not remain in play, et.). For timing purposes, al cards in METW are played and tapped withthe same "speed (effects take place instantly). But, a player may only play resource cards luring his own tum, and a player may only play hazard cards during his opponent's ‘movement/hazard phase. Clarification: The card, Twitight, is an exception to this rulecit can be played at anytime, either as a resource or as a hazard (it does not count against the hazard limit). Certain other cards specifically state when they may be played. [Return to Table of Con Commonly Used TermsCommonly Used Terms 3 0f 36 Action: The various activities that you and your opponent can perform during play are called actions. Typical actions include playing a cand, tapping a card, revealing a card, ete Ally: An ally is a resource that represents a personality (ic. entity) that can be recruited to help the Free Peoples (e.g., Tom Bombadil, Trecbeard, et.). Attack: Combat consists of one or more attacks that must be resolved one ata time, ‘An attack consists of one or more strikes. Attribute: Each character's abilities are defined by the following attributes: race, skills, ditect influence, prowess, body, mind, marshalling points, special abilities Automatic-attack: An allack that must be faced to enter and explore a site Body Check: When a character is wounded, he must make a body check to determine if he is eliminated. When all ofa creature's strikes fail, a body check is made for each ofits strikes to determine ifthe creature is eliminated. Body: A character's or creature's body is a measure of how difficult it is to physically eliminate him, Chain of Effects: A scrics of declared actions made in response to one another is called a chain of effects, Character: A person that is working for the cause of the Free Peoples. Ifin play each of your characters is under the influence of your Wizard. Company: During play, you may organize your characters into groups called companies Corruption Card: A hazard card that gives a character corruption points. Corruption Cheek: A modified roll made to determine if a characteris discarded or eliminated due to accumulated corruption points, Corruption Points: This reflects the total amount of corruption a character has accumulated due to the effects of various hazards and resources, 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 40636 bhtp:/ html Creature: A creature is a hazard card that can be used to diteetly attack one of your ‘opponent's companies, Current Site Card: A company has a current site card associated with it-the company is located at that site Direct Influence: A measure of a character’ ability to control other characters and to influence factions and your opponent's resources, Event: An ovent is cither a resource card that is not an item, ally, or faction; or it isa hazard card that is not a creature. Based upon how long it stays in play, there are 3 types of events: short-events, long-events, and permanent-events, ig a Deck: Your play deck is "exhausted" when you draw its last card A\ faction isa resource that represents a group of people or creatures. A faction can be recruited to help the Free Peoples (¢.z., Riders of Rohan, Elves of Lindon, etc), Follower: A character that is controlled by another character's direct influence. Free Council: Marshalling points are tallied and the winner of the game is determined at the Free Count General Influence: Each player has 20 points of general influence to use to control is characters Hazard Limit: A company’s hazard limit is equal to two or the size of the company, whichever is greater. The maximum number of hazards that can be played on a company during a given movemenvhazard phase is equal to its hazard limit, Hazards: Hazard cards represent evil forces and natural dangers. You may play hazard cards only during your opponent's movement/hazard phase Healing: This consists of moving a character from a wounded state to a tapped state. Home Site: A character may be brought into play at his home site or at a Haven. Influence Check: In certain situations, a player can make an influence check 0 attempt to bring a faction into play or to disrupt his opponent's control over one of his resources, Ttem: An item is a resource that represents an object that can be acquired and used to help the Free Peoples. The different types of items are: minor, major, greater, gold ring, and special Keyed: A hazard creature may only be played against @ company if the creature is "keyed to" the company's site or site path. Location Deck: A player's site and region cards, Long-event: Long-events last approximately two tus, one of yours and one of your ‘opponent's ‘Making a Roll: Two six-sided dice (216) should be used to generate random values during play, This is called "making aro." To make a roll, roll 206 and add the two results together. Marshalling Points: During play you receive marshalling points from: control of resources, destruction of evil forces, and various other actions, The winner is the player with the most marshalling points at the end of the game, ‘Mind: A character's mind determines how many influence points are requited to keep this character in play ‘Movement: During a player's tum, he may move each of his companies from its current site o another New Site Card: When a company moves, it leaves is current site card and travels to its new site card Permanent-event: The effects of a resource permanent-event last until the card is discarded due to conditions stated on its card. Play Deck: Each player has a play deck that consists of his resource, hazard, and character cards. During play, each player draws cards from his play deck. Prowess: A measure of a characters offensive capabilities in combat. Race: An attribute that helps define a character, The races are: Dinadan, Dwarf, Fl Hobbit, Man, and Wizard, Region: The various lands of Middle-earth are represented by regions. Resources: Resource cards represent good forces and various advantageous ‘occurrences. You may play resource cards only during your own turn, Short-event: A short-event card is discarded immediately after it is played, The ‘effects of some shor'-events last fora specific period as stated on their cards, Site of Origin: At the beginning of its movementhazard phase, a moving company’s current site card becomes its site of origin-the company is considered to be en route to its new site card (i.e, the company is moving), ite Path: The site path of a site is the sequence of regions between the site and its nearest Haven as listed on the site's card, A company's site path is the sequence of regions between its site of origin and its new site Site: Sites represent places that characters can visit in Middle-earth, Size: A company's size is equal to the number of characters in it, with each Hobbit character only counting hall (round up), 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 50f36 http://www. Skill: An attribute that helps define a character. The skills are; Diplomat, Ranger, Sage, Scout, Warrior Standard Modification: Most faction cards list Some "standard modifications" to the influence check based only upon the race of the character that was tapped to make the influence check Storing Cards: Certain cards (c ata Haven, Such a card is removet point pile, Strike: An attack consist of one or more strikes, Each strike targets a character and is resolved by making a rol ‘Tapping/Untapping a Card: Normally, during play, each of your cards is placed so that its bottom is towards its player. During play certain eards must be “tapped” when they are used-this is a record keeping mechanism to keep track of card usage. To tap card, rotate it 90° so that itis tured sideways-to untap a card, rotate it back 90° to its normal position. Transferring Items: An item is transferred when itis moved from the control of one character to another, Unique: There can only be one copy of each unique card in play at a time. Each Player can only have one copy ofeach unique card in his play deck and starting cards combined. ‘Wizard: Each player plays one of the five Wizards sent to Middle-earth to unite and counsel the Free Peoples Wounded: A wounded character is damaged but not eliminated, When one of your characters is wounded, his eard is placed with its top towards you. items, information, ete.) can be stored if they are from play and placed in its player's marshalling [Return to Table of Contents} - Part I- The Starter Rules To get a general idea of how to play, read the Starter Rules sections that are not boxed. Later yyou can refer to the boxed sections for more information on special situations. Random Values ‘Two six-sided dice (2D6) should be used to generate random values during play. This is called "making a roll” To make a roll, roll 2D6 and add the two results together. Note: Ifdice are not available, a random value can be generated by drawing a card from your play deck. Each card in a play deck has a number on the right side just below the Center. You can use this number as the random value, then discard the card. Do not use this ‘method if dice are available! [Return to Table of Contents 1 - The Victory Conditions ‘The game ends when one of the following occurs during play: LL If-your Wizard is "eliminated ‘you move The One Ring to Mount Doom and play certain cards-The One Ring is destroyed and you win, 3. Otherwise, the winner is decided at the Free Council. This council is called when one of the following occurs: © When each play deck has been exhausted once, the council stats at the end of the current turn, ‘After you have exhausted your play deck for the first time, you may choose to call ‘the council at the end of any of your turns. The council starts at the end of your ‘opponent’ next tun (i.e, Your opponent gets one last turn) + You may choose to cal the couneil atthe end of your turn if you have accumulated at least 20 marshalling points. The council starts atthe end of your opponent's next tum (ie., your opponent gets one last turn), ., through combat or corruption)-your opponent 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 6 0f36 hitpy/ Note: If one or both players only has access to a starter deck (76 cards), this requirement of 20 marshalling points should be lowered to 18. THE FREE COUNCIL Just before the Free Council, each character must make a corruption check. The player who took the last tum makes corruption checks for his characters firs. At the Free Council, the leaders of the Free Peoples decide which Wizard's advice is best to follow. This i based upon a comparison ofthe resources each ofthe Wizards has marshalled. Clarification: Characters do not automatically untap when the Free Council is called. A. character may only untap during his own untap phase. Clarification: A character that fails his corruption check prior to the Free Council is no longer in play. That character and any non-follower cards he controls are not available at the Free Council-thus, they do not count towards the marshalling point totals, ‘A player may play resource cards that can affect his characters’ corruption checks made prior to the Free Council, Hazard cards may not be played, Afier all characters have made their corruption checks, the game ends if one Wizard has failed his corruption check (the other player wins). If both Wizards fail their corruption checks, no one wins-both players lose (if'you have to, roll dice and the high roller is the winner) ‘The winner of the game is the player that has gathered the most marshalling points from: © Control of resources: characters, alles, items, and factions. © Destruction of creatures and/or evil forces, © Carrying out the instructions on resource cards. © By avoiding negative points which accrue when certain characters that you control are eliminated (¢.g., Aragorn Il, Galadriel, Elrond, Cirdan, Frodo, and Bilbo), Marshalling points are printed on the top left corner of the cards that award them, Note: You may find it useful ro use pencil and paper or extra dice to keep a running total of ‘marshalling points. Clarification: If both players have the same number of marshalling points at the Free Council, the game ends ina tie-both players win (if you have to, roll dice and the high roller is the winner). Example: (CPs = Corruption Points, MPs = Marshalling Points) Our two players Jessica and Jason have been playing for awhile and Jessica exhausts her play deck during her tum. Since she has 15 MPs and Jason only has 14, she decides to call the Free Couneil. Each player has ‘one company in Lorien: Jessica Controls:CPs - MPs ‘Men of Lebennin (faction) 0-2 Dreams of Lore (information) 0 -2 Pallando (controls:) Total CPs: 2 = 0 Sword of Gondolin (item) 2-2 Gwaihir (ally) 0-2 Celeborn 0-2 Gildor Ingtorion (controls:) Total CPs: | - | Healing Herbs (item) | - 0 Legolas (controls:) Total CPs: 2 - 2 Elfstone (item) 1-0 Dagger of Westernesse (item) | -0 Elrohir 0-1 Elladan Total CPs: 0-1 Jason Controls: CPs - MPs Radagast (controls:) Total CPs: Beorn (controls:) 0- 2 Quickbeam (ally) 0-2 ‘Théoden (controls:) Total CPs: ‘Sword of Gondolin item) 2-2 Great Shield of Rohan (item) 2 - 2 5/29/98 11:29 AM.‘The House of Nienna, METW rules huip:/ Faramir (comtrols:) Total CPs: 2 - 2 Dagger of Westernesse (item) 1 = 0 Healing Herbs (item) 1-0 Imrahil (controls:) Total CPs: 0 - 2 Since Jessica called the council, Jason gets one final tum before the council starts. Jason brings Eomer into play for one more MP, and then moves his company to Lake-town. After facing the hazards Jessica plays, he successfully plays the Men of Northem Rhovanion faction for two mote MPs. Jason now has 17 MPs and will win the game if he does not lose ‘any MPs duc to characters failing corruption checks. In this example, any character with 2 or more CPs could fail his corruption check (see pages 35-36). If Pallando fails his comuption check, the game ends immediately and Jason wins. If Legolas fails his corruption check, Jessica loses ? of her MPs. If Théoden fails his corruption check, Jason loses 6 of his MPs. IF Faramir fils is corrption check, Jason loses 2 of his IR to Table of 2 - The Cards and Decks ‘There are five types of cards: site cards, character cards (including Wizard cards), resource cards, hazard cards, and region cards (this last type is not used with the Starter Rules), Note: The card types can be distinguished as follows 2 Site eards - have a white parchment background on the front, © Character cards - (non-Wizard) have a blue stone background on the front. Each Wizard card has a differently colored stone background, Resource cards - have a copper metal background on the front, Hazard cards - have a steel gray metal background on the front, Region cards - have a labeled map on the front, ite and region cards - (ic. location cards) have an unlabeled map of northwestern Middle-earth on the back, © Character, resource, and hazard cards - have the burning eye on the back. Clarification: For emphasis, a value used during play is offen provided both in a card's text ‘and in another place on the same card, Por example, a character's corruption check ‘modification is stated both in the text and the lower right corner of the character's card. Note: Each starter deck has a small pack of cards called a fixed set, There are $ fixed sets in all, One appears randomly in each starter deck. The top facing card of all fixed sets is Gates of Morning. A fixed set is included in each starter deck to make a starter deck playable without any other cards During play, your cards are organized into 2 decks and 3 piles: » Location Deck - This deck consists of your site cards. You may examine and select, ceards from your location deck as required by play (ic, do not randomly draw thei). ‘After being played, your non-Haven site cards are sometimes discarded and placed in the discard pile. when one of your companies leaves a tapped sit itis led. © Play Deck - This deck consists of your resource cards, hazards cards, and character cards. You randomly draw cards fom this deck during play, Your play deck starts ‘with an equal number of resource cards and hazard cards, ‘You can use resources at certain sites and under certain conditions. Resources include: items, factions. allies, events, tc. You may only play resource cards during your own turn. You us bazar to hinder and altck your opponent's character in rdet to prevent them from ‘marshalling resources. You may only play hazard cards during your opponent's movement hazard phase. Clarification: The card, Twilight, is an exception to this rule-it can be played at anytime, either as a resource or as a hazard (it does not count against the hazard limil). Certain other cards specifically state when they may’ be played. » Discard Pile - Your discarded cards are placed face down in your discard pile. When 70636 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules hhupii/www your play deck is exhausted, location cards in your discard pile are retumed to your location deck. You shuffle the other eards in your discard pile and they become your new play deck, Clarification: Your play deck is “exhausted” when you draw its last card. Some cards require {hat you play deck be manipulated and then reshufled-this does not “exhaust” your play © Out-of-play Pile - Your cards that are removed from play after being used are placed in your out-of-play pile, + Marshalling Point Pile (MP pile) - In addition to marshalling points from eards in play, you gain marshalling points when certain cards are removed from play. When you defeat al ofthe strikes from a creature, the creature's eard is placed in your MP pile. When you store certain resource cards (e.., tems, information cards, ete), they are placed in your MP pile, Note: Because hazard cards are distinct from resource cards, you may not play your hazards ‘0n your side of the plaving surface. At the end of a game, it will be obvious whose cards are whose, ie., hazards in your area must belong to your opponent. We suggest adopting a neutral zone between ach player's side of the playing surface, Non-targered long-events and ‘permanent-events can be played in this neutral zone. ‘Note: You may freely examine the contems of your discard pile; your opponent may not. The contents of your out-of-play and marshalling point piles may be freely examined by you and our opponent. Clarification: If a characteris eliminated due to combat or due to failing a corruption check by 2 or more, his card is placed in the out-of play pile-that character may not be brought back into play by either plaver. Ifa creature is defeated, its card is placed in the defender marshaling poin pile. If such a creature is unique, it may not be brought back into play either player. ‘When a card is removed from play in all other cases, the card is discarded untess the card specifically states otherwise. Glarification: Several ipes of cards are referred to by the key word included in the fist few words of a card's text. For example, the text ofa "spell” card starts with spell; the text of a °Nazgil” card starts with Unique, Nazgil; the text of a "Palantir” starts with Unique. Palantir CARD COMBINATIONS (Often combinations of several cards and other actions are required result, For example, to bring The One Ring into play requires: traveling to site to play one of the Gold Ring cards, some sort of "Test" card or ability, ‘The One Ring card, and a high die roll. In addition, the Wizard's Test card and the Scroll of Isildur card will dramatically improve the chances of successfully getting The One Ring into play. TAPPING AND CARD POSITIONS ‘Normally, during play. each of your cards is placed on the playing surface so that its top is towards your opponent and its Bottom is towards you, During play certain cards must be “tapped” when they are used:-this isa reeord keeping mechanism to keep track of card usage. To tap a card, rotate it 90° so that it is turned sideways-to untap a card, rotate it back 90° to its normal position. ‘When one of your characters is wounded, his card is placed with its top towards you (.e., rotated 180° from an untapped position). Al restrictions to tapped characters also apply to ‘wounded characters achieve a desired Clarification: A tapped (or wounded) character can perform any action that does not ‘require the character to tap. For example, a tapped (or wounded) character ean move normally, he can fight with a penalty (if the attacker chooses him as the target ofa strike), he can transfer items, etc. A tapped (or wounded) character may not tap to acquire an item, to influence a faction, to play card requiring that he tap, ete. items and characters tap independent 8 0f 36 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 9 0f36 hup:/vww. htm] UNIQUE & "MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED" CARDS Ia card states that it is "unique" or that it "may not be duplicated,” only one such card (or its effects) may be in play ata time. The first card played takes precedence (influence checks ‘may change this). This restriction applies to all cards in play, ie, both yours and your ‘opponents. Only one of each “unique” card may be included in your play deck and starting cards combined. As an exception, two of the same Wizard may be included in your play deck (to give you a better chance of drawing one early) [Return to Table of Contents 3 - Getting Ready to Play Follow these steps to get ready to play |. Place your site cards in your location deck. This deck should contain all of your Haven cards (i... Rivendell, Edhellond, Grey Havens, and Lérien). You may include any number of Haven cards, but only one of each non-Haven site card, 2, Place between 25 and 50 Resource cards and an equal number of Hazard cards in yout play deck (if you have fewer than 25 of either available, just use all of the cards Yyou have). Only one of each “unique” card may be included. No mote than three ‘opies of any one non-unique card may be included, 3. Place one to five starting characters (no Wizards) face down in front of you, The ‘combined mind attributes (see page 19) ofthese characters must be 20 ot less. You ‘and your opponent reveal your characters simultaneously, placing any duplicated characters into your play decks. Then organize your starting characters into followers and companies and place them at Rivendell (ie., place a Rivendell site card next 10 them), 4. You may assign up to two non-unique minor items to your starting characters (ic. {two items total, not two to each character). These itemss must come from cards thai ‘you have not already committed to your piay deck. 5. Place up to 10 character cards in your play deck. Only one of each character card ‘may be included. In addition, place up to two Wizard cards in your play deck (you ‘may place two copies of the same Wizard), Shuffle your play deck, 6, Draw a hand of eight cards from your play deck. 7. Each player makes a roll, and the player with the highest result goes first (reroll if tied). Clarification: None of vour starting characters may be considered to be followers for the purposes of determining their combined mind attributes-vour initial characters have to have ‘combined mind aturibuies of 20 or below Clarification: The initial 1-5 characters and two minor items do count toward the “ome-unique" and "three-others" limits on the play deck. However, they do not count towards the number of resource and character cards in your starting play deck. [Return to Table of Contents 4+ The Player Turn Play consists of a series of “Player Tums." During your turn, you take various actions during the following phases. Then, your opponent does the same during his turn, Untap Phase . Organization Phase Long-event Phase ‘MovementHazard Phase Site Phase End-of-Turm Phase A Brie Player Tur Summary s presented on page 4 A detild Full Player Turn Summary is presented on pages 68-70, 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 10 of 36 |hup:/ Clarification: The actions that may be taken during vour organization phase may be taken in ‘any order. Actions of the same type do not have to be taken together (e.g, you can store an item, then bring a character into play, and then store a second item). Clarification: If one of vour companies doesn’t move, neither player draws cards based on ‘hat company’s movement, However, your opponent can play still play allowable hazards on that company (hazard limit still applies). Clarification: Each player draws cards when each company moves and then discards or draws fo 8 cards afier the company has completed movement. Additionally, at the end of ‘each turn, each player can discard one card and then discard or draw to 8 cards. Clarification: During the site phase, a company’ may decide not to enter and explore its ‘current site. In this case, the company does not face the automatic-attack, but it may not take ‘any other actions or play any cards during the site phase. The company remains at the site ‘and it may decide 10 enter and explore the site on a ater turn. Clarification: Before a company’ can attempt to play one item, ally, faction, or information resource card that is "playable" at its current site, t must face the site's automatie-attacks. The company need not defeat the attacks, i merely needs to resolve the attacks normally (such attacks can be canceled). A company can face a site's automatic-attacks and still not play an item, ally, faction, or information resource card (e.g, all ofits characters are tapped after facing the dautomatic-attacks). Ifsuch a company wants to play a card atthe site on a later turn, it must ‘face the automatic-attacks again, Clarification: A site is tapped when one item, ally faction, or information card is played. Non-Haven sites only untap afier being discarded and after vour play deck is exhausted. So, ‘each time through your play deck, onlv one such card may normally be played ata given rnon-Haven site. Haven cards, whether tapped or net, always return to your location deck IRetu 10 Table of Contents| 5 - Characters & Companies As a player, you influence and control a number of characters that move and actin the world of Middle-earth, Each character's abilities are defined by these attributes: race, skills, direct influence, prowess (offense), body (defense), mind, marshalling points, and special abilities (eg, corruption check modifiers). A character can be eliminated and removed from play as a result of combat (failing a body check) or corruption (failing a corruption check), Ifyou have enough general influence or direct influence during a given tum, you may bring. inio play: one character at his home site or at any Haven or your Wizard at his home site or Rivendell Characters are primarily controlled by your pool of 20 general influence points. For each controlled character, you must commit’a number of general influence points equal to his ‘mind attribute. In addition, you may control a character by using another character's direct, influence-a character controlled in this fashion is called a follower and does not use general influence points. (See page 21 for an extended example.) During play, you may organize your characters into groups called companies. A company's size is equal to the number of characters in it, with each Hobbit character only counting half (round up). A company is limited to a size of seven. A company’s hazard limit is equal to two or the size of the company, whichever is greater. The maximum number of hazards that can be played on a company during a given movemenUhazard phase is equal to its hazard limit. Companies can only combine at a Haven-just remove all but one of the companies’ Haven site cards. The resulting company then has one site card consisting of one Haven site card, ‘One company can split into two or more companies only at a Haven (use two Haven cards), Note: The number of characters you have in play limits the number of actions you may take during a given turn. You use your Wizard's general influence or your other characters’ direct influence on a character to bring thai chavacter into play and to keep it in play. A character, in play can move and take actions (eg., defending against attacks, influencing, et.) Items, allies, and other cards representing things a character acquires and controls are placed under his card. CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES Each character's abilities are defined by the following attributes the notation for certain, attributes is given in brackets). © Race: This is one criterion for using certain resources and for bringing certain items, 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules L036 up: www ‘characters, and factions into play (e.g., only a Dwarf can fully utilize a Dwarven Ring). The races are: Elf, Hobbit, Dwarf, Dinadan, Man, and Wizard. Skills: This is one of the eriterion for using certain cards (e.g, warrior skill is required to use certain weapons). The skills are: warrior, scout, ranger, sage, and diplomat, Some characters have more than one skill. Direct Influence [i]: A character's direct influence determines how many of your characters he may control (ie., have as followers). In addition, a character's unused direct influence affects his chances of influencing factions and your opponents, resources, Prowess {lower left to left of "/"]: A character's prowess is a measure of a character's offensive capabilities in combat © Body [lover left, to right of "J: A character's body is a measure of how difficult it is to physically eliminate the character. This is a mixture of the ability to avoid an attack and the ability to absorb or deflect an attack (e.g,, armor, shield, blocking). © Mind {'m |: A character's mind determines how many influence points (a Wizard's general influence points or a characters direct influence points) are required to keep this character in play. Marshalling Points [ upper left}: This is the number of marshalling points you receive when you have the character in play. This value represents the character's importance to the Free Peoples’ struggle against Sauron Special Abilities: Some characters have special abilities that are detailed on their cards. Common special abilities include comuption check modifiers, influence ‘bonuses, prowess bonuses, For example, Faramir has an influence bonus against the Rangers of Ithilien faction, Eowyn has a prowess bonus against Nazgil, Frodo has & ‘comuption check modifier, etc. INFLUENCING (CONTROLLING) A CHARACTER You have a pool of 20 general influence points. At any one time, the total mind attributes of ‘your characters in play (not counting followers) must be less than of equal to 20: this total is, ‘equal to your used general influence points. Your unused general influence points help your characters resist the effects of certain eards (e.g., Call of Home, Call ofthe Sea, Muster Note: In the Standard Rules, your unused general influence points help your characters, factions, allies, and items resist influence attempts made by your opponent. Direct Influence ‘Some characters have a direct influence attribute of one or more, If such a characters direct influence is greater than or equal to another one of your characters’ mind attribute, he may take control of that other character, who then becomes a follower of the controlling character. These conditions must be met: © The total mind attributes of all of a characters followers may not exceed his direct influence, © A character can take control of another character that isin play only if both ‘characters are at the same site A follower does not require influence points from your general pool. The follower must remain stacked under the character exerting the difect influence a all times. A follower may not use his direet influence to control characters (ie. a follower may not have his own followers). 4 follower is handled in all other ways as a normall character (e., counts for ‘company size, takes normal actions , etc) If you have enough unused general influence points, you may move a follower from direct influence to genetal influence (or vice versa) during your organization phase. fa character direcily influencing a follower is removed from play, the follower remains in play and does not immediately count against general influence. However, during your next organization phase, you must discard the follower, place the follower under the control of another character in his company with enough available direct influence, or place the follower under the control of general influence (if enough is available) Example: In this example and later examples, the notation "## is used. The first number is the character's mind attribute; the second is his direct influence (Dl). You have nine characters you want to control: Gandalf (--10), Aragorn II (9'3), Boromir IT (4-1), Legolas (62), Gimii (6-2), Frodo (5:1), Sam (4-0), Merry (41), and Pippin (41). In addition, 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 120f 36 |hup:/www.geocities.comy/ TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules htm] -Aragom IL has Narsil (+1 10 direct influence), Frodo has The One Ring (+5 to direct influence), and Gandalf has a Lesser Ring (+2 to direct influence). In order for you to control ‘and keep these characters in play, you must use all of your 20 points of general influence (GI) and their direct influence (Di). First, Gandalf does not require any influence-he's your Wizard. You use your Gl to control Frodo, Aragom II, and Gimli, This uses all 20 points: S for Frodo, 9 for Aragom II, and 6 for Gimli, Gandalf has 12 DI (his normal 10 plus 2 for the Lesser Ring), so he uses it t9 control ‘Sam, Merry, and Pippin (they become his followers). Aragorn IT has 4 DI (his 3 plus 1 for ‘Narsil), so-he uses it fo control Boromir Il. Frodo has 6 DI (his | plus 5 for The One Ring), 80 he uses it to control Legolas. The company size is 7 because Hobbits only count half. The resulting company organization is outlined below: General Influence(- 20) Gimli (6:2) Aragorn (9-341) Boromir (4-1) Frodo (5:15) Legolas (62) Gandalf (-:10+2) Sam (4-0) Pippin (4:1) Merry (4-1) Example: In our example from page 11, Jessica and Jason each have one company organized as follows: Jessica's General Influence (--20) Elladan (4-0) Legolas (6:2+2) Gildor Inglorion (4-0) Pallando(- 10) Celeborn (6:1) Elrohir (4-0) Jason's General Influence (--20) ‘Théoden (6:3) Faramir (51) Imrahil (6:2) Radagast(- 10) Beomn(7:2) Jessica's company size is 6 and she has 10 unused general influence; Jason’s company size is Sand he has 3 unused general influence. larfcaion: During the organization phase, you can move character from contol by general inence to contol be dire infuence and vice versa vo loa your tot of mind turibues does not exceed yor available influence a he end ofthe organization ps Glarification: Ifyou do not have enough influence to contol lof your characters play, Yow must discard an excess characters athe end of your nest Organisation phase COMPANIES ‘Acompany isa group of characters that move and act together, This allows characters to move, set and defend asa unt allowing stronger characters to protet the weaker Character This mechanism can be used to allow a variety of aces during pay oy seanpe yeu hve rat nye che an pov fly an naps do more sn tems of acquiring marshalling points tems, oer characters, et) but Ech individual character is mote vulnerable wo danger. However, the same 3 characters operating a company might asquire marshalling ptnts more siowly, bu they are safer Gres you rk less), Neils a caipiny into a sie of even, bt company at laven site may bof any size. For thexe purposes, a Wizard counts a characte, but an ally doesnot. The size oF 2 company is determined foreach company at he beginning ofthe movementihazard phase {cig fremains fixed even ifs character lenses the company) BRINGING CHARACTERS INTO PLAY 5/29198 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 13 0f 36 ip:/‘www.geocities.comy/ TimesSquare/Realrm/6437/uerules html During your organization phase, you may perform one and only one of the Following activities: © You may play a character card, You must have enough general influence or direct influence available to control the character. You must place him at his home site or at any Haven site, © You may play a Wizard card if you do not have one in play. You must place a Wizard at his home site or at Rivendell. You need aot conirol a Wizard with influence-he represents you, the player. ‘When you play a character, you may place him into a company already at his arrival site or hhe may become a new company (consisting of one character), In the second ease, you must place the arrival site card next to the character played. Clarification: If characteris played at his home site or a Haven site and there is no ‘company there, you must play the site card for his arrival site with him. If the appropriate site card isnot available, you may not play the character. Clarification: Playing a character does not tap a site Each character and Wizard is unique. So if you already have a character in play, your ‘opponent may not play the same character. Similarly, ia character has been eliminated, he may not be brought into play again by either player. Example: In our example from page 11, Jessica calls the Free Couneil, Then Jason gets to take his final tum, Since his company is ata Haven, Jason may play a character card Irom his hand during his organization phase. Jason has Eomer (with a3 mind attribute) in his hand 0 he plays him. Jason has 3 points of unused general influence; he also has Theoden with 3 points of unused direct influence and Radagast with 3 points of unused direct influence. So omer may be placed under the conto of general influence, Théoden, oF Radagast(asons choice) REVEALING A WIZARD Once you decide to reveal your Wizard, you may still use your pool of general influence points; but, in addition, your Wizard acis asa character (a very powerful one). While revealing your Wizard is an advantage, it also carries with it the danger of losing the game by losing your Wizard to death o comuption. After being revealed, a Wizard operates as a character and thus may use his direct influence just like any other character. HEALING Each of your characters at a Haven may heal during the untap phase of your turn, Such a character moves from @ wounded position to a tapped position (ie., the characteris still tapped). In addition, certain cards can heal characters when they are played (e.g, Healing Herbs, Halfling Strength, et.) 6» Movement In METW the lands of northwest Middle-earth are represented by regions. The site cards represent places that companies can visit within those regions, Except for a moving company during its movemenvhazard phase, each company always has a current site card associated ‘with i-the company is located at that site Clarification: The specific region cards are not used with the Sarter Rules. Remove these ard rom our locttan ack po ar not sing the Senda lex: Region career not Included n starter decks [Notes Site pat do nor direct the movement process. The site path is used to determine ‘which hacard creates vour oppoment ma Pl against your moving company [Note Bruring the ste cards and ite cards only, company’ can move frm ay sit 0 any duhersite Fis, fncessary, he compans moves tote nearest Haven Then ff necessary moves to another Haven Finals: it moves from tht Haven othe destinatton ste ‘Recompany commits to moving by playnga new ste card (face down Guting ts ‘xganzaton phase. A company does not Have To move during a given tam (ret doesnot 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 14 0f 36 hitp:/www! play a new site card) At the beginning of its movemenvhazard phase, a moving company current site card becomes its site of origin-the company is considered fo be en route to its new site card (ie, the company is moving), At the end of a moving company’s movement/hazard phase (before players retum to their hhand sizes), its site of origin is removed (discard if tapped; otherwise, return it to your location deck) and the new site card becomes the company’s current site card Clarification: Some cards can interrupt this process by foreing a company to return to its site of origin Moving From a Non-Haven Site Ifthe company’s site of origin isa non-Haven site, the new ste card must be the Haven listed ae the nearest Haven on the ste of origin cad (the company ean move back ots nearest Haven) ‘Moving From a Haven Site Ifthe company’s site of origin is a Haven, the new site card must meet one of the following requirements’ © If the new site card is not another Haven, it must list the site of origin as its nearest Haven (i.e, the company can move to any site that has the site of origin as the company’s nearest Haven), © + Ifthe new site card is another Haven, it must give a site path to the site of erigin (ic., the company can move to one of two adjacent Havens; each Haven is adjacent to two other Havens) Clarification: Ifa company is not moving, no cards are drawn. Ifa company is moving to a non-haven site, you may draw up to the # of eards indicated by the site that its moving to (at least one card must be drawn); your opponent does the same. lf a company is moving 10 @ haven site, you may draw up to the # of cards indicated by the site that it is moving, from (at least one card must be draw): your opponent does the same. Glarification: To summarize the movement process. Except for a moving company during its movemenvhazard phase, each company is always at a specific site, called its current site ‘ wanting to move to a new site plays a new site card face down beside its current site card by the end of its organization phase. A company ean only move: from a non-Haven site to its "Nearest Haven," trom a Haven site to one ofits two ‘adjacent Havens," oF from a Haven site to a non-Haven site that lists that Haven as its "Nearest Haven.” © At the beginning of its movemenvhazard phase, a moving company’s new site card is revealed and its current site card becomes its site of origin, + Atthe end ofits movemenvhazard phase, the site of origin is removed and the ‘moving company’s new site eard becomes the company’s current site card. ‘Suggestion: To help decide where a company should move, look at the resource cards in your hand. Then decide to which of your available sites 19 move. For example, ifyou have a ‘major item, go t0.a site where a major item can be played. Example: Jessica's company is in Bree (ie, its current site) and wants o go to Thrandui's Halls to ty and bring the Wood-elves faction into play. Bree’s nearest Haver is Rivendell, ‘while Thranduit's Hails nearest Haven is Lérien, First, i takes one tum fo move from Bree to Rivendell using the site path, ww, indicated om the Bree site card, Jessica just plays the Rivendell site card as her new site card during her ‘organization phase, and she removes the Bree site card at the end of her movement hazard phase. During the next tum, the company may move from Rivendell to Lérien using the site path, w ‘wb w, indicated on both the Rivendell and Lorien site cards. Jessica plays the Lérien site card during her organization phase, and she removes the Rivendell site card at the end of her ‘movemenvhazaed phase, Finally, the company takes one tum to move from Lérien to Thranduit's Halls using the site path, w b b, indicated on the Thranduil’s Halls site card, Jessica plays the Thranduil's Halls site card during her organization phase, and she removes the Loren ste card at he end of hher movemenvhazard phase. SITE PATHS 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 15 of 36 butp:/ www. geocit ‘com TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules.html ‘There are six types of regions and six types of site Region Type Symbol - All region symbols have a circle around them, ¢ Coastal Seas [Water in a circle] Free-domains [White Tower in a circle] » Border-lands [Half-white, Half-black tower split down the middle in a cirele] © Wildemess [Tree] © Shadow-lands (Half-white, Half-black tower split diagonally in a circle) © Dark-domains [Black Tower in a cirele] Site Type Symbol © Havens [ Star ] + Free-holds { White Tower} « Border-holds [ Half-white, Half-black tower split down the middle] = Ruins & Lairs { Crumbled tower ] © Shadow-holds { Half-white, Half-black tower spit diagonally ] © Dark-holds [ Black Tower ] ‘A site path is the sequence of regions between a site and its nearest Haven, However, each region in the sequence is only indicated by its type, not by its name. Each non-Haven site card has a site path on it. Each Haven site card has two site paths, but each of those two paths gives the sequence of regions between the Haven and one of the two Havens nearest to t Note: Site paths do not direct the movement process. The site path is wed to determine which hazard creatures your opponent may play against your moving company. Clarification: & "company's site path” during its movement (hazard phase isthe site path between its site of origin and tts new site. On non-Haven site cards, the site path is provided ‘on the top lef border. On Haven cards, the site path to each of the two adjacent Havens is provided in the card text. Example: The Lonely Mountain site's nearest Haven is the Lérien site. The symbol for ‘Wilderness is w, the symbol for Border-land is b. So the site path between Lérien and the Lonely Mountain is: w b bw. ‘The tegions between these two sites are Wold & Foothills (Wilderness), Anduin Vales (Bordei-lands), Woodland Realm (Border-land), and Northern Rhovanion (Wilderness). Example: In the Example of movement from Bree to Thranduil’s Halls on page 26, the first site path used was from Bree to Rivendell: w w. During that movemenvVhazara phase, Jason essica’s opponent) can play hazard creatures keyed to wilderness (w), double wilderness (w ‘w), and Havens (the new site. During the next turn, the company uses the site path from Rivendell to Lérien: w w b w During that movemenvhazard phase, Jason can play hazard creatures keyed to wilderness (), double wildemess (w w), border-lands (b), and Havens (the new site) Finally, the company takes one turn to move from Lérien to Thranduil's Halls using the site path, Wb b. Jason can play hazard creatures keyed to wildemess (w), border-lands (b), and free-holds (the new site. Region Types © Coastal Seas [c J: Regions consisting primarily of open water, Free-domains[ f |: Very safe, civilized regions (e.g., Lindon, The Shire, Relfalas, Anérrien, ete). » Border-lands { b J: Less civilized regions on the border of the wilderness or shadow teritory (eg. Rohan, Lamedon, et.) © Wilderness { w ]: Sparsely populated, uncivilized regions that cover most of NW Midale-carth(c-g., High Pass, Enedhwaith, Rhudaur, etc) Shadowlands ['s }: Regions with some active Shadow-forces and settlements (Imlad Morgul, Dagorlad, etc.) + Dark-domains [ d }: Regions with a heavy concentration of Shadow-forces (Souther Mirkwood, Gorgoroth, et.) Site Types © Havens [ h ]: Very safe sites of rest and healing (e.g., Rivendell, Grey Havens, 9/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 16 0f 36 hutps/ html Edhellond, and Lérien), Free-holds [F J: Sites of safety, but still dangerous due to assassins, traitors, ete (e.g,, Minas Tirith, Edoras, et.) Border-holds [ B |: Sites of relative safety, bu still dangerous due to bandits, assassins, trailors, etc. (e.g, Bree, Lake-town, etc.) Ruins & Lairs [r |: Deserted sites often inhabited by dangerous creatures (e.g. the Lonely Mountain, Barrow-downs, etc). Shadow-holds [ SJ: Relatively deserted sites often inhabited by dangerous creatures and Shadow-forces (e.g., Goblin-gate, Mount Gram, et). + Dark-holds [ D }: Very dangerous sites with heavy concentrations of Shadow-forces (Dol Guldur, Barad-dit, ete.) [Return to of Contents| 7 - Combat Combat normally occurs when one of three things happen: When a creature hazard is played on a company, + When a company ata site with an automatic-attack decides to attempt to play a resource ard for that site (i.c., decides to attempt to enter and explore the site), When any other card indicates that a company must face an attack. ATTACKS & STRIKES Combat consists of one or more attacks that must be resolved one ata time, An attack consists of one or more strikes Each strike can target one and only one character in the attacked company. © Each character can be the target of only one strike from a given attack + Ifan attack has more strikes than the company has characters, the attacker may allocate the excess strikes as -| modifications (ic.,a-1 modification for each unallocated strike) to the prowess(es) of whichever target(s) he chooses. See the Strike Sequence on page 32. Unless the attack states otherwise, the defender chooses which untapped characters will be the targets of given strikes. Then, the attacker chooses which other defending characters not ‘yet assigned a strike will be the target of any remaining unassigned strikes. Clarification: Against a given attack, a character may only defend against one strike. Clarification: If the text on a creature card states that the "attacker choones defending ‘eharacters." any characters inthe defending company may’ be chosen (By the attacker) as the targets of the attack's strikes. Clarification: All of an attack’ strikes must be assigned to the characters in the defending ‘company or ax modifications to the trikes assigned. The attacker may not chose to mot apply strikes. Any strike in excess of the number of characters in the company becomes a -I ‘modification to prowess of one character taking a strike (the attacker chooses). Onty those Strikes that are assigned need be defeated for the creature's marshalling points to be received by the defender. Strike Modifications ‘There are a number of standard modifications to strikes: Each unwounded, tapped character must modify his prowess by -1. Each wounded character must modify his prowess by -2 Normally a character that is the target of a strike is tapped after the strike is resolved. However, a character that isthe target ofa strike may choose to take a-3 ‘modification to his prowess to avoid being tapped. Iso, the characteris not tapped after the strike is resolved (he may still be wounded). © Ian attack has more strikes than the company has characters, the attacker may allocate the excess strikes as -I modifications to the prowesses of whichever target(s) he chooses. See the Strike Sequence on page 32, © The target's prowess may also be modified due to the play of certain resource and hazard cards, Only one resource card requiring skill may be played agains a given strike Condition and Mod. to Target's Prowess ‘Unwounded, tapped character * .-1 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 17 0f 36 ‘nup://www. TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules html Wounded character *...-2 Untapped character decides not to tap *...-3 For each unused strike allocated (ie, each extra strike) * 1 Up to one resource card that requires skill ..varies Other resource cards ..vaties Hazard cards ..varies Clarification: The prowess modifications marked with an * above are applied for a given attack and then are removed immediately afier the attack is resolved. That is they do not carry over from attack to attack Resolving Strikes Sikes are resolved one ta time as decided bythe defending player. When you choose a sik o resolve, determine all ofthe factors affecting the srke before ths roll sade (ace "The Strike Sequence” below). Toresolvea stke, the defender makes a rol (2D6) and adds his modified prowess: «If this result is greater than the strike's prowess, the strike fails, Such a strike is defeated if ts body attribute i "­p.” or if has @ body attebute and fails a body «If this result is equal tothe strike's prowess, the strike was ineffectual (i. ‘means that the strike is avoided but not defeated). + Otherwise, the strike was successful (i.e. the character was defeated). The target character is wounded and must make a body check, Body Checks Ifa strike against a character is successful, the character is wounded and must make a body check. To make a body check, the attacker makes a roll (2D6); if this value is greater than the character's body attribute, the characteris eliminated. Ifthe character was already ‘wounded before this strike, the rol is modified by +1 (Clarification: Ifa character was already wounded before a strike wounds him again, the resulting body check modification is always +1 (regardless of how many times a character is wounded) Clarification: If a stike against a character is suecessfil, a body check must be resolved for the character before anything else happens. For example, Healing Herbs may not be used to heal such a character until after the body check is resolved (of course, if the characteris eliminated, the Healing Herbs may not be used on him at all), As presented above, a strike that fails is defeated if its body attribute is "­p:" or if t has ‘a body attribute and fails a body check. To make such a body check, the defender makes a roll (2D6); if this value is greater than the strike’s body attribute, the strike is defeated. Example: Smaug has a prowess of 17 and a body of 8. He normally has two strikes when he attacks. [Fone of his strikes against a character fails, the defender makes a body check. Ifthe resulting roll is greater than 8, that strike is defeated. However, both of Smau’s strikes must bbe defeated in order for him to be eliminated-this would require at least two body check rolls ‘greater than 8 Defeating an Attack Anattack by a hazard creature is defeated if all of its strikes directed against (i.e, assigned to) a company are defeated. Ifa defeated attack is a hazard creature, the card is placed in the defenders marshalling point pile. The defender receives marshalling points for eliminating it Ifa hazard creature has multiple attacks, each must be defeated in order for the defender to receive the marshalling points fone of the strikes was canceled or ineffectual, the attack is not defeated. If the attack is ccanceled, the attack is not defeated, A canceled attack has no effect on the defending company, Example: Faramir is untapped with a prowess of 5 and a body of 8. He is facing a strike from a Huom (only has one strike) with a prowess of 10 and a body of "­p;." Faramir ccould decide not to tap against the strike; in which case his prowess would only be 2 (his normal prowess of 5, minus 3 for not tapping) against this strike. However, Faramir decides to tap to face the siike. If Faramir rolls a 6 or better (ic, his prowess plus the roll will be greater than the Huomn's 5/29/98 11:29 AM.‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 18 of 36 hup:/www, html ‘prowess of 10), the strike fails and the Huom attack is defeated (it only has one strike and its body attribute is "­p.") If Faramir rolls a 5 (i strike is ineffeetual, If Faramir rolls a 4 or less (i.e, his prowess plus the roll is less than the Huorn's prowess of 10), the strike was successful. Faramir is wounded and must make a body check. The attacker makes a die roll if the result is 9 or more, Faramir is eliminated and removed from prowess plus the rol is equal to the Huorn's prowess of 10), the play. ‘The Strike Sequence ‘You and your opponent must play any cards that modify the number of strikes before you assign the strikes, Note: The "strike sequence” isthe time from when a player declares that one of his characters wil resolve a strike un the srk die rolls made and amyassoelated bods Strikes are resolved one at atime as decided by the defending player (i.e, he chooses a strike to resolve, the strike is resolved, he chooses the next strike to resolve, the strike is resolved, atc) ‘All ofthe factors affecting the strike must be decided before making the roll (206). Address these factors in the following order: 2 The attacker may play hazard cards that affect the strike (these count toward the hhazard limit against this company), 2 Theattacker may decide to use any or all of his remaining (if any) -1 modifications ue to unallocated strikes (i. strikes in excess of the company’s size). » target untapped character may take a-3 modification so that he wil not automatically tap © The defending player may play resource cards that affect the strike (up to one card that requires skill), (Clarification: Certain attacks state that each character in the company "faces one strike" or "is attacked” (e-g., Crebain, Watcher in the Water, et). Such am attack is never affected by card or effec that modifies the number of strikes of an attack Clarification: The prowess modification and maximum for a weapon és applied to a character before any other modifications. For example, Beorn has a base prowess of 7 and a ‘Sword of Gondolin (+2 prowess to a maximum of 8-he starts with a prowess of & before any ‘ther modifications are applied. Similar the body medication and maximum fora shield or armor i aplied before any ‘other modifications, Example of Combat [(#/#) means (prowess/body)] ‘You control Bilbo (1/9), Balin (4/7) and his follower Bofur (4/7) (with Healing Herbs), ‘Beretar (5/8), and Beregond (4/8) (with an Elven Cloak). They are en route from Rivendell to Lorien. There are 45 characters in the company which rounds up to 5, meaning the hazard limits 5. Your opponent plays Ore-raiders. He keys this hazard creature to the border-land of your ‘company's site path because he is mindful of Beregond's Elven Cloak (a minor item that cancels a strike keyed to wildemess) Bilbo, @ scout, taps and plays Concealment to cancel the attack. Ore-raiders is discarded, That's { hazard down and potentially 4 to go. ‘Your opponent next plays Ore-warband (second hazard) and states its Keyed to the border-land. Its a (4/-) hazard ereature with S strikes that receives +3 to prowess against a ‘company that has faced an Ore attack. Even though Bilbo canceled the Ore-raiders, the company is stil considered to have faced them, so the Ore-warband will be (7/-). There are $ strikes and 5 characters, so each character will Tace one strike (no decisions on strike allocation can be made). Bilbo clects to face his strike first. His opponent plays Weariness of the Heatt (third hazard) on Bilbo to give -I to his prowess. This modification to his prowess, is in addition to the -1 Bilbo suffers for being tapped. No other effects are played to affect the srike and Bilbo rolls the dice. The result isa 5. Bio's prowess of -I plus the dice roll is less than the prowess of the Ore-warbana's strike against Bilbo, so Bilbo is wounded. Your ‘opponent rolls the body check. I's a7-Bilbo lives! Beregond faces the next strike. Beregond taps and rolls a 10, defeating his strike handily. Bolur chooses to face his strike next He a special +1 prowess bonus versus Ores, and he hoose not fo tap 310s prowess), Herel a3 whieh es the prowess ofthe (Ore-warband strike. The strike is ineffectual Facing the next strike, Balin taps, and rolls a7 to defeat it. Beretar resolves the final strike, taps, and defeats it by rolling a 3. Orc-warband is discarded. ‘Your opponent sees that one character, Bofut, is untapped. He plays Giant (13/-) (a fourth hazard) and reasons that Bofur will have to take its one vicious strike. (Afier all, if you give 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 19 0f 36 hhup/wwww TimesSquare/Realn/6437/uerules html up the option of assigning the one strike to your untapped character, namely Bofur, the {pponet wil be able to choose from all characters which wil ake te tik), Your ‘opponent does not se what Bofur sce, Before assigning the strike, Bofur aps nd uses his Healing Herbs to untap Beregond, who then announces he staking the strike The Giants keyed solely to double wildemess, so Betogond tps his Elven Cloak to cancels single se. The Giants discarded ‘The epponent announces he wil lay no more hazards and the company breathes a sgh of tsi Bio wi Be able to hea a the start the next uae company wil beth R (0 Table of Contents| 8 - Corruption AAs characters adventure in Middle-earth, they are subject to temptations, They run the risk of becoming corrupted and leaving the cause of the Free Peoples (ie., a corrupted character leaves play, a corrupted Wizard loses the game). In The Lord of the Rings, Saruman was corrupted by power, Radagast was corrupted by the lure of nature, Alatar and Pallando succumbed to unknown corruption and disappeared into the East. Each character has a corruption point total. This starts at zero, but certain cards and activities will increase and decrease this total during play. Most cards that affect a character's ‘corruption are kept under the character's card until they are discarded. Only one corruption ‘card (a hazard card that gives corruption points) may be played on a given character each tum, Clarification: For these purposes, a "corruption card” is a hazard card that gives a ‘character corruption points. Cards that force a corruption check but do not give corruption points (e.g., Weariness of the Heart, Ren the Unctean, ete.) are not "corruption cards.” A characler may have more than ane corruption card, but onty one may be played on him ‘each turn Certain corruption cards state: "Cannot be duplicated on a given character.” So, a given character may only have one of each such corruption card. ‘CORRUPTION POINTS ‘A character’ corruption point total can be determined at any time by summing the ‘corruption point values of. the corruption cards under his card and any other cards he controls (e.g, usually items). ‘CORRUPTION CHECKS When a card or other effect indicates that one of your characters must make a corruption ccheck, you must make a roll (2D6) and add any appropriate modifications. One of the following results + Nothing Happens - If the modified result is greater than the character's corruption point total, nothing happens, + The Character is Discarded - If the modified result is equal to the character's corruption point total or one less than the character's corruption point total, the character fails the corruption check and you must discard the character along with any non-follower cards he controls. In this ease, ifthe character is a Wizard, you immediately lose the game. + The Character is Eliminated - If the modified result is less than character's corruption point total by two or more, the character fails the corruption check and is climinated (i.c., remove him from play) and you must discard any non-follower cards he controls. In this case, if the characteris a Wizard, you immediately lose the game. Clarification: A character discarded due 10 a corruption check is not removed from play. He ‘may be plaved again either by you (e.g, if you exhaust your play deck and draw that character) or by your opponent (¢.2., if he has that character in his hand), In his case, the character stops working for the cause of the Free Peoples (at least for a while)-much as Radagast was corrupted by the physical nature of Middle-earth (i, he went "native") Clarification: 4 character eliminated due to a corruption check Is removed from play. He ‘may not be plaved again by either you or by your opponent. In this case, the character is ‘permanently lost to the Free Peoples-much as Saruman was corrupted in The Lord of the Rings. CORRUPTION CHECK MODIFIERS Certain characters receive modifications to corruption checks, and certain cards may give ‘modifications to a corruption check. Modifications to corruption checks are printed in the 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 20 of 36 bap: /wwww /TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules html lower right of the appropriate card. A plus or a minus sign indicates a modification to any ‘corruption checks rather than corruption points, Clarification: There are two different values that affect corruption checks: + Comuption check modifications always have either a plus (+) sign ora minus (Gehyp.) sign (es noted on many character ard) The su of al such applicable modifications are added tothe corption eheck rol + Corruption pint values never have plus or mins sigh, The sum ofall uch values isthe characte comuption pot ol for the purpose ofa compton check Both values appear in the lower right of certain cards. Example: (CP = Corruption Points) Using the Middle-earth: The Wizards terms, lets take a ook at Frodo at several points during the action in The Lord of the Rings between the Shire and Lorien, Frodo has a special ability: he has a corruption check modifier of 4 (as provided in the bottom right comer of his card) ‘When Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin flee the Shire, Frodo only has one item: The One Ring {it gives Frodo 6 corruption points). Suppose Frodo has to make a comuption check (roll, 26) in this situation: if 2is rolled, the modified roll is 6 (2 + 4 for his special ability) and Frodo is discarded. Any other roll would have no effect on Frodo, ‘When Tom Bombadil rescues Frodo and company in the Barrow Downs, Frodo receives a Dagger of Westemesse (1 CP). So Frodo's CP total becomes 7. He would be discarded if he ‘makes a corruption check roll of 2 or 3 (if there are no other modifications). On the way to Rivendell, Frodo is wounded by a Morgul-knife (4 CPs)-his CP total is now 11. If forced to make a corruption check, he is discarded on a roll of 6 o 7 and he is eliminated on a roll of 5 or less. Finally, he reaches Rivendell and the Morgul-knife card is removed, dropping his CP total back to 7. However, he is then alfected by Lure of the Senses (a hazard card giving 2 CPs ‘nd requiring a corruption check each untap phase at a Haven). So during his next untap phase, he must make a corruption check with a CP total of 9-he is discarded on a roll of 4 or 5 and is eliminated on a roll of 2 of 3 Next, Frodo gets rid of the Lute of the Senses (by rolling greater than 6) and he transfers his, Dagger of Westernesse. In addition, Bilbo gives him: Sting (I CP) and The Mithril-coat 2 CPs). So Frodo’s CP total is 9 (6-142). If forced to make a corruption check, he is discarded ‘on a roll of 4 or 5 and is eliminated on a roll of 2 or 3 Fortunately, the Fellowship of the Ring is formed (see the company in the example on page 21)-we will assume that two Fellowship cards (+1 to prowess and corruption checks for all ‘characters in the company) are played initially, So Frodo leaves Rivendell with a CP total of 9 and corruption check modifiers totaling +6 (4 normal +2 for Fellowship). Thus, if forced to make a corruption check (without ether ‘modifications), he will be discarded on a roll of 2 or 3. (Return to Table of 9: Influence ‘You have a pool of general influence. Your characters and Wizard have direct influence. ‘These two forms of influence can control and affect characters (see pages 18-20) and factions, ‘Your unused general influence is equal to 20 minus the sum of the mind attributes of your non-follower characters in play (j.c., do not count your followers) A characters unused direct influence is equal to his direct influence attribute minus the sum ‘ofthe mind attributes of his followers. All characters have a direct influence attribute of at Teast zero, so any character has unused direct influence of at least zero, Note: tn the Standard Game, direct influence can be used to attempt 10 interfere with your ‘opponent's control of his characters, followers, factions, allies, and items (see pages 58-60), BRINGING AN ALLY INTO PLAY ‘You can automatically bring an ally into play by tapping one of your characters. The character must be atthe site indicated on the ally’ card. Every ally is contolled by the ‘character that tapped to bring it into play: Le., it must be placed under and remain with that character's card. An ally does not count against its controlling character's direct influence or your general influence, 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 21 0f 36 hup:/ BRINGING A FACTION INTO PLAY In order to play a faction card, you must tap one of your characters that ig at the site” indicated on the faction’s card. Then you must make an influence check. Make a roll (206), ‘add your character's unused direct influence, and add any appropriate modifications (any applicable standard modifications from the faction card and from any other cards played). All modification cards must be played before making the roll (2D) If the modified result is greater than the value required on the faction card, you place the faction in your play area (it now counts towards your marshalling point total). Otherwise, ‘you discard the faction card. Once a faction is brought into play, itis not controlled by any Specific character and it does not count against general or direct influence, Clarification: Most faction cards list some "standard modifications” to the influence check based only upon the race of the character that was tapped to matke the influence check Similarly, certain characters have special modifications to influence checks. Such a ‘modification only applies ifit belongs to the character that was tapped to make the influence check. Example: Suppose, during your site phase, you have the Knights of Dol Amroth in your hhand and a company at Dol Amroth-the company contains Imrahil, He has no followers, so his unused direct influence is 2. You tap Imrahil to attempt to bring the Knights into play. ‘You make your influence check roll (2D6), and the result is 5. This rol is modified by: + Imrahil’s unused direct influence: +2. © +2 Imrahil has a special ability: his direct influence is increased by +2 against the Knights of Dol Amroth A standard modification of +1, because Imrahil is a Diinadan and a standard ‘modification of +1 is listed on the Knights of Dol Amroth card. So the modified result is 10 (=5+2+2+1), Since this is greater than 8 (the number required by the faction card), the Knights of Dol Amroth are successfully brought into play Ifyou had rolled a 3, your modified result would have been 8 (=3+2+2+1), and you would, Ihave had to discard the faction card [Return to Table of Contents 10 - Playing and Drawing Cards ‘You may only play hazard cards during your opponent's movemenvhazard phase. Except for resource long-events, you may play resource cards anytime during your own tum unless specilically prohibited by the rules or the cards themselves. Unless stated otherwise, a card is playable only if its effect applies to an existing situation, hhazard, atack, etc. (Le., you may not play a card just to discard it). Clarification: An automatic-attack at a company’s new site may be targeted by a hazard during the company’s movement/hazard phase (e-g., Arouse Minions, Dragon's Desolation, ete,). Plaving such a hazard does count against the hazard limit. Such a hazard may be played even ifthe attack ultimately will not be faced (i. if the company decides not to face the automatie-attack during the site phase). During your movementhazard phase, both players draw cards when each company moves, Ifa company moves to a non-Haven site, you may draw up to the number of cards indicated by the site that it moved to (atleast one card musi be drawn); your opponent does the same. Ifthe company moves to a Haven site, you may draw up to the number of eards indicated by the site that you moved from (at least one card must be drawn); your opponent does the ‘THE HAZARD LIMIT h er of hazard cadet During your opponent's movementhazard phase, the number of hazard cards that you may play on one of your opponent's companies is that company’s hazard limit, The hazard limit is ‘equal to two or the company's size, whichever is greater. A company’s size is equal to the number of characters init, with each Hobbit counting half (round up). For this purpose, Wizards and followers do count as characters, but allies do not A hazard limit can be modified by the play of certain eards. Tapping a Nazgdl ‘permanent-event does count against the hazard limit. Clarification: For the purposes of caleulating hazard limits, each company’s size is 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rales 22 0f36 up:/ 7/uerules.himl determined for each company at the beginning of the movement/hazard phase (eg. it ‘remains fixed). So. if a character is eliminated during his company’s portion of the ‘movemen/hazard phase, his company's hazard limit does not change. HAZARD CARDS Hazard cards represent evil forces and natural dangers in Middle-earth. You may play hazard cards only during your opponent's movementhazard phase, Creature Cards ‘You may use a creature card to directly attack one of your opponent's companies. Such an attack cin occur only if: «+ The company is ata specific site at which the creature's card text says it ean be played © The company's site of origin or new site isin a region where the creature's card text says it can be played, + One of the site symbols on the creature's eard matches the site that the company ‘moved to (ie, the new site) or stayed at (i.e., if the company did not move). + Atleast one of the region symbols on the creature's card matches one of the region types the company moved through this turn (sce below). If the creature's card has two region symbols of the same type (i.., a deep wildemess creature), then the company ‘must have moved through at least two regions of that same type, Clarification: Two wilderness symbols are required in a site path to play a deep wilderness creature. However, the nwo symbols need not be adjacent in the site path, For example, a deep wilderness creature may’ be plaved keved to the site path: w b bw. Ifa company travels with two wilderness om its site path, the chance of encountering very dangerous wilderness monsters has doubled, even ifthe two wildernesses are not adjacent, Ifa creature satisfies more than one of these conditions, you must choose (when you play the creature) one of these conditions that the attack is "keyed to." The effects of certain cards are ‘based upon the region or site type that a creature is keyed 10, Clarification: The player that plays a hazard creature mast specifically state he type of region or ste that a creature is Keved t-it ean affect the use of other cards, For example, if 4 character with an Elven Cloak faces a strike from a ereature that has been played Keyed 10 wilderness, he can tap the clouk to cancel the siike. However, ifouch a strike ls Keved to border-lands, he cannot use his cloak agains it ‘The region types that a company moves through during a given tum are determined by the following criteria © Ifa company did not play a new site card, it did not move through any regions-so, no creature may be played based solely on region conditions. Ifthe company was at a Haven and has played a new non-Haven site card (but no ‘egion cards), the region types are indicated by the new site cards site path, Ifthe company was at a Haven site and has played a new Haven site card (but no cards), the region types are indicated by the new Haven site card's "Site Path from” the old Haven site (ie. the site path from the old Haven) Ifthe company was ata non-iaven site and has played a new Haven site card (but no region cards), the region types are indicated by the site of origin’ site path (ie., the site path on the site that the company lef) Standard Game Only: IF the company played region cards, the region types of the site path are indicated by the region cards (‘e., each region card has a region type), Example: Certain card combinations make a specific card more powerful and allow it to be played more often. Ren the Unclean (a Nazi) has one strike with a prowess of 15 and can only be played keyed to dark-domains and dark-holds, However, if played in combination with a Fell Beast card, Ren has two strikes with a prowess of 13 and can he played keyed to shadow-lands, shadow-holds, dark-domains, and dark-holds, If Ren is played in combination with a Fell Beast card and a Morgul-knife card, he has two sirikes with a prowess of 15 and can be played keyed to shadow-lands, shadow-holds, dark-domains, and dark-holds. In addition, one character wounded by his attack receives 4 corruption points due to the Morgul-knife. RESOURCE CARDS Certain resource cards may only be played if specific required conditions exist, Clarification: Playing a faction card, ally card, information card, or item card (unless 5/29/98 11:29 AM.The House of Nienna, METW rules 23 0f36 hitp:/ www. stated otherwise on the card) requires an untapped character and an untapped site. In addition. the company must face any automatic-atacks located at the same site before such «card can he played. Playing another type of resource card does not neccessarily require ‘an untapped site, This process may vary based upon specific card text. Factions - If one of your characters is atthe site specified on a faction card, he may tap to aitempt to play the Faction card. Ifthe character successfully influences the faction as indicated on the faction’s card (see p. 39), the faction card is placed in your play area. After a faction is successfully played ata site, the site card is tapped. Clarification: Once a faction is brought ino pla; itis not associated with any character. A {faction plays no active role after i is brought into play. tems “Ifa characteris at an untapped site that indicates that a specific type of item card (old ring, minor, major, or greater) is "playable," he may tap to bring an item of that type into play. The item card is placed under the character's earé, After an item is played at2 sie, the site card is tapped: A character may only use the effects of one weapon ata time and one shield ata time and ‘one armor ata time Ifa characteris eliminated by corruption, discard all of the items that he controls Ifa characteris eliminated du to failing a body check, one item can be immediately ransferred to cach unwounded character in his company: but, the rest of his items are discarded, Clarification: An item only taps when used ifits text stares so. Thus, weapons and armor do not normally tap when used, Clarification: A character may control (i.e, bear) any item, even if he cannot use its abitiies. Clarification: A character may control (i, bear) more than one weapon or more than one shield or more than one armor. However, only one of each type may be used at any given time. Minor Items - Ifa resource card that taps a site (.g., ally, faction, item, information, etc, is successfully played at a site, one additional character may tap to play a minor item. Such a ‘minor item may be played even if the site does not specifically state that a minor item is playable atthe site. For example, a minor item played when bringing an ally into play would simulate a gift from the ally, Example: Certain card combinations are required to bring certain powerful items into play. ‘Narsil was a mighty sword that was broken when Elenail fell fighting Sauron, Narsil can be played and used as a greater item (+1 direct influence, +1 prowess, 3 MPs, 2 CPs). However, a player can attempt to reforge Narsil so that it becomes Anduril, the Flame of the West (Aragom I's weapon in The Lord of the Rings). ‘Two other cards are required. A Reforging card must be played at an “information site” and stored at a Haven-this represents gathering the resources required to reforge Narsil, Then, the Andiril card must be played at an "information site" and stored at a Haven-this represents gaining the knowledge of how to reforge Narsil. ‘Then, the Reforging card is discarded and the Andiril card is placed with the Narsil card-aiving a total of (+2 direct influence, +5 prowess, 7 MPs, 3 CPs) from the combination of the two cards, Allies - A character may tap to play an ally card if he is at the site specified on the ally card and the character mects the requirements indicated on the ally card. The ally card is placed lunder the character’ card and that character controls the ally. After anally is played ata site, the site card is tapped, An ally does not count as a character for any purposes other than ‘combat and the use of certain skills. Allies can not bear items, An ally with a skill may take actions and play cards that require that skill. For example, Treebeard has the sage shill, so he can tap to play a Dreams of Lore card, Similarly, Gollum hhas the scout skill so he can tap to play a Concealment cad. Clarification: Alles that are eliminated are placed in the out-of play pile (te., neither player may bring that ally back imo play). Allies are not affected by corruption EVENTS There are both resource events and hazard events, Each event falls into one of three classifications based upon how long it stays in play. Short-event - A short-event’ effects are immediately implemented, Then the event card is discarded. The effects of some short-events last for @ specific period as stated on its card (eg, many short-event effects last "until the end of the tun"). 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 24 0f 36 Jnup:/www! Permanent-event - The effects of a resource permanent-event are immediately implemented. Its effects last until the card is discarded. Certain effects can cause a permanent-event to be discarded; these effects are given inthe text of specific cards, Clarification: Hazard short-events and permanent-events can be played only during an ‘opponent's movementihazard phase. Resource short-events and permanent-events can be layed at any time during your turn-as limited by specific card text ‘Long-event - The effects of a long-event are immediately implemented when it is played, Long-events last approximately two tums, one of yours and one of your opponent's, ‘You may only play a resource long-event during your long-event phase, Its card and effects emain in play until your next long-event phase of until otherwise discarded. ‘You may only play a hazard long-event during your opponent's movemenvhazard phase. Its card and effets remain in play until your opponent's next long-event phase or unt otherwise discar Clarification: The effects of many long-events and permanent-events affect both players because they can remain in effect during both players’ turns, So remember, when you play a ong-event hazard on your opponent during his turn, it will remain in effect during your next ‘urn. For example, Aisaken Denizens (a long-event) Increases the number of ‘automatie-attack strikes at Ruins & Lairs for one turn for each player. Example: One of Jason's companies with a hazard limit of six is moving from Rivendell to LLorien; its site path is w w b w. Jessica plays Doors of Night (a permanent-event) during Jason's movemen/hazard phase. This causes all resource environment cards in play to be discarded and their effects are canceled. This card will remain in play until it is discarded duo the play of Gates of Morning, Twilight, or another card tha targets the Doors of ight. Jessica then plays Choking Shadows (a short-event). She decides to use its option of treating ‘one wilderness [w] as a shadow-land [s] until the end of the turn. This changes the site path {or Jason's company from w w b w to: w sb w. Choking Shadows is discarded, but its effects \will remain until the end of the tum (unless canceled before that). ‘Then, Jessica next plays Morgul Night (a long-event)-all wildemesses [W] to be treated as shadow-lands [s] and all shadow-lands [s] to be treated as dark-domains (d]. This changes the site path for Jason's company from w s b w to: sdb s, Jessica can still play three more hhazards and she can key them to border-lands, shadow-lands, and/or datk-ddomains. Unless its discard is forced by another card, Morgul Night and its effeets will remain in play until Jessica's next long-event phase (approximately two Tums). STORING CARDS During your organization phase, you may store any of your items that are at a Haven site. ‘The controlling character must make a comuption check before an item can be stored Assored item is placed in your marshalling point pile and still counts for marshalling points. Once an item is stored it may not be unstored and brought back into play. The One Ring may not be stored. Some items and resource cards state that they can be stored when at a specific site e.g, the ‘Book of Mazarbul can be stored at a Dwarf-hold). Such an item or resource card is still placed in the marshalling point pile and cannot be brought back into play. Clarification: Certain cards state that a character bearing such a card cannot untap until the card is stored at a certain place. After storing such a card, the character does not untap until the untap phase of his player's next turn. Clarification: Unless stated otherwise on the card, the marshalling points for a card that can be stored apply regardless of whether or not the card is stored, ‘TRANSFERRING ITEMS During your organization phase, you may transfer items between characters at the same site, ‘The controlling character must make a corruption check before an item can be transferred, Clarification: A corruption check is required before an item can be stored or transferred. A character that fails such a corruption check has decided not to follow his Wizard's advice ‘and influence concerning the item's use (i.e, the item is discarded and the character is either discarded or eliminated). ACTIONS AND CARD PLAY ‘The various activities that you and your opponent can perform during play are called actions. ‘Typical actions include playing a card, tapping a card, revealing a card, etc. The following. general guidelines apply to resolving actions; more detailed guidelines can be found on pages 61-63. 29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 25 of 36 ‘ntp:/ www. TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules html ‘You must give your opponent a chance to respond to every action, and vice versa. If you perform an action and move on fo another action without giving your opponent a Chance to respond, you must "back up" if he indicates that he wants to respond. A series of declared actions made in response to one another is called a chain of effects You always have the option of declaring the first action in a chain of effects during ‘your tum. The actions in a chain of effects are resolved one ata time from last declared to first declared (i.e. the last declared action is resolved first, then the second to the last, ete). © Tfthe play of a card requires other actions (e.g., corruption checks), the actions are resolved in the order in which they appear on the card. + A required or declared dice roll is an action and can be the target of another action or effect declared later in the same chain of effects, © When the effects of a dice roll require further actions (e.g., atoll fora strike requires ‘a body check), those actions become the first actions (any further rolls come first) in the next chain of effeets after the roll [Return to ible of Contents - Part Il - Standard Rules You should read and master the Starter Rules before tackling the Standard Rules. 1 - The Victory Conditions ‘The Standard Rules victory conditions differ from those found in the Starter Rules i ‘ways. First, the players ean decide to play a longer game, and/or second, certain ‘modifications to the marshalling point totals ean be made at the Free Council two. ‘THE LONGER GAMES The Starter Game is also called the "I-deck game." For experienced players with tuned decks his game usually lasts 20-60 minutes. Ifyou want longer, more detailed play, there are 3 other games, ‘The 2-deck Game In.a"2-deck game" (the "short game), the Couneil is called when each play deck has been exhausted twice. You may call the Council when your play deck has been exhatsted twice, ‘or when it has been exhausted once and you have at least 25 marshalling points (MPS), The 3-deck Game Ina "3-deck game” (the "long game"), the Council is called when each play deck has been exhausted three times. You may call the Council when your play deck has been exhausted three times, or when it has been exhausted twice and you have at least 30 marshalling points. Increase the sideboard size to 20 cards The 4-deck Game Ina “4-deck game” (i., the “campaign game"), the Council is called when each play deck hhas been exhausted four times, You may call the Council when your play deck has been ‘exhausted four times, or when it has been exhausted three times and you have at Teast 40 ‘marshalling points. Increase the sideboard size to 25 cards MARSHALLING POINT MODIFICATIONS. At the Free Council, you may reveal any unique marshalling point cards in your hand that ‘match unique cards that your opponent has in play. Fach such revealed card reduces your ‘opponent's marshalling point rota by one, ‘There are six different types of marshalling points; each is associated with a specific shape: + Character Points - Octagon «Item Points (Major, Greater, & Rings only) - Square + Faction Points - Triangle pointing down = Ally Points - Triangle pointing up «© Kill Poimts (from defeating creatures) - Circle 2 Miscellancous Points - Diamond. ‘These types of marshalling points can affect your marshalling point total in two ways: = If your opponent has zero (or negative) points for any one type of marshalling point, ‘your points for that same type of marshalling point are doubled. This doesn't apply to 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 26 of 36 hutp:/ html ill points and miscellaneous points, + No more than half (round up) of your final marshalling points can come from any fone type of marshalling point. Ifone type of marshalling point is over half of your total, reduce the points for that type until they are only half (or less) of your total Clarification: These marshalling point modifications do not apply’ until the Free Councit actually takes place. Specifically, the modifications do not afject your marshalling point total When tis wed 1 determine ou can cll the Fee Coun! Le. vou Need 30 MES toch the Free Council before any of these modifications are made). Example: Let's look again at our example from page 11, Assume Jason failed to play the Men of Norther Rhovanion (3 MPs) on his last tum. Assume none of the characters failed a corruption check (ic, they all come to the Free Council) Jessica notices that Jason has no faction points (he blew his ral to get the Men of Northern Rhovanion). So her faction points are doubled to 4. Unfortunately, Jason's problems are not over. He failed to get the 3 MPs from the Men of | Norther Rhovanion; so his MP total is only 14-8 of them are character points and only 6 are ‘non-character points. Since you cannot have more than half of your points from any one source, Jason only gets 6 MPs from his characters At this point, the marshalling points (MPs) break down as follows: Jessica's MP Cards MPs - Modified MPs Celeborn 2- 2 Elladan 1 1 Elrohir 1-1 Gildor Inglorion 1 - 1 Legolas 2-2 Sword of Gondolin item) 2 Men of Lebennin (faction) 2-4 Gwaihir (ally) 2-2 Dreams of Lore (misc) 2-2 Total 1S- 17 Jason's MP Cards MPs - Modified MPs Beom 2-2 Faramir 2-2 Inabil 2- 2 ‘Theoden 2- ‘Sword of Gondolin (item) 2-2 Great Shield of Rohan (item) 2 - 2 Quickbeam (ally) 2-2 Total 14-12 At this point, Jason reveals that he has cards for Gwaihir, Legolas, and Elrohir in his hand (lie was saving them for this). Since they duplicate three of Jessica's unique MP cards, her MP total is reduced by one for each of these cards. Thus, Jessica ends up with 14 MP3 and Jason ends up with [2 MPs-Jessica wins. Jason curses his luck because he failed to bring the ‘Men of Norther Rhovanion into play om his last turn, (Return to Table of Contents 2 - The Cards and Decks In addition to the normal location deck and play deck, you can have a 1S card "sideboard deck. sideboard can contain resource, hazard, and character cards. However, the combined play deck and sideboard can only contain one of each unique card and a maximum of three ‘of any non-unique card Using Your Sideboard When You Exhaust Your Deck Whenever you exhaust your play deck, you may exchange (before reshuffling) up to 5 cards tetwoon your sideboard and discard pie, Each such ead aken fom your sideboard must be replaced by a card from your discard pile Using Your Sideboard When You Tap Your Wizard During your organization phase, you may tap your Wizard to bring up to $ resource and/or ‘character cards from your sideboard into your discard pile, Altematively, if your play deck has at least 5 cards, you may tap your Wizard to bring one resource card directly from your sideboard into your play deck (reshuTle), Using Your Sideboard When You Tap a Nazgal 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 27 0f 36 hutp:/www html During your opponent's movemenv/hazard phase, you may tap one of your Nazgl permanent events in lay fo Bring upto 5 hazard cards from your sideboard into your discard Pile, The normal result of tapping a Nazgal does not apply. The Nazgil is discarded. ‘Tapping a Nazgal in this fashion does count against the hazard limit. Altematively. if your play deck has at least 5 cards, you may tap a Nazgdl permanent-event to bring onc hazard card directly from your sideboard into your play deck (reshulle). tion: Your opponent may verify how many card move to and from your sideboard, you do not have to reveal what those cards are. (Clarification: Your combined play deck and sideboard cannot violate the I unique card and 3 non-unique card limit. However, there is no restriction on the mix of hazards, resources, and characters in your sideboard. That is, for the purposes of your sideboard, you can ‘ignore the play deck restrictions: the limit of 10 characters anid the 50/0 resource/hazard [Return to Table of Contents) 3 - Getting Ready to Play ‘Add your region cards to your location deck. See pages $4-56 for more information on how {o.use these cards, ‘Note: For play balance, we recommend both players have access to approximately the same number of region cards. If this cannot be achieved, region cards should not be wsed. [Return (o Table of Contents) 4: The Player Turn Full Player Turn Summary Untap Phase Each of your characters may do one of the following: Untap or Heal (if at a Haven site), Untap all of your other tapped non-site cards. Organization Phase ‘The following actions may be taken in any order: Play a character card or a Wizard card (if allowable), Reorganize your characters at the same Haven into any number of companies, Shift your characters between being. controlled by general influence and being controlled by direct influence, ‘Transfer items between your characters atthe same site. A corruption check is required for the character giving up an item. Store items or other designated resources from your companies at a Haven site or at sites specified on the item cards. A corruption check is requited for the character giving up an item. Each of your companies may do one of the following: > Stay at its current site. 2 Play another site (face down) that can be moved to (4¢., reached) directly from the company's current site. This is the company’s new site card. Standard Rutes Only: Play a new site card and a series of up o four specific regions ‘that connect the current site with the new site. (See pages 54-56) Long-event Phase 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules http://www. html |. First, remove all of your resource long-events already in play. 2. Then, play any new resource long-event cards. 3. Finally, remove all of your opponent's hazard long-events Movement/Hazard Phase Follow this procedure for each of your companies, You decide which of your ‘companies goes first, second, ete © Ifthe company has a face down site card (i, its new site card), tum it over. Your ‘company’s current site becomes its site of origin. If the company is not moving, no cards are drawn. If the company is moving to a nnon-haven site, you may draw up to the number of cards indicated by the site that it is moving to (atleast one eard must be drawn); your opponent does the same. If the Company is moving to a haven site, you may draw up to the number of eards indicated by the site that itis moving from (at least one card must be draw); your ‘opponent does the same. © Your opponent plays hazards on the company-each hazard is resolved as indicated in its text. These hazards are played and resolved one ata time and in some eases may not direetly affect the company. A hazard may not be played if it targets a different company ora character in a different company. If the company is not moving, hazard creatures may only be keyed to the company’s site of origin, Hazard creatures must be "keyed to” the moving company’s site path and/or new site Ifa creature is keyed to more than one region type and/or site type that applies, your opponent decides which one is used. ‘The maximum number of hazards that may be played on a company during a given ‘movement/hazard phase (ic. the hazard limit) is equal to the size of the company or ‘v0, whichever is larger (Hobbits count half, ound up). The hazard limit is determined for each company at the beginning of the movement hazard phase (€.g. it remains fixed). Ifthe company has been required to retum to its site of origin, return the new site card to the location deck (or discard if its tapped) and proceed to step 6 (the site of origin becomes its current site). No additional hazards may be played on that company. Remove the company’s site of origin (ie, the site the company came from). Discard the site card if itis tapped and not a Haven. Otherwise, return i to the location deck. © Atthis point, the company is considered to have arrived at the new site (Ke. its new site becomes its site of origin). Standard Rules Only: Return any region cards to the location deck. ‘You must discard any cards in excess of eight in your hand; your opponent does the same for is hand. If you have fewer than eight cards, you must draw cards until your hhand has eight cards; your opponent does the same for his hand. Vote: Repeat steps 1-6 for each of your companies. Site Phase In the order you decide (i.e., you decide which goes first, second, ete), each of your ‘companies at an untapped site may: do nothing or follow this procedure: You decide to enter and explore the site Ifthe site has an automatic-attack, it attacks the company. The attack is resolved normally (see pages 29-33), 3. The company may attempt to play one item, ally, faction, or information resource card that is “playable” at that site. Generally, this will involve tapping the character that will controf the card played. Ifthe resource card is suecessfully played, the site card is tapped and one additional character may tap to play a minor item. Certain resource cards other than items, allies, factions, and information will state the conditions under which they may be played. Stich cards may be played at tapped and untapped sites, and do not tap a site when played (e.g, Return of the King, Lucky Search, etc.) ‘Standard Rules Only: One of vour characters or your Wizard may attempt to influence ‘away one of your opponent's characters, followers, allies, factions, or items (if i is at the same site) End-of-Turn Phase ‘You may diseard one card. Then you must draw or discard cards until your hand has & 28 of 36, 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 290f 36 http://www geocities,com/TimesSquare/Realm/6437/erules. html cards. Your opponent does the same. {Return to Table of Contents 5 + Characters & Companies There are several Standard Rules changes Splitting a Company at a Non-Haven During the organization phase, a company at a non-haven site may split into two or more companies. The following instructions apply: wolving characters and companies. » - One of the companies may remain atthe current site © + One of the companies may return to the Haven site indicated by the current site's site path, © “Any other companies must move to different sites using region movement, Clarification: These restrictions mean that wo companies may not start atthe same site and ‘then move to the same site separately (Le, in such a situation the two companies would have to move as one compar Joining Two Companies at a Non-Haven Site During the organization phase, two companies may move to the same site, but one of the following cases must apply: © One and only one company may already be atthe site. In this case the other company "must state that its new site card is already in play (the current site card for the jon-moving company) One company moves to the site using the site path on that site card (i.e, the company starts at the site's nearest Haven), and the other company moves to the site using region cards for is site path. In this ease, both companies must state that the saine face down site card is their new site card, In both cases, the two companies must face hazards separately and are then combined at the end of the movemenvhazard phase, Discarding Characters imo pk ks Instead of bringing a new character/Wizard into play during your organization phase, you ‘may discard a character that is at a Haven or at his home site. A Wizard may 10t be discarded, ‘You must take this action when you are forced to discard a character due to a lack of available influence. In this case, the character(s) need not be at a Haven, Bringing Characters into Play Before you play your Wizard, you may use general influence to bring a character into play at any haven or at his home site. After revealing your Wizard, you may use general influence 10 bring a character into play only if your Wizard is atthe site at which the character arrives, ((e.,a Haven or the characters home ste). IR nto Table of Contents| 6 - Movement ‘There are two ways to move from one site to another. A company can use the site path on a site card (see the Starter Rules) or it can use region cards as its site path to a specific site card (e,, region movement), Clarification: Region movement is not necessary to play this game. Region movement just ‘gives you more options; ie. with region movenient a company need not move fo a Haven every other turn. Region cards are not included in starter decks REGION MOVEMENT To use region movement, play a new site card (face down) and a series of up to four regions (face down) that connect the company’s current site with the new site (ie. the company moves). A series of regions "connects" two sites if The current (i. site of origin) site is located inthe fist region, and That region card is adjacent to the next region card played, and 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 30 of 36 hitp:/vww. TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules.html > ‘That region card is adjacent to the next region card played, , and Finally, the last region card played is the region that the new site card is located in, A tepion i adjacent to anther region if and ony if each region ists the other region on its a Clarification: To use region movement for a company, the region cards played must include the region containing the company's current site and the region containing the neve site. If both the current site and the new site are in the same region, only that region card need be played. Clarification: If wo sites are separated by more than four regions, a company may not travel directly between them in one turn (unless some special resource card 18 used, €-g Bridge, Shadowfax, etc). The company must frst travel to interim sites (one per turn) until it reaches a site that is within four regions of the destination site. Clarification: Certain regions may’ appear to be adjacent on the maps, but turn out not to be «adjacent upon examination of the lists on their cards. For example, Dagorlad and Rohan ‘appear 1o be adjacent on the maps, but they are really separated by the Anduin River. Playing Hazards For the purposes of playing hazards, the site path for a company using region movement is defined by the region types of the region cards played. You ean use a creature hazard to directly attack one of your opponent's companies if atleast one of the region types on the creature's card matches that region type of a region card played by the company (two are requited for creatures that require two symbols of the same type) Clarification: Region movement can be more dangerous to use than normal ‘movement-certain creatures can be played keved to specific region cards. For example, suppose you decide to move a company from Lirien to the Easterling Camp using the region cards: Wold & Foothills (w), Brown Lands (s), Dagorlad (s), and Horse. Plains (s). The region types traveled through are she same as the site path used in normal ‘movement between Lorien and the Easterling Camp (as given on the Easterling Camp site ccard)-so the same creatures may be played against the company’ based on region type. Adiinaphel (a Nazgiil) card normally can only be played keved to dark-holds and dark-domains, but it also states that it can be plaved keved to Dagorlad (and the Brown Lands). Thus, Adinaphel could be played on this company as it moves through Dagorlad. Simitarly, Indir Dawndeath and Kham! the Easterling could also be played Example: Leis look at our example for movement from the Starter Game (see page 26) Jessica's company in Bree (in the Arthedain region) wants to move to Thranduil's Halls (in the Woodland Realm region) in order to bring the Wood-elves faction into play. If she does ‘not use region movernent, this takes three tus: Bree to Rivendell, Rivendell to Lérien, and Lorien to Thranduit’s Halls. Using region movement, she can do it in 2 turns ‘The shortest number of region cards tequired for this move is $ and there are two possible routes: + » Arthedain w, Rhudaur w, High Pass w, Anduin Vales b, Woodland Realm b, + Arthedain w, Angmar s, Gundabad d, Anduin Vales b, Woodland Realm b, Jessica decides on the first, less dangerous route. However, itis more than 4 regions long, so her company must first move to another site along the way. Jessica looks at her hand and secs that she has a Precious Gold Ring, so she decides move to Gladden Fields (in the ‘Anduin Vales) (o ty and get the ring on her way to Thranduil’s Halls (why waste a turn), ‘On her first tum, she moves to the Gladden Ficlds by playing the Gladden Fields site and the following regions: Arthedain w, Rhudaur w, High Pass w, Anduin Vales b. On her second tum, she moves to Thranduil’s Halls by playing the Thrandui's Halls site and the following regions: Anduin Vales b, Woodland Realm b, [Return to Table of Contents 7- Combat ‘An untapped character that is not the target of a strike may tap to support a character in the ‘same company that is the target ofa strike. The target's prowess is modified by +I for each supporting character. Clarification: Ifa characteris assigned a strike from an attack, he may not tap to support a 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 31 0f 36 hitp:/www.geocities com/TimesSquare/Realm/6437/uerules. html ‘character that is facing a strike from the same attack. An ally may tap to give a +1 prowess modification in this manner Example: A Cave Drake (to stkes, 10/€shyp) aac your company which const of the untapped character Bilbo, Balin, Bofur, Beta and Beregon You opponent assigns the wo strikes o Bilbo and Ban. You pay a Halling Stealth to cancel the strike agunst Billo, Balin is crryng the Arkenstone, 08 realy wat keep him alive. You tap Balin o fae the attack, and you tap Botur and Beregod o supp You would also like fo ap io Tor support, bu you cannot he was asegnad instil target oC tiv atack Balin has a prowess of 6 versus his stack 4 (his own prowess) +1 (Bofur's suppor) + 1 (Berogon spor ste, so he [Retr Le of Contents| 8 - Corruption Before the roll is made for a corruption check, you may tap other characters in the same company as the character making the check. The corruption check is modified by #1 for ‘each such character andor Wizard tapped. Clarification: If more than one character in a company are forced to make corruption checks, the corruption checks are resolved ane at a tinte in an order chosen by the player controlling the characters, Each character tapped may only give a +1 modification to one corruption check, not to all ofthe corruption checks. Clarification: When the Free Council is called, a character may only tap to give a +1 corruption check modification to another character in the same company: Example: Your company consists ofthe untapped characters: Bilbo, Balin, Bofur, Beretar, and Beregond. A Weariness of the Heart is played on Balin, requiring him to make a ‘corruption check. Balin is carrying the Arkenstone (4 corruption points) and some Healing Herbs (| corruption point), so you tap Bilbo and Beregond to help him with his corruption check. Balin has & Corruption point total of 5, but his roll is modified by +2 (+1 for Bilbo and +1 for Beregond), He will only fail ithe rolls 3 or less. [Return to Table of Contents| 9 - Influence Jnfluence is the only way that your characters can directly affect your opponent's resources. During your site phase, one and only one of your characters may tap to attempt to influence away one of your opponents characters, followers, allies, factions, or items. This may only. take place if the influencing character and the target of the influence are at the same site. If you successfully influence the target, itis discarded, In some cases, you may reveal an identical card and attempt to play it (ie., he convinces the target to join his side). Such an influence attempt may not be made on the frst turn, and a Wizard may not make such an attempt on the tur he is revealed Influencing an Opponent’s Character ‘To attempt to influence one of your opponent's non-Wizard characters you must make an influence check, You make a roll (2D6) and: © Add the influencing character's unused direct influence. © Subtract your opponent's unused general influence points Subtract the result of a roll (2D6) made by your opponent © Add any other modifications (from cards and special abilities). All modification cards ‘ust be played before making the roll Ifthe modified result is greater than the target's mind attribute, the target character card and. al of the non-follower cards he controls are discarded. Otherwise, nothing happens If you reveal an identical character card ftom your hand before making the roll for the influence check, the target character's mind atiibute is treated as if it were zero. Ifthe aitempt is unsuccessful, you must discard the character card you revealed, If such an influence eheck is successful, he target character and his non-follower cards are discarded and the revealed character card may be immediately played (appearing atthe same site).In 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules 32036 http://www. html ‘order to play this character, you must have enough unused general influence to control him ‘or an influencing character atthe same site must have enough direct influence. Clarification: If you reveal an identical character in order to nullify the target character's ‘mind attribute for an influence check, you must discard that character if you do not play him. Example: Jessica and Jason each have one company organized as follows: Jessica's General Influence (--20) Elladan (4:0) Legolas (6:2+2) Inglorion (4-0) Pallando (--10) Celebom (6:1) Elohir (4:0) Jason's General Influence (--20) ‘Théoden (6:3) Faramir (5-1) Imrahil (62) Radagast (- 10) Beom (7:2) Jessica moves her company to the same site as Jason's company. During her site phase, Pallando attempts to influence Faramir. Jessica has 4 unused general influence, Jason has 3 ‘unused general influence, and Pallando has 6 unused direct influence, Jessica rolls 206 and gets a8, while Jason rolls 2D6 and gets a 7, So the modified result of the influence check is 4= 8 (Jessica's roll) + 6 (Pallando's unused direct influence) - 3 (Jason's unused general influence) -7 (Jason's roll). This result is not greater than Faramir’s mind attribute af 5, so Faramir is not influenced and remains in play. If Jessica had rolled a 10 or higher, Faramir \would have been discarded. If Jessica had revealed a Faramir card from her hand before the rolls were made, his mind attribute would have been zero for the purposes of this rol. In this case, the influence check ‘would have been successful-Jason would have discarded his Faramir card and Jessica would have played her Faramir card. He must be played as Pallando’s follower because she only hhas 4 unused general influence, In the ease in which Faramir is influenced, Jessica should not celebrate too much. During his ‘um, Jason can shift Bcom to control by general influence and then use Radagast’s 10 unused general influence points to attempt co influence one of Jessica's characters, Influencing an Opponent's Ally To influence an opponent’ ally, you must make an influence check as outlined above. However, the following exceptions apply: + Instead of the controlling character's mind attribute, the influence check uses the ally's mind attribute. ‘The results also modified by the "unused direct influence” of the character controlling the ally, + Revealing an identical ally card reduces the ally's mind attribute to 0 and allows you to play the card if the influence check is successful Influencing an Opponent’s Follower To influence an opponent's follower, you must make an influence cheek as outlined above. However, the result is also modified by subtracting the "unused direct influence” of the followers controlling character. Influencing an Opponent’s Faction To influence an opponent's faction, you must make an influence check as outlined above, However, the following exceptions apply: 2 Instead of a mind attribute, the influence check uses the value usually required to bring the faction into play (as given on the faction’s card) o The influence check is modified by any of the faction's applicable "Standard Modifications” (as given on the faction’s card) © Revealing an identical faction card reduces the the value usually required to bring the faction into play to zero and allows you to play that card ifthe influence check is. successful. ‘You may only influence an opponent's factions ifthe influencing characteris atthe site where the faction was played 5/29/98 11:29 AM‘The House of Nienna, METW rules bhup:/www html Influencing an Opponent's Item To influence an opponent's item, you must make an influence check as outlined above. However, he following exceptions apply. The mind attribute of the character controlling the item is used. = » The result is also modified by subtracting the "unused direct influence” of the item's controlling character. + « You must reveal an identical item card in order to make an influence attempt on an item (i, you are attempting to convince the controlling character thatthe item Would be more uscful to the cause of the Free Peoples in your hands). Ifthe influence check is successful, you may play your card with the character that made the influence check-if you choose not to play the item, discard it Clarification: The unused direct influence for an influence check against an item is affected bby any direct influence modification that the target item gives us bearer. Return to Table 7 10 - Playing and Drawing Cards There are several Standard Rules changes involving playing cards. Ke LIMITS ON DRAWING CARDS During your turn, you may draw cards based on one of your moving companies only if the company contains a Wizard or atleast one character with a mind attribute of three ot more. PLACING A CARD ON-GUARD [Old Rule] During the movementhazard phase of your opponent's turn, you may place one card. ‘on-guard for each of your opponent's companies. This card is played face down net to the ‘company’s new site or next to its current site if it did not move. Any card can be placed ‘on-guard (i... it does not have to be a hazard, you can bluff). Such a card does eount against the hazard limit for the company its placed on. ‘The card will remain on that site until one of the following occurs: +; The company decides to face the site's automatie-attack, Ifthe on-guard card isa Ivar creature Keyed tthe company’ st ora haar that can modi the ‘automatic-attack, it may be revealed before the automatic-atlack is resolved. [fit isa hhazard ereatue, it will attack after the automatic-atack is resolved. +» The company plays a card keyed tothe site. Ifthe on-guard card is a non-creature hazard, it may be revealed if it isa hazard that directly affects the company of a character inthe company (eg, 3 hazard that forces all characters to make & corruption check). =" Otherwise, return the card to your hand atthe end ofthe site phase, In the first wo cases, the eard is handled as if it had been played during the ‘movement-hazard phase (i.c., short-events are discarded, long-events last until your ‘opponent's next long-event phase, ee.) PLACING A CARD ON-GUARD [Revised Rule] An often confusing point is when and if certain hazards can be revealed as on-guard cards. ‘There are two cases when a face down card may be revealed, and, thusly, affect an ‘opponent's company: I) when the company announces it will face a site's automatic-attacks (before the automatic-attack is iself faced), and 2) when the company plays a card keyed to the site. For case #1, itis essential to realize that if the site has no automatic-attacks (Like all normally. ‘occuring Free-holds), you cannot reveal an on-guard card according to this criterium, Additionally, an event that modifies the prowess of a character may not be revealedonly hazards that modify an automaticattack itself can be, A creature revealed as an on-guard card is not considered an automatie-attack-it is considered a hazard creature attack For ease #2, specifically, you may reveal an on-guard card in the same chain of effeets in response to the play (declaration thereof) of any item, faction, ally, or other card that potentially taps the site. Successfully testing for and playing a ring special item does not count! You may reveal an on-guard card in response to the declaration of an influence 33 0f 36 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 34 0f 36 |hup:/, htm] attempt on a faction that only has an effect if the attempt would be successful (e.g., Lure of Power). Also, in the case of a faction, you may reveal an on-guard card that affects the actual influence attempt. Additionally, the on-guard card may only be revealed if it affects the company or a character in the company that site phase-this clarification is actually looser than the rule printed on Page page 61 of the METW Unlimited Rulesbook. This rule did state the on-guard card may only be revealed if it directly affected the company. Only declared or on-going cards and effects can be considered when determining the validy of revealing an on-guard card--cards in your hand, your opponents hand, play deck, discard pile, ele, cannot be considered and poiential effects that have not been triggered cannot be considered, An on-guard card may not be revealed if it has an effect that is meaningless during a company's site phase. Example Asan example of how this requirement is looser now, Balance of Things may be revealed as ‘an on-guard card so long as at least one character in the company, during whose site phase Balance of Things is revealed, carries at least one corruption soutce. Example Balrog of Moria could be revealed when a company chooses to face the automatic-attacks at Moria (Balrog modifies Moria's automati-attacks), However, it could not be revealed in response to the play of an item at Moria because Balrog in no way can affeet the company for the rest ofthe site phase (unless for some reason the company is fated to face the automatic-attacks again), ‘A corruption card can be revealed as an on-guard card (so long as it otherwise is legal)-because a character in the company is affected. A card that changes the company’s site type cannot be revealed unless this has some obvious effect on the company that site phase. 1) Acard cannot be revealed that retums a company to its site of origin. 2) A card cannot be revealed that taps a company’s st. 3) A cand cannot be revealed that potentially removes a character from a company. 4) A cand cannot be revealed that forees a company to do nothing during its site phase 5) A card that potentially removes an ally from the company can be revealed (so long as it otherwise is lepal). 6) Traitor cannot be revealed. 7) Troll-purse (from Middle-earth: Dark Minions) can be revealed. ‘The spirit ofthe on-guard card is to represent a hazard threat that existed during a company's ‘movemenv/hazard phase, but of which the company was not aware. The actual rule that portrays this spirit is: an on-guard may only be revealed if it ould have also been played during the movemenv/hazard phases isa slight modification from the rule printed on page page 61 of the METW Unlimited Rulesbook. Practically, this means all targets of the ccard must have existed during the movemenhazard phase in order forthe card to be revealed, IMPORTANT: A revealed on-guard card retroactively takes effect as though it were both declared and resolved immediately prior to the chain of effects during which it was revealed. For example, i a Greed is played in reponse to the play of an item, it is considered to be in cffect immediately prior to the play of item. Thus, Greed would cause corruption checks following the play of the item. Example As a final, encompassing example of the NEW on-guard rules, Muster Disperses cannot be revealed as an on-guard card for throe reasons, 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 35 0f36 hutp:/www 1) Muster Disperses cannot target a faction played during the site phase during which it would be revealed because this target did not exist during the movemenvhazard phase 2) Muster Disperses cannot target a faction already in play atthe start of the site phase because it would not affect a company or a character in the company. 3) Muster Disperses cannot target a faction played during the site phase during which it ‘would be revealed because this target does not exist when Muster Disperses would be revealed. A card can only be revealed in the same chain of effects as the play of a resource ‘hat potentially taps the site and this esouree actually isnot resolved and cannot be targeted at that point Example: After visiting Thranduils Halls, Jessica's company moves to The Lonely Mountain, During her movement/hazard phase, Jason places a card on-guard. The card is Awaken Denizens, but Jessica does not know that, This card doubles the # of strikes for an aaufomatie-attack ai a Ruins & Lairs site. During her site phase, Jessica states that her company will face The Lonely Mountain's ‘automatic-attack (a Dragon, I strike with a prowess of 14). Jason reveals his on-guard card and the automatic-attack becomes 2 strikes with a prowess of 14 each, Jessica's company ‘must face this attack (it may be canceled, Suppose Jason had placed a Cave Drake on-guard. Then Jessica's company would have to face the automaticvattack and then the Cave Drake. Suppose Jason had placed a Weariness of the Heart on-guard, Then, if Jessica's company successfully faced the automatic-attack and played an item, Jason could reveal the Weariness of the Heart to force any one character in the company to make a corruption check. Dice Roll Timing Before a roll is made for combat or a cheek, cards may be played that will modify the result of the roll. However, once the roll is actually made, no further cards may be played that modify the dice roll result. This modified result is used to determine effects of the combat or cheek before any other actions are taken. When the effects of a dice roll require other actions (cg., a successful strike requires a body check) those actions become the initial actions (any further rolls come first) in the next chain of effects after the rol ‘Timing Rules ‘You and your opponent may both want to perform actions at the same time or actions that are sequenced with respect fo other actions. This can happen during your movementhazard phase (or during your site phase if your opponent has a card on-euard). Such actions almost always include playing a card, tapping a card already in play, and revealing an on-guard card, Your opponent may always declare an action in response before your action is resolved, ‘Then, you may respond to his action, and he can respond to your second action, and so on until neither player can (or wants to) perform an action, ‘You must give your opponent a chante to respond to every action, and vice versa. If you perform an action and move on to another action without giving your opponent a chance to respond, you must "backup" if he indicates that he wants (o respond. Such a series of declared actions is called a chain of effects. You always have the option of declaring the first action ina chain of effects during your tum. The actions in a chain of effects are resolved one ata time from last declared to first declared (i.., the last declared action is resolved first, then the second to the last, etc), ‘You may follow one of your declared actions with another of your declared actions in the same chain of effects, so long as you give your opponent a chance to respond to frst action, An action in a chain of effects is negated if the conditions required to perform it are negated bby another action that is resolved before it in the chain of effects, ‘Timing Example: You play Weariness of the Heart on Bilbo to force him to make a corruption check. Your opponent taps Frodo (2nd action in this chain of effects) to give Bilbo =I to this check. You play Call of Home on Bilbo (3rd action), which forces Bilbo to ‘make a successful roll or return to his owner's hand. Finally, your opponent plays Teokish Blood on Bilbo. This cancels any effect for the rest of the turn which would diseard Bilbo or send him to his owner's hand, Now you resolve actions from last to firs: + Tookish Blood takes effect, © Call of Home takes effect, but Tookish Blood negates any effect it would have, © Frodo gives +1 to Bilbo's corruption check (an action can target a dice-rolling action that was declared earlier in the same chain of effects, even though the dice-rolling action has not taken effect) 5/29/98 11:29 AMThe House of Nienna, METW rules 36 0f 36 bitp:/ html © Bilbo makes his corruption check-he rolls the dice adding +1 to his roll because of Frodo’s help (other modifications not discussed here). Tookish Blood cancels any result ofthis corruption check that would diseard Bilbo. Ifyour opponent had played Tookish Blood on Bilbo after his dice roll, i. after this chain of effects was resolved, it would not have affected your Call of Home nor Bilbo's corruption check. Tookish Blood only cancels those actions that occur during the rest of the tum, and ot prior actions, ‘Consider if Tookish Blood had not been played and if you played Call of Home on Frodo. First Frodo rolls for Call of Home when resolving the chain. If he fails this check, Frodo ‘goes back to your opponent's hand. The 2nd action in the chain would then be negated ‘because the conditions requited to perform it, namely Frodo being in Bilbo's company, were negated by your Call of Home, [Return to Table of Contents 5/29/98 11:29 AM
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