August 2 Gathering: Hello, Everyone!
August 2 Gathering: Hello, Everyone!
August 2 Gathering: Hello, Everyone!
Hello, everyone!
H opefully you have received the invitation to a special Prayer Gathering on the
eve of the special election. Please spread the word; it would be wonderful to
fill the Old Stone Church in Branson and the United Methodist Church in Kimberling
City to overflowing. Just as important, please be praying now. How? That the Holy
Spirit guide and direct the people of the State of Missouri to vote on these critical
issues – that God’s holy and perfect will be done. The Body of Christ must stand up;
as Tony Evans said at a Promise Keepers meeting, “It is time for Christians to come
out of the closet!” Prayer is good and important; prayer that is a crying out from
the depths of our spirits is critical. There is an Old Testament pattern that serves
as a model: When the people of God were sinful and when they were complacent,
disaster came; when the people of God repented and cried out to God with sincere
and earnest hearts, God delivered them.
buy some trinkets.” The first banker
hile cleaning out the aviary of a replied, “I told him we don’t lend
rundown British zoo, the keeper money to livestock.” The manager
found a finch that had dropped dead threw his hands up into the air and
from old age. He put it in a sack. said, “Oh, for goodness sake! It’s a
Later he found two knicknack, Paddywhack, give the hog
dead monkeys in their a loan!
cages. He put them
in the sack, too. CHURCH ARMY, BRANSON
When he went by the
teve Brightwell, the National
lion’s cage at feeding
Director of Church Army, USA, is
time, he thought about
leading a service in The Old Stone
what he had in the sack and decided
Church on the evening of Saturday,
not to let the contents go to waste.
July 24. He will be commissioning the
So he emptied the sack into the cage.
“Peace in the Storm Fellowship of
But the lion wasn’t happy and roared,
Believers” as the first Church Army
“Not finch and chimps again!”…Guide:
USA congregation. The Saturday
“I never guide hunters anymore, just
evening services there are both fun
fishermen.” Hunter: “Why?” Guide:
and inspiring – proving that those two
“I’ve never been mistaken for a
words can indeed go together. If you
fish.”…”I came face-to-face with a lion
would like more information, call the
once. And can you believe it, I found
Church Army office at 339-3804.
myself alone and without a gun.”
Steve Baughan, the local Director is
“What did you do?” “What choice did
doing a terrific job. I recently
I have? First, I tried looking straight
received a card from the previous
into his eyes, but he slowly began to
Director, Tim Scheuer, who is now the
creep towards me. I moved back, but
National Director of Australia. He
he kept coming. I had to do some
misses the area but God is blessing
quick thinking.” “So, how did you get
his work and his family. Please pray
away?” “I just left him and passed on
for Church Army everywhere, as it
to the next cage.”…A woman
ministers to people in need of Christ’s
went to the pet shop to
healing love. A recent Church Army
buy a parrot. When she
Branson Newsletter included a
picked out a rare breed,
testimony from Cody: He smoked pot
the owner congratulated
and drank alcohol beginning in the
her on her choice. “If you’d
third grade; he then discovered
like, I could send you the bill
cocaine at age 14. When he came to
at the end of the month,” the pet
Branson, he got caught up in an
owner said. “No, thanks; I’d like to
alcoholic lifestyle and attempted
take the whole bird today.”…Two
suicide. Then he met God through
frogs were sitting on a log, feeding on
Church Army. He writes, “Since I’ve
passing insects. One remarked to the
accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and
other, “Time’s sure fun when we’re
Savior, I read the Bible now. I go to
having flies.”…(and the last one:
the weekly Peace in the Storm service,
Whether you get this one may have
I have been baptized, and I want to
something to do with your age, or
give away what has been given to me
and to help people who are suffering commitment to prayer, as we move
as I once was…God’s Grace and Love steadily ahead in our third year of
working in my life is the most seeking God’s richest blessings for our
beautiful thing that’s ever happened area and the people who live and work
to me. I want to tell people about and visit here.
what they are missing and to lead
others to Christ. I know that God SHARING A “VISION”
wants me to make a difference for
Him and that’s why He kept me alive
through all the situations I’ve been in.
S everal weeks ago, I had the
privilege of sharing my
testimony at a men’s prayer
Most importantly, I have learned to
give God all the credit for everything group, during breakfast at a
that has happened.” Church Army is restaurant in Forsyth. Afterwards,
included in the UP Team in two a man came up to me and shared
sectors: Churches and Ministries and a dream that he recently had. If
Social/Civic Services. you are like me, that kind of
comment produces the spiritual
RECRUITMENT antennae going up and asking the
don’t forget the new UP Team web
everal weeks ago, the Holy
Several folks have signed up for the
Spirit showed me a connection
site, and all UP Team member with e- among three Scriptures. It was so
mail will be receiving an invitation encouraging to me that I
from Ken Greening, the Christian developed them into a
Brother who developed the site for us. message that I gave
Ken is also the VP of Businessmen’s at two Senior
Fellowship in Branson and developed Living Centers.
their area web site as well. Thank Hopefully, they will
you, Ken! Ken’s e-mail address is
bless you. 1)
[email protected].
Philippians 4: 4-7:
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will
say it again: Rejoice! Let your
ay Johnson is the long-time
gentleness be evident to all. The
master knife maker at Silver
Lord is near. Do not be anxious
Dollar City. People come literally
about anything, but in everything,
from all over the United States
by prayer and petition, with
(and probably beyond) to
thanksgiving, present your
purchase his collector knives. If
requests to God. And the peace of
you have never watched one of his
God, which transcends all
knife making demonstrations, I
understanding, will guard your
encourage you to do so. I was
hearts and your minds in Christ
visiting with Ray recently, and he
Jesus.” Why rejoice? Why not be
was reflecting on the days he
anxious? Why be thankful? Why
spent in ICU when his dear wife
be at peace? An answer is found
was very ill. She is doing better
in 2) Ephesians 2: 17-22: “He
now. Ray, during one of the long
came and preached peace to you
vigils in the waiting room, wrote a
who were far away and peace to
poem. He gave me a copy of it
those who were near. For through
and I asked his permission to
Him we both have access to the
share it with you:
Father by one Spirit.
“I no longer see the sun, or hear
Consequently, you are no longer
the redbirds’ song;
foreigners and aliens but fellow
the many trials of life seem, oh so
citizens with God’s people and
hard and long.
members of God’s household,
I try to handle my troubles,
built on the foundation of the
sometimes I’m all alone;
apostles and prophets, with Christ
I push to the limit, ‘til I’m weary
Jesus Himself as the chief
to the bone.
cornerstone. In Him the whole
I work and worry all day long, with
building is joined together and
all my many cares;
rises to become a holy temple in
at last I can go no more, and I
the Lord. And in Him you too are
bow my head in prayer.
being built together to become a
dwelling in which God lives by His
Spirit.” We can rejoice, because
we are no longer foreigners/aliens
(strangers/wanderers) but we are
actually citizens of heaven, right
now, in fellowship with the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. We
recognize this only by eyes of
faith, but with those eyes of faith
we see awesome spiritual realities
– so we can rejoice, be thankful,
be full of inner peace. So, then,
how should we live? Paul tells us:
3) Galatians 6: 14, 16-18: “May I
never boast except in the cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ, through
which the world has been crucified
to me, and I to the world…Finally,
let no one cause me trouble, for I
bear on my body the marks of
Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ be with your spirit.”
Bob Burton