August 2 Gathering: Hello, Everyone!

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JULY, 2004

Hello, everyone!

H opefully you have received the invitation to a special Prayer Gathering on the
eve of the special election. Please spread the word; it would be wonderful to
fill the Old Stone Church in Branson and the United Methodist Church in Kimberling
City to overflowing. Just as important, please be praying now. How? That the Holy
Spirit guide and direct the people of the State of Missouri to vote on these critical
issues – that God’s holy and perfect will be done. The Body of Christ must stand up;
as Tony Evans said at a Promise Keepers meeting, “It is time for Christians to come
out of the closet!” Prayer is good and important; prayer that is a crying out from
the depths of our spirits is critical. There is an Old Testament pattern that serves
as a model: When the people of God were sinful and when they were complacent,
disaster came; when the people of God repented and cried out to God with sincere
and earnest hearts, God delivered them.

CORRECTION belonging to Jesus’ Church means

S peaking of repentance, I have

repented to Pastor Sue Ewan. I
had almost all of the letters stuffed
more than merely believing in Him.
Many Christians today merely ‘cast a
vote for Jesus.’ The attitude is, ‘I
and sealed when I realized that I had voted for Christ. That makes me a
spelled her name wrong on one of the member of His party.’…Jesus says
flyers (there was a full page one and belonging to His Church goes much
there were also two smaller ones for further than that. And that involves a
pastors to use as bulletin inserts). On life of self-denial and taking up a
the full-page flyer she is listed as cross. (Matthew 10: 38)…The fact is,
“Sue Ewing”. So, I publicly state: It is Christ’s Church has never been
EWAN! She graciously permitted me approved or accepted by the world.
to go ahead with the mailing as is. And it never will be. If you live for
Jesus, you won’t have to separate
yourself from others’ company; they’ll
“THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST” do it for you…Yet, Jesus adds, this is

T his is the title of one of David

Wilkerson’s “Times Square Pulpit
Series” messages, dated
the path that leads to true fulfillment.
(Matthew 16: 25)…2) Jesus’ Church is
a place where sinners repent of sins,
May 10 of this year. Following are with their heart and their mouth.
some excerpts: “What is the true (Romans 10: 8-11)…What was Jesus’
gospel of Jesus Christ? Even most first message? He preached
non-believers know the Bible contains repentance…you may think Christ’s
four gospel accounts, Matthew, Mark, gospel of repentance sounds like a
Luke and John. So, what is the downer. But…a repentant heart
essence of these gospels, or ‘the brings true life. (2 Corinthians 7: 10)…
good news’? When Christians 3) Jesus’ Church is a place where you
speak of the gospel of Jesus may hear a hard, troubling message…
Christ, what is it we’re talking In Christ’s Church there will come
about?…1) Jesus says His Church is offensive words. Yes, you will hear a
one of self-denial and a cross…Clearly, message of good news, a gospel of
love, mercy, grace and long-suffering. walking is: Going to a specific place
But there are also messages that dare or area, ideally with at least one more
not be tampered with. And those person (based on “where two or three
messages include the preaching of are gathered together…”, but alone is
Christ’s blood and the cross…The sign fine also) and quietly praying for the
of every true follower of Jesus is that people and needs there, as the Holy
of surrender to Christ’s every word… Spirit guides. It is not something
4) How do you think Jesus would start done in a way to draw attention, it is
a church in your city or town? The not “Bible waving”; if it is two or
first thing Christ would do is go on a more, it is quiet sharing of prayers. Is
weeping tour throughout your city. it necessary to physically be in a place
(Luke 19: 41-42)… What made Jesus to pray for it? Obviously not; but it is
weep? It began with a heartbreaking a proven way to focus prayer, to
walk he took around the city. He was “claim the land for God,” to intercede
overcome with grief at the sight of so for people and situations. For
many people who had no peace…As example: A few weeks ago, six men – I
He walked through the temple; He saw was privileged to be included with
tables of moneychangers, them – met in downtown Rockaway
merchandising the things of God. There Beach and walked through the
was no real prayer, no fear of the business district, praying that God
Lord. And Christ wept over it all…. bless the people and that His will be
Today would Christ find His people done. We specifically prayed that
praying?…God help us never to soften there be economic blessings without
His gospel…Encourage pastors who casino gambling and the baggage it
preach the true gospel of Jesus normally brings with it; but, again, we
Christ…Thank the Lord that…the Holy sought to yield to God’s perfect will.
Spirit is allowed to do His true work in One of the prayer walkers was a local
your midst. When the gospel of Jesus businessman there, and another was a
Christ is preached with conviction, county official. A second example:
heaven opens and devils flee.” Two-three people have quietly walked
the Herschend Family Entertainment
properties in this area and prayed for
IHOLY SPIRIT INTERRUPTION the employees, the guests, for safety,
just now received a phone call from for Christ’s love to touch people, for
an UP Team member who received the economic success. If the Holy Spirit
invitation to the Prayer Gathering. prompts you to go to a specific place
She wanted to reinforce the and pray, invite someone and do it. If
importance of the call to prayer. She you are uncomfortable because it is
said something fascinating: “We were new, I would be happy to go with you.
created to pray.” That is an awesome I was talking recently with one of the
statement. We were created in God’s people who prayer walked at Silver
image and likeness in order to have an Dollar City; she said that she was a
intimate and eternal life of union with little nervous before we did it, but
Him, with Father, Son and Holy that it proved to be a wonderful and
Spirit. Prayer is the uplifting experience. Be creative also:
dialogue between God Prayer driving is an option – either by
and us, now as well as yourself or with others. I know an UP
in heaven. God seeks Team member who drives to the
for us to communicate parking lots of churches and prays for
with Him, to make it the the pastoral teams and the
most important event of our daily life congregations. My older son is a
– to make all of life a living prayer. pastor in Colorado; once a week
Thank you! members of the congregation
physically go to another church – with
PRAYER WALKING that pastor’s blessing – and pray

Y ou have heard this concept

described here before. I strongly
encourage you to prayerfully consider
inside the church. I have a request:
When you do some form of prayer
walking, formal or informal, alone or
doing this, within your sector of with others, would you please let me
prayer and/or elsewhere in our area. know? I would like to keep track of
In the most basic sense, prayer this so that I can continue to
encourage prayer walking by sharing maybe not)
examples and success stories. Just A pig went
leave me a message at 336-7076 if to the bank for a loan to buy some
you get my voice mail, or drop me a trinkets for his new house. One of the
note at 7347 W. State Hwy 76, bankers said, “Hi, my name is Mr.
Branson 65616, or e-mail me at Paddywhack. How can I help you?”
[email protected]. Also, When the pig explained, the banker
please let me know when you have frowned and said, “I’m sorry, but we
prayers answered, whether through never lend money to animals.”
prayer walking or through your “Please,” said the pig, “I promise to
regular intercession. That will be a pay it back.” “Perhaps you had better
great encouragement to us all. speak to the manager,” said Mr.
Paddywhack. The manager appeared,
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: ANIMAL and the pig repeated his request:
“Please, all I need is a little money to

buy some trinkets.” The first banker
hile cleaning out the aviary of a replied, “I told him we don’t lend
rundown British zoo, the keeper money to livestock.” The manager
found a finch that had dropped dead threw his hands up into the air and
from old age. He put it in a sack. said, “Oh, for goodness sake! It’s a
Later he found two knicknack, Paddywhack, give the hog
dead monkeys in their a loan!
cages. He put them
in the sack, too. CHURCH ARMY, BRANSON

When he went by the
teve Brightwell, the National
lion’s cage at feeding
Director of Church Army, USA, is
time, he thought about
leading a service in The Old Stone
what he had in the sack and decided
Church on the evening of Saturday,
not to let the contents go to waste.
July 24. He will be commissioning the
So he emptied the sack into the cage.
“Peace in the Storm Fellowship of
But the lion wasn’t happy and roared,
Believers” as the first Church Army
“Not finch and chimps again!”…Guide:
USA congregation. The Saturday
“I never guide hunters anymore, just
evening services there are both fun
fishermen.” Hunter: “Why?” Guide:
and inspiring – proving that those two
“I’ve never been mistaken for a
words can indeed go together. If you
fish.”…”I came face-to-face with a lion
would like more information, call the
once. And can you believe it, I found
Church Army office at 339-3804.
myself alone and without a gun.”
Steve Baughan, the local Director is
“What did you do?” “What choice did
doing a terrific job. I recently
I have? First, I tried looking straight
received a card from the previous
into his eyes, but he slowly began to
Director, Tim Scheuer, who is now the
creep towards me. I moved back, but
National Director of Australia. He
he kept coming. I had to do some
misses the area but God is blessing
quick thinking.” “So, how did you get
his work and his family. Please pray
away?” “I just left him and passed on
for Church Army everywhere, as it
to the next cage.”…A woman
ministers to people in need of Christ’s
went to the pet shop to
healing love. A recent Church Army
buy a parrot. When she
Branson Newsletter included a
picked out a rare breed,
testimony from Cody: He smoked pot
the owner congratulated
and drank alcohol beginning in the
her on her choice. “If you’d
third grade; he then discovered
like, I could send you the bill
cocaine at age 14. When he came to
at the end of the month,” the pet
Branson, he got caught up in an
owner said. “No, thanks; I’d like to
alcoholic lifestyle and attempted
take the whole bird today.”…Two
suicide. Then he met God through
frogs were sitting on a log, feeding on
Church Army. He writes, “Since I’ve
passing insects. One remarked to the
accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and
other, “Time’s sure fun when we’re
Savior, I read the Bible now. I go to
having flies.”…(and the last one:
the weekly Peace in the Storm service,
Whether you get this one may have
I have been baptized, and I want to
something to do with your age, or
give away what has been given to me
and to help people who are suffering commitment to prayer, as we move
as I once was…God’s Grace and Love steadily ahead in our third year of
working in my life is the most seeking God’s richest blessings for our
beautiful thing that’s ever happened area and the people who live and work
to me. I want to tell people about and visit here.
what they are missing and to lead
others to Christ. I know that God SHARING A “VISION”
wants me to make a difference for
Him and that’s why He kept me alive
through all the situations I’ve been in.
S everal weeks ago, I had the
privilege of sharing my
testimony at a men’s prayer
Most importantly, I have learned to
give God all the credit for everything group, during breakfast at a
that has happened.” Church Army is restaurant in Forsyth. Afterwards,
included in the UP Team in two a man came up to me and shared
sectors: Churches and Ministries and a dream that he recently had. If
Social/Civic Services. you are like me, that kind of
comment produces the spiritual
RECRUITMENT antennae going up and asking the

T here are literally thousands of

“praying people” in Stone and
Taney Counties (and in Polk and Cedar
Holy Spirit for
discernment. Well, as
soon as he shared what
Counties to the north, where a sister he had seen, I knew
UP Team is now located). People who
that it was truly from
are already committed to prayer
understand the mission of the UP God. I believe it will
Team – that God’s perfect will be done resonate with many or
– and recognize the immense all of you, as it did with
importance of intercession. I truly me: He saw the Branson
believe that getting to the point of area (not just the city, the two
having every hour of every week filled county area – and I am quite
with prayer is just the first step; think comfortable in saying now the
of the power of having every slot filled entire State of MO) as a
with two, three, four or more people!
lighthouse on a hill. At the bottom
Current members and sector leaders
are the key people in spreading the of the hill and for as far as one
word and encouraging others to could see there was confusion and
commit to an hour a week. This stress and desperation, but on the
should never be positioned as a “hard hill there was serenity. People
sell”; it is mentioning the UP Team to from far away saw it and flocked
people who already pray, to prayer to the lighthouse, for they wanted
groups, to pastors, and asking them to know what made the area
to pray about joining, while not different. The light was Christ,
moving away from current prayer and
and He was drawing people from
prayer group commitments. Silver
Dollar City has a “hire-a-friend” around the nation like a magnet,
program; it encourages employees to to be refreshed, renewed and
invite friends and family to consider encouraged to spread His love
working for the Company. Of course, elsewhere. The man also saw on
they utilize a monetary incentive; the the hill a farmer tilling his field –
incentive I can offer is the spiritual and since it was the Ozarks, the
satisfaction of being used by the Holy tilling was very difficult, with
Spirit as a vessel for increasing many rocks and clumps of clay to
focused prayer. You believe in the UP
remove. The message to him, and
Team, or you would not be a member;
please share your enthusiasm with it sure sounds right to me, is that
others. And, I would be absolutely we are not yet the place God in
thrilled if you can open doors for me, His plan truly wants us to be;
or you, or others, to speak to there is tilling to be done, sin to
churches, prayer groups, be repented for and removed. But
organizations, etc. Thank you! And our area and our State can truly
thank you for your faithful be a key element in God’s moving
our nation to revival, to a new already too late; 7) Brake fluid
awakening. This is not a “Hurrah mixed with Clorox makes smoke,
for us!” but a continuing call to and lots of it; 8) A six-year-old
live 2 Chronicles 7 -- “If My can start a fire with a flint rock
people, who are called by My even though a 36-year-old man
Name, will humble themselves, says they can only do it in the
and repent…I will heal their land.” movies; 9) Certain Legos will pass
There is a strong need for prayer through the digestive tract of a 4-
and action – and for the realization year-old; 10) Play dough and
that fervent and “crying out” microwave should not be used in
prayer is action in God’s sight. the same sentence; 11) Super glue
is forever; 12) No matter how
MORE ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: much Jell-O you put in a swimming
CHILDREN pool, you still can’t walk on water.

D epending on whether you

have small children or can
remember when yours were small
Also, pool filters do not like Jell-O;
13) VCRs do not eject PB&J
sandwiches even though TV
or have experienced the children commercials show they do; 14)
of other people or your Garbage bags do not make good
grandchildren, this may parachutes; 15) Marbles in gas
be funny at best or tanks make a lot of noise while
nostalgic at worst: driving; 16) You probably do not
From an anonymous want to know what that strange
mother in Austin, odor is;17) Always look in the
Texas: “Things I have oven before you turn it on; plastic
learned from my toys do not like ovens; 18) The
children (honest and spin cycle on the washing machine
not kidding)…1) A king size does not make earthworms dizzy.
waterbed holds enough water to It will, however, make cats dizzy,
fill a 2000 square foot house 4 and cats throw up twice their body
inches deep; 2) If you spray hair weight when dizzy; 19) 80% of
spray on dust bunnies and run men who read this will try mixing
over them with roller blades, they the Clorox and brake fluid!”
can ignite; 3) A 3-year-old’s voice
is louder than 200 adults in a
crowded restaurant; 4) If you hook
a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the FUND RAISER
motor is not strong enough to
rotate a 42 pound boy wearing
Batman underwear and a
L ove INC has an ongoing fund
raising effort to help support this
important ministry. They are
Superman cape – it is strong recycling cell phones and ink/laser jet
printer cartridges. If you have any of
enough, however, if tied to a paint
these ready-to-be-discarded items,
can, to spread paint on all four please call Cally at 336-7056. Also,
walls of a 20X20 foot room; 5) You Love INC requests your prayers for the
should not throw baseballs up upcoming School Readiness Fairs – for
when the ceiling fan is on. But a “cup-runneth-over” donation of
when you use the ceiling fan as a school supplies.
bat, you have to throw the ball up
a few times before you get a hit.
(A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a
The goal is to serve 500 children this
long way, and the glass in
year. If you would like to help with
windows, even double paned, does this effort, cash donations may be
not stop a baseball hit by a ceiling made to the Bank of Kimberling City.
fan.) 6) When you hear the toilet For more information, call Cally or
flush and the words ‘uh-oh,’ it’s Anita . Love INC is working with a
client, a single mom with two kids, And as I lay me down to sleep, I
who is looking for a stacking know it will be alright;
washer/dryer or at least a washing ‘cause I know one comforting
machine. If you have one available call thing – my God don’t sleep at
Cally or Anita. Our thanks to Anita
Callison and Cally Ross for the
wonderful services that Love INC
(Love in the Name of Christ) provide
individuals and families of our two
county areas.


F or those of you who have e-mail, WITH YOU

don’t forget the new UP Team web
everal weeks ago, the Holy
Several folks have signed up for the
Spirit showed me a connection
site, and all UP Team member with e- among three Scriptures. It was so
mail will be receiving an invitation encouraging to me that I
from Ken Greening, the Christian developed them into a
Brother who developed the site for us. message that I gave
Ken is also the VP of Businessmen’s at two Senior
Fellowship in Branson and developed Living Centers.
their area web site as well. Thank Hopefully, they will
you, Ken! Ken’s e-mail address is
bless you. 1)
[email protected].
Philippians 4: 4-7:
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will

say it again: Rejoice! Let your
ay Johnson is the long-time
gentleness be evident to all. The
master knife maker at Silver
Lord is near. Do not be anxious
Dollar City. People come literally
about anything, but in everything,
from all over the United States
by prayer and petition, with
(and probably beyond) to
thanksgiving, present your
purchase his collector knives. If
requests to God. And the peace of
you have never watched one of his
God, which transcends all
knife making demonstrations, I
understanding, will guard your
encourage you to do so. I was
hearts and your minds in Christ
visiting with Ray recently, and he
Jesus.” Why rejoice? Why not be
was reflecting on the days he
anxious? Why be thankful? Why
spent in ICU when his dear wife
be at peace? An answer is found
was very ill. She is doing better
in 2) Ephesians 2: 17-22: “He
now. Ray, during one of the long
came and preached peace to you
vigils in the waiting room, wrote a
who were far away and peace to
poem. He gave me a copy of it
those who were near. For through
and I asked his permission to
Him we both have access to the
share it with you:
Father by one Spirit.
“I no longer see the sun, or hear
Consequently, you are no longer
the redbirds’ song;
foreigners and aliens but fellow
the many trials of life seem, oh so
citizens with God’s people and
hard and long.
members of God’s household,
I try to handle my troubles,
built on the foundation of the
sometimes I’m all alone;
apostles and prophets, with Christ
I push to the limit, ‘til I’m weary
Jesus Himself as the chief
to the bone.
cornerstone. In Him the whole
I work and worry all day long, with
building is joined together and
all my many cares;
rises to become a holy temple in
at last I can go no more, and I
the Lord. And in Him you too are
bow my head in prayer.
being built together to become a
dwelling in which God lives by His
Spirit.” We can rejoice, because
we are no longer foreigners/aliens
(strangers/wanderers) but we are
actually citizens of heaven, right
now, in fellowship with the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. We
recognize this only by eyes of
faith, but with those eyes of faith
we see awesome spiritual realities
– so we can rejoice, be thankful,
be full of inner peace. So, then,
how should we live? Paul tells us:
3) Galatians 6: 14, 16-18: “May I
never boast except in the cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ, through
which the world has been crucified
to me, and I to the world…Finally,
let no one cause me trouble, for I
bear on my body the marks of
Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ be with your spirit.”


I n his book, “I Shall Not Want,”

Robert Ketchum tells of a
Sunday School teacher who asked
her group of children if anyone
could quote the entire 23rd Psalm.
A four-and-a-half year old girl
raised her hand. A bit skeptical,
the teacher asked if she could
really quote the entire Psalm. The
little girl came to the front of the
room, faced the class, made a
perky little bow, and said: “The
Lord is my Shepherd; that’s all I
want.” She bowed again and sat
down. As the author stated, that
may well be the greatest
interpretation of
Psalm 23 ever
Peace to you and

Bob Burton

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