Confession of A Miseducated Man
Confession of A Miseducated Man
Confession of A Miseducated Man
These basic lessons, then, would seek to provide a proper respect
for man in the universe. Next in order would be instruction in the
unity of man's needs. However friendly the universe may be to man,
it has left the conditions of human existence precariously balanced.
All men need oxygen, water, land, warmth, food. Remove anyone of
these and the unity of human needs is attacked and man with it.
The next lesson would concern the human situation itself - how to
use self-understanding in the cause of human welfare; how to
control the engines created by man that threaten to alter the
precarious balance on which life depends; how to create a peaceful
society of the whole.
With such an education, it is possible that some nation or people
may come forward not only with vital understanding but with the
vital inspiration that men need no less than food. Leadership on this
higher level does not require mountains of gold, or thundering
propaganda. It is concerned with human destiny; human destiny is
the issue; people will respond.