Answers To Chapter Review Questions PDF
Answers To Chapter Review Questions PDF
Answers To Chapter Review Questions PDF
Source of information
Common sense
4. Classify the following research proposals into one of the following research categories
(pp. 9-10).
a. Exploratory
b. Descriptive
c. Explanatory
Research proposal
The Chief Probation Officer has asked one of his assistants to
conduct an analysis of the probationers under the supervision of the
Probation Department. The Chief wants to know basic information
about the probationers, such as age, gender, criminal history and
length of probation.
Recently, a dozen correctional officers were dismissed for
participating in a drug and contraband smuggling conspiracy. The
warden has asked a consultant to conduct research that would provide
insight into why these officers were led to participate in this
The Captain of the Narcotics Unit in a large metropolitan police
department hears that prescription drug abuse is growing among
juveniles in her city. She asks one of her lieutenants to conduct
research to determine the extent of this new trend.
5. A researcher conducts research for the initial purpose of explaining the linkages between
illegal drug use and risky sexual behaviors among adolescents. This researcher is merely
interested in this topic and hopes to publish this research report in an academic journal.
What type of research is this? Explain your answer (pp. 10-11).
a. Pure research
b. Applied research
EXPLANATION: The initial intent of this research was to expand the body of knowledge.
This is, by definition, pure research.
6. A program at a local high school is designed to reduce illegal drug use among
adolescents. The school board has asked a researcher to evaluate the effectiveness of the
program. What type of research is this? Explain your answer (pp. 10-11).
a. Pure research
b. Applied research
EXPLANATION: The initial intent of this research was to gather knowledge to solve a
current problem. This is, by definition, applied research.
7. Your professor has assigned a research paper. The references for this paper must come
from peer reviewed research articles. Where would you find these articles (pp. 12-15)?
ANSWER: These articles would likely come from academic and scholarly journals. It is
also possible to find peer reviewed articles in edited works and in the form of monographs.
8. You have been asked to make a presentation on a subject that you know very little about.
What source(s) would you consult to obtain a general overview of the subject? Explain
your answer (pp. 12-15).
ANSWER: The best place to start preparing for this presentation is with a book. Books
provide more information about a topic than articles and monographs.
4. Read the following statements. Place a check mark next to the statements that you
consider to be good research questions and an X beside the statements that are not good
research questions (pp. 27-28).
or X
Children with undiagnosed and untreated learning disabilities are more likely to
become delinquents.
Increased patrols will result in decreased vehicular burglaries.
Sex offenders should never be allowed to see the light of day outside of an institution.
Prolonged periods of solitary confinement may result in psychological damage among
The death penalty reflects our value system of an eye for an eye.
5. For the statements that you marked with an X above, explain why they would not make
good research questions (pp. 27-28).
ANSWER: The questions marked with an X are opinions, not questions. They do not
include measurable concepts.
6. The following statements describe challenges a researcher might encounter during the
literature review process. For each statement, determine where the researcher should
look for information. Refer to Table 2.1 for guidance (p. 29).
Research challenge
I need information about current research on this
I am really unfamiliar with this topic. I need some
background information and maybe a little history
about it.
I need some information about this topic in a hurry!
There is not a lot of published information about this
topic. I need some kind of insight into it.
What is the general public likely to know about this
Source of information
Scholarly journals
Internet sources
Newspapers and magazines
7. A researcher conducting research on the relationship between alcohol use and domestic
violence develops the following conceptual definition for domestic violence:
A potentially severe and reoccurring form of physical assault wherein the victim is an intimate
domestic partner.
Use the following table to list the strengths and weaknesses of this conceptual definition. A
strength might be that the definition includes the reoccurring nature of this behavior; a
weakness might be that the definition does not include psychological abuse (pp. 32-33).
8. The researcher in the previous question decides to measure (i.e., operationalize) domestic
violence using arrests for domestic violence. Discuss the problems with this measure.
Would the researcher overlook any important dimensions or aspects of the concept
domestic violence using only arrests as the measure? If so, what dimensions or aspects?
What other measures for domestic violence might the researcher use (pp. 33-34)?
ANSWER: Arrests for domestic violence would not include incidents that are unknown
(i.e. unreported) to the police and incidents wherein the police did not make an arrest.
Individuals who are arrested are not guilty of domestic violence are, like all suspects and
criminal defendants, presumed innocent. Maybe convictions for domestic violence would
be a more accurate measure.
9. A researcher intends to interview 25 individuals who had previously fled from the police
in a high speed pursuit. The researchers objectives are to determine why these
individuals ran from the police and why they eventually stopped. The research has the
potential to inform the local police department as it develops a new policy governing high
speed vehicular pursuits. Write five interview questions that this researcher might use to
get at the information they need (pp. 32-35).
ANSWER (suggested):
How and when did you first determine that the police were pursuing you? (lights,
sirens, etc)
What was your initial thought when you first determined that the police were
pursuing you?
What were the reasons you chose to flee from the police?
At what point did you decide to stop?
Why did you decide to stop?
10. Develop a graph, table or other visual representation that communicates the following
research finding (pp. 39-41):
Before they are caught and convicted for their first offense, 60 percent of all sex offenders
commit five or more offenses; 20 percent commit from three to five offenses; 15 percent commit
two offenses; and 5 percent commit only one offense.
Number of Offenses Committed by Sex Offenders Prior to Their First Arrest
Number of
Prior Offenses
Percent of All
Sex Offenders
SUGGESTION: Pie charts, histograms, bar charts and even a cumulative percentage
curve would be acceptable responses.
f. Prevent
d. Get permission
You have been asked to determine the extent to which the local
police department enforces marijuana laws. You hire ten students
and ask them to openly smoke marijuana in various public places.
You want to see if the police confront them.
a. Do no harm
After conducting a case study of a child who had been the victim
of bullying in school, you realize that others might be able to
b. Ensure privacy
Type of Harm
a. Physical harm
c. Legal harm
b. Psychological harm
3. When it is not possible for anybody, including the researcher, to determine the identities
of the research subjects using the information they provide on a survey, we say that
research subjects have been granted (pp. 53-54):
a. Anonymity
b. Confidentiality
c. Privacy
4. When a researcher knows but agrees not to disclose her research subjects identities she
has likely assured them of (pp. 53-54):
a. Privacy
b. Anonymity
c. Confidentiality
5. Researchers should secure consent from research subjects prior to gathering information
from them. This consent must be both (pp. 54-55):
a. Voluntary and Written
b. Voluntary and Informed
c. Informed and Written
d. None of the above
6. If a researcher threatens to tell a research subjects boss that the subject has refused to
participate in the research study, the subjects consent is considered (pp. 54-55):
a. Contrived
b. Involuntary
c. Reliable
d. Uninformed
7. Which of the following groups of research subjects would be considered a vulnerable
population, requiring a more detailed review by an Institutional Review Board (pp. 5556)?
a. School children
b. Incarcerated offenders
c. Nursing home residents
d. All of the above
8. When should a research report on the safety and effectiveness of a new non-lethal
weapon used by police officers be reviewed more critically (pp. 56-58)?
a. If the research report was published by a government agency that tests consumer
products for safety
b. If the research report was written by a researcher for a peer reviewed scholarly
c. If the research were conducted by a private research firm that tests products for
the insurance industry
d. If the research were sponsored by the same company that manufactures the
new weapon
9. A researcher is hired to evaluate the effectiveness of a substance abuse rehabilitation
program for incarcerated offenders. After reviewing the data provided by the
organization administering the program, the researcher notices that a large amount of
information is missing. The researcher should do which of the following (pp. 56-58)?
a. Not worry about it because criminal justice data is notoriously incomplete
b. Proceed with the analysis and report that data are missing
c. Refuse to conduct the analysis until the data set is complete
10. A researcher uses information from an open source website similar to Wikipedia.
Because this information is readily available to anyone who wants it and does not include
the name of the person who provided the information, the researcher decides not to
attribute the information to the website from which it came. This researcher is guilty of
(pp. 58-61):
a. Deception
b. Lying
c. Nothing
d. Plagiarism
11. Researchers who intend to gather information from human subjects should seek the
approval for their research from an Institutional Review Board (p. 66):
a. Every time human subjects are involved in the data collection
b. In cases where research subjects are considered a vulnerable population
c. Only if they think their data collection will expose the research subjects to harm
d. When the research plan involves some kind of medical intervention
12. Which of the following research projects would likely require a full review, as opposed to
an expedited review, by an Institutional Review Board (p. 66)?
a. A focus group involving airline passengers who travel frequently
b. A series of interviews of parents whose children have been murdered
c. A survey of the general population on how they intend to vote in an election
d. An unobtrusive observational study of people in a shopping mall
2. Read each of the following research findings and determine the most likely purpose
(exploratory, descriptive or explanatory) of the research project (pp.81-82).
Research finding
The analysis reveals that the pressure to fit into the group is the
most likely cause of corruption among police officers.
3. Read the following research proposals and determine the time dimension (cross sectional,
trend or panel) that the researcher will use (pp. 82-86).
Research proposal
To understand the changing demographic characteristics of
juvenile offenders, the researcher will survey a random sample of
1,000 juvenile offenders every five years over the next 15 years.
The researcher will conduct a survey of 100 women who are
victims of domestic abuse to determine the circumstances
surrounding their decision to call the police for help.
To evaluate the effect of a drug prevention program delivered to
junior high school students, the researcher will conduct follow up
surveys of the students each year until 12th grade.
Time dimension
Cross sectional
4. Read each of the following research findings and determine the nature of the data
(quantitative or qualitative) that the researcher collected (pp. 86-87).
Research finding
The research revealed that feelings of guilt were expressed by
adult offenders who grew up in a religious household.
The research revealed that 80 percent of all adult offenders did not
receive religious instruction as children.
Nature of data
5. Read each of the following research findings and determine which method of reasoning
(deductive or inductive) the researcher used (pp. 87-89).
Research finding
After observing their behavior for several months, the researcher
theorized that correctional officers become personally detached
from inmates as a means of reducing the stress associated with
their professional responsibilities.
The researcher theorized that correctional officers become
personally detached from inmates as a means of reducing the stress
associated with their professional responsibilities. Subsequent
observations of correctional officers supported this theory.
Method of reasoning
6. Circle the unit of analysis in the following research proposals (pp. 89-91).
a. Interviews with police officers are proposed to study how they cope with the
everyday stresses associated with their jobs.
Logical error
Ecological fallacy
8. Fill in the blank: One type of longitudinal research design is called a panel study. The
other type of longitudinal design is called a trend study study, also known as a repeated
cross-sectional study (p. 86).
9. Fill in the blanks: When a researcher commits an ecological fallacy, he or she uses data
collected at the group level to predict behavior at the individual level (p. 91).
10. Fill in the blank: If a researcher were to collect data on police departments around the
country to understand how they were responding to human trafficking violations, their
unit of analysis would be a police department (pp. 89-91).
5. Look at the following graphs and determine the type of correlation (positive, negative or
none) that occurs between the two variables x and y (pp. 101-102).
No Correlation
6. A state legislature wants to outlaw promotional events (e.g. happy hours, ladies night,
etc.) that are sponsored by bars and other drinking establishments. She argues that there
is a strong and positive correlation between these sorts of promotional events and DWI
fatalities. You are a lobbyist for the Association of Distillers and Brewers. Offer an
alternative explanation for the alleged causal linkage between these promotional events
and DWI related traffic fatalities.
ANSWER: Often these promotional events occur on weekend nights when competition
between drinking establishments is more intense. The number of intoxicated drivers may
be higher on these nights regardless of whether or not bars sponsor promotional events.
7. Your patrol captain is convinced that moon phases are a cause of street crime.
Specifically, he argues that violent crimes increase as the moon gets full. You think
your captain is crazy. Describe how you would disprove this hypothesis using the three
causal rules outlined in this chapter (pp. 104-107).
ANSWER: To establish temporal order the patrol captain would have to demonstrate the
violent crimes increase after the moon gets full. To establish correlation the patrol captain
would have to demonstrate that violent crimes increase on evenings when the moon is full
and decrease when the moon is not full. Ideally, the patrol captain should show an increase
in violent crime as the moon waxes (gets fuller) and show a decrease in violent crime as the
moon wanes (decreases). To account for plausible alternative explanations the patrol
captain will have to consider (and discount) other possibilities, like weather, the time of the
month, the day of the week, etc.)
8. You have completed your study on the causal relationship between the moon phase and
street crime. You have determined that there is no correlation between the fullness of the
moon and the rate of reported street crimes. As such, you plan to inform your patrol
captain that the causal relationship between the moon phase and street crime is (p. 91 and
pp. 107-108):
a. A product of reductionism
b. A spurious relationship
c. An ecological fallacy
9. Fill in the blank: When a researcher alleges a causal relationship between two variables,
but fails to confirm even one of the three causal rules, we say that their research finding is
spurrious (pp 107-108.
10. Fill in the blanks: According to the rule of temporal order, a change in the independent
variable must happen prior to a change in the dependent variable (p. 101 and p. 139).
Level of
2. Which of the following levels of measurement would be the most precise (pp. 117-121)?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Ratio
3. The extent to which a measure accurately measures what it purports to measure is
referred to as the measures (pp. 122-124):
a. Capacity
b. Reliability
c. Validity
d. Accuracy
Type of
6. Read the following excerpts from a researchers report. Identify the method (test-retest,
inter-rater, split-half, or benchmark/concurrent) this researcher used to test the reliability
of the measures that were used in the research (pp. 124-126, Summary Table 6.3 on
page 126).
Method Used
We considered a parolee unsuccessful if he was rearrested for a new criminal offense within three years of
his release from prison. This three year time frame has
been used consistently by criminological researchers for
The researchers administered the new test to a sample of
100 female juvenile offenders. Then, to test the reliability
of this measure, the researchers re-administered the test to
the same sample of 100 female juvenile offenders.
The inventory included ten questions, each asked two
different ways for a total of twenty questions to determine
a domestic violence victims tendency to experience
subsequent victimization. In order to test the reliability of
this inventory, we divided the questions into two
equivalent ten question inventories. Then, we divided our
sample into two equal groups and administered one
version of the inventory to each group.
A researcher is interested in bullying but learns it is
difficult to differentiate between actual bullying and
normal playful interactions between third graders during
recess. After developing her definition of bullying she
asks her three graduate students to observe behavior at an
elementary school during recess and identify bullying
incidents. At the end of the day the researcher compares
the independent results of the three researchers.
and baselines)
Split half
7. A criminologist develops a measure she calls the Public Safety Indicator. This measure
ranges from 0 to 10. A community that scores lower on the measure has a lower
probability of experiencing violent crimes. The Public Safety Indicator includes
numerous factors, such as the number of police officers per 1,000 residents, the number
of convicted felons per 10,000 residents, and the number of non-rainy days. This
measure is best described as a (pp. 127-129):
a. Scale
b. Inventory
c. Index
d. Typology
8. A police officer develops a way to classify her colleagues in terms of their
professionalism on the job. The categories are career officer, work-a-day officer and
slacker officer. This measure is best described as a (pp. 127-129):
A criminal justice professor is attempting to measure the level of public support for the
death penalty. He develops a survey that includes six statements that deal with the death
penalty. Respondents must indicate whether they agree or disagree with the statements.
An example of one of the statements is: The death penalty should be used when the
victim is a child or old person. To measure support for the death penalty, the number of
agrees are added up. A respondent with more agrees is considered to have greater
support for the death penalty. This measure is best described as a (pp. 127-129):
a. Scale
b. Inventory
c. Index
d. Typology
10. A researcher who reports that the average Body Mass Index of police officers in the
Bigton Police Department is 27.8 is using what type of measure (pp. 129-131)?
a. Quantitative
b. Qualitative
c. Neither
d. Both
g variable
Pursuit of
Age, gender,
and race
of search
traffic stop
Release to
of a degree
in prison
on federal
Hair color
Caucasion, or White
African-American, or Black
Asian or Pacific Islander
Native American
Level of education
Some college
Associates degree
Bachelors degree
Graduate degree
7. Which of the following list of attributes for the variable age would be both mutually
exclusive and exhaustive (pp. 142-145)?
a. 0-18; 18-25; 25-40; 40-55; 55 and older
b. 0-18; 19-25; 26-40; 41-55; 56 and older
c. 0-18; 19-25; 26-40; 41-55; 56-64
d. 15-18; 19-25; 26-40; 41-55; 56 and older
8. Read the following research questions and indicate which element of a good research
question is missing (i.e., measurable, unanswered, feasible or disinteresting). Some
questions may be missing more than one element (pp. 145-147).
Research Question
9. The following table contains either an alternative or a null hypothesis. Using the
available hypothesis, complete the table by writing the other corresponding hypothesis
(pp. 147-150).
Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis
Mandatory exercise programs have no effect Mandatory exercise programs reduce the
Association or Difference
Research statement
A researcher is interested in whether
participants in a drug treatment program are
successful in their rehabilitation. He asks for
volunteers to participate in a long-term study
of post-treatment success. Twenty of the 130
participants volunteer to participate in the fouryear follow up study.
A researcher wants to study a drug use
prevention program targeted at high school
freshmen in Chicago. The student population
is around 200,000 and is extremely diverse
with respect to race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The researcher makes a list
of all the high school freshmen in the city and
randomly draws 100 names from the list.
Type of bias
Selection bias
Simple random
Systematic random
10. Read the following descriptions of sampling plans and determine which non-probability
sampling technique (convenience, snowball, typical case or extreme case) is being used
(pp. 173-179).
Sample plan
A researcher interviews a member of a
dangerous religious cult that she has been
introduced to. At the end of the interview, she
asks for the name of other members of the cult
that she might interview.
A researcher conducts an in-depth study of a
town experiencing rapid population growth to
understand the relationship between population
growth and crime.
A researcher writes a life history of a reformed
repeat sex offender to see if the offenders life
provides any insight into rare cases of
rehabilitation among repeat sex offenders.
A researcher wants to understand how serial
killers justify their murders. He interviews
convicted serial killers who are currently on
death row.
Extreme case
Typical case
Experimental design
4. True or False: The ability of an experimental design to document the causal relationship
between an independent variable and a dependent variable is referred to as internal
validity (p. 199).
5. External validity is related to which of the following (p. 203)?
a. Generalizability
b. Instrumentation
c. Mortality
d. Reactivity
6. Natural change among research subjects that can be a threat to the internal validity of an
experiments results is referred to as (pp. 199-202, Summary Table 9.1 beginning on
page 201):
a. History
b. Maturation
c. Mortality
d. Regression
7. When research subjects change their behaviors after becoming aware of an experimental
researchers presence, it is referred to as (pp. 203-204, Summary Table 9.2 on page
a. Maturation
b. Mortality
c. Reactivity
d. Regression
8. Read the following research descriptions and decide which threat to internal validity is
being posed (history, maturation, mortality, testing, instrumentation, or regression) (pp.
199-202, Summary Table 9.1 beginning on page 201).
During an experiment on recidivism among
juvenile offenders a researcher learned that 35
percent of the original participants moved out
of state with their families.
A experimental researcher is attempting to
determine if a cognitive intervention technique
increases social awareness among violent
offenders. To mitigate the potential for pretest
bias a researcher used two different tests to
measure social awareness. The researcher later
learns that the two tests (one used for the
pretest and the other for the posttest) were
developed to measure separate parts of this
During an experiment to evaluate the
effectiveness of a new public relations program
used by a police department to improve its
relationship with the community an errant
police officer shoots and kills an unarmed
An experimental researcher working with
chronic adult offenders uses a ten item
inventory as a pretest. He uses the very same
ten item inventory as a posttest. The time
frame between the pretest and posttest was less
than a week.
During a multi-year experiment on the effect of
an intervention program designed to reduce the
potential for domestic violence an
experimental researcher learns that there is no
difference in the frequency of domestic conflict
between the men in the experimental and
control groups.
During an experiment involving young (12-14)
juvenile offenders a researcher learns that
Survey format(s)
4. For each survey question below, identify why the question is poorly worded or
problematic. The reasons can include: jargon or uncommon abbreviations, emotional
language, double-barreled question, prestige bias, respondents inability to answer, or
leading question (p. 251).
Research question
Given that crime is such a serious problem in our community,
would you agree that taxes should be raised to hire additional
police officers?
Do you think that C.O.P. is a promising crime control strategy in
In your opinion, should the state legislature increase criminal
penalties and remove amenities like cable television from state
Do you agree that murderers of children should receive the death
penalty for their heinous crime?
In your opinion, are drug buy/bust operations effective at reducing
illegal drug distribution?
Do you believe that children raised by single parents are more
likely to commit crimes, as most experts would contend?
Leading question
Jargon or uncommon
Double-barreled question
Emotional language
Respondents inability to
Prestige bias
5. Determine if the following survey questions involve a direct response set, an open
response set, or a closed/forced choice response set (pp. 251-253).
Survey question
In fifty words or less, describe what you think is the most pressing
problem facing criminal justice today.
Closed/forced choice
are written so that respondents who perceive the police favorably will disagree with the
statement. In survey research, these opposite format questions are called (p. 253):
a. annulments
b. flip-flops
c. negatives
d. reversals
7. Where should questions about a respondents age, race, and gender be placed in a survey
(pp. 253-254)?
a. At the beginning so the respondents can get comfortable with the survey
b. In the middle so the respondents can rest before answering difficult questions
c. At the end so the respondents have easy questions to answer when they are
d. It does not matter where these questions are placed
8. Which of the following statements about survey length is most accurate (pp. 253-254)?
a. Longer surveys are better because they are more cost effective to produce.
b. Shorter surveys are better because respondents are more likely to complete
c. Longer surveys are best for telephone surveys, shorter surveys for mail surveys.
d. Survey length is unimportant so long as each question is worded correctly.
9. The purpose of pretesting a survey instrument is to (pp. 254-255):
a. Determine whether the respondents will understand and be able to respond
to the questions on the survey
b. Figure out how long most respondents will take to complete the survey and return
it to researchers
c. Prepare respondents for the real survey and get them thinking about their possible
d. Provide proof to an Institutional Review Board that the survey will not harm
10. Which of the following is not an effective technique for increasing the number of
responses to a survey (p. 257)?
a. Increasing the length of the survey
b. Providing incentives to complete the survey
c. Sending out reminder postcards
d. Timing the survey appropriately
Non-reactive method
Content analysis
Secondary analysis
Field observation
Non-reactive field
observation? (Yes or No)
b. Data books
c. Field binders
d. Record tablets
10. The most accurate method for recording information during field observations is to use a
video- or audio-recorder. This method also happens to be the (p. 286):
a. Least obtrusive
b. Least reliable
c. Most expensive
d. Most reactive
Qualitative method
Case study
Grounded theory
3. Read the following research scenarios and indicate whether qualitative research methods
would be appropriate (pp. 300-302).
Research scenario
4. True or False: Qualitative research cannot be of an applied nature; it only has a place in
pure research (p. 304).
ANSWER: False. Qualitative research can be either applied or pure.
5. Which of the following qualitative research methods is least likely to feature a formal
literature review (p. 305)?
a. Case study research
b. Ethnographic research
c. Grounded theory research
d. No qualitative research method features a literature review
6. Inductive research starts with data and moves to theory (p. 303_.
a. Data; theory
b. Hypotheses; measurement
c. Numerical data; written data
d. Observations; interviews
7. Read the following descriptions of case study research and indicate whether it is an
example of a typical or extreme case study (p. 308).
Research description
Typical case
Extreme case
Extreme case
Typical case
8. Read the following research questions and indicate whether they are an example of a
close-ended (fixed response) question or an open-ended question (p. 309).
Research question
Select the box that next to the range that
includes your annual income.
$15,000 - $30,000
$30,001 - $55,000
$55,001 or more
How old should one be before they are allowed
to purchase alcohol?
Closed-ended or open-ended?
Closed- ended
9. When a qualitative researcher reflects on the meaning of their data and the concepts
emerging from their data, they are engaging in a qualitative technique known as (pp. 310312):
a. Coding
b. Memoing
c. Recording
d. Surveying
10. This term refers to influential people within a culture that can open doors for a qualitative
researcher, introduce the researcher and encourage individuals to speak with the
researcher (pp. 310-312):
a. Ambassador
b. Fencesitter
c. Gatekeeper
d. Outlier
Descriptive statistic
Percentile rank
5. In a normal distribution of IQ scores, where the mean is 100 and the standard deviation is
10, what percent of the cases have IQ scores from 90 to 110 (pp. 361-362)?
a. 32 percent
b. 46 percent
c. 54 percent
d. 68 percent
6. Consider the following statistics used in quantitative data analysis. Indicate whether the
statistic is an example of a descriptive or inferential statistic (pp. 350-373).
Standard deviation
Spearman rho
Descriptive or Inferential?
10. Consider the following descriptions of qualitative data analysis. Identify the technique
that is being used in each case (transcribing, memoing, coding, diagramming) (pp. 373379).
A researcher reads through their observations
of jury trials involving cases of rape to identify
meaningful themes that arise from the data.
A researcher reflects on how social workers
influence the child protective custody process
while reading through interview data.
A researcher develops a flow chart to illustrate
the process by which men and women progress
through a typical policing career.
A researcher conducts recorded interviews
with minors serving life sentences, which they
later translate into a written transcript.
Qualitative technique