Significant Practices (Marriage)
Significant Practices (Marriage)
Significant Practices (Marriage)
Kiddushin/Erusin (betrothal): occurs where the woman accepts the money, contract or
sex offered by the husband
Nisuin (elevation, being raised up): this begins from the Sheva Brechot husband brings
wife to home
2. AURRUF: which requires the Chatan (liberal= Kallah to) to read from the
torah in their synagogue service on the Shabbat prior to the ceremony
after he is blessed the congregants throw rasins, candy and nuts at him
3. BEDEKEN: involves the Chatan placing a white veil over the Kallahs face
after unveils
4. KALLAHS PROCESSION: the Kallah is brought to the chuppah by parents
or mothers of each couple
5. CHUPPAH: the candles lead the procession to under the chuppah being
symbolic of joy, gladness and honour they have the nissuin (cup of wine)
6. EXCHANGE/GIVING OF RINGS: the giving of the ring in the Orthodox
stream (Chatan to Kallah), the exchange in the conservative and progressive
streams it is stated, behold thou art consecrated to me by this
ring, according to the law of Moses and Israel.
7. KETUBAH: is the legal and spiritual marriage agreement between the
Chatan and Kallah it is read aloud
8. SHEVA BRACHOT: the couple drink from the wine a second time and the
recitation of the seven blessings occurs (Sheva Brachot)
9. STEPPING ON THE GLASS: the Chatan steps on the wine glass, whilst the
people shout Mazel Tov
10. YICHUD: the couple withdraw to a private room to signify their new status
as husband and wife, this is known as yichud
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g of Rings - MARITAL STATUS: the practical
- MARITAL STATUS: the practical importance
importance is that after the
is that after the ceremony the wearing of
ceremony the wearing of the ring
the ring in the community will indicate to
will indicate and individuals
others the marital status of the individual
marital status and eternal
commitment to G-d
- VIDDUL: the couple pronounces
the viddul (prayer of confession)
which highlights the beginning of
a marriage free from sins