Thursday Note 09 08 16

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THURSDAY NOTES___________________


We are extremely excited to share a very successful start of the new school year at Walker! We have
welcomed seven hundred plus students who are settling into their studies and the routines at Walker.
Its impressive how they are socially conducting themselves and applying themselves academically.
We express our appreciation to everyone who attended the first of a series of three Walker Parent
Meetings led by our principal, Dr. Hall. An overview of the school programs, grade-level expectations,
newly constructed Walker web-site and Facebook, Read by Three initiative and upcoming events were a
few of the discussion points. Spanish instruction continues during the school day for fourth and fifth
grade students. Second and third grade students will be provided an opportunity to enroll in Spanish
class after/before school hours. This school year is planned to be an engaging, meaningful one with
rigorous work in our classrooms. Our school goal is for every child to show growth in their academics by
one to ten percent. During the school year, we will build upon our foundation of hard work and pursuit of
excellence in education
The Walker PTA FUN RUN Fundraiser kickoff assembly is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th. The
Fun Run will be held on Thursday, September 22nd. Following is the runner schedule:
Kinder and Second Grades:
9:10 AM
First and Third Grades:
10:05 AM
Fourth and Fifth Grades:
11:00 AM
Students need to wear athletic/weather appropriate clothing and shoes, and bring water. We encourage
parents and grandparents to attend the event to cheer for their runners.
Recently, in the surrounding parks the police have been called to solve cases of theft. Implement safety
routines throughout your day, especially at public locations.
Walker places a high priority on protecting the safety of students and staff and responding to their
needs. The Walker Crisis Response Plan has been constructed to protect your child and our employees.
It includes training, awareness activities, and practice in all areas of crisis response and school safety.
As the parent of a Walker student, you can assist by helping your child listen carefully, follow directions,
and remain calm in an emergency.
We encourage our Eagle parents to be involved, volunteer, and stay connected with the school.

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