St. Francis' Eureka MO 2010 June Newsletter

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Holy Eucharist

Sunday service is at 10 a.m.

at 616 Stockell Drive,
The Chalice
Eureka, MO. St. Francis Episcopal Church
Visit our parish office at Eureka MO
126 S. Central in Old Town,
June 2010
Phone: 636-938-3733
The Rev. Sally S. Weaver The Pastor’s Corner
Phone No.s: Home 636-938
Last night, May 24, was the first meeting of
Cell: 314-651-3836
the Monday night Prayer Group. We began as we will con-
Bishop’s Committee: Bar- tinue – reading a passage from the Scripture appointed for the
bara Sacco, Sr. Warden; day and then praying.
Suzanne Jones, Jr. Warden;
Cassie Eckhardt, Bill Cody; We prayed for the people listed in our service bulletin,
Leroy Young; Kathleen those we name during the Prayers of the People during Sunday worship. We prayed
McDonald; Lori Scissors; for each person and family in the St. Francis’ directory. We prayed for those who
Bob Hosutt; Steve Strat- have left and those who are yet to come to St. Francis’ Church. We prayed for the
hearn, Clerk;
needs of the world. We prayed for the needs of our community. We sat in silence
Nancy Bergman, Treasurer. and, as we were moved, we spoke our prayers. Often we discovered that what we
were thinking was being spoken by the person sitting next to us.
Annual Meeting
An Annual Meeting is held
Martha Grace Reese, the author of Unbinding Your Heart, discovered by
each year at the end of Janu- researching 30,000 congregations that the difference between churches that grow
ary at which new Bishop’s and churches that don’t grow is prayer. As one member of St. Francis’ put it,
Committee and Convention ―Prayer is the oxygen that fuels and breathes life into everything we do.‖ Prayer is
Delegates are elected. not the only thing. But it is the first thing.

St. Francis Episcopal We can begin each day with thanksgiving to God for our very life. Before
Church is a mission of the entering a meeting with our boss or co-workers, we can pray for the Holy Spirit to
Episcopal Diocese of Mis- open our ears and minds to others’ ideas and to provide us the words for responding.
souri. Jesus told us, ―Do not worry about …what you are to say; for [that] will be given to
you…for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit…speaking through you.‖ Through
The Chalice is the newslet-
ter of St. Francis’ Episcopal prayer we can become instruments of God’s will, the hands and feet of Christ,
Church, Eureka, and is pub- throughout our days. Prayer deepens our bond with the Almighty. And it heightens
lished at least 10 times per our awareness of God at work in our lives, our hearts, and the world around us.
I hope you will join us whenever you’re able on Mondays from 5:30-6:15
Submissions for The Chal-
p.m. in the parish house for prayer as we become a people who ―pray without ceas-
ice are due on the 20th of
each month and may be sent ing.‖
or e-mailed to the Parish
Page 2
In this issue

Adult Forum, pg 3;
Friday morning Bible Study at
Annie’s Hope, pg 4;
Average Attendance, pg 15;
Bible Study, pg 2; On Fridays from 10-11:30 a.m. we
Birthdays/Anniversaries, pg 10; gather at Michelle’s Café to study the Bible readings for the upcom-
Bishop’s Committee information, pg ing Sunday. Michelle’s is at 104 S. Central Ave., on the same side
of the street as the parish house toward the railroad tracks. Please
Calendar, pg 13;
Camp Phoenix, pg 12; join us for lively conversation and good coffee.
Chalice, pg 3
Committees, pg 7;
Concerts on Cent5ral, pg 8;
Discretionary Fund, pg 6;
If you need to reach the Vicar
Escripts, pg 14; Pastor Sally can be reached at the following numbers:
Financial Update, pg 15;
Cell phone: 314-651-3836
Float Trip, pg 9;
Food Pantry, pg 9; Home: 636-938-7773
God’s Smile, pg 15; St. Francis’: 636-938-3733
Happenings in our Community, pg You can always call the church office (636-938-3733) and listen to
the message.
Hospitality Notes, pg 10;
Lectio divina, pg 12; These numbers are also listed on the worship service leaflet each
Mass in the Grass, pg 9; Sunday.
Maxine’s Vacation, pg 7;
Pastor Sally wants to hear from you when you have an urgent pas-
Music — Organ!, pg 8;
toral need. Please call her home or cell number to reach her at any
Need a Priest..?, pg 4;
Nursery Caregiver, pg 6;
hour of the day or night when a pastoral emergency occurs.
Pastor’s Corner, pg 1;
Pentecost with Pictures!, pg 11;
Prayer for St. Francis, pg 2;
Reaching the Vicar, pg 2;
Spiritual Offerings, pg8; Prayer for St. Francis’
St. Francis’ On the Road, pg 4;
Stewardship, pg 15; We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish
Summer Solstice, pg 12; family. Open the door of St. Francis’ Church, O God, wide
United Thank Offering (UTO), pg enough to beckon those of every age and situation. Smooth the
8; threshold into an inviting pathway for children and for straying
Vacation Bible School, pg 5; feet; and fill all who enter here with your Divine love and
Worship Schedule, pg 14
peace, and with our human love and fellowship. Amen.

The Chalice

Page 3

Adult Forum Calendar

Here is the schedule of what will be offered at the Adult Forums on Sundays from
11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
June 6 Vicar’s forum – quarterly goals review
June 13 ―Mass in the Grass‖ and picnic
June 20 United Hebrew congregation visit
June 27 Islamic Center visit
July 4 Patriotic Sing-Along
July 11 Guest series -- #3
July 18 Repitching the tent
July 25 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #1: Worship, BCP, Scripture
Aug 1 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #2: Sacraments: baptism,
Aug 8 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #3: Sacraments: the other
non-dominical sacraments
Aug 15 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #4: Eucharist, part I
Aug 22 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #5: Eucharist, part 2
Aug 29 Episcopalian 101/confirmation class #6: Episcopal polity
Sep 5 Vicar’s forum – quarterly goals review
Sep 12 Bishop Smith’s visitation
Sep 19 Creeds – part 1
Sep 26 Creeds – part 2

It’s Your Chalice The Chalice — Calendar — Wor-

This is your newsletter, people of St.
ship Schedule for June
Francis’. We know that your group or commit-
tee is doing exciting work, so please write a Please remember to check in the lobby for
short article about it and send it to an updated copy of the Calendar and Worship
Participation Schedule. Copies of The Chalice
[email protected]. We’ll publish it in the
newsletter are also available. As changes occur
next edition of the Chalice. The deadline is the
in the Parish Directory, updated copies will also
20th of each month. Let’s let the whole parish
be available. The deadline for articles for the
know about the good things that are happening
July Chalice is Monday, June 21.
at our beloved church.

The Chalice

Page 4

Annie's Hope needs your help teens, are energetic, work hard, work well with kids
and love having fun then, this opportunity is for you!
Here are some details on the camps:
We have a desperate need for MALE cabin
counselors for Camp Courage and Camp Erin-St. Camp Courage serves grieving children ages 6
Louis. Not having enough male cabin counselors to 12.
will, unfortunately, require us to decrease the num- Dates: June 4-10
ber of grieving kids that can attend our camps. For Camp Erin - St. Louis serves grieving teens
the kids' sake, we don't want this to happen. ages 13 to 18.
Dates: June 10-16
Camp Courage and Camp Erin- St. Louis
are overnight camps for children who have experi- You can volunteer for one camp or both. Re-
enced the death of a loved one. Annie’s Hope - the member, this experience will look great on a resume!
Bereavement Center for Kids, coordinates these Please feel free to call or email with any ques-
camps. Don’t think Camp Courage and Camp Erin tions you may have. You can find more information
will be a sad experience, though. This is a fun, en- and the volunteer application for Camp Courage and
ergetic experience where kids can be kids. Camp Erin - St. Louis on the homepage of the Annie’s
We are looking for a great group of people Hope web site www.annieshope. org
over the age of 18 to volunteer as cabin counselors From the campers and from the Annie's Hope
for both camps. If you enjoy the outdoors, kids and staff, thank you TONS!

St. Francis’ on the Road

Learn about Islam from Imam Hasic Following the worship service on June 20, we’re visiting an Is-
lamic Center. Imam Hasic will educate us on the religion of Islam and what it’s like to be a practicing Muslim in
our city. If you’d like, you are invited to stay for the 1 p.m. prayer service.

United Hebrew Congregation Visit Following the worship service on June 27, we’ll drive to the United
Hebrew Congregation (Conway Rd. and Highway 141) for the Adult Forum. Rabbi Kaplansky of United Hebrew
Congregation has agreed to host us, showing us the beautiful worship space and Torah scroll that his Reform Jew-
ish congregation use. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn about our Jewish brethren from their
learned and charming Rabbi.

Out of Town and Need a Priest?

A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from a woman in St. Luke’s Hospital. She said she was
from New Jersey, was having a medical operation that day, and needed an Episcopal priest. While this isn’t an
unheard of request, planning ahead is a good idea.
If you’re scheduled to travel to another city to have an operation, please let me know. I can arrange for a
priest of that Diocese to visit you while you’re in the hospital. And if you find yourself in another city in a hospi-
tal unexpectedly needing a priest, please call me. I will arrange for a visit from an Episcopal priest in that location.

Page 5

Vacation Bible School at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church

ReNew: The Green VBS

ReNew Vacation Bible School invites kids and adults to learn about Jesus,
help build our community and grow as you become stewards of God’s creation.
At ReNew: The Green VBS, you will:
 Explore God’s Word through Jesus’ Parable of the Sower.
 Learn about God’s creation and what we can do to care for it.
 Meet members of our community who are stewards of the environment.
 Make new friends and have a great time!

Dates: June 23 – 27
Times: 9 a.m. till Noon, Wednesday – Saturday
11:30 a.m. till 3:00 p.m., Sunday (lunch included)
Location: St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
15764 Clayton Road
Ellisville, MO 63011
Ages: Preschool – 6th Grade
Wednesday – Sunday
Teens & Adults
Saturday & Sunday
Cost: Children = $20
Adults = $10
Family Max = $50
(due at registration)
Registration: Now through June 6
Volunteers: Adults and Teens Needed!
Contact: Janis Greenbaum, Christian Formation Director
[email protected]

NOTE: Maxine Heller in St. Francis’ church office has registration forms also, if you need one
call or e-mail and one will be sent or e-mailed to you.
Page 6

May 23 Bishop’s Committee Meet- The Vicar’s Discretionary Fund

ing Highlights ―Do you help with rent?‖
The Bishop’s Committee asked each Chair- ―Do you know where I can get money for medica-
person to discuss the work of his/her Committee. tions?‖
This will occur quarterly. Additionally, the
―Do you have any clothing, especially shoes, avail-
Bishop’s Committee approved each Committee’s
newly developed Charter. A good discussion en-
Every day St. Francis’ office receives phone
sued. The Bishop’s Committee provided both ideas
calls like these. The needs of the world are so great.
and new members to the Welcoming/New Member
And our resources seem so small. But you can help
Incorporation Committee. All of us gained a deeper
make a difference by contributing to the Vicar’s dis-
understanding of the many and varied ministries
cretionary fund.
taking place at St. Francis’.
The Vicar’s discretionary fund is a checking
For more information see the article in this
account, used solely by Pastor Sally at her discretion
Chalice entitled ―St. Francis’ Committees.‖
(hence the name). Only the Pastor knows to whom
checks are written, but IRS regulations govern what
Bishop’s Committee Meeting the funds may be used for. The account is also au-
Schedule dited annually and the amount of the funds received
The Bishop’s Committee meets on Sundays and disbursed is tracked by the Treasurer.
beginning at 12:15 p.m. All are welcome to sit in Pastor Sally spends discretionary funds on
and listen. Here are the dates for Bishop’s Commit- pastoral emergencies. A couple of months ago a
tee meetings for the remainder of 2010:
young Bosnian woman, her baby, and her elderly
June 27 October 24 aunt entered the Lodge during the Bishop’s Commit-
July 25 November 21 tee meeting. Following the meeting Pastor Sally and
August 22 December 19 a member of the Bishop’s Committee talked to the
women, who were desperate for help with utilities
September 26
and food. The young woman did not want cash; she
gave Pastor Sally her electric and water bills, re-
Nursery Caregiver questing that they be paid. St. Francis’ discretionary
As you know we are funds were used to prevent this family’s utilities
looking for someone to serve as from being turned off.
caregiver for our youngest To contribute to the discretionary account
members during the service on please put ―discretionary fund‖ on the memo line of
Sunday mornings. Does any- your check. Be assured that the money will be used
one know of someone who to relieve the suffering of those in need around us.
could and would like to fill this
position? This is a paid staff position and the per-
son would work approximately 3 hours from 9:30 to
12:30 each Sunday.
Page 7

St. Francis’ Committees Finance – Suzanne Jones, chair

St. Francis’ has a number of thriving commit- Working with our Treasurer Nancy Berg-
tees. All of them could use more members. So if mann, focuses on St. Francis’ economic health.
there’s one of interest to you, please talk to the chair- Pastoral Care – Pastor Sally Weaver, chair
person about the time and date of meetings. Provides the Eucharist and visits to mem-
Adult forums – Michael Booker, chair bers who are ill, homebound, or hospitalized.
Plans and teaches adult education from 11:30 Personnel – Pastor Sally Weaver, chair
a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Sunday mornings. Ensures that staff members have up-to-
Christian formation for children – Linda Doolittle, date job descriptions, goals, continuing educa-
chair tion opportunities, performance appraisals, and
Plans and teaches pre-school through grade- appropriate compensation.
school age children from 10 a.m. until the passing of Welcoming/New Member Incorporation – Sue
the Peace on Sunday mornings. Schmidt, chair
Communications/Marketing – Debbie Pizzella, chair Ensures that visitors and new members
Responsible for internal and external parish are welcomed and assimilated.
communications, such as the website, brochures, ads, Worship and Music – Paddy Wrob, chair
and fliers. Also coordinates involvement in public Plans vibrant and meaningful worship.
relations events such as Concerts on Central, Eureka
Days, the Pet Blessing, and the Christmas tree light-

Community Service Ministries – Steve Strathearn
and Judy Cody – co-chairs
Coordinates St. Francis’ projects to serve the
needs of our community and the world. Examples in-
Sally’s Pastor Sally will be

clude scarves for the homeless, Trinity hot lunch, on vacation on June 7 & 8.
Eureka Food Pantry, school supplies collection/
distribution, Adopt-a-Highway, adopt-a-family during
the holidays, and our new project to assist the unem- Maxine’s Maxine will be
ployed or underemployed in the Eureka area in a job on vacation from
search. June 26 until July
Fellowship/Hospitality – Arlene Underwood, chair 10 and then again
from July 15 until
Ensures that food and coffee are provided after
July 25.
Sunday worship and plans for special events, such as
June 13’s ―Mass in the Grass‖ picnic, and the
brunches on Easter and Christmas Eve.
Page 8

United Thank Offering – St. Francis’ Spiritual Offerings

July 11 In-gathering During the Week
Each week on Mondays
The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a
from 5:30-6:15 p.m. at the parish
program of The Episcopal Church for the mis-
house (126 S. Central) we gather
sion of the whole church. UTO was founded in
for prayer.
1889 and has been administered by women ever
since. UTO promotes thank offerings, receives Using Scripture appointed for that day
the offerings, and distributes grants. we pray for the people of St. Francis’, those
who haven’t joined us yet, those on our prayer
UTO’s vision is ―to significantly impact the
list, the needs of our community, and the world.
lives of women and children because of Christ’s
We close each session with Compline from 6-
love.‖ UTO grants particularly focus on pro-
6:15 p.m.
jects that alleviate human suffering. UTO’s
mission is ―to expand the circle of thankful peo- Each week on Fridays from 10-11:30
ple.‖ a.m. at Michelle’s (104 S. Central) we study the
Bible readings appointed for the upcoming Sun-
In 2009 Episcopal City Mission of the
Diocese of Missouri received a UTO grant of
$6,500 for interactive chapel services in the ju- Please join us for these meetings when-
venile detention centers of St. Louis City and ever you can, whether weekly or once in a
County. while. All are welcome.

Please pick up a UTO box in the lobby Temporary Tattoos at the ―Concerts
on Sunday. Drop your loose change in it; give on Central‖
thanks for all that you have been given by God.
The Communications and Marketing
On Sunday, July 11 we’ll gather in all the blue
Committee offered free temporary tattoos dur-
UTO boxes as St. Francis’ United Thank Offer-
ing the ―Concert on Central‖ on May 21. In
less than 2 hours we had tattooed 50 young peo-
Come Hear the Organ -- June 6 ple’s arms and ankles and we were out of busi-
ness. Since alcohol or baby oil removes the tat-
At our worship service on Sunday, June
toos, we also furnished an alcohol swab to all
6 guest organist Ella Heigham will play the
the youngsters.
Baldwin organ that was recently
donated to St. Francis’. We The upcoming Friday night ―Concerts
have also invited the generous on Central‖ are June 18, July 16, and Aug 20
donor to be with us as we wor- from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Please join us – we have a
ship. Come hear this instrument being used for good time. We’re planning on more than dou-
the first time at St. Francis’. bling our stock of temporary tattoos for the June
18 crowd.
Page 9

Church in Eureka which coordinates collections

for the Pantry.
Eureka Food Pantry
Float trip – Saturday, August 7
The Eureka Food Pantry is St. Francis’
on-going Community Service Ministries pro- Save the date (which has been changed):
gram. All packaged food items are welcome, On Saturday, August 7, we’ll float the Meramec.
but as the schools begin closing for the sum- We’ll be using Old Cove Canoe Rental, which is
mer, there is a particular need for breakfast ce- only a 20-minute drive away. More information –
real. Just bring in the item you wish to donate when we’re gathering, the cost, etc. – will follow.
and place it in the little red wagon. The items Bring your family and invite your friends to join
are periodically taken to the United Methodist us as we float the day away.

Mass in the Grass – June 13

On Sunday, June 13 at 10 a.m., we will celebrate Holy Communion at the pavilion in the
Lakewood Hills Subdivision, near Doc Sargent and Highway F. Following worship we’ll picnic,
play outdoor games, and swim.
The map below shows where we’re gathering, the map is also available through our Website – – and Facebook page.
There’s a sign-up sheet in the lower-level of the Lodge on Sunday. Please sign up to bring
something to eat and share.
We hope for a good forecast, but regardless of the weather we’ll worship God and enjoy good
food and fellowship outdoors.
Page 10

Half-and-Half Thanksgiving
Hospitality Notes Thank you, Rosie and Ernie Benecke, for
providing the half-and-half for our Sunday morning
Sunday Hospitality coffee week after week. We’re so grateful to have it
Will you please sign up to provide instead of using that powdered stuff. Like the song
goodies on a Sunday morning? There’s a sign says, ―You’re the cream in our coffee.‖
-up calendar on the tables in the lower-level
gathering area of the Lodge. We don’t need a
meal or a grand spread -- a big box of cookies
will do nicely.
Offering hospitality is a highly prized
virtue in the Bible, in both the Old and the Happy
New Testaments. Welcoming visitors is
something we do well at St. Francis’, provid-
ing treats and inclusive conversation after Day —
worship on Sunday. Please consider partici-
pating in the ministry of hospitality. June 20

June Birthdays
June June 2 Sue Schmidt
June 7 Bob Smith
Anniversaries June 14 Richard May-
June 15 Katherine Jones
June 8 Suzanne & Tim Jones
June 24 Daniel Lawson
June 12 Ruth and Carroll Dick June 29 Dana Lawson

We would love to publish important dates for ALL members of the congregation — your birth date,
anniversaries, and others of importance to you. BUT — in order to publish we need the facts! So that
official parish records may be updated, you are urged to pick up and complete the salmon-colored sheets
that will be available in the lobby at the Lodge on Sunday and return it to the Parish Office or just leave
with the Teller sheets for Maxine to pick up. Knowing who to serve and how best to serve our members,
requires data on who we are. Let’s help the Vicar, Bishop’s Committee and Committee Chairpersons in
planning appropriate programs and activities by letting them know who we are with facts and figures.
Page 11

On Pentecost Sunday, May 23, St.
Francis’ celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit
and the birth of the Church. Tim Booker
waved a banner symbolizing the tongues of
fire of the Holy Spirit as we processed into the
worship space. The reading from Acts told us
that people heard their own native tongue as
Peter spoke, quoting the Book of Joel. We
heard that Joel passage spoken in German by
Brigitte Jung, in Chinese by Michael Booker, in Japanese
by Cassie Eckhardt, in Latin by Kathleen McDonald, in
Spanish by Linsey Daman, in French by Suzanne Jones,
and finally in English. (See the pictures.) The congrega-
tion wore red in honor of the Holy Spirit’s presence
among us. We even had red treats following the service.

Happenings in Our Community

Around Eureka
 June 5: Plant Sale—The Eureka Good Earth Garden Club, 745 Southern Hills Dr., 7:30 to 12 noon.
 June 6: All you can eat breakfast—The Eureka Masons, 7 to 11 a.m.—Adults $6, children $3, The
Masonic Lodge
 June 12: USA Benefit Bar-B-Que — Eureka-Pacific Elks Lodge, 11 am to 7 pm, 19 West First
 June 18: Concert on Central; 6:30 to 9 p.m.
 September 10-11: Eureka Days (Not too early to plan to be there!).

Around The Diocese

 June 4: Grace Church, Kirkwood, 11:00 a.m. lectio devina bible study begins
 June 23-27: Vacation Bible School, ReNew: The Green VBS, St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Ellis-
 June 18: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Grace Church, Summer Solstice Festival (ECM)
 July 25-31: Camp Phoenix
Page 12

Summer Solstice Festival from the ―The House of Bishops‖ band. You
will be able to bid on fabulous auction items in-
Please join us for an evening of music, food,
cluding an afternoon sailing trip to Carlyle
and fun for the whole family to benefit Episcopal
Lake, Cardinal tickets, and many other fun and
City Mission (ECM). ECM provides chaplains to
exciting things. There will be a children’s area
children in the St. Louis City and County deten-
with face painting and games.
tion centers and Lakeside residential center. In a
very real sense, the chaplains are the compassion- For tickets, please call Episcopal City Mis-
ate face of a loving God in the lives of children sion at 314-436-3545.
who are in trouble and frequently have no one to Camp Phoenix
whom they can turn.
Camp Phoenix is July 25-31 this year and
This year’s event will take place on Friday, is open to 8- to 15-year olds. If you have an in-
June 18, 2010 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Em- terest in finding out more or have someone who
manuel Episcopal Church, 9 South Bompart, wishes to attend Camp Phoenix, please contact
Webster Groves, MO. Tickets are $15 for adults Maxine or Pastor Sally at the church office, 636-
and $5 for children 5-12. Ticket price includes 938-3733 or e-mail [email protected].
dinner, lemonade, beer, wine, and great music

A Summer Opportunity to Experience Lectio Divina

facilitated by the Rev. Susie Skinner,
held at Grace-Kirkwood, June 4 –July 16

There are many ways to read the Bible. One small voice of God - that "faint murmuring sound"
is to engage in Bible Study and another is to "pray which is God's word for us, God's voice touching our
the scriptures." hearts.

When we do Bible study we use our head to As we read the Scriptures in this contemplative way
understand how the scriptures we discover an increasing ability to of-
came to be written and what the fer more of ourselves and lives to God.
words mean for us today. Using the readings for the com-
The ancient practice of ing Sunday, The Rev. Susan Skinner
"praying the Scriptures" is read- will facilitate a group in the practice of
ing God's word more with our lectio divina for six sessions this sum-
heart than our head. Called mer.
"lectio divina," literally "holy reading," it begins The group will meet on Friday mornings from
with cultivating the ability to listen deeply, to hear 11:00 a. m. to noon in the chapel at Grace Church
"with the ear of our hearts" the words of Holy Kirkwood, 514 East Argonne Drive, Kirkwood, MO
Scripture. 63122, beginning June 4 and will continue through
In "lectio divina" we listen for the still, July 16. (There will be no meeting on July 2.)
Page 13
St. Francis Episcopal
Church 2010

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

PH = Parish House 1 2 3 4 5
1:30 p.m. Ser- Vicar’s Day off— 11:30 am Rolla 10 am Bible
mon lectionary Office closed lectionary gro- Study, Michelle’s
group oup Café
11:30 a.m. Cham-
ber of Commerce

6 8:30 a Choir 7 8 9 10 11 12
Practice Vicar’s Day off— 10 am Bible 3 pm Missouri
Guest Organist Office closed Study, Michelle’s Clergy Associa-
5:30 p.m.—
10 a.m. Holy Café tion event
Prayer group,
Eucharist-Lodge Parish House 6:30 pm Worship
11:30 am Adult & Music Mtg—
Forum Sally on vacation PH

13 Mass in 14 15 16 17 18 19
the Grass 1:30 p.m. Ser- Vicar’s Day off— 11:30 am Rolla 10 am Bible 10 am Ordina-
10 a.m. Holy mon lectionary Office closed lectionary gro- Study, Michelle’s tion at Christ
Communion, the
5:30 p.m.—
group oup Café Church Cathe-
pavilion, Lake- Prayer group,
wood Hills Subdi- Parish House
vision followed by 6:30 pm Concert
a Picnic on Central

20 Father’s Day
21 Chalice 22 23 24 25 26
8:30 a Choir Prac-
tice Deadline 1:30 p.m. Ser- Vicar’s Day off— 10 am Bible
mon lectionary Office closed Study, Michelle’s
10 a.m. Holy 11:30 a.m. Spiri-
group Café
Eucharist-Lodge tual direction
11:30 am Adult
Forum at Islamic 5:30 p.m.—Prayer
Center group, PH

27 8:30 a Choir 28 29 30 Please call or e-mail the Parish Office

10 a.m. Holy Eucha-
5:30 p.m.— 1:30 p.m. Ser- Vicar’s Day off— ([email protected]) with items for the calendar be-
rist/Healing Prayer group, mon lectionary Office closed fore the last week in each month to get on the following
11:30 am Adult Parish House group month’s calendar. Shaded area indicates days Maxine is in
Forum at United
office, from 8 til noon, unless indicated otherwise.
Hebrew Congrega-
12:15 BC Meeting Maxine on vacation
Page 14

Worship Participant Schedule June 2010

Ministry 06-Jun 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun

SACRISTAN Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield

Bob Smith &
Sarah Branchfield & Kathleen Sarah Branchfield & Bob Smith & Kathleen
LECTORS Paddy Wrob McDonald Paddy Wrob McDonald

INTERCESSOR Bob Smith Paddy Wrob Bob Smith

CHALICE Kathleen McDonald Barb Sacco Barb Sacco Michael Booker

Jerry Smith & Stevie Sewell & Stevie Sewell & Jerry Smith & Linda
ALTAR GUILD Brigitte Jung Linda Doolittle Brigitte Jung Doolittle

USHER Bob Smith Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield Michael Booker

Jim Eckhardt & Bob Rich Mayfield & Suzanne Jones & Ed Bob Smith & Rich
TELLERS Smith Arlene Underwood Kindley Mayfield


Schnucks eScrip Customer Card

Every month our bank statement shows a few dollars in income from parishioners’
participation in the Schnucks donation program. But — it could be much better. You
can add to the income of St Francis’ by getting an automatic contribution based on pur-
chases you make at Schnucks and perhaps other merchants. It takes a little bit to get
started, but after that it is quick and easy.
Here’s what to do:
 Pick up a card at Schnucks.
 Register your Schnucks eScrip customer card for use in the program, by naming St.
Francis’ as the recipient.
 Schnucks and other participating merchants will make a contribution to St. Francis’ based on purchases made
by you when you present this card.
You can register your card by calling 1-800 931-6258 or online at
Page 15

Financial Update — April 2010

April 2010 Budgeted for April YTD 2010 2010 Budget
Total Income $ 6,169 $ $ 6,850 $ 30,839 $84,396

Total Expenses 8,178 8,852 $ 31,750 101,821

Difference ($ 2,009) ($ 2,002) ($ 911) ($17,425)

Checking Account—Rockwood Bank $ 10,012

Balance in Edward Jones Money Market 21,674
Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-general 6,937
Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-Sp Growth 2,829
Received year to date for special growth fund 0

2010 Average Worship Attendance To Date

Average Sunday attendance through May 23 is 39. Our average worship attendance for all of 2009
was 38. Our goal for the year of 2010 is an average Sunday attendance of 45.

Sunday Attendance Comparison Statistics

2009 2010
5 Easter 40 30
6 Easter 37 48
7 Easter (Ascension) 43 26
Pentecost 34 40

A Thought about Stewardship

Stewardship always starts with a repentant
heart, a change of mind concerning our
opinion about earthly values.
– John A. Knight

How bad can anything be if God is smiling?

The Chalice

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